8 TIIK TIMES, NEW nLOOMFlKLl), PA. AV1UL 0. 1880. The Romnntla Sequel to a Tragical Story. Tne Wilmington, N. C, Star says: Our leaders doubtless remomber the trnglo occurrence Rt Lumboitoti, a' year or ao ago, reMiltliig'.ln tho death of Mr. Kd. bait man, nt the hands of Miss Amelia Llukbaw, In tho parlor of n hotel iu tlmt town, for wliloh deed of revonga hIib whs subsequently tried and aciiuitted on tlio (ilea of temporary Insnnlty, Hut, ncoord kig to the Charlotte Observer, the romance of her life doe not end here, another and pleasnuter inoldent having recently been added to a career which began In lovo and ended In tragedy. That paper continues: During the period of her confinement In the jail at Llmberton, when the only com panion sliu had was hur child, which whs born after the ennotmcmt of the tragedy, she received many letters from sympathetic persons in nil parts of the country, Among her correspondents was A man named Little, wbo.ls represented as a custom-house officer stationed at Sullivan's Island, near Charleston. . lie became deep ly Interested. In lior and wrote to her io peatedly while Bhe was In prison.- On the night the trltll was expected to close, he was on the Island, and lu at tempting to reach Charleston during the prevalence of a severe storm, that he might hear at the raillest possible moment whether she was to llvo or die, he barely escaped being lost by the capsir.lng of the boat. After the acquittal of Miss Linkhaw the correspondence was kept up, photo graphs were exchanged, and a proposal of marriage was made, and accepted. A week ago Miss Linkhaw, accompanied by her child and one of her sisters, loft Lumbertnn and proceeded to Florouce, P. ()., where she was met by Mr. Little and the marriage ceremony was quietly per formed. The three mother, child and husband thou left for Mr. Litilo's home, and here the story, for the present, stops. A Church Row. . 1'iTTSiiuno, March 21). Ilostllitleti wore renewed this morning between the two factions of the First Reformed church of this city. The anti-Woodslde faction, un der orders from the presbytery, called a congregational meeting for the elcotion of trustees aud other olUcora. The Woodslde faction attended In force ami a row en sued. The mayor and police were summoned and succeeded in restoring order before any serious datnago was done. The antl- Wood slders finally withdrew and held au elec tion at the office of their attorney. The Woodsiders organized a meeting and also held an election. The troubles In the con gregation have existed for somo months and are so complicated that it is impossi ble for outsiders to understand the situa tion. The By nod, whioh meets in May next, will be called upon to decide botween the factions. - Was It Retribution. Gordon Truesdale, who, , with his wife and family of four small girls resided near South Bend, has juBt come to a frightful end. He was an amateur phrenologist and had a passion for collecting Bkulls. Home months ago, as be confessed on his death-, bed, be went to the gravo of Sarah Tlatts, cut and tore the head from the body and k carried it off. A short time ago a swelling . appeared on his nose and soon spread all . ovor bis face and head. Medloal assistance was called and pronounced the case one of blood poisoning. Ills head soon bocame a mass of corruption and be died in great ' agony. Ills reinaius were bo offensive that they could not be prepared for burial, but were lifted into his coffin in a sheet, and the bouse cannot yet be occupied so bad is the odor pervading it. How They Hugged a Pair of Wasps. A Cheyenne mau will bet on anything. Two of 'em put up five dollars apiece on a wager that one