0 1 Newport Advertisements. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. IS! I ! HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Origin of Wheat in America. fc'ome lime ngo we published the coin nionly recleved statements In regard to the Introduction of wheat Into'Amerlca from Europe ; but If the fact ittiterl he low be true, then wheat must have been grown In America long before the ad vent of the Spanish, EngllHh, or Dutch to this country, or even of the Norse men. It ((.generally supposed that Cor teas planted in Mexico, in 151)0, the first wheat ever grown on American boII. From Mexico, wheat was Introduced In to Peru. The English and Dutch brought it to the present limits of the United Btates at the time of their first settlements here-1007, 1014, and 1020. Now however, the story is brought for ward that wheat was known to the Mound Builders, who inhabited this country, Heaven only knows how many centuries ago, but certainly no later than the year 1000 A. D. As our readers are aware, these aborigines have left traces of their occupation all over our country, especially In the Mississippi Valley. In a mound opened In Utah were found buried the remains of a man nearly six and a half feet In length, the the skeleton of a woman nearly as long, and moreover several handsful of wheat preserved in a stone box. If this dis covery was really made, and we are as sured that it was, the supposition that wheat was unkuown In America before the coming of the Europeans la errone ous. It has commonly been supposed that the only cereal known to the Mound Builders was our maize or In dian corn. Set en tific American. Canning Sausage Meat. A correspondent of the Practical Farmer says : We have been putting to test our original experiment of can ning sausage meat, and it may be the experiment will prove a failure; but from present appearance we are confl. dent the result will prove most . favora ble; and our sausage will be preserved In better shape than ever before. We have put up some tweuty-four quarts, using both tin and glass cans, and the meat seems to be keeping very nicely, so far. We intend to keep a few cans till next harvest time, and think by that time the test will be sudlcierit. Our mode of canning was as follows : After the meat was ground fine, it was put in a granite ware kettle, some twenty-live pounds at a time, seasoned to suit the taste, with pulverized sage, ground black -pepper, and salt; mix thoroughly as it is heating, bringing the meat to a scald ing heat, then fill the cans, packing the meat snugly and when full, put a couple of spoonfuls of heated lard over the top. Seal directly and set the cans in a cool place. Try the recipe, sister, and report the result. Dust For Lice. A correspondent of Farmer's Advo cate says : "Some ten or twelve years ngo, an agricultural writer observed Ills bull to be free from lice, but not so the rest of his cattle ; and thinking over the matter he came to the conclusion that the habit of pawing dirt over himself must have the eflect of keeping the lice off the bull and he tried dry earth on the rest of the cattle with the best effect." Ever since reading the above I have used nothing but dry earth, and have repeat edly put it on cattle having lice, and have fouud it efficacious, both as' a pre ventive and as a cure. If in winter I llnd it needed and cannot get it other wise I go into my cellar and obtains few quarts, (no danger of using too much) and dry it on the stove ; I then sprinkle it over the back from head to tail, and the earth working in and through the hair, soon destroys all lice. I believe the earth to be just as effica cious, less dangerous and less expensive than tobacco or,any acids recommended. Never-Falling Sponge Cake. One pound of sugar, twelve, eggs, iiiue ounces of flour, the rind and juice of one lemon. Beat the yolks and sugar well together, after first beating the yolks light., The lemon juice may be added to make them easier to beat. Have the whites beaten till they stand alone, and lastly cream In the flour. At the same time to be sure to cease iteat iog, for to continue after the flour U put in is a certain way to spoil the cake. Sponge cake bakes more quickly than any other vailety. Two Organs. JU-gulute flist the htomach, second the liver; especially the first, so as to per form their functions erfectly and you will remove at least nineteen twentieths of all the ills mankind Is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop Bitters Is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy natural uction to these two organs. 