THE TIMES NEW BLOOMFIELD, l'A.. Al'lUIi 0,1880. THE TIMES. New Bloomfleld, April (t, 1880. NOTIUK TO ADVERTISERS. Wo Oat nrHlxrmits'p will br Inserted lnttali piper Union. llprhtfoend on metal bus. tTr"TwMity per cent. IneTeess of rerntsr rates, will be ohsnred for advertisements set In iiouhle Column. Mr. J H. Bl' bs, Newspaper Advertlslna; Ag't, 41 Park How. (Times Hulldlnft), New York, is au thorlted to contract for advertisements for this paper at our best rates. ROTtCR TO Hl'IlHClUnEItH. I.onk t the lUiires on the Isbel of your paper. Those Ihrurm tell von the rtnt in irlilcli yon r sub. ri-lpllon ) nnlit. Within a week, slter money Is ant, in If ths date la changed. No other receipt ta neoeaaarr. The house committee on ways and means hat decided to recommend that paper be placed on the free Hat. Dobino Gen, Grant's reception at Houston, Texas, on Monday night, the gas was turned off in the streets, and on the previous night guns to be used In firing a salute were Bplked. The FniLAWELriitA, Evening Star, is one of our favorite exchanges. It is al ways full of news, served up in a brief readable form, and is always reliable. Probably, these facts account for its large and rapidly growing circulation. Tiie Bkibeuy cases are given addi tional interest from the fact that all the convicted persons who were to be sen tenced on Monday of last week failed tJ appear and left the State. Mr Ketnble y?P.H? P?w Yk Instead of Harris burg, and Is, at the time this Is written, in Atlantic City though not only his Whereabout is known but the present stopping place of the others, so far no steps have been taken to uphold the majesty of the law, except to declare their bail forfeited. Labor Troubles In Louisiana. The labor troubles in St. John's par ish La., la continuing. Gov. Wiltz has ordered a battalion of militia under Ma jor II. B. Pleasants to the scene of dis tuibance. It is said that the strikers are not content with stopping work them selves, but have assumed the right to Interfere with others who are willing to work, and in many cases have seized and whipped laborers who refuse to obey the commands of the strikers. A Remarkable Scene at an Execution. Washington, April 2. James Mad ison Wyatt Stone, a mulatto, about 30 years of age, was hanged in the jail yard this afternoon for the murder of his wife on the night of October 6th, 1878. The gallows was 20 feet high,with a platform ten feet square and a drop of about 5 feet. At 1.10 P. M., the noose was placed about Stone's neck, with the knot under his left ear. The signal was then given and the drop fell. The body fell to the ground, and it was supposed flie head had slipped through the noose, but in an instant the head, which had been en tirely severed from the body, fell from the noose, about four feet from the body. Blood spurted from the body and spat tered the beams of the gallows, but in two minutes all muscular action had ceased. The head was picked up by a physician. The face appeared placid, and the lips moved as if about to say something. Terrific Explosion, The Altooua Tribune says : Last even ing about 7:30 o'clock the people in the vicinity of Twefth street bridge were startled by a tremendous explosion, which in a few minutes was followed by a second one more violent than the first. In the yard about opposite Eleventh street stands a brick one story building in which is situated a small engine and several gas tanks. The engine is used to pump illuminating gas from the city works and store it in reservoirs under heavy pressure, to be run into the tanks on the passenger cars. Last evening one of the men smelt escaping gas, and in order to find where it came from lighted a match and began to run it along the pipes. In an instant the whole room was filled with flames and its four or five occupants were thrown against the walls and celling. The floor was ripped up and the force of the explosion seemed to come from there although there is said to be no cellar. Three of the men, D. W. Dlven, Johu Stutzman and Thomas Hammill, all company employes, and nil residents of Harrls burg, were badly burned about the face and bands, and one of them bad his leg badly bruised by being thrown against the ceiling. Fibber, the engineer, was also slightly injured. The second ex plosion Mew the two side brick walls out and fft the whole end of the bouse on Are. A New Hoax. The Couyers Weekly, of Georgia, says: Quite an interesting little afluir took