0 THE TIMES' NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA..' NOVEMBER 4, 1879. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. ' W. InrH rnmmunlf(itton front .11 prrtmn wtw ara Interpwted iu matters properly beloUKtua to this de partment. Thin Seeding Successful. Eds. Country Gentleman, The reading of W. H. White's experiment of sowing only five pecks of wheat to seed an acre of land, recalls to mind my own views and experiments In relation to the quantity of seed nece99ary to sow of the various kinds of grain. My ex perleuce has been mostly with oats, yet I think that the same results wquld be obtained In raising other grains. The practice of farmers In this vicinity has been to sow about three bushelf of seed oats on an acre, and many years I fol lowed this practice ; but when seeding down to grass with this quantity I found It very difficult to get a good catch and growth of gra,ss. Iu order to give the grass a better chance to grow, I be gan to sow less grain, and for years past I have sowed only one bushel of seed to the acre when I seeded down with oats and I find this quantity to be sufficient on my land as I fit it to seed down. When a large quantity of grain Is sown, it comes up and grows so much faster than the grass that the latter has but a 6lim chance to get a good start and foot hold in the spring, which it needs In or der to live and grow through the season ; but if the grain is sown thin the grass gets such a good start as will carry it along till the grain is harvested. The difference in the quantity of straw which is produced by thick or thin seed ing is much less than many people sup pose, for when the grain is thickly sown the plants do not tiller as much, nor do the stalks grow as large as with a thin seeding, and consequently the grain is less liable to lodge, and a9 a general rule I think the heads grow much larger and fill better than with a thick seeding. This season I sowed three pecks of oats on three-quarters of an acre of land, and after they were harvested there were CO Btocks, of 10 bundles each, on the field, much of the straw measuring four feet in heighr before it wa9 cut, and some plants that 1 pulled up had from six to eight stalks from a plant. C. T. Alvord. Wilmington, Vt. A Cotton Gin. Very few persons at the North have ever seen a cotton gin, and those who have not, of course, have very vague ideas about its construction or its work. A cotton-gin machine is not as bulky as an ordinary fanning mill. It is called a "saw gin" because circular saws', about a foot across, are set upon a wooden cylinder, perhaps half or three fourths of an inch apart. For largest sized gins, the cylinder is five feet long. The saws run between steel grates set iu the back of the feeding-hopper, bo that the teeth reach just beyond the bars and catch the fibres, which adhere strongly to the seed, and pull them through the openings between the grate-bars, leav ing the seed behind. The lint is cleared from the teeth by revolving brushes,and is either blown by a fan through a spout to the lint room, or else by an improved process, is fanned into large vats, which can be taken up and put one after an other into a pile to form the bale. A large gin, run by about six-male power, two hundred and fifty revolutions a minute, will gin one hundred and fifty pounds of lint in an hour. Sometimes carelessness or design sends a friction match through the gin. Then there is a flash, and an end of that year's work. To Boil Oatmeal. For the coarser oatmeals use one quart of meal to five quarts of soft water. Al ways measure them, then you may be sure to have the same consistence. Boil it smartly until it is evenly diffused through the water; then let it boil slow ly for half an hour, and lastly, let it simmer. Two hours even is not too long. If you have not time to cook it so long soak it beforehand and stir it in, when the cold water is heating. After this stirring it needs no more. The slim! ness we often