0 lit wmm MM mm MMMtMi A in ii tn iiitixH w an u Fi MiUi In I'l.A I h IM. BENSON'S CAI'CIMC l'OHOUS I'LAMTEKS AKE vUIEHl0lt TO ALL OTIIEIlM. 'J lie great demand fur thnin has canned a number fit unscrupulous parties t mak.i and unit worthless Imitations under similar som.dlntr mimes. As the market. Is flooded wl h inferior piasters selling at any price It Is Important for tlis oonsumer to know which m the l"' It. In well known that, iwiw of the cheap plasters lure been ex tunned mid f'mii 1 to contain injurious Ingredients which make them dangerous to use. causing paralysis and oilier diseases. UAL! II 'N Hoe Hint III word UAITINK oil each l nter Is nd ed con put Iv. HKAIUIKY & JUHNHON. riiarma'ieutlcal Chemists. New Voik. Price 2-1 Cm. 6d4w ma UK. J. A. SHERMAN Ik tlio Only Original Dr. Slioiiiinii known 1t the public for the past V tears or more through his successful method ol treating lluptiire without ilie annovnnce a '"I Injury tris-s Inllict. Ills sysiein of cum Is bv local external application. No man Is safe wh lias a rapture mi matter how Inaign ncint hennv consider it, for every man who has ril d Ic, oneeRattered himself that It was hut a till lint alluiem i and every man who now sutlers from ii and the Injury of trusses, to such an extent iluit Hie has no cntoyiiienls, once reimrded It as umvorthv snnclalalten'lun. It In not a stand still atlllot ion ; Il ls pro.ureislve.pven nntodealli Hefercnces given to gentlemen In the city, who have linen cured. IMiring treatment no hindrance from labor, Patients from abroad can rectlve treutmenl and leave for home the same day. IIIH HOOK ON ItIJl,rriJIlM gives the most reliable proofs from distinguished professional eei lli'iiien, clerirvinen nnd mer chnnts of his successful practice and popularity therefrom throughout tills country and the West Indies The nttllcted should read It nnd Inform themselves nf the certainly nf being cured It Is I lutrated with photogniplilo likonesses of extremely bid cases before ami after cure and mailed to those who send In cants. Have this, and remember In wining or calling the address Is 251 Itioailwaj, Corner Murray St., New A'ork. CAUT I ON. -The reputation of Dr. .f. A. HIIEKMAN. a'talned from 4'l ears successful luaciice has kiarted around the country, PltKTItNDhlls who ssnnie to be Ihe original Dr. Hhrman famous for the cure of Kupture. Two of llics parties nil old and a vicing man recent ly turned up In Boston t they duped several by their Fraudulent Advertisements: when suit was brought, but the fellows ran away leaving sorrowful victims, room rent. I) urd bills .ml new-papers unpaid. Hlnee then they have beon discovers! at 211 Broadway, New York, where they re cently, by base deceptions defrauded an ai(cd Clergyman. G dtw STOP -and THINK Before you have purchased elsewhere ! ' AT 1 11 A WENTZEL'S STORE IN BLAIN, PENN'A, Is the place to buy goods AT THE LOWEST PRICE ! A FULL STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HAND I Special Bargains MADE- VP A HOUSEHOLD NEED.-A book on Malarial Diseases and Liver Complaints, sent Free. Address, Dr. Ha nford, ItiJ llioadway, New York City. Mi. f'1 l A AJT'C Tour Around the World. jrlWY.i 1 O Complete record. De scribes places visited, and ovations by Kings and Kmperors. II m panes, 2 0 lllusti nttim. I'rlce, J2 so. Aeents wan'ed. Circulars free. V. II. Kpm.ev, Philadelphia, 1'a. (id 4. AGENTS READ THIS! We want an Af?ent In Perrv county to whom we will pay a salary ol twn per month and ex penses to sell our wonderful Invention. Hample free. Address at once btlEH.M AN & CO., War Hliull, Michigan. tHllt COMPOUND OXYGEN LVl record of remarkable cures In Consumption. Ca tarrh, Neuralgia, and other chronic diM-ases by tho new oxvpen Treatment, now lendv and sent free. Dks. SSTAKKKY & MAI, EN, 110? and 1111 Uliard st., 1'hlladclplila, I'a Odl. 5 000 " a case -0,1;'1' ' "Itt.ot' Asthma nnlflAl)AJlSO'S BOTANIC HALS AM will not cure. Hold by all Pruvglst and Dea'ers at ,Ve. and 7S. Hample bottle liic. Hee that the name of K. W. KINHMAN Is blown In the glus of the bottle Trade supplied by CJEO. C. UOODW1N id CO. Boston, Mass. ' tld4t ON 30 DAYS TRIAL We will send our EI.KrTUO-VOLTAIC BELTS and other Electric Appliances upon trial for .So days to those sulterliiK frum Nervous Debility Kheumatlsm, Paralysis or any diseases of Hie Liver or Kidneys, and many other dlseaes. A Cure Guarantee or no pay. Address VOLTAIC BEET CO., Marshall Mich. tk!4t A GREAT SUCCESS ! 