4 THE TIMES. New Moomfleld, Feb. 3, 1SS0. NOTICK TO AfUVBllTlfsEHS. Ho Out orHtereotype will ha tiitorted In this paper ttnlma lia-llt faoe suit on metal bane. tr Twenty peroent. in etcess of remiliir rate", will be oharweu: for advertisements settn Double Column. NOTIt'R TO tMJIIKCniltF.lt. I.nnn the DifiirM on the label of jour psper. ThimiitKiiristill vnu the rinte la frNtrn nrnh rrlptlnii Innnlil. Within I weeks ltT money l sent. If the date Is hiiKed. No other receipt li neoenaarv. In Ottawa Inst week, a supposed corpse kicked vigorously agalust the coflln as the dirt was thrown on lilm. The noise was heard by the grave dig ger, and the man wag taken out and is now recovering. He was badly scared at his narrow escape. The U. S. Government lias levied upon twenty-one locomotives belonging to the Reading railroad, for a claim of $168,000 which the Revenue department claims Is due the U. 8. as tax on script paid out by the railroad company in payment of wages. The government claims that it was a circulating medium and as such, liable to tax. The R. R. Co., resist the claim and thr courts will now decide the question. - - -i - While we are complaining for want of Ice and fearing there will be none to All ice bouses, the people of Paris have been trying to clear the Seine of ice by blowing various points of It up with dynamite. The explosion has produced some Interesting results, of which the most Important was the disjunction of a mass of ice eighty metres in length by six metres in breadth, with three cart ridges, each of a four hundred gram, fir ed by means of a galvanic wire. Crowds go down to look at the experiments. ' The Muddle In Maine. Boston, Jan., 28. A despatch from Augusta says : "The Fusion Legislature, after a prolonged secret session this after ternoon, adjourned to meet on the first Wednesday of August next. Many of the members will go home not to return here before that date. Others will go back to the people of their districts to abide by their decision as to joining or remaining out of the State-House Legislature, and others will take their seats among their Republican brethren. The Committee on Members will some of them go home, while others will contest the seats of their rivals in the Capitol for the sake of getting the pay usually voted to de feated contestants. Two Fuslonlsts to day appeared in the Republlcau House and others have expressed their Inteu tion to follow them to-morrow. The Fu sionist Governor Smith will return to his home in Oldtown to-morrow, as will Mr. Talbot, Speaker of the Fusion House." - --4 .... A Sad Case. "Miss Sarah Fetrow, an accomplished and highly esteemed young lady residing in Falrview township.York county ,came to that place last Saturday forenoon to have some teeth extracted, and called upon Dr. Trimmer, a well known den tist, for that purpose. Dr. Trimmer ad ministered the chloroform, and extract. ed two of Miss Fetrow's teeth, the effects of the anesthetic passing off meanwhile. The doctor then administered a second dose, and extracted several more teeth. After the effects of dose No. 2 had passed off, the doctor administered a third dose, and while he was in the act of taking out three more teeth he discovered that Miss F. was so much reduced as to give him alarm. - All was done that could be thought of to restore her, but sad to relate in two hours' time Miss Fetrow was a corpse. The sad event has caused great excitement in this vicinity, and many of our citizens sympathize with the relatives of the young lady over this unfortu na te occu rrenca. ' Telegraph. Troublesome Workmen. Lancaster Jan. 26. Manuel M' Shane, owner of the Rohrerstown rol ling mill, called on the sheriff this after noon to protect his property, which was in danger of being destroyed by a mob. Some of the employees demanded the discharge of a man named Gravel, and Mr. M'Shane, feeling that he bad a per fect right to employ whom he pleased refused to accede to their demands. This morning the men struck, and some of them getting under the influence of whiskey, a row was the result, in which a man named Patrick O'Donnel a friend of Gravel, was pretty roughly used. More trouble is anticipated, as M'Sbane would put to work others in place of those who struck, and if they attempted to go to work they will likely meet with vlo ence at the hands of the discharged em ployees. The riot having subsided, the Hheriff was advised that be bad no juris diction, but Mr. M'Sbane is endeavoring to make arrangements for the employ, ment of sufficient police force to protect his works and those who are willing to go to work. Over Much Snow. A Quebec special says ! Since the snow storm of Saturday two or three ava lanches of snow have fallen from the cliff beneath the citadel, In one Instance several houses narrowly escaping de molition. All the Inhabitants of the street, two miles long, are threatened with the same danger and the greatest