THE TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, 1A FEBRUARY 3, 1880. A Strange Surqluat Operation. Tltey nro martin", it man's left-lmnil mid dle (Inner In place or III nnw, nt Itellevne Hospital, Now York. Ho lind Imdadl ease wliloli leniloroii ttooesmirj the iomo 1 of lii Winn, mid ho didn't like tlio way people looked nt lilm In tho atrretK, so lie Askeri tho visiting miivji'oii to give lilm a now nose. Tho scur in healing hnd con. traoted hi (untitles, fityln fully. Ilia lif hand middle llnixei' wits Crimen in ice and unit, to deatroy the nail, while he was tin der the Inlluonoe of iwioithellos. The akin nan then lemovcd from the end of the Anger to about the origin of the nail the XroEen, nalllusg, (lnor already dnscilbed. Two Hups weie rained fiom the palmiite aurfaoe of tlie linger, and a allvor wire, armed with a nceillo at either end, waa passed through the end of the linger. Two Haps were also raised front the face on either sldo of tho opening of the nose, and then tho end of tho tinner waa placed In n pocket nmdo In the Mi in where the none formerly had been. The rBW aurfacea of the llaps of tho linger were then atllchcd to tho raw aurfacea of the flaps of tho face. His hand bring thus over his mouth, blood ran down his throat Hud nearly choked U;m. Artificial breath lug was proSuoed by opening the larynx and putting in n tracheotomy tube. Ho has now been un der tho inlluenco of morphia for a month. They me now gradually stopping the sup ply of blood from the finger, and whon tho now nose Is supplied with life from the face tho linger will bo amputated at tho .middle joint. State Prison Burned. Tte-w York, Jau. 8(5. At a quarter past eight o'clock this morning a tire was dis- oovered in the shoo uliop connected with the King's county penitentiary at Flat bush. There were 425 piisuncrs and 800 outside hands in the building at the timo. Tho lire was first discovered on tho first floor at tho west end of the main building. Flumes weis Bubsetineiitly Uincoveied In the attio in tho middle of the main building. Warden Shevliu took prompt measures to , got every one out of tho building and for the suppreKHiou of tin- il.imea. Though the building, which is a tluce-ntory structure, was const ructed of atone, there waB so much wood work about it that tho Humes found plenty of fuel, unit it was entirely consumed ; only the burn -walla are left. It was erected ten jciim ugo, ami cost tho couuty about $11)0, OHO. The building was not iiinmed, hh the cuunty never injures its roporty. An Unhandy Hotel. A young husband anil wife from an iu torinr county stopped at tho Weddel House, in Cleveland, ou Monday night week and - were assigned a room ou the first floor from the skylight. About one o'clock the young man made his ndveut in the ofllco, with a small water-piclier iu his baud, and glancing inquiringly around stepped to the street and looked out iuto tho gloom. He then retraced bis titeps and started for the ladies' entrance. A bellboy, whose ourios ily bad arisen, followed in pursuit and over- hauled the solomn-visnged guest ou Supe rior street. Turning quickly, he said : "Bub. where's your well? Strkes me things are mighty unhandy around this tavern." The boy found the "well," and then initiated tho visitor into the mysteries of the bell-cord. One Wife for Cash, One for Love. John Dyer of Keudalville, Indiana, desir ed to marry two woman tho widow Myers for the sake of the $3,000 she possessed, and Belle Bly because he loved her. He determined to got over the difficulty by marrying Mrs. Myers, killing her and then marrying Miss Bly. The plan was par-. tially successful, for he married Mrs. My ers, and then destroyed her by poison ; but bad talked to Miss Bly in a tray that aroused her suspiciou, and she started an investigation that has resulted in his con demnation to the gallows. Three Bodies found in a Barrel. New York, Jan. 27. A special from Atlanta Ga. says ; Two