The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, March 16, 1880, Page 4, Image 4

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    Till! TIMES, NEW 1IU)0MFIUM, l'A. MA11CII 10. I860.
New Jtloom field, March JO, JSSO.
. Ho Out nr Rtfrontvpr will he inserted In this imprr
nnlMR llvht face mid ou raetsl buo.
t"Twenty fwr rent, in xtcmm of ronnlsr rtti, will
bohndtorsilvertlsimieuui letln DuiililoMoliiiun.
I.nnh at thn nnre on the libel of vnur pirr.
ThnmfliriiresteM you I tin ilnie In nlilrh roiii uli-
ei-iptinu I nnlil. wuuin s wsof r i "j i
em, sue If tuo ua
dn'te Is cliniret. No other receipt
In Ilarrlstmrg, last week, on calling
up the bribery case, much surprise was
caused by W. H. Kemble, Charles B.
Halter, W. F. Itumberger, and Jesse It.
Crawford entered pleas of guilty. There
had been talk for several weeks that the
defense had a surprise In store for the
prosecution, but it was generally sup
posed by those who had heard these pre
dictions that some unprotected point of
the commonwealth would attacked.
The penalty which the act of Assembly
attaches to the offense of corrupt solici
tation, to which Messrs. Kemble, Baiter,
Crawford and Rumberger have several
ly pleaded guilty, is a line not exceeding
$1,000, and Imprisonment not exceeding
one year.
Emll retroff who was tried for same
offence was found guilty.
President Hates in his message to
the Senate upon the lnter-oceanic canal
question reaffirms the Monroe doctrine
with great emphasis. If a canal is cut
across the American isthmus, it must be
under American control. The protec
tion of the commercial Interests of the
United States and the interests of such
American citizens as may invest their
capital in this enterprise can not be en
trusted to any foreign power. A canal
across the Isthmus will be a part of the
ocean . highway between the Atlantic
and Pacific States, and would be, as It
were, a continuance of our own coast
line, while Its relations to " our power
and prosperity as a nation, to our means
of defense, and our unity ,peace and safe
ty, are matters of paramount concern to
the people of the United States."
The California Trouble
San Francisco, March 0. A mani
festo will be published to-morrow morn
ing by the citizens' protective union giv
ing the motives for their organization in
order that the organization may be prop
erly understood. They declare the ob
jects and purposes of the organization to
be, first, the preservation of the public
peace ; second, the protection of life and
property ; third, the restoration of con
fidence in the security of life and prop
erty from all violence fourth, the re
suscitation of the legitimate commerce,
industries and business of the people.
All of which they expect to accomplish
within the law.
They declare that the time has come
when a line must be drawn between
those who are in favor of law and order
and those who are for riot. All good
citizens are invited to join. There is no
neutrality. In this crisis they can only
be excused by extreme age or pitiable
Dr. Hahn's Cremation Accomplished.
Dr. Hahn's body arrived at Washing
ton Pa., from New York on the evening
of the 9th lnst., accompanied by Dr.
Happel and A. Kauffman, father-in-law
of the deceased. The body was cased In
a plain iron coffin and immediately con
veyed to the crematory. It was then
placed in an iron crib and .covered with
a sheet saturated in alum. No service
were held. At 8:05 r. si., the body was
carried to the retort room by four men
and shoved in head foremost. A slight
odor as of burning hair prevailed the
vicinity. In twenty minutes the sheet
began to expand, the bones of the feet
could be seen devoid of flesh, and at the
end of an hour the friends left satisfied.
Orders were given to have the ashes for
warded to New York.
Chinese Laborers Wanted In Mississippi.
St. Louis, March 8. Hon. Henry F.
Scharrett, a planter of Pass Christian,
Miss., is now here and says that in view
of the negro exodus from the south and
the disturbed condition of things In Cal
ifornia, the planters in his section have
canvassed the question to some extent
of attempting to obtain Chinese labor
ers. Correspondence has already been
had with one of the Chinese companies
and probably some Chinamen will bo
sent to work In south Mississippi in a
few weeks.
