8 THE T1MI5S, NEW LOOMHELl)f,PA. APJUL13. 1880. Rough Plan of Hazing. rouiniKRKrsiB, N.Y. April 0. At 0 'cloolc thin mnriilng Johnson U. AVhltU. Iter, a colored catlot of W8t Point, of the clam of 1H7", was fouml bmiiitl hand and foot lit his room At the barrttuks, with a jileou of one eat out oil', t ho nthur enr Hilt and liU licnd brnlHcd. He elated tlmt throe masked men nttrtuk III in while be wm In bi d, nhortly Bflr midnight, mid runimltted the deed, (loitorul Hliolleld and Commandant Lunelle are Investiga ting the ftflatr. It la believed tlmt the out rage whh ootnmlUed by outlets. A Went Point atieolal snyt the opinion lias become general among the oflluora and cadets that Whltttiker out and bound htm mcK. When Uetieral Foholleld told Whlt tnker tlmt the oflloots thought he wiw plny (ng a trick, the young limn snld tlmt the charge was Insult addiicl to Injury, and do. mantled a court of inquiry. The rcqtteat was ginnted, and tho uoui t wilt incut Fri day morning1 with open doom. Burgeon Alexandor says tlmt the mnu nan not iusetiHlblo when he was found. IIIh cut wore vpry alight, nor w its there any bruise on hl head thnt would have naimed Insensibility. Tho blood wax fresh and could not, it la snld,, have Mowed from wounds Indicted eo long us three or four hours before, . . .- Asaasslns Reigning In Turkey. London, April ). A correspondent at CouHliuitiuople hints tlmt the assassination of the Oiund Bliereef of Meoea, who was stubbed by a Purtdun fiumtio on Murch 14, auddied ou March "1, was prooured by Abdul Muitalib Puliu his successor, who had long been in CoiiHtuntluoplo endeav oring to convince the Hultiin, that Sheik HuHsein, the murdered Sliereuf, Nought to free Arabia from TuiklHh rule. Abdul Muttalib Pasha was Uiuiid Bliereef of Mecca at the time of tho Jidduh niiiHsacre, in 1858, mid was deponed, at tho donrnud of England, iu coiiHciiuouco of that afl'iiir. Ho enjoys great reputation among the Arabs n a warrior and statesman, and as a descendant of the Prophet, lie has a fanatical hatred and- contempt for nil Cluititiiius iudeed, it is whispered that he is a Wahahee but especially for the Brit ish, in consequence of the energetlo action of the Government at the time of Jiddah massnuro. Novel Leap Year lilea. Tho Detroit Newt of hist week says : I'M. P. Lee, vico president of the Kldow Club, received a letter this morning from a young lady, who has adopted a some what unusual method of getting a hus band. The fair correspondent says that she shut her eXos, opeued a city dirootory at random and decided to make a loap year proposal of marrlago to the man whose name her Anger rested ou. That man happened to be Mr. Leo, and the fair one, not knowing but he might be "some horrible fellow," hesitated some time be fore addressing a formal proposition of marriage to him. The club will hold a special meetiug this evening to cousidor the advisability of accepting Mr. Lee's resignation A Silver Ring In a Potato's Heart. The Wilmington, N. C. Star says : Mr. Elijah Hewlett, Treasurer of the county, informs us of a somewhat singu lar occurrence at bis place in Masonboro township, on Monday last. One of his children broke open a largo cooked potato, of the Hamuli species, and discovered a silver linger ring irobeded iu the very heart of the potato. How It got there is the question. It is thought that the "slip" lirst grew through the centre of the ring and then closed around it as it grew to perfection. As soon as the discovery be camo