8 Hat-catching at it Business. Mr. Fullorton is n man of thirty-five, and lias praotlood rat-oatohlng seveu years. He was five years In Liverpool, and has been two years in New York City. He look tip the business from an instinctive perception that nature bad denlgned him for its per formance. As be never shrinks front duty, he obeyed the promptings of destiny and thus has boeome what he is. Mr. Fullorton is very ready to oou verse on the subject, of whose Importanoe be has long bad a pow erful conception. He has but one rival in the city, Richard Toner, better known as 'Dick the Ratter." The business Is always performed at night, and Mr. Fullorton averages four nights in a week. Tho places most infested with rats are .hotels, restaurants and slaughter houses. .From one of the for former he took 104, while in one of the latter the catch was 210. The task requires much patience,and three .nights are generally devoted to one place, lie took from one hotel 100 the first night, 200 the second night, and 15 the third. .For this importaut service his terms are $10 jicr house, but hotels are required to pay a larger fee. There is some risk in the busi ness, and Mr. Fullerton has been occasion ally bitten severely, but be now knows how to handle a rat with safety. Mr. Fullerton nays that "rat catching" as a trade cannot i be taught. He has taken 15,000 rats in one year. Who then can doubt his genius? If any ..one be curious to learn what is done with these animals, the reply may be given that they nre worth f 10 per hundred at the rat , pits. Mr. Fullerton has constant orders from these establishments, oue of which killed 2,000 in a week. The fox terrier and bull terrier are both used for this purpose, but the former la preferable. One rat baiter owns a fox terrier which kills 100 rats in eight minutes, and this animal could not be bought for $100. Should Bergh break up the rat-pit, which is now highly probable, it would seriously impair the profits of the trade. Mr. Fullerton thinks that rats know too much to be killed with poison as . it is ordinarily ndmluistcred. 'riarJHVwk But Good Pay. "The Speaker of the English House of Commons has a hard life. He must always be present from the beginning to the cloRe of its sessions, and as these begin late In the afternoon and sometimes lasts till morniug his constitution noedsto be of the strongest to endure the fatigue. He must beep the House in order and compel the observance of nil rules, which is no easy task in times of political excitement. Af ter his election to this important post he is ;ipected to lay aside his party preferences and maintain the most rigid impartiality, lie does not allow the reading of speeches, but calls to order any member who at tempts to read from a manuscript. Dur ing a vote the House is emptied, those voting "aye," passing into a lobby on the right of the Speaker, and those voting "no" into a lobby on the left. Every member in the House at the time of voting must vote. The Speaker holds his office during an entire Parliament, which lasts seven years, unloss sooner dissolved by the Queen. For his hard service he receives the generous compensation of $25,000 per year and a furnished house. When bis term of office expires be is promoted to the jieerago, which gives him a seat in the House of Lords, a reward which an ordi nary man could hardly be blamed for coveting. Terrible Cutting Affray. Accounts have been reoeived of a terri ble cutting affray which occurred at Yel lowbud, twelve miles from Chillicothe, O., -on Sunday night. A man named Murphy, upon being ordered to keep quiet by Hart the keeper of a drinking saloon, where he was creating a great disturbance, drew a knife and stabbed Hart in the breast and arms nine times. Oue Barlow, attempting to interfere, received a cut across the abdo men. The wouuds of both men were pro nounced fatal. An Innocent Man Nearly Lynched. The Troy, Ala., "Euquirer" tells of an insane woman, Miss Carrie Boatrite, aged 45 ycarj, in the Andrews' settlement, Pike couuty, who left ber brother and was lost iuthe woods for twenty-one days without other food than the buds of trees. She was found by friends and forced to return home. A brother, during ber absence, wag charg ed with having murdered her and a mob had been fm-iued to lynch him. A Mother and Daughter Killed. A singular accideut occurred on the Genesee Valley railroad near Avon, N. Y., the other afternoon. The victims were deaf mutes mother and daughter. They were struck bp a locomotive attached to a " passenger train, while walking the track, And instantly killed. The mother was thrown down an embankment ten feet high and the daughter was tossed in the air higher than the smokestack. 