consternation exists, some of them are leaving their homes and others afraid to go to bed. Three children eight years old, while sliding near Valler street, were suddenly buried beneath a snow slide Saturday evening to the depth of twelve feet. The most exciting search was made for them, but over ten minutes were occupied In digging them out, all three being found alive, but perfectly black In color and unconscious. They state that they retained consciousness a short time after being buried by the snow, and prayed to God as they felt suffocation coming on to forgive their Bins. All will recover. The sense of impending danger and fears of further catastrophes is very appalling here. A Curious Case of Starvation. Mrs. Harriet Breon, who resided a few miles east of Aaronsburg, Centre county, died from pure starvation in the mldBt of plenty. Several years ago she first experienced some little difficulty In swallowing, but did not feel any per ceptible change until three mouths ago, when the taking of any kind of food was done only with great effort. Within the last few weeks she could swallow nothing at all, not even milk. Her at tending rhvBlclan made a post mortem examination and proved his diaguosis to have been correct stricture of the wsephagus of a cancerous nature. Remarkable Weather in Virginia. Norfolk, Va., January 20. The weather here is remarkably mild and pleasant. The farmers are well advanced in their spring work, and the appear ance of the country already begins to re mind one of new vegetables, as there are already large Melds of peas, cabbage, kale, &o., lu an advanced state. This system of early planting is said to have been first introduced by New Jersey truckers who located here. The result has been the harvesting of early vegeta bles much sooner in the sprlngthan In former times. Stricken at a Funeral. While attending the funeral of an ac quaintance at the Catholic cemetery in Nlppenose Valley last week, a few miles from Williamsport, Mrs. Susanna Nlt tinger, aged about seventy years, sud denly sank down unconscious at the grave. She was carried to the house of Rev. Father Llnfert, near by, where Bhe soon afterward died. Apoplexy Is sup posed to have been the cause of her sud den death. Miscellaneous News Items. EST A Columbus, Iud., special says : A young couple came Into Columbus to be man iud, and ou retiring blew out the gas. Later in the night the door was burst open and the unconscious bride aud groom were carried into the fresh air, which Boon revived them. It was a lucky escape. tS" A mother at Soott, Johnson Couuty, Iowa, left a bottle of strychnine where her babe of two years old got hold of it. Con trary to preoedout iu such cases, the little one emptied the contents of the vial into the chickens' drinking wator, the result be ing a dozen dead fowls. The child was safe, however. t3P lion. Eugene Hale will probably be compelled to move permanently from his borne iu Maine and take up bis abode in the State of Michigan. The great estate left by bis late father-in-law, Suuator Chandlor, requires constant attention, aud Mr. Halo will be forced to devote all bis time to superintend It. C3J While two young men, named Wil liam Green aud Hiram Ackerly, of North port, L. I., were out duck shooting at Eaton's Neck Tuesday morning, Acker ley's gun was accidentally discharged, tbo the contents euterlng Green's thigh, sev ering the femoral artery. Green soon bled to death. 52T Miss Rlnoeu of Lancaster County, while picking her ear with a pin on Satur day, had the pin slip from her fingers, and enter through the drum of the ear. Medi cal aid was called bat was of no avail ; the pin could not be found. The young lady, who is between 18 and 18 years of age, is su flering excrnoiating pain. HT The wife of .lobe D. Stiles of Allen town, a leading lawyer and and ex-Congressman, died suddenly on Friday night in that city, while visiting a small party of friends near her home. They were enjoy ing themselves in the parlor, when sudden ly Mrs. Stiles fell prostrate on the floor, speechless and unconscious. KW Father Bent acquired the uncon trollable appetite for strong drink while pastor of a Roman Catbolio church at Cov ington, Ky., and was, after repeated warn ings, suspended by his bishop. In all oth er respects he was a good man, and four months ago, as beseemed tohave reformed, be was given a pastorate at Lexington, but a final spree at Clnolunetl resulted in his death. tW One of the most portly and dlgnl fled of the Mormon bishops was lately seen running In a Salt Lake street, closely pur sued by a woman, who whacked him with a broomstick whenever she got within reaching distnnoe. She was the first and only wife of Hrother Jones, and she bad heard the bishop advising her husband to practice the precepts of the Church by taking an additional spouse or two. IW Four well-dressed men, apparently ordinary travellers, arrived by the train at