known tho rest of Mr. Hewlett' children wanted to prosecute a thorough investigation among all tho potatoes on the plantation. " Real Havana Clgart." Havana cigars are likely to advance in price for a rather odd reason. Since last October straw paper has gone up 75 per cent, and it is a fact that many of the so called Havana cigars ' are made from this article, which is manufactured chiefly in Now York State. The straw papor is taken to Cuba, saturated in a decoction made from the stems and refuse of the choice Havana seed loaf, and when prop erly treated with flavoring extracts, liquor ice root, senna,otc, makes a filling for ci gars. Besides, it burns with a pure, white .ash precisely like that of tbo genuine leaf, unlike that yielded by any other material. Specimens of prepared paper seen in New York are desoribed as closely resembling the leaf in nppearanco, taste and ilavor. A Passenger Shot. Cincinnati, April 7. An unknown ne gro tramp, yesterday, shot and killed a passenger on the Bee Line Railway, seven miles went of Sidney, Ohio. The negro had boarded the train at Sidney, and Lav. ing no money was put off at Hardin sta-' tion. As the train started he got on the platform and fiied through the window, presumably at the conductor, but the ball struck and killed a passenger, Joseph M. Lehman, of Houston. The negro . escaped. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE ! ' ' Annual Announcement C A R P IS T I N Gr S Oil Cloths and Wall Papers ! BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 3 PLYS. INGRAINS. WINDOW SHADES. We Invite tli Cltlr.ens nt PEHHY to Inspect our LAItOK suit II ANDHOMKHTUCK. We are prepared tn show the MtiHT KLKiJ ANT MWIUNHand I'ATTKHNB It has ever been our privilege doing, at OLD PRICES) having Imit a large stork ou hand ami bought be lure the ncent advance. We run safely sny that! our lnok Is the MnHT COM I'LKTK In this sec tion of PcniKvlviiiila unci wh will nut permit ourselves to he lieulen In i uiv-'Koi gUAl.n v. A FULL AHHOKTMHNT In nil departments, with nil additional line of HUKNI I't'ltK t'OVKIt. INCH In llnw ttllks, Cretonnes, I'lnln and Hlrlped lleps, &o.,&o. Stepnens WALL PAPERS. 21 E. MAIN Carlisle, 1880. CARPETS! CARPETS! 1880. NOWlSYOCllTlMKTOrUllCHABB. lUCPOItK TIIKY ADVANCK ANY IWItlKK. JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK OP CARP ID T S, OIL OM)TlW .ATV1 HUGH, Ot all (trades tor the Rul ing Trade i the Largest Assortment of Carpets Outside of Philadelphia, SAM1TKI. ADAMS, Opera Uouho Carpet Store. No. 31 North Third Street, IIAllRISHU'ltG, PENN A. 14 3m T'lP) . bllvM TAPESTRY, INGRAIN, HALL AND Floor, Stair and Tabic OIL CLOTHS, M 2 ' HUGS, 31 ATS, MATTING Mc. Just Hecoivcd Soino Special bargains t We are now receiving a LOT OK I1AHUAINS to which we Invite your attention. A LOT OP PRINTS AT 1 CENTS PER YARD. A LOT OF PRINTS AT 4 CENTS PER YARD. A. LOT OF COrrX01NA.I)lCH A.T LOW PinCKH! And LOTS OF OTHER GOODS lor Men's Wear. OUR STOCK OF Germantown Yarn and Zephyrs, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c, Will he Found Complete. Wo .Also Havo HAllDWAllE OF ALL KINDS, BOOTS & SHOES TO SUIT ALL, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONEllY,&c. . In fact if you want ANY KIND OF GOODS, you stand a good chance to find them at the right price, by going to the one price store of V MORTIMER, New JHoomjield, Pa. Literary Revolution and Universal Knowledge. An Encyclopmdta In 80 rols., over 16,000 pagei 10 por cent more mailer than any