The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, March 23, 1880, Page 4, Image 4

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ITew Bloom fleM Man). 23, 18 SO,
Ho Out or Hterentyps llhe tnaatted lnthla paper
nnlftna lltrlit race ana on nniai uano.
9W Twenty par rent Ik pra ef -twular rat.a, will
WoharKodfor adverttaeaaouta aet&n.'LubleOoluiun.
I.orli at the llirnroe on tli lahel of your paiwr.
rhoaptlidirontfll ran th ilnte to avMrli tonrnub
' rvl Btlan In pnlil. Wllhln II wnoka alti'r nioiioy la
out, If the data ta iatiau. otnor roceiin
ta ueoeaaarv.
Tiik Democratic tale Conventlon
will he held In HarrislmrK OB the iWth
of April.
A Temperance State.
At Bos Moluea, Iowa, last week, the
House of Assembly passed tko Senate
resolution for a constitutional amend
ment prohibiting the manufacture and
sale of spirituous and malt liquor' In
that State. It will go to the next Leg
islature for ratification.
Squelching Kearney.
' Ban Fraktoisco, March The Po
lice Judge this morning sentenced Den
nis Kearney to 0 month's Imprisonment
in the House of Correction and to pay a
fine of $1000. The magnitude of the
sentence was a surprise to Kearney who
had expected to get off with a nominal
punishment. It Is probable that e will
ake the case to the Supreme Court on a
habeas corpus.
. B-
The Tllden Income Tax Suit.
New YoBK,Mareh 17. In theineoiue
tax suit bv the orovernment against
ffamuel J. Tllden, which has been plaeed
. n the calendar from the April term or
,he United States district court, the aub
poenas duces tecum have within the last
ifewdaya been served upon Wm. A.
j Booth, president, and Conrad N. Jordan
i cashier Third National bank, J. Hayes
y and Jas. G. Classen, brokers, Geo. W.
-8mlth, secretary of the New York Iron
" mine, and Lanier & vvlnslow, brokers,
requiring them to produce In court all
books, papers, vouchers,writings or doc
uments relating to the transaction had
by them, by or on account of Tilden,
between December 1, 1801, and January
1,1873. Tilden himself is called upon
to produce all books and papers touch
ing his pecuniary affairs between the
dates mentioned. i A, March 14. Charles
- Cathcart editor of the Times
died to-day from the effects of a pistol
shot discharged in mental aberration by
own hand. Taylor has been in ill health
for two months, and his physical disor
der was supplemented and aggravated
by accumulation to business troubles,
which brought ou a mental disturbance
involving depression of spirits. This
ruorniDg he awoke and though very
weak, proposed to Rccompany his wife
to church. She persuaded him that he
ought to Bleep longer, and went down
stairs to prepare some beef tea in the
hope that it would strengthen him.
While she was gone he fired the fatal
shot. The remains will be interred in
Oakland cemetery.
Killed for a Chew of Tobacco.
Pittsburg, March 16. This after
noon two boys Thomas Coughlin and
Joseph Huff aged about fourteen years,
started out from Braddock'a on a thiev
ing expedition, as Is supposed. When
about two miles from Braddock 1 they
quarrelled, when Coughlin struck Huff
i with a railway, coupling pin, crushing
(n the skull and inflicting a fatal in-
Huff was found lying on the side of
the railway by the attaches of the Penn
sylvania railroad passenger train, and
removed to the baggage car. Coughlin
was arrested by the train men about a
mile west of the place where the en
counter occurred, and he was brought
4.6 this city. The quarrel arose about a
chew of tobacco.
Singular Accident.
Frank Louck, an employee of the
Pennsylvania steel works, made a very
narrow escape from instant death yes
terday morning about fifteen minutes
after four o'clock. While engaged on
the top of furnace No. 3 having put on
the hose for the purpose of putting wa
ter into the furnace to cool it lo6t his
' lance, falling sixty-five feet before he
luck an obstruction, when he tumbled
jwn about 15 feet further, rolling out
(the bottom of the stack, having sua
jned vtry slight Injuries. Some of the
fcer employees noticed the accident
h became almost horrified. The wild
I excitement followed, and when Mr.
was picked up the impression was
Lt he had received fatal injuries.
j wever after he was taken to his home
i: was found that no bones
t been broken his nose having been
;' red the most, and had swollen very
Sh. This la certainly the most ml
lous escape that has ever taken place
at the wkg. That the man fell 85 cet
through heated stack, and was ptoked
up without having sustained serious In
juries, l certainly a miracle. Jttriot
of .1 Sib toot.
