0 THE TIMES NEW BL00MFIEL1), PA., JULY 22, 1679 HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. W lnrlt commntilmtinnii from nil pomnn who rs Intt'rwtpil lu matters properly belouKiUK to this do Iiartmont. What Is Included In a Farm Deed. At a recent meeting of the Massachu setts Board of Agriculture, Judge Ben nett stated in an address what a deed of a farm Includes : Of course, he said, every one knows it conveys all the fences standing on the farm, but all might not think it also includes the fencing stuff", posts, rails, etc., which had once been used on the fence, but had been taken down and piled up for future use again in the same place. But new fencing material Just brought and never attached to the soli would not pass. Bo piles of hop poles stored away, if once used on the land, have been con sidered a part of it ; but loose boards or scaffold poles laid loosely across the beams of the barn and never fastened to it would not be, and the seller of the farm might take them away. Standing trees, of course, also pass as part of the land ; so do trees blown or cut down and still left in the woods where they fell, but not cut or corded up for sale ; the wood has then become personal property. If there beany manure in the barn yard, or in a compost heap on the field ready for immediate use, the buyer ordi narily takes that also as belonging to the farm; though it might not be so if the owner had previously pold it to some other party, and collected it in a heap by itself. Growing crops also pass by a deed of a farm unless they are expressly reserved, and when it is not intended to convey those it should be stated in the deed itself; a mere oral agreement to that effect would not be valid in law. Another mode is to stipulate that pos session is not to be given until some future day, in which case the crops or manure may be removed before that time. As to the buildings on the farm, though generally mentioned inthedeed, it is not absolutely necccssary that they should be. A deed of land ordinarily carries all the buildings to the grantor, whether mentioned or not; and this rule includes the lumber and timber of any old building which has been taken down or blown down, and has been packed away for future use on the farm. But if there be any buildings on the farm built by some third person, with the farmer's leave, the deed would not convey these, since such buildings are personal property, and do not belong to the land owner to convey. The real owner thereof might move them off, although the purchaser of the farm supposed he was buying and pay ing for all the buildings on it. His only remedy in such case would be against the party selling the premises. As a part of the buildings conveyed, of course, the window blinds are Included, even if they be at the time taken off and carried to a painter's shop to be painted. It would be otherwise if they had been newly purchased and brought into the house, but not yet attached or fitted to it. Lightning rods also go with the house if the farmer is foolish enough to have any on his house. A furnace in the cellar, brick or port able, is considered a part of the house, but an ordinary stove with a loose pipe running into the chimney is not. When to Cut Timothy. There seems to be a great differencs of opinion in regard to the cutting of timothy ; while some prefer leaving it stand until the seed forms, others prefer cutting as soon as it is out in head ; but I suppose as soon after the blossom is off is about as near the time as any to get the full benefit of the hay. If cut while in bloom it is apt to be dusty, and if left too late the stalks are hard and woody, and devoid of the saccharine matter that adds so much to the quality of hay as food for stock. Benj. W. Bwayne. To Cure Whooping Cough. A lady Inquires of the Tractical Far mer for a remedy for whooping cough and gets the following answer : " Dr. Warren says that muriatic acid diluted to the strength of lemonade, with water, and kept for a drink, using nothing else, will cure the disease in three weeks' time. We have tried it with four or live children and find it good. To relieve the paroxysm sprinkle sulphuric ether on the hand and hold to the nose. (3T The girl who passes you wine, would not make you a good wife. Paste this in yourhatyoung man. -Exchange. And the young man who has not the nerve to resist the temptation, would not make a good husband. Paste this on your looking-glass young lady. Newport Advertisements. It. 8. COOK & CO., Agree to sell alt kind) ol LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for I.E88 MONEY than anyotliflr dealers In this county. We will also take Kuud limberon the stump or delivered at. our Mill In exchange tor Lumber, &o, YVeuseClearlleld fine and Hem. lock only. W. B. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronagaof the farmers, and the publio generally, s the HIGHEST FKICK8 the market wlllatlord, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN. FLOTJB, PRODUCE SEEDS AND ItAILUOAD TIES We have constantly on hand, JTI8H, , SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IKON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &0..&0. FOB SALE AT THE LOWEST BATES. S. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf JEWPORT DRUG STORE. Having; on hand a complete assortment of the f ol. lowing articles, the subscriber asXs a share of your patronage. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomodies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brashes, Perfumery HAIIl OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOE FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B . M . EDY, Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent (or Lorilard's Superior Tobaccos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW PRICES. y Country Merchants supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. Your orders are solicited. 944 TAKE NOTICE.-NEW PENSION LAW. All Pensions, by Law, begin back at date ot Discharge or Death of Koldler. Old rejected cases re opened. The undersigned has had 16 years' experience In prosecuting Pension claims. All personsbellevliig themselves entitled to Pensions, please call on or address. LEWIS POTTER, New Bloomfleld, Feb. 11, 1879. , Perry Co., Pa. STOP xncl THINK Before you have purchased elsewhere! AT IRA WENTZEIS STORE IN BLAIN, PENN'A., Is the place to buy goods AT THE LOWEST PRICE ! A FULL STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HANI) ! Special Bargains are Offered in MADE- UP CLOTHING J. mil & GOEIPANV; I I 1 I 'I' , , 1 ;, II I ) I, 1 1 BRATTLEBOBO, VI Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools, Chapels, etc., is proving a GrTt-HS-T snooiass. Be sure to send for full descriptive Catalogue before purchasing any other. THE LARGEST WORKS (OF M KIND) ON THE GLOBE, Illustrated Catalogue sent free. IMPORTANT! The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Ncrldeii, Conn., Have Issued a most valuableCatalogue for House hold reference, containing the NET CASH PRICES at which they will sell any ot the pro ductions ot the Celebrated Factories of Meriden, Consisting of every conceivable pattern ot Plain and Ornamental Silver Plated and Cut Glassware, Lamps, Chandeliers and Bronzes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Scissors and Razors, The Unri valed Wilcox & White Or- gans, the well-known Parker Guns, and Novelties and Specialties of many Descriptions. Persons desiring Standard Articles ot Unques tionable Merit, for Weddings, Presents, Orna ments or Tjse, At Meriden Prices, can procure Catalogues free ot charge at the olllce ol this paper, or from The Meriden Purchasing Co., West Meriden, Conn. In sending for Catalogue, or In giving anorde. r lease mention that the adverlsement was seen a Tub Tim its. ESTATE NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary cn the estate of Daniel Foose, late of Hprlng township, Perry Co., Pa., deceased, have been granted by the Register of Perry county to the undersigned, residing as below described. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated tor settlement ta , JACOB FOOBE, Harrlsburg, Pa JAMES B. FO08K. Spring township. May 13, 1S79. Executors. Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear Is complete. PrlceBfrom Yi cents uu. F. MORTIMEK. New Bleomtleld.Pa if'' !l .1 -. U 1 - a? DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Strlckler) NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENN'A. HAVING succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Strlckler In the Drug Business at his Store-room, on MAIN 8TKEET, two doors East of the Big Spring, I will endeavor to make. It in every way worthy the patronage of the public Personal and strict attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Physi cians' presclptlons. so as to Insure accuracy and guard against accidents. BEAK 1ST :tIIM that my stock has been recently selected and care taken to have everything cf the BEST QUALI TY. The publio may rest assured that ALL med icines that leave mv store shall be as represented -PUKE and UNADULTERATED. I HATE CONSTANTLY ON HAND HAIK OIL and POMADES HAIR, TOOTH and NAIL KRU8HE& BURGEONS, TOILET, and CARRIAGE SPONGES, PUFF BOXES, TOILET POWDERS, CASTILE and FANCY BOAF8. PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Medl. clues of every description. ALSO, . Segars, Tobacco, School Books, &c. ORANGES, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. -Fure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal ' Purposes. Terms, Strictly Onsli. By strict attention to business, I hope to merit the confidence and favor of the public. JACOB STRICKLER, Ph. G. April 29, 1879. NOTICE TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS. Blank forms for the Annual District Report, and Affidavit and Certificate have been sent to each Secretary in the county. These should be properly filled up and signed, that they may be forwarded to me Immediately after the new board la organized. The State appropriation is paid to districts In the order in which these reports are received. Delay In forwarding the reports last spring; was the canse of many dis tricts not receiving the appropriation until this spring. Perry county Is the only one in the State In which all the districts have received last year's appropriations. Notice the "Directions" and "Special Di rections" carefully In preparing reports. Last spring fonr-fiftbs of them were incorrectly pre pared. Do not place figures, &c, on the dot led lines, but in the proper columns. The ac count should balance as In the example given with explanations. 