THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., FEBRUA11Y 3, 1880. 5 THE TIMES. PENNSYLVANIA a. B.-iaDDLS DIVISION; On met alter Nut. 101 h, 1K7P, Ti-mlm run follow i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. WAV VI pHlHOir-AL J'llH Msll Atl'. Tr'u Tr'nil Stations. Ex. Tr'u Kl. Tooj j Philadelphia, fcJ 00 P.M.! . , . P.. ' T.H. I.m .(W HArrlslmr, t.s . IA tim 1.4.1 Ms Muclmllii, 1.17 I.S" l.tu Maryivllln, I.I 1 T.M J.iW b.f DilucAlHlOU, 7.83' 10.90 il .m iiaiiy'H, ii.v, i.m .H6 Newport I 6.67 HSU i t. Mlllprstowii, IJ.Il .;; 8.01 7.S ThoinpsntU'n. UK! 3.W 1.4-1 Mnxlm I. S.l t.M 7.IW Port Royal.... Il l" H.12 9.371 n.ijo Mifflin II. 84 S.U7 IMS' 1.661 l.mviKt.iwtl J., i.U4 5.4:! 8.6,1 I Amlprnoli's,... 4.51 McVej Ii.wu,.. 10.8ft 6.14 t.M 4.5-31 N. Hamilton,.! 10.11 4 61 .(; HlllttlllKdott.J .P!' 417 T.! 84! Tyrone" , . i S.M B.37 6.M 7.SHI, AlliKilm.. ....! l.Sli t.M P.M. ! A.M. P.M. P.M. 13;6 i"ITOl)l'ItH. T:40 1:1(1 Pads 11.8(1 A. II i.lh .12 t.M P. 41) (Mi l(l.0 I0.4U 11.12 11.8-t lal 1.15 1.55 P.M. :08 Hl'ltl!!mtv WxnrpsA Irnvrn llarrisbnni at Hvlft y h, Diincnnmm lc.44 (li.iK): Niwpnrt 11.05 OIakI mid ar rival At I'iltAhuixAt'.OOA. M. P7TPni'!Ho Express Went will stop I'unosliimli at l.ftOsnil st Newport .it 5.14 A. m., wIipii llAmrt'd. I-"ttotiisf WfM.itit. W'ly PrntHcuKPr ipsvep Harris burg Daily the otln r trains Dalu excel tsumlnj . tVOolnpr Bast, the Atlantic MxprCRU leaves Altnnna Dally , the other trulna liuily exueiit Hnlidny. Pacific F.xpri'KB cant runs dully except Monilny, and willfllnpnt fliinciintinii nt 11:19 a.m., when tlanred. tin Hundiiva it will nmkc the follMtvina extra stop when flAinprl : Bell's Mill's :(. Sprint" Creek 8 ;'27, l'ttersblirir :38' Jit. Union 9;10, ML VeytimiiSiW. Public Sales. Bills for the sale of the following described property, have been printed at this office : On Bntnrday, Fchrnnry 7lh, 1880, the proper ty of Margaret Fleming, dee'd., situated In Carroll twp., will be offered for Bale. February 10th. Ann Miller will sell nt her residence In Rye twp., 1 Cow and Calf, two Wagons, farming utensils and household and kitchen furniture. February 10th. F. P. Hooker will sell at his residence In Little Germany, 1 mare, 1 cow, 2 elicited, 1 trotting buggy, 1 elcigb, farming implements, and household and kitchen furniture. February 12th. John Loy at his residence on the Belbert farm In Center twp., will sell, horses, rattle, farming Implements, and household furniture. February 19th. Jacob llarnlsh at his farm in Carroll twp., will sell horses, cattle, hogs, farming Implements and household furni ture. Also a Two Horse Tread Power Threshing Machine. Monday. March 23ii Andrew Sunday will sell near Blue Ball, 1 mare, 4 cows, 1 heifer, shntes, sheep, 2 wagons, gears, farming im plements and household furniture, pork, lard, potatoes, &o. Uriel" IteniH. Correspondents who wish their articles published must have them In not later than Sat urday. Letters received Mondaymornlng scarce ly ever get published. Conrad Eckert of Newport cot badly skinned up by jumping from a moving V tram near tjlemson's crossing. James II. Bumbaugh a route agent in the postal service, a resident of Harrls burg, was arrested for stealing letters, on Monday night. His arrest was made at Pittsburgh, which was the western end of his route. Postmaster Meloy has been notified by the Postmaster General that the Car lisle postofrlce has been advanced from a third class to a second-class office, and that his salary will be $2,000 per annum, intitpflii of $1.0(10 na f'orniprlv. For valuable Information at smalM cost get a copy of Kendall's Horse Book. Hent by mail on receipt of 25 cents. F. MOKTI3IEK, New Bloomfleld, Pa. 'A lecture will be delivered in the Court House on this Tuesday evening, by the Rev. Geo. Bosley. (Subject His escape from slavery and the religious progress of the colored race. Admittance, adults 15 cents children 10 cents. Boors open at 7 o'clock. V1 ;n isunuav a ween we are inionej. fiRS Sarah Fetrow, of Fair view town ship, York county, called upon Dr. Trimmer of Ijisburn, to have some teeth extracted. The doctor administered chloroform and the patient died on his hands. We give place to a communication on the iron ore of this county and the necessity of a railroad. Our columns are always open to suggestions that look to the benefit of the county, and there can he no doubt as to the importance of the questions asked by M. D. F. Kendall's Horse Book will give you more information about a horse and bis diseases than any book published at same price. 