3T According to the Derrick's month
ly report 285 wells were completed with
ft dally production of 7,744 barrels,
against 342 In January, producing 0,228
barrels. On the last day of February
578 rigs were up and 480 wells drilling,
against 443 rigs and wells in January.
In consequence of the great activity the
market closed very heavy.
A Big Haul.
Cheyenne, March, 10. A bold and
successful robbery of gold bullion occur
red at Hydney Neb., to-dny, while the
Union Pacific express agent Snyder was
at dinner. The amount taken is vari
ously estimated at from $120,000 to $200.
000. An entrance was e (Tec ted through
the floor of the express office.
A telegram from Sydney Just received
states that the trensure has been recover
ed except $13,000. It was found under a
pile of coal near the Union Pacific track
where they had seen the robbers con
ceal something in the afternoon. They
are being pursued.
A Reckless Shooter.
Mr. Barker of Brown county, Illinois,
seeing his two female cousins approach
ing, said jocularly! "I'll give them a
salute." Drawing a revolver, he threw
his hand back over his head and pulled
the trigger. The first shot struck Bark
er's uncle in the head, and he fell dead.
The young man didn't see the result of
his first salute and fired again. This
time he hit a young man, who stood
near his uncle, and he died in forty min
utes. Barker was arrested and will be
tried for murder.
H. B. Claflin & Co., the extensive
New York dry goods merchants, have
been robbed of over $40,000 by Davis
Roberts, an old and trusted employee.
The case was worked up against him
very adroitly. Roberts was head cut
ter, and It was found that with the old
rags and waste cuttings, which were
bagged and sent to Faulkenburg every
three weeks, were bagged uncut velvet,
silk, etc. Foulkenberg only paid him ten
per cent, of the value of the goods.
Both have been arrested. Roberts has
two adult daughters and Is completely
broken down at his exposure.
Cairo, Illinois, March 7. Two weeks
ago George Kohl, a farm hand in the
employ of Fred. Whltcamp, Sr., report
ed that Whltcamp had been drowned by
falling into the Mississippi river. This
statement was at first believed, but la
ter, suspicion led to an investigation
which resulted in the arrest of Kohl,
who, to-day, confessed that be, assisted
by Whltcamp'B wlfe,had murdered him.
The body was found burled in the rear
of the stable on the premises. Mrs.
Whltcamp was arrested to day.
Osceola, March 7. The coal miners
have been on a strike here for two
weeks. The operators and miners held
a meeting yesterday, but the result of it
has not been made public. The proba
bilities are that work will not be resum
ed before the first of April. There has
been no trouble as yet.
Clearfield, Pa., March 7. The
strike of the coal miners in the Iloutz
dale district is in full blast, but no se
rious trouble has occurred. They will
probably resume work soon.
New York, March 7, Delegates from
various Irish societies and Hibernian or
ganizations in Brooklyn met this after
noon and decided not to parade on St.
Patrick's day, but to send the money
usually appropriated for such occasions
to the suffering poor of Ireland.
Washington, D. C, March 10, 1880.
The apparent new zeal of Mr. Tilden as
a Presidential candidate has given use to
much speculation as to its cause. The
general impression is , that tho apparent
Grant vlotory at the Harrisburg Conven
tion bad something to do with stiflening
his back bone. The nomination of Gener
al Grant undoubtedly would materially
Improve the Democratic chances of success;
and not simply because of tbe dissalinfao
tlon it would create in tbe republican party,
but because of tbe harmonizing inlluenoe it
would have on tbe Domocratio party and
tbe terrible weapon which it would place
in their bauds. Mr. Tilden is shrewd
enough to see that the third-term issue
would then supplant all others, and put
his party in a new light before the country.
His hopes are placed in tbe scheme of tbe
Cameron ring to force Grant upon the
Republican party, in spite of tbe apparent
demand for Iilaine by tbe masses. But it
is just possible that his hopes will not be
So far the friction in running tbe House
under the new rules has been greater than
any gala through their adoption, but this,
probably, will not continue. As tboy be
come familiar to tbe members, through
study and tbe very acute rulings of tbe
Speaker, business will move on smoothly.
That is, if businoss is presented for action.
So far there has been unprecedented delay
in reporting tbe appropriation bills, and an
apparent disinclination on tbe part of
members in both Houses to go on with
those already reported.
A long debate Is threatened over tbe
Fitz John Porter case. I spoke briefly of
tbe strength of Porter's chanoes in a recent
letter. Its weakness Is not in its merit or
demands, but in tbe fact that some Dem
ocrats as well as Republicans seem dispos
ed to make a party question of it, and work
for political advantage, instead of voting
as tboir judgment might dictate. Of tho
pnssnge of tbe relief bill, with tbe full
Domocratio vote, and the votes of some
ltepublioans in both Houses, there Is little
In deciding that tho Federal election
laws were constitutions! the Supreme Court
has settled finally a question that had
become of great interest, and was likely to
enter Into legislation during tbe secsion.
Tbe Democratic party has not tbe power
now to repeal those laws, , and, after the
Courts decision, will hardly dare refuse to
make reasonable appropriations for carry
ing them out. Oi.ive.
Miscellaneous News Items.
Rkadinq, Marou 10. The rolling mill of
J, N. Sternberg's works closed this morn,
lug, tbe bands having demandod an in
crease of wage which was refused.
Allehtown, Pa., March 10. Tbe prop,
erty of the Leblgh slate company was
sold by tbe sheriff this afternoon to Alex.
Wilson, of Easton, for 137,000.
St. Jons, N. B., March 8. The bark
Eblann, Captain Barry, was wrecked in
tbe bay of Funday last nlgbt. Tbe cap
tain, first mate and five of tbe crew were
Peter Urban, of Fiudlay, Ohio,
started out to kill a ooon the other night,
but unfortunately, killed himself. He
treed tbe auimal and chopped down tho
monarch of tbe forest, wben it fell on him
and crushed him to death.
tW An Ann Arbor p?per says s One
day last week the assistant to one of the
professors in the medical department dis
covered tbe body of his cousin on tbe dis
secting table. He appeared to be terribly
alTeoted, and immediately had tbo re
mains returned.
tW A dispatch from Eminence, Ky.,
says that Wess Tolls, colored, who last
summor shot and killod a man named Bry
ant for being too Intimate with his wife,
and who was acquitted at tbe trial, return
ed to Smltbfleld on Friday, and meeting
his wife cut her throat from ear to ear,
killing her instantly.
tlT In tbe town of Harrison, Potter
county, diphtheria rages so furiously that a
panio has seized the people. The publio
schools have been closed, and a child is
seldom seen on the streets. A' number of
families have lost all tbelr children, and
many others have been deprived of one or
more of tbelr little ones.
New York, March 10. Tbe quartetly
report of the Western Union Telegraph
Company for tbe quarter eudlng March 81
shows tbe net profits, after resorving
enough to meet the claims of the Atlantic
and Pacific Telegraph Company, will be
about $1,825,071.41, in view of which the
Executive Committee recommends that a
dividend of 1 per cent be declared, paya
ble April 15.
tW" Samuel Redman, driver for Wells
& Co. 'a re per Mill, Muddy Run, Upper
Oxford, Chester county, was in tbe stable
cleaning a very viclouB kicking" mule, and
had kicked the animal for not obeying him,
and caught hold of tbe animal's tail, where
upon the brute let both hind feet fly, aud
struck tbe man in tbe face with such force
as to mash his forehead, split his nose fair
ly la two, knock out the right eye, break
his jaw and mash tbe left cheek fearfully,
In short, not a portion of bis countenance
was left uninjured.
tW Fire was discovered in tbe Grand
Central Hotel at Oak ford, California, about
two o'clock Tuesday morning. Tbe wind
was blowing a gale, and the flames bad
made great progress before the firemen ar
rived. All around the hotel wore situated
other buildings, among tbem being the
Webster House, wbicb, with five others
and tbe Grand Central, were destroyed.
The losses were as follows : Grand Central
Hotel, $250,000, partly covered by insur
ance; Webster House, $20,000, no insur
ance; other losses, $0000.