Danfortu, Iroquois County, on Wednesday evening. Soon after their arrival they masked themselves and entered the lodgings of Mr. Webber, who is over sixty years old, and after knocking blm down and gagging him, blew open the safe in bis ruom, took $4300 in cash, and escaped, leaving blm securely fastened. He was on ly released the next morning, after a night of terrible suffering. IW On Wednesday, Ellas Gebbardt, six teen years of age, a clerk In a hardware store at Syracuse, N. Y. was accidentally shot and instantly killed by a customer to whom he was selling a pistol. In the excitemeut the customer, who gave his name as Cos tello, from Wayne County, disappeared. The revolver, which was thought to be un loaded, contained three charges. t3T Chas. F. Freeman, the Pocasset fa natic, will be arraigned for trial before Judge Morton, of the Supreme Court, at Wareham,Mass., Tuesday. Witnesses start ed for Barnstable last night who, it is said, are to help to establish the insanity of Freeman. A number of medical experts have already arrived at Warebam. The general feeling Is tb at the case will end by sending Frecmr.n to the Insane asylum. tW Matthias Powers, a miserly old man of Philadelphia, whose estate is valued at a quarter of a million dollars, has been or dered to pny fifteen dollars a week for bis wife's Bupport. She brought a suit, com plaining that she had been compelled to subsist on potatoes, mush and sour milk, and was ill-treated by her husband and daughters. She claimed a comfortable subsistence out of the estate, as she bad helped in its accumulation by attending the markets for years, rain or shine, and selling the produce of their truck farm. Lakcabtfr, Pa., January 27. An ac cident, resulting in the death of two boys, aged 13 and 13 years, oocurrod at Marietta yesterday. A large derrick was standing on a car aud the boys were amusing them' selves by swinging on the arm, which caused it to fall over, one being killed in Btautly and the other dying iu a short time. The oldost boy was a young tramp, said to be from Little Rock, Atk. The other was William Engwicht of Marietta. t3? Horace Means, a young lawyer of Windham , Iowa, was engaged to be mar ried to a young lady of that town. Ex tensive preparations were made, ilio guests assembled, the minister was in waiting and the bride ou the floor, when a messen ger hastened iu and whispered in ber oar She turned pale and was led from the room. It afterward transpired that the ex pectant bridegroom was a forger and bad just been detected. lie was not arrested but immediately hired a horse, drove off aud has not since beon heard from. tW Some interesting experiments of plow lug by electricit y took place the other day at Noisiel, in Franco, in the park of the woll-known aud intelligent Deputy Mr, Mouier. The motive powor was supplied to the plow by a Gramme machine, itself Bet in motion by water power, which is abundant on M. Mentor's estate The plow did about the same work as If it were drawn by four oxen. It was a Fowler plow with six shares. The motive power was supplied by a wire at a distance of nearly half a milo. To a profane looker-on it was amazing to see a plow propelled by an' un seen agonoy without team or Bteam. tW A Bpccial dispatch from Warsaw, Ind., says ; " Matthew Tracy, a farmer of Whitely county, has been missing ever siuce Thursday last on which day be sold some bogs at South Whitely for $120 and started for home, some seven miles distant, A batchet and club covered with blood and hair were found under a bridge over Eel river A further search discovered a coat and an empty pocket-book, which were identified as belonging to Tracy. It is now supposed he was murdered and thrown into the river. The river has been dragged but thus far without success. For Tea Times. Temperance in Duneannon. Ma. Editor' The Perry County Christian Temperance Society bas organized Unions la almost every township In the county, and bas fell a great anxiety to have tho Duneannon Union revived aud working in the good cause, for there li more drunkenness tn Duneannon now, than in any olber place in the county We doubt not there are euoogh temperance people mere to exert an influence that would banish the evil forever from their midst, if tney coma oniy ue urougnt together ) ton or twenty men in each church cannot even reeru. late their own churches : wbtle If they would all Join together It wonld create a force Irresistible, and one wbicb by tbe blessing of uoa wouiu ao wonders. The object or tbe eociety is not to oppose toe Church in lie work, but to aid It, and second it cot only In tne lignt wun rum, put every immorality, Wherever the Chnreb people have Inlned In with the Unions that have been organised men, mo rcvivaii nave nourisnen, aua great enmbers have received grace. There can be no doubt that the blessing of God rests ou the temperance work and on the workers and the church that does the most for the canes enjoys the most prosperity. This will prove Ural ran overtne county. Beside where the Union are at: work, there Is always found a more healthy feeling and chris tian synipmv ueiwwu um nwiereoi churclies, and between the clergy of the different churches. This is why we call them Unions, because church prejudice are laid aside, and because It l one question that all churches can agree on. We have an abundance of the best preachers In the county, ready anil willing tn make temperance aiurese. wnen inviien; ana wnenever tne iun .'annon people are ready to aot, we will otieerfuMy help them. "With Malice toward none and Charity for all," hoping and praying for a maul testation, 1 remain truly yours newpuri, ian. zv, eo. J axlltoh n. e.suel.man. Ludicrous Sight In Newport. Newport Jan. 81, 1880. One of the most ludicrous scenes that has occurred on our streets for a long time, hanneoed last Thursday. A wood en-legged bummer came to town and after begging some money from the charitable, got himself quite " Downey. cated" ana then appeared on tbe street with some of the most important buttons of his pantaloons unbuttoned and full of wrath at G. W. Zlnn, Esq., abusing and defying him, arid the Mayor and all nis police force; and wltu sucu vehe mence that the citizens rushed to their doors in amazement. His honor the burgess appearing on the scene asked the squire to assist In placing the law. breaker in the lockup, but the squire moved on, and then a good citizen was pressed into service. But when they seized the man be kicked the burgess with his oak leg, swearing louder than ever, then threw himself on his back sticking his leg between the bricks in tbe pavement, and the progress was slow, After struggling thus till all parties were out of breath, the notorious head of the Temperance Society hove in sight and the burgess called to Dim for help. So while the others held tbe violator on end, he furnished the motive power, and the quartette went up the alley on tue trot, and never stopped unuu tne prisoner was safe in the Bastlle, that the borough has provided for those who defy the omcers ot the law. urdkr, KrStudents of the Pennsylvania State College enjoy a summer temperature through the year, the entire college be ing pleasantly warmed by the new steam heating apparatus lately Introduced. By this great improvement students occu pying College dormitories are made thoroughly comfortable, the charges for fuel it is hoped will be lessened, and the Chemical and Physical Laboratories are rendered much more complete by mak lng possible the Introduction of various improved appliances requiring the useof steam, rsenu lor catalogue. Aauress the President, State College, Centre County, fA. Godcy's Lady's Book for February Comes full of Interest and beauty. The best "Darley" picture yet given, Is the exquisite one Illustrating a scene In " Evangeline." hvery department Is lull ot attractive matter for tbe fair readers, whose bright eyes grow brighter, as each month they welcome this most popular of periodicals. It seems to be the determination of tbe publishers to keep ever ahead or all competitors, ana tney cer tainly succeed In this object. Every pairs of literary matter is of tbe highest kind, and the February number will be warmly welcomed by all appreciating reiders. We will furnish Godey's Lady's Book and Tub Times at the low price of fit per annum. Apply at our otllce. Wide Awake for February lias been received, and as usual is full of good articles and pretty Illustrations. As a maga zine for the children, large or small It has no superior. If yon have not already subscribed for it, lake our advice aud do so. Published by Lolbrop & Co., Boston, at $3 per year. riKi'nlx Pectoral will cure your Cough. Phoenix Pectoral cures Hoarseness quickly. Phoenix Pectoral tastes good and brings rest. Phoenix Pectoral costs 25 cents prbot. .5 bottles 11 21y Sold by B. M. EBY, Druggist, Newport r Chew Jackson's Beat Sweet Navy Tobacco Camphor Milk euros Headache and Neuralgia. Camphor Milk cures Rheumatism and lame back Camphor Milk will cure Cuts, Bruifes and Burns. Camphor Milk costs 25 cents pr bot., 5 bottles tl 12 ly Sold by F. MORTIMER, New Bloomrield A HOUSEHOLD NEED. A book on the I.iver. Its diseases and their treatment sent rice. Including treatises upin Liver complaints, rorpio i.iver, jaunaice, mi loiisness. Headache, constipation. Dvsnepsla. Ma liul a Ko, address Dr. Huuford, hii Broadway, Kew low city, flew xora. o. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, 1 will send a recipe that will care you, fees of citargb, This great remedy was aiscoverea oy a mis sionary In South America. Send a self ad dressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Innmu Station D, New York Llty. o iy H OTEL LICENSE. WITKKKAH. It Is the custom In many Counties of this Comniouwenllh, to puDllsn tne applica tions for license, with the names of those persons endorsing tne in, ana me ooimsineu ana ins own ers of the property. And whereas, the last Con vention of the Perry Couuty Christian Temper ance Association pa'sed a resolution. Ordering the Kxecutive Committee to publish the same, this Is to Inform all persons interested, that the said names will be published before or about the llrst week In April of each year. By order of the Executive Committee. JOHN SHE ATS, Janl33in Chairman. lit A KITrn A miloat bailana au larark W Ala I li V coauly II,. U-t.laa.IIUu lcl4t 9t Talu. Maria Haawlaf1 bj tubMnptioa. To .ucb maa, wila food rcfarsaoM, wa furaUa ,,. aalai frva, and f)a Inn thai will laara a work.r ov.r f luo a aiaalk. Mlran MTKMaATlOSAI. I t M. CO Boi Sui, L Lauia, Mo. INSTATE NOTICK. Notice Is herebyglveq J that letters of administration on the estate o( Mary Koush, of Madison twp.. Perry county Pa-.dec'd, have been granted to the unileralgneti, residing In same township. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having elal in s;to present them duly authenticated for set. tlenieut. BAMUELBHOWEItS, Admr. Jan. 6, 1880. . .., REGARDLESS Of the Advance in all kinds of Goods in our line, WE WILL Continue to sell our Stock at OLD PRICES. CLOTHING IN ALL ITS BIIANCIIK3, Ladies' and Gents' Fancy Goods. MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS, Trunks and Valises, Blankets, ltobes & Spreads. Shawls, Skirts and Nubias Ladies' Coats & Furs. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S Lots of EXTRA BARGAINS in odds and ends. LOWEST PRICES, BEST STYLES & LARGEST Assortment in the County, AT iYlarx Dukes', THE LEADING CLOTHIER, Successor to 1SIDOR SCHWARTZ, EQY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints 'Curb. to. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal ior any lameness on oeasi. or man. lb nas vurro fiip-ioiiu, isiun. nes In a person who had suffered 15 rears. Alsocured ihenmatisin .coins. frost bites, or anv bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blem'sh on liorses. Send for Il lustrated circular diving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Unionists ave It or can get. tor vou. Dr. B. ,1. Kendall & Co., Fros.,Enosbui'Kh, frails, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINO, Ageltis, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15 rounds Waincd In 8 Weeks and Cared of Consumption. . Messrs. Craddock Co., .,.,.. 1U52 Race street. Philadelphia. Pa. Gentlemen: Please send me twelve bottles of Dr. H. James, Cannabis Indica, one each of Pills and Ol nt ment, for a friend of mine who Is not expected to live, and as your medicines cured me of Consumption some three years auo, I want him to try them. I gained fifteen pounds while taking the first three bottles. Respectfully. J. V. Hum. Lawrenccburg, Anderson Co.,Ky. it w 4w. V A NPV chromo and advertising cards, print rnliu I ed In brilliant colors, thousands of different varieties, so assorted sample etrds sent for 10 cents. Circulars sent free. Philadel phia Lithographic Card Co., Mo. 95ti South Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. 62 ly Tick's Illustrated Floral Guide, A beautiful work of 100 Pages, One Colored Flow er Plate, and 6u0 Illustrations, with Descriptions of the bet Flowers and Vegetables, with price of seeds, and how to grow them. All lor a Five cent stamp. In Knglish or German. VICK'SMKKDSarethe best In the world. Five Cents for postage will buy the Floral Guide, tell ing how to get them. The Flower and Vegetable Garden, 17S pages. Six Colored Plates, and many huudrrd Engrav ings. For 50 cents In paper covers; fl.00 iu ele gant cloth. In German or English. Vlck's Illnstralcd Monthly Magazine 32 pages, a Colored Plate In every number and many tine Kngravlugs. Price St & a year; Five Copies for I.T.OO. Specimen numbers sent for lu cents: 3 trial copies (or 26 cents. Address. 4. J AMK3 VICK, Rochester, N. T. ESTATE NOTICK. Notlcels hereby glv en that Letters of Administration on the estate of Castleberry Hams late of Penn town ship. Perry County. Pa., deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned residing In said township. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having elalras will present them duly authenticated tor settlement to S. II. HARRIS. Administrator, Penn twp., Duneannon, P. O. December 2, 1879. 6t 66 A WEEK In your town, and no capi tal risked. You can give the business a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever ottered for those rilling to work. You should try nothing else until you see for your self what you oau do at thebusluesa we otter. No room to exblaln her. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay ! every hour that you work. Women can make as mien as men. Seud for special private terms aud particulars, which we mall free, to Outfit tree. lHju't complain of hard times white vou have such a chance. Address 11. UALl.tTT & CtX, Port laud, Maine. toly m