8. B. FAHNE8TOCK, Co. Bnpt. Dnncannon, May 24, 187U. 0 1171? I W Don't you want somecheap foods (or Pants and Suits T ( you do, don't fail to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F MORTIMER. Youcansultyourself In style and price. A UCTIONEEES. AS. P. LATCH FORD, A VCTIONEEIi, Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sale at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. DONN ALLY'S MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioueer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post olllce address, Bhermansdale, Perry Co., Pa. w. D. HENRY, AVCTTmvV.T,1.! Blain, Perry county Pa. -Terms Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. 611 Auctioneer. The undersigned clvea notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perrj or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptatteBtlonwtllbeiflven. i. D. WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co., Pa. . Q B. HARNISH, AUC XI 1 , Delville, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tf JQAVID M'COY, ATJOXIOIVElSlt, ICKESBURG. PERRY COUNTY, PA. to. Charges moderate. Prompt attention paid' to ad-calls. H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT J I would respectively Inform myfriendsthat Iln. tendcalllng upon them with a supply of good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Coasistlngof CASSIMEHS. OA8SINBT8, , FLANNELS, (Pialnaudbar'd) CAHPETS, Ace, to exchange for wool orsell for cash. J.M.BIXLEK. CehtbeWooi.em Factoht . 6,17,4 SosewrioiT ftrrrfl K f I'f m1 rtlrnpd n VSCMiim'K til PHOSPHITE ol 1,1 VI!:. n rare fnrConsnni I lion, 1. brimrltilis Xrrofnlmii 1 disrnxni. Axk rnunlrtizjrintfi ixnntsrntit. I will. istii(l(iMtlM.C.A.(ISSH . 1J, Jlliive.S.l W For Sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomflef Perryoounty.Pa. NICHOLS, SHEPARD& CO., Battle Creek, Micli. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VIBBATOIl" THRESHING MACHINERY. TflE HatchleM Ore! ttft art tiff, TIm-SaTliiffr nd Money-flav.aj; Threihera of thl Amy and genera tloo. Beyond all rivalry fur Rapid Work, Perfect Claanln STEAM Powr Threshers a Specialty. Special liea of Separator! made expreta. for Steam Powar. OtTB TJniiTaled 8team Thrwher EnaiaM, both Portable and Traction, with Valuable Improve ment, far beyond any other make or kind. THE EST! BE Thresh In a ExpaatM (and often, three to five timei that amount) oan be made by the litis Grain 8AVSU by these Improved. Machine. GBAIlf Ralaera will not nobmlt to the caotv moue wantage of Grain and the Inferior work done try -all other machine, when oaoe poated on the difference. NOT Only Taatlr Superior for Wheat, Oata, Barley, Rye, and like Oralua, but the Onlt Suooei ful Thresher In Flax, Timothy, Millet, Clorer, and llko Beoda. Require no "attachment" or ''rebuUding' to change from drain to Seed. 1 ThorooK Workmanitlilp, Elegant flnlnli. Perfection of Part, Completenua. of Kcjulpment, to our " Vuuutoi" Thrasher Oatflu are Inoomparabla. TVf AKVKT.Ol'S for Simplicity of Part, aainar ' lea than one-half the nasal Belt and tieara. Make Clean Work, with no Uttering or Scattering. F01IB Sixes of Separator Made, Baitirlna from ftiK to Twelve-Horecia, and two style of Mount ed Hore Power to match. - 10 R Particulars, Call a oar Dealers or writs t u fur illustrated, Circular, which we mail tr Priraie Hoapital, mi 1 S. Clark Ml., Chicago, I 111. Cyacctity,an Private, Chroulo and I rem ale DUeaae. I Conauliatloa f r e e. W Ladies aud OentK- f, men, send one dullar'l A new worfc. prloe 60 cent by mail. Mysti ri or Mature, Phyal. ology of Marriage, Or (taua of Generation, llktraatj of Youth and. Mauhood i a wealth of choice and valualil in formation, of Itttereat to both aexe. Nothing otlcnalv to good tate and refiitnnient. lufor matltin nttir bolorw pnl-H-hl. No family ahould it without lu OyAd.lrt-, Ur. A. Q. oT.IV. 1 lurk Sr. era CD ULi CO Z ccz ccz O O e OS ror aautle of boat rubber ifwl, and valuable lufurntailon lv xprea. Kcllu ble remaleVhla, s rwr bea. Irlvtr borne au4 nun lur Lad i dunug con JOTICE! AIX persons are herey warocil to keep their stock from rumilnir mid trepas'ng nu any of my lamls elllier in fprlnir ir 'Ijtront townships. Any person so oOeudiUK. will be dealt wUhasthtt law alivci. JOHN DUM. May 6th, 1879. riwai-n-a-i -r r ..Trr-Vf - -awv- I