The undersigned, proprietor of the
NEWPORT MILLS, has completed his
extensive improvements and now feels
confident that be can make the BEST
FLOUR in Perry County, and will sell
at Rates that the poorest may buy. He
is very particular in the wheat he buys,
and has the only Smith Purifier in the
County. He is also Agent for the Un
derwood Patent Flouh, which is the
best flour in the World.
K-1T All kinds of Custom Work done
with precision and dispatch.
To know as much as possible about a
horse Is the duty of every one who owns
one of these noble animals. Kendall's
Horse Book will give very full informa
tion. Mailed on receipt of 25 cents.
Address, Times, New Bloomfleld, Pa.
Camphor Milk cures Headache and Neuralgia.
Camphor Milk cures Hheumatlsm and lame back
Camphor Milk will cure Cuts, Brulpes and Burns.
Camphor Milk costs 25 cents pr hot., 5 bottles tl
12 ly Hold by F. MORTIMS '., New Bloom Held.
Not Correct!
It having been reported that I wss about to
discontinue business at 1CKE8BURO, Perry
Connty, Pa., I beg leave to correct tho state
ment. I shall continue to sell new work, such
Repairing of every de it Ion done at short
notice and at Reasonable Particular
attention paid to repairing Corn-Planters.
C'nrllMle Carpet Iloimc.
Wetake ptsdfnre In announcing tothecltl
sens of PERRI COUNT!, that we now have
our Stork for Btirlng mo, opened and ready for
Inspection, which It has been our earnest en
deavor to secure early In order to protect our
AlthouKh the prices have advanced greatly,
yet these early purchases and large slock on
hand, bought at old prices enable us to sell
you at almost OLD KATES, and we feel confl
dunt that those Intending to buy
will be benefited by calling on us.
St East Main Street,
Phutnl's Pectoral will cure your Cough.
Phwnlx Pectoral cures Hoarseness quickly,
rhoinlx Pectoral tastes good and brings rest.
Pho-nlx Pectoral costs 2S cents prbot.,6 bottles tl.
2ly Sold by B. M. EBY, Druggist, Newport
By vlrtm of an order of the Court of Common
I leas of Perry county. Ha., the undersigned as
sign' e of Win. II. JUuflinan, will sell by outcry
on the premises, on
WEDNESDAY, April 7th, 1880,
at 10 o'clock a. m.,of said day, the following de
scribed real estate, to wit:
A Tract of Land,
situate In Madison township, perry countv. Pa.,
located on the public road l imning from 'Beale.
town to Handy Hill, and bounded on the North by
town to Handy Hill, and bounded on the North by
landof D.O.Oirls; Kast and Mouth by lands of
ItiNenh II. flrvtiAr unit mi hi. w.. I. m in..i ...
(ieo. Ueneh, containing
r;$ a cues,
more or less, having thereon erected a two story
Stone Dwelling House,
and other out buildings.
There Is a stream of running water near the
buildings, and a well of good water at the house.
It has all the conveniences of churches, school
house, stores, shops, &c. and is a property well
worthy the attentlou of purchasers.
TEN per cent of the purchase money to be
paid when the property Is stricken down; one
third of the balance at the time of confirmation
of sale when possession will be given and the
deed delivered; and the balance on April 1st,
l81,tobe secured by judgment bond bearing
Interest from date ot continuation of sale.
March. 13. 1880. A98,gne-
' By virtue of an order of the Court of Common
Pleas of Perry county, the undersigned, assignee
ot Michael Blltlng, under deed of voluntary as
signment for the benefit of creditors, will expose
at public outcry, on the premises, on
at 12 o'clock m., of said day, a
situate In Liverpool township, containing
110 Acres, and 116 Perches
of well Improved land, having thereon erected a
large two story
DA UN and other
Also, on
at 12 o'clock m., In the borough of New Buffalo,
4 Lots of Ground,
numbered In the general plan of said borough as
Lots Nos. 411, 41, 80 and 81, having thereon erected
a two.story
and other improvements.