could bold a wasp in bis hand longer than the other could, and one fellow who rubbed chloroform on his band expected to win, but the other fellow hap pened to know that the male wasps don't sting, and got one of that sex, and they grabbed their wasps and sat and smiled at each other while the crowd wondered, un til the chloroform bad evaporated, and tho fellow wbo used it suddenly let go bis wasp and let the audience into the seoret of bow to swear the shingles off the roof. tar 8ays the Fulton Democrat: " Our correspondent who seut us the marriage notice of the party married at ' Broad Top City, oa the 7ih Inst., says it was "a short and quick courtship," the young gent hav ing made bis first call on the lady whom be married, ou the afternoon of the same day ton which the ceremony, which took place in tho evening, was performed. We trust it was not a case of marrying in haste, to be repented of at leisure." The names of the contracting parties were, Silas Beuson and Rebecca McNeal, Profl't.TlOOO, " To sum Jt up, six long years of bed. ridden sickness, costing $200 per year, total $1,200 all of this expense was stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters taken by my wife. Bhe baa done her own housework for a year since, without the loss of a day, and I want everybody to know It, for their benefit." 14 St 1880. CARPETS! CARPETS! 1880. NOW IS YOCRTlMKTOPUItOIIAPK, BEI'OHK THRV ADVANCK AN IlItlllKH. JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK OP CA.RPETS, Oil j 01,,OTIIH .A.IV1 HUCSM, Of all Oracles for the BprlngTradei the Lament Assortment of Carpels Outside of 1'lilladnlpliln. 8AM II 10 L A DAJVIS, Onorn House Curpot 8 tons No. Ill North Third Street, us, II ARUISB UIIG, PENN'A. C TTRo ''ko7m.bim:6xi htkekt," . pr!JcOr,riK, uAnnisnuna, pa., TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, HALL AND STAIR CARPETINGS, Floor, Stair and Tabls OIL CLOTHS, K UOS, MA TSfMATTJNa&c, Annual Announcement of the Spring Opening of C A R JP ID TINGS, Oil Cloths and Wall Papers ! pnnV I We Invlle the Citizens of PKIt It Y to Inspect our CTRAU DUUl LAItOHnnd IIANIimJAltiHTOCK. .OlnftU We turtle, the Citizens of PKItltY to Inspect nur LAItUKaild II AN I irHIAl K STOC K. We are prepared to show the MUST ELKO ANT PKsHlNSaud I'AT TKUNa It has ever been our pitvllcge of doing, at OLD PRICES, having liml a lain" Monk on hand and boiiglit no lure tut) n cent advance. We ean safely sat that Mir stork Is the MOST COMI'I.KTK In tlilH sei-tli f Pemi-ylvuiila and wn will permit ourselves to be beaten In PKICKor QUALITY. A I'ULL ASHOHTMKNT In sit departments, with mi Hddltl il lllieot KDUNI TUKK CIIVI'.ll- INdH III Haw Hllks, (,'rntoniws, l'laln and Striped Iteps, &0..&C BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. 3 PLYS. INGRAINS. WINDOW SHABES. WALL PAPERS. 21 E. MAIN Stephens PEHBY I VEGETABLE -EE 1X2 rn; 1 PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. 1. Proprietors. 11 eow lyC Literary Revolution and Universal Knowledge. , Ail Encyclopedia in 30 Tola., over 16,000 pagoa i 10 per cent nmre matter than any Ency clopiedla ever before, published In this country, and sold, handsomely and well bound, in . cloth for J 10, in half morocco for (IS, and in nan ttusaia, gut top, lor ;u au enterprise eo extraorainary that lie success, Deyona all precedent la book publishing, may be fairly claimed to Inaugurate a Littrarv Itevtlution. The Library of Universal Knowledge la a reprint entire of the last (187V) Kdlnbnrgh edition of " Chamber's Encyclopaidla," with about 40 per cent of new matter added, upon topics of special luterest to American readers, thus aiaklua; it equal In character to any similar work, better