barrels, shipped to B.J. Avery & Sou, Atlanta, plow manu facturers, were open yesterday and found to oontain the corpses of the half grown persons, which owing to recent develop ment of this vicinity regarding body snatch ing, caused considerable sensation. The police were notified, and it was soon found that they belonged to another Avery, a druggist, of reach tree street, and were for the Atlanta, Elcctic Medical colloge and came from near Ciuoinnali. , A Lawyer's Big Bill. Henry L' Clinton, the principal counsel for W. II. Vanderbilt in the Vanderbilt twill case, has sent in his bill to his client. The bill Mr. Vanderbilt is called upon to pay amounts to $250,000. It is made up in items and each particular service is spec ified. Mr. Vanderbilt has refused to pay it, and it is said Mr. Clinton has given him a week to consider the matter. I3T Mrs. Williams, aged 10, has applied for a divorce, at Kansas City, from a man whom she married when she waa 13. She intends to go iuto wedlock again as soon as she gets free. ' Information for the People! Just Kcccivcd Somo Special Bargains! We Ask Your Attention to Sonic, as Follows : IN DRESS GOODS WE HAVE Momic cloths in various qualities, 20 to 2cts. pcr'ynrd. Australia Crepe a beautiful goods, 30cts. per yard. Cashmeres various qualities, 14 to 75c:ts. per yard, Scotch l'laids, 10 to lGcts. per yard. Ladies' cloths in several colors. 3000 yards Good Prints at f Cents per yard. I ALSO HAVE If slfTili BARGAINS SUCH J1S : Good Canton Flannel, - (, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Heavy Cottonade Pants at - $1.25 per pair. "Winter Shirts from GO cents up. Shirts and Drawers all prices. Overalls all prices And LOTS OF OTHER GOODS for Men's Wear. OUll STOCK OF Gcrmantown Yarn und Zephyrs, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c, Will 1)0 Found Complete. Vo .Also Htivo HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS, BOOTS & SHOES TO SUIT ALL, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. In fact if you want ANY KIND OF GOODS, you stand a good chance to find them at the right price, ly going to the one price store of .IT. M O RTIM33E, New Jiloom field, Fa. THE WEEKLY PRESS FPU 1SS0 NEW ATTRACTIONS. A PENNSYLVANJhTsERIAL STORY. PRICti REDUCED TO $tI.!U! For H1ih:1 Copy, Or $1 lu Clubs of Ten or More. (Including Prepaid Tostoge.) In order to place THB WEEKLY PKEHS with In the reathof the Hepublloan voters of the Blnte the price has been reduced to One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents (or the year, by the single copv, or to One Dollar (or the year, by clubs. "The Press" is thoroimhly devoted to the prln clples ot the Itepubllcau parly, and maintains the llepubllcau organization because it believes that the prosperity and progress ot tue people caunoi beBately Intrusted to any o her exlstluK political organization. During the year Ihki), the most stupendous political conflict o( this epoch will take place. Upon Its Issue will depend the polill cal destiny ot the country (or many years. " The Press'' steadily roasts the alms of tho " Solid South," wmch Is now organized to capture the Executive, to retain Congress, to remodel and control the Hupreme Court, and to subordinate every nublio Interest to the overmastering pur pose ol controlling the policy of the Nation, and thereby ualiiing by legislation and peaceful means what It lost on the Held. "The Press" enforces the duty of enforcing la lull force the Consti tutional Amendments made to secure the fruits of the wars upholds the right of every lawful voter to a free and uuuought exercise of his right) In flexibly insists upon an honest return of the votes cast) Justllles the use ot all necessary means to prevent fraudulent voting and fraudulent return ing of votes ; aocepts as fundamental the equal right of every cltlcen to the adevuate protect Ion by the law ot his political as well as his civil rights t maintains as wise the Republican