see is caused by constant stirring. Do not let it burn or scorch The best way is to boil it in a double ket tle, or in a tin pall set in a kettle of boil ing water. Salt it as It bolls. Serve it - warm or cold as you prefer. With the i fine oatmeal the coarse is much the same only they require much stirring while settling and 'while more meal may be added. An hour of boiling may be suf ficient, but no amount of soaking will make the finer meals equal to the coars er kinds in flavor. . t2T Silverware may be kept brlghtand clean by coating the articles warmed, with a solution of collodion diluted with alcohol. Newport AdTcrtlsements.' W. It. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds ol LUMBER AND SHINGLES, forLE88 MONEY than anyothnr denier In this county. We will also take good Tlmbcron the stump or delivered at our Will In exchange for Lumber, So, We use Clearfield Fine and Hem lock only. W. B. S. COOK & CO., Newport, Terry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., ( Formerly John Jones ft Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., abore Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIUHEHT FKICEH the market wlllaltord, will be puldlor all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE SEEDS AND ItAlLKOAD TIES We bare constantly on hand, jnsn, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &0..&0. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. Orders promptly filled, Newport. July 20, 1875 tf JEWPORT DRUG STORE. Having on hand a complete aiaortment of the fol lowing article., the anbscriber aaka a ahare of your patronage. Drug a and Medicines,' CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock ol Concentrated Romedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, rerfumoryi HAIlt OIL, AND , FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL . PURPOSES PUYS1CIANS ORDERS GnTf.fu.lly amt Promptly Filled B. M. EBY, Newport, Penn'a, J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wrlght'N Rulldlng, ariswroiiT, pa. 8ole Agent for Lorltard'a Superior Tobaocos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW PRICES. Ooiintry- Merotiauts lupplled with Goods nt Hhlln.(lAlnnfa nrlnua a Your orders are solicited. 9 44 I INSURANCE ! B. HIMES, LIFTS AND Fire Insurance Agency. . OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rat, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Before renewing youi Insurance, or placing new risks, yon will certainly find it to your In terest to call on or address the subscriber. Companies Represented i jtftna.nf tlartrortl. North British Knxland, Commercial Uulon. North America. Phll'a.. fire Auoolatlun, 1'liil'a., Pennsylvania, , Assets, l,7oo,nno. 1,750, 000. 1,4U,0U0. e.wo.ooo. S.778.UIO. " IJ'JU.OUO. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, lB781y STOP and. THINK Before you have purchased elsewhere ! AT IRA WENTZEL'S STORE IN BLAIN, PENN'A, Is the place to buy goods AT THE LOWEST PRICE ! A FULL STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HANI) I Special Bargains arc Offered in II ABM- UP CL OTHING ISTEY a COMPANY; . ... .. P-:i?MvimM ;Ji; w.n BRATTLEBORO, VI Our ncMf Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools Chapels, etc., Is proving a GrTLZZSJi.l? snoomiss. Bo sure to send for full descriptive Catalogue before purchasing any other. THE LARGEST WORKS (OF THE DID) OS THE GLOBE, Illustrated Catalogue sent free. From the Factory to Shirts cf Ktirmrliir Muslin, Extra Fine I lien Shield Bosom, Open Dni'k, French Yoke, and a - plncly fiiilsked lor T - T!n--flmplHKi imirrr-miU wllh nn rt Xhti lir-t CHfon F-.rtori In t"it!M gttlMfnrinen I'-ntrr.l m,ply t Milrttn? Mmlltt. t t-nrtf. v !" i-nr. , nit.) l-nvirr hrf tart, unl our IwitiUrt or t.,j ut 'inuliu-turanl mi-h mil bay' Hhlrlf. ttt .ill Mvl.-n, bar lierxlvl ti mnhr in lmrrtnt Ht.rr. l'irn Irmii tie roitrtr u-it-i I ! y mlcjiit-il by (imii irt--t.-illitiitiriiti,Mit tn,)n,r 'rw dirr-Hji In nuimnrttm- il xiwiih iheronumi, Hint jin- i?f ii.-nn- n, ir-t t r.-j,!., ij ttilddlvwen u) ttw retail I rude, ftmt fiiai.iriK n to nmVih rllwt!is rtnj r.f..!f!i. d nri I.' in.rlor Muilin, l'itt Llnea 1-lntrhtd kttuna V k- tii. t, st ivr, ti'.v W wrar, . . $7.50 An Himnttt mllcrl platrfl (wtiii.le bMn tinlthi-fl i-omplvf. i .mjm i:ih:ti:i BARGAINS IN FOR THE NEXT OO DAYS, Before Our Advance in Prices Pianos 140 to $400 Alt new, and strictly tirst clnm, and old at the lowest net cash lioleMle faclury priues. direct tu the purchaser. Tliese 1'lanog made one of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, ana were unanimously recommended for the Highest HONOift over 1H.(K0 In use. Keguiany incorpo rated Manufaetu. ln Co. Factory established over 37 years. The Square Grands contain Wathushek s new patent Duplex oersti uuE Hcale.the hi palest Improvement In the history of riano making. The Uprights are theKlNKH'f IN AMEKIUA. Plnnos sent on trial. Don't fall to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. Our new styles of JUBILEE OltDANRarn the best In the world. An 8 stop organ oiilytV wnnailine greatest, miesi ana near improve ments, possessing power, depth, brilliancy and aymparneiio quamy 01 rone, nenuiuui on i fect and perfect stop action. Solid walnut cases, of beautiful design and elegant finish. All Pianos and Organs sent on 16 days' test trial freight free If unsat'slactflrv, Clicular tree. SHEET MUSHJ half price. Dollar's worth at one third of prlee. Catalogue of choice pieces sent on reoelptof 3c. stamp. Address MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. 21 Kast 1Mb Street, New York. September 16, 1879. $4 r f nri) 600 A year, or s to nil I I till a day In vour own locality. I K I I lNo ''lak- bunion do as well; III I l, nieu. Mauy make moie I I I I Itliantheaniouutstatedabove.; I 111 I I No one can fail to make men : " v v eyfat. You can make from Ml ceuti to ti an hour bv de voting your evenings and spare time to the busi ness. It costs nothing to try the business. Noih log like It for making mnnev ever oitered before. Business pleasant and.sti Icilv houorahle. Itaader, If you want to kuow all about the beet pavinn business before the pulillo. eiid us your address and we will send yon full particulars and private terms free i samples worth to also free; you can then make uy your mind for yourself. Address GKOliGK STlNSON CO., Poitland, Me. Hut) I'S Don't von want, someehean foods for rants and Suiist f von do- don" fail to e amine the splendid assortment for sale bv F MORTIMER. You can suit yoursell lustyleand price. TAKE .NOT1CK. NEW PENSION LAW. All Pensions, bv Law. begin back at dale of Disoharge or Death of Hololer. Old rejected cases' re opened. The undersigned has had 18 years': experience In pro.ecuting Pension claims. All personsbellevlngthemsHlves entitled to Pensions, : please call ou or address. . LEWIS POTTER. 1 . . Kew Bloomfleld, ! Feb. 11.1879. Perry Co., Pa.l PM anil ORGANS - ... ..-.., Wearer, 4. IMF !frefinrl Colhf PtiHni nivienf-d trtMch mn-hr f1. m It f IRhlrU. wftli n i.t I iifi-t. . t nU.vr. . in prepilM bv tntil rn a a... i i I fil i: ;. vent. U irurrant !) ftilrtilA h flr1.f lni tn -irr r..),t, to U iiu bat Bill fMlly and ently tin)rir.,ii.i eit tn nppenrnner, durubllllr tylpionv Shin tn toe market cwtinc wu or three Kmci m muih. &.-n-l ane ol . ..liar -'!.. t. u.iiKthk of i1jm( sitd Jtnclb el vm. BnwsM trikrtnr from n. yon kiitp nil ouUldr pruOt. HuyA'8hlrtutr --,.-,., fn-,v. .m ..inr, np frwr likc.i. rli?rit of rmtl tent --iiueuu. W UUFlIt3ilPUlNOCO.,4i Uradwaf; Mtw York. U- f t l " I t. '' ''' DEST FURNACES IN THE WORLD FOailAUDCOAL OK WOOD, . (WnOUOHT OB Cast IllON ) RICHARDSON, B0YNT0N & CO. Embody NEW 1879 Improvements, nevor before adopted: Contain mom practical features; Are iiioreuurauie; lessio Keep Iu order: Lsesless fuel, and will more ueal and a larger volume of pure air than anv furnace may iu the United Htates. Replace your old and poorly working heater with one of I hese modern furnaces, which Are popular and universally siicceasful. Bend direct to ManurK'Turers fo- prices. 