place on Mill street the other eve ning. 1 1 was a little past sunset, when a person, seemingly a very old woman, came limping up to the house of one of our best citizens on said street. She passed through the gate, and when ac costed at the door, by "What do you wlshr1" said: " I have Just been thrown from my buggy and nearly killed, and my old wan is lying just down the road yonder, with the old horse upon him, and unless he Is moved he will be dead in a few minutes." The women folks were all out, and the citizen put off at a two-forty rate to re lleve the supposedly Buffering old man', leaving the old woman in the house alone. He soon found that it was all a hoax, and returned to find a dilapida ted old dress aud bonnet lying In the hall, and a long, lean tramp moving through the back gate, with about half of his Bupper and his best coat. He gave chase, but to no purpose. The residence of Mr. Charles B. Easly, formerly of Allegheny City, but now a resident of Edenburg, Lawrence county, caught fire about 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon of last week, and was burned to the ground. The cause was a defective flue". Nearly all the con tents were saved. The loss was about $3000. At a sale oT personal property of Andrew StaufTer, in Marlborough twp., Montgomery county, a few days ago, there was a large gathering and two young women fell out over some Blan derous words applied by one to the oth er. They clinched and in a few minutes both were lying on the floor in a furious embrace, when the spectators of the sterner sex interfered and prevented bloodshed. At the saw-mlll of W. II. Gay & Co. last week a large log was placed on the carriage and the saw set a going, when all of a sudden there was a crash, a striking of fire and a demolished saw. An examination showed that a piece of a shell fired during the war had been imbedded in the tree, the bark had grown over the wound and no outward sign remained. The saw was very bad ly damaged. Suffolk, Va., Herald. Fond of Relics. An instance of the love of many peo ple for things morbid was shown at the auction sale of the property of a murder ed man in Ohio on Saturday week. Four chisels and a hatchet brought $10 ; pic tures of Brown, his wife and her guilty paramour brought $20, and other things in proportion. All the personal effects sold for nearly a $1,000. Almost every thing was bought as a relic. At the con clusion of the sale the crowd overran the premises, tearing nearly all the shin gles off the house, and cutting off pieces of the fence and barn as relics. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C, March 81, 1880. There has been an appearance of busi ness in the House lately, aud the appropri ations Committee has showed signs of life. The Consular and Diplomatics appropria tion bill was passed yesterday Just as it come from the committee. The only de bate of interest, was on a proposition of Mr. JJlaokburn to dispense with the ser vices of Foreign Ministers, to compel them to remain at thoir posts, &o, all of which were talked over in a lively maimer. Probably there will be greater activity in Congress during the next few weeks than at Buy time since the fii'Bt ten days of the session. It will be remembered that the House some days siuce agreed to a "rider" on a deficiency appropriation bill by which the special deputy Marshals election Marshals should be elected from the various po litical parties. This "rider" the Republi can Senators will oppose to the bitter end. Without expressing an opinion as to the desirability of dividing up these or any other i Ulcers among the parties, I cannot help expressing a hope that the subject w ill bo fully discussed, and In that case the rider will be defeated. My reason for this is that the political affairs have no proper place in these or any other bills. We ought not, under any circumstances, to legislate for party advantage. In purely Presidential matters, there seems in the last week to have beeu a rise in the Grant stock in the South, and of the Blaine stock in the East and West. The Grant men are making great endeavors to capture Iowa and Kansas. But the Blaine men seem to be in the majority. An im mense silout strength is claimed for Grant. But we fear it will never make Itself felt or heard. Iluueock stock has taken a rise, especially in the South, and his friends hope that before the Convention meets in Juue, that Tilden himself, will be a Han cock