THE TIMES, NEW lJLOOMFlELD, PA., APML 20, 1880. Professloiml Cards. JR. JUNKIN, Attorney-at-Law, New Uloomlleld. Ferry CO., Pa. OlUue Next door to the residence ef Judge Junklu. 4utf AM. MARKET.. Attorney-at-Law, New Uloomlleld, Ferry county, Pa. MT OlBiie opposite the Mansion House, and three doors east of the Post-WtHce. J-EWIS roTTKlt, ATTOUSKV AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIKLD, PKnRYCO.,PA. -Claims promptly secured collected Writings aud all legal business oaretully attend ed to. 43 yl CHARLES 11. HM1LKY, Attorney at Law. New BloomHeld, Perry Co. Pa. a-Offloe two door east hotel. August 2, 1872. "TTM. A. STON8I.KK, Attorney-at-Law, y Otllce adjoining Ills residence, on East Main street, New Hloomlleld, Perry oo., Pa. 82 ly 1TM, N. HE1BRUT, Attorney-at-Law, VV New BloomHeld, Perry oo., Pa. BloomHeld, 3331V. T EWI8 POTTER, hotabt PUBLIC, New Bloom- JUI netu, rerry uo., ra. Deeds, Hcnls, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Hon lit y papers drawn and certlHed, will also take depositions to be rer.d In any court I u the United m ates. 7 10 ly CHAS.J.T.MolNTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New BloomHeld, Perry eo., ra. W All professional business promptlyandfalth fully attended to. 8 2 ly. M. A. MOllltlHOX, .IITHTinKOK THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR, NewOehmantown, Perryco., Pa. -ReinittKiieeswlllbe made promptly for all Collections made. 744 OHA8. A. BAHNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New ltloomt1eld.Perryco.,Pa .Ofllee on high street. North side, nearlyop positetlie Presbyterian Church. 3 Sly ML. LKKJETT. Atti)Knet-at-Law, iVemport, Perry County. Pa. Having perm inently located at Newport, will give prompt and careful attention to all busl ness matters committed to his cave. . OUIne, No. 30 North Second Street. Newport, April 2? 1878. . D R. R. M. ALEXANDER, SURGEON DENTIST, New BloomHeld, Perry County, Pa. Offlce on Carlisle, 8t.,one door South of J. E. and Judge Junkln's law olllce. Everything belong ing to the profession done In the best manner. All Woiik Wahkahteu. Terms moderate. 28 0. P. BOLLINGER,. M. D , having located In Newport, offers his Profes sional services to all who may need them . Chronic diseases of every description cured. W.Oitloe In Dr. Shatto's building, 4th Street March 4. 1878. 1 I OLD AND RELIABLE, I JDr'Sanfobd's Liver IxvioohatorS Sis a Standard Family Remedy for 5S fuiociwcow uiu juwr, Dwmmcn xVV V AjfrptnlVIn Tf. novni' " "V, 1 1 i i - JTonio. 5 5 Invigoi-atorJ 1ms use j in my practice ' nnd 1)V thfi nnVilinC sum fa rrr. r S B Pj'' vith "Pprcccdeuted results. W. F n n r-, a-, M . 2S. T.V.'. SANFORD, H.D., iTiwSi J . ANV DKraOIDTWIU, TELl VOi; ITS Utrt T4T10N. J June 24, 1879. POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Will ear or prevent Dlieaaa. No Hon will die of colio. Bon.or Lcxa F Txa, If Foutzl Powders are sselllntlnie. KontzsPowdrrawlllcarosiicl prevcutllooCBOMEi PodUI Powilen will prevent Uirn ix linu, FouUt Powden will increaee the qnnntlty of nilllc nd cream twenty per cenu, and make (tie batter firm and tweet. k Footi Powders will core or prevent almost xvxbt Diuabb to ayiilch Horaea and Cattle are anujeot. . PorTz'a Pon dib wtu, iva SiTioriOTion. . Sold everywhere. C v David 8. rotrrz, Proprietor. BALTIMOiUi, lad. W For Sale by 8. B. Smith, New BloomHeld Perry County, Pa. , 41y t f f A WEEK In your town, and no caul. I fill tal risked. Vnu can Klve the business ! I a trial without expense. The best V It I opportunity ever ottered for those 111 I iltiitu to work. You should try V I II I nothiiiK else until you see for your v " self what you can do at the business we otter. No room to explain here. You cau dev.jte all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women can make as much us men. Send for special private terms and Particular, which we mail free. t5 Ouliit free. lon't complain of hard times while vou have such a chanue. Address H. HALLETT CO., Port land, M atne. 4illy I Don't you want somecheap roods fur Pants and Hulls r i If : you do, don't fall to em amine the splendid assortment for sale by F MOKTIMKK. You can suit yourself In style and price. i ,sa m fid nt : hi ts an n km m 111! Ewi Philadelphia Advertisements Iloiidy Mixed Paints ! JUCAS' HEADY MIXED TAINTS ! NO WATER, MO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, BUT A PURE Oil, PAINT, READY FOR USE. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF kPAIST BENT BT MAIL. IT IS PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD AND OIL. VIZ: NICELY BltUBIIKl) OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT. THY IT, And Ton Uill Prove It to be the Best Liquid Taint la the market. .JOHN LUCAS Sc CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French Ureen, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c TZIW For 8am pie Cards apply to F.Morti mer, Now Bloomfletd, Pa., or to John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN Successors to HHAFFNEK, ZIEGLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Olovew, lllbboiis, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North FOurth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs. W.H . KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON ft Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET BTREET, PHILADELPHIA. T 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK HOOKS Always on band, and madeto Order. Nos. 630 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO . Publishers ol Sanders'New Readers, and Brooks'Arlthmetics. Also. RnharM. ii.rnru the UnltedStates.Felton'sOutllue Maps.fte. L0YD.SUPPLEE& WALTON u WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 623 Market Street. Philadelphia, Fenn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 133 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. QRAYBILL & CO., , Wholesale Dealers! n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding. Batting, Twines, &c, And a fine assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, Na.420 MarlLet street, above it h, PHILADELPHIA. Phikdelphtn AdTerli80ineut8. M. BARTLEY, jr. g. PEipmt a co., MA S UFACTD IllJtS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, SI NORTH THIRD STREET. riiKL,Aii:i,riiii. tf HppRlal attention Klven to orders. June 3, lsitf.pd " W AIN WRIGHT & " c6T WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. J. 3 DOUGHERTY D. J. LtOAIi & CO., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, HI 3 MAKKKT 8TIIEET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. H ALL, SHENK & CO., t05 & 407 Market Street, fhlliulvlpliia, (Old Stand of Barrroft & Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS GOODS, January 1, 1879. KENDALL'S SPAVIN O Lilt IS IBasurecureforcpHvIn, splint, curb, callous, sprains, swellings. Ralls, lameness and all en. largitnients of the joints or linihs. it will com pletely remove a bone spavin without blistering or causing a sore. It Is also as uood for man as for beast and Is used full str jniiih, at all times of the yer. with perfect safety. A cure which we are knowing td Is a person who smlered is years with hip Joint lameness and was permanently cured two years ago with Kendall's Hpavlu Cure. Remember we claim It will cure a bone spavin and completely remove the bunch without blis tering. Statement Made Under Oath. To Whom it May Concern ! In the year 1875 I treated with Kendall's Spavin Cure a bone spavlu of several months' growth, nearly halt as large as a hen's egg. and completely slopped the lameness and removed he enlargement. I have worked the horse ever since very hard, and he never has been lame, nor could I ever see any difference in the size of the hock Joints since 1 treated him with Kendall's Hpavln Cure. It. A. GAINES. Enoshurg Kails. Vt., Feb. 25. 1879. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 25th day February A. 1). 1S79. JOHN O. JENNE, Justice of the Feace. Offlce U'M. Marshall. Western Distof Mich., . Kalamazoo, Apr. 16th, laitf. B. J. Kendall, Knosburg Kails, Vt. Dear bin I received the two bottles of your spavin cure forwarded by express In January last. I am hap py to state that it performed all your advertise ment called for. In three weeks after I commenc ed using it, the spavin was entirely removed and a valuable horse restored to usefulness. Very truly tours. JOHN PARKER. Bend address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive uroof of Its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqiialined suc cess, to our knowledge, tor beast as well as man. Trice II. per bottle, or Plx bott les tor 15. All Drug gists have It or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any addrexs on receipt of price bv the propri etors. Dlt. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Knosburg Kails, Vermont. " Kendall's Hpavln Cure" Is now sold by all the leading wholesale druggists and a large number of prominent retail druggists. - K MnuriMKit, Xew liloomtield, agent tor Ferry Co., Fa. HOP BITTEBS. (A medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS iioi'm, nucuu, MANDIIAUK, DANDELION, At Ti3 PusKST m Dust Medical rjrAiJrna or ALL OTHER BnTCTl?. THEY otrnE All Diseases of the Btomarh, Bowels, IllooU, Uver. KldnejB, and Urinary Orcann, Kurvnusnpjti, Blecp- r Irflsnosa and e&iteclAlljr Fciuolo ComiUuiuK $1000 IN COLD. j Will bo vslA for a cose thC7 will not mi ro or help, or (or Koyiiung iinpuro or uijuriuw iimim in 1 lieio. Ask your drucftJst for Hop lliitcnl ami try tlMBl befuro you sloup. Tuke no otZicr. Hop Oovon Cunslstli. sweetest, saTcst and best.f AfkCMklrcn. The nor Pah for Stomach, Liver and lUdnry la wipe- E rtwr to aU others, Cure. by absorption. A&UUrucirlst.S T. C U an Absolute oud lrrcaitiblo cure for drunk-1 tflT ;nooA, uo of opium, tobacco and narootkai ., -jrewrrj Bend for circular. Abonaolill7rlrwU.IIopnilln!liri;.Co.Rhatr,N.V.i rimnni,i"T'iriT iTTnuri 15 W UHRCC Send 25 cents In stamps or currency nUIiOC for new itoKSK HOOK. It treats all diseases, lias 35 line engravings showing posi tions assumed by sink horses, a table of doses, a Dnni large collection of valuable recipes, uuuix rules for telling the ageof a horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each year, and a Urge amount ol other valuable horse Informa tion. Dr. Wm. II. Hall savs: " I have bought books that I paid $5 and 111) for which I do not like as well as I do yours." KEND FOR A CIK CULAR AENT& WANTED. B. J. KEN DALL. Ennsliuigh Falls, Vt. 20 ly The Hook can also he had by addressing " Tbi Times," New BloomHeld, Fa. fhn Aft MONTH guaranteed. 12 a 1111 I I day at home made by the Indus- "J I I Itrlnus. Capital not required; we V i 1 1 I I will start you. Men. women. boys .1111 I land girls make money faster at f fill I I work for ns than atanythingelse. v 7 v '-'The work Is light and pleasant, ' 1 and such as any one can go rlghS at. Those who are wise who see this notice will twnd us their address at once and see for them selves. Costly Ouint and terms free. Now Is the time. Those alreadv at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TK UK & CO., Augusta Maine. 40 ly ux i 1 1 1 :v i: n km t i BARGAINS IN and ORGANS FOR THE NEXT no HAYS, Before Our Advance in Prices I Pianos $110 to $400 All new, and strictly first class, and sold at the lowest net cash wholesale factory prlces.dlrect to the purchaser, l lanos made one of the nuest displays at the tVulennUI Kxhlblllon. and were iiiinuimoiisly recomiiiended for the Hkiiiest IluNOKH-nver 12.fKK) In use. Itegularly Incoipo. oyer 87 years. The Hiiiaie Orands conlaln Malhushck s new patent Duplex Overstruug Bcale, the greatest Improvement In the hlstorv of i, ' . " esiaoiisiied Fianoinaklnii. 'the lipnglils me theFlNEHT IN AMERICA. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fall to wi lie for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. Our new styles of JUBILEE A) ltd ANH are the best In tho world. An stop Tu gsn only 85 with all the greatest, latest and Twit Improve ments, possessing power, depth, brilliancy and sympntlietlo quiillly ol lone. Heaiullnl solo el feet and ported stop action. Rolld walnut cases, of beautiful design and elegant llnish, All Planus and Organs sent on 15 days' test trial freight free If uiisat'slactorv. Circular free. HllEET MUHIO half price. Dollar's worth nt one-third of price. Caialogue of l,5on choice pieces sent on receipt of 8c. stamp. Address MENDELSSOHN F1ANO CO.. 21 East lf'th Htreet. New York. September IB, 1879. American and Foreign Patents. GILMORE t CO.. Successors to CHIPMAN HUMMER A CO., Hollcltors. Patents pro cured limit countries. No KEKH IN ADVANCF No charge unless the patent Is granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional tees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications maybe revived Special atlentlon given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent oitlce. Extensions before Con. gress. Infringement Hulls In dilferent States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat enls. Hend8tamptoUIIinore&Co., or pamuU let of sixty pages. LAND CASK!?, LAND WARRANTS t SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the If. B. General Land Otllce and Department of the Interior. Private l.and Claims. MINING and FHK KMPTlON Cl'.nns, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip In 40, 80, any wo acre Kieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can e located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at J1.25 per acre. It is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Bend Stamp to Gllmore & Co.. lor pamphlet of Instruction. ARREARS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war. or their heirs, are In many cases entitled to money from the Oovernment of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state nmount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to GILMORE & CO., and a full re ply, after examination, will be given you free. I K N 8 I O N 8. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and BAILORB, wounded, ruptured, or Injured in the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing OILMORK&CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORE CO., before the Supreme Court of the United 8tates,the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted In aseparate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, embloyed by the old Hrm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to GILMORE & CO., Is thus Secured. We desire to win success by deservlngit. Address: , GILMORE &CO., 629 F. Street, Washington, D. C. Erorjone That Cultivates the Soil should compare The Original, Independent, Conscientious Rural IVew Yorker with other pa (ters. I7ie Ftret Jforticultural & Agricultural Authority in America. An Illustrated Weekly for All 1'arts of Our Country. Subscribe Now ! 94 Paper for $4 per n nam. No Club It mm. The "Rural" fii the ditminintnr of Mount! White Prolific Uor 11, Beaut y of Hebron Potato. Pearl Millet, siul Fifty BoiU ut new and rate vegetable ud ttuwer -set'iln. The prefltmt free aeed aiul lant dlRtrlhutlon ft the moist ciiHtly and valuable eter before offered by any Journal in the World. A full 111 up (rated dVarriptlve account of It will be sent with Hneriineii 0py Free to appUoaute, that all may Jmltr fur tlienieelven. LarKet'apital and abundant RpBonrcea enable ns to beuettt otir HubarrUiera by Much mean. llluatratioun from Life. No untrustworthy adver n :eutn. All new farm and irardeu plants or aeedti, tented, and Impartially reported upon. When the aiM and quality of tho paper, the ntandhiKof iu wnrld-re-nowued coottibutorH, its lude)eudeiire and truatwor thiuew). 1 a Free Hhh1 aud )iit IMRtributiona (which aro deemed by RiibHrrtbers hh of more value than the Bubeuription prloe) are oousidered, it is by far the Cheapest Country Home Journal in the World! tw KMterimi'nt around" of B9 acres owned by "The Rural New Yorker" and worked in the interest of Its Tt will help you make money and Sed It Judi ciously, . . . Prof. J. W, Heal, of tlie Mich.Kn Afrrlcultnral Cnl loKe ; "The ltural Now Yorker is now the bent pair." Prof. K. M. Hheltou ; nf the Kanaaa Agricultural Ccl live: " The ltural New Yorker Itaa morn Influence and in more quoted than all the rest put Uwcthur." I'res. T. T. Lyon ; " The ltural la the beat paper I Bi't" A paper for th? Country, YUlare, Ofty: for the mar kef K-ardener, nuraerynian, fruit prrower, small fruit culturlht, hcrdHinan, dairyman, apiarlau, the scientist, everywhere. No aocuonai prcjudiuefl. The moat vitroroua and able eomblnatlon of practical writfrs evr befire colU-cted ttvether in the uoliimua of any Journal. (risHual IlluHtrnti(jnH from life by our Itfut artlata, of fruitn, ahiUMture, farm heljm, shrubs, trues, agricultural implements, etc. Enthxmiam Throughout the Country lOfiQQ Conyratulatry Letters, , Third Year of Us Present Management SJst Year of Its Age, Published weekly. Address li VllA Ij NE W YORKER, 78 Duade St., New York. Highest Merlnl at Vienna ani Philadelphia. E. & II. T.. ANTHONY & CO., 691 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ManuTucturers, Importers & Dealers in Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscopes, Stereoscopes & Views, Engravinss,Chronios,FhotoRraphs, And kindred goods Celebrities, Actresses, to. PBOTOGRAPHICMATERIALS. We are Ileadquarters tor everything In the way of Stereopticons & Magic Lanterns, Each stylebelng the bestof Its class In the market. Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of Stat uary and Engravings for the window. Convesgtass. Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex Ulass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with direc tions lor uxliig. sent on receipt of ten cuut. February 17th 1m. PIANOS t$T A lar.y boy was compluliilti that hla bed was too sliort; when his father sternly replied, " That Is because you are always too long in it, sir." f4T " If I punish you," said mamma to her little girl, "you don't suppose I do so for tny pleasure, do you V" " Then wltoBe pleasure is it for, mamma ?" 13 A Murray Hill young man though 20 years old has Just commenoed exer clses in drawing. He sits down by his girl and draws her head over ou his shoulder. UT Tatrlck having been told that Dr. Peters had found an atiterold, remarked : " Bedad, he may have his asteroid, but for meself ol prefer a horse ter rold." This ia getting to be a well-padded world. There are horse-pads, foot-pads, hip-pads, liver-pads, kidney-pads, lung pads and stomach pads, and some one will soon have a pad for bald heads. The Chicago Tribune has a streak of typographical economy, thus : Rer. Douglas got Inebrl-'l Hut denies be was iutoxlc- I ated. And wants to be renotnlu By wary of being vindic f$" Bir Isaac Newton's nephew, who was a clergyman, always refused a mar riage fee, saying with much pleasantry : " Oo your way, poor children ; I have done you mischief enough already, without taking your money." f-" Is this my train," asked a trav eler at the Kansas Faclflo depot of a lounger. "I don't know, but I guess not," was the doubtful reply. " I see its got the name of the railroad company on the side, and I expect it belongs to them. Have you lost a train anywhere?" gag- A clergymau, who had been trav eling in a remote part of the west, was asked by a pious old ludy if he saw any encouraging signs of the spread of re ligion. " I heard something," said he, rather hesitatingly, M which you might possibly call encouraging. As I passed a cabin a woman cried out to her daugh ter, " Jerushy Ann ! you mean, snarly headed cuss, come right in to prayers." They have a powerful machine in Holgate, Mass., that takes in poplar logs at one end, and turns out paper at the other. It eats and grinds to pulp seven and a half cords of wood a day, turning out from three to fou tons of pulp. The paper is used for books and newspapers. Spruce has more fibre than poplar, and spruce pulp is used for the cheaper grades of writing paper. It will now be in order for slow going . journal to spruce up and print a poplar paper. fcj- The full of & ballet dancer on the stage of a theatre is descibed as follows in the Boston Herald: " Bhe came ca pering down, pointing one foot to & o'clock and the other to high noon, when suddenly both feet flew up at once, and she sat down with what the, reporter of a hanging would call a "dull thud." There was the customary idiotic smile on her face when mishap occur red, and it remained there for a few sec onds through force of habit ; but gradu-, ally it was displaced by an expression of deep, deep disgust, and her lips ruov. ed while the people wondered what she was saying." Room For The Mourners. In the Berkshire Hills there was a fu neral. The woman who mingles curi osity with pity was there with the mourners. To the afflicted widow, in a. melancholy voice, she said : " When did you get your new eight day clock?". " I ain't got no new eight-day clock," reeponded the bereaved woman. " Why, . what is tiiat in the comer V Ain't tlvat an eight-day clock?" persisted the curi ous visitor. " Xo, that ain't a clock; that's the deceased. We stood it on end. in the corner to make room for the, mourners." Can't Lead a Woman. A cigarette-smoking scion of one of the first families on the West Side came into the office yesterday .to request that a notice of bis coating nuptials might be inserted in the paper. " Don't Bay, however," said the young man, earn estly, " that I am about to lead to the -bymenlul altar the beautiful and accom plished daughter of Mr. Bo and Bo, be cause that kind of slush is too old; and besides, we all know that nobody can lead a woman, and then again, It's leap year. Better make it read that I have consented to be her'n." He was assured that it would be done, nnd left.