Xncr cloptBdla ever before published In this country, and sold, handsomely and welt bound, In cloth for 910, In half morocco for 15, and prluted on fine henry paper, wide marglni, bound in half Kusela, gilt top,' for $20 an enlerprise io extraordinary thai Its lucceni, beyond all precedent In book publlthlug, may be fairly claimed to Inaugurate a LUtrary liniolution. The Library of Uulvernal Knowledge la a reprint entire of the last (187U) Edinburgh edition of " Chamber's Encyclopedia," with about 40 per cent of new matter added, open topics of special Interest to American readers, thus making it equal In character to any similar work, better than any other suited to the wants of the great majority of those who consult works of reference, and altogether the latest Encyclopedia In tbe Held. SPECIMEN VOl-UMfeH In either style wll be sent fur examination with privilege of return on receipt of proportionate price per Tolunie. HPKCIAL DISCOUNTS to early subscribers, and extra dlsonnnts to clubs. Kn'l particulars with descriptive catalogue ot mauy other standard works equally low In price, Hrnt free. Loading Principles or the AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE J I. Publish only books of real Tnlun. It. Work upon the basis of present cost of making books, about one half what It was a few years ago. III. Hell to buyers direct, and save them the 50 or 00 per cent commission commonly allowed to dealers. IV. The cost of books when made 10,000 at a time Is but a fraction of the cost when made 500 at a time adopt the low price and sell the large quantity. V. Use good type, paper, etc., do careful printing, and strong, neat binding, but avoid all "padding," fat and linavll). leaded type, spongy paper and gaudy binding, which are so commonly resorted to to make books appear large and Hue, aud which add greatly w their cost, but do not add to their value. VI. To make II and a friend Is better than to make to aud an enemy. STANDARD BOOKS. Library of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols., fin. Mtluian'a Gibbon's Koine, 5 vols., fif0. Macuuly's History of Kngland.B vols., ft. 50, Chamber's Cyclopedlaof ug. Llter'e., i vols., 12. K night's History o( Kuglaod, 4 vols., 13. Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, 3 vols , 1.50. Relkle's I.lfe and Words of Christ, to couts. Young's Bible Concordance, 8U.0CO references (preparing). 2.50. Acme Library of Biography. 50 cents Book of Fables, auii, etc., tllns., 60 cents. Milton's Complete Poetical Works, 511 cents. Hhakespeare'H complete Works. 75 cents. Works of Dante, translated lv Cary, 60 cents. Works of Virgil, ti anshued by l)ryden,40 cents. The Koran of Mohammed, transl'd by Male. Adventures of Don Quixote. Mlus., 50 cents. Arabian Nights, lllus., fio cents. . Bunyau'a Pilgrim's Progress, lllus., 50 cents. liobliison Crusoe, lllus., Mlcents. Munchausen and Gulliver's travels, lllus., 5Tc. Htorleaand Ballads, by K.T.Akltu, lilts., 00, . Acme Library ol Modern Classics, 50 cents. Kemlt by bank draft, money older, registered . may be seut Iu postage stamp Address AMElilCAJf HOOK EXCHANGE, Jobs B. Alukn, Manager ' TRIBUNE BUILDING, NEW YORK. "ftho Spring Opening of STRAW MATTINGS COCOA MATTING. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS, & RUGS. WALL STREET, PAPERS. Peim'n;. 