'Scranton, April 21. James Bunnell, 65 years old, a respectable farmer in com fortable circumstances,living near Strouds- burg, Pa., Hung himself this morning. tie leaves a large family ot grown-up .children. Strawbridge & Clothier's SPRING BUSINESS Is now fully under way, and the inducements ofTered are of ft character that cannot fall to be highly attractive to every buyer within reach of Philadelphia. WehaveanlmmenBestookineveryone of our THIRTY DEPARTMENTS, reaching In the two departments of BILKS and DRESS GOODS alone to Several Hundred Thousand Dollars. . THE LATEST SILK DEPAltTMEN T ARE 100 PIECES SOLID COLOR LYONS SILK, 24 inches wide, AT ONE DOLLAR. In all the new colorings This is the widest and best Lyons Bilk ever offered at the price, and the identical goods can be found on the counters of most of the leading retail houses at f 1.25. All the finer grades of both Black and Colors are displayed In unsurpassed as sortment at equally low prices in proportion of quality, la FANCY and BUM MER SILKS we also oiler the greatest possible attractions. DM ESS GOODS. A few of the latest bargains In this department are : ALL-WOOL BEIGES. FOUR QUAL1TES, PRICES: THREE QUALITIES, PRICE8 : FIVE QUALITIES. In 23 and 24 Inches. 25, 31, 36 and Sl'A cts. In 31 to 30 inches. DO, 60 and 65 cts. In Cashmere Beige. 60, 65, 75, 871-4 cts. and 11.00 . TRICES: Our assortment of Dress Goods Is bewildering and Inclu leg all the best produc tions of French, English and American Looms. BLACK GOODS. Some of the latest bargains In this department are : IN BLACK CASHMERES. These goods made to our own express order are believed to be perfect in every essential point color, quality, and especially reliability in wear. Keeping no inferior goods, prices range as follows: 40, 45, 60, 50, 60, 05, 75, 87J4 and S1.00. We also fchow the largest and most attractive stock of BLACK HERNANIES AND GRENADINES Ever shown in Philadelphia, either at wholesale or retail, are at the most modor ate prices. We invite special attention to the department for IEIi'S FURNISHING GOODS And particularly to our three grades of carefully made MEN'S SHIRTS, Which are believed to be the best goods ever ofTered at the prices : The Custom Made, at $1,00.. The Standard, at SS cents. The NIGHT Boy's Shirts in Great Variety, &c., &p., &c In ordering, send Please note : We employ house lor samples ot whatever vantages ot our low prices. mmm N. W. Corner Eighth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ERRORS OF YOUTH! A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthfulindlscietion, will for the sake ot Buttering humanity, send free to all who need It, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suffer, ers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence can do so by addressing lu perfect confi dence. . JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St.,N. V. 6 6m ESTATE NOTICE.-Notlee Is hereby Rlv en. that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Christian Sluger. Jale of Buffalo twp., Ferry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted toths undersigned, residing In the same town ship. All persons Indebted to aid estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will present Ihem duly authenticated to the under signed for aottleineut without delav. WILLIAM SINGER. . Administrator. Lewis Potter, Attorney, April 1, 187W. 6t ( ) n O VT-FIT FOR A OENTS. V h STAPLE ARTICLES, BIG PROFITS. l UQuitilc Hnlow. Steady Work, Circulars Free. Address: HOMER JJYRN, 210 l ean street, new yoia. 8 Cm DESIGNS IN THE 80 PIECES BLACK BILKS, 21 ioches wide, AT ONE DOLLAR, Made by 8AVOIE ET CIE LYONS. This is undoubtedly the beet One Dollar Black Bilk ever placed on any counter in America. MEDIUM PRICE TEXTURES. OSBORNE SUITINGS, ANGLE8IA SUITINGS, SAXONY SUITINGS, STEVENS' CHECKS, BILK FANTAISIE STRITES, FRENCH PLAIDS, at 47K els. at 25 Cts. at 60 cts. at 25 cts. at 31 cts. nt3"!icts. IN HENRIETTA CLOTH. The prices begin at t,VA cents and advance regularly 12)4 cents, viz: WA Cts.,100,l.l2!4,1.23,1.37!4, J1.50, 81.62, J1.75, 8I.87J4 and 12.00. We Imported these