8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. AHUL 20, 1880. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Wariiinoton, D. C, April 14, 1880. Tho House passed the Army appropria tion bill, liy a party vote. Tbe ItepublU mns, who at the extra session voted for what Is called the rider" on the bill, voted ngniiiBt It lu a body yesterday, It is ns follow : "That no money appropriated In thla not Is appropriated or shall be paid for the subsistence, equipment, tranaportation, or compensation of any portion of the Army of the United Htatea to be used as a polloe force to keep the peaoe at the polls of any election held in any State." The Democrats profess to thluk Mr. Blaiuo's rrieuds, outside of three or four states are " losing their grip," and that correspondingly, Grant's supporters are taking a flriner hold. Bnt I take it this opluion arises from the fact that tbe Dem ocrats want Grant nominated, because they think they can beat him at the polls. Republicans are aware of this Democratic belief, and it is very doubtful if, they dare Dominate a man whom the Democrats endorse so heartily. On the Democratic side, in the Bouth especially, Hancock oomcs to the front. The feeling for him in Louisiana, Texas, Virgiuio, and North Carolina is represented as very strong. Doth Seymour and Tildon lose by the late seiul-ofllcial announcements that they will decline to be candidates. To be sure, the denial has heretofore followed tho an nouncement with great promptness, but I And a reat many politicians bore who believe Seymour will not be a candidate uudor any circumstances, aud that Tilden is working simply to name the Democratic candidate. The Senate has, as far as it had author ity to do, approved the Ute agreement of Secretary Sliutz. It has provided, how ever, that throe-fourths of the adult Indiaus of the tribes must endorse the agreement before it shall go into effect. The manner of endorsement is not provided for, and I thluk it will puzzle the Indian fiureau to get an intelligible and reliable oxpressiou of opinion from tbe Indians. Delegate Downey, of Wyoming intro duced a bill in the House yesterday, pro viding for au appropriation of f 500,000 to oommemorale in suitable paintings upon tbe walls of the National Capital, tho birth, life and death of our Saviour, as told in tho four Gospels. Olive. Miscellaneous. News Items. tST J&8. Black, a negro, who attempted to outrage a white woman was lynched at Dinwiddio county, Va. iF The house committee on elections has agreed to report that neither Donnelly nor Wasbburne is entitled to a seat. S3f A fire and explosion at Silvertowji, Eng., resulted lu the death of eleven per sons aud the injury of a number of others. New Orleans, April 13. Charles E. Viouna, aged 11 years, while playing on a trapeze in tho yard to day accidentally hung himself. When discovered he was dead. tST Henry Garver and E. B. Woeheler, of Hope, Ind., were examining some bot tles of corn medicine offered by a traveling corn doctor, when the bottles exploded, badly burning their faces and eyes. It is feared that their sight will be destroyed. Tkenton, April 13. While a gang of men were engaged in raising a bridge in Uie new mill of the New Jersey steel aud iron company this afternoon a beam fell, instantly killing Wm. A. Bendenfer and Lewis Powel, and slightly injuring a man named Warts and another man, name un known. I2T Early on the morning of the 14th inst., two men, named Daniel Miller and Charles Prazer, were suffocated in a well near Bird-in-Hnnd. It appears that a blast bad been set oil, aud one of the men went down before the gas had time to escape and was immediately overcome. Hig com rade went to bis rescue and lost bis life in the attempt. Both men were unmarried and about twenty live years of age. tST" Enoch Mosslander, a bachelor seventy-seven years old, living alone on a farm in western Virginia, three miles from Bellaire, O., was