13 3m AO. 218 ." HlTOMi HiilKET," harrisburg, pa., BRUSSELS, STAIR CARPETINGS, American Patriotism, AO cents. Tai lie's History of Kugllnh Literature, 75 cents. Cecil's Book of Natural lhsiory.il. Pictorial iiaudy Lexicon, 35 cento. Haylugs. by aulnorot Hparrowgrass Papers, 60c. Mrs. Hemuus' Poetical Works, 75 cents. Kltlo's Cyoloptudlaof Bib, Llturature, 2 vols., ti, Kollln's Ancient History, 2.5. Smith's Dictionary ot the Bible, lllus., ft. WorksofFlavlus.JoRpnhin.il Comic History of the U.k. Hopkins, lllus.. 60c Health by Exercise, Dr. Geo. M. Taylor, 50c. Health for Women, Dr. Geo. if. Taylor, 50o. Library Maga.ine, locents a No., II a year. Library Magazine, bound volumes. 80 cents Leaves Irom the diary of an old lawyer, 1. ; Each of the above bound In cloth. If by mall, fioscage exU a. Most of lliu books are also pub Islied in hue editions aud line biudlugs,at higher prices. . , JXivriplive (Xttaln(nte and Te.rmi to Cfti5erU i'reetm Jieiuat. letter, or by express. Fractions of one dollar Bee GET THE STANDARD! ' The best siithnrltv It mmiil f.. I. in ..... Library, niso in every Anntlmuy and Iu entry H'lnl. Hon. t'lnts. Kiimuxr. inn o( existing r.Hitlisli LexlCotl."-lHndotl Alliciiii'ilin. . . A LAIKIIC.IIANimoMK VOI.IIMHnt s.',4 psites, containing iinnsidoinbly inure limn 1ih,.mj Words in lis Voualiiiliiry. with the uorroul Proiiuuulatloii, Dellnltlou, and Klymology, fullp tlhiMnt?tl ottrf Unnhrlrtfirtl with Wiir J"i(rt lt(n Itlumlntitnt i'tiites, JMirary Wur p, Afarhlfitl Xtluw, 110 ll, Willi Denlsiin'i Patent Itemly Reference Index, I w Adilltloiial, "WOnCESTER" Is how recjut-clpil in ihnRinnilaril Authurlty.andls so recoinmelided hv Bryant, Lonvfellow, Wlilttlnr Hiimner, Holmes, Irving, Wlulhicip. Agassi,, MiiihIi, llenry, Icyiuelt, Matin, Hleplnms, bulimy, Kellnn, lllilliinl, Meinmlnuer, and is, imsldes, re. ognled as iinlliorlly by the liepitrtmeulN ot our Nuiloiml Govm iitnctit. It Is also adopted by urn 1 1 y of the Boards of I'ublln Insirtittlon, " I he best Kugllsh writers and the most parlle. tilnr American writers use WUHCKiVl Kit as Ihelr authoiltv."-V. y. Ifrntiil. " A tier our recent strike wn made the change to WoltcKHTKH as our niilhorliy In spelling, elilelly to brlngoiirsolves into conformity with t int accepted usage, ni well as to gratify the desire of must of oursinIT," H. Y, Tribune. " The volumes hefure us show a vast amount nf diligence! but. with H'n'nfTll. Is ilillg'-ncn In coin blniilluit wltlifaniilfulness. Willi Wiirnmler, III tifimliliiutlott Willi gciocl sense ami ludgmeiit WliltrKHIHIl'M Is the soberer Slid scicr iiuuk.and may be pronounced fie iwnt ctMlna Hntlllth It: icon Loniluii Atlienitiiiin. TI1IC COMI'LUTIt Htiltlim OS H'OKCKS'nclt'H MCTIONAltltiN. (iiitrrn tHi'tl'mttr). Profusely llltistraletl, Libra. ryHlieep. Ilu.ill. fnlcermil (itnf f.YiUr.ut lMlontry. 8vo. Library Hheep. II Aenilemle hlcUpnnry. Illuslraled. Crown Bvo. Half Itonu, tl art fWiiirricnuim Hlvllimtirii. Illuiilraled. 12mo, Half itoait. II .75, Hchonl (ktrmrntitrii) DhU unary. Illustrated. l2nio, Half Itonu. ii.ini. P.Unuru iHMnnury, Illustrated, lrtino. Half Hun II. Illleenls, Fonki't Dtrtlnnnril. Illustraled. 2lmo. Clolli.flil cents; itonu, Flexible, 8 oi'litsi Hoiiti, Tucks, Gilt Kdges. 