man. Secretary Sherman has gone to Ohio, but the man who is capable of suspecting that this trip has any connection with his presidential scheming, hns no appreciation of that high sense of public duty which is the mainspring of all Mr. Shermau's acts. Mr. Wood gave notice in the House yesterday that as soon as the pending appropriation, aud the Indian bill were through, be would call up his refunding bill. Olivk. SlIgcellHueoas News Items. tW Laborers digging a well near Birm ingham, Ala., the other day struck a coal oil spring, and petroleum is now bubbling up at the rate of nluety barrels a day. tW Three brothers- named Barnes are under arrest at Worcester, Mass., for a long series of burglaries in the neighboring towns. A large amount of stolen property has been recovered. E3T" A four-year-old son of Mrs. Frank Dale, of Kane, blew himself up with mutches and au old powder-keg which was supposed to ba empty, and a three-year-old in Milton died fiora the effects of drinking hot coffee from the spout of the pot. W The coat miners of Clinton, after being out ou a .strike for about seven weeks, resumed work on Monday without receiving the advauoe which they struck for. This is the virtual end of the ooal miner's strike In the Sbenango valley. Chicago, Maroh 29. W. M'Manus, formerly a Catholic priest in Canada, who was confined In the Madison street police station last nlghtjWhlle under the Influence of liquor, was found doad in bis cell this morning. tSf A verdiot was rendered the other day in the Armstrong county court against a saloon keeper, in the sum of $350, for selling liquor to a man, by which he be came intoxicated, and from the effects of whiofi be was subsequently crippled for life. tSf The taru of lames Robinson, in Sbenango township, was burued last week. Twelve head of cattle, three horses, nine tons of hay, 825 bushels of oats and all his farming utensils were destroyed. The iu surance is reported at only $230. tW Henry C. Johns, a Titusville fttlor ney, convicted of false pretences id the court at Meadville, Pa.,' was on Tuesday sentenced to the county jail for three months, to pay a fine of f 250, and to have his name stricken from the roll of attor neys. H3T Waynesburg, Greene county, was visited by a violent tornado on Saturday night. Thirteen or fourteen buildings, including the Court-house, were damaged. Ilend-gtoues and monuments in the ceme tery were displaced, and water was thrown out of the creek. Tife damage amounts to over five thousand dollars. t3f A man in Parkersburg Montgomery county, Iowa, had a ohild Bick with diph theria, and having read that milk was a good absorbent of impurities and'jpbisdnbrrs gases, he kept a pan of milk hear the child's bed for forty-eight hours, when be put it out upon the porch, where his pet dog got hold of it, ate it, and died, as he supposes, from the poison-charged milk. tW Miss RoBenborry wanted to marry Mr. Deputy, at Seymour 4nd., but her fa ther commanded her to marry Mr. Bowers, aud appointed a day for the wedding. On the eveuiug before she secretly became Mrs Deputy. She was ou hand for the other ceremony, however, and it proceeded smoothly as far as the question whether any body objected, when Mr. Deputy re marked that he bad an objection a trill ing one, which he felt some reluctance about mentioning the lady was his wife. Cbarlos A. Tbilo owns the City Plan-ing-mills in Bradford. The other morning be appeared with a terrible tale, how be had been chloroformed and robbed during the night by a thief, who had bored a hole through the wall near the head of his bed and dropped a sponge over his face. Ills creditors put two aud two together and made a great deal more out of them than Mr. Tbilo supposed. They found that some of the augur-holes bad been bored through from the inside ; that the wallet from which $4000 had been stolen could not have held so much, even In bills of the largest denomination, aud. that Tbilo owed a great deal more than he could pay. He has been held in $3000 for further examination. Magazines for April. PETEKSON'S MAGAZINE for April Is already on our table, atiead as usual. Every month, almost, this popular lady's book has some special attractlou. For nearly thirty years " Peterson" has held a front rank as a lady's book, and for excelle nee In every depart ment and cheapness it Is without a rival. Specimens are sent, gratis, with full particu lars, to those wishing to pet up clubs. It Is never too late to get up clubs. Back numbers from January inclusive can, If desired, he supplied. Address, Chas. J Petekhon, 306 Chestnut 8t. Philadelphia, Pa. GODEY'8 LADY'S BOOK for April opens with a most charming scene from " The Ranger," a gronp of three graceful rualdons, the laughing faces of two throwing Into strong contrast the sad countenance of the third. It is one of Darley's happiest efforts. The fash ions are tempting euouh to coax all the dol lars from ho purees of the fair sex to array them for April's capricious sunshine) and mothers will find the boy's salt in the diagram a blessing In Its simplicity and comfort. The literary contributions are fully up to the blgh standard of excellence, the publishers seem determined to maintain. We will furnish the, Timis and Godey's Lady's Book for one year at the low price of $3.00, on application at this office. Church Notices. Servloes In the M. E. Church Suuduy next, at 10f A. M., Sunday School at 0 A. M. Prayer meeting Sunday and Thursday evenings. Also, preaching at Mount Gllead at 2i P. M. Ixuullsburg at 7 P. M. Presbyterian Church Preaching at li a, ju.. ana r. ju.Baubath Hciiooi at 9i A. M. Prayer meeting ou Wednes day evening at i o ciock. Still Alive I-I am still alive and ready to cut and fit suits in good style. If wanting any work In my line, give me a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samuel Bentzel, . TAILOR, April 0, ' New Bloomlleld, Ta. A False Report. It having been re ported by Interested parties that I have retired frem the Marble business, I take this method to inform my friends and the public generally, that the report is false, and that I am prepared to manufac ture from American or Italian Marble, Tomb Stones of every description, at low rates. tW My Shop Is1 situate In Centre twp., two miles East of Bloomfleld, on the road leading to Duucannnn. Call, or address Daniel G. Fickes, New Bloomfleld, Perry Co., Pa. 15 8m The Largest Book Published. The new edition of Webster's Unabridged Dic tionary, just Issued, Is believed to be, in the quantity of matter It contains, by far the largest volume published. It now contains about 118,000 words defined, and nearly 15,000 words und meanings not found in any other one dictionary. The Biographical Dictionary, just add ed, supplies a want long felt by the read er and student, In giving the desired in formation so briefly.. Never was any volume so complete as an aid In getting nn eaucauon. Select School The Second Session of the Shermansdsle Select School will open July 12, 180. Jno. L. M'Carkey, 15 3t Principal. Notice. A special meeting of Ihe members of " The Pennsylvania Mutual aid Society of Newport," Pa., to vote upon certain amendments to the Char ter and By-Laws of said Society, will be held at " Miller's Hotel" Newport, Per ry Co., Pa., on THURSDAY, April 7th 1880, between the hours of 8 and 6 P. M. By order of the Board, 8. W. Fleming, Bec'y 12 3t NEWPORT FLOUR. The undersigned, proprietor of the NEWPORT MILLS, has completed his extensive improvements and now feels confident that he can make the BEST FLOUR in Perry County, and will sell at Rates that the poorest may buy. He is very particular in the wheat he buys, and has the Only Smith Purifier In the County. ITb1s also Agent lor the Un derwood Patent Flouk, which is the best flour in the World. SW All kinds of Custom Work done with precision and dispatch. C3m MILTON B.KSHLEMAN. Dress Making In Dunoannon. . Miss C. Daniels has opened a Dress Making Room in Mr. Henry Stevenson's tailor shop, (up stairs) and hopes the ladies of this town and vicinity will give her a call. Duncannon, Feb. 11, 1880. A Full line of Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Shirts, Overalls etc., at Marx Dukes & Co., Newport, Pa. Xot Correct ! It having been reported that I was about to discontinue business at 1CKESBUKG, Perry County, Pa., I beg leave to correct the state ment. I shall continue to sell new work, such as BUGGIES, CORN-PLANTERS, Ac. Repairing of every description done at short notice and at Reasonable Prices. Particular attention paid to repairing Corn-Planters. USt WM. H.UENOER80N. White Bed Spreads. An assortment varying in price from $1.00 to $4.00 at Mortimer's. Fancy Brown 8pre ads. Very Hand some, at $1.09 cents each. F. Mortimer, New Bloomfleld, Pa. Satchels, Valises, and Trunks at Mortimer's. Western Union Telegraph connecting with all parts of the world. Otlice at New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build ing. tf Potatoes for sale, by F. Mortimhr. Fhcculx Pectoral will cure your Cough. Phoenix Tectoral cures Hoarseness quickly. Phoenix Pectoral tastes good and brings resL Phoenix Pectoral costs 25 cents pr bot..B bottles H. 21y Sold by B. M. EBY, I uggist, Newport Notice to Farmers. Kunkel the Photo grapher, takes twelve finely finished I'hotogrophs rornrty cents in Mr. MacB ett's Building, Centre Square, Bloom fleld. Pa. Fourjarge Tintypes for twenty -fiv cents, at Kunkel's Uaiiery. TESTATE NOTICE Notice Is harebv eiven JEj that letters testamentary on the estate of Philip Light, late of tiarroll twp.. Perry Co., rn.. uec u.,iiTe uern k1 ieu fc iiiimci niguuu residing at tjbermansdale. Perry County, Pa. All Demons Indebted to said estate are reouest- ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JACOB MOUT. Executor. March 30, 'SO. Chas. ii. 8milxy, Att'y. JHE ST. ELMO HOTEL, 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, . PHILADELPHIA, has reduced the rates to PEIl DAV. The hleh remitatlnn of the house will b BialB' talned In all resuects. and the traveling: public will still Hud the same liberal provlsiou lor their comiori. The house been recently refitted, and Is aom. Dlete in all its aDuoiiitinuuts. Located In the irq. mediate vicinity of the large centres of business and of places of amusement, and accessible to all Railroad depots and other parts of the City by Hlreetcars constantly passing its doers, it oReis sHclal Inducement? to those visiting th City oa Business or pleasure. JOS. H. FEUEB, Proprleter. is Wilt Hi od al last 18x81 feet of solid room filled with all the latest novelties in Sprint Goods Our new addition to our room has just been finished, making us the largest store in the coun ty. In addition to our large line oi . " Clothing, Hats and Caps, Fancy Goods, &o. wo have a full and complete line of s Dry Goods, Boots ahd Shoes, Carpets and Oil Cloths, being all Fresh Stock and bought at lowest Cash figures. We will as heretofore hold the lead in low prices. Largest stock ; best styles, and lowest prices is what we always claim. Orders by mail promptly filled. MARX DUKES & CCVS., Successor to ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. TJ1ANCY Goods and Notions, Some new ar rivals. Cheap. F. MORTIMER, TtfOMIE Cloths and other Dress Goods in va- rlous styles. F. MORTIMER. o IT., cloths tor Floors, Carriages and lanies. i rices low. F. MORTIMER. R AI I NS , CIT RONS.and a full assortment Bplces. Warranted pure. F. MORTIMEtt. TKTMMINO SILKS, a nice line of Drew Buttons, Uibbdns, &o. F. MORTIMER. I HON A HTEF.T, In a great assortment of Shapes aud Sizes. F, MORTIMER. M ENS' 81IIKT8. In various qualities, come ana see styles ana price. F. MORTIMER. E M BROIDERIES. EDGINGS, INSERT- iiNua, ana omer trimmings. F. MORTIMER. R KMNANTS of PRINTS of these we have a- large quantity In good styles. In addition to the above (roods we have a nice as-ortmentvf Ladles Neckties. Corsets, German towH Varn. Zephyrs, Shoes lor Ladies and Chil dren, and thousands of other articles. F. MOKTIMKR, New Bloom fleld Fa. NEW EDITION. W,VJ WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. 1323 Paces. SOOO Eacraviacn. rovit r.4ci:s coioT.r.n i-LA.7i.Tt. Containing a r7T7?T.y?"7r7 of "wet 4C00 KET7 Y7CE.D3 end Uconlng, ALSO, A NEW Eiosraphical Dictionary or over 070ft KAMES. PICTOHIAI. DETHHTIOITS. For t ho crest aid rendorod by pictures in da flnini;, locU at tho pictures under the tallowing word? In Wobstcr.cnch illustrating and 'terming tho uumber of words ami turma uumed : Beef, page Ii0,.-.1U Moldings, p. 8Mr.10 Boiler, p. 14S,..tT Phrenology, tur.3T C;iTlo,p. U3 - 84 Karelin, p. Kibsi..14 Colnmn, p. 2i3-.20 Shlpit, p. 1-1J.J10 t:ye, p. 088,.. 11 btonm Engine. ..SO 12orao,.p. tia,......45 Tlinbont, p. lsm,..U Making 343 words and terms defined by tho rleturoi under aboye 13 words In Webster's InnbrldRed, fur lietter than could bo done by nnv dellnilion clvon In word. U llieroany Loiter nld than Webster to help a family to booomo intelligent! ALSO H::;7ls flaTiona Pictorial DicTioi:r.r. 100 rages Octavo. COO Engravings. 4 a. & C. LlEnniAU. ruUinhcrs.BpringueU, Mass. V7oTster Alrllcoat3, published by IVi;ON, OLAUCMAN, TAYLOn & CO., New York. rjehcJcr'a Prlmarv Cchcc! defy, EC Cnc'laC " Coamo ScnK.I 74 " hVvh School c:7 AraHi.mifi 344 " ' ' Comtma Hcusa " v.lth aany hiuttra- Comtino, Hcusa ic. j, B-'OWJiEot :cn iiii:c.nsisti: 7 At 'vj