40.000 sold!! HEADLEY'S wonderfully popular work, the Trrr GEN. GRANT Is pronounced by the General's Intimate friends the best, low-priced work hence Ihe splendid suc cess of aitents. A Mll'lon people want II E A DI.EY'H book to dav. We need 3000 MORE AUEXTS AT ONCE! Beware of Imitations. We send proof of superi ority, sample leaves, steel portrait of (Irun', and full particulars free to all des rin them. Ad dress. HURBAKD BKO&, 1'ubs, 723 Chestnut SC., 1'hiladelphU, Pa. tRU. corjsur.iPTiorji l'IJKl A simple Yeactfibln rrmedy iir uie ixxeav iuki permanent eurm 01 uonHtmm-i tion.Hrx)nchitiH.CUrrh.ABtlim.(itiia( Throat ana tuna jtciio. ajmo k poftllive Rnl rnuicai rure lur n&rvuim in-imny tnu mil Nt-rvoutt CkmivUiatfl, vrhich hat brn Utttd 4n tkouKittd nf cases, HedirB, with full dirwtioiih (iu Grruiin. French, or KurliKhi lor irainr- inir and tiMinir. seiit by mull frm of plm rmr- till rtH-Pli'l oi Btamp. rtean name tut jHiper.i W.W.SHFRAR.KVPowtri'Btork.RochetUrH Y 4d4w $10,003 3, ON LIFE & PROPERTY; $10,000 l'l ht ..I1 tn any Mrtra i ixri.tiuit a i.axi titt-it with our R.IVETV ATISCnMrST, llfti:.frvr,.rSAl-t.. P,urrfl. Agr-at.) wntd. UftU r e,.m.l. ' B. a. NLWTO.N'S KAPKTY LAMP CO., llluttAMT,. N. V. P 13 VU( USWADWAV, K. T. Id4w C3 Cts. PIANHQ Hfoid, Cover and Book only tll.l to riMHUO, gjjin, OKOANS .IHIoiih. 3 set of Heeds. 2 Knee Swells. Hun.I. Hook, onlvtvs lliil klay Newsater Kree. Address Daniel F. Beat, ty, Washiuglon. N. J. dlv AtiENTS WANTED for Ihe Bst and fastest Helllnit I'ioiorlal B's.ks aid Bibles. Prli'cs reduced :a ier cent. National 1'ubllsliinx Co.. Vhliude.phla. fa. 4dlw It m ti lilt vhuhIIv nek now If Hifi arc Offered in CLOTHING BEST FURNACE IN THE WOULD I OR. II.WtD C'OAl, Oil HOOD, (WrtofutiT ok Cast Iiion.) A I CIO 3tAK 11 Y RICHARDSON, B0YNT0N &C0 Embmly N HV 1879 Improvements, nevnr before Rdouted : f'outalii morj iiritct'enl features Am more durab'e; Cost less to keep In order: Usesless fuel, and will more ueat and a lai'vervolume of lire air llniH anv ruruaceinav in the United Slates, lteplace your old andpo u ly working heater with one of ihese UKHlern furnaces, wiixn are popular mm iini,ri.iit.j niccrs-'i u I. Hond direct to M iniifuctiirers for prices. U W ATEK ST., New York. 6th & 7lli K00K OF MOSES, And all old and curious voiks. Addre with slump for niniideiitlnl circular SI Ht lltlOK rillMLMI COMfANY. Ktl7.atiethvlle, Pa. $500; made 'n d-iys. 70 iiane catalntiue live. IllXKEYK NOVELTY CO.. C! it- cam ii i. i tin i til w3m. A FULL ASSORTMENT or HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BK J-'OUXI) AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. '. .MO if 73 Kit, Xew JUoomflctd, IMI'OltT.WT NO TICK. The subscriber late ill I lie tliin nf Klmades Si Hmitli, would resiicciiutiy .iif,.un the citizens of BLAIN and viclnliv thai he has oiii'nel a WAGON M AK Kit hlluc H pretiared to make new waimiiH and ivhjlmld ones at short notice. and atfrimiTKV to I WKNTV iereent. cheaper than llir iimi ii rill 4THVf nr a call. Satisfaction sruaranteed. JACOri 8M11U. Blalii. Aiimisl , Isn7. Bavin on hand a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, the subscriber asks a share of your patronage. Druga ami Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Romedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, rerfumery HAIIt OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on lland PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOU MEDICINAL and 8ACHAMENTAL PURP08E8 PHYSICIANS ORDERS Car ef (illy and Promptly Filled D . M . EDY, Newport, Penn'a. it. s. cook & co., Aftreeto sell allklndsot LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for I.K88 MONEY than anyother dcalersln this county. We will also take pood Timberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Mimuer.aio, yveuseciearneia rine sua uem- lockouiy. W. It. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain 8c Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronase ol the farmers, and the publio generally, as the HIUUKtsT l'KICHa the market will afford, will do paiuior an kiuusoi GRAIN, FLOUB, - FROUUCK HEEDS AND 11AILKOAD TIES We have constantly on hand. r?isn. HALT, PLA8TKH, CEMENT COAL. IKON, HTEEL, HORRK SHOES. ftn.,&e. FOR BALE AT THK LUWESI KATES. (X9. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1876-H J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Ruildliig, tfrcwroiiT, PA. Sole Agentfor Lorllard'a Superior Tobaccos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW PRICES. naPfimitrv MAi-nhftiitii nnt.Hd with Ooodl Dklln.lnhla nrlnaa I Your orders are sol lc!'ed. 9(4 JNSURANCE2 B. HIMES, GENERAL LIFE AND Firo Insurance Agency. OFFICE: Sooth East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. viRit TNSTTRANCK POLICIES written In first- li mininaniea on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Before renewing your Insurance, or piscina new risks, you win eertainiv una 11 to your in terest to call on or address tne suoscriDer. Companies Represented : mnt.nt Tlartford. North British Kngland, Commercial llulon. North America, Phil's., Fire Association, fbH'a Assets, i 700.000 1.7SO.0O0. 1,494.1100. .V'n,0H0 3.778.IIOO Pennsylvania, l.TOO.000 B. HIMES, Agent. March II. l"91y Gift Books, Children's Boohs,. Blank Books, School Books,. Bibles! Testaments ! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail o Subscriptions taken for all News- papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. NovemDer in, witt-am A UCT10NEE11S. P. HOOVER, ATJCTiorsjrcisii. Attention Riven to sales, and satisfaction Ruar- anteed. f rices low. Call on or address F. V. HOOVKK, Kllloltsbum. r. Augustl 2, 1S79. JAS- P- LATCH FORD, AUCTIONEER , Would respectfully Inform the nubile that he- will ory sales at reasonable prices, All orderg- viii receive prompt attention. uuisi'iAJLii.x a MiL.La.2rr.ttax iu., rA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Ferrv and Cumberland counties. Pout olllce address, Bliermansdale, perry co., Pa. w. D. HENRY, AUCTIONEER, BlaiD, Ferry county Fa. WTerms Moderate and every exertion mad to render satisfaction. 6tl Auctioneer. The undersigned trivea- noticethathe wlllcrysales at any point In Perr or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited an promptatteatioD willbe eiven. New Buffalo Terry co., Fa. p B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEEK, Delville. Perry Co.. Fa. Charges moderate, an satisfaction guaranteed. 5 tf D AVID M'COY, atjo'jioim:i:i, ICKESBURO, FERRY COUNTY, PA. V Chimes moderate. Prompt attention Laid to ail calls. AUCTION KKK. The underslRned Rives, notice that he wnl ciy sales at a n asOLable laie. Katisfactlou guaranleeo. sv Auureiis TIIOS 8UTCH, Jr.. Nov. ig, '78 Landisburg, 1'a. H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! Iwouldrespectivel Inform myfrleDdKthat I teadoalliug upoutbem w Itb a supply o( gooc ofmy OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of " CASS1MERS, CASSINET8, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd OAHPETS, &c, to exebange for wool orsell (or cask. J.M.BIXLKK. ClMTBlWOOLEH FaCTORT. 8,17,1' 1500 ,TOI6fiO A YEAR, or IS to. M2oa day in your own locality. no nsK. women oo as wen I as men. Many make moi than the amount stated above. I No one can fail to make nun ey last. You can make frcm m cents to i'l an hour bv de. voting vonr evenings and spare time to the busi ness. It costs nothing to try Ihe business. Noth ing like it for making: money ever oflered before. Business pleasant anuatricllv honorable, jtaaoer. If you want to know all about the bert paving business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free : samples worth (A also free: yon can then make uy your mlrd for yourself. Addres GKIKGE 8TINBONCO..foitland, Me. 401) ELASTIC TRUSS liHtk Pa4 difft4nt from mi I Mima. ' CTJ3 lllADSU wltB half-Adlui.Ui. l.aftaaiaJM,l.Wx Bllo c.iir. fclttpUl u-ltuiia V1tEHSIBl.tr MMllhM Of ttM fco.IT. wblJ Uk Itftl It n tb evp prsiwsj tack thm Mr wiim U I icr. Hu ikt Muattu tri (WLUkb ImU mi uraly I j ami alfki. hJ ft n-cl et:rrrui. ilU taay, AMftbt M ctMap. ftstBtbyuuii. CircoUr ifm. EG Q LEST Off TCl'KS CO.. Chicago, HI. INSTITUTE. V,I.Hi.V-( I m fv tk. run Jt f.i-, Tuor IWn. ml Hklm DIlWH, without lh u, k f- ... I .... ..I .1.1 -J ku . irl BfwimllAit, dr ill tr. .nd nlHiMM, bja,H Or. V. U POM), Aurora, kant Co., IU. . 4a.?'.!T our stock of new ooorx for Men' Wrrls annili, tlOi I'rlcesfrom lU'iceutsup. F. MORTIMIH. New Bloomtteld.l "i-; ",' .-sr-r' 'wj