5 THE TIMES. PENNSYLVANIA B. a. MIDDLE DIVISION. On n J nftor Mnr 12th, Trains rm u follow! WE8TWAUU. EASTWARD. .rnniMalliAtl'.i Mffl. Ex. Tr'u Ex. Aoo. 8.40 1 P.M. l.Stl. 1.17 1.11 8:!l; P.M. P.M. A.M. KIN) 8.46 S.Ui s.u 7.47 7.3 7.1H 7 00 4.40 B.:l B.U6 8.16' 10.66 7. W I 7.63! 7.E!, 7.071 6.67 4.43 .!! 4.18 8.1'i 8.117 is. m 10. SO I3.-J4 13.11 11. 8 9.661 11.43 11 SS II.S4 11. (M .12 8.6.) 8.43 I0.WI 8.14 M 4.1' 8 "7 8.4S 10.11 9.311 8.M (161 8.16 3.60 .U A.M P.M. P.M 7:4(1 1 1:10 tWPittRUnrif Rproi liavcc Harrli-bnrif at 10 16 p.m. Dnncannon 10.41 tW); Newport 11.06 (Man) auil ar. rlvna at I'll talmur at 7.00 A. M . rwPaPlncExpinoa Wppt will Mop at Wunpsiinnn at 4 80 and at iMvport at 6.14 a. m., wlimi tUwu-ed. 8r(lii!-j Wuhi. tht( Wuy PaHaentror ii-aven Harrl burg Dally the other trains Ially except Suudas . Ilviel'ItoiiiH. Juniata county people are still agita ted over the question, " Who stole the ballots V" On Friday a week the storm that passed over Juniata county did consid erable damage in this county. Miss Susan Kincald, at one time a resident in this place, died recently at the Old Ladies' home in Harrisburg. Harry Beam, Of Wheatfleld township, i cut a severe gash in one of his feet on Monday of last week, while cutting wood. A Salmon 29 inches in length, and weighing six pounds was gigged on Fri day evening last, by Martin Mickey in Sherman's Creek, below Dugan's dam. Emanuel Dugan, of near Dellville, has raised a kind of wheat this season, that is different from any known vari ety. What it is he does not know. " One day last week Mr. A. L. Sumner received a severe hit, but not danger ous, rap on the head with a hammer while repairing boilers at the rolling mill in Duncannon. Mrs. Jordan, of Duncannon, was un fortunate enough to lose a horse last week. The animal took a notion to drop off suddenly from some cause un known. On Thursday a week a rank of wood belonging to the Juniata Pottery took fire and was destroyed. There were about one hundred and fifteen cords burned. How it took lire our Informant did not state. A daughter of Wm. Irwin, residing near Blain, was bitten on the ankle a few days since, by a copper head snake. Domestic applications gave her relief and Bhe rapidly recovered from the ef fects of the bite. Mr. John Shearer of Centre twp., on going for his cattle on Monday night of last week, found one fine cow with a broken leg. How the accident happen ed is not known. He bad to kill the an imal to put her out of misery. The house flies held their regular an nual convention all over the country the first of last month and unanimous ly adopted last year's platform without any change, as follows : . 11 ). . 7 17 . Church notices. Presbyterian Church Preaching next Sabbatli at 11 A. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sun day School at 9i A. M. Preaching in the M. E. Church next Sunday at 8 o'clock P. M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening. Also Preaching at Ickesburg 10 A. M., Walnut Grove 2i P. M. Preaching in the Reformed Church next Sunday at 10i o'clock A. M. Preaching in the Lutheran Church next Sunday at 101 A. M., by Rev. A. H. Spangler. A Grand Harvest Home Picnic will be held at the oldCampGround near Green Park, Saturday, August 2nd. Every body old and young are invited who will bring their dinners along. Object fun and general enjoyment. Hucksters bring on your Ice Cream, ete. By order of general Committee. Hay Scales. This borough has now what has long been badly needed, and that is hay scales. Mr. Willis lias erected a set on the corner of the lot near Mr. George Barnett'g and they are so located that they can be driven onto by a team either from the alley or from the street. The scales are of the most recent pattern and are very accurate: Persons wishing to weigh hay, cattle, &c, can now be accommodated in this place. The Duncannon and Bloomfield R. R. The citizens of Duncannon have gone to work in earnest to raise their share of the money required to build the pro posed road to that place. So well have they succeeded that it has been decided to go to that point, and the engineers are now engaged in locating the line be tween Montabella and Duncannon. It Is probable that the call for the first as sessment on the subscribed stock will be made this week, and that work will be commenced very shortly. The intention of the directors is to push the grading through as soon as possible with the expectations, of completing it before cold weather. Wr Mull Aco.i PniMniVAL. I'm Tr'u Tr'u , Statio.ns. 1J.IW 8 00 1 l'hilmlclpliia, A.M. P.M. P.M. I , S.iKi l.so S.80; Hsrrlsbnrir, .1S J.l t. Kockvtlle, 8. W l.m t.Ml Mnrysvllle, s.M l.