than any other suited to the wants of the great majority of those who consult works of reference, and altogether the latest Encyclopedia In the Held. BPKCIMEN VOLUM 1 8 In either style wll be sent lor examination with privilege of return on rci'Min, oi prouoriionaie price per voiunie. PKOIAL DISCOUNTS tneaily subscribers, and extra discounts to olubs. Full particulars with descriptive catalogue of many other standard works equally low la price, sent free. Leading Principles of the AMEKICAN HOOK EXCHANUE I I. Publish only books of real value. It. Work upon the basis of present cat of making books, about one half what It wan a few years aico. III. Sell to buyers direct, and save them the 60 or 60 per cent commission commonly allowed to dealers. IV. The cost of books when made 10.000 at a time Is but a fraction of the cost when made COO at time admit the low price aud sell the large quantity. V. Use (rood type, paper. etc.. do careful printing, and. strong, neat binding, but avoid all "padding," fat and liiavll) leaded type, spoiiKy paper and gaudy binding, which are ao commonly resorted to to make books appear large aud hue, aud whluh add greatly to their cost, but do not sun to vueir value. VI. To make 41 and a SMend la better than to make to aud an enemy. STANDARD BOOKS. l ibrary of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols., 110. Mtlman'H Gibbon's Koine, 6 vols., 12.60, Maoauly's History of England. S vols., 11.80. Chamber's Cyelopediaof Eng. Llter'e.. i vols., II Kulght'a History of England, 4 vols,, ts. Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men. 3 vols ,1.50. Geikle'a Life aud Words of Chrlsr, fei cents. Young's Bible Concordance, SILIM references (preparing). 2..V. Acme Library of Biography. 60 cents Book of Kable, js,op, e'o., Illus., 60 cents. Milton's Compute Poetlrai Works, 6tl cents. Hhakespeare'a complete Works. 76 cents. Works of Dante, translated by Cary. 60 cents. Works of VIi kII. ti aiulaied by Drydeu,0 cents. Hie Koran of Mohammed, traiisl'd by Male. ac. Adventures of Don qulxole, '.llus., 50 ceuts. Arabian Muhts. Illus., 60 cents. Bunyau'a Pilgrim's Progress, Illus., CO oeots. Robinson Crusoe, Illus., 60 cents. Munchausen and Oulllver'a travels, illus., V. HUMlesand Ballad, by E T. Allien, lllia.. 60o. Acme Library of Modern Classics, 60 cents. Remit by bank draft, money order, registered may be aeut in postage stamps. Address AMERICAN HOOK JSXCHAXGE, Jons B. Aldks. Manager TRIBUNE BUILDING, NEW YORK. MATTINGS COCOA MATTING. OIL CLOTHS. STAIR RODS. MATS. & Beet RUGS, WALL STREET, PAPERS. 12 3m mm A PUIIELY VEGETABLE) HEMEDY 1011 INTERMAl AND UTtlRAl lit, Is a snr cur for all the disease Ibr which It Is recommended, and la always rEHCBVTLV BAKU In the hand of even Uia moat Inexperienced persons. It Is at inn and quick remedy for COUGHS, IORB TIIHOAT, CHILL, aud almllar troubles; flTnnl. tnatant relief In the most malignant forraa of I)lPHTHKIUA,sml U the beat known remedy for RbenmaMem and Meuralglm. Tho Oldest, Best, and Moat Widely Known Family rtfledlolne In the World. It has been vised with such wonderful tseeesa In all parta or the world for CRAMPS, CHOLBUA.DIAIUUHKA, b YS ENTER Y, and all BOWEI, COMPLAlKTa that It la considered an unfailing cure fur these dUeaaes. Has stood the test of Forty Years' Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It I RECOMMENDED by I'hjraiclane, IHIaalonarlee, Ministers, Managera of Plantation!, Vorlt-Nhops, and Factories, Manes In Hospitals In short by Uterjrbodjr, Everywhere, who haa ever glvon It a trlaJ. IT IS WITHOUT A RTVAL AS A LINIMENT. It should alwsya be used tor Pain In the Back ar-d Bide, and brings speedy and permanent relief In all cases of Uralses, Cats, Bpralns, Severe Uurns, Scalds, etc. lo family can safely be without It. It will annually save many times its cost In doctors' bills, and Its prlco brlnga it trlthln the reach of all. It la sold at asc, 60c, and SI pW bottle, and can be obtained from all druggists. prlutod on flue heavy paper, wide margins, bound American Patriotism. 