found on Wednesday burned to death iu bis houso. A hole was burned in the floor, but by some means the fire had been extinguished. The theo ry of the neighbors is that robbers had tortured him to death while trying to get him to confess where bis money was. Three years ago three masked robbers al most burned him to death for the same purpose, and it was generally believed that ho had a large sum of money hidden in bis house. Seven Hundred Persons Buried Alive. Lokdos, April 12. A dispatch from Rangoon to the. Daily New says : The following is 8D explanation of the massa cres at Miudalay. When a city is built in Burmah human saorifioes are offered up. Anew monarch usually has a new capital. The evil Bpirits are irritated that there hag been no change of capital, and the virtue of the old sacrifice, beiog gone, to appease them the astrologers doclared it waa neces ary to offer up seven hundred lives. The sacrifices were made by the order of King Theebaw. CARLISLE CARffir HOUSE ! .1 ! I Annual! Announcement of tho Spring Opening of O A. RP ETINGrS, Oil Cloths and Wall Papers!' BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. 3 PLYS. INGRAINS. WINDOW SHADES. Wo Invite the Citizens of PERU Y to IliPpoot our , CTD A W LAKUKand HANDSOME STOCK. J I nrtVV We are prepared to hnwthe MOHT RI.P.OANT I DKHIONH and PA1 TERNS It lias ever been our i privilege of doing, at OLD PRICE8, having hnd a large slock ou hand and bought be lure Hie rteent advance. We can wifely snv that our stock Is the MOST COM I'LKI Kin tills section of Pennsylvania ami we will not permit ourselves to be beaten In PRICK or QUALITY. A FULL ASSOIITMKNT In nil departments, with ail additional line of K1J ItNlTtllllC COV Kit. IN(1S In Raw bilk, Cretonnes, l'lain aud Striped ltepi, &0..&0. Stephens & Beetem, WALL PAPERS. 21 E. MAIN STREET, Carlisle, 1880. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! 1880. NOW 18 YOUIl TIME TO PURCHASE, BEFORE TUEY ADVANCE ANY HiailER. JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK OP C A. R IP E T S, OlI CLOTHS jX1 RUGS, Of all Grades for the RprlngTrade; the Largest Assortment of Carpets Outside or Philadelphia. SAMUEL ADAMS, Opera Rouse Carpet Store, No. 31 North Third Street, .-. HARRISBUllG, PENN'A. CQt-At-A T-A T) K0."sT8 N. SECOSilf STREET, . DAlVrVK, HARRISBUllG, FA., TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, HAL LAND STAIR CARPETINGS, Floor, Stair and Tabh OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, MATTING &c. H 2m VEGETABLE M IftllP jiMii PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. U e o w lyC Literary Revolution and Universal Knowledge. An Encyclopaedia In i.'0 vols., over 10,000 pages ; 10 per cent more mailer than any Encv copscdla ever before published In this country, and sold, baudsomoly and well bound. In cloth for 810, In half morocco for I6, and printed on fine heavy paper, wide margins, bound in half Russia, gilt top, for ?20-au enterprise so extraordinary that Its success, beyond all precedent in book publishing, may be fairly claimed to Inaugurate a Literary Rtvolution. 1 he Library of Universal Knowledge Is a reprint entire of the last (1870) Edinburgh edition of Chamber's Encyclopaedia," with about 40 per cent of new matter added, noon topics or special Interest to American readers, thus making It equal in character to any similar work, better thnn any other suited to the wants of the groat majority of those who consult works of referencs, and altogothor the latost Encyclopaedia In the field. HI'hUMKN VOLUMfcS In either style wll be sent tor examination with privilege of return on receipt of proportionate price per volume. iru.uiiu oi return on Sl'ECIAL DISCOUNTS to early subscribers, and extra discounts to clubs. Ftl particulars with descriptive catalogua of many other standard works equally low iu price, Bent free Leading Principles of the AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE; I. Publish only books of real value. yeVrsK1okUPOUt''elU9l!'O,','6se',CCf0, makln8 book!l' aoou' one " It was a few to1dealrs.tObUyer8dlreCt'and8Vethemtlle50or00 P61" cent oommlsslon commonly allowed I V . The cost of books when made lO.ODO at lUme -adopt the low price and sell the large .VHi'iVj7 iV " mi 'eiui printing, ana strong, neat bind ng. but avoid all ifJi Luki'h J1' "a,,ed.t-VP. PnV Paper and gaudy binding, which are so commonly adTtoffirvrme. buok" ")Pear lttlKeanl ""a.""! which add greatly to their com, but do nit VI. To make II and a friend Is better than to make $5 and an enemy. STANDARD HOOKS. Library of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols., tiff. Macauly's History ol England. S vols., $1.M. Chamber's Cycloiiediaof Kng. Liter'e., 4 vols., 11 K nigiit'g History of Kngland, 4 vols., 13. riularch's I.Ives of Illustrious Men. 8 vols ,1.50. elkle-s Life aud Words of Christ, fit) cents, ioung's Bible Coucordiuce, Sll.OeO references (preparing), t.H; Acme Library of Hiography. SO cents HiMik of Fables, .tiop, e"c, lllus.. 60 cents. Milton's Complete Poetical Works, 6 ceuts. Shakespeare's complete Works. 75 cents. wSI ?, lf"'S' r"'led by Cary. N) cents. Jhi Hi? 'fSl'-irauslaled by Oryden, 40 cents. The Koran ol Mohammad, transl d by Hale. Sic. Adventures of Lkm gulxote. 'Uus So cents Arabian Mphts, lllus., fio c-n't" Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, lilus., 50 cents, hobinson Crusoe, lllus., to Cent Munchausen and Gulliver's travels lllus R''c Stories and Balla ds l,y K. T. AkuTn 111 t s!l' ofle." - w wuui, Rein t bv bank Amtt mn aiui , j ui muuBiu utasHics, 60 cents may be sent to ptrntage stamps I Aadrew oy express. Fractions of one doUar AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, JoHNB.ALmt.r.M.mw TRIBUNE BUILDING, NEW YORK. MATTINGS ' COCOA MATTING. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS. RUGS, WALL PAPERS. PexinVu 12 3m pab mum A PCTiELT VEGETABLE ItEMEJDT rOR INTERNAL ANO tlTERHAl BSE, I a mm ear for all the dlteiuei for which It Is recommended, and la always l'KUPlSCTt,Y BAKU In the hand of even the moat Inexperienced person. It U t lim and qnlclt remedy- for COUGHS, gORE THROAT, CHILLS, and afmllar troubles ; BflTorde Instant relief In the most malignant forms of D1PHTHKIUA, and is the best known remedjr for IHuumatlim and Neuralgia. Tho Oldest, Best, and Most Widely Known Family Medicine In the World. It has been used with each wonderful eneeese In all parts of the world for CRAMPS, CIIOLKIt A.DIAIIKIUEA, DYSENTERY, and nil BOWEL COIMPLAINI'S (oat it Is considered an unfailing cure for these diseases. Has stood the test of Forty Years' Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It Is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, Missionaries, Ministers, Malingers of Plantations, Work-Shops, and Factories, Nurses In Hospitals In short by Everybody, Everywhere, who has ever given It a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL A3 A LINIMENT. It should always be used for Pain In the Back and Side, and brings speedy and permanent relief In all cases of Uralses, Cats, Sprains, Sever Burns, Scalds, etc. Ho ramlljr can safely be without It. It will annually save many times Its cost In doctors' bills, and Its price brings it within the reach of all. It is sold at f5e., 50c, and, SI per bottle, and can be obtained from all drueriata. a time Is but a fraction of the cost when made son &t quantity. Me 800 at American Patriotism. SO cents. Table's History ol English Literature, 7S cents. Cecil's Book of Natural History. 1. Pictorial Handy lexicon. 35 cents. Sayings, by aulhorof Sparrowgrass Papers, 50c. Mrs. Hemans' Poetical Works, 75 eentsf Kltlp s Cyclopiedla of Bib. Lltnrature, S vols.. 2. Kollln's Ancient History, 2 i!5. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, lllus., ft. Works of Flavlus. Josephus. 12. Conilfl Hibtory of the U.S.. Hopkins, lllus.. 