A Remarknble Accident.
A remarkable accident occurred at the
funeral of Aloivzo Van Patten, and old
and respected citizen of Duanesburg, N.
Y. The corpse Jay In the parlor, where
about slaty relatives and friends were
assembled. When the services -ere
proceeding the.floor gave way, and the
corpse and funeral assemblage were east
Into the cellar. The coffin fell .upon
Mrs. John Little, crushing and danger
ously Injuring her. Several others were
badly hurt. There was the wildest -excitement,
but the neighbors helped the
people out through a cellar window.
The coffin and body were recovered, aad
the services speedily terminated.
Mr. John Stuck, who resides in Uar
risburg has been singularly unfortunate.
Ills wife is lying ill, and yesterday fore
noon shortly before the dinner hour ebe
called to her husband from the slok
room, from the upper floor of the house.
Mr. Stuck picked up two of the 'little
ones girls of three and six years respec
tively and started to go up stairs.
When near the top his foot slipped, and
falling tumbled to the foot of the stairs
with the little ones. The oldest child
had a leg broken and the youngest her
shoulder dislocated. The father was not
Perishing In the Snow.
San Francisco, March 13. A dis
patch from Victoria brings deplorable
news from the upper country. Cattle,
sheep, horses and pack-trains are dying
with great rapidity. All through NIco
let, Kemloops, Akanagan aud LUloget
the destruction of stock Is going on.
Nearly all the stock will perish before
eprlng. The loss Is roughly estimated
at $1,000,000. Scores of stock-raisers will
be reduced from affluence to poverty.
The snow lies from three to five feet in
depth aud gives no evidence of thaw
ing. Fight Between a Bull and a Stallion.
A few days since a horse and a bull in
the stable of Ed. Dysart, at Tipton, en
gaged in a desperate pitched battle,wbich
resulted fatally to the former. They
were tied in adjoining stalls and the
horse took advantage of his situation to
reach over and nip the bull. The old
fellow got mad because he could not bite
back, and broke loose. He then gored
the horse in the side so badly that he
died. Alfoona Tribnne.
A Question of Fact.
A Connecticut lawyer at Bridgeport,
the other day took exception to a judge's
ruling that some evidence was inadmis
sible. He said, " I know that it is prop
er evidence. Here I have been practis
ing at the bar forty years, and now I
want to know if I am a fool V" "IThat,
is a question of fact and not of law, and
so I won't pass upon it, but will let the
jury decide," quietly replied the court.
ISP The New Haven Journal and
Courier Publishing Company have lately
recovered a bill for subscription from No
vember, 1871, from W. T. Howd, which,
including cost of Buit, amounted to $13. 72.
In defense Hoard testified that he had re
peatedly said that he did not waut the
Journal and Courier, and be thought the
publishers ought to have stopped sending
it. The Court held, however, that tbe
State and United States law would author
ize tbe collection of the bill for a paper af
ter it had been ordered stopped, until the
bill for the newspaper for the entire time
it had been teceived was paid.
C3" Texas has had a cold snap, and in
many counties the corn and fruit crops
have been destroyed by enow, ice and
sleet rare visitors of the Lone Star
Wasuikcton, D. C, March 17, 1880.
So large are the receipts now from cus
toms that Congress will be likely to make
prodigal expenditures for purposes hereto
fore Becured hardly legitimate subjeota of
any expenditure at all. Up to tbe 16th of
this month thirteen millions bad been re
ceived, which is far in advance of any simi
lar period since 1873.
Tbe "conscience fund" at tbe Treasury
yesterday received larger accessions than
ever before in a single day, f 2500 was the
Tbe House is discussing tbe government
Printing office, and the paymout of speoial
Deputy Marshals, and the long-delayed
political debate may be had ou tbeso sub
jects. Tbe Democrats desire to legislate
the Government Printer out of office, and
give control of tbe printing to tbe Senate.
Tbey also desire to pass a bill for tbe pay
ment of Marshals, aud Deputy Maiubala,
without making provisions for tbe "spe
cial" or election Marshals, aud tbe Repub
licans will aetagonize both propositions.
In tbe Senate Committee of elections all
the Democrats favor the seating of Mr.
Stafford as Senator from Louisiana and all
tbe Republicans desire 'to continue Mr.
Kellogg In bis seat. This will give the
Benate a chance to talk politics to its hearts
content. Tbe Representatives of far West
ern States are now opposing the settlement
of the Ute question proposed by Scbure.
Tbey are determined that no Indian shall
have a legal settlement in Colorado in any
State where the whites are crowding.
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury llaw
loy baa resigned, many reasons ate given
for tills resignation, the most probable of
which is that be Is a eaudidate fur the Re
publican nomination of Governor of Illi
nois, and deems it bis duty to himself and
friends, to give more time to tbe canvass,
than he could while connected with tbe
Treasury Department. The Treasury loses
one of Its most faithful and efficient officers.
It has beeu decided to appoint Hon. J. K.
Upton to the vacant place. This Is strictly
a civil servloe appointment. Mr. Upton
was appointed a first class clerk in 1803,
and has risen by succession steps to his
present exalted position. As Chief Clerk
ho was very popular, and his advancement
meets with favor both inside and out the
Department. Olive.
Miscellaneous News Items.
IW An unfortunate skunk over at
Everett, In Bedford county, the other day
swam across a Btream, and while crossing
the Pennsylvania Railroad track froze to
the rail aud was killed by a traiu.
tST Lawrence Shilling, aged fifty-five
years, a shoemaker, residing on the Grofls
town road, j ust outside of the Lancaster
city limits, fell down stairs last week and
broke his neck. He was subjeot to epi
leptic fits, and lt is supposed had an at
tack while coming down the stairs.
tST Mrs. Sarah Coonley, of Lancaster,
who was convicted of conspiracy to marry
a young lady to Dr. Eugene De Leon, who
bad a wife living in Harrisburg, was sen
tenced to imprisonment in the common
jail of Lancaster county for thirteen
months, and to pay a fine of f 100.
Troy, N. Y., March 15. Albert Mar
croo wan killed by the explosion of a blast
in tbe lloosao tunnel on Sunday morning.
This is tbe one hundred and ninety-ninth
fatal calamity that has occurred in this
tunnel since it was begun, some twenty
years ago.
tW A newspaper reporter of Cincinnati
died the other day and ordered his body to
be given to the doctors for dissection.
The result of the investigation will be
looked forward to with great interest by
tbe public, aa no such opportunity ' has
ever beeu given to discover what is really
in a newspaper man.
CJT P. F. Benson, one of the proprie
tors of tbe Graud Central Hotel at Oak
land, Cal., and II. Hurget, a porter of the
hotel, were arrested last week on a charge
of purloining the valuables of tbe guests
during tbe fire which destroyed tbe build
ing on Tuesday morning. A large amount
of property was stolen. It has been shown
that tbe Ore was incendiary and that the
plunder was part of tbe programme.
tW While they were cutting a sewer iu
St. Louis tbe other day through soil d
limestone, the workmen found two human
feet firmly planted in tbe rock. The calf
of oue leg can be traced, but the other foot
possesses only a part of the ankle. They
occupy natural positions, as if the creature
that owned them bad been standing erect
in the mud that hardened into limestone.
No traces of the body are visible. ,
Winchester, Ills., March 17. At one
o'clock this morning 100 masked men
boldly rode up to the county jail, battered
down the door, disarmed the guards and
jailor and with revolvers in hand com
pelled them to give up the keys. Tbey
then opened the cell of Joseph J. ' Field
and dispatched him with a number of pis
tol shots.
Auiiora, 111., March 17. Early this
morning Mrs. W. Baldwin was fou nd
dead in bed with her jugular vein severed,
and beside her lay her unoonscious husbaud
with several gashes in bis throat, arms and
abdomen. His wounds are not Berious.
Baldwin came from Vermont and married
three weeks ago. The cause of the "bloody
deed is unknown.