11.011. Many special aids to studenls, In addition to a very full iiroiiouiielng ami dellnlng vocabulary, make Worcester's. In the oiilnluii of our most illstlugulhhed educators, the tnott complete, as well as by far the cheapest Ulotlonat les of our luuguage. " It follows frniti this Willi unerring accuracy that Worcester's Dictionary, being preferred over all others by scholars nud men of letters, should be used hv the voulh of the country and adopted In Hie ooiiiinoii schools." A. '. Jirimivg i'vrt. It , Fur sale by nil Booksellers, or will he sent, caiTinge tree, on receipt ot me price uy 3. II. LIPPINCOTT & CO., FuHMnm, JlnokilU-ri ami HlatUmwn, 715 and 717 Market St., Plillutlelpltlii. NOTICE! Til V. undersigned would respectfully cull the Hlteiilion of the eltlrens of Perry county, that he has a large and well selected stock of HAttDWAItK. GHOUKKfKH, DKUGM. WINKHft MQUOI18, IKON. NAILB, HOUSE and MULE SHOES, HTRHL. IHON AX1.KH, HPItlNGd, RI'OKKH, Mt!BH. FELLDKM, WilAFTH. PDLKH It BllWH, UltOOM HANDLEH, WI11K. TWINES, tiO. A1SO, Paints, OHh, (il8s, riastcr, nntl Cement. HOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPEIl LEATHER, FIflll. HALT.fiUnAIlH.HVIllIPH.TEAIi.HPICKS, TOBACCO, ClGAitH.and MMITII COAL. Julia Lucas &Co's., MIXVA) V At NTH, (ready for use.) The best Is tbe CHEAPEST, A nd a large variety of goods not mentioned, allnf which were bought at Hie Lowest Cash Prloes, and he offers the same to his Patron at the Very Lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. Ills motto liw prices, and Fair dealings to all. On and see film. Respectfully, H. M. 8III7LF.lt, Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. 1880. Harper's Young People ILLUSTRATED. The evils of sensational literature for the young are well known, and tbe want of an' autldote has long been felt. This is sup. piled by "Harper's Young People," a beauti fully Illustrated weekly Journal, which Is Equally devoid of the objectionable features of sensational Juvenile literature and of that moralizing; tone which repels tbe youthful reader. The Volumes of the Young People" begin with the first Number, published In November of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Tear, i 00 HARPER'S WEEKLT, " 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR, ' " 4 00 Tbe THREE above-named publica- tions. One Year, ... 10 00. Any TWO above named, One Year, 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, one year. 1 50 Postage Free to all subscribers la tbe U. 0. or Canada. IND UCEHENTH for 1880 ONLY Thirteen numbers of " Harper's Young P pie" will be furnished to every yearly subscri ber to "Harper's Weekly" for 1880; or, " Harper's Young People" and " Harper's Weekly" will be sent to any address for one year, commencing with the first Number of ' Harper's Weekly" f r January, 1880, on re ceipt of i 00 for the two Periodicals. Remittances should be made by Pest-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Addres HARPER. BKOTHLR8, N. T. DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STHICKLEH, a inuviTssiir iu nr. si, ii, mrioKierj NKW HLOOlf FIKLl), I'KNN'A. HAVING snnceeiled the tale firm of lie. W. H. fllrlckler In the Drug Business at Ills Htore room, on MAIN HTItKET, two doors East of the 111 g Hiilng, I will endeavor to make It Iu every way worthy the patronage ' the puhlln, rersouai anil sirim ntieiiiiou a r ai.i, i imkh given to the compound Ing and dispensing Phyni. olans' preselptlons, so as to Insure accuracy nud guard against accidents. IlIMIl IN MINI! that my stock has been renently selected and care taken to have everything t f the lll'.HT (JIM l.t TV. The pulillo may rest assured that ALL meil. I.tlim. i.hu. ..... ....... ... .. ....t.......l..l -PUltlC and UNAbULTEItATED. I HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND IIAtlt OIL and roMADKS II A I II, roil I'll and NAIL IIKUfUIF.il. BIJIK1KON8. TOILET. and CABIIIAIIF. HCONOI'.H, PUFF HdXICH. TOILET POWDEHH, CA81 ll.U and FANCY HOAPH, PERFUMERY OP ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh suit (lentilne Patent Madt clues of every description, ALSO, Scgars, Tobacco, School Books, &c. OHANUKM, I j KM ON A HANANAS, In season. Pure Wine nml Liquors for Mcillclnal I'tirposcs. Tkm'iiiss, Htvliitiy Onssh. By strict attention to business, t hope te merl tlieootilldeiice and favor of the public, JACOB STKtCKLF.lt, Tb. (. April 20. 