0 THE TIMES NEW KL00MF1ELI), PA., FEBRUARY 17, 1880. OIIic 4Li oDiniiflo (Limfs. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. ALUM IN BREAD. A nuisance that troubled Europe fifty years ago now attracts attention here, that la, putting alum In the bread we eat. The bread roust be " light" that It may be digested, that la, It must be filled by the well-known cells we are accus tomed to see In It. Where beer or ale Is brewed those who understaud healthy bread making procure yeast, which "lightens" the bread better than any subBtistute, and Is wholesome. Where yeast Is not readily to be obtained baking powders are resorted to, and out of them comes mischief. . Bl-carbonate of soda and cream of tartar, or tartaric acid, are the usual constituents of a good baking powder. Cream of tartar sells at from sixty to eighty-five cents a pound. This high price has led cheap baking powders to be made of alum, as a substitute for some or all of the cream of tartar. Alum will make bread look whiter, so that bakers make an Inferior flour salable as as bread by Its use ; and they use It, In some places calling il "rock," so that no inadvertent expressions may let outsiders know that alum is used. Alum Is an Injurious article to the human constitu tion in large quantities, or in small quantities often repeated. It is the small quantities taken every meal in bread that do the mischief. Alum is cheap ten cents a pound to the pocket, but it takes what is saved out of the stomach, and then takes it with fearful interest. Alum is an astringent, and is used by dyers and other as such. Taken frequently on the stomach it pro duces heartburn, indigestion, griping, constipation, dyspepsia and kindred troubles resulting from irritation of the mucus membrane, produced by the stringent properties of alum. All these nice things to be inflicted by the bread eaten morning, noon, evening. To young children, 'growing girls, persons of light frame and sedentary occupations, this alum bread is poison most especially. If the reader wants to know something of alum let him suck a lump of it, notice Its effects upon the mouth, which is something like that of an unripe persim mon ; then let him reflect how it acts upon the tender, delicate coat of the stomach. Dr. Henry A. Mott, the cele brated analytical chemist, analyzed twenty-three of the baking powders most in use, and found alum in all but one. It is time we took measures to stop the bread poisoning that kills our little enes and perpetuates dyspepsia and cholera. A New Way to Fix Fodder. The Hellefoute Republican gives this item of interest to the farmer: "Mr. John I. Thompson, of Martha, has a way of preparing his corn fodder that to us Is quite new. He uses one of the old fashioned little Shaker threshers by taking out the teeth from the front con cave and In their place inserting knives (made from old scythe blades,) then feeds In the stalks. The result Is that the fodder is cut up fine and maybe more conveniently stored, the cattle eat more of it and waste less, and it makes excellent manure, being rolled easily and is free from the stringy stalks so ob jectionable in corn fodder compost. Mr. Thompson says this Is the only sat isfactory fodder cutter he has ever tried. It is entirely his own idea, but as he has not patented the machine we give those who may prolitbyitthe benefit of this description." Powerful Explosives. Gun cotton is prepared by dipping cellular tissue, viz : cotton, sawdust or printing paper, in strong nttrlo acid (aquafortis.) It is then to be carefully washed and dried. It is not materially changed in appearance. It explodes at the heat of boiling water (212) degrees. It explodes with much greator violence and suddenness than gun powder, and for that reason is more liable to burst a gun. See what a power sleeps in our ignorance. Take a saw and cut up a bit of deal board, a bit of dried pine " board. Steep this In a saucerful of acquafortls and this single cupful of compound, fill ed Into a tin vessel and Inserted Into the basement wall of a building, will, when exploded, blow it to pieces. Spirits of turpentiue is good to take