The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 24, 1880, Page 4, Image 4

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Jfew Bloom field, 1V6. 84, 18S0.
Ho Out nrHternntype will he inserted luthls xir
nnlMiH Itwlit faoe and on metal base.
SWTwmitypnriwnt. iniwM of rwnlar rates, will
baoharired tor adrerUaeniimta aetln JluulileUolumu.
I.nnkat th nViirea on the label of your tsrr.
Throw tUnrpa tell vnu I ho ilnlolo whlrli '"
eilpilnuUpnld. Within a week. after '""""J.1
nt, aoe If th date la ohanKad. No other receipt
Tub late unpleasantness In Maine,
cost the State about f 22,000. This Is In
addition to the loss caused by the ex
cltemeut In stagnating business.
The Independent voter was arouDd In
great numbers In all parts of the State
at last Tuesday's election. In many
places Independent candidates were
Tub Ohio Rivun made a remarkable
rise last week. During Sunday, Mon
day and Tuesday, the rise at Cincinnati
was forty-flve feet. Much damage was
done by the water.
A train on the lielalr & S. W. road,
jumped the track and rolled down an
embankment fifty feet high on Friday
last. Quite a number of persons were
Injured, but none killed.
Tub board of poor directors of Berks
county at a meeting recently, passed a
resolution forbidding the use of smok
ing tobacco In any form by the Inmates
of the poor house. This action was tak
en because several fires took place at the
hospital in the last two years, the ori
gin of which was traced to sparks fall
ing from pipes. The action of the Berks
poor directors is worthy of Imitation
throughout the state.
An important verdict was rendered In
a New York court the other day where
in Mrs. Stratton was plaintiff and Jacob
Krcb, a Brooklyn liquor dealer, and John
Dapple, owner of the building, were
defendants. The action was brought to
recover $5,000 damages for supplying
plaintiff's husband with liquor, so that
he became an habitual drunkard. The
Jury returned a verdict for $500. Actions
brought In this State, under like circum
stances, would result in similar verdicts.
That making a husband a drunkard or
incapicltating him from caring for his
family through the use of intoxicating
liquors are great offences, and the right
to recover damages therefore Is nothing
more than Justice, as well as good com
mon sense.
The High Price of Paper.
New Orleans, Feb. 19. Owing to
remarkable increase In the price of print
ing paper, the proprietors of the news
papers in New Orleans assembled at the
office of The Picayune this evening,
when the following resolution was
adopted ;
Jicsolved, That the representatives of
Louisiana In Congress be and they are
hereby earnestly requested to use their
influence to have the duty on printing
paper, chemicals and material used in
the manufacture thereof, removed or
materially reduced.
The Delays of Congress.
A Washington dispatch says : The
delay of Congress in both houses in grap
pling with the public business pressing
on its attention occasions much un
pleasant criticism. Every day the
HouBe has a wrangle over the rules
concocted at Long Branch last summer.
The truth is cropping out that it has
been the costliest revision of rules ever
had by any parliamentary body. For
over two months the House has done
little else than debate the new rules,
while the Senate says it is waiting for
the House and takes a regular half-week
holiday. So we go, with the prospect of
a dog-day session in plain sight. There
are matters of legislation earnestly de
manding attention from Congress which
will now have to go over unless the
term Is to be protracted till September.
Land-Owners in' Ireland.
Ireland is owned by a handful of rich
men. They let the land to some 600,000
tenants. According to official statistics
there are 1529 tenants in Ireland who
have more than 600 acres each ; 287,516
have 15 acres or less. In 1870, the gov
ernment reported 2,073 absentee land
holders in Ireland who owned Just one
fourth of the island, rated at an annual
rental of $12,354,080. Following, are
some of the absentee landlords with the
acreage :
. NO. OF
Sir Richard Wallace, 61,000
Marquis of Ely; 48,000
Lord Dillon, 89,000
Earl of Devon, 33,000
LordDigby, 30,000
EarlofArran, 30,000
Earl of Pembroke, 2,000
It is said that these landlords rarely
get more than 3 per cent, on their
estates. In the 90 years preceedlng 1870,
rent In Ireland has only doubled, while
In Scotland and England, it has increas
ed three and six fold.