25 cents will give you a copy hy mail. Address, Times office, New Bloomfleld, Pa. Why don't Bogardus and the other crack shots go out on the skirmish line and take a pop at the Indians I1 One dead Indian would go for more than 100.000 glass balls. Enterprise. Per haps it is because glass balls don't care anything about hair, while the Indiana do. Church Hoticea. Preaching in the M. E. Church next Sunday at GJ P. M. Sunday school at 0i A. M. Prayer meeting on Thursday eve ning. Also, preaching at Ickesburg at 10 A. M., at Walnut Grove 2i P. M. Tresbyterlan Church Preaching at 11 A. Nt., and 7 P. M. Sabbath School at 0.30 A. M. Preaching In the Reformed church next Sunday, at 21 o'clock P. M. Does it Fit You. I have recently sent out a number of bills. Thlq was done bfcaute money was wanted, and to thoee who have paid attention to the request, thanks are returned. Those who have not responded Deed not blame ine if they have soroe cost to pay. They now have fair notice. . F. Mortijjek. A tnanoe. Mr. J.C. liarrett has re tired from the Newport Kewi and in fu ture that paper will be conducted by Messrs. Cook & Fry. We presume Mr. Fry will, as heretofore be the editor, and we have no doubt will see that every thing connected with the establishment. Is " well done." Albright not Seen. The following letter explains Itself. New BufTulo, January 28, 1880. Mn. Mortimer. Mr. James Wright says that article in the Patriot which you copied in The Times is all a mis take. He never said he seen Albright, the only man he seen was a man by the name of Hainmaker, from Watts town ship. Jonx A. ALimioitT. lit seems to us strange that if Al bright's friends know he is dead, that they take the trouble to contradict any stories that seem to show that he Is alive.-Ed. Wealher Report. B. M'Intire, Esq., hands us the following report of the weather for the month of January 1880. Average of Thermometer at 8 o'clock A. M. 34P14', and of Barometer 30 Inches minus 0-tenth. Average of greatest degree of heat 89-40', and of cold, 2030'. There fell two and 8-tenths Inches of rain and 7 inches of snow. Thursday the 2!)th was the warmest day, the Ther mometer registering 54, and the coldest, Wednesday the 14th, the murcury sink ing to 83 above zero. This was the warmest January for 20 years. Farmers plowing their corn and oats ground. Week of Prayer. Owing to the week of Court Interfering with the use of the first week In January in this town, the first week in February is used as week of prayer. Order of services will be, Monday, Presbyterian ch., " Thanks for past blessings aud prayer for their con tinuance." Tuesday, Pres. ch., " Con fession of sin and humiliation before God." Wednesday, M. E. ch., " Prayer for the Church, Its ministry, its growth and its revival. Thursday, M. E. ch., "Trayer for Christian Education lu school and family for Temperance and the Sabbath." Friday, Lutheran ch., " Prayer for nations, rulers and people, and for peace and religious liberty." Saturday, Lutheran ch., "Prayer for Home and Foreign Missions and for the conversion of the world." Sabbath at 4 P. M., Itef. ch., under care of Y. M. C. A. " True Righteousness, and the full ness of Christ's salvation. With excep tion of the last, all meetings will be at 7 P. M. . . . . 77 Distressing Accident. On Motulay even ing of last week a very sad accident oc- curred in the family of Mr. T.P. Hoover residing in Spring twp., this county, by which Mrs. Hoover lost her life. Mr. II. was loading his gun to shoot a hawk, and the nipple being filled up it would not prime. He then drew the shot and fixed the priming, and again loaded It. (After so doing he was In the act of hanging the gun on hooks he kept for the purpose, when by some means the gun was discharged, the entire load en tering the side of Mrs II. The accident happened about 2 P. M., and at about 8 P. M., death relieved her from further suffering. Doctors Ellefman and Conrad were present but medical aid was of no avail. Mr. Hoover was almost crazed by the teriible accident, but no blame can be attached to him. There