grease spots off woolen clothes, to take spots of paint from mahogany fur niture, and to cleanse white kid gloves. Cockroaches and vermin have an aver sion to spirits of turpentine. A Cross Baby. Nothing is so conducive to a umu's remaining a bachelor as stopping for one night at the house of a married friend and being kept awake for five or ix hours by the crying of a cross baby. All cobs and cryiug babies need only Hop Bitters to make them well and smiling. Young man, remember this. -Ed. H 2t .. A Wont to thnn who use PHHOHH I'l.AHTKIIH. it. In a uiuvpisiiIIv ack nowlpdunl fact that ItKNSOSVSCAi'CJINE I'OKOUM I'LANTEIW AltK hUPKKIOIt TO ALL OTIIKKH. The (treat, demand fur them has cansod it number of unscrupulous parties to make anil noil worthless Imitations under similar souudlnir, name. Ait the market la Hooded with Inferior piaster selling at any prion It la Important for the consumer to know which in the bent, It la well known that, some of the cheap plasters have been extmlned and found to contain Injurious Ingredient which make them dangerous to use, causing paralysis and other diseases. . CAUTI'N-Hee that the word CA I'CINB on each p aster Is spelled oorreetly. HHAUUKY A JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists, New York. Trice 2flCls, M4w DR. J. A. SHERMAN Is the Only Orlglunl Dr. Nliermnii known to the f Hbllc for the past So vears or more through his successful method of treating Huplurn without he aniiovance aM Injury truss- Indict. Ills system of cute Is by local extern! application. No man Is safe wh i has a rapture, no matter how luslgn -Meant he mav consider it, for every mn who has dbd It, once cat tered himself that It was but a tilling ailment; and every man who now suiters from Hand the Injury of trusses, to such nn extent that life has no enjoyment, once regarded It as tinworthv speclalattentlon. It Is not a stand still allllctlon i It Is progiesslve.even unto death References given to gentlemen in the city, who have been cured. lHirliirc treatment no hindrance from labor. Patients from abroad can receive treatment and leave for home the same day. TITM HOOK OIV 11 1 1 IrrT7ItI3 gives the most reliable proofs from distinguished professional gentlemen, clergymen nnd mer chants of bis successful practice and popularity therefrom throughout this country and Hie West Indies The aRlored should read It and Inform themselves of the certainty of being cured It Is illustrated with photographic llkonesses of extremely bad cases before and after cure and mailed to those who send in cents. Have tills, aud remember In wi lting or calling the address Is 251 ltroatlwey, Corner Murray St.. New York. CAUTION. the reputation of Dr. J. A. RHEUM AN, a'talned from 40 tears successful graeiice has malted around the country, PRHTKNDEIH who assume to be the original r. hernmti famous for the cure or Kupture. Two of these parties an old aud a young niitn recent, ly turned up In Boston ; they duped several by their Fraudulent Advertisements: when suit was brought, but the fellows ran away leaving sorrowful victims, room rent, hord bills nd newspa pers unpaid. Hlnce then they have been discovered at 2U Broad way, New York, where they re cently, by base deceptions defrauded an aged Clergyman. 6 dlw ST OF and THINK Before you have purchased elsewhere ! AT IRA WENTZEIS STORE IN BLAIN, PENN'A, Is the place to buy goods AT THE LOWEST PRICE ! A FULL STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HAND ! Special Bargains aro Offered in MADE- UP CL O THING A HOUSEHOLD NEED. A book on Malarial Diseases anil Liver Complaints, sent Free. Address, Dr. Sit nford, ltii Broadway, New York City. 8iU. C1I) 4 "VrrpjCJ Tour Around the World. TlVViX X k5 Complete record. De scribes places visited, and ovations by Kings and Emperors, flou pages, 2 t) Illustration. Price, J2 fni. Agents wanted. Circulars free. W. 11.Kfi i.ev, Philadelphia, Pa. Ud4. AGENTS READ THIS ! We want an Agent in Perry county to whom we will pay a salary of giou per month and ex. renses to sell our wonderful Invention. tiample ree. Address at once SHERMAN & CO., Mar shall, Michigan. tid-lt COMPOUND OXYGEN "Health and Life." No. 1. a record of remarkable cures In Consumption. Ca tarrh, Neuralgia, and other chronic diseases by the new oxygen Treatment, now rendv aud sent free. Dits. STARKKY & PALEN, Hull and 1 111 Uirard st Philadelphia, Pa. Odl. 5 000nr CllSe 01 Co"Ktl' t"ull'or Asthma fnlflADAMS0X'8 BOTANIC UALSAM vAVltl not cure. Hold by all Druggists and Dealers at B5c. and 75e, Hample bottle Wc. See that the name of K. V. KINSMAN Is blown In the glass of the bottle. Trade supplied by GKO. 0. GOODWIN & CO.. Boston, Mass. 0d4t ON 30 DAYS TRIAL We will send our ELECTRO-VOLTAIC BELTS and other Klectrle Appliances upon trial for 80 days to those suffering from Nervous Dehllltv Kheiunatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A Cure Guarantee or no pay. Address VOLTAIO BKKT CO., Marshall Mich. (id -It A GREAT SUCCESS t 40.000 soldi! HEADi.KY'S wonderfully popular work, the TrLif8n2f 6EN. GRANT is pronounced by the General's Intimate friends the best low-priced work hence the splendid sue cess of agents. A Million people want JiUADLKY'dbooktoday. We need 3000 MORE AGENTS AT ONCE I Beware of imitations. We send proof of super I. ority, sample leaves, steel portrait of Grant, and lull particulars free to alt desiring them. Ad dress, HURHAKD BROS., Pubs., 723 Chestnut hit., Philadelphia, Pa. ik!4. ON LIFE & PROPERTY; $10,000 m t p.M to snr vriwa en rxri.aun a lamp mtnl with tiur NIVKTV ATTACIIIIF.NT. lLil..tfT,fnrMrt. Kciiilortl. ApHts Wsalad. tl.le or F.in.1. S. 8. KUWTON'S SAFETY LUP CO.,' HtyoMAMToM, N. Y. P.l-ralooM, It Wk.t Uharw.t, K. T. 8d4w 33 Cts. PIANflQ Wool, Cover and Book only I14S to W IMMUO, OKUAN8 13 Stops. 3 set of Jleeds. 2KneeSwells.Stool.Book. onlyl'JK Hoi May Newspaper Free. Address Daniel F. Beat, ty, Washington, N. J. Hd4w ' J. t 0 rati isao ( jL 'lia( llunrlrlk ol Vmii.bl, .4 How.r Bwo. MmiU. . Jt. iXSKI 4 00, Detroit, Mtoa. 4w 'Be- wm BKST FURNACE IX THE WORLD FOItllAUD CO A I. OK WOOD, (Wroiomt oh Cast titos.) RICHARDSON, BOYNTON &C0 Embody NEW 1879 Improvements, nevor before adopted! Contain more pritcticnl features) Are more durable; Coat less to keep In orders Usesless fuel, and will more ueat and it lurgorvolume ol pure air than an v furnace mav In the United States. Ueplaee your old and po oly working heater with one of these miKlern furnaces, which are popular and universally Biiecesvlul. Bond direct to Manufacturers for prices, m WATGK HT., New York. 6flv&7fli BOOK OF MOSES, A ml all old and curious works. Ailfli-Mss with stamp for confidential Circular. 51 8t ticitJK COMPANY, KliuibHthville, Pa. $500 niaile in K7 days. 70 naee catalogue tree. lllj'OKKYK NOVHI.TY (!!).. Cln. ciiiiiali. oliu 4(i w3in. A FULL ASSORTMENT or HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. t MORTIMER, Xew Jiloomfteld, 1. ' I w IMPORTANT NOTICE. The subscriber late of the linn of Khoades 4 Hmlth, would respectfully inform the cltUens of BLAIN t"f Ifv'",l','yA l't '? opened a WAGON MAKKKBHOP. and is prepared to make new Wttiions and reiolr old ones at short notice. aud at from TEN to T WKNTY peroeut. cheaper than the old rli-iii. " GIvemeaeall. Satisfaction guaranteed. D, , . JACOB BMITU. Blaln, August ,t6T. Newport Advertisements. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Saving on hand a oomrfote assortment of the fol lowing artlclM, th subscriber asks a share of yeur patronage. Drttfft and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Uomedles, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Terfumeryf IIAIH OIL, AMD FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand HIRE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURP08E8 PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B. M. EBY, Newport, Penn'a. R. S. COOK & CO., Agree to tell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealersln this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, 4lic, We use Clearllold Pine and ilein lock only. W. R. S. COOK A GO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage ol the farmers, aud the publio generally, as the HIOHKHT PRICES the market will afford, will be paid for all kinds ol GRAIN, FLOUR. PRODUCE SHEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, ITI8H, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL. IRON, STEEL, HORSE R1IOE8. ftc, &e. FOR SALE AT TBK LOWEST RATES. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875-tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wrlglit'N Building, NKWrOJtT, IA. 8ole Agent (or Lorilard's Superior Tobaccos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOAV PRICES. n- Country Merchants supplied with Goodl at rhiiaaeipuia prices. , a-Your orders are solicited. 9 44 JNSURAN(EI B. HIMES, LIFE AND Fire Insurance Agency. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Before renewing your Insurance, or placing new risks, you win certainly una it to your lu terest to call on or address the subscriber. Companies Represented t .ACtna, of Hartford. North British England, Commercial Uuion, North America. Fhll'a., Fire Association, Phll'a., Assets, R,700.Ofl0, 1.760,000, 1.4S4.0IX). 6,6t'0,0W. 3.778.0O0. reuusytvauiu, 1,700,000. B. HIMES, Agent. IIS! BOOKS! ' 0 Gift Books, Children's Hooks, Blank Hooks, School Hooks, I And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail o (IT Subscriptions taken for all News- papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879 Sm AUCTIONEERS. P. HOOVER, A.TJCXIOIS ElClt . Attention given to sales, and satisfaction guar anteed. Prices low. Call on or addiess F. P. HUOVKU, Klll0,tsbu'8' F' AURUstl 2, 1879. JAS. P. LATCHFORD, . , AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. dunjs all v'tt mills, perry co.,pa. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offershls services tothecltlzensof Perry aad Cumberland counties. Post ottlce address' HUerniansdale, Perry co., Pa. w. D.HENRY, AUCTIONEER. Blaln, Perry county Pa. . "Terms Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. 6tt Anctloneer. The undersigned gives notice that he will crysales at any point in Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptatteBtlonwillbe Riven. Tj.D.WKLLS, New Buffalo Perry eo.,Fa. B. HARNISH, r AUOTIONKICIl, nelvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, nd satisfaction guaranteed. 6 if D AVID M'COY, AUCTION lClSIt, 1CKESBURO. PERRY COUNTY, PA. Charges moderate. Prompt attention paid to ml calls. . AUCTION KEll. The undersigned gives uotice that he will ciy sales at a rtasonable nue. Katisfactlon guaranteed. 9- AddreKs THOS SCTCH, Jr.. Nov. 18, '78 Laudlsbuig, Pa. H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUTJ Iwoiildrespectivelylnform myfrlendsthat lu tendcalling upouthem with a suppiyof good ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. . Consistlngof CA881MER8, OA8SINBT8, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd ) CARPETS, Ace, to exchange for wool orsell for cash. J.M.BIXLEB'. CBSTRKWOOLIN FiCTOUT . 6.17.4B- A J rrr.TOt6nOA YEA R. or 5 to I" I III 120 a day In your own locality. r I 1 1 No rlsk women do as well V II II A" niella lany make more 1 ill II than the amount stated above. If II III No one can fail to make inon. v ' " v e7 ,a,t- can make from 60 rents to t2 an hour bv de voting your evenings and spare time to the 'busi ness. It costs nothing to try the business. Noih Ing like It for making money ever oflere d before, lluslneis pleasant andstrictlv honorable. Kaader. It you want to know all about the best paving business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free: samples worth $6 also free; you can then make uy your mind for yourself. Address G WRtiK HTlNHON & CO., Pol Hand, Me. ulj iELASTIC TRUSS I Hutr'tJriiflWHn.fjnint.llctb!. . mIIIb canur, mtUpUi W!f t il jSEHSIBIC TRUSS . 111 li a th ii Brum hMk tba - sWuMiiilWuiii(i-Wawly ItytaJ nlfht. sad ft rJkrl cum MrLaJrt, 1 its mfj, 4tvai)l n4 cb-p. &alby mail. ClrcnUai (raa. tQ G LEST 0 If TMJSS COM Chlc IH. INSTITUTE. TtaMUrMr1lN lsTt far la l fiif, Tawora, t'laov, f&rrrBla nl &kim DUraMt, twUbwut lha w V nir. i..f htui it... tori ifotmailopi, drrahirsi antl twfaratK-ai, kldran, Dr, K. I POND, Aurora, K Co.. 1U. 42WW (hi rH took of NEW G(KI8 for Men's Weitr.t comolHiiv . 0i Fiicefioin Bils Testaments! K. MORItMKU. New Plooratteld,rv. March 11, 18791y