All Truth.
There Is not the least doubt but what
It Is for the good of every man, woman
and child to patronize home trade. The
Interests of the town demand this. Every
dollar that Is spent away from home Is
one dollar taken from the wealth of the
place. We are virtually one dollar poor
er. By doing our purchasing at home
we aid and assist each other. It Is "you
help me and I will help you." We are
as well pleased, If, when we have any
thing to dispose of, some person offers to
give us something In return, which Is
just what we want. Here lies the prin
ciple of home trade. Tay your dollar to
a city dealer and what do you get In re
turn V A dollars worth of goods you
may say. All fair and good, of course.
You have your goods and he has his dol
lar ; but the general good of tho people
of which you are one is not enhanced by
that trade Itockville Leader.
A Strange School Scene.
A somewhat dramatic Incident occurred
at a country school-house near Seaford,
Delaware, a few days since. The older
pupils were required by the teacher, a
certain Samuel Itoop, to write composi
tions, A young Miss of 10 refused to go
through with this part of the school ex
ercises. The teacher notified her that on
the following Monday she would be re
quired to write a composition. The girl
had a couple of big brothers, and when
they heard of this peremptory order,
they concluded to attend school them
selves that day, and if the teacher at
tempted to enforce It, to give him a
thrashing. The teacher was advised of
this threat and put a revolver in his
pocket before he started for the school
house on Monday morning. The big
brothers were In attendance. When the
hour came for writing compositions, the
teacher laid his revolver on the desk,and
told the refractory girl to proceed with
her task. The big brothers kept their
seats In mute astonishment while their
sister wrote a composition. A meeting
of the School Commissioners was call
ed, and they sustained Mr. Itoop In his
method of enforclug discipline.
An Important Omission.
Dr. Calvin Bunch, of the Northern
Indiana prison hospital at Michigan
City, Iud., claims to have Invented
another one of the numerous alleged
lights that will beat Edison. Ho sayB;
" I use a bottle with a common cork,
through which passes a hollow tube
four inches long, which contains the
wick. I fill my bottle with nothing but
water. After saturating the wick in a
chemical solution, I put It in the bottle
of water and light it, when it will afford
a beautiful, bright yellow flame, superior
to coal oil, at a cost of not more than
one or two cents a year. No repetition
of the chemical solution after the wick
has once been saturated is necessary;
only fill the bottle occasionally with
water in order to keep the wick moist
and softened. No trouble of snufflug or
trimming the wick. It Is perfectly
harmless ; no danger whatever of explo
sion." But he does not tell us what the
solution is, and this is an important
Killed by Burglars.
A cold-blooded murder was committed
atj Sandwich, 111., Monday morning.
Two burglars having entered the house
of Hiram P. Allen, a respectable citizen
were surprised by his sitting up In bed
and addressing one of them. The burg
lar Immediately opened fire on him, hit
ting him four times. One of the shots
would have proved fatal, if no others
had been fired. He died instantly. His
wife had taken refuge in a closet and
some conversation between the burglars
which, with another clue they left be
hind, may lead to their arrest.1 They
secured only a trifle In the way of plun
der. One Drop too Much.
New Orleans, Feb., 18. During the
session of the House yesterday, speaker
Ogden's pistol fell from his pocket, caus
ing it to discharge. To-day District At
torney Finney, filed an Information
against Ogden, charging him with car
rying concealed weapons.
Much Married.
Jacob Lang was arrested in Allegheny
on a charge of wife desertion, and when
the hearing was held on Saturday three
other wives appeared to claim him.
An investigation developed that Jacob
had six wives in the land of the living.
Miscellaneous News Items.
tW A New York vagrant las turned out
to be a member of the Worrell family, of
Elizabethport, and beir to $40,000.
tW Beverly is going extensively iuto the
business of hatching out partridges, spring
chickens, ducks, etc., from tho egg by
artiflcal beat.