was no cap on the gun, nor had there been any for some weeks, and its discharge Is a mystery. p Mrs H. was burried at the Frankfort rChurch yard in Cumberland Co. j Her age was 23 years 7 months and 21y days. She leaves two small children. A Coal -Thief Shot. Early Saturday morning as the Cumberland Valley Railroad watchman at Martlnsburg was patrolling his beat, he discovered two negroes at work on one of the compa ny's coal bins. He called to them and asked them what they were doing. They replied that it was none of his business. They had been already to one bin and finding it empty, were trying to force the lock oft of a second when they were discovered. The watchman had a heavy artillery revolver, aud firing it in the air twice, he yelled to them to dust. They thought he had a double barreled shotgun, and made for him, when he fired at the foremost. He gave a yell of pain and both of the coal thieves ran. At daylight, the trail of blood was followed to a negro cabin where Dick Taylor was found with a bullet hole clear through bim. The bullet entering his chest, passed through the right lung and came out of his back. List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Post office at New Bloomfleld Perry county Pa. February 2 1880. Mrs. Mary Cook, John O. Danner, Henry Honing, Isaac Streley, Persons calling for the above letters, please say they are advertised Samuel Roath, V, M. Show Cases Cheap. I have three show cases which I will sell cheap. F. Moit TiMEn, New Bloomfleld, Pa. Killed on the Railroad. Two tramps, named Joseph Rlckenberer of York Pa., and Matthias Minster, a clgarmaker from Oalllon, Ohio, started away from Masslllon, In company the York Inan promising to procure work for Minster in York county at his trade when they arrived there. Rlckeuberger was quite friendly to the Ohloan, and shared with him cheerfully what he had. Thursday when they came down the Penn. rail road track, Rlckenberger left his com panion and was proceeding across the track to board an eastward bound freight train which had entered a siding and was coming on down the track to the Penn. railroad yard. Just as Rlcken berger got upon tire main track, engine No. 65 tugging the Johnstown express east, came thundering down the line (whistling for a clear track), but before the unfortunate man could collect his wits, or pay attention to the signal, he was struck by the engine and hurled out of the way a distance of twenty yards or more, killing him almost Instantly. When the train stopped and Rlcken berger was picked up, his skull was crushed in on the back part of his head, the back and body fearfully bruised, and both legs were broken. The train which killed him took him to the dead house in the Pennsylvania railroad depot, where after being notified, Coroner Bhlndler summoned a jury and held an Inquest. A telegram was sent to York to acquaint the fi lends of Rlckeuberger of his death, and if heard from the re mains, properly coffined, will be for warded. Rlckenberger, was about 22 years of age. His companion was affect ed to tears by the sudden loss of his friend, and seemed sorely distressed at his helpless condition, being out of funds and a stranger in a strange place. The railroad authorities kindly attended to his immediate wants, and will doubtless assist him to return to his home in Ohio. Patriot. For Tub Timbs. A Railroad Wanted. Mr. Editor. Will you allow me to ask through the columus of your paper, why it is that when the demand for iron ore is so great that means are not taken to bring the splendid ore that abounds in Spring and Center townships within reach of the furnaces. Perhaps all your readers do not know how many veins of ore have been opened that can be made "mines of wealth," when ever there is railroad facilities for hauling it away. The ore is abundant in quantity and excellent In quality. Now a few words as to a railroad I It seems to be consid ered that the distance and expense of a road to Duncannon is too great for our people here to surmount. The distance to Newport is but little If any over five miles if the proper route is taken, and the shortest route Is also a feasible one. Starting from a point near the Academy and passing over the ridge beyond the residence of S. Wiggins, would bring us to the other side with light grade and