234 WATEH T.. New York. 5 MILLION i !. :- tlir lor ..-i.l i.-w rtlw.1 LIM.-la which l will f muj lu.tuHii,. a Cultun. 3S Onrtlandt Ctret, Maw Vorlc n M ft A MONTH guaranteed. 912 a II iluy at uome made by the Indus. 11 trioiiH Capital not required; we V . I will start you. Men. women boys III and girls make inonev laster at fill work for ns than atauvtliiiigelse. v ' w v "The wora Is light and pleasant, and such as any one can go right at. Thooe who are wise who aee this notice will vend us their address at once and e for them selves, Cus'ly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are laving up large auiiis of money. Address TKUU CO.. Augusta. Muiuc . 4u ly A VCTIOXEEKS. P. HOOVER AUCTIONUEli. tnfrnn frlvpn In aaloa mt,A ..tui..n anteed. l-rlcw toWi Can wrorTldrS ,u"" . . P. HOOVER, Augustl i, 1879. llotlsuurg. Pa. J AS. P. LATCH FORD, A VCTIONEER, Wmilft rflNllPtfll11 Inrnfm 1 a,..l.ll .1 . wlll ery sales at reasonable price. All orders, a -, n ri r ill (I I, n I If? Ill III II. DoNNaLLY'B MILLS, PEBRV CO.,rA. J AMES CLEELAND Auctioneer, (ItToi-.M. .or.tn.. .1 iii . ...... iuiMnt-iur.Fiinoi rem ana Cumberland counties. Post olllce address' oiieriuitiisuaie, rerryco., Fa, D.HENRY, A UCTIONF.nn Blalo, Perrj county Pa. -Terms Moderate and every exertion made to Afictloneer. The underaf notlcethathewlllcrvsalesat. in x.r.. or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited an promptatteatlon wlllbe given. E. D. WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co.,Pa, Q B.HARNISH, satisfaction guaranteed. . 5 tf jQAVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKESBURQ, PERRY COUNTY, PA. H- flllirPP mndnratft Prnmtit afanfl,n k.U to ail calls. H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT I T wouldrespectlvelylnforra myfrlendstbat In J. tend calling upon them with a supply of good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Csnsistlngof CASSIMEE8. OASSINETS. ' FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd OA11PETS, &c, to exchange for wool orsell for cash. J. It. BIZLER. CbntriWoolebFactort. 6,17,1m- NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO.. Battle Creole, Mich. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE 'VIBRATOR" THRESHING MACHINERY. THE Mafeli.MC ruin -Sari nr. T.-STln moi M'iOct-8 Thresherg of toil ir tod f-itcrv ttoo. Beyond all riia)rf fir HjW Work, t erf CtmttiBf M for bftYLBK uraia iroai n asuge. STEAM Poww Thmheni ft KpwinHr. Spe,l iitt of Bepsrtor m&de expretly tor Steam Power. OVR VniiTalM Htenm Ihmhtr EnritiM, botk Portable ud T ruction, viih TalsaU lni4f aMQli, tar beyond may other matt or kind. THE EJTIUK Thnnblnff ExptRfln mA oftf n three to Bo timet that amount) can be ntado b tb Xxtrft Grain 8AVEl by theao InpreTed Machloei. GRAIH lUliwrs will not inbuilt to the r moui wat taice of Grain and the inferior work don by all ether macbioes, nbea eaoa poatcd cm line difleronee. NOT Oftly YmtIt KQfrf rlor for Uhfst, !, Barley, Bye. and like Grains, but the Oni tfuoces ral Thresher in Flu, Timothy, Mlilet, Clorer, and llie fieedj. Riafres no "attachment'' or " rehuildine" tv haage from Urain to Seed. IK Thorowft-li ITorkmiimlilp. Flftrarit rlK. perfection of Parte, Cotopleteoca of fuipmemra ar " TisuTcaa" Threahef Outflti art I&couiffiarable. . TWTARVELOtH for SlmpHrity of Tirts AvA 1 ihao lMShtlf tbBnal Bf.m atri (rear. Jlakt4 Cleao Work, with ao UtlerUxj or fecaiurinea. FOl'R 8Iem of Separator Jlail. RnnlHa; from Six uiTwel.-e-llanaC itxc.asd lwotta of Uoaufc. t Rorse Powers to match. Partlmlar. fall i nr Drain oi X rrL' um iUwtrHLc4 Circular. hkh await ttF i r o is A full astortment of BAR IRON, ROUND IROX. OVAL IRON. SCROLL IRON STEEL AND IRON TIRE, ITorvay Iron, ITail Reds, PLAIN ASD GALVANIZED n o o p in o n, . OF ALL WIDTHS. . fe fc, fc, on ha i! and for sale at the LOWEST MARKET I'RICEty r. .If O K TIMER, yew Rloomfleld. i