THE TMIiS, NEW UL00MF1EL1). PA., MAIM III 30, 1880. Professional Curds. JR. JUNKIN. Attorney-at taw, New llloninllelii. I'errveo.. Ve -Ortloe Netl door to the residence efdudge AM. MARKKL,, Now H iiolllllelil. t'nl i v enlllltv. Pa MJ'" OiBee opposite the Mansion House, aud leruo doors east 01 the Post-UUlce. J-BWIS VOTXKll, " Al'I'UUN KY AT LAW, NEW BLUOMFIELD, I'EHRV (JO., PA. Claims promptly aemtred collected Writings and all legal business carefully ntlend t to. 6i yl IIIAHI.KH It. HMILKV. Attorney at Law. J New lllnomlleld, Perry Do. Pa. "OMoe two doors e.ut of Joseph Hmllh's hotel. August 2, 187a. I'M. A. HI'ONHI.EH. Attornevat-Law. Olllee adlolnlnn hi residence, on Rasf Main street, New Hloomlleld,l'erryeo., I'a. 8H ly "irM. N. flKIHKKT,, VV New Bloomaeld, ferry UloomriHld,3 33lT. rKWIs POTTKK, kotart public, New Bloom (........ (1.. tin Deeds, Hoods, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgments taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and oertllted, will also lake depositions to he rei.d In auyoourt In the United Htates. Tlilly CHAU. J.T.MuINTIRK,, J New Hloomflnld, Perry eo., Pa. "Allprofesslonnlhusluesspromptlyandfalth fully attended to. 3 2 It. VITAL . TVIOItHISsON, Y .1 IMTICK OK Til K PR Af'K and GENERAL OOlifjKOTOlt, NkwOehmantown, 1'nrryeo., Pa. -ltemlttanoswlllhe iSade promptly for all Collections made. 744 OIIA8. A. BARN KTT, Attorney, New Bloomtleld.Periycn.,Pa IVOItlnp on high street, North side, nearlynp poults the Presbyterian Church. 8 Sly M. L. LUXIBTT. AtT'HINKV-AT-I.a w, Newport, I'erru Oiuntt). Pa. Having nernvtnently located at Newport, will Kite prompt and careful attention to all bust ness matters committed to his care. . oilloe, No. s;i North Second Street. Newport, April 2P 1878. D KR. M. ALEXANDER, SURGEON DENTIST, New BloomOeld, Terry County, Pa. ' Office on Carlisle, Bt.,one door Booth of J. R. and Judge Jtinkln'a law oillce. Kverythlng belong ing totlie profession done In the best, manner. All Woiik Wahhahtru. Terms moderate. 2s 0. P. BOLLINGER, M. D., having located In Newport, offers Ills Profes. slonal services to all who may need them . Chronle diseases of erery description cured. . onice In Dr. Bhatto's building, tth Btreet March 4, 1878. I OLD AND RELIABLE, I JDb.' Banford's LivEn IimoonATortJ Sis a Standard Family Remedy for nd Bowels. It is Puroly jtigxt Vegetable. It never (Debilitates It is SCathartic and ?onio. taw fMjP Invigoratoi lias noen ui in my practic by tho public,; tlinn 35 rears. 5 with unprecedented results. V SEND FOR CIRCULAR.' M.n..i,?J?5?DwT fivi ... wni.i v.., ,,,, njw J AM DRCOGIST WILL TELL VOL ITS IlKI'l TATION. June 24, 1879. POITTZ'S HORSE AU3 CATTLE POWD! :rs iCm anre orurcrftnt Clieitpil. Vo IToTtf k will die of Col io, Boti or Lcno Fx Fauts's PowdcniBre nt.i In time. Foutz'B Powi'.crawlilcuro ruifl prevent! loo Cbolxra. Fontsi Powr'.rm H'lll prrvent Oahe iw Kowia FouU'i Powder will Inn.ixwo tli qimnttl of nillfc nd cream tneuiy per ccuu and tuake tlie butter firm .and Bwrct. ' Foutz ' Powdfr will car or prevent lmot ctiut .Dtbxabk to which Hon( ani Cattle tiro nVj- t. FOUTZ'ft POVI)KB WILIi OLTB SATISFACTION. gold fiverywlifre. liAVID JB. TOUTS. Proprietor, BALTIWOlii;, ltd. For Sulft hv 8. B. Smith. New Bloom field ffenyCoanty, Ia. 4 ly A WEEK In your town, and no capi tal risked. Vou can give thebiisluess a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those ivilltng to work. Vou should try nothing else until you see for your self what vou can do at the business we ofler. "No room to explain here. "You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the busiuesH, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women can nialte as much as men. Send for steelal private terms and particulars which we mall free. $5 Oulnt free. bon't complainof hard times while you have such a chance. Address LL HALXUIT CO.,Port land.Mame. 01y Don't you want somecheap foods for Pants and 8uilst f you do, don't fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F MOKTIMKK. You is h suit yourself In style and trui-i ft IB . " S 2 El I & i Ik mi fit ft l A III PLV m n hi Eii n a i. ISBu tor moro imp. price. tr"' "t Philadelphia AdrertlNomonls Koaily Mixed Paints ! JUCAS' HEADY MIXED PAINTS ! NOWATRtt.NO CHEMICALS, HO BENZINE, BUT A PUKE IAIIT, HEADY 1' OK USE. Hiimplo 0hIn. 80 11EAUT11UL KHAIIEM OP .PALM BKNT Br" MAIL. ITIH 1'ITT ONMKR OTIIKIt PAINT. MADE WITH 1.KA1) A Nil 111 I,. VIZ ! NK'HLY UlttlHHKIt OUT. NOT K LOWED ON LIKE WATKIt 1'AIMT. rr&rsr it, And Ifou Will I'roye It to bo tho llent Liquid I'ulut In the Market. .JOHN LUCAH Ac CO., Philadelphia, MANUFAUTU1IEHH OF SwIbs und Imperial French (ireon, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c l-Sr For Biihiple Cards apply to F. Mortl mer, Now Uloomlluld, l'a., 0r to John Lucas A Co., l'ulladulplila. EIGLER&SWEARINGEN SuoooBsors to 8H AFFN Elt, ZIEULER A CO.. Importers and Dealers In HoNlery, Cloven, Itlbbonn, NunpeiiderN, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Comb. . KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON ft Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Mo. 80S MARKET BTREKT, PHILADELPHIA, T 1 gowER, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK ISOOKK Always on band, ana madete Order. Nos. 530 Market and 623 Minor Btreets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALHO . Publishers ol Sanderi'New Headers. and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also. Robert's lliHtnrvnf the United Htates, Folton'sOutllne Mapa.fte. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street. Philadelphia, Pcnn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. QRAYBILL & CO.. Wholesale Dealersl n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a Bneassortmentof WOOD nd WILLOW WARE, No. 129 Market street, above 1th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia AdfortInonionts. M. BARTLEY, jit. a. vmrmi & co., niAiMUFAtrri'iiuiin AND WIIOI.KSALR DKALKHH IN BOOTS & SHOES, .11 NORTH THIRD HTitEKT, i'iiif,iii.rriiiA. a- Hneclal attention Klven to orders. June 3, isitt.pd wAiNwiti6uT& coT WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Comer of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a, S. DOUGHERTY WITH D. J. IIOAR & CO., WUOIiNSALI BOOT AND SHOE WAltKHOUSE, M18 MAItKKT 8THKKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. allTshenk & co., " 405 & 407 Market Street, IMiihult ljlila. (Old Bland of Hnrcrnft A Co.,) WIIOLKSALK DKALERH H DltY OOOIW. January 1, 18T9. KENDALL'S NPAVIN OUilTliJ 8 a sore cure for spavin, splint, curl), callous, sprains, swelling, wills, Imneness aud all en Inrueiiienls of the joints of HiiiIm, It will nont. plelely remove a bone spavin without, blistering or CHililnga sure. It Is also at Rood for man as for beast and Is used full sir iiikIii, at all times of the ye-ir. with perfect safety. A cure which we are knowlnu to Is a person who suffered 15 years with hip Joint luniHiiess and was permanently eured two years a no wit li Kendall's Hpavln Cure. Itememher we claim It will cure a (Mine spavin and completely remove the bunch without blis tering. Statement Made Under Oath. To Whom It May Concern ! In the year 1875 I treated with Kendall's Hivuvln Cure a bone spavin of several mont Its' Krnwih, nearly hnif as large as a hen's evR. and completely stopped the lameness and removed i he enlargement. I have worked tlie horse ever since eiy hard, and lie never has been lame, nor oould leverseeanydllTereiice In the size of the hock joints since I treated him with Kendall' Hpavln Cure. It. A. UA1NKU. I'.nosbuiK Kails. Vt ., Feb. 2.1. 1S79. Hworn and subscribed to before me this 251 h day February A. D. 1h;ii. JOllN u. JKNNK, Justice of the I'eace. Ofllce V 8. Marshall. Western Dlst.of Mich., Kalamazoo, Apr. 15lli. ln7U. B. J. Kendall, Kniiiluirg Kalis, Vt. Dear bin I received the two bittles of your spavin cure forwarded by express in January last. I am hap py to state tliat it performed all vour advertise ment called for. In three weeks after I commenc ed iisliis It, the spavin was entirely removed and a valuable liore restored to usefulness. Very truly )ours, JOHN PATIKKK. Bend address for Illustrated Circular, which we think iilves positive nroof of Its virtues. Mo remedy has ever met with such uuqualllted sno cess, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. J'rlce II. per bottle, or Blx bottles for (A. All Drug gists have It or can get It for you. or It will be sent to any address on receipt of price bv the propri etors. Dlt. U. J. KK NI) ALL & CO., Knusburg Falls, Vermont. "Kendall's Hpavln Cure" Is now sold by all the leading wholesale druggists and a large number of prominent retail druggists. - F. Mohtimeh, New lllooinlleld, agent fo j erry uo., ra. D. I. C. Is an absolute and Irresistible cure for TTiftm, Intfmpernn' arfl th xtra of Oprnm, To Ilu'iiil N&mnLli'N &fifl HtJniulaiitit. rpmorlluf All tjto, fiMroojiU hnbitof uf.lnu onjot thom.mi terinfr tHo tAto or desire f r any (if them prfocil xUouitanduipriiMUi(f. i,tYr$ orrry one perfect und iriVHintlbly control at LuV ubiutjr uf Unom tulToa and their triouiia. It preronti that atnolnto plirslral anrl nonlE rn Cmtinn tht f nllowo ths nudikm bivkiiitj oil i ixui uaiiitf mi uwi uuh vi tiaiwma, t j r&cltwro, prppa'd, to otiro 1 to 5 perona $ or at your Uruiftf wtM. Llb por bottle. Tomprnnoe nrrttm iihmilil iwrnnrauul iL 1( pun ectly horatlo and nuvuMulliuif. Hop Bitters M tg. Co., Rochester, N.Y. Sole AgenU flnn riu1i Pnpft dfitrrm nil m'n. lrvxirnil th fSnoun, quii id Uiu iturvuii, pruiiiAv. rat, ami iwrtfl L t aiL to cure. . Tho Hn Iad f or Btomarh. Lltfr atrl KlflneTH,! Jli fiiiTiorlor Ut all otl-ctn. CuntM bjr abuorptivU. it E Trie Hop niltra Bf. C., of IUk-Wrt, K. T. Wr. P J I tutut borif or iTttoxlnint, tut tht I'uicst antl ikit Jftdi H J im vr uuvl, nuiMUK uiro Cutm mm i l otr raiM im. H FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCI3TS.E 10 4W UflDCC Send 2 cents In stamps or currency nun OC for a new HObSK HOOK. It treats all diseases, has 35 tine engravings showing posi tion assumed by slelc homes, a table of doses, a Rnnil large collection of valuable recipes, DUUIV rules for telling the ageof a horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each year, and a large amount of other valuable horse Informa tion. Dr. Win. II. Hall says: "I have bought books that I paid IS and $1(5 for which I de not like as well as I do yours." SEND FOR A CIK CULAK AGENTS WANTtD. B.J.KEN DALL. Enoshtirgh Falls. Vt. 20 lv M The Hook can also be had by addressing " Tin Times," New Bloomtleld, Fa. mniin mouth guaranteed. tl2 a I It I I 1 1 day at home made by the Indus M 1 1 I 1 1 Itrious. Capital not reomred: we T 1 1 II will start you. Men, women boys all I I I 1 1 I'"' lrl" make money laster at III I I I I I fwork for ns than atanythlngelse. H7 The work Is light and pleasant, 1 and such as any one can go rluh: at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send us tneir aanress at once and see for them selves. Cosily Out nt and terms free. Now Is the time. Those already at work are laying up large minis oi uiuuvy. Auuiesa luun aorusih oiaiuv. iu jy i r ji i: i;or, run DAROAINS IN PIANOS ami ORGAN VOll THE NEXT 0 DAYS, Before Our Advance in Prices I Pianos $110 to. $100 All new, and strictly first class, and sold at the lowest net cash holesnle fimtiiry prlces.dlient to the purchaser. Tlicse I limns tniiile one of t tin finest displays at the Centennial f.alilbi lion, ana were unanimously recommended fur the Hiimikst IldNon'-nver IH.lSHl in use, llcgiilarlv Innoipn. rated ManufiuttuiliiM Co. Kin-iorv eslnbllslied over 87 veins. 'Jhe Hiiiarn (liiinds (Mint it I n Matliusheks new patent implex tlveistiuui st i uug Inry of pciiiu, tne greatest uiiiuovemeiit in the history of I'lano making. 'I he Uprights are the FIN KMT IN AMKItKIA. I'lnnos sent nit M ini. Don't full to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of IH pages mailed free. Our new styles of .tlMULK.IC OltHANHare the best In Urn world. AtiHslop oigan only MS wit li all the greatest, latest hiiiI best Improve, tneiils, possessing power, deplh, In lllliini'y mid sympathetic ijnallly of tone, lli'iiiiillul solo ef. feet and perfect slop actluii. Hollil walnut cases, of beautiful design mid elegant IIiiIhIi, All Pianos and organs sent, on KmIuvs' lest, trial freight free If uusatlsliiiitoi y. Circular free. HflKKT AlllHKI half pi Ice. Dollar's worth at nne '.lilrd of price. Cuialogue of l.lKill choice pieces sent on receipt ol He, stamp. Address MKNDKI.HMOIIN FIANO CO.,' Ill Kast irali Htreet, New York. Hi'ptember Id, 1S7I). Amerlcnn and Foreign l'tilonts. GILMOKK ft CO.. Huccessois to ClliriVIAN IIUHMKU A CO., Hollcllors. ratents pin cured until countries. NO FF.KH IN ADVANl K. Nocharge unless thepitteut Is ginnled. No fees for tnakliiK preliminary examlnalloiis. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a ie hearing, Hy a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected pllcal hiti may he revived. Bpeclal atlentlon given te Interference discs be fore the Fateut oillce, extensions define Con gress, Infringement HoMsIn dllterent Htntes, and all lltlgallon appertaining to Inventions or Fat ents. HeudNtainptoOIHnore&Co., r pamph let of sixty tinges. LAND CAHICrt, LAND WAItRANTfl ft BCRIP, Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the IJ. S. Oeueral Land Oillce and Dupirtincut of the Interior. Private Laud Claims, MININO and I'HK UMPTION Clnlms.aiid IIOMKHTKAD eases atlendedto. Land Hcrlp In 40, gu, any loo acre pieces for sale. T his Hcrlp Is assignable, and can be located In the name ofthn ourchaser uiion anv (jovernment land subjent to private entry, at II per acre. It Is of eiiial value with ilounty .ami Warrants. Hend Hlainp to Ullniore Co., for pamphlet or Instruction. AltllKAHH OK I'AV AND IIOCNTY. OFKICKIIH, HOLD1KKH and HAILOHH of the late war. orthelr heirs, areln innwv cases entitled lo money from the UoTornmeirt of which tbey have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Knulosestiiinpt4iOILM1tKiCO.,anda lull re ply.afterexaiulnatlon.wlil be given you free. ' K N H 1 O N H All OFKICKHH.. WHiIIKIlH, and BAILORS, Wounded, riintured. or Inlured In. the late wnr. however slight, can obtain a penswn by addressing OILMOHKSCO. ' Cises prosecuted by OILMOflE A CO., before the Huprnme Court of the United Hltes, the Court of Claims and the Houthern (Halms Commission. Koch department of otir business Is conducted In asenarate bureau, under churire of the same experienced parties. emhloyed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to oil.MuUF.ft :o.,lsthus8eoured. We desire to win success oy ueservtngit. Auuressi uilhukk ;i., 62V It. Htreet. Washington, T. C. Ererrone That CnltlT4(s tlie Soil should compare Tha Original, Indopendont, Qmsclentloui Rural Now Yorker with other pspeffs. TJne Vint Horticultural tr AyrieuUwral Authority in Armriau. An lUuntvntetl Weekly for All 1'artn of Our Country, Subscribe ' Now I 4 Paper for $4 personam fto Club Uia TltA4,fliiriaPMM th illftflrwi.ftiMiji nt tllnnnMat Wlklfji PntMlIn (Jopii, Ilcauly of Ii;Ipu I'twl M'U-t, anil FUty rLa uf new mud rare V-wu tablet, aud turner aMN, 'ihe irrwnt nN) and lanfc ninUnbntlon 1 th Dl'tttt Otntlv mill Yftlllblilt Mlur imtuwu uflMt'A liv aanv Jt.uniul in tho W.n l.1. A lull .lltmrati'd ilfHrlptive acrnncof it will beannt with Hitcciiiicii Jn(iy h'na to appiicwa that all uajr Judve ftir tliftimeivcf. ('ttpUi.l and atmiulaiit Itfrnnimea enabla tea to beiiflh our ubcriiMr auch meau. jiiiiHtraiiDiin ironi IjIH. no uiiivuHLwrirtny avT n enU. All iibw fttrin and u-ardpit planta iir mvd, tiwtHil. and Irnnartlall v rciMirtffl iitmfik. U'hti Htm lr anil 'iiiulity of tii uf, tti ntan(li-a-of Ha wirM r fiuwiinu vifiiinuinnns im iunf pKiiufnro ana tllillHUH. I I'r(n Hp(d uiirl Haul IXuKritutU,um t wh(f h ar dfHmd hy nm ri)rrn n at trnre value than the auLwiirlplloa piico) are cnuiilUervdt Ik la by far tua Cheapcut Country. Home Journal in the Wortet B EupPrimnt itroitnda of Jffi hcrtn nwnf d by The Iliiral Nw Ynrknr" aud worked lit the iutereal of it hiiiMicrib.)rii.jif J will help yon make money end apouil it Ju-U-oluuKly. Prof. .T. W. linal. of Mi MlThlavi AirrlraltQral Ool. leKet "The Ktirai new Ynckur la uow Urn bunt pmiier." Prof. K. M. Hliflfnn ; of tha IUmmu AifHrulttiral Col. hw, MThelturul Nuw Vorknrhaa mum InArHAtceand la more quoted than all Mm rent pot ttrthfr.1 Proa. T. T. Lyou j " The 'itnral to the beat paper I ee." A paptr for tho Country. VlUatre City : for tb mar Met tftiiduer, uunwrytuan, fruit prruwpr, umatl fruit rtilftiriM, hr'ltiiftii, rl.rtrvnian. npiailuu, te atiutiat, evurywhire. Noaevuuual projudto. 1'ha moat viirorouH and able onniMnatlon if rmctlnal wriPfra ever b-for coili-ru-d Uww.r iti Dim coluinnii of any Journal, Original IlliiHlrnltonii from life by our tnt artinut, of frulU, arrliit:ttir, farm licljia, ahruba. truea, agricultural linplumbutit. etc. Entfiunlam Throughout the Country 10 poo CongratuCatry Letters. Tfiird Year of it Prenent Management SltU Year of Its Age. Tuhluihed weekly Addrnw 11 VltAL NE W YOllICEK. 78 Iumle St., Xew York Hlghttt ifctt-il at .Vienna an Phttndtlphla. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 6H1 BKOADWAT, NEW YOKK, ' t Manuraotnrers, Importers & Dealers In Velvet Fraujes, Albums, Graph oscopes, Stereoscopes & Views, EnsraTtngs,Chroinos,Photojraplis, And kindred goods Celebrities, Actrtdees, fto. photographic"materials. We are Headquarters for everything In the way of Stereopticons & Magic Lanterns, Eacbstylebelngthe bestof lUcUsalo the market Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of Btat- uary and Engravings lor the window. , Convex glass. Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Ailulaturea and Couvoi Ulass Fictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, wk direc tions for using, sent ou receipt of tea ceuirt. February 17lh Im. U'JT Corns and lunlons give the feet ft knobby appparnnue. tT " Hurry, nutniina," suld the llttla lntKict'iit with lils cut linger; "hurry, Us leaklnR. (I' ll 1ms heen tliscovered that tho Uutoli Imby cries for Us mudiler and fodder at the gHine time. INT An old Imdielor wants to know If a scolding woman wllh her mouth shut can tie arrested for carrying concealed weapons. For Married Mon Only. Ie who Mrs. to take a klrm litis Mr. thing lm should not Miss, jr Country doctor to a lately bereav. ed widow: "Icnnnettell how pitied I was to hear Hint your husband harl gone lo Heaven, We were bosom friends: but now we shall never meet again." J" Father (who Is always trying to teach his son how to act while at the ta ble)" Well, John yon see that when I have finished eating 1 always leave the' table." John 41 Yes, sir, and that Is , about all you do leave. " (JT Mr. Bmltli who bus to llig a scut tle of coul up stairs three times a day,, reads with prospectl ve Joy theannounce merit that the coal fields of the world' will be exhausted In 2,001)- yetfrs. W Mother: (at teatable) " Jack, who helped you to those three tarts V" Jack : (nged seven) " The Lord" " Why what do you mean, Jack?" " Well I helped myself, but father said yesterday that the Lord1 helps those who help themselves." iT Where have you been, Cmear?"' u Oh sah, I've been down to Mr. Push, pull V " Where t There Isn't any such name." Why, Its written up ou de door, cap'n. One side ob de door it says "l'usli," and de oder It says "Tull." Ain't dat PushpuH." W The new editor of an exchange embraces the opportunity to thank his fair correspondents, but before he has-, been an editor three weeks- ha will em brace his fair correspondents and thank the opportunity. One's taste- Improves wonderfully nnder journalistic- training. Fltzburg, has been indulging In amateur farming, but says nothing is as it is represented. "Tbey sold' we a cow," he complains, " that they said woisld give eight quarts off milk a day, but I took a pall to her and addressed her in the politest terms; anV if you'll be lieve It, sir, she wouldn't give a. gill ! The milk bad to be taken from her by force." tW Teacher, who Is trying to explain the meaning of repentance: "Suppose a bad boy were to steal aa orange, and his good mother should catch him with, it, and take him by the band gently, and tell him how wicked it Is, and how very very, very grieved she was; don't you think now that the little boy ought to feel sorry V" Sunday scholar ; " Yes sum." Teacher : " And why, Marma dukeV" S. S. '"Cause-" Teacher : "Be cause what, Marmy V ft. S. : "'Cause he hadn't et the ro'nge before his ma. cotch him and tuck it away fura him." ... .... MM. C7 The late bishop of Winchester (Wilberforce) occasionally took a quiet day's shooting over a neighboring estate. He once chlded the keeper for not going: to church, and the man admitted the fact, but pleaded that he always read bis Bible on Sunday afternoons. "And, my lord," said he, 44 1 do not find In it that the Apostles went sUootlng." 44 No," replied th bishop, "you are quite right, but that was because there was no game in the holy lantL They went fishing instead " An Object of Pity. i Hans Growyost, a wortiy German, farmer, who ho been a life-long resident of our section (Berks county, Pa.) has, shrewish wife, who has long rendered his domestic life anything but a couab, of roses. OnedaynU long ajto. she, in a fit, of pique packed up her duds and left him, vowing never to come back. The sews got around amongst tfce neighbor you know bow intelligence of all kinds doe travel in the country and at night sev eral of tbenv, of whom I was one, went to condole with Hans. He sat on bis front stoop, puffing away at his pipe. 44 Hans," I remarked, 44 1 pity you." 44 My boy," replied the honest Dutch man, as be disturbedly knocked out the ashes of his pipe, 44 you vas right. She, has shust come back !" V.