(M a. 16 Dumauuou, aw 1.3) 9.40 Bully's 9(W 1.86 S.M Nmvi'ort, f id .! 7.10 Mlllerstown, 9. H1 8.01 7.9rt TuompHOUt'n. . . Iltl 7 4r Mexico 9.KI .' 7 63 1'nrt Itoysl.... I0.W .117 .uu Mifflin 10. (0 8.66 I.ewlHtnwn J.t Andcrsou'a.... 11.13 4.11 McSVvtown... 11. M 4.8-jI N. Hnrnllton, . 12.1" (.Bill HiliithlKCton,.. 1.16 .U4; Tyrone 1.66 7.3(11 I Alto.itm falul liWTTSBURHH. Camp Meotl'ngs. The Second Eat Pennsylvania Eldership camp meeting of the Church of God will be held on the ground of the Cumberland Valley Camp Meeting Association, near Oak vllle, commencing on Wednesday, Au gust 27th and closing Friday, Septem ber 5th, 1870. It is reported that a camp meeting un der the auspices of the U. B. Church, will be held in Hays' grove, on the line of II. &. P. Railroad, during the month of August. Attempted Burglary. When friend Nelson Brown returned home Thursday night last, as he entered the house he heard a sound that resembled the sudden closing of one of the back windows in the family residence. Approaching in the direction in which the noise came, the work of burglars met his view, and the thieves had been frightened away by his unexpected appearance on the scene. The rascals had carefully cut out a win dow light, through which they reached the sash-lock on the inside. The pin that held the sash down was then re moved, when the window readily rais ed. As it was, they got no booty. Newport Netvs. Leg Off. Tuesday morning last Wm. Doughty, of Greenwood township, near Laura Furnace, while at work in the canal stone quarry, above Mlllerstown, met with an accident by which he lost his right leg. A large rock about two tons in weight fell upon his leg, crush ing the flesh and bone from foot to knee into a shapeless mass. He was taken to his home and surgical aid Bent for. Drs. Campbell, of Mlllerstown, and Orris of Newport, amputated the leg above the knee. His left foot was also badly bruised. Theie are slight hopes of the unfortunate man's recovery. Ledger. Lewis Potter, Esq., last week, obtained Pensions for Catharine Rumberger, wid ow of Peter Rumberger, soldier of the war of 1812, of Pfoutz's Valley, Perry county, also, for Jane Wendt, widow of Major Wendt, soldier of the war of 1812, of Liverpool, Perry co., Pa., also for widow of Adolphus Hall, of Landlsburg, Perry co., of same war. Also, Invalid Pension for Christian Etten, of Powell's Valley, Dauphin co. Persons having claims should send them to Mr. Potter at once, as the law will expire in 1881. He is one of the most successful claim agents In the State, and also has a good share of legal practice. - A Calico Fight, Late on Monday eve ning the residents in the vicinity of the square were startled by an unusual sight. Several young ladies dressed in male at tire were innocently parading up and down streetwhen some other young la dies came along and said something that the first party did not like, a few words followed, then the air was full of bangs, puffs, ribbons, and other female para phernalia. We would like to give full particulars, but we admit that we are afraid of Budilenly becoming bald head ed. A crowd of boys were seen gather ing up the fragments after the fight. It was thought at first that blood had been shed, but upon examination it was dis covered to be red ribbons. One of the party received a black eye, another got knocked down into the gutter, and an other got her arm badly bruised. We might add that the participants are not children, but are considered young ladies. Whisky had nothing to do with this affair as it generally has with street fights. As It is against the law for fe males to appear in public in male attire, also to kick up a fight, and as the Bur gess made his appearance shortly after the squabble, and the boys refusing to give the names of the party, the girls may be thankful that they got off as they did. Duncannon Record, Republican County Convention. The delegates elected on Saturday