policy of Resumption and honest nnanclal legislation) defends as sound the Protection to American In dustry) and, In general, follows whithersoever tue Republican principle leaas. Speolal measures have been adopted to Strength nn the Paner In all Its departments. THB EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Will be In the hands of aule and experienced writers, and the range of subjects discussed will be as wide as in any oilier nrst-ciass newspaper in 'tie union. THB LITEUAKV. THB AKKIOUI.TUHAL, TUB FAMILY and THE CHILDREN'S DE PAUTMBNTS will remain in charge of expert enoed and capable editors; and the Market lie oorts will be full and accurate. CL08K A IT EN I ION will be given to the State News of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dela ware. OUR FORETfJN CORRESPONDENCE will In elude letters from Europe aud all portions of the norm. A HPRPTAT. FRATTTRRnf ThA Weeklv Pnn' will be a Serial Htory in illustration ot Premier Life in Cential Pennsylvania, prior to.and aurlug the Revolutionary War, In which John Brady and his sous John and Hiininel, and other Border celebrities will be prominently introduced. This story will oe written uy jmi. ;naries Aicivnignr, author of " Our Western Border, "Old Fort lu Qnesne," and "Blmon Oirty," aud will be be gun about the middle of November. s-Hpeclal terms will be made with Canvassers. r specimen copies sent tree ou application. Parties sending SI. 25 will be entitled tore ceive the paper from date till January 1, 1831. TERMS FOR THE DAILY PRESS. ONE YEAR (Including prepaid post ace) 8 75 .MIX MONTHS " " " 4 40 THREE MONTHS " " 2 20 ONE MONTH " 75 The "Trl-Weekly Press " publlshrdevery Tues- uay, muttony aim Baiurnay. Matteo to suuscri tiers (including prepaid ntiMtiirfti at 14 no uer an num; 12 20 for six months, and SI 10 for three mourns. Address N TIIK ritB.SS COMPANY (LIMITED), S. W. Seventh and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. JOB PHIIdTINQ of every description neatly! at bug uiuuiuueiu xiiuosoi.eani.ioo ouice. Sulphur Springs Property, -AT- F UBLIC SALE. THE Sulphur Springs that has been wanted for many years situated In Horse Valley, To. li'iyne township, Perry county, will be olfered at public sale on T1IU1LSDAY, IEBKUAKY iilli, 1880. The property contains, lOO ACUEW of land, all cleared except 25 acres, and has there- on erected A Good Frame Dwelling House, A HOOD BARN, and other out-buildings. There Is also on the farm one ot the finest. Hulphur Springs in the Hlate for a summer resort) there is alio a stream of water running through Hie farm, nn which is a good Saw Mill, always well supplied with water. For further information apply to. J.F. HocK bniiekbv, East Waterford, JuuiaU county, Pa. '& 4t M0TICE TO TAXPAYERS. 11 Notice Is hereby clven that the Commissioners of Perry county will hold the Appeals on the Tri ennial Assessments at Hie following times and places. lieu aud where all persons aggrieved may attend: At New (iermantown. for Tobovne two., on Tuesday the 27th of Jan. 1HH0. At Hialn, for said borough and Jackson twp., on Wednesday the 28th Jau. 1HU. At Andersonburg. for Madison twp., on Thurs day the2)th Jan. 180. ai nauoy mil, ior said aisinci on rrway me )th Jun. IsHO. At ickesnurg, tor Savllle twp., on Saturday the list Jan. 1U At Kevstoue. for ltve two., ou Tuesdav the Sd Feb. Maw. At Siiermansdate. for Carroll two., on Wednes day the 4th Feb. 1HH.I. ai nine uan.ior opriog iwp. on inursaay otn Feb. lww. At Landlsburg. for said Bornucu and Tvrone twp.. nn Friday the tit h Feb. lHHd. At Centre Sohool house, for WheatUeld twp., on Tuesday the 1 th Feb. m. At New Buffalo, for said Borough and Watts twp,, on Weduesday the 11th Feb. lssn. At Montgomery's Ferrv, for Uullalo twp., ou Thursday the 12'h Feb. 1W0. At Liverpool, for said Horough and Liverpool twp., on Filday the l ull Feb. lt0. At Donnally n Mills, for Tuscarora twp,, on Thursday the 19th Feb. 1HW. At M Kurd, for Jun