THE TIMES NEW BL00MFIEL1), PA.. MAltCll 2, 1880. 0 "HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Farmer's Families. Much lias been ' pal J and written, on tbla subject. Poets have loved It and al most every nrtist has his coxy little farmhouse .nestled among the trees, cov ered with cllmblng-roses, and surround ed tiy the "necessary outbuilding" Many a time have we forgotten while gazing at such a picture, or reading one of these amorous effusions, that we were born in the country, and that we lived la a farmhouse and followed Us tiresome monotony from morning till night, varying from laundry to dairy, feeding the poultry, rising before the lark was astir to milk the " patient klne." " shod like the mountaineer," and so ou with hut little variation, save on those days on which there was house cleaning or some " extra job " to be done. Then when evening came aud we sat down, thoroughly wearied, what an un utterable longing came over us for some thing more. If (and the tantalizing picture would present Itself ) there was a paper to be picked up after this was ov er, or some interesting and instructive volume we were weary, very weary, and the very sight of a pile of patching made both Angers aud eyes ache we were disinclined to touch it. And just here is one of the great wants of our modern farmhouse. There will be found, if the case be Investiga ted, that in by for the largest portion of them there is but the one weekly paper, and in very many none at all. In these houses the library may easily be counted. And here men and women in embryo Bpend those years that will so much in 'fluence tlielr future lives. Let this be remedled. Let the fathers supply their children with those grand educators, the public press ; gather around their fire sides the classic author, the historian, and mingle with them the best poets and some well-assorted novels, and thus inaugurate a new era in our farmhouses, which will make home more attractive to the sons than the corner .grocery, and the wives and daughters will have something to amuse and rest them after the cares of the day. Cure For Burns. A venerable patient, a retired foun dryman, tells us that during his appren ticehood to a ship builder of Philadel phia he became acquainted with a never failing remedy for burns and scalds, and that in his subsequent foundry life he saw innumerable such injuries relieved of pain and healed as if by magio by powdered charcoal. The softer it is the better, aud that from the pine wood is the best. It is to be thickly sprinkled over the burned or scalded surface as soon as possible, and renewed as it be comes moist or drops off. fThe same pa tient states that in the shipyard and In his foundry fir balsam proved a most soothing and rapidly curative dressing for abrasions and cuts. The hurts heal with marvellous expedition, and sup puration, erysipelas, Ac, are always prevented, he says. The balsam should be spread thickly over the wouud. No doubt the disciples of antiseptic surgery would attribute the good results of this dressing to the disinfectant pow er of the balsam, but the secret of Its efficacy lies, no doubt, in its exclusion of the atmosphere from the wouud. Nature endeavors to keep out the air from wounds by means of a film of lymph or pus or a scab, and meddlesome mau thwarts nature by frequently "cleansing,, the hurt by water, or, worse still, soap and water. The balsam protects the sore from the air and water aud nature, unobstructed, does her heal ing work rapidly and well. Water For The Cook. In cooking almost all kinds of nieut coft water should be used when possl Me, but with vegetables hard water is often liext, and for that reason salt is thrown into the water to make it hard when cooking. Borne vegetables are spoiled by cooking iu soft water, because it will not dissolve or make them so tender that all the flavor passes