last, met in Convention In the Court House on Monday for the purpose of nominat ing a county ticket. The following is a list of the delegates presen t : Bloomfield 8. H. Beck, W. H. H. McCln tock. Blain James Moreland, F. Bheaffer. Buffalo Wm. Cumbler, Jerry Llddlck. . Carroll 8. Y. Wearer, Geo. W. Bmlley. Centre Henry Croll, Robert D. Neilson. Duncannon John Jones, C. H. Ilochlander. Greenwood P. Chubb, E. G. Beaver. Howe D. E. Stephens, J. W. Hetrlck. Jackson Solomon Bower, Daniel Hench. Juniata David Hollenbaugh, T. W. Tress lor. Laudlsburg J. F. Rice, 8. P. Llgtitner. . Liverpool Bo. H. M. Freed, J. W. Wil liamson. Liverpool Tp. James Whltmer, Jno. Kline. Madison S. K. Morrow, W. A. Boyd. Marysville 8. W. Brabson, J. A. Seidle. Miller Harry Cumbler, Jacob Bretz. Millerstown Dr. 8. Stltes, Solomon Taylor. New BuQalo Nelson Heyd, Jos. Walt. Newport Dr. II. Elites, E. W. Wise. Oliver M. B. Eshelman, Aaron Sbrefller. (Penn Jos. M. Toland, Jos. E. Jackson. Rye A. L. Green, Wm. Adams. Bandy Hill D. Klstler, E. F. Minlch. Savllle Daniel Lyons, J. R. Wallett. Spring S. Cree, Samuel Spotts. ioboyne Bamuel Johnson, John ITart. Tuscarora M. F. Fusselhuan, G. D, Robin on. Tyrone 8. C. Neilson, B. E. Bpohn. Watts John Hemperiy, 8. R. Leedy Wheatfleld J. C. Meek, U. J. BecrUt Convention was called to order at 11 A. M., and was organized by electing S. P. Cree as President ; C. H. Ilochlan der, Vice-President, and Jos. E. Jackson and D. Klstler as Secretaries. Wm. Rice, of Bloomfield', was elected as Chairman of County Committee for the next year. The committee was then selected and the Convention adjourned till afternoon. At 1 P. M. the Convention again met and proceeded to elect candidates. DELEGATE TO BTATE CONVENTION. For this office Dr. H. Stltes was selected, the vote on second ballot be ing: Isaiah E. Stephens, 15; W. B. Lease, 8 Dr. H. Stltes, 82, and H. J. Secrlst, 8. FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE Six ballots were had, the first ballot was : Thos. Sutch, 2 ; Adam Zorger, 18 ; J. L. Diven, 7 ; Nicholas Hench, 11 ; II. H. Weirlck,13; Wm. Yohn, 6 ; Z. T. Rice, 4. On the sixth ballot, all the can didates except Zorger and Dlven were withdrawn, and the vote stood : Dlven, 28, Adam Zorger,of Carroll township,82. FOB rnOTnONOTAHY, Blain Grosh of Andersonburg, was nominated by acclamation VOll DIRECTOR OF THE POOR, Three ballots were had, the vote on first being: S. Zelgler, 0 ; O. P. Wright, 19 ; John Bernheisel, 3 ; Geo. Elllker, 4 ; J. F. Hollenbaugh, 10; John Hemperiy, 11. On the third ballot, Wright receiv ed 33 votes and was declared the candi date. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER A. B. Clouser was nominated on first ballot, he having 33 votes. II. L. Tress ler had 6, Wm. Kough, 11, and D. Mc Coy 7 votes. FOR CORONER Dr. Samuel Stites, of Mlllerstown, was nominated by acclamation. For The Bloomfield Times. Mr. Editor : Dear Sir In the last Issue of your paper you state that coffee is being raised in one of the adjacent states. The readers of your paper need not go to Delaware or Maryland to see coffee growing, but can see three bushes bending with coffee in my garden, and I will take pleasure in showing them to the passers-by. David H. Smith. Little Germany, Pa. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland papers of last week : One day last week, Mrs. Samuel Ky ner who resides about three miles west of Shippensburg, accidentally fell down the cellar BtairB, breaking her right arm near the wrist. Drs. Stewart and Mar shall attended to the fracture. We have been Informed that George Reese, living on the pike, some miles east of Shippensburg, raised forty-live Dusneis or a uitz wneat to tuc acre, ana that the heads were six inches long. That is a good yield, we would say. A post office has been established at Cleversburg, this county, with George Clever as postmaster. This will prove a great convenience to the people of that section as well doubtless, to Mr. Clever, as the mail for that point was always carried out from Shippensburg, by pri vate parties, and kindly distributed at tne store in tne village. Jas. Byers, a young son of Constable Samuel Byers, or South ward, received an ugly hole in his leg on Thursday 'by falling from a cnerry tree upon a suck protruding from the around. Jim