ata two., on Frldav tlie ZCtli Feb. MS0. At Marvsvi lie. for said Borousb. on Mondav tlie i'SdFeb. I WW. At Duncannon. for Pcnn twD . on Tuesday the 24th Feb. MtO. At Duncannon. for said Borough, on Wednes day the 2.rth Feb. MO. at miuersiown. ior saia iiorougu ana ureen wood twp., on Thursduy the vlttlh Feb. 1880. At Newport, for Oliver two., aud llovve twD. on Friday the 27th Feb. lftst , At Newnorl. for said Boroimhand Miller two.. ou Saturday the 2Stli Feb. IKSU At Dloomlleld. for said Horourh and Centre twp,, on Tuesday the Sd March, IsttO. Appeals to begin at 9 o'clock. A. M., and close at H P. M. J. W. UANTT, JOHN W. CHARLES, 11KNRY SHUM AKFK. Attett; County Commissioners. CALVIN r EIUON, cierk. Aud notice Is also hereby given that the Gen eral Appeals following the District Appeals, will t-e held In the Commissioners' (Jlllce la Bloom- neiu, as follows; For the Districts of Tnboyne, Blaln, Jackson, Maiiison. Hsndv Hill. Savllle. K111I112. Tyrone. Carroll and Blonmlleld on 'Jhurmlay the tth any 0 March, 1880 j And (or the Districts o( Oliver. Miller. Newport. Penu. Duncsniinn. Marysviile, Rye, Watts, New Hnllalo. biillalo twp.. Howe, Ureeuwood, Millers town, Liverpool twp., Liverpool borough, aud WheatUeld on ittay the 5(ft 0 March, 1880: and after said District aud Ueueial Appeals are over, no further appeals will be heard. J. W, UANTT. JOHN W.CHARLES, HENRY SUUMAKElt, Attest: Count Commissioners Calvis Nolbox, Clerk, Jan. 1 1880, POtTTZ'S HORSK AND OATTLK POWDERS will enrs or prTM DUaua. No ffnsul will die of Col to. Botb or Ivt Tt- T. It Kotttf'i Powttnrasra om1 in Umit, . KonU's Powilsrt will curs sml pravsn t Hon Cnoi.lBA fnuui Powdsrs will prsvnnl Oapbs in Fowls. ' Konul Powilrrs will Innresu tha qnsntlir of milk nd nrxsm twauty par oant, and niska tua totittcr arm andswpel. - Fotitxl Powdsrs will etira or prevent alnoat srnr DiasAia to which llorxi and ( utile sra inlilrrt, KndTt's Powdsss WIU it Hathfaotios. old STtrrwhors, DAVID S. rOVtm, Prerf tstOT, HUlkUM, Md. For Bnle by 8. H. Binuli, o Ilioumneld, Perry County, Pa. 4 ly UDAKKIl CUT UALVAM10 CO. JhtlaA.tphiZi'a! 48 A l:it CATARRH. 7 . ItaocKviu.a. C. H. LiTTt.KPitst.n A Co. Dkaii Mit; I have been Ironbled with (.'alarrh In all Us forms for the last kn years, and have used all lemedies reeoimnsntled tonure. lint reeelved Utile or no bnuelll, until I tried the Cotistliutloual Catarrh Itemed v. I have mil v niert one bottle and a half, and I am so much betler that I can say It lins cur ed me. My daughter-in-law has alw been sllllcled for the last four years. Him Is now using thn remedy wllh the same result. I can truly say It Is a wonderful ineiliaiiin, as I know from eiei. euen that It will eiii.e any case of Catarrh. I for merly lived at Napaiiee. Out. Uniting that you will introduce the medicine thrntiKh i he Dominion thorouglily, so Hint mv fellow stiltomrs may have an opportunity of getting cured i,( Hiig dlfcate, Vouis ieM'ctlttllv, Nkuon Siioiif.t. N. It I have always been subject to headache) slneetaklug tlieConstliulioiial I lisvn not been troubled In the least. It will cuiehcndacliB In I wo or three hours. N, Siiuiiet. Ew2in. N V n v t i o can be cured bv the continued tiseof OHMU' (!OD I.I VKIt OIL and LAC K) PIIOHPII A'l H OF 1.1 MK. a cure for Cousuiniitlnii. Cough Cold" Asthma, lliouehllls. ami all Scrofulous iht-eascs. Ask your druggist for OHviliN'f ami lake no oili er. If he has not got It, I will send 1 bottle anywhere nn receiptor I F.xprnss paid. fl-Scnd for Circular to CHAM. A. IISMUN. 48wflm i:tSeveutli Avenue. N. V., . For sale by F. Mohtimkii, New Iiloom lleid, Pa. "Th? BEST PAPER ! TItY IT I BEAUTIFULLY TlLUWTJIATED I :sriii "V'ioau. " The Scientific American." TIIK HCIKNTIHIO AMK1HCAN Is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of Slx'een i agw.iu luted In the most Imaiilllul style, irofuely lllustaied with splendid engravings, representing the new est Invent Ions mill tint recent Advances lu the Alts aud Scien esi liicluillng New and Inter eating Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, tlie Home Heiillh, Medical Progress, Social eclnnee. Natural History. Oeolngy, Astronomy. Tliemo-t valuable practical p;ters, by eiuliieitt writers In all ileparlmei ts of science, will be found In the Bcleiillllc American. Terms. 