by taking the hill side an easy route is found to the Little Buffalo, and then to Newport by an almost direct line. That this route Is feasible can be easily demon strated, and that it is the shortest none can dispute. A road built to Newport would be built at leas than half the cost of one to Duncannon, would carry all (that could be carried over the long road, would cost less to keep in repair, and would be a feeder that would be accepta ble to the Pennsylvania R. R. Co., while the Duncannon terminus, they are an tagonistic to. I offer these suggestions and trust you will give them place, and perhaps tliey.will bring out further discussion. If Newport and Bloomfleld would join hands In this matter, there Is no doubt it could be made a success to the great advantage of both towns and still greater advantage of the county. ' - M. D. F. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. On Tuesday, Mr. Jacob Sulouff, while out on his furm was severely hurt, by a log rolling over him. The extent of his injuries at time of writing are unknown but he is bruised about the chest and legs, so as to hinder his removal to his residence in town. On Wednesday evening of last week, Clarence Towsey, son of Joseph Towsey of Turbett twp., whilst handling a pis tol, accidentally shot himself, the ball entering the palm of the left hand, and passing through the wrist, lodged in the forearm. Dr. Shelley was summoned, and probed the wound, but failed to dis cover the ball. The next day Drs. Shel ley and Graham etherized the lad and probed the wound but were unsuccess ful in finding the ball. Cumberland County. We copy lowing from the Cumberland of last week : the fol papers On Friday morning last Miss Edmond who resides on West South street, and is one of the teachers in our public schools fell in the yard at her residence, and broke her wrist. We are pleased to learn that she is recovering rapidly. A box filled with sawdust and used as a spittoon in the post office, almost caus ed a fire on Saturday evening. It is pre sumed that some thoughtless person threw a lighted "snipe" into the box early in the evening, for about 10 e'olock the box was discovered to contain a mass of living coals, and the fire cannot be accounted for in any other way. Its timely discovery no doubt prevented a conflagration. Carlisle Volunteer. Capt. Pratt has selected Mr. Amos Miller, of Middlesex, to instruct the In dians at the training school in farming. About twelve acres of good farm laud near the school have been secured. Mr. Miller will receive a salary of $00 per mouth. A. L. Bughman was chopping down trees in the mountain a few days ago, and laid his coat and vest down near the tree he was chopping at. When the tree fell it struck the clothing, the result be ing a first-class watch smashed in to pieces. Mrs. Philip Tayloy, of Southampton township, after retiring a few nights ago heard a noise In the kitchen, and mak ing an investigation, she discovered the kitchen in a flame of fire, the lamp she had left burning having exploded. She was alone In the house with six small children. Had she not discovered the lire when Bhe did, the house would have burned down, with its inmates. The family of J. Funston, on West Main Street, one night last week, made a narrow escape from coal gas. The children commenced crying in the night, when the mother awoke in a semi-un-coiibcIous condition. The doors and windows were speedily thrown open, and on the admission of fresh air the occupants obtained relief, but only after the most violent spells of vomiting. The escape from death was almost remarka ble. iS'Mppemburg New. tT Do you feel that any of your or gansyour stomach, liver, bowels, or nervous system, falters in its work t If so, repair the damage with the most powerful, yet harmless, of invigorants. Remember that debility is the " Begin ning of the End" that the climax of all weakness is a universal paralysis of the system, and that such paralysis is the immediate precursor of Death. For sale by all Druggist and Dealers generally. 6 3m NEWPORT FLOUR. The undersigned, proprietor of the NEWPORT MILLS, has completed Ills extensive improvements and now feels confident that he can make the BEST FLOUR In Perry County, and will sell at Rates that the poorest may buy. He is very particular In the wheat he buys, and has the only Smith Purifer in the County. He is also Agent for the Un derwood Patent Flouh, which is the best flour in the World. 