TERMS: Ten percent, of purchase money on
day ol sale; one-third of balance on continuation
of sale, and the remainder oo the 1st day of April,
1K81, to be secured by Judgment bunds, with In-
.1. C. M'Alllster, att'y. Assiguee.
March 13. 1380.
Helling our Wonderful Invention tohousekeepers,
ns no lady can afford to keep house without It.
Eight hundred and sixty seven Agents have sold
124.000, averaging IH.75 profit ou every dozen
sold. Many ageuts are making as high as a.M
per day selling It. Our invention is endorsed by
the press and the publio as the most valuable
patent ever ollered house-keepers. We have men,
women and boys who never canvassed before,
making a complete success of the busiiies.
liy writing us at once yon can have your choice
of territory.for which we will furnish a Certificate
of Agency without charge. Tins will establish
yon iu a pleasant and profitable business, and oue
that you need uot be ashamed of.
Humpies free to Agents who will go right to
Address for circulars and terms to Agents,
Fourth and Central Avenue,
11 7t Cincinnati, Ohio.
817 & 819 ARCH STREET,
has reduced the rates to
The high reputation of the house will be main
tained in all respects, and the traveling public
will still find the same liberal provision for their
The house been recently reUtted. and Is com
plete in all its appointments. Located In the im
mediate vicinity of the large centres of business
and of places of amusement, and accessible to all
JUilroad depots and other parts of the City by
Streetcars constantly passing its doors. It offers
special Inducements to those visiting the City on
business or pleasure.
JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor
$20 To $25 Per Ton Saved
In your Fertilizers by nslng "Powell's Prepared
Chemicals." Why pav tWS to S45 for yonr fertiliz
ers, when 113 to 115 will buy you " Posell'i Pre
pared Chemicals" to make a Ton Corn, Oats, Po
tatoes, or Tobacco Fertilizer, equal to the best
hlxh priced Phosphate In the Market. Bend for
"Powell's Book of Formulas," with directions for
mixing nearly Mm namesot Pennsylvania farmers
uslug them the past season, testimonials, to,
12 General Agents, York, Pa.
FA NOT floods and Notions, Some new ar
rivals, Cheap.
O M I B Cloths and other Dress Goods In va-
nous siyies.
Ifi CLOTHS for Floors, Carriages and
Aauies. I'rices iuw.
A HI N 8, CITRONS. and a full assortment
opices. warranted pure.
rpitlMMINO 8ILKN, a nice line ot Dress
Buttons, Ribbons, &c.
I HON ft STEEL In a great assortment ot
Shapes aud Sizes.
MENS' SHI UTS. In various qualities, come
and see Styles and prices.
Alt 1NUS, and other trimmings.
KM N A NT's of PRINTfl-of these we have
a targe quantity in good styles.
In addition to the above goods ws have a nice
assortment of Ladles Neckties, Corsets, German
town Yarn, Zephyrs, Bhoes for Ladles and Chil
dren, and thousands of other articles.
New Bloomfleld, Fa.
We have just added to our
stock a full and complete line of
being all fresh goods and at
BOTTOM PRICES, it willbe
to your advantage to give us
a call.
We have Hemp Carpet as low as 20cts. per yd.
We " Rag " " " sscts. "
We " Flower " " " jjOcts. "
We " Hall "isocts.
We " Stair " " 26cts.
Also, a full line of
Oil Cloths.
lour Cldtiing Now !
It will be to your advantage,
as goods are advancing every
day. We are still selling at old
prices and will continue to do so
as long as possible.
Notice This!
In addition to our large stock
etc., we will open on the 1st of
April, a full line of
Lais' and Cents Fancy Goods.
Our increased sales will com
pel us to enlarge our room, and
we are now having it built to
twice its former size.
The place for a Good Bargain is
5c CCVS.,
Successor to
1 EmU CMHtly SB I., to Mil its
l;Wp4 mt Tfc Watrtb kwiln" hj MtfacrptfcB.
Teattcfe mm, tttlt fus MsrtaMi, w Urfc tW Mill firv
Ms! fira ktm tkaf v4H Ismi wotim- r f itM aaik.
AsklcNi UTUUuriUJ. At r i VX, s , BU Lm,