T1IK TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD. PA., APRIL 20, 1880. 8 RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R.R. AHKANOBMKNT OF P ABBE NG EH TRAINS MARCH 15th, 1880. Trains Leave Harrlsburg as Followi i For New York via Allentown. at 8.15, B.0S k. m. and 1.45 ik m. . . . ,. . For New York via Philadelphia and "Round Brook Koute," 8.2u, (Fast Kxp.) 8.85 a. m. and ' rfird'ltth car arrive In New York at U noon. For Philadelphia, at 6.16, 6.2'i (Kant Exp) 8.05, (tbrouiih car), .5fi a. in., 1.4 and 4 (Hi u. in. For fieftdltiK, at 5.1(1. .20( Fast Kxp.) 8. US, 9.5S a. m., 1.4n,4.u. and 8.t p. m. For Pottsvllle. at Mf, 8.16 a. m. and 4.C0 p. m., and via Bchuylklll and Bunquelianua Branch at a. 40 p. m. For auburn, via Schuylkill and Buiruehanna Branch at 6.30 a. in. For Allebtown, at 5.15, 8.05, 9.55 a. m., 1 45 and 4.00 p. m. The MS. 8.05 a. m. and 1.45 p. m. trains have through cars (or New York, via Allentown. The H.itf a. in. and 1.45 p. in., trains make dote connection at heading Willi Main Line trains lor New York, via "Bound Brook Koute." SUNDAYS I For New York, at 5.20 a. in. For Allentown and Way Htatlons, at 5.20 a. m. For Heading, I'hlldrlapliia, and Way stations, at 1.45 p. in. Trains Leave Tor Harrlsburg ns Follow t Leave New York via Allentown, 8 45 a. in , 1.U0 aud 5 HO j). in. Leave New York via "Round Brook Koule." and Philadelphia at 7.45 a. m., 1. 30 and 4.HU p. m., ar riving at HarrlsDuiK, l..r0. 8. go p. in., and 9 2iip.ni. I'lirouKli car, New York to Harrisuurx. I,eave 1-Iillnd lphlu, at 9.45 a. in., 4.00 and ti.60 (Fast Exp) and 7 45 p. in. Leave Pottaville. 6.on, u lii a. m. and 4.40 p. m. Leave KeadliiK. at 4.50, 7.2T,ll.,rUa. in., 1.30,0.15, 8.00 uiid 10.35 p. 111 . Leave Potlsvllle vlaSchuylklll and Susquehanna Brunch, 8.2j a. 111. Leave Auburn via Schuylkill and Husquehanna Branch, 11. "0 a. in. lave Alleinowu,nt5.60, 9.05 a. m., 12.10, 4.80, and V.05 p. in. BUNDAY8: Leave New York, at 5 30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 7.45 p. 111, Leave Beading, at 7.85 a. 111. and 10.35 p. m. Leave Allentown. at 9.05 p. m. BALDWIN BRANCH. Lf ave HARR18BURO for Paxten. Lochletand fUeeltundally, except Hunday, at 8 40. 9 35 a. 111., and 2 p. in.; dally, except Saturday and Hunday. 6.45 p. in., and 011 Saturday only, at 4.45, 6. 10 and 9.30 p. m. Returning, leave HTEELTON dally, except Sunday, at 7.00, 10.00 a. in., and 2.20 p. 111. ; daily, except Saturday and Sunday. 6. ID p. in., and ou Saturday only 6.10, 6.30, 9.5u p. m. J. K. WOOTTKN, Gen. Manaser. CO. Hancock, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. JHE MANSION HOUSE, New Blootnfleld, Penn'a., GEO. F. ENSMINUEIt, Proprietor. HAVING leased this property and furnished It In a comfortable manner, task a share uf the public patronage, and assure my friends who stop with me that every exertion will be made to render their stay pleasant. A careful hostler always In attendance. April 9. 1878. t! Rational hotel. CORTLANDT BTEET, (Near Broadway,) NEW "YORK. KOCHKlSS&rOND, Proprietors ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service. Kooms50cents,t2perday.(3totl0 per week. Convenient to allferrlesandcltyralUoads. NEW FURNITURE. NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 ly THE WORLD'sTmODEL MAGAZINE. A Combination of ft Entertaining, th" Useful and the HeauOfnl, with l1ne Art En gnxings, and Oil lectures in eaci Au inter it iHllAflAPI ? I licit Tie Model Parlor Magaxtne of the Vold, Contains the essentials of all others. Including Original Poetry, sketches and Stories, by the best writers to every branch of entertaining aud useful Literature. It Is enriched with Engravings and Beautiful II lustrations worth more thau Its cost; also. Floriculture, Architecture. Household Matters, Reliable Fashions and Full slm Pat terns, with other rare and beautiful novelties calculated to elevate the taste and make home attractive and happy. No one can afford to do without tills world's acknow'edged Model Magazine. Tin largest in form, the largest in circulation, and the best In everything that makes a niagar.lne desirable. tingle Copies, 25 dents. Yearly, 13.00, with a val uable premium to each subscriber who selects liom a list of twenty articles. Send your address on a postal card, and receive in return full par ticulars. mmtAe Cipies matted in receipt of Ifen Vents. READ THIS. A Tributes Americtkn'Jouma'tom by the Jfepre sentative Pre of fxrope. "Iemorest' Magazine, a literary conservator of the artistic and the useful. Got up in America, wbere tt fe&s enormous sales, the most remarkable work of the class that has ever been published, and combines the attractions of several fcngllsb. Maerazines." London Titnr. "We via ve received anoUUer number of Mils delightful magazine, and we find ourselves bound to reiterate with greater earnestness the high eoomluiM we have already pronounced on pre ceding numbers. We are not given to disparage unduly the literary aud aitstio publications which entenate from the London press, but w are bound. In simple