50c Hea th by Exercise. Dr. (ieo. H. Tavlor, 0c. Health for Women, Dr. Oeo. H. tavlor. 80o. Library Magazine, lucents a Na, 1 a rear. Library Magazine, bound volumes. 60 cents Leaves from the diary ol an old lawyer, II. Each of the above bound in cloth. If by mall. pos.age extra. Most ol the books are also pub HMed in hue editions aud Hue bindmgs.at higher xKKnpitve Lmaiotnieand Termtto Ouistent i rreeon JieouejtL . . leyueat. GET THE STANDARD! " The best authority It ought to be In every Library, also In every Academy and in every School." Hon. films. Humour. Af'liememm ,"',t"", E""'""" xlcon."-London A LAliait. HANDSOME VOLUME of 18fi4 psees. conialnlng conshleralily more Mian Witu Words In lis Voimhulary. with the norrect Pronunciation, KeHnitloD, aud Etymology. FuUy llluttdntrd and TTntfirldgeit iiHtli r)ur Full lig J Uumtnated JH nte, Mirary 8heei, MarblKd JWpci. 110 P0, With Denlson's Patent. Kesdy Keference Index. 11 00 Additional. "WOR CE 8TER" Is now regarded as the Standard Authority .and In so recommended by Hi mi t, Longfellow, Whlttler Sumner, Holmes, Irving, Winllirop. Agasslr., Marsh, Henry, Everett, Mnnn, Stephens, (Jiilncy, Felton, Hllllurd, Memmlnger, and Is, besides, ren ognlzed as authority by the Departments of our National Government. It Is also adopted by many of the Hoards of Public Instruction. " The best English writers and Hie most partlc ular American writers use WOUC'KtfTElt as their authority." AT. Y. Herald. "Afteronr recent strike we made thfl change to WOKCKHTF.lt as our authority In spelling, chiefly to brlngonrselves Into conformity with tho accnpled usage, as well as to gratify the desire of most, ol our etalt." N. Y. Tribune. " The volumes before us show a vast amount of diligence i but with iredsterlt Is dlllg-nce In com dilution wlthfannlfiiltiess. With Wnrcntfr, In combination with good sense and judgment. WOKCKSI-KR'B Is the soberer and safer bnok.and may be pronounced thu llfH cztntlnff Knglish lex. icon. Londou Alhemuum. THE COMPLETE SERIES OP WORCESTEK'8 DICTIONARIES. Quarto Dictionary. Profusely Illustrated. Libra ry rthrnp. Illl.ifl. Uniiv.rtini and Critical Dictionary, tin. Library Sheep. 4.i". Academic Dictionary. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Half Koan. II. Hi Cotiirfieni'e Dictionary. Illustrntcd. 12mo. Half Itoan. 11.75. School (Elementary) Dictionary. Illustrated. 12mo. Ililf lloan. Il.mi. Primary Dictionary, Illustrated. lOmo. Half Itoan. AO ceuts. Pocket Dictionary. Illustrated. 24mo. Clnlh.M cents; Koan. Flexible, 83 cents i Kuan, Tucks, Gilt Edges, 11.00. Many special aids to students, in addition to a very full pronouncing and detlulug vocabulary, make Worcester's. In the opinion of our most distinguished educators, the most complete, as well as by far the cheapest Dictionaries of our language. " It follows from (his with nnerrlna accuracy that Worcester's Dictionary, being preferred over all others by scholars hud men of letters, should be used by the youth of the country and adopted iu Ihe common Bchools." A. Y. tfiening Pout. 14 For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of the price by J. D. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PuUlfher. Pookwllert and Ntationert, 715 and 717 Market 8t., riilladelphla. ivo'x'icSjbI THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Perry county, that he bus a large and well selected stock of UABDWAIIE, OKOCKKIES, DHUGS. WINES &LIQU011S, IKON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STEEL, IRON AXLES, SPRINGS. KI'OKES, HUBS, FELLOES. SHAFTS. POLES ti BOWS, BKOOM HANDLES, WIKK. TWINES, &0. Al so, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, and Cements SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPEB LEATHER, FISH. SALT. SUGARS. SYRUPS. TBAS.SPICKS, TOBACCO, CIGAKS, aud SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co s., MIXED rAINTfj, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. And a large variety of goods not mentioned, allof which were boucht at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he offers the same to his Patrons at the Very lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. His motto Low prices, aud Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. Hespectfully, s 8. M. BHULEK. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. N 0TICE TO TAXPAYERS. County Commissioners' Appeal for 1880. Notice Is hereby given that Appeals based on the spring changes of 1880 will be held by the Board of County Commlsloners, at their office, in the Court House, as follows s For the boroughs of Duncannnn, Liverpool, Ma rysvllle, Millerstown. New Buffalo, and Newport, and the townships of Buffalo, Greenwood. Howe, Liverpool, Miller, Oliver, Pen n, Itye, Watts, and Wheatlield, on Tuefday, the 41ft day cf May, 1880, and for the buroughs of Bloomtleld, Landlsborg and Illalu. and the townships of Carroll, Centre, Jackson. Juniata, Madison, Sandy Hill, Bavllle. bprlug, Toboyne. Tuscarora aud Tyrone, on Wednttday, Ute blh day o May. 1880, where and at which times all persons feeling them selves aggrieved will be heard by the Conunlsilosr ers and assessors of the several districts. By order of the Board. J. W.OANTT, JOHN W. CHARLES, HEN KY 8HUMAKHK. ,., . .. County Cominisiouera. Attest: Cai.vim Kzilson, Clerk. April 6 1880. ESTATE NOTICK Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate o( Philip Light, lata of Carroll twp.. Perry Co., Pa.,dec'd.,have been granted to theundersigned. residing at bbermau-saale, Perry County, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to u ,n . , JACOB LIGHT, Executor. March 3P, '80.) IC'ma. H. Bmiuy. Att'y. JHE ST. ELMO HOTEL, 317 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, has reduced the rates to PEU DAY. The high reputation of the house will be main tained In all respects, and the traveling public will still Bud the same liberal provision for their comfort. The house been recently refitted, and Is com plete In all Its appointments. Located in the Im mediate vlclnltv ol tbe large centres of business and of places of amusement, and accessible to all Kailroad depots and other parts of Ihe City by Streetcars constantly passing its doers, it offers special Inducements to those visiting the City on business or pleasure. JOS. M. FEUErT Proprietor DRUGS. TACOB STRICKLER. u (Sitcoessor to Dr. M. B. Strlckler) PHARMACIST, NEW HL003IFIELD. PENN'A. v i"f miKi.rniru i iivt mm HI m ll up, JH. n. Blrlfklpr In Mm Drug IttHttinwi at hln Htftre-ronm. tin MAIM BTUiriT If.t- .., J TT 1 VtWll suflnsaJ H.m tat. H.h. . vmi iTiniis hi. itivui , nww liiF"i-i IkUjlli iri tun II1K Rprlng.I will pmlPAVor to mak It Id ererj war worthy the patrona of tho public. Uavm nnl ...J.l.ui.u.ii:.. At At Msaa mh j tii niruni nun mi iui. niinifi mil a l jihu i im r,f klunH 1. a .1 J l -1 m f'"1" u"iiiioiiihiiiih nuti MrHrniqiiiK rnyHi- cianV prenoipitotifl. ho ah to Insure accuracy aud ffliara limlnif imUUnfa ISKAll IN JIIM thst my stock has been recently selected and care taken to have everything if the BUST tiUALl T i. The iiuhllo may rest asiured that, A I, L med icines tuat leave my store shall be as represented -I'UKB and UNADULTEKATEU. I HATE CONSTANTLY ON HAND HAIR OIL and POMADES UAIK, TOOTH and N AIL BIIOSHEB. SUKGHONS, TOILET. and OAKHIAC1E SPONOHH, PUKK 1IOXKS. TOILET POWDERS, CA81TLB and FANCY BOAPS. PERFUMERY OP ALL KINDS, Tnrrolhor with Penal, nti.1 llai.iiln. n. . -. ' ; ................. uuuuiun jrateui 4ibui- clnes of every description. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, be, ORANGES, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. Pure M ines una Llqnors for Medlcln! I'urposes. Terms, Strictly Cnsh, By strict attention to business, I hope to inert the conlldeuoe aud favor of the public. . JACOB STRICKLES, Pb. O. April 9, 1879. NEW EDITION. l a m rni T in iv i '-r W N i - , WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. 1923 Page. SOOO Engraving. povn pages coLonun plates. Contalulng a STTPPXJEMENT t over 4C00 NEW WOEDS ana McanlDgs, ALSO, A NEW Biographical Dictionary or over 0700 NAMES. PICTORIAL DEFINITIONS. For the creai aid rendered by pictures In de fining, look at the pictures nnder the follow Ins; words In Webster, each illustrating and defining the number of words and terms named : Beer, page 120.......15 Moldings, p. 8Slr..19 lloller, p. H8.........17 Phrenology, 982,..S7 Castle, p. S03 4 Ravelin, p. 1089 14 Column, p. 26J.....SO Ships, p. 1104, l'Zla.JlO Eye, p. 688- .....11 Steam Engine..-. 20 Uorse, p. 639, 48 Timbers, p. 13SS.-...14 Making 343 word and terms defined by the Elctures under above 19 words In Wobster'a Innbridgod, far better than oould be done by nny definition given in words. Is there nny better aid than Webster to help . a family to become Intelligent ? ALSO Wesster's Rational Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. C. A C. MEBRIAH, Publishers, Bpringneld, Mass. X7ohstv Abridgments, published by IVIS0N, BLAKEMAN, IAYL0R & CO., Now York. ft'obstor's Primary School Olct'y, S04 .Engravings. " Common School " 274 " " HiohScheol " 207 " Acadmlo " 344 " " Counting Home " vrfth many lUnstr' Oon$, end yakiabletables not lo bofound elsewhere. E3TATK NOTICK.-Noilce Is hereby give a that letters testamentary on the estate of Suah Kline, late of Itlnin borough. Ferry county. Pa., deceawd. have been granted to the under signed residing In said place. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those havfng elalms will present the in duly authenticated fer settlement to WM. A. KLINE, Kxeeutor. W. N. Belbert att'y. Dial n. Pa. 1G 6w ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that John A. Nesblt of Madison township, rerry county. Pa., executed a deed of voluntary assignment In trust for the ben efit of creditors of all his estate real and person al and mixed, to the undersigned, on the 2Kih day of March, A. D., lHgo. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to the said Assignor will make payment and those hav ing accounts will present them for settlement te ANDKEW ADA IK, Assignee. March 29,190. Chan. H. Bniiley, Att'y. ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is herebyglven that letters of administration on the estate of Mary Koush, of Aladloon twp., Perry county Pa.,dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In same township. All persons indebted to said estate arereqnested to make immediate pavment and those limine elalmsto present tnemduly authenticated! or set tlement. SAMUEL SHOWERS, Admr. Jan. 6, 1880.) UIPTC IMPBOVEDROOTBFEK PACK AGK, ninCO TWENTY FIVE CENTS. m;ikes ve gallonsof a delicious and sparkling beverage. wholesome and temperate, bold by Drtieglsts, or sent by mall on receipt of 2-S Cents. Address CI1A8. E. HIKES, Manufacturer, 218 Market St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 6m Camphor Milk eures Headache and Neuralgia. Camphor Milk cures Rheumatism and lame back Camphor Milk will cure Cuts, Brul'es and Burns. Camphor Milk costs 2S cents pr bot, S bottles tl Uly Sold by F. MORTIMER. New Bloomtleld. Xot Correct! It having been repotted that I was about te dlscontiDne business at JCKESBUKO, Perry County, Pa., I beg leave to correct the state, ment. I shall continue to sell new work, each as BUGGIES, CORN-PLANTERS, 4c. Repairing of every description done at snort notice and at Reasonable Prices. Particular attention paid to repairing Corn-Planters. list WM. li. HENUIlKoON. Phoenix Pectoral will cure your Cough. Phoenix Pectoral cures Hoarseness quickly, rboenlx Pectoral tastes good and brings rest. ' Pbosnlx Pectoral costs 15 eents pr bot. bottles tl. Sly Sold by B. M. EBY, Druggist, Newport lOBPBISTINO of every description neatly t and promptly executed at kaoHable Rate at the Bloomtleld Timet Steam Job Office. DRUGS. f I r