Elf There is a tramp rendezvous near
East New Brunswick where they meet to
the number of thirty or forty, and ca
rouse on the cheap whiskey and stolen
I1TA fine Jersey bull belonging to
Flerre Lorlllard, and worth several hun
dred dollars for brooding, was sold for
slaughter at Mt. Holly the other day for
$38. lie had become dangerous,
tW An Inhuman wretch down at Haley,
villa not long ago sewed up the eyes of a
bog which wis being fattened, to prevent
It from devouring tbo chickens which flew
into the pon to feed upon tbe bog's food.
tW A large oil tank at Oloan begun
leaking the other day, and about four
hundred barrels wore lost hofore tho'rlgbt
plau to stop tbe leak was discovered.
Thirty sacks of Indian meal emptied
Into the tank, did tbo work.
SW A two-year-old child of Mrs. Mo
Cammick, sitting lu a chair noar the stove,
at Delia Union, Ind. fell over upon it In
such a way that its faoe was caught be
tween the chair and stove and held there
till one side was literally Masted. One of
tbe child's hands was also burned to the
Ar.TOONA, Pa., Feb., 17. John Nevlln,
this morning shot and mortally wounded
S Pennington at Iloutzdalp, Clearfield Co.
Nevlln Is a desperado and bss served a term
in tbe penitentiary. He was arrested and
lodged In Jail. Pennington is a more boy.
Tbe parties bad a quarrel on Monday in
which Novllu was wonted and It was sup
posed the matter was ended.
E3T Tbo Postmaster at Centrevllle, Md.,
received lots of complaints about mailed
letters being lost, and bogan to tbink there
was a thief about the ofllce. It was dis
covered that letters when slipped into'a
small slit in tbe door made to receive them
found tbelr way iuto a crack between the
panels. Whed the discovery was made
tlfly letters had thus accumulated.
t2TThe daughter of Spotted Tall, a
tail, ungniuly young woman of 18, Is
studying in tbo Qovernment School for In
dians at Carlisle Barracks. Pa. She has
lately married the half-breed interpreter
employed at tbe barracks, and when sent
to do some sorubhlng tbe other day her
lordly huBband interfered. Ills wife was
of royal blood, he remarked, tbe daugh
ter of a ohief, and he wanted her to learn
only what tbe wblte ladies do.
tW Mrs. Engle In Phila., had a Darrow
escape tbe other day. Hearing the report
of a pistol in au upper room, she rushed
up stairs to find that her five-year-old son
bad taken a loaded revolver from a bureau
drawer and shot it olf lu playing with It.
She took tbe weapon In tbe yard, and,
as she thought, fired out tbe remaining
loads. As sbe was looking into tbe barrel
a charge which Bbo had missed went off,
tbe bull grazing her head.
tW Miss Tillio Smith, of Lebanon, bad
occasion to go Into tbe cellar on Saturday
for wood to replenish the Ore, but shortly
after she bud thrown the wood in tbe stove
a stench was emitted that caused her to
investigate matters, and on going to the
stovo she tbore espied a black snake that
had lodged iu the hollow of the wood and
was burning vigorously. Tbe reptile was
drawn from tbe flro with a pair of tongs.
tW M. John Shlreraan, of Lower Mil
ford, Lehigh couuty, Is tbe owner of a pot
ground-bog that slopt soundly all winter
in a box prepared for him in a oorner of a
room. On Monday, the 2d of February,
Candlemas, or ground-bog day, true to the
Instinct of its race, the animal came out of
Its box and looked for its shadow. It seem
ed to be greatly stiffened up, and sparingly
partook of Borne refreshments la tbe shape
of cakes and water, and then went baok to
its box and turned over as stiff as ever.
C3f" It must have been tremendously
embarrassing to that nice young man out
at Bowling Green, Kentucky, who escorted
tbe preacher's fair daughter to church
Sunday night, and arrived late, to hear
tbe reverend gentleman read from the Bi
ble as tbo couple marched up the aisle,
" My daughter is grievously tormeuted
with a devil," which verse occurs iu an
account of a New Testament miracle.