fairness, to assert that v have uot yet met with any publication pretending to a similar scope and purpose which can at all compare with this marvelous shilling's worth." London iiudiiet. The American HooHePer says: "There are none of ur monthlies In which ihe beauilml and the useful, pleasure and pruht, fashion and llter ature.are so fnllv preiteuw-d as in Deniorest's." IN REMITTING, small amounts can be sent I Postage Stamps, but stitns of one dollar or more, a post ottice order Is undoubledlv the most ecure and convenient; or money may be sent In a regis tered letter, or by a draft made payable to our -rder. Address IV, JENNINGS DEMOREST, 17 mast Uth 6t., Mete Vrk. , Agents wantedevery where, to whom extra ordinary Inducements will be offered, tend your address u postal card for Circular and Terms. 00 REWARD K eMipd v f&ila to cure. Givaa inmMiiat rwlief, curat caeca I and ordinary Id 1 Anri, riiiTinM Pr.J. P.MMft i?m,rla. 1 abot bralldran-Hta. Snitbrmrilbr J.P.Hii.li tta. Sold IWh tilW. M, 1 witik Ud Asvk fiUk, 1'tuluU. , VZ la ly JJOTEL LICENSE. WHEREAS, U is the custom in many Counties of this Commonwealth, to publish the abdica tions for license, with the names of those persons endorsing them, and Ihe boudsmen and the own ers of the property. And whereas, the last Con seutlon of the Perry County Christian Temper, aoce AsHociation pased a resolution, oideilng hn ExecinivB Omimlteto publish the same, this is to inform all persons interested, that the aid names will lx published before or about the irst week In Anrlt of each year. By order of the Kxecullv Committee. , ,.. KIN 8H EATS. Jacllttn Chalraiaa. ABOUT RESURRECTIONISTS. IT IH a RtartlliiK chapter In the history of civilization, which Is supplied by the methods resorttd to by auatoniltml teachers for the purpone of obtaining subjects for dlBsectlon. From the year 1800 until the alteration of the law In 1932, the Resurrectionists, or " Body Snatchers," lu England were almost the only sources of this supply, they were persons generally of the worst character If we except the watchman of that time who were set to guard the burial grounds all of whom received a legalar percent age on the sum obtained by the Resur rectionists. The public were for many years aware of church-yards being robbed ; It was known to be e fleeted with wonderful rapidity and dexterity, but the modu operandi was never fathomed by the public ; and, curiously enough, no acci dental circumstance occurred to furnish the explanation. Even the members of the medical profession, with a few exceptions, were kept In ignorance of it, so careful were the resurrectionists to re move all traces of their mode of work ing after completing their task. It was generally supposed that the body-snatcher proceeded . as a novice would have done, by removing all the earth with which the grave had been fill ed, and having arrived at the colli u, forced open the lid so as to remove the body. But this would have occupied time,and increased the chances of detec tion. To avoid this they only cleared the earth away above the head of the colli n, taking care to leave that which covered the other end as far as possible undisturbed. The lid of the cofllu was then broken with a crowbar, a rope slip ped under the arms of the corpse, aud the body carefully withdrawn. The clothing was then replaced in the coffin, aud the grave re 11 lied. l?y this means, In a shallow grave with a light soil, the body-snatchers could remove a corpse In about fifteen minutes. Silence was es sential to their success, and In gravelly soils they had a peculiar mode of sling ing out the earth to prevent the rattling of the stones against the iron spade. As soon as the body was raised It was placed In a Back, and then carried away in a closed carriage. In sending them from the country to London they were packed in crates and hogsheads. The bodies were never directly conveyed to the dissecting-room. The students would often take them to their own rooms, anil then remove them to the colleges in cabs the coachmen being well paid for their work. Some times the driver was exor bltant in his demands, and was some what ingenious in enforcing them. A pupil who was conveying a body In a coach at one thne to his hospital, was astonished upon finding himself lu front of a police station, when the coachman tapping upon the window, Bald to the affrighted youth " My fare to bo and so Is a guinea, uu less you wish to tie put down here." The reply' without hesitation was, -" Quite right, my man ; drive on." At the opening of a new session there was considerable coin petit l5n between the difl'erent colleges as to which should get the most bodies, and the rivalry oc casionally led to revolting scenes and r'ots. At one time two Resurrection ists, having gained access to a private cemetery near London by bribing the grave-digger, at times bought away as BMtuy as six bodies in a single night. Two other snatchers hearing of this profitable arrangement, threatened to xpose the grave-digger if he did not ad mit them to a share of