is getting used to affliction. It is not long since be was confined to his bed by a severe attack of inflammatory rheuma tism. Miss Annie Hostetter, of near Rox bury, while in the mountain for huckle berries on Saturday, nearly stepped on three large rattlesnakes and received a fright that made her resolve never to go nucKieoerrymg again, a gentleman killed two of the Biiakes, having seven and nine rattles respectively. The third one escaped under a rocK. The Chronicle says that during harvest Mr. Joseph Spangler, residing near isnippensourg, lost two children from scarlet fever, which caused a delay of much work. So one evening a party of twelve young men or Shippensburg visited his farm, and by the light of the moon cut, bound, and shocked ten acres of wheat for him. He greatly appreci ates uie Kinaness. Some time Monday afternoon, a young gentleman and lady drove up to the Branch House, West Main Street, this Borough, and engaged lodging for the night When supper time arrived, mine host, Clark, Invited the pair out to the supper table, but the groom for it transpired they were a newly married couple declined, Baying they did not wish any. Finding that their bodies needed nourishment something more substantial than " honeyed words and loving smiles," the gentleman came up town ana purcnasea a loar or bread and a " hunk" of boloena sausatre. from which they made their supper and breakfast next morning. They left, xuesuay morning, periectiy oblivious to the remarks they had subjected them selves to by their unusual conduct, and perfectly happy in the possession of eacn otner. we understand the party uuneu irom me vicinity or jp ayetteville, Hhinpembnrg News. Town Pronerlv for Sale. A frond house and lot located on North side of West Main Street, this borough, will be poiacneap. call on or address Mrs Ellen Miller, New Bloomfield, Per ry county, Pa. 30 To Tinners. The subscriber will sell cheap, 1 Swedge or Beading Machine, 1 Tin Folder, and 1 Double Seaming Machine, good as new. Address John Dunbar, West Falrview, Cumberland county, Pa. . 28 Juniata Counlv. We conv the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. A horse belonging to Mr. John Crist. of Lack township, died very suddenly one day last week from gome unknown cause. v . i a ucduoj , no lull fi jiiium Plum I of Beale township, was entering Johns town tne norse be was driving staggered and fell dead lu the road. The intense heat of that day probably killed him. Miss Sarah Harman, sister of Mr. Wm. Harman, near McAllstervllle, had the misfortune to break her leg. She was attending to some want of her aged father, who is 90 years old when she slipped and fell with the result stated. ' A few days ago, a Fermanagh town ship woman brought a charge before Squire Loudon ,agiiinst three Fermanagh township men, for improper conduct toward her on a certain evening along the pike, opposite the Presbyterian graveyard. At McCoysvllle on the 1st inst,, while a man was attempting to turn a corner with a wagon load of hay, the wagon upset, and J. B. McDonald, who was riding on the hay, was thrown off and got his leg fractured by the fall. Ve are informed that a young son of D. A. Martin, of Tuscarora twp., had his shoulder blade broken by a fall from a fence, on the 4th Inst. Dr. Sahm, of McCoysvllle, rendered the necessary attention in both the above cases and the patients are doing well. A man by the name of Sherlock, em ployed at Showers & Scholl's carriage manufactory ,whlle working at a carriage struck himself on the forehead with a hammer which he was using, inflicting a severe but not dangerous wound. Democrat and Itegwter. The neighbors and friends of Mr. Alexander McClurei) in Tuscarora town ship, met at his place to the number of twenty-five, on Tuesday and helped to roof his barn and otherwise repair the damage done to his property by the recent Btorm. That's the kind of a place to live In and the kind of neighbors to have. William Stump, a feeble minded young man, well known to many of the citizens of Port Royal, having spent the greater part of last spring working about town, was drowned while bathing in Rohm's mill dam, in Milford twp., on Monday evening of this week. He lived with William Cunningham, of Milford twp., for a number of years. He was about eighteen years f age. A few weeks ago a hail storm passed over Susquehanna township, and de stroyed Levi Stroub's entire crop of grass and grain, lie brought grass and made hay. On Saturday last in the evening the house took fire and was burned to the ground the barn, sheds. hog-stable, corncrlbs and other out buildings were also destroyed. The origin of the fire, it is supposed, was caused by a large nre in the stove lor drying cherries. Jacob Lemon while superintending the work or his men in the stone quarry in the 'narrows, hung his vest with pocket book, over one hundred dollars and his watch, in the building where 41 1 -. 