The whole congregation snickered, and it
would be bard to toll whioh fult worst, the
preaober, his daughter, or her escort.
Chicago, Feb., 17. W. E. Guernsey a
passenger ou the train from tbe weBt, yes
terday evening, threw himself under a car
at the Desplaines street viaduct, and was
so badly crushed that he died lu a few
hours. On a leaf of a memoraudum book
found In his pocket was this entry :
" My brother-in-law's name is Frank A.
Deans, Wllksbarre, Pa. I killed myself
because 1 knew the Masons would when I
got to Chicago. W. E. G."
He was from San Francisco, and evident
ly of unsound mind. t
Cincinnati, February 18. During a
rain storm at an early hour this morning a
frame houso on McLear avenue, ' near Lib
erty street, occupied by John Dolfenbaoh,
wife and three children, was blown com
pletely over, burying the Inmates under
tbe debris. Tbe father was fatally injured,
bis wife and two eldest children were
slightly hurt aud the infant was crushed
beneath tbe timbers. A rafter was lying
across its neck when found. It was taken
to a neighboring house, where in a few mo
menta afterwards it died.
To all who are semiring from the errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
early deeay, Iom of manhood, Ao., 1 will send
a recipe that will care you, rasa or ciiar(i.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary In Bouth America. Send a sol f-addressed
envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Inman,
Station D, New Tork City. 9 b ly.
Camphor Milk cures Headache and Neuralgia
Camphor Milk cures Rheumatism and lame hack
Camphor Milk will curs Cuts, Brutres snd Burns.
Camphor Milk costs M cents pr hot, 6 bottles tl
12 ly Bold by F. MORTIMER, New Bloom Held.
Wanted Five worn out Saw Mill Haws,
for which a good price will be paid by
M. B. Ehiileman,
8 Newport, Pa.
Phmnlx Pectoral will ours your Cough,
fhuinlx rectoral oures Hoarseness quickly.
Fhoanlx Pectoral tastes good snd brings rest.
Phcenlx Pectoral costs 26 cents prhot.,6 bottles It.
21y ' Sold by B. M.EDY, Druggist, Newport
If You need Clofhlngyou will find It to
your advantage to buy now. We still
continue to sell at old prices and will do
ho as long as possible. Maiix Dukes &
Co., Newport, succe ssors to I. Schwartz.
FANCY floods and Notions, Borne new ar
rivals, Cheap.
"TO MI E Clot lis and other Dress (Joodslo va.
, rlous styles.
0,JKVL,0?'I,s f"r Floors, Carriages and
Tables. Prices low.
AIMN8. CITnoNS.and afull assortment of
epices. warranted: pure.
it I mm I NO bilks, a nice Hue of Dress
I HOW ft STEEL In a great assortment of
Shapes aud Sizes.
MBNS' sill UTS, In various qualities, come
and see styles and prices.
MIlltOIDKIllKH. EDGINGS, INSERT., ana eiuer trimmings.
KMSANTH of PRlNTS-of these we have
urge iiuaiimy in goo a styles.
In addition to the above goods ws have a nice
assortment of Ladios Neckties, Corsets, German
town Yarn. Zephyrs, Shoes for Ladies and Chil
dren, and thousands of other articles.
New bloomtleld, Fa.
Ulahent Medal at Vienna and 1'Mladtlphia.
E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers in
Velvet Frames, Alburns, Graphoscopes,
Stereoscopes & Views,
And kindred goods Celebrities, Actresses, te.
We are Headquarters for everything In the way ol
Stereopticons & Magic Lanterns,
Each style belngthe bestof Its class In the market
Beautiful Photographlo Transparencies of Stat
uary and Engravings for the window.
Convex glass. Manufacturers of Velvet Frames
for Miniatures and Convex Glass Pictures.
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with direc
tions for using, sent on receipt of ten cents.