11 20 per year, half year, which In cludes postage. Discount to AK"iit. Suiule Coiles, ten cents. Poltl liv all Neivspai'ets. lie. mil by postal order to MUNN d CO.. Publishers, X7 Para How New Vork. DATCNTC In connection with the Scion TM I til I O.tilio American. Messrs. Munn Co. are Solicitors o( Aineriean iinil Foreign Pat ents, have hud ;irt years exierlence. ami now have tlie largest establishment in Hie world. Patents are obtained on the best, terms A special not lee Is made In the Sclentillo American of all Inven tions patented through this Agency, with tlie name and residence of Ihe t atenlee. By Hie tin. meuse circulation thus given, public attention Is directed to lite merits of the new patent, and sale or Introduction often easily elfected. Any tierson who has made a new discovery or Invention, can acertaln. free of charge, wh ther a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to MUNN St CO. We also end free our Hand Hook about the Patent Laws, Patents. Caveats. Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on Inventions. Adjress for Hie Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN f CO., 87 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Ofllce, cor. F 7th 8ts , Washington, D.C. 1880. Harper's Weekly. 1UXSTKATKD. Thin xwr(Upn litui klwuva. bv ltd altl and M-hitlftrlr (IncmrmIouh of the (iuitiotiH -f thf day, m wdII antiy lu lliiiHti'Mlioiia wbicb arn rfi)arcl by ln lent artintn BXHrUd a uumt powerfuJ and beoefluuU lullueuu upon Ui public mluu. Th wftlu-ht of a lnflttinp will alwara b found on the aide of murallty, eullKtitenuiout auu reflueiueuL The Volumes of the Wkkklt bttein with the And Number for January of trai'h yr. When no time in nituitioned. It will lie nude rMtMl that the au1w!ribT wltHheeto oonmienc with tha Number next after the receipt of order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. UARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year 14 CO HARPER 8 WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAB. " " 4 00 The T11KEE above-named publications. One Year 10 00 Any TWO above named, One Year T 00 HARPEhVa YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year. .. . 1 60 PostSKe Pree to all subscribera In the Unitfd States or Canada. The Annnsl Volumea of " Harpei' Weekly," In neat cloth himliiiK. "iU Ik- sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, troe of expense (provided the IreiKht does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 1(17 00 each. A com plete act, comprlHfiiK Twenl v-tliree V'olnmea.iient on re ceipt of at (tie rata of i ii per volume, freight at ext-nse ot purchaser. , ..... , Jt Clotb Cawui for each volume, snitahle for blndtnir, will ba aeut by UaU, poatld, ou recell't ol d IM eah. IU-mmlttances should I made by Post-Offica Money Order or Ltraft, to avoid cbauca of loaa. Newspapers are not to eipy this advertisement with out the expraaa order of Hrier tiroUiera. Addreaa HARPER & BROTHER, Kew York. Will at nubd van k !! icairt aarf SaAan Hka ata.1 pvm. ud 1.1 1 4rt Dlio, rrxZiH lultn( IMW ot lTubk tnd cr Hl4, tMU. amamu. lalutkbir S.ndfo.n. AJdrs " D. U. FESaif t CO, Datzoit, Kica. 4 4w 5 JWMi; Wakametkla, tha Medicine Mai Kothlng has been added to the medicine and frothing lisa been tnken away. It Is without doubt lhaUa.T Puairiitnof tha Iliioaud llsaawsaof tbe Btbtim aver known to man. This Byrup poaaeasas varied properties. It acta upon the I.lver. It acta upon tlio Kidneys, It renlale the lloweis. It put Idea I lie lllood. It liufeta tho Nervona Myetetn. It promote lMireatlon. II Nourlahes, Strengthen and Invls