The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 27, 1880, Page 3, Image 3

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MARCH 15th, 1880.
Trains Lcare llnrrisburg or Follows i
' Kor New York via Allentown, at 8.15, 8.05 a. m.
and 1,45 p. m.
Kor New York via riillndellilila and "Bound
tlrcxik Hoiite," .2d, (Fast Kxp.) 8.05 a. m. and
1.4S p. in.
TliroiiRlt ear Arrive" In New Tork at la twoti.
Kor I'liliaiteluhla, at 0.1.1. 0.2i (Kast Exp) 8.03,
(through car), 9.M a. m., 1.46 and 4 W p. ni.
Kor Readln,atS.lfi,6.2U(Fa9t Kip.) 8 0S, 9.5S
a. m., 1.4.1, 4.oo, and 8.oo p. m.
Kor Pottsvllle. at 0.1R, 8.0 a. m. and 4.00 p. m.,
and via Bcltiiylklll and Busiiiehaiuia Hrauoh at
2.40 p. m. ,
Kor Auhurn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna
Ilrancli at 6.30 a.m.
Kor Allentown, at 5.15, 8 05, 8.55 a.m., 1 45 and
4.00 p. in.
The 5.15, 8.05 a. tn. and 1.45 p. m. tralni hare
through cars (or New York, via Allentown.
The 8.K6 a. in. and 1.45 p. in., trains mnke close
eonnention at Heading Willi Main I.I no trains
(or New VorK, via "llouud JJrook Itoute."
For New York, at 5.20 a. m.
Kor Allentown and VYny Station, at 5.20 a. m.
Kor Kemliiig, liilldeluilila, and Way etittltms,
at 1.45 p. in.
Trains Leave Tor llarrlfibiirg as Follows I
1-eave New York via Allentown, 8 4." a. m , 1.00
and ft 80 p. m.
Leave New York via "Bound llrook ltoute.''niid
Philadelphia at 7.4S a. m., l.u and i.w p. in., ar
riving at Hairlsbiiiu, 1 50. 8.2i p. m., and H.iWp.iii.
Through car, New York to Hiinlshiiig.
Leave t-lill(li'lpliia,al 0.45 a. in., 4.00 and fl.U)
(Vast Kxp) and 7 45 p. m.
Leave I'ottsville. d im. o,lo a. m. and 4.40 p. m.
Leave Heading, at 4.50, 7.2.1, 11.50 a. in., l.SI',0.15,
8.00 and 10.:iip. in.
Leave I'ottsville vlaSclinyikll! nnd Susquehanna
llraneh, 8.2 a. in. Leave Aiiliiii n via Schuylkill
and Sunqiiehanua Uraiicli, 11.50 a. in.
Leave Allentown, at 5.60, 0.05 a. in., 12.10, 4.S0,
and 0.05 p. m.
Leave New York, at 6 30 p. m.
Leave 1'hlladelphla, at 7.45 p. m.
Leave Heading, at 7.35 a. in. and 10.35 p. m.
Leave Allentown. at 9.05 p. in.
l.fave ItARRIRlHTRO (or I'axton, Locliicl and
Htoelton dally, except Sunday, at 6.40, 9.35 a.m.,
and i p. in. s dally, except Saturday and Sunday.
5.45 p. in., and on Saturday unly, at 4.45, 6.10
and 9.30 p. m.
.Returning, leave BTEELTON dally, except
Sunday, at 7.00, 10.00 a. in., and 2.20 p. m. ; dally,
except Saturday and Sunday. 0.10 p. m., and on
Saturday only 5.10, 0.30. 9. ("hi p. in,
,T. E. WOOTTEN, Gen. Manager.
O.'J. Hancock, General I'aaseiiBer and Ticket
New IHooinflelil, Penn'a.,
GEO. F. EN3MINGEK, Proprietor.
HAVING leased this property and (urnlshed It
In a comfortable manner, I ask a share of the
public patronage, and assure my friends who stop
with me that every exertion will be made to
render their stay pleasant.
-Acarerulkostler always In attendance.