into the water.leaving the vegetables insipid aud worthless, destroying all the firmness of texture necessary to retain the flavor and Juices. Halt Is also added to reUln the color, else that would be lost in the water, and the vegetable Lecomtyellow. Koft water is best for inukiug soups, broths, or anything from which one de sires to extract the Juice regardless of the substance, uud hard water whea it is necessary to hold the juices in the meat; and. u the so Hot water may tie made hard by the addition ofsalt, house keeers will do vtUely if they provide themselves i-oiiKlantly wiili Mift wnler as far as i.Hihhllile. - - f$- Indian meal hhoiild U- ktpt in a jool place, and stirred in thu'optuair once iu a while. A large stone put In the middle oft lie barrel of mesl I a jjood thing t keep It cool. mmm HAtJJC A illl If AT BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS! It Is the Only Known Krmt'dy flint Never Fall. Over 2000 Druggists have signed a they are in every way Superior to the this purpose. BKABURY ft J011N8ON, Pharmafletitlcal JRUPTUllE CUBED! BrB..T. A. RHERMAN'8 SUPPORT AND CURATIVE, without, the Injury and suffering trusses Inlllct or hindrance from labor- Honk with likeness ot bad case before and alter cure, sent ires. Olllee 2."1 Broadway, NEW YOKK. Patients receive treatment and leave tor home the same clay. K'alw STOP jxiid THINK Before you have purchased elsewhere ! AT IRA WENTZEL'S STORE IN BLAIN, PENN'A, Is the place to buy goods AT THE LOWEST PRICE! A FULL STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HAND I Special Bargains arc Offered in MADE- UP CLOTHING AGENTS READ THIS ! We want an Agent In Perry county to whom we will pay a salary of tlmi pr month and ex nenses to sell our wonderful Intention. Sample tree. Address at ouce SHERMAN & CO., Mar shall. Michigan. lodrt "nDWDAYsTRlAL We will send our ELECTRO-VOLTAIC BELTS and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A Curetluaranteeor no pay. Address AOL TA IO BKET CO.. Marshall Mich. 10d4t ON LIFE & PROPERTY: SIO OOO wl'l I" P"I1 w p"! v . T-Ti, r.n.iDK A ;.v'initil wim ... rBWHTV ATTACfUir.niT. y I f " rnr 8ft flu. Fi'lirl or 1 1. jli-nN Wanted. Mils or Fi-mftle. S. K. SKWTOM'S SAPETT LAMP CO., . IHxrnlAWTo'., N. Y. S ...KM'onK, 13 Vt'fcrr Usoauwav, K. Y. 8.14 W C3 t'ts. DIAKinC Htool, Cover and Book only 14;l to rlAllUd, OKHANH laptops. 3 set. of Heeds. 2 Knee Nwells.Htool. Bonk, onlyJfS Hol iday Newspaoer free. Address Daniel F. Heat ty, WashliiBton, N. J. Sdtw AU V NTH AVANTEI) to send for Particu lars of our New Hook, " R,tnm Curiosities of the lube," also for the HANDS MEKr and 0MEAPK8T IllliLKH ever furnMiet Agents. hxtra terms and largeCAbH PKM1CMS. 1-OII8HEK tt McMakin, Cincinnati, O. a in TnVMlt'Kue ' 11 UiirWertiement. Peter Henderson A CO. as Cortlnndt Btreet, new ior. AGENTS WANTED to nnd for Psrtlrnlsrs of h' l"k, n,ll(IO CVKIOfllTIF.S OK THK UI1ILK, also f"r the Handsomest aim CHEAPESt BIBLES 1k.tES?GS. ""SE&xrsr"' cash premiums THE DEAF HEAR -runnunH THK TEETH. F"l PFKFMlTLY, T1 Ordinary onvMt!11, 1 f ) Leotnr.Oonort. eto.Jr I Srln(ll, TH E I FNTAPH 'HONS-t I r Uo on E 1 i Jftrald.l I ato. Nor. mwm Bkek Th Deof 1forruirkt.U rubllo Utu on th tft-t tlie Urnt nrl Dmk-m tf " ' .''ldMnrtt.r IREB IHurtrated dMcripllvt rmrhle .oerlon Duplin Oo, IM W. (k!ll..CuuUiuU, O. Halt HOrilTP Make quick sale and the best AllrlM I Api'ontsouour New Books, Golden nMW 1 WTllUgl'tSOH MOTIIEI. ilOMKAND Hkavkm In ProK8 and Poetry by SOU Bust Authors. Hegatitly Illustrated. Pleases everybody. ti7r! also. 6000 ' Curiosities of the Bible," tl 76. A (Ingle Canvas.