1. II 1 I 1 111 , iuey Kept lueu iuvinnius. neii no went for it some time afterward it was missing, and " Billy," a tramp he had hired in May, was conspicuous for his absence. It was learned that he bought a new suit of clothes in Lewistown, and had his face turned toward the setting sun.' It is a great pity the scoundrel could not pe caught. Martbville, Perry County, Pa., July 18. 1879, The re-opening of the Evangelical church in Rye township, Perry county, will take place on eunaay morning, juiy K7tn, at iu a. m, Bishop T. Bowman, of Allentown will officiate. Bishop T. Bowman, will preach on Sunday evening at 1i V, M., In the flegah church near Bhermansdale. The Evangelical Church will hold a Bush Meeting In Rye township, near the Ironstone ridge, to commence on Friday evening, August 1st, ana will continue over Sunday. Gborob Joseph, Pastor, Magazines for August. Demorest's for August has been alroady re celved and the contents are excellent. The it. lustrations are numerous and artistic. The number also has lour pictures, two oil and two steel engravings, either oneof which are worth more than the publishers charge lor the Maga zine. Published by W. Jennings Demojiest, new i ora, at a per year. Godky'b Lady's Book for August comes to us full of good things, bright and fresh as an April daisy, though August suns may wilt everyimng else. Tne SKetcn Dy uariey is a beautiful seaside scene, that little folks mav laugh over, aDd pareuts recognize as exquis itely true to nature. Tne mammoth colored fashion plate is unusually fine, but in addi tion are many pages of fashions in every de tail for the wardrobe of a well dressed lady and her cblldron. The serials continue with increased interest. There is a purity and sweetness about the girls in the " Rosebud Garden" that will well repay any reader for a peep over the fence. ' The literary department comprises names well known to lovers of choice literature, and Is a well chosen bouquet of prose aud poetry. The Recipes are especial ly arranged for a Garden Party, one of the most popular forms of fashionable hos pitality. All the nsual features of the Book are given in their best form, and there are al ways new charms to be found In Godey. Bend Jl to Godet's Lady's Book Company, Phila delphia, and try it for six months. Lippincott's Magazine for August is a capital summer number. It opens with a pa per, the first of two, on "Catskill and the Catsklll Region," which will be likely to swell the stream of travel in the direction of that beautiful mountain country, the article evinc ing a perfect knowledge and keen Appreciation of its peculiar beauties, while the Illustrations are of first-rate excellence. Dr. Oswald con tinues his admirable "Bummerland Sketches," which are finely illustrated. A paper entitled " Gulgnol" describes the marionettes of the Champs Elysees, and other public gardens of Paris, with enrious details and engravings. The " Reminiscences of Bayard Taylor," by Prof. Boyesun, give a vivid characterization of Taylor's manners and conversation, and a painfully interesting account of his last Ill ness. Edward King writes of the two famous Journalist recently deceased, Kllenue and Villemessant. Miss Porter concludes ber graphic sketches of village life in the South, and an anonymous writer contributes ft pow erful and suggestive article on " Women's Mistakes about Work." The Action Is uuiinuallv full and entertain ing. The author of " Molly Bawn" has a dain ty love-story, entitled "The Last Rehearsal." Jennie Woodvllle gives one of her striking sketches of negro like and manners, and there are many other Interesting articles. J. B. LirPiNOOTT A Co., Publishers, T15 and 717 Market Bt., Fhll'a. Grand Festival In the Woods. The sec ond annual Festival of the M. E. church at Centre, will be held on the Old Sandy Hill L'amp meeting wrounus, owned by Wm. H. Culbertson, on Saturday, July 20th, 1879. Good Dinners will be provided. lee Cream, Lemonade, Cakes, Candles, and many other articles usually touna at festivals. Horse feed furnished on the ground. The committee, with the ex perience of last year to direct them, feel better able to provide for all unforseern contingencies and suit the tastes of all.. Music furnished by a Brass Band. Should the weather prove unfavorable on Saturday the Festival will be held on Mondayorthe first fair day following. Goto Isldor Schwartz for a stylish and cheap Shawl, Skirt, Fan, or Ladies Ties. Wilson College for Young Ladles, Ciiam DEHsnvRG, Pa. Fall term opens Sep tember 17. For catalogues address either Rev. T. H. Robinson, President pro tem., Harrisburg, Pa., or Miss A. F. Goodsell, Lady Principal, Chambers burg, Pa. 4t27. For Sale. The subscriber will selt che'.p, one of Heebner & Sons' Patent Level Tread one Horse Power and Thresher, as good as new. Apply to John A. Bartuuff, Wheatfleld twp.r Perry county, Pa. 8t Go to the old reliable Clothing House for a good bargain, for CO days we will close out our stock at a sacrifice to make room for fall goods. I. Schwartz. An O UT-FIT FOR A GENTS. V k STAPLE ARTICLES, BIG PROFITS. (p JqiiIcU Hales, Stead; Work. Circulars Free. Address: HOMER BYRN, 21B Pearl Street, New York. 6 6m . ERRORS OF YOUTH!: A GENTLEMAN who BufTered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects ol youthful Indiscretion, will lor the sakeot sulterlnK humanity, send free to all who need It, the reelpe and direction for making the simple remedy by which lie was cured. Suffer ers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence can do so by addressing in perlect conn- JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., N. Y. 6 6m Phcr-nlx Pectoral will cure your Cough. Fbosnlx Pectoral cures Hoarseness qulcklje. Phrenlx Pectoral tastes good and brings rest. Phoenix Pectoral costs 25 cents prbot.,6, bottles 21y Sold by B. M. EBY, Druggist, N ewport W Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navv Tobacco. Camphor Milk cures Headache and Neuralgia. Camphor Milk cures Rheumatism and lama back. Camphor Milk will cure Cuts, Bruges and Burns. Camphor Milk costs 25 cents pr bot., 5 bottles II. 12 ly Sold by F. MORTIMER, New Bloomfield. PIMPLES. I will mall (Free) the receipt for a simple Veg etable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples and Blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also Instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, Inclosing 8c stamp, Ben. Vindelf & Co., 20 Ann St., N. Y. 6 6m County Price Current. Bloomfield, July 21, 1879. Flax-Beed 1 to Potatoes, new 81 Butter V pound, 86)10 Eggs V dozen 10 " Dried Apples V pound 4 ots" Dried Peaches 10 15ctn.w. OAKMBLE PRODUCE MARKET.. corrected wreirxr. WOODWARD A BOBff. ClRLlSLa, July 19, 187'Jt Family Flour , $5 00 Superfine Flour,. . ..." 4 25 White Wheat, new.. 118 Red Wheat.new..... I OS Rye 47 Corn, (new) 38 Oats 2$ Cloverseed 8.00 Timothyseed 1 00 0. A. Salt, i io Fine do i 70. NEWPORT MARKKA. Corrected Weekly by Kough Brother. DBALKRS IN GHAIN Sc rilOUTJOK. Niwport, July 19. 187a . Flour, Extra 14.5a " Super. I3.2J White Wheat V bush, (old) , tlV Red Wheat, 1 lc Rye SZli. Corn 45814 Oats ft 32 pounds, 35Q ?S - Clover Seed per pound 485cents - Timothy Seed 1 25 Flax Seed 1 00 Potatoes J0(S 10 Dressed Pork 4cts. per S" Bacon, , 6 6 Lard 'cents Hams, 8 cents. Ground Alum Salt. 1 00 Ql 0ft Llmeburner's Coal $1 25 1 75 Stove Coal 4 00 O 4 00" Pea Coal 1 25 Buckwheat Coal ti Of' Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00 FISH, SALT, LIME AND COJifl Of all kinds always on hand and for sa'.o at thv Lowest Market Rates. Philadelphia Produee Karifef. . Philadelphia. July 19, 8T9. Flour unsettled: extras t fvm 62: Pennsvl. vanla family, $1.75 5.00; Minnesota da. H sj $4.75; patent and hiuh grades, 78.00. Rye Hour, ti 7SiU.ia. Cnrnineaf, 12.50. lVWm.' rei1' 1100117 ! ,uber' whlte 1. 'i!',1"." ulet &nd easy; yellow, 43llc. mixed. 0ts quiet : Pennsylvania and western white. Sl'WIlo. ; western niixed,3ij38. ItyeStieot'c.