- 83T Tbe smallest railroad in tbe .world Is
the two feet ten-Inch gauge built by
George E. Mansfield from North Billorica,
Mass., to Bedford. It is eight miles and
a half long and has eleven bridges, one
over a hundred foet long. The rails weigh
twenty-five pounds - to the yard ; the en
gines weigh eight tons, tbe cars four tons
and a half each, and run at tbe rate of
twenty miles au hour.
tW Tbe New York Central Railroad
employs female spotters, who are provided
with notebooks and ingenious little mirrors
by which, with tbelr backs turned to tbe
couductor, they can see how many passeu
gers on a coach give up tickets or money
for fares. The veils aud wraps worn by
them readily conceal their movements and
disarm suspicion. They have in a little
box two mirrors set at right angles.
Sikg Biku, N. Y.. March 13. John Mo
Dernov, a oonvlct, oommitted suioide at
the pribtwi this moruiug by placing his
head and shoulders into the mess-room fur
nace. He was sent to the prison Decem
ber 15, 1873, by Judge Danlols, for life, for
the killing of his wife, Maria, la New,
York, on April 13, 1878. He was called,
" Praying John," on aocount of bis relig
ions behavior since be has been at the
prison. lie was 44 Tears of age, and is
ot known to have a,ny relatives,
tW An unfaithful youth down at Havre
de Grace, where the Philadelphia, Wil
mington and Baltimore Railroad crosses
the Susquehanna, was sharply reproved by
bis horse a fow days ago. Instead of driv
ing the horse and buggy to bis usual girl's
bouse, be visited another fair one, who so
charmed him that be stayed a long time.
When be went, the horse and buggy were
gone, and after a long search, be fouud the
animal at tbe bltchlng-post in front of the
residence of his afllanoed. . Tbe lady had
been sitting at tbe parlor window expect
ing blm in vain, having beard tbe horse
aud buggy come up.
IfTNear Burkvllle, Va., Is an iron
railway bridge, over wjilch one road
goes, while another passes beneath.'
Thomas Horner, no relation to Little
Jack, was standing on the bridge the
other day, watching a train below, when
along comes a train and knocks little Tom
head over heels. He fell off the bridge
and on the roof of a car passing below :
from this he bounded like a ball and fell
between two cars, where he caught on
the " bumpers," and when the train
stopped there he was found nearly scar
ed to death, but otherwise unhurt.
Phoenix Pectoral will cure your Cough.
Phrenii Pectoral cures Hoarseness quickly.
Phoenix Pectoral tastes good and brings rest.
Phoenix Pectoral costs 26 cents prbot.,8 bottles II.
21y Sold by B. M. EBY, Druggist, Newport
Tho Want Filled at Last.
18x81 feet of solid room filled
with all the latest novelties in
Spring Goods
Our new addition to our room
has just been finished, making
us the largest store in the coun
ty. In addition to our large
line of .
Hats and Caps,
Fancy Goods, &c,
we have a full and complete
line of
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Carpets and Oil Cloths,
being all Fresh Stock and bought
at lowest Cash figures. Wc will
as heretofore hold the lead in
low prices.
Largest stock ; best styles, and
lowest prices is what we always
Orders by mail promptly filled.
TlfOMlE Cloths and other Dress floods la va-
IVIARX DUKES Mrl-W -morr. -
&rr10 fl,J -'LOTIIS for Floors, Carriages and
I .1 1 a yj Tables. Prices low.
Successor to TJAM1NS. CITRONSand afull assortment
XV Unices. Warranted pure.
TRIMMING HILKrt, a nice line of Dress
Buttons, Ribbons, &o.
TTtiTr-m a TKON A BTEEL In a great assortment of
MKNH 81IIUT8. In various qualities, come
and see styles and prices.
$20 To $25 Per Ton Saved J f.mortimer.
.n your FertllLersby using "Powell's Prepared E,SralGS' 1N8EKT
Chemicals." Why pay V to $13 for your fertllm. I? MORTIMER,
ers, when 113 to 115 wfll buy you " Powell's Pre- ...
pared Chemicals" to make a Ton Corn, Oats, Po- -y jjm j A.XT8 of PRINTS of th h.
ntoes, or Tobacco Fertilizer, equal to the best Jft Ureemiintlty u good stales. "
high priced Phosphate In the Murket. Bend lor ""V"laiiiy m gop styles.
"Powell's Book of Formulas," with directions for
mliliig.nearlyeou namesot Pennsylvania farmers
uslug them the past seasou. testimonials, c.