1S.79. NEW EDITION. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED, 1928 Piifjos. 0OOO rncrn,vlap;. or.' i'Au:n toLoni:i platim. Cuutcilnlug a SUPPLEMENT -f over 4C00 NEW 1V0KDS niitl Mennlnfru, MHO, A NF.W Blo(jiaT)lilcal Dictionary or over 0700 NAMEH. PIOTORIAI. CEFINITIONS. For tho crout nld rendered by plrtureit In de filling, look nt the pictures under the following wonls In Wnlister.Mieh lllustrntlngnndtldflnlnii lliu number of words and tortus mimed i fleer", pnfjo 120 1,1 Moldings, p. sf,1,.,...10 Holler, ,i, Its, IT Phrenology, 9Hir. at C'listln, p. 205 S4 It.'ivnlln, p. 1 0X0 14 Column, p. V,.S,....M Hhlps, p, HM.l'JIJ. llO I;ve, p. fpHH .....11 Wen m Kngiim, go Ilcirso, p. (1.19, 41) Timbers, p. );iso, 14 ' Mcittlng 343 words and terms defined by tho rletures under uliovn la words In Webster's IrinlirldKcd, fur better thnn could bo dune by liny dellMltion given In words. I tluTonuy Uttter nl'l thnn Wobstfr to holp n f crrilly x Ijoootno lutolllgent 1 ALSO '.VCSSTEB'S flATIOMAL PICTORIAL DlCTIOflAM. 1040 Patjcs Octavo. COO Engravings, Q. & C. MCnillAM, Pul.-llbers,Hprlngfleld, Mass. Vfolmlar Alirfdfjinontn, published by IVISOfl, DLAKEWIAH, flYLOn i CO., Noir York. IVobjtcr'l Prlmnry Cchool Clcl'y, C04 Ennravlncs. " Common SchO'.l " 74 " " lllijh School " 207 " " Acndemlo " 344 " Counting Mouoe " vdlh monf lllustra. IbflS, tt.i yalusblo tnblo net to bjf Dond elsswhsra. IMPORTANT ! The Meriden Purchasing Co., IVchI 9Icrldn, t'onu., Have Issued a most val uable Catalogue for House hold reference, containing the NUT CAHH PUICE8 at which they will sell auyot tbe pro ductions of the Celebrated Factories of Meriden, Consisting of every Conceivable pattern of Plain and Ornamental Silver Plated and Cut Glassware, , Lamps, Chandeliers and Bronzes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Scissors and Razors, The Unri valed Wilcox & White Or gans, the well-known Parker Guns, and Novelties and Specialties of many Descriptions. Persons desiring Standard Articles of Unques tionable Merit, for Weddings, Presents, Orna ments or Use, At Meriden Prices, can procure Catalogues free of charge at tbe ofllce of tbls paper, or from The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Meriden, Conn. In sending for Catalogue, or In giving an ordrl . f lease mention tbat tbe adverlsement waa seen n lus Tim us. E8TATE NOTICE; Notice is tierebyglvea tbat letters of administration en tbe estat of Alary Koush. ol Madison tp.. Perry county Pa,dec'd, have been granted to tbe undersignel. residing In same townhlup. All persons i udebted to said estate arereqnested to make immediate payment and those having elaiiiis.topregeuttbemdulyaulbeutlcattdlor set tlement. SAMUEL SHOWEB3. Admr. Jo. , 1880. MIRCC IM PROVED RIHJTBEKK PACKAGE. nirtCO TWENTY-FIVE Cl.NIi, makes Bve gallonsot a delicious and sparkling beverage. wholesome and temperate Hold by Drurptst. or sent by mall on receipt of t ent. Address C H AH. K. H1HIU, Manufacturer, I15Uarktt8t. Philadelphia, Pa. km