50 cents. Talne'n History tf English Literature, 75 cents, Cecil's Book of Natural History II. Pictorial Handy Lexicon. 36 cents. HaylngH. by autnorof Huirrowgiuns Papers, fCc, Mrs. ileliiaus' Poetical Works. 76 cents. Kltlo'a Cyolopu-dla of Bib, Uturaiuie, 2 vols., ti. noniu s Ancient niMory, z itu HmltiraDinti.inaryof the Bible. Illus., SI. Works of Elavius. JoMiphus 12. Comio History of the Cel.. Hopkins, Illus., 60o. Health b Eterciiie. Dr. Ceo. 11. Taylor, 60c. Health for Women, Dr. Geo. H. Tavlor, 60c. Library Magazine, lucenis a No., II a year. Library Magazine, bound volumes, 60 oents Leaven from the diary of an old lawyer, 11. Each of the above bound In cloth. If by 'nail. posiage extra, siohi oi uie uooks are also puu lished lu Hue editions aud line blndings.at higher IMtcriptht Catalogue and Term to Club tent r rteon inquest. letter, or by express. Fractions of one dollar GET THE STANDARD 1 "The best anllinriiv if n,,..i,i i. ........ Library, also in every Aendemy and In every r)iihiwii,"lloii. Chin, rfiimnpr. i ne oust existing KngiinH LexInon'-London Atheuii'uin. A PHLLUSTRATED QUARTO A LA ltd It, ItANHROMK VOLlIMRof !,! ngM, n .MII1-.1MW' i;it inoir MIRD l'O,0l.U Words in lis Vocabulary, with the correct I'ronutiolkllon, lii'llnltlou, and Etymology, i''nlf tlhmtititteil mvl trnnhrtilgtvi tHlh Mwr Full wye iwimunwcrt i-uuei, i.urwu iwi, iturHnt AVfiM. Ill) (si, Willi Heulson'i Patent Itf-ndy Keferencs Index, l W AlllllVIOIIHl, t I WORCESTER' Is now regnrded as IlinHi nndarit Authority. and Is so rneotiiineiiili'd hv lb yant Lufnllow, Whlttlcr Hiiinner, lliiliiies, Irving, Wliilhron, Agnssln, MiuhIi, lleury, Kveicit. Mann, HIiiIihiis, Nullify, Eelton. Illlilard. ivli'iiiniliiui.r. anil In. IwhIiIm ri..,. OKiilinl as aulliiirliy by tlm licpiu tinenis of our Nalloiuil GovKriiiiipin. It Is also adopted by liuiiiy of the Hoards of Pulillo liisiruiitlon. " Hie bnit Engllli wrlliirs and the must nartln. Illar Amnrlrlttl wrltnra nan Wlllll'Kal'kll tl.ulr utliiillti,"iV. '. 1nrnlil. "Aflwronr reeent strike we made ths change to Villt('-.HI Kit as our authority In aliening, elilellv to bilngoiirselVHs Into oonfoi mliy with the accf.plPd uuagH. as well as to gratify the desire of most ol our Hiall.' V, V. Ti-lbunn. ' The VolllltlflN hnful-A ll alt.iw A vnuf amAiitit nf dlllgencei but. with IrWmnrlt Is dillg.'iicn In com- iiinaiioii niiu lanniiiiiiinss. Willi worntMrr, lit coinlilniillon Willi good sense and Judgment WOKCKH I'KH'H Is Ihn soberer and Siller book, and may lie pronounced thn Hint erMlnn Jngllth lex icon l.onilun Allieiiiiiiini, THKCOMPLkTk HKRtKRO" WOltCKHTKIlH DICIiONAUIllS. Quarto Dli-Uonnry. Profusely Illustrated. Libra. rv ilieep. iin.io. trnlivrmU unit VriUcal Dictionary. Hvo, Library Hlier-p. l 26 4c(iiflini(! jj(c(fotir, llliistratpd. Crown dvo. half Koaii, II H6 ttomiirehnntti VhUnnnry. Illustrated. 