April 9. 1878. t(
jatTonal hotel"
cortlandt steet,
(Near Broadway,)
HOCHKM8&POND, Proprietors
The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached,
are unsurpassed (or cheapness and excellence of
service. Rooms 60 cents, 82 per day, 13 to 810 per
week. Convenient to all ferries and city railroads.
A Oymhlnatlon of fie Bnte'talnlng, (A Useful
and the Mautifnl, frith. Fine Art En-
grwingt, and Oil Picture tn
each Number
Dcmorest's Illustrated Monthly
Tie Model Parlor Magazine of the Voild,
Contains the essentials of all others. Including.
Original Poetry, Sketches and Stories, by the
beat writers to every branch of entertaining and
nse(ul Literature. It Is enriched with Engravings
and lieautlful Illustrations worth more than Its
cost; also. Floriculture, Architecture. Household
Matters, Reliable Fashions and Kull-nlze Pat
terns, with other rare and beautiful novelties
calculated to elevate the taste and make home
attractive and happy.
No one can afford to do without this world's
acknow'edged Model Magazine. The largest In
form, the largest In circulation, and the best la
everything that makes a magazine desirable.
Single Copies, 25 Cent: Yearly, 83.00. with a val
uable premium to each subscriber who selects
f i om a list of twenty articles. Send your address
on a postal card, and receive In return full par
ticulars, iiamjile C'Ptet mailed on receipt of 2kn
A Tribute to American Journa'ismbi the Itepre
tentative Press of Jirope.
"Demorest's Magazine, a literary conservator
of the artistic and the useful. Got up In America,
where it has enormous sales, the moat remarkable
work of the class that has ever been published,
and combines the attractions of. several English
Maiazlnes." .London IYmi.
"We have received another number of this
delightful magazine, and we And ourselves bound
to reiterate with greater earnestness the high
eeomitnns we have already pronounced on pre
ceding uuinbers. We are not giveu to disparage
unduly the literary aud aiistle publications
which emenate from the Loudon press, but we
are bound, iu simple fairness, to assert that we
have not yet met withany publication pretending
to a similar scope and purpose which can at all
compare with this marvelous shilling's worth."
London Budget,
The American Rost-seUer says: "There are
none of our monthlies in which ihebeautllul and
the useful, pleasure and prollt, fashion and liter
ature.are so folly presented as In Demorest's."
IN REMITTING, small amounts can be sent In
Postage Stamps, but sums of one dollar or more,
a post omce order Is undoubtedly the most recure
aud convenient; or money may be sent in a regis,
tered letter, or by a draft made payable to out
rder. Address
17 KmtUth m.,Neyn i'trk.
V Agents wanted everywhere, to whom extra
ordinary Inducements will be offered. Send your
ddressoa postal card for Circular and Terms.
rihiid, Itching, or Ulourta IrltincI'll
temedyiatlstoeur. Gin
inimodiot munt. outm c
of long ataarimg in 1 voak,
nd ordinary rimmm in I dua.
lfrai4r Jia printed on itn blaH$ m ill of Stoma and
Jtr. J, P Jkfi tiffnatu, ifhila. ft 1 bott). Bold
fcy U4rnUU. Bnt by mail b 3.V. I
Sfeipc iTw. TuU. m AroU fit., VuU. , i
of StomM and
WHEltRAS. it Is the custom In nianv Counties
f this Commonwealth, to publish the applica
tions for license, with tlie names of those person
endorsing them, and the bondsmen and the own
ers of the property. And whereas, the last Con
vention of the Perry County Christian Temper
ance Association parsed a resolution, ordering
he Executive Committee to publish I4ie same,
this Is to Inform all persona Interested, that the
Kald names will he published before or about the
lirst week In Anrtl of each year.
By order of the Executive Committee.
Jnll !m Chairman.
A Desporate Leap.
A fellow named MoNully was n coded
in Jersey City, and learning that he was' In
Norwich, Ct, the chief of polloe aont of
ficer Doyle after him, A few mites out of
Norwich, M'Nulty asked to be permlUod
to get a drink of water. The train was
then traveling at the rate of thirty miles
an hour. Instead of stopping to drink at
the water tank, M'Nulty threw open the
door and made a desperate dash for lib
erty. Doyle rushed aftor him, and a
brakemac who had witnessed the move
nient attempted to sloze the prisoner. Tie
fore either could reach him, M'Nulty
lenped from the train, turning two hand
somersaults with the agility of an accom
plished athlete, aud alighting on his feet
on the ground. The oouduotor refused to
bring the train to a stop, and Doyle had to
travel to the first station, 12 miles away.