6jT All kinds of Custom Work done with precision and dispatch. 63m MILTON B. ESIILEMAN. Five Years experience with the sur rounding trade lias taught us the wants of the people. As heretofore we will continue to hold the lead, and give our customers the benefit of any extra bar gains which can be picked up by Mr. Schwartz or other experienced buyers in the City. We Invite you all to give us a call. Marx Dukes, successor to I. Schwarts. Eby's Building, Newport, Pa. Apples. Mr. Wii. Stamuauoii, at the new ware house in Newport, "has a lot of Western apples of superior quali ty for sale. Buffalo and Lap Robes, Horse and Bed Blankets, large assortment and low S rices at Marx Dukes, successor to I. chwartz. Eby's Building, Newport, Pa. A Splendid line of TrunksValises. Hals and (Japs, Cheaper than the cheapest, at jmarx JJUKE9, successor to i. tsenwartz. Eby's Building, Newport, Pa. On the 10th and 24th of March, the executors of Daniel Foose, dee'd, will sell, at the late residence of said dee'd, In Spring twp., 4 horses, 4 cows, bull, young cattle, wagons, and a general variety of farming implements and uousenoiu lurnnure. County Price Current. Bloom pi eld, February 2, 1'80 Flax-Heed 1 26 I'otatoes. 40 Butter V pound, ., 12014 Eggs fl dozen 12 " Dried Apples fl pound 4 ots" Dried Peache 10 tt 12 ots. S N ISWrOHT MAUKJITS. Mbwpokt, January 31, Kite. Hour, Bxtra 15.00 " Super 3.C0 White Wheat bush 1 25 lied Wheat 1 25 Rye 7US75 Corn 45047 Oats V 32 pouuds 40Q 40 Clover Seed per pound, 607cents Timothy Seed 1 60 Flax Seed 1 00 ' Potatoes, fisio llaoon '8 ft 6 1 id 7 cents Ham Scents. Ground Alum Salt 1 00 1 00 Llmeburner's Coal, Jl 2 1 75 Stove Coal lilO 4 25 Pea Coal 2 25 Buckwheat Coal 12 25 Gordon's Food per Sack t2 00 CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. COKRBOTBD WBIKLT. WOODWARD A BOBB. . Carlisle, January 31 ,1P80. Family Flour 15 Oo Superfine Flour S 75 White Wheat, new 1 25 Red Wheat, new 1 25 Rye 70 Corn, (new) 47 Oats 40 Cloverseed S.0Oa5.00 Tlmotuyseed, 1 75 Flax Seed II 25 G. A. Bait II 15 Fine do 1 70 Philadelphia Produce Market. Philadelphia. January 31, 1PM. Flour unsettled: extras 15 2ii5 60 1 Pennsvl vanla family. 10 00 Mfti7 Mlnnewta do., I6.UU0; paieniaua niiin gruaos. to.ouui.uu Rye flour. H 2.'.S3.rt. I'oruuieal. 12 Mi Wheat, red, 1109141; amber, 141 O 142; whlta, 1420142. Com quiet and easy; yellow, 50300. t mixed. tse.wo. Ontn quiet: Pennsylvania and western white, 47WSO. : western mtxed,47tTi. ltye6GH.,ie, Hencii Rp.avkr on the 22d ult., In (he Luther an church. Trajiiw. Pa., nv Kev. O, P. Smith, a, sisted by Dr. J. A. Itoiiiberger, Rev. B. M. Henen ol Walkersvllla, Md.. formerly of this uiiinty.t MattleJ. Beaver, ol Tiappe, Montgomery Co.,. Penn'a. ZKmum-Omimi.-OntliA 27th tilt., at Oriental' hy Rev. w. linnat. Mr. Alfred Znlgler and Mrs, Rebecca Oiuuu, both ot Lire. pool, Perry Co. OARrniHOn the Tfh of January I'm, at Fn!llnr Spring, Benjamin Franklin son of D. K. and KL K. llai her. aged 2 yenis. a iiinnlhw and 2!) days. M'Ai.iSTER-Onth 2"th ult,. at New Buffalo, Alexander M'Alllster, Eiq., aged 77 years, II nionilis and 25 das. Rcm.rssFB On November K, 179, trf Spring twp., Peter Suhlusser, aged 06 yrs. 10 mo. aud I days. Nbwoomhr. In Warrenbnrg. on the 21th ult., Man W., (iHiinlilerof A. Newcomer, and grand daughter of Wilson Darlington or Center twp., aged 17 years 2 months and 24 days. Bodbs. On the 20th ult.. In Kas' Waterford. Jiinlam county. John Fergumn. only son of Stiles K. and Nellie Borien, ot lekesbmg. aged 4 years, l mo. and a days. BKTTT.