EDW'l) J. KVAN8&CO.,
lif AKITCn aaepHeat aartaaai aua ItiMck
V Ail ICiLJ co.M, l Ih. U. a. lo Kll Uu
-lj,i.U at TkUai WmU gaming by lutooriplloa.
Toiucb mn, with food reforaacct. w Urna aiat fr,
and giva leron that will ! a worhtr ovtr SlOv a BMaia.
Mdrtai UtlUtalTIOaal. flS. tO, Boa l, HI. Uuu, U
By Tlrtus ot aa order of the Court, of Common.
Pleas of l'erry coiinly, Hs., the undersigned av
slgneof Wm. U. Kaultinaii, will sell by outcry
Ou the premises, on
WEDNESliAY, April 7th, 1880,.
atlOo'clcijk a. m.,of said day, the following de
scribed reul estate, to wit:
' A Tract of Land,
situate In Madison township, Perry county. Ta.,
located on the mibllo road running from Beale
town to Sanily lllll, and bounded ou the North by
land of ). U Oi rls ; Kant and South by lands ot
Joseph 1). Bryner, and oq the West by laud of
Ueo. llench, containing
r;t A ORES,
more or less, having thereon erected a two story
M Stone Dwelling House.
and other outbuildings,
There Is a stream ot running water near the
buildings, and s well of good water at the house.
It lias all the convenlenees of churches, schooli
house, stores, shops, (Sc.. and Is a property well
worthy the attention of purchasers.
TEN per cent, of the purchase money to be
paid when the property is stricken downs one.
third of the balance at the time of confirmation)
of sale when possession will be given and the
deed delivered s and the balance on April 1st,
issl.tobe secured by Judgment bond bearing
Interest from date of confirmation of sale.
' areh, li,lW0L AS"'gnW-
By virtue of an order of the Court of Common
Pleas of Perry county, the undersigned, assignee
of Michael Bitting, under deed of voluntary as
signment for the benefit of creditors, will expose
at publlo outcry, on the premises, on
TUESDAY, APRIL 6lh, 1880,
at 12 o'clock m., of said day, a.
situate In Liverpool township, containing
110 Acres, and 116 Perches
of well Improved land, havlhg thereon erected a
large two story
JiAKN and other
Also, on
at 12 o'clock m., In the borough of New Buffalo,
d Lots of Ground,
numbered In the general plan of said borough as
Lots Nos. 40, 41, 80 aud 81, having thereon erected
a two-story
and other Improvements.
' TERMS: Ten per cent, of purchase money on
day of sale; one-third of balance on confirmation
of sale, and the remainder on the 1st day of April,
1881, to be secured by Judgment bonds, with in
teres t
J. O. M'Alllster, att'y. Assignee.
March 13, 1880. nice.
Selling our Wonderful Invention to house-keeper,,
as no lady can ullnrd to keep house without it.
Eight hundred and slxty-seven Agents have sold
1'24.000, averaging 10.75 profit on every dozen
sold. Many agents are making as high as tA3.m
perdayselllug It. Our Invention la endorsed by
the press and the publlo as the most valuable
patent ever offered house-keepers. We have men,
women and boys who never canvassed before,
making n complete success of the busines.
By writing us at once you can have your choice
of territory. for which we will furnish at'ertlflcatu
of Agency without charge. This will establish
?ou In a pleasant and profitable business, and one
hat you need not be ashamed of.
(Samples free to Agents who will go right
Address for circulars and terms to Agents.
Fourth and Central Avenue.
11 "t Cincinnati, Ohio.
317 & 819 ARCH STREET,
has reduced the rates to
r PEK, 13A.Y.
The high reputation ot the house will be mal n
talned In all respects, and the traveling publlo
will still find the same liberal provision for their
The house been recently relltted, and Is com
plete In all Its appointments. Located In the Im
mediate vicinity of the large centres of business
and of places of amusement, and accessible to all
Railroad depots and other parts of the City by
Btreet cars constantly passing its doers. It offers
special inducements to those visiting tbe Clly on
business or pleasure.
JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor
I71AVCY Roods and Notions, Some new ar
J rivals, Cheap.
In addition to the above goods we liav a me
as.ortmeiit of Ladies Necktiev, Corwts, Ceriuan
towu Yarn. Zephyrs, uhoes lur Ladies aud Chil
dren, aud thousands of ot her artlcirs.
New llliHiiu field, Fa.