There the officer hlrod a coaoh and started
In pursuit of the fugitive. lie expeoted to
And him near the place of the loap with
his neck brokon. llut when ho got there
he discovered no trace of him. Inquiries
at farm houses for many miles failed to
bring any Information concerning him, till
at last, sis miles away, the dotectlve met
a rag picker who bad seen a hatless and
coatlcss man riding In the bottom of a
farm wagon. When Doyle reached the
house of tho farmer the wagon had been
put away. Doyle auspootod that the bur
glar had boon oonoealod by the farmer In
his dwelling house, and watched thore till
he saw the farmer carrying some bread
and milk outside. The farmer, oborved
that ho was watched, tin ned back to tho
house, aud Doylo demanded the surrender
of the man. The ' farmer detiied that he
was couceallug anyone, but aftorwards
led the ofllcor to a charcoal pit, where
M'Nulty had hidden himself. The oflloer
handcuffed him drove back to the railroad
Btation, and at midnight on Saturday ar
rived with his prisoner In Jersey City.
M'Nulty's leap cost him ouly a slight
scratch on his arm.
Robbery of a Grave.
A Syracuse special, letter of 9th Inst,
says : This morning a farmer named
Rufus Q. Barnard, living at Warner's,
in this county, came to this city for the
purposo of invoking'the aid of tho police
in finding the remains of his brother,
which had been resurrected from a grave in
the burying ground attached to the County
Poor-house on Onondaga Hill.
On Thursday laBt Rufus 1. Barnard, a
brother, and an undertaker, preceded to
Onondaga Hill to dtsluter the body aud
convey it to Warner's for burial in the
family lot at that place. The unmarked
grave was pointed out ; but what was
their consternation on exeavating it to And
that the coITln was tenantless. The lid
board had been broken off at the centre
and the remains removed by drawing thorn
up through the opening made in the centre
at the head, a hook and rope probably be
ing used for the purpose. Nothing re
mained but the Bhroud, the suit and the
stockings, which had been tossed back into
the colli n and the grave closed.
There was not the remotest doubt of
what had become of the body. It bad
beeu removed, probably for medical dissec
tion. Chief of Police Harvey, having
beard the story, resolved to visit the medi
cal college, one of the departments of
Syracuso University. No hindrance was
offered to the officer, who, upon arriving
at the college, proceoded at once up stairs
and into the dissecting room, where three
or four students were found apparently at
work with the scalpel.
Upon a slab in the middle of the dimly
lighted room lay the nude figure of a man.
The dissecting knife had been applied to
the cheek and also to the neck, but the
face was still lifelike and comparatively
natural. The brother of the deceased,
Rufus Barnard, easily recognized the re
mains. Tbey were this afternoon removed
by an undertaker on Mr. Barnard's onier.
Dies at Hit Post.
The Indianapolis News says :-W. P.
McYoy, a freight conductor on the I. B.
and W. road had a dog killed yesterday
that had seemingly human intelligence,
and lost its life in the disoharge of its du
ties. At Crawfordsville McVey had re
ceived orders to out off six cars at Wayne
town, and started the dog over the train
from the caboose to the engine with a copy
of the message for the engineer. The wind
was blowing heavily at the time, the train
running at a high rate of speed, and the
dog, in endeavoring to Jump the space be
tween two cars, missed bis footing, fell un
der the train and was out to pieces by the
ten cars that passed over his body. The
dog was still quite young, but would carry
messages, signal trains with either the flag
or lantern, was always on the alert, hunt
log tramps when the train was not in mo
tion, and sat in the " cupola " of the ca
boose while in motion, and kept a watch
ful eye over things while the train men
slept. The dog's name was "Railroad
Noble." aud he was a great favorite on the
entire line. i
tST A 'Fort Bentou, Iowa, Justice who
was called npon to marry a couple, ran off
with the girl and married ber himself,
leaving the lover in bis office to look over
law books and spit on the stove.