-Onthe21th ult. at Newport. John. W. son of A. J. Beatly.aged 9 yrs. 6 mo. and lt days. H1RFJ IMPROVED ROOTBKEK PACK AOK, mn CO TWHNTYKIVE CKNTH ....t.?,!..' gallonsof a delicious and sparkling beveraiie wholesome and temperate Sold by Driuciits or sent by mall on receipt of 2- Cents. Adilrei C11AS. K. HIHK8, Manufacturer, 215MarketSL. Philadelphia. Pa. e fifu 0 RPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of a decree of the Orphan? Court of Peny County, the undersigned. Administra tor ouunn rouiK. laie oi t ainiii mwnsiilp, de ceased, will exjKise to sale b public outcry, on the premises, i miles north-east ol Shermans dale, on Friday, February 18th, 1880, at 10 o'clock A. M.,the following described Real Estate to wit : A THACT OF LAND, being the MANSION FARM bounded by lands of Levi Adams William blieafter. Uaniel SwcKer,. and others, containing f6 ACRES AND 78 PERCHES, and having thereon erected a Log Frame Weatlierboartled House, AND BANK BARN, AND OTHER OUTBUILDINGS. There Is a youngAPI'LE ORCHARD and other fiuit on the liirin. There Is a pump and also a good sprint; near the house and water In some of the fields. The land Is ol the bestqnalliy and all cleared and In a good state of cultivation. This fnim Is situate lu a good neighborhood and convenient to churches, schools mid nilhs,aud Is well worthy tee atlention of purchaser. Persoi s desiring to see the property or wishlnR information sin old call on John W. Wallace, or the undersigned at Bloomlleld. Also, at the same time and place, 14 ACHES OF WOODLAND, sltnate.near the said f im, and being well set with chestnut and other timber. Terms easy and will be made known on day at sale. AMOS KOULK, WiLsowLrPFER. Att'y. Adm'r, Jan-iary 13, 188 . ' ORPHANS' COURT SALE , ; OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Perry County, the undersigned Administrators. ic, of the estate of Margaret. Fleming late of Carroll township. Perry County, fa., deo'd., will sell by outcry on the pismises on BATUEDAY, FEBRUARY llh, 1880, The following described Real Estate, to wit: A LOT OF GItOUND, situate In Carroll township, about 2 miles south exst of Hloonitield. on I lie road leading from Bloomuelo to Duiicanuou, containing about SO ACRES more or less, having thereon erected a Two Story Pebble dashed Dwelling House. .-AND A HMALL 1JAKIV, and" other outbuildings. The property has aa ORCHARD of choice li ult with the trees in good bearing condition, a well of good water near the door, and other conveniences. Its location, with school house, shops. Ike., in the ne 'ghbornooit make It a properly worthy the attention ot uur chasers. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of Hie pur chase money to lie paid when the property is stricken down, one Imilof the balance on I lie 1st of April, 188H, when possession will be given and the deed delivered, and the remainder on the lt of April, 1881, to be -ecuied bv Jinigmeut bond, bearing merest from 1st of April, lttso Sale to commence at one o'clock P.M.. of said day. SARAH FLEMING, January 1.1, 1880. JUIliX O. I.ll MP. , Administrators. . THE BEST OFFER YET. A GOOD NEWSPAPER at Cheap Katesand S nuiiiber of Good Books Into the Bargain. A Copy of Worcester's Large Quarto Llctionary aud oilier inducements to club getters. " 1 HE WEEKLY PATRIOT"' Is a Journal devoted to Literature, Agriculture, Politics. Soience and News. It gives all the news of the week In condensed form. Pennsylvania news is a sopcial feature. Eacli number contains -a completed story, selrcted poetry, wit and hu mor, articles for the farmer, meulunlcand house wife, reports of markets, editorials on current topics aud Reneral miscellany. Price 12 00 per year. . SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR 1880. Every new subscriber to the WEEKLY PATHi, OT who will send us Two Dollars cash In ao vance, and every old tubsenber who will pay nm. arrears aud send Two miliars n addition, will', receive one eoi y ol the WKEKLY PATRIOT lor one year and a copy of each o the standard nov els, "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Btonte, aud "Dan iel Deronda" by George ElloC. postage prepaid on paper aud books. TO CLUB-GETTERS. Ten copies of the Weekly Patriot one year to ono P. O., and an elegantly bouudcopst of "Lemurlere's Classical Dictlouaty"lO' club getter. 115 Fifteen copies of the WEEKLY PATRIOT oueyear to ono P. )., and an tl-utuated copy ol " Macaulay's HiMory o( Eng land" with maps lu 5 vols., cluth, to ciub getter. 22 ,M Twenty copies cf the WEEKLY PATRIOT oneycai to one P O .aud a copy m me finest illustrated edllioj ol Vrcesier'a JurtoDiiionaiy (publkher'a price. 110) to clud gttb-r. 30 It VTIies rates are strictly Cash in Advanue. Reinllluuces should be by P. O , itiuiiey older. DAILY fATliluT, i; w peiaauum. Addre PATRIOT PUBl.I'HINO CO.. 8 llAHHIMlt'KU, P. MriU rilRP As'hma. Nev. ItCST lUllt.rr )r, June!. Addles with stamp, ' ROM E," P Horn in ao, Mi. July