February nth 4 in.
THE nnderslgned.asslgnees of Samuel Smith, of
Bloomtleld borough, Perry County, Pa., under a
deed of voluntary assignment, lor the beuelit of
creditors, by virtue of an order of sale granted by
the Court ot Common Pleas of said couuty will sell
at public outcry on the premises ou
Wednesday the 3d day or March, 1880, .
at 10 o'clock of said day, the following described
real estate, to wit:
A Lot of Ground,
situate In the Borough of Bloom tleld.Perry county
Pa., bounded ou the North by High street of said
Borough; on the South by property of Charles SI.
Darling; on the West by Carlisle street, and on
the East by an alley, and having thereon erected
"Weather-boarded House,
with BASEMENT, KITCHEN and Wood House
attached, with also a
This property Is comparatively new, In the best
repairs and pleasantly situated.
TERMS of Sale: 10 per cent, of the purchase
money to be paid when the property is stricken
down, one-half the balance on ttie 1st of April,
1880, when deed will be delivered and possession
given, and the remainder In two equal annual
payments, payable 1st of April 1R81 and Wi, re
spectively, with interest from l&tot April l&au, to
be secured by Judgment bond-
817 & 819 ARCH STREET,
has reduced the rates to
The high reputation tt the house will be main
tained in all respects, and the traveling public
will still Bud the same liberal provision lor their
The house been recently refltted, and Is com
plete in all Its appointments. Located in the Im
mediate vicinity of the large centres of business
aud of places of amusemeut, and accessible to all
Railroad depots and other parts of the City by
Streetcars constantly passing its doers. It otters
special inducements to those visiting the City oa
busiuoss or pleasure.
JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor.
Dress Making In Duncannon.
Miss O. Daniels has opened ft Dress
Making Room In Mr. Henry Btevenson's
tailor shop, (up stairs) and hopes the
ladles of this town and vicinity will give
her a call.
Duncannon, Feb. 11, 1880.
We have just added to our
stock a full and complete line of
being all fresh goods and at
BOTTOM PRICES, it willjjbc
to your advantage to give us
a call.
We have Hemp Carpet as low as 20cts. pervd.
We " Rag " ' " 86ctt.
We " Flower " 80cts. "
We " Hall 'BOcts. "
We " Btalr " 25cts. '
Also, a full line of
Oil Clbtlis.
Buy Tour Clothing Now
It will be to your advantage,
as goods arc advancing every
day. "We are still selling at old
prices and will continue to do so
as long as possible.
Notice This!
In addition to our large stock
etc., we will open on the 1st of
April, a full line of
Lais' anil Cent's Fancy Goods.
Our increased sales will com
pel us to enlarge our room, and
we are now having it built to
twice its former size.
The place for a Good Bargain Is
& CO'S.,
Successor to
Arm and Hammer Brand.
Absolutely and Chemically Pure.
Which is the same thiDg.
Impure Saleradu or Jil-Carb Nodes (irAfeA f thi
tame thlno) U of a MuMly dirty vMUs color. It
may opjmar vhite examined hu i(elt, tntt a COM;
UAMMKlf BRAND tclll sAote the dtfftrence.
Sre that yovr Salrratiaand Bnkina Soda t white
and imre.atthouUlbe ALLStMILASHUBHTANi
A similar but severe test of the comparative
value of different brands ot Bodaor&tleratus is to
dissolveadessertspooofulof eaeh kind with about
a pint of water (hot preferred in clear Klasws,
stirring until all Is thoroughly dissolved. The dele
terious matter In the interior tjoda will be auowu
after settling some twenty minutes or sooner, by
the milky appearance ol the solution and the
quantity of lloatiUK flacky matter according to
Be sure and ak tor Church ft Co's Soda and Sal
eratus and see that their name is ou the package
and you will get the purest and whitest made.
The use ot this with sour milk, in preference to
Baking Powder, saves twenty tlmee Kscosu
See one pound package (or valuable Information
and read carefully.
February 17, 1880. 3m