the plunder ; but he was ahead of them, and pointing them out to a number of laborers as body-snatchers come to bribe him, when the whole party of men pursued them and they narrowly escaped death. They ran to a magistrate, and told him lf he .would s'end officer to the cemetery he would find every grave rifled of its dead, the grave-digger having sold them to the body-snatchers. The indignant people rushed to the burial-ground, oroke open the gates, dug up the graves, and finding the empty coffins, seized the grave-digger threw him into one of the deepest excavations, began shovelling the dirt over him, and would have buried him alive but for the active efforts of two constables. They then went to his house, broke every ar ticle of furniture In it, and dragging out his wife aud childeru threw them into a staguant pool In the neighborhood. Such disturbance as these frightened the Resurrectionists, and they desisted from their buslaess for a while, procur ing bodies from undertakers, who were bribed to fill the oofflns with stones and brickbats over which the clergyman of ten read the solemn funeral service. The bodies of suicides were often stol en from the persons appointed to sit up with them, or they were obtained from the poor-houses on the strength of pre tended relationship. By this means a man named Patrick, at one time got nearly fifty bodies from St. Giles work house, his wife, under various disguises, claimed to be related to those that had died. The professional Resurrectionists, however, were so useful that when they got into trouble, the surgeons exerted themselves In their favor, and advanced sums of money to keep them out of jail. SlrAstley Cooper expended hundreds of pounds for this purpose, a single lib eratlon having cost him 100. A lead ing Resurrectionist once received 144 for twelve subjects In one evening, out of which he had to pay his subordinates 5 each. These high prices induced per sons while alive, to offer to sell their bodies for dissection after death, but sur geons were very wary about acceding to such proposals, as the law did not recog. nir.e the right of property. Curiously enough, graves were not al ways disturbed to obtain the entire body for the teeth alone, at one time, offered great temptation to a Resurrectionist. One of these, some years ago, pretend ing to be looking around for a burial place for his wife, obtained access to a vault, the trapdoor of which he unbolt ed so that be could return again at night which he did, and secured the front teeth of the whole congregation, by which he cleared 00. The Resurrectionist generally came to bad ends. One was tried and received sentence of death for robbing the mall, but was pardoned upon the intercession of Archdukes John and Lewis, who had their Interest in him excited by see ing him In his cell trying to articulate the bones of a horse. He left England and Was never heard of afterward. An other Resurrectionist, after a long and successful career, withdrew from the pro fessslon iu 1817, and occupied himself principally in obtaining and disposing of teeth. As a sutler in the Peninsular and France, he had drawn the teeth of those who had fallen in battle and had plun dered the slain. With the produce of these adventures he built a handsome hotel at Margate, England, but his pre vious occupation having been disclosed, his house was avoided by visitors, and at last was disposed of at a heavy loss. Me was subsequently tried and Impris oned for obtaining money under false pretences,and was ultimately found dead lu a tavern. It is reported that at the death of one notorious body-snatcher he left nearly 6,000 to his family. Another, being captured was tried and found guilty of stealing the clothes In which the bodies were burled, and was transported for seven years. A man who was superin tendent of the dissecting-room of a Lon don hospital, was dismissed for receiv ing and paying for bodies sent to his em ployer and reselling them at an advanc ed price In Edlnburg. He then turned Resurrectionist, was detected and im prisoned and died In a state of raving madness, TOO MUCH "HELLO." A WASHINGTON correspondent says : I was standing all by myself In the committee room, reading a vast law book aud wondering what it was about, and whether the plaintiff had done so-and-so or whether It was the defendant; and which of them they found guilty ; and how in the mischief they ever knew he was guilty w hen the words were tangled up so; and noting, with gratification, the references to Perkins v. Bangs, Mo. Rep. Hi., Ac, whereby it was apparent that lf one did not get mixed up enough in that book there were others that could finish him ; and wondering also at the bewildering tautology of the said aforesaid book aforesaid, when a youth to fortune aud to fame unknown, flour ished in the most frisky way, and came to a halt before me. This young man had a moustache that dimmed the coun tenance about as your breath dims the brightness of a razor ; and he bored down into it with his fingers and gave it a twist which