T1IK Boston Journal ttf Commerce
Justly observes that there is a
class of mechanics who ell'eot great
mystery about their work, and appear
to Imagine they can convey tho Im
pression thalAhere Is something occult
or hidden In the prooess they use and
the materials they employ.' Inventors
are peculiarly sensitive about making
known what they Intend to do or the
way they Intend to do It, as though the
world stood agape, ready to wonder and
admire as soon as the letters patent were
issued. Perpetual motion mongers were
Justified tn keeping secret their experi
ments they usually kept secret the re
sult. But In nine cases out of ten the
Inventor could obtain the money as
sistance he requires simply by trusting
his proposed Improvements in detail to
Judicious friends, and he might with
snfety and advantage frequently, take a
brother mechanic Into his confidence.
A short time ago a carpenter, In ns
fisting to move some heavy machinery,
had occasion to go Into a room where
the Bolderlng of preserving cans was be
ing done. He wanted to bore a hole
through the floor through which to pass
an eyebolt. He was refused admlsHlon
until he solemnly promised not to notice
the work which, with some handy ap
pliances, was performed very rapidly.
A visitor to a white lead manufactory
was refused admission to a room where
the pig load was cast into sheets pre
vious to being acted on by the acids.
Yet there was absolutely no secret In it.
The melted lead was simply thrown Into
small quantities on a sort of shovel of
sheet Iron, where it congealed to a thin
film. The worsted braid used largely
for the trimming of ladles' dresses a few
years ago is as smooth as Bilk, without
fuzzlness, although the yarn is full of
projecting fuzz. A certain company
kept Its process a great secret, but an ex -amlnatlon
of their braid under the mi
croscope showed it was simply singed.
Borne temperers of steel profess a great
mystery lu the preparation of their
hardening pickle, a secret as patent as
though described on a page.
There are very few manipulations or
manufacturing processes which are tru
ly secrets, and in many of these cases
the secret consists in the quality of the
material used, a material perhaps not
readily obtainable otherwheres. If a se
cret involves much mental calculation
or expertness of handling a chance vis
itor must have rare observing faculties
if he can carry it away with him and
reproduce it at will from his memory.
The laws of the science of mechanics
are open to all investigators, and what
one man has learned of them may be
learned by another man. It is absurd
and ridiculous pretension generally that
assumes that one man knows alone
what many are anxious to learn, that
the finished article carries no suggestion
of the processes through which it has
passed, and that on one man's will and
life depends the success of some im
portant manufacture.
A Two Dollar and a-half Christian.
THEIIE are a great many people, in
their religion, that remind me of
" Uncle Phil," a pious old darky of the
old times in Texas.
Well, Phil was a fervent Christian,
with a great gift of prayer. He attended
all the Saturday night prayer-meetings
on the neighboring plantations and
could pray louder aud longer than any
of the brethren. But Phil had one
weakness, he dearly loved money, and,
different from negroes generally, loved
to hoard It.
Nearby us lived a man who, not
troubled by any scruples, would pay
Phil a- dollar to work In his fields on
Sunday, One Sunday night Phil came
home after dark. I accosted him with
, "Where have you been, Phil V"
" Oh, Jest knocking about, manga."
"You have been working for Mil
ler." " Well, you see, massa, the old fellow
is In weeds and lie jest showed me a
silver dollar and I jest couldn't stand
" Ain't you afraid the devil will get
you for breaking the (Sabbath V"
Phil scratched his head a minute and
said :
" I guess the Lord'U 'souse me, mas
sa." " No. He says 'remember the Sabbath
day and keep it holy.' "
Phil went off looking pretty sober,
and It was not long before I heard his
voice lu fervent prayer back of the barn,
so I thought I would slip down near
enough to bear.
"Oh, Lord!" I heard him say, "I
have this day ripped and teared, cussed
and sweared at them confounded oxen
of Miller's and Jest broke the Sabbath
day. Oh,' Lord, please forgive me;
please forgive me, for you knows I'se
nothing but a miserable heathen any
how. If you'll Jest forgive me this
time I'll never do it again as long as I
live, 'cepten he gives me two dollars and
a half a day,"
At this point I was obliged to retreat,
but I am thinking that poor Uncle Phil
isn't the only two-dollar-and-a-half
Christian lu this world.
The Wing Fools of Gotham.
There Is In Nottinghamshire, En
gland, about a mile south of the village
of eminence whereon stands
a bush known as the " Cuckoo Bush,"
and with It the following strange legend
Is connected. The bush, however, does
not claim to be original one, but was
planted on Its site as a memorial. The
English monarch King John, as the
.story goes was marching towards Not
tingham, aud Intended to pass through
Gotham meadow. The villagers be
licved that the ground over which a
king passed became forever afterwards a
publlo road, and not being minded to
part with their meadow so cheaply, by
some means or other they prevented the
king from passing that way. Incensed
at their proceedings, he sent soon after
to Inquire the reason of their rudeness
and Incivility, doubtless Intending to
punish them by fine or otherwise.
When they heard of the approach of the
messengers they were as anxious to es
cape the consequences of the monarch's
displeasure as they had been to save
their meadow. What time they had for
deliberation, or what counsels they took
we are not told, but. when the king's
servants arrived, they found some of the
inhabitants endeavoripg to drown on eel
In the pond, some dragging their carts
and wngons to the top f a barn to shade
a woods from the sun's rays, some tum
bling cheeses down a hill in the expecta
tion that they would find their way to
Nottingham market, and some employ
ed In hedging in a cuckoo that had
perched upon a bush. In short, they
were all employed in such a manner as
to convince the king's officers that they
were a village of fools, and consequent
ly unworthy of his Majesty's notice.
They of course, having outwitted the
king, imagined that' they were wise.
Hence arose the saying, " The wise fools
of Gotham."
Wanted to Get In.
AT 11 o'clock the other night a Detroit
policeman came upon a man pound
ing vigorously on the door of a dwelling
house, and he asked what he wanted
there. The pounder was pretty well set
tip. He descended the steps, went close
up to the officer and softly whispered in
his ear:
" It's my my own abode, and I
w-want to get In."
" But why don't you call out V" asked
the blue-coat.
"B-because I don't want to g glve
myself away. I want to get Into the
house b-before the Jawing commences.
I want my wife to think It's s-somebody
" Well, go ahead, but don't arouse the
The officer sauntered on, but in about
ten minutes he encountered the tipsy
citizon on the other side of the block.
The man was thoroughly drenched with
cold water, and had lost his hat.
"Hello!. didn't you get iu V"
"N-not quite."
" Couldn't awaken your'wlfe, eh ?"
"The t-trouble was," whispered the
man, as a big shiver galloped over him,
"the t-trouble was that she was awake
a-all the t-tlme." ,
"And she deluged you from a second
story window 1"'
" I-Im not 'zactly clear as to whether
It was a thunder-shower or only a pitch
er of W-water, and I thought I'd h-hunt
you up an-aud ask you if th-thunder-showers
ever come in the night, and if
lightning ev-ever knocks a per-perfect
gentleman o-off his own doorsteps V"
Too Much "Tick."
A country schoolmaster once told his
pupils to eay "tick" when they came to
a comma in reading; "tick, tick" when
they should come to a semicolon ; " tick,
tick, tick" for a colon, and tick, tick,
tick, tick" for a period, or full point.
The parish minister having sent word
that he would visit the school the next
day, the teacher told the pupils to leave
out the "ticks" in reading, but to think
of them all the same. Now it so hap
pened, that the first boy called up by
the minister had beeu absent the pre
ceding day, and In the hurry the master
had forgotten to give him his iristruc
tions how to read. The minister asked
the boy to read a chapter in the Old
Testament, which he pointed out The
boy complied, and in his best accent
began "And the Lord spake unto
Moaes, saying tick, speak unto the
children of Israel, saying tick tick tick,
and thus sbalt thou say unto them, tick
tick tick tick." This unfortunate exhi
bition acted like a shower bath on the
poor uiaater, while the minister and bia
friends almost died of laughter. ,
" Tbey cannot all lie," was the obser
vation of one while reading the endless
testimonials to " Dr. Lindsey's Blood
Searcher." Ills infallible.
Ilanovalana, Queen of Madagascar, Is,
a lady of color, of whom not enough Is
known, notwithstanding the exalted
position she occupies. She has sat on a
throne for the past eleven years. Her
Majesty Is a Christian and encourages
ChrlBtlanlty there are consecrated
Bishops In her Kingdom ; slavery Is pro
hibited there, and a treaty with Great
Brltlan has been signed. The truth is,
the Queen is a good woman, and thin
silence Is really a tribute to her worth.
She has preferred quietly to " do her
duly In that state of life unto which it
has pleased God to call her." Nor Is
she to be pitied. This, after all, Is the
fortune of the most happy and honora
ble. But her lost act merits publicity In
Europe. She has Issued a proclamation
to the people of Ibonla and Imerlna,
congratulating them on the spread of
the gospel, and assuring them that rich
fruits must come from the knowledge of
God. At the same time, she urges them
to aid in extending education by send
ing their children In large numbers to
the schools she has provided. " The in
struction they get there," she says,
"will be of use even to their parents ;
they can keep tally of the cattle, cast up
accounts, and take care of property.
Educate yourselves," she continues,
and you will be sure to advance In life."
The education she means is a practical
education suited to their position ; the
method she uses to recommend It is per
suasion. One Drop of Ink. .
"I don't fcee why you won't let me
play with Will Hunt," pouted Walter
Kirk, "I know he does not always
mind his mother, and smokes clgars,and
once in awhile swears just a little ; but
I have been brought up better than that.
He won't hurt me, and I should think
you could trust me. Perhaps I can do
him some good."
"Walter," said his mother, "take
this glass of pure, cold water, and put
Just one drop 6f ink Into it."
" Oh, . mother, who would have
.1 i , i ,.i . , , ,
uioiiKuioue urun wouiu uiuckcu a Kiasp
so!" . .
if Voo (4 lin o olinn nml 41m -v m r f
4 lio T It a f tin f nna rlvnn rt ilco ts
In nnrl roatiro Ira liomitv " 1 rl
" Why, mother, you are laugl
me. One drop, or a dozen, oq
won't do that."
"No, my son; and, therefore
not allow one drop of Will Hun!
nature to mingle with your
training, many drops- of whlcf
make no impression on him."
Tempted By Degrees.
John Newton says Satan seldom
comes to christians witlt great tempta
tion, or with a temptation to commit ft
great sin. You bring a green log and a
candle together and they are very safe
neighbors; but bring a few shavings
and set them alight, and then bring a
few small sticks and let them take fire,
and the log be In the midst of them,
and you will soon get rid of your log.
And so it is with little sins. You will
be startled with the idea of committing
great, iu, uuu bu iuo uevu oriugs you
a little temptation, and leaves you to in
dulge yourself. "There is Do harm In
this ;" " no great peril In that ;" and bo
V .kA- IIUU ,.11 .... t I ,
vj mcBc nine uuipo we are urab ensuy
lighted up, and at last the green log is
burned. Watch and pray that ye enter
not Into temptation.
Will You dolt? '
A drunkard at Battle Hill, "Kansas,
resolved to reform or die. Putting some
deadly polso'n into a glass with whiskey,
he locked himself into a room with the
mixture. His plan was to conquer his
craving for alcohol If possible, and, if
his appetite overpowered him kill him
self with the drink that satisfied it. He
was alone with the poison for six hoursv
and then he drank It. His life was
saved however, by the timely efforts of
a physician, and he was sent to an asy
lum for Inebriates. And now young
man if you wish to encourage an appe
tite that will be strong enough to lead
you to death, you have only to com
mence as a moderate drinfcer. Will you
Maryland Forbids Swearing.
On February 20th the Senateof Mary
land passed a bill, which had previously
passed the House, to punish by fine and
Imprisonment in jail, at the discretion
of the court, any person who shall, by
loud and unseemly noises, create dis
turbance in any neighborhood in any
city or town, or who shall profanely
curse and swear or use obscene language
on or near any street or highway within
the bearing of any person passing.
Should the Govenor sign the bill, anil
the law be enforced against swearing, a
local paper says a number of new jalU
I will be required.