12mo. Half Koan. II 76. Svhout Ihtummtrirp) Dictionary. Illustrated. ioio nan noan. vi.isi, P tmnry Dictionary, Illustrated. Mmo. Half Koan. An cents. Pocke.lDlHlonn.ru. lllnstritted. Zlnio. Cloth, 03 cents; itoaii. Flexible, H cents i ltnaii, Tucks, iiii noges, si uu. Many speeinl aids lo stndeiils, In addition to a Vni'V foil liroillllltlflllltr lllll flMllltllitf vtmuhitliif V inaKH Worcester's in the opinion of our most dlHlliiffuhdieil educators, the most niimolnlA. ss well as by far the cheapest Dictionaries of our languaite. " It follows from this with unerring accuracy that Worcester's Dictionary, being preferred over an oiners oy Nciioiars anil men oi it'liem, suoiini be used by the youth of the country and adopted ill I he common schools." N. Y. Hvcnini; font. 14 , For sain by nil Booksellers, or will be sent, carriage ireo, on receipt oi me price ny J. II. LirriM'OTT & CO., PuUlthtn, Ilookmlltm and UtaUoncrt, 715 and 717 Market HI., riilludilplilif alll K undersigned would respectfully call the . attention ol the citizens of Perry county, tnal lie lias a large ami won (.elected siock oi llAltnWAItR. G HOC Kit IKS, IJHUIJH. WINKS & LltjUGUH, 1HON. NAILS, HOUSE and MULE SHOES, BTKKL. IltON AXLKH, SPKINGI4. HPOKKH, II 1IIW, I'ELUIKH. BIIAKTH. POLKS & BOWS. 1IKOOM II ANDLICS, W1UK. TWINES, &fl. Al so, Paints, Oil, GlriHH, Plaster, mid Cement. HOLE, CALF, KIP and Vri'EK LEATHER FISH SALT. HUO AltS. SYRUPS. TKAS.SPICKS, hiuauuu, uiuajib, ana bhiiu uiiali. John Lucas & Co')., MIXED 1'AIXTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. And a large varletvof roods not mentioned 11 of which were boiniht at the Lowest Cash Prices and be offers the same to his Patrons at the Very l-owest Prices for Cash or anurnved trade. His motto Low prlcca.aiid Fair dealings to an. no anil see nun, Respectfully. H. M. BHULKK, Liverpool, Perry Co. r, 1880. Harper 8 Young People ILLUSTRATED. The evils of sensational literature for the younirare well known, and the want of an antidote has long been fell. This Is sup plied by "Harper's Young People," a beauti fully Illustrated weekly Journal, which Is equally devoid of the objectionable features of sensational Juvenile literature and of that moralizing tone which repels the youthful reader. The Volumes of the Young People" begin with the flret Number, published in November of each year. When no time is mentioned, It will be understood that the subscriber wiabes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Tear, ft 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR, 4 oo The THREE above-named' publica tions, One Year, ... 10 00 Any TWO above named, One Year, 7 00 HARPER'S YOCNO PEOPLE, one year. 1 50 Postage Free to all subscribers la the U. S. or Canada. IKD UCEMETVTSfor 1880 OXLT Thirteen numbers of " Harper's Youig Pjo pie" will be furnished to every yearly subscri ber to "Harper's Weekly" for 1880 ; or, " Harper's Young People" and Harper's Weekly" will be sent to any address for one yeart commencing with the first Number of " Harper's Weekly" for January, 1880, on re ceipt of i 00 for the two Periodicals. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address nARPER BROTHLRS, X. Y. SSiGNEE'S SALE lit VALUABLR HEAL ESTATE. By virtue of nn order of the Court of, Common IIIIIMIlt. fill1 tllU llltllMltt. lit tltuilll.ifai ,lll i""" """"'"I "III Qftl'USV pulillo uiitmy, un the prrtmnefv, on TUESDAY, AntlL Olli, 18 HO, At 12 o'clock m., of id dnjr. a VALUABLE FAUM situate In Liverpool township, containing 110 Acres, mid 110 rcichc. of well Improved laud, havlhg thereon erected a Urge two story 1'ltAIUK HOUSE, Frame HANK HA UN anil other Outbnllillnirs. Also, on WKDNKHDAY, APIUL 7th, 18H0, at 12 o'clock in., In the borough of New Buffalo, tf Loin of Ground, numbered In the general plan of said borough as LlilM Nil, ill il ttnanrfUl ...Ihh , ....... ..... . ., . . , n,,,, .!