enods lareclv. bavins had them made to our own direct order, as usual, but never before have tliev come to us so nearly ner. feet In quality, color and general appearance, as me present season. Favorite, at 73 cents, SHIRTS. size of collar worn. no agents. Send directly to the you may need, and secure the ad. JHE ST. ELMO HOTEL, 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, has reduced the rates to X'liZLl DAY. The liiL'h reputation of the house will he main tallied in all respects, and the traveling public will still find the same liberal provision for their cum ion. The bouse been recently reiltted. and I com Dlete in nil Its anooiiitiiienls. Located Intheim mediate vicinity of the large centres of business and ot places of amusement, and accessible to all liailroad depots and other parts of the City by oiioeicais iHiii.tiuiiuy punning lis ooers, II oners special Inducements to those visiting the City ou uusiiiosBui pirosuia. JOS. M. FEUErT Proprietor. TIWTATK NOTICE. Notice Is hsrebv nlveii 111 that letters testamentary on the estate of Nathan KaniDo, late ot Carroll twp.. Perry Co., Pa.,deo'd.,have been granted to Uieundersigued residlnir In Carroll and Centre townahins. All persons indebted tosald estate arereouest ed tomakelnuiiedlatepaymeutand those having oUlms to present them duly authenticated for soiueinuiu to If. W. KAMRO,' JOHN RAMBO. A. U. COMP, March 25, 1879. Executors. k CLOTHIER CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE ! - , We offer this Season the Choicest Line of .ill kinds of Carpets. Oil Cloths. Window ShnHr.s. Looking Glasses and Wall Papers that it has been our pleasure to open for vears. Tn nro- senting these goods we me uebi beiecuons, prettiest patterns ana lowest prices to be had in this section of Pennsylvania. All that is necessary to is a visit to the largest Carpet House outside of eastern cities. We buv lanrelv and exclusively rom manufacturers.which enables us to sell vou goods at the lowest possible prices. Those in l i: c. i c i ,i i leiiumg io iurnisn or reiurnisn tneir Homes can be best profited by inspecting our stock and low prices before buying. Respectfully, -jparpet ragra taken In exohang-o for .a fin isiii iniu. , THCBtST THE world SOLD BY $1500 BEWARl notice out Qe"SDauRs FOR PARTICULARS NUMBER WhiteSewinp Machine Co. OT READERI BEFOKK BUYING A. FIAJSTO or ORGAN Do not fall to send for my 20 page Illustrated Newspaper with much valuablelnformaHon free. New Pianos. $125. H35 and upwards. New Or gans,?6nto $t4. lie sure to write me before buying elsewhere. Ileware of Imitators. Address. DAN IEL F. BEATTV, Washington, N. J. 16d4t AGENTS "WANTED for the best and fastest- selling Pictorial Hooks and Bible. Prices re duced 8) per cent. National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 104dt BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. There is no doubt about the creat suiienuniv oi in s article over eommnn do- Irons blasters and other external remnrliHS. jiucli as liniments, electrical appllnncss. &c 5 ask pnysicians in your own locality aDOUt li ft Is wonderful. HoM by all nniffem". Price 25 rents. IW l9fin return In 30 days on 100 Invested. JlUU.oillclal KeDorts and information free. Like profits weekly on Htock options of (10 tn m Address, T. POTTEK WIOIIT & CO,, Ban- kers, wall street, New York. IScllt PARSON'S PURGATIVE PILLS make new Rich Blood, and will comparatively change the blood tn the entire system In three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 2 weeks may be restored to sound health, If such a thing be possible. Sent by mail for a 8 letter stamps. I. 8. JOHNSON & CO.. Bangor, Me. Ifd4t HOW TO GET THEM tntbbM inrlof tbcttats. 6.0,000 crei for talc. tr fVc topy of Kmmm Paails Hf Mead, AddrtM Land ComwIwUbw SiIum, Jtuufc PENSIONS! All Soldiers wounded or Injured can now ob tain Deuslona: under the new law to date from discharge. Address at once with stamp for blanks ana new Homier s circulars. W. O. UEKINGKK & CO., 116 HmlthHeld Street. Pittsburgh. Fa, W Oldest Claim Ageucy lu the State, lowlm PROTRUDING TOES. PARENTS, you need no longer throw away your Children's Shoes before they are half worn, ou account ot Holes through the Toes. Either the SILVE3, 'Or A.B. T. Co." 12dtt BLACK T IP Will Prereut This. Ask for these Shoes when buying. tm Tfl innn Invested In Wall Stree I U $IUUU stocks makes fortunes evnrvmonth. Bonk sent free exulalnlