t " At" THE TIMES NEW BLOOMFIELI), PA.. MAIiCIll23, 1880. li lie lucomtiflD (limes. JJOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Mysteries of a seed. Have you ever ooimldcred how won. dcrful a tiling tlie seed of a plant IsY It l is the miracle of in I melon. -Clod paid J" Let there lie plants jleldliiR eced," ' and It Is further nddod, each one " after ;nn Hiiiu. The great naturalist, Cuvler, thought that the gerniB of all past,, present, and future generations of seeds were con tained one within the other, as If pack ed la a succession of boxes, Other learned men have explained this ' mystery In a different way. Hut what signify all their explanations t Let them explain It as they will, the wonder re mains the same, and we must Btill look upon the reproduction of the seed us a continual miracle. Is there upon earth a machine, la there a palace, Is there even a city, which contains so much thatts wonder ful as le inclosed in a single seed one grain of corn, one little brown apple- seed, one small seed of a tree picked up, perhaps by a bird for her little ones the smallest seed a poppy or a bluebell, or even one of the seeds that float about, in the air invisible to our eyes I There Is a world of marvels and brilliant beau ties hidden in each of these tiny seeds. Consider their immense number, the perfect separation of the different kinds, their power of life and resurrection and their wonderful frultfulnessl Consider, first, their number. About a hundred and fifty years ago, the cele brated LImbus, the father of Botany," reckoned about 8,000 different kinds of plants ; and he then thought that the whole number existing could not much exceed 10;000. But, a hundred years af ter him, M. de Candolle, of Geneva, des cribed 40,000 kinds of plants ; and at a later period he counted G0;000, then R0, '000, and he supposed it possible that the number might even amount to 100,000 Well, let us ask, have these 100,000 kindB of plants ever failed to bear the right seed V Have they ever deceived us V Has a seed of wheat ever yielded barley, or the seed of a poppy grown up Into a sunflower y Has a sycamore tree ever sprung from an acorn, or a beech tree from a chestnut V A little bird may carry away the small seed of a sycamore in its beak to feed its nestlings, and, on the way, may drop it io the ground. The tiny seed may spring up and grow Whereit fell unnoticed, and in slxtv years-it may become a magnificent tree, under the shade of which the flocks of the vallevs and their uliptilipnla mnv rest. -rCjpnsider m-xt the wonderful power of 11 life and resurrection 'bestowed on the ,J dvvuo v -'.uin, nut, 1 1 1 V J III a J un fi C- served from year to year, and even from cen tu ry to een tu ry. Let a child put a few seeds In a draw- Sr, and shut them up, and sixty years affoit&rotr1a .vxrlmti V I tint tu I fn ni1 his step tottering, let him take one of these seeds and sow it in the ground, Land, goon after foe will see it spring up into new 'life, and become a young, fresh, and beautiful plant. M. Jouannet relates that in the year S8S5 everal old Celtic tombs were dis covered .near Jiergoric. Under the head of ach of .the dead bodies there was found a small $uare stone or brick, with a hole in it, containing a few seeds, "which had been jDlauted there beside the dead by the heathen friends who had fiiwlest them , joerhtyis 1 ,500 or 1 ,700 years lefore. These seeds were carefully sow d by those who found them and what, think you, was seen .to spring up from jhis dust of the dead beautiful sun j'.owere, blue cornflowers, and clover, l earlng Wossoma as bright and sweet as those .weyen into wneaths by merry lareu playing in the fields. f&ome years 0450 a vase, hermetically teiltd, was found In a muixuny pit in 5'pt, by Wilkinson, who sent it to utjii'tfiao Museum. The llbrarlaa re, having unfortunately broken it, V oyered La it a few grains of wheat jiid one or two peas, old, wrinkled, and It M rA lU atftll rI'J I hnao 1 .... 1 . ... . . B.u HCIO LMI1 11 1 tM I jirefu'ly under tlass on the 4th of une, 1844, and at the end of thirty days eso ow seeus were seen to spring up t) new Jife. They had beea buried elbly about 3,000 years ago (perhaps 1! time of Moses,) and had slept all id1 apparently dead, yet still II v I iiTTbe dust of the tomb. '1 not the springing of the seed an ilem of the resurrection of the dead? .ordingly It Is mentioned by the jostle I'muI iu 1 Cor. xv., where, from f r piinging of the eed, he explain ' (loctrine of (lie resurrection unto jrThe poultry" thouhl be fed meat ye or four time a w-ek with their r food, when, the ground being j In, there are neither worms nor hi for -them to pick up about the Im-- . AGENTS READ THIS ! We wnnt an AKent In Terry cnuntv to whom we will my aa'aiy of loo pur 111011II1 n ml en iinses t'i sU our woncleifiifliiTeulloii. Humile lire Ad. Iip" at dice HllliUM AN Si CO., Mar shall, Michigan, luuit ON 30 DAYS TRIAL We will send our ELKi'TIIO. VOLTAIC HRLTS nnil other liieetiic Appliances upon trial fur 8i ilnys to those sulTorlng (hum Nervous Debility Rheumatism, 1'anilysls iir nuy diseases of the Liver or Klflnpy-4. nnil many other llines. A ('imp fiuarantee or ni pay, Address VOLTAIU nui'.i uu., marshal! Mich. 10d4t Knps """-' nwpiM, wool. 11110R. oiiiv l'l ANOS . Htiml. (!nvpr nnil ll.v.k. f.'lil In SIAmi. II. lnitmli'il Until Iiipiip Ki'"P. Aildii'si 12Utt Daniki. K. Beatty, Waslilimton.N. J. AG KNTH AVAN'I Kl For flip linM nil(i fnot. otpllliid I'li'turliil Itiiokft ami lilhipn. frliei lPdnppil fl.H wr pput. Nntluiml rubllalilna On , ritlhutplplila, l a. 12U4W AOKNTH WANTED to spiiiI for Partlcn. lam ot our Npw llnok, " Mhki Curltnltlp of tlia lllh p." nlo tor the HANDS MKHI' and CM KAI'KST Itllll.HH pvpr fiirnMiPd Auentii. Extra tpnm and larp CAHIt f'ltMUJMS. 1'OIisiiEB il MuMakin, Cliiolnnatl, U. a 10U SBBtrn-nto 11 Who npplr IT lnf". enolmlnn Uiia.'1veniifTneTit.petorMonilpr80npi Co.f riL.lm,fll6trHnt.NnwVnrk. A BENTS WANTICO to n-rit for PfirllniUrl of OMr Nfw tloolt, R.OOO :UHIOHlTIF,S OB" TIIU IIIItl.K, nl-o f.ir lln IlHliiUomvut (1111 CHEAPEST BIBLES faKraa?. ES; 1 'nSSt,taSftUt CASH PREMIUMS THE DEAF HEAR mi PEftPFif CO VittSJonSW... 'i Fornnirkhllobil teition tht Dif-lio 39 the Weiif and itmb-et A York Htrn Ulu utti. Km fnrh rAWtflm irfoAM . Ni i'nnM itftiit f it f 'IIBB I HantraMd dniorinUT FamphUt M .nm-loaa Deaupboac 09 lt W.4UHi,,CUwxaa0, Q AGENTS- Afake nulck inlet and the bpst prolllaoii our Now Hooks, Uoldpii rilOIHhtH OH MOTIIR'I. ItllMRlNII IIravf! In rroiie and roetiy by sin) ltpt Author. ElHuuntly Illuitrated. 1'lpases everybody, M.7ni also. filXnT " Ciii'loslMrs of the Bible," tl 75. A single Canvasser actually sold 7.ivi0 Copies. " Moody's Aiithorlzt'd sermons," I J.no. M 111 led on recelptot price. KB. Tit K AT, l'uliHslier, luatt No. HU5 Broad way.N. Y. l'l AN OS UltUASH. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN AM EH10A - 1st Class Instruinents, all new, for cash or Installments; warranted six yeais. Illustrated Catalouues free. Aeents wanted. T. I.KKDM WATHKH, Au't., Iua4t Mo. 28 West 14th Htreet, New York. FARMERS AND SeST bonb f50 to 100 per month dnrltiK the Wlntnrand Hprlng. Kor pa rt, I c 11 in is address J. McOUHDY t CO., riilladelphla, I'a. lPa4t A FULL ASSORTMENT f)K HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL , ' WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. r. m o It TIM Ell, Kew JilaomMd . IMPORTANT! The Meriden Purchasing Co., Went Nerlden, Conn., Have Issued a most valuableCatnlnRue for House hoW reference, containing the NET CASH PKICES at which they will sell any of thepro ductlons of the Celebrated Factories of Meriden, Consisting of every conceivable pattern of Plain and Ornamental Silver Plated and Cut Glassware, Lamps, Chandeliers and Bronzes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Scissors and Razors, The Unri valed Wilcox & White Or gans, the well-known Parker Guns, and Novelties and Specialties of many Descriptions. Tersous di-alrlng Htuudard Articles of Unques tionable Merit, for Weddine. Presents Orna ments or L"e. At Meriden Prices, can procure Catalogues free of eharge at the olilce of this paper, or from - The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Meriden, Conn. In sending for Cnlalopue, or In rivlncitnuriie please nieiitlon thatthti adveilscnieut was seen lUlUBTlMKS. Our Stock of NEW UOODH it A '"i men wear is complete. 11 L'i Frluvsfrom 12Uceiitiin r. MOBTIMEH- New Blnomlleld,Pa ym PHINTING of every description neatly J and promptly executed at heasoHable Kate at the Bloowueld TluiesSteam Job Oilice. I '""''T1 p I1KST FURNACE IN THE WOULD FOttllAIUt COAIi OR WOOD, (Wrouoiit 011 Cam litem,) BIADI3 RICHARDS0N, B0YNT0N &C0 Embody NEW la"0 Improvements, tievor before adoptPdj t'ontnln morn practical fp:ituiesi Are more durable; Cost less to keep In ordpri Uses less fuel, and will men p neat and a lariiprvnliiinH of pure air than anv furnace mav In the United HtateH. Replace your old and poorlv work lug heaterwlth one of these modern furnace's, which are popular and universally successful. Hend direct to Miinufaoturem for prices, m WATER 8T., New York. OF Oodoy's Lady's Rook. The Oldest and Host Fashion Magazine in America. SUBSCRIPTION PKICK Reduced to $2 rev Yr, Subscriptions will bo rocplved at this Olilce In Clubs with this l'apcr. 27ie " Times" and Godey' Lntly'a Hook for one Year at $3.00. See what Uodey's Lady's Book will contain IIN" 1S80. Nearly 1210 patres of first class Literary matter. 12 8teel I'lale ilnautifiil Original KneraviiiKS. U l,are and Klegantly Colored Fashion Plates. U Pages of Vocal and Instrumental Musln. 800 Engravings, on Art, Hcience. and fashion. 12 Large Diagram Patterns ol Ladles and Chil dren's Dresses, 12 Architectural Desiens for Beautiful Homes. 200 or more Original Recipes for Family Use. And the usual Department matters. The January No. of the New Year will be Is sued December first, and will contain the open lug chapters of one of the best Serial Stories ever printed In an American Magazine, by CHRISTIAN JtI.II, the author of " A Oentle Belle," ' Valerie A yl mer," " Morton House," etc., entitled ROSLYN'S FORTUNE. We have engaged a Full Corps of Distinguished Writers, whose Contributions will enrluh Uodey's Ijidy's Book during the year. S.Hcnd In your Clubs at once. Von can add any names atlei wards at same price as the Orlg n ill Club. 'Mil MS Cash in Advance. Pottage Prepaid. One copy, one year on Two copies, one year, 8 70 Three coples.one year 5 25 Four copies, one year 6 60 Five copies, one i ear, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six copies. 9 50 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, mak ing nine copies 114 00 Sow Is the time to make np yonr Clubs. Ilf))V TO RKmr:Uet Postomce Money Order on Philadelphia, or a draft on Philadel phia or New York. If you cannot geteltherof these, send Bank notes, and In the latter place, registering your letter. To parties Intending to get up Clubs, a speci men copy will be tent ou application. Godey's Lady's Book Puh. Co., (LimlteU), 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. l880L Harper's Bazar' ILLUSTRATED. This popular periodical Is pre-eminently a Jour nal for the household. Every Number furnishes the latest Information In regard to Fashions In dress and ornament, the newest and most approved patterns, with desnrip tlv,.-s articles derived from authentic and orlglna son roes i while lis Stories, and Essavs on Soela and Domes! Io Topics, give variety to its columns The volumes of the " Bazar" begin with the Nnmber for Januarv of eh year. When no time Isspecllled, It will be understood that t he subscriber wishes to begin with Hie cur rent Number. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year ...U00 HARPER'S WEEKLY " 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAZ ' " 400 Tha THREE above-named publications. One 10 00 AnyTWOabovo named, One Year 7 0 HARPEK 8 YOUNG PEOPLE. One Year.... 1 0 Postage Free to all subscribers In the U. a or Canada. The Annnal Volumes of " Harper's Bazar " lu neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, (provided the freleht does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 7 00 each. A complelo Bet, comprising 13 volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of S 25 per volume, freight at expense of pur chaser. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of 91 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose- Newspapera are Dot to copy this advertise, ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, N. T. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The subscriber late of the firm of Rhoades ft Smith, would respectfully inform the eitlzens of BLA1N and vicinity, that he has opened a WAtiON MAKER SHOP, and Is prepared to make new waKonsand repair old ones at short notice and '"TWKNTYperceuLoheaperthao -Ulve me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed BlaiU. August ,U67. JAWB8M"H. Newport Advertisement:. JEWPORT DRUG STORE. flavins' on band a aomplnta aniiartmtnt of thefol lowing artlclps, the subscriber asks a share of yeur patronage. I)niff8 and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of . Concentrated Romedics, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brushes, rorfumerj 1IAIH OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand 1 PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PDRPO8E8 PHYSICIANS ORDERS CareitUy aih Promptly Fillet II. NI. E D Y . Newport, Penn'a.. 11. 8. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds ol LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than anyother dealers In this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &c, We use Clearlleld Pine and Hem lock only. W. R. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Ferrj Co., Pa, October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones It Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of me larmirs, auu tne uuono generally, as the UIOHKHT PKICKH the market wlllaHord, wlllbe paldlorallkindsof GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE HEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We hare constantly on band, FIBH, HALT. PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, ' 8TEEL, HOKSK SHOES, fie.,fte. FOR BALK AT TUK LOWEST RATES. - Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 187S tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Rulldlng, JfEWPOltT, PA. Bole Agent for Lorllard'a Superior Tobaccos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW PRICES. Country Merchants supplied with Goods ai rnnaaeipaia prices. Your orders are solicited. 9 44 pSUHANCEM B. HIMES, o-EnsTEn-A-r, life AND Fire Insurance Agency. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Before renewing your Insurance, or placing new risks, you will certainlv find It to your in terest to call on or address the subscriber. Companies Represented : yKtna.of Hartford. North British England, Commercial Uuion, North America. Phll'a.. Fire Association, Phll'a., Asseta. $,7oo.nno. 1.750.000. 1.4M.0OO n.iU'O.niio' 3.778.HO0" rennsyivania. 1,700,000 B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 18T91y LOOKS! BOOKS 0 Gift Books, Children's Hooks, JlldnU Books, School Books, Bios! Testaments ! And all Kinds of 1'ooks AT BEACH'S Look & Drug Store. 0 Stationery at Wholesale or Retail 0 Cy Hubserlptions taken for all News papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November Id, 1879-8m AUCTIONEERS. jp P. HOOVER, " AUCTION JClClt. Attention Riven to sales, and satisfaction guar anteed, trices low. Call on oraddres It. It. HOUVEIt, Elllottsburg, Ta. AURUStl 2, 1879. JAS. P. LATCHFORD, j A UCTIONEEH, Would respectfully Inform the public that hr will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. DON N ALL V'B MILLS, FERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Otters his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post olilce address, Bherniansdale, Ferry Co., Pa. w. D. HENRY, A UCTIONEEH. Blalo, Perry county Pa. WTernss Moderate and every exertios snad to render satislaction. 6tf Auctioneer. The undersigned gives notlcetliat he wlllcrysalesatany point la Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptatteatloo wlllbe Rlvea. - E. D. WELLS, New Buffalo ' Ferry co. , Pa . Q B.HARNISH, AUCTIONEEH, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tf D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEElt, ICKESBCRO, PERRY COUNTY, PA. . Charge moderate. Prompt attention Laid to ail calls. AL'C'l'IONICKIl.-The undersigned give notlcetliat he will ciy sales at a nasenabW lain. Hatisfaction guaranteed. U Address . n THOS. RCTCH, Jr.. Nov. 18, TO Landlsburg, 1'a. H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! Iwouldrespectivelylnform myfrie ndstbat In tendoalling upon them with a supply of good ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Censlstlngof CASSIMER8, OASSINBT8, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd ) CARPETS, &c, to exchange for wool orsell for cash. J.M.BIXLKH ClKTBlWOOLBH FlCTOBT . S.17 4lr TO 1600 A YEAR, or t-1 to 120 a day In your own loralltv. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make moie than the amount slated above. No one can fail ta make mn. ey last. You can make tr m fl rents In Vi an hntir h A. vntlngyoareventnir and spare time to tbe'btiol ness. It costs Dothlng te try the business. Nmh Ing like it for making money ever ottered before. Business pleasant and strictiv honorable. Kaader. If you want to know all about, the best psvloa business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particulars and piivate terms free; samples worth 5 also free; yoa can then make uy yonr mind for yourself, jfddres Gj-OROE 8TINSON & CO., Poitland. He. 401)' KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It is sure to cure 8pavlns, Bptlnti Curb, tie. It removes all unnatural enlargementSL loes not blister. Has Do equal tor any lameness on beast or man. It has cured lnp-loint lame ness in a person who bad suffered Ifi Years. Alsocured rheumalism.eorn !)150 f'ri frost bites, or any bruises, cut or Unenei. It ha no eijual for bleniHb on horses. Send fr Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists ave it or can get for you. Hr. B. J. Kendall lb Co., Pros., Kuoaburgb. Falls, Vermont. HARRI3 & EWINO. Agents. Pittsburgh. Pa. LJFEINSURANCE AGENTS WASTED I A Brst-class Life Insurance Conipanv In Mtw York wants fcf'LCIAL. flKNKRAL and I.OCAl. At.ENTH, In unoccupied lerriiory in the Stat ol Pennsylvania. Address MAN AliEU of AtiEN CI KH. Box l. New York Post Ulltce lorlin Tfl V WAKT it.) frjLDJT titWWm J.J .J-n v'wtTrsar. ja. Ut' AKKK t ITV. UALVA.MO CO. J'i.W.tpA.n. . 13 A. :3