(. III., wul, VI UUICU a two-alory KRAMB HOUSE, Kit AM E IIAKN, and other Improvements. TRHMSi Ten percent, of purchase money on IIV 1,1 aul.l ,lt,M lit. ,1 ... Iialm....... ...I ..,.f ... n,.,.' , .'no-.,,, ,. w, uniniliT M tTIMIIII IIIHVIOII of sain, mid the remainder on the lit, day of April, imi. io uo aucureu ujr juugiiieiit uolius, Willi in terest. , u... . .. WILLIAM LOKOR, .1. C. M Al hler, att'y. AMslgnee, March l;l, IHku, ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUAIILK HEAL ESTATE. lly virtus of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry couiilv, Ca., the uudiirsfgned as sign eof Wm. II KaulTuian, will sell by outcry on the premises, ou WEDNESDAY, April 7th, 1880, at ID o'clock a.m., of said day, the following de scribed real estate, to wit: A Tract of Land, sltuntfl In Madison township. Perry county, Pa., located on the public ro ul running from lleale town to Sandy lllll. and bounded on the North by land of D. U Oirlai J-.iint and Month by lands of Joseph D. Ilryner, and ou the West by laud of (leo. Uench, containing a 3 A CUES, more or less, having thereon erected a two story t:. Stone Dwelling House. J4J"' BANK BARN, and other out buildings, '1 here is a stream of running water near the buildings, and a wtll of good water at the house. It lias all the conveniences ol churches, school Iioiis, stores, shops, &c. ai d Is a properly well woithy the ntieutlou of purchaser, TERMS OF WALE. TEN percent of the purchase money to be paid when the property Is stricken down 1 one third of tne balance at the time of continuation of sale when possession will be given and the deed delivered! and 1 lie balance on April 1st, IHHl.tobo secured by Juilxiuent bond bearing Interest from date of oonnrniatlon of sale. J. X. HOlllNMON. Assignee. March. 13, lm DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLEK, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Strlckler) NEW BL00MFIEL1), TENN'A. HAVIffO succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Strickler In the Drug Huslness at his Store-room, on MAIN HTKEKT, two doors Kast of the Big Spring. I will endeavor to make It In every way worthy the patronaxe of the public. Personal and .it ret attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Physi cians' presclptluns. no as to Insure accuracy and guard against accidents. It K A II I AT !ttIM that my stock has been recently selected snd care taken to have everythina; ..f the BK8X QUALI TY. The public may rest assured that ALL med icines tuat leave my store shall be as represented -PUKK aud UNADULTKHATKD. I HATE CO.VSTASTLY 05 HAJCD II A IK OIL and POMADES IIAIK. TOOTH and NAILBRUSHES. 8UKOKON8. TOILKT, and CABKIAOE BPONGKK. PUKK B.JXK8. TOILET POWDKBS, CA8T1LK and FANCY oOAPS. PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Medi cines of every description. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, die. OR ANC1E3, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. Pure Wines and Liquors for Hedlclaal Purposes. Terms, Strictly Cash. By strict attention to baslnesa. I hope to mert the countfeuce and favor of the public. JACOB STRICKLEK, Ph. O. April K,179. . E8TATK NOTICE-Notlee Is hereby giv en, that Letters of Administration on the emate of David Oelb, late of Marysville. Perry county, Pa .deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In tne same pla;e. All persons Indebted to -aid, estate are requested to make payment, aud those having claims will present them duly authenticated to the under alxued for aettleinent without delay. HAMUELO. UfclB, Admlostrator. March 16, li8a Cms. H. 8mm, Att'y N EW WAGON SHOP. THR undersigned hiving opened a WHEELWRIGHT SHOP, NEW BLOOMFIELD, are now prepared todo any kind of work In their line, In any style, at prices which cannot tail lo give satisfaction. Carnages of all styles built and all work will be warranted. 8TODFFEB ft CBI9T. New Bloomfleld, April 23, 1ST.