-er actuallv sold 7.H)0 Copies. Moody's Authorized Mermons." fUto. Ma led on ret-elptof price. KB- TUKAT, Publisher, luall No. Hi) Broadway, N. Y. 11 AN US (I I1UAMH, CHEAPEST HOCHEIN AMERICA. - 1st Class Instruments, all new, for cash or Instal'mentui warranted six yeais. Illustrated Catalogues free. Agents wanted. T. LEIC1W WATERS, Ait't., litttt No. 8 West 14th Htreet, New York. FARMERS AND AARN,TSST 80NS (AU to I OO per month during the Winter and Spring, for particulars addresn J. McCUKDY & CO., riilladelphla, Pa. 10a4t OK HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BK FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. r. Monnntiijt, New liloomjielfl. .TO Suur omicr in navy utrUU!) for Men's Wear is eomnlete. Prices from cento up. P. MOHTIMEK. New BlaomUeld.Ft m ONCIJ C I lli:i II V paper stating that Physicians say slow-actlng rorous riaHers usee for Chemists, New York, price 26Cls, l14w 0 O M BEST FURNACE IN THE WOULD It'll IIAIMI COAL OR VO(l. (Witot'uiiT or Cast Ikon ) 5IADM 11' RICHARDSON, BOYNTON &C0 Kmbody NEW 1879 linprovenients. nevor bofora adopted ; Contain more prwt cal leiiinei; Are more duiah'e; Cost less to keep In order: Usesless fuel, aft will more neat aud n largnrvnltiina of pure air than anv rurmicemav in the United State. Replace our old andpo n ly working heater with one of lliese modern furnaces, which ate popular and universally successful. Wend direct lo M inufuitturers for prices, m WATEtt ST., New York. IMPORTANT! The Meriden Purchasing Co., WMt Mcrlrit'ii, I'oim., Have Issued a most va'uableCataluRue for House hold reference, containing the NET CASH PHICES at which they will sell any of the pro ductions of the Celebrated Factories of Meriden, Consisting of every ooiiuelvable pattern of Plain and Ornamental Silver Plated and Cut Glassware, Lamps, Chandeliers and Bronzes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Scissors and Razors, The Unri valed Wilcox & White Or gans, the well-known Parker Guns, and Novelties and Specialties of many Descriptions, Persons desiring Standard Articles of Cuques. tlonable Merit, for Wedding, Presents.Orna meuts or Use, At Meriden Prices, ran procure Catalogue free of elm rue at the olllee of this aer, or from The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Merldeii, Conn. In sending for Catalogue, or in giving an orde, please mention that the uOverlM'ii.eni was seen HI ill! Timk. IM POIITA NT NOTIirK. -The aiibsorlber late of the tlnn of Khoades HinlMi wnoid insueclfully ilifni in the citizens of BLAIN snd vlniuitv, tluil he lias opened a VWQON MAKKKHIioP miiiI la preparer! to make new waaousand reiwlrold ones at short notice. aud t from TEN to rWKNT V percent, uheaperthan (b nA nnn Give ine a call. Hatlsfaetlon guaranteed. J At.'Ori HM1TH. Blaln. August a. IHrtT. 'tV t. ' r-- v !J, ft ..' p ' l I : Vti j f : '(;(' Newport Advertisements. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Hinon hand a nomplnts asmrtmnnt of thfifol lowltut arUclna, the subscriber asks a share of your patronage. - Vruffn and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS, , Also a full stock ot Concentrated Somedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Perfumery HAlll OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Band PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Varrf&Vy and Promptly Filled B . M. EBY, N ewport, Penn'a. It. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealer In this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the st u in or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber,i0, We use Clearfield l'lne aud Uem- lock only. W. R. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Perry t'., Pi. Octolier 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones&Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa, ATE would respectfully invite the patronage of tne iarmers, ana me puoiio generally, as the Hiuiir.MT i'Kijr.rt ine market winaiiora will be paldforallklndsoi GRAIN, FLOCK, PRODUCE SEEOS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, mSH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES. Arc, &e, FOR BALK AT 1UK i.OWfcSl HA 1KB. V Orders promptly tilled, Newport, July 20, 1876-tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tohacco Dealer, IVrlghrN Building. KKWPORT, 1A. Sols Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW PRICES. W Country Merchants supplied with Ooods at Philadelphia prices. - Your orders are solicited. Ml I NSUKANCE ! B. HIMES, GENERAL LIFE AND Fire Insurance Agency. OFFICE: Sooth East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICI ES written In first class companies on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted aud promptly paid. Before renewing youi Insurance, or placing new risks, you will certainly find it to your in terest to call on or address the subscriber. Companies Represented . JEtna, of Hartford. Assets, ,T00.nod. North British England, " l.tffl.MU. Commercial Uulon. " 1.4M.UM. North America. Phll'a.. " O.WO.OnO. Fire Association, Phli'a., " 3.778.IKX) Pennsylvania, " " l.TOO.nuQ B. HIMES, Agent. ' March 11, Wily BOOKSllOKS! Gift Boohs, Children's JJooJcs, Blank Books, School Books, Bibles ! Testaments ! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. 8 Stationery at Wholesale or Retail f iT Subscriptions taken for all News papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1079 8m AUCTIONJEEMS. P. HOOVER, . AUCTIONEEll. Attention given to sales, and satisfaction guar anteed. Prices low. Call on or address F. P. HOOVEK, EUlottsuurg, Pa. Augustl 2, 1879. JAS. P. LATCHFORD, AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public that hr will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. DON N ALLY'S MILLS. PERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland couuties. Post office address, Bherniansdele, Perry CO., Pa. w. D. HENRY, AUCTIONEER. Blain, Perry county Fa. J-Terms Moderate and every exertion made (o render satisfaction. 6tf Auctioneer. The undersigned glve notice that he will cry sales at any point In Terry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptatteBtlon willbe given. E.D.WELL8, Mew Buffalo Perry eo.. Pa. c. B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEER, Delville, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tf D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEEK, ICKEBBURO, PERRY COUNTY, PA. . Charges moderate. Prompt attention pa i to ail calls. AUCTIONKKH. The undersigned gives notice that be will ciy sales at a reasonable raie. Hatisfaction guaranteed. 3. Address THOS 8UTCH, Jr., Nor. 18, '78 Landlsburg, Pa. H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! Iwouldrespectlvelyinform myfrlendsthat i k tendo ailing upon them with a supply of goo ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE, Consistingof OA881MER8. 0A83INKT8. FLANNKLS, (Plalnandbar'd) CARPETS, Aco., to exchange for wool or sell for easb. J.M.BIXLEB. Factobt. .,17.i TO 1600 A YKAR. or f to 120 a day in your own locality. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make mme than the amount stated abovr. No one can fail to make mon eyfast. Yon can inakefri iii Ml rAtils tn tr. n timir liv rl- votlng your evenings and spare time to the ui ness. It costs nothing to try the business. 'oih ing like it for making money ever oflered before. Business pleasant andntrlotiv honorable. Baader. If you want to know all about the best paving bust ness before the public, send ns your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth I.) also frees you ean then make uy vour mind for yourself. Addres. OKOKUK STIN.MI.N CO., Poitland, Me. Hiij' fcURED Promptly and Per manently. 1 send a bottle of my celebrated renieay, with a valu able treatise on this to allsutterera who send me their P. O . andLKxprewi address. Dr. H. OKoot, o. 1 S3 Peart (Street. New York. 4fal;;t fctf Wlll b. ,u.i . .ii rii ,. ta fwnilf It. II rniitaia. fii.. n.l.a. A ."ewot i.ii Jr-rir.ii.,0 plh-iiui mtanT ' O.M.rBY400,Srt,aka. $1500 FITS J.