aratet llcarrlea olTllio old blood and make It openj thn porea of the akin, and Induce Healthy feraplrallou. ' 4t,,Lr'".t",!'r''" horetlltary taint, or potion In ills blood, which generates Bcrofiila,Krysl'ea, and il manner or skin diseases snd Internal linmort. Thara are nosplrlts employed In fu manufariom. Sad It caa ba taken by tlio most delicate halra, or bjfUiiMiged and feeble, car anfy Mng njmrtd In INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 W. 3d St., New TorlCilj, uti or JIIUIT CITT. (TttADB MAAK.J Tho Best Hemady Known ta Kan I Dr. Clark Johnson having associated himself with Mr. Kdwln KaKtman, nn eiipedcftptlve,lone slave to Wakamntkla, the modlclne man of tha (,'omancltes, is now prepared lo lend his aid In the Introduction of thnwoiiderrnl remedy of that tribe. Tlieoxnnrlnnrnof Mr. Kasttnan being similar to that of Mrs. C'h.i". Jones and son, of Wanlilneton Co., Iowa, an account of whoi suffering wera UtrilliitKly narrated In tits Ntm Ynrk Hiraldot Dee. loth, 1H7R, the fneta of which are o widely known, end ar nearly parallel, that but little men tion of Mr. Eastman s experiences will be given Itere. They are, however, published fn neat vol iimo of .luu pszos, entitled, "Sevensnd Nine Years Among the Coinnnehcs and Apaches," of which mention will bo insdo hereafter. Suffice It to say, that for toveral years, Mr. Kastmtin, while a cap tive, was ronitrf'iled to gsther the roots, (tnrna, barks, herbs and berries of which Wakametkla'a medicine was innde, and Is still prepared to pro vide tho mm ma'-erial for the suecaasfal Intro duction of the med'eine to the world; and ftssnrea the public thnt the remedy i the same now A4 when Wukauictkla conipellvd him to make it. Edwin Eastman In Indian Costume. Bsv amd Kin Ysam Amoks rar Cow Amas asd afachss. A neat volume of 300 pages, being aaimple statement of tha horrible factit connected with tha sad maaaaen of helples family, and the captivity, tortures and ultimate escape of itatwoaarvfviog members. For aala by our agenta generally. Prica It 00. The Incidents of tha masascra, briefly narrated, are distributed by agenta, rasa of charga. Mr. Eastman, being alnvMl constantly St tho Vest, engaged In gathering and curing th materi als of which the medicine Is composed, the aola business management devolves npoo Dr. Johusoa.. and tha remedy has beea called, and 1 knows aa Dr. Clark Johnson's INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Price of Largs Bottles ....... $1.00 Price ef Small Bottles 60 Read tha voluntary testimonials of person wba have beea cured by th use of Dr. Clark Joosaoa lndlaa lllood Syrup, In your own vicinity. Testimonials of Cores. All That t Is Recommended to Be. MaI'LETos Deiw, Pa. Dear Rir: Tills is to eertlfv that I havensed your INDIAN BI.UUD SVUI Pin my fainiiy with Ihe best satisfaction. Mv w fe w:ts attlirred with Dyspepsia, and indeed was troubled with all Ihe dlaeas the Dyspeptic Is heir to. and your medi cine has giveu her more relief than ant thing she ever used. D ia a safe and, sure remedy, all it Is recommended to be. A. M. PAUK.EB. Another Case of Dyspepsia. Maplciom I i spot. Pa. IlEiR Sir I hereby eerlif lhat 1 had Dvsuep sla so bad that whatever I ats turned sour on my stomaeh and caused me to tibuit. 1 fried your great INDIAN H I.I Mil) SVRfP and am now abi lu eat anvthii.g I with itbotit incoi'venience. 1 would recommend It to a 1 simi'at Iv attlieted. . JKNNlfc blUjOMBAlOH. US fs DR. CLARK ,X oHrasorrsi wi ir- La .jit z 6 "iCJ Pains la hltoulilt nt. fiairn's Point. PekrvTo . Pa. Dear Sir: f haveUM-d your excellent INDIAN !tt,lil)!3VKUP for Paiu in the Mionlders. wltk benetluial results. KLlZAAtlll bMEB. A Talnalile Medicine. Uuita'a Point. Perry Co.. Pa. Dear 8ir: This m iu certify that your INDIAN BI.OUD .HVKI P has been used by ins for rtiiort uessof Bieaih, and it done me more good than uy niediciiie I have ever Ukeu. I would reoouA mend it to all sutleiers. Ml IIENUY EOIDEB.