was singularly gratifying to him, considering that no effect was pro duced upon the moustache by the opera tion. He then tilted his little soup-dish to the port side of his head with his gloved hand, and said " Hello !" I said " Hello 1" He looked supprised. Then he said " Do you belong here 1"' I was Just finishing a senteuce about Perkins vs. Bang. I finished it, and ob served " Very fine weather." He whisked nervously up and down the room a couple of turns, and then stopped before me and said " Are you the clerk of the Judiciary Committee?" . I said, In the urbanest manner " In view of the circumstance that on so short an acquaintance you betray so much solicitude concerning my business I will venture to inquire what you may happen to want with the clerk of the Judiciary Committee V," " That is not answering my question. Are you the clerk of the Judiciary Com mittee V" " In view of the circumstance that on so short an acquaintance you betray so much solicitude concerning my business I will venture to Inquire again what you may happen to want with the clerk of the Judiciary Committee V" " That don t concern any body but me. What I want to know is, are you or are you not, the clerk of the Judiciary Committee y" " In view, as I said before, of the cir cumstance that on so short an acquaint ance you betrty so much solicitude con cerning my business, I will venture to Inquire once again what you may hap pen to want with the clerk of the Judi ciary Committee 1"' He scratched his head In apparent per plexity for a matter of five seconds, and then said, with deliberation and I m pres. give earnestness " Well I'll be d d." " I presume so. I hope so. Still, be ing a stranger, you cannot expect me to lake more thau a passing interest In your future plans." He looked puzzled and a little chafed. He said " Look here ; who are you V" " In view of the circumstance" " O, curse the circumstance I" " Amen." - He did not reply. He seemed worried and annoyed. Presently he started out and said, by George I he would go after the Michigan Senators and inquire into this thing. I said they were esteemed acquaintances of mine, and asked him to say that I was well. But he refused to do this, notwithstanding all my po liteness, and was profane again. I nev er saw such a firebrand as he was. Now, what can that young fellow mean by going around asking respecta ble people lf Jhey are clerks of Senate Committee? If my feelings are to be outraged in this way, I cannot stay In Washingtou. I don't like to be called Hello by strangers with Imaginary moustaches, either. This young party turned out to be an Importation from Kalamazoo, anil he wished to ship as sub clerk to the Judiciary Committee. He is a little fresh. It might have beeu better If had stayed In the Kalama zoologlcal Gardens, until he got his growth perhaps. Still, if his friends would like to have the opinion of a stranger concerning him, I think he will make a success here lu one way or another. He has spirit and persistence. The only trouble is, that he has too much " hello" about hlrn. Testing Their Honesty. A dozen men were yesterday loafing away the rainy hours in a business place near the ferry dock when the conversa tion turned upon the subject of general public rascality. A citizen said be had given a boy a quarter to get change and had never seen him again ; another said be wouldn't trust his own grandfather, and a third would give $100 to see an honest man. " I have not yet lost ray faith in hu man nature," finally remarked a man on a back seat. " Any of you may call in a stranger to us all, and I will give him a five-dollar bill to go and get changed. If he falls to come back I lose the money ; lf he returns you will see how foolish your assertions are." Half a dozen men rushed to the door. A seedy, gaunt and evil-looking African was paddling by in the rain, and he was selected to make the test. " Stranger," said the man who hadn't lost confidence, " take this live-dollar bill around the corner and get it changed and I will give you ten cents." The black man departed without a word, and for the next ten minutes the laugh was on the man who sent him. It died away however, as the African slouched in, handed out the bill and said: " I runned all ober an' nobody could change him." He was given his ten cents and the man who lost the quarter by the boy said he couldn't have believed such an exhibition of honesty lf be had not wit nessed it, and he was willing to buy the cider for the crowd. . . It was only after the cider had been destroyed and paid for that he learned that the bill given the negro was a base counterfeit which no one would accept. The Force of Habit, A counsellor, renowned for the art of pleading, had a trick of rubbing bis spectacle case while addressing a Jury. A foolish attorney who had confided a brief to him thought this action ludic rous and likely to impair the effect of the pathetic appeals which the nature of the suit admitted. Accordingly be watched for a sly opportunity, and stole away the spectacle case. For the first time in his life, the counsellor's tongue faltered hls mind missed the bodily track with which it bad long associated its opera, tions; he became confused; embarrass ed he stammered, blundered, and bog gledlost all the threads of his brief.and was about two sit down, self-defeated, when the conscience stricken attorney restored the spectacle case. Straightway with the first touch of the familiar tails man, the mind recovered Its self. posse sion, the memory Its clearneas.the tougve Its fluency; anil as again and again the lawyer fondly rubbed the spectacle case, argument after argument flew forth ilk the birds from a conjuror's box. And the Jury to whom a few minutes before the case seemed hopeless, were stormed Into unanimous conviction of its Justice. Such is the force of habit. Such the sympathy between mental and bodily associations. Every magician needs his wand ; and perhaps every man of genV us hashis spectacle case. SUNDAY READING, The Good Samaritan. Oberlin, the well known philanthro pist of Stelnthal, while yet a candidate for the ministry was traveling on one occasion from Strasburg. It was in the winter time. The ground was deeply covered with snow and the roads were almost impassable. He had reached the middle of his Journey aud was among the mountains, but by that time was so exhausted that he could stand up no longer. He was rapidly freezing to death. Sleep began to overcome him; all power to resist it left him. He commended himself to God and yielded to what he felt to be the sleep of death. He knew not how long he slept, but suddenly be came conscious of some one rousing him and waking hhn up. Before hlni stood a wagon driver in bis blue blouse and the wagon not far away. He gave him a little wine aud food, and the spir it of life returned. He then helped him on the wagon and brought him to the next village. The rescued man was profuse In his thanks, and offered mon ey, which his benefactor refused. . " It is only a duty to help one anoth er," said the wagoner, "and it is the next thing to an insult to offer a reward for such a service." "Then," replied Oberlin, "at least tell me your name, that I may have you In thankful remembrance before God."' " I see," said the wagoner, " that you are a minister of the Gospel; please tell me the name of the Good Samaritan." "That," said Oberlin, "I cannot do, for it was not put on record," " Then," replied the wagoner, " until you can tell me hh name, permit me to withhold mine." - Soon he had drivan out of sight, an4 Oberlin never saw him again. -tt A Negative Creed Unsatisfactory. The Instinct of skepticism is a little like the instinct of hunting, there i more or less of It In every human be ing. Many a man enters upon the pur suit, not that he cares for the game not that be wishes to prove that there is no God ; not that he would satisfy himself that be is nothing going nowhere, but for the enjoyment, the zest of the pur suit. To a brave man the keenest in. tellectual pleasure comes from what he calls the pursuit of truth the hunting of truth to Its lair; the attempt to measure the ways, and perhaps the thought of the first cause. But " My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord," and if the man gets bewildered and lost, and at last seems to himself to be nothing, gone nowhere, he has ar rived at a conclusion or destination that be did not seek to arrive at in the beginning, a conclusion and a destina tion that is far from being satisfactory. Lives there a skeptio that deep down in his own heart would not believe in th simplest forms of Christianity lf he could ? The saddest, the most patbetie utterances, are the utterances of men who with the farthest and subtlest reach of thought grasp only negatives. A man can no more live on negatives than he can live on stones ; a negative creed is the creed of death. Prof. Borden P. Bourne. The Sunday Stone. In an Oxford museum may be seen a strange stone. It is composed of carbon ate of lime aod was taken from a pipe which carries off drain water in a col liery. The stone consists of alternate layers of black and white, so that it has a striped appearance. This was caused in the following way : When the min ers were at work the water which ran through the pipe contained a good deaf of coal dust, and so left a black deposit in the pipe. But when no work m going on as for instauce, lu the night the water was clean, and so a white layer was formed. In time these depos its quite filled the pipe, and so it was taken up. Then It was found that the black and white layers formed quite calendar. Small streaks alternately black and white; showed a week, and then came a white strtak of twice the usual size. This was Sunday, during which there was, of course, no work for twenty-four hours. For this reason it was called the Sunday stone.. tW Man cannot beuonie perfect In a hundred years ; but he can become cor. rupt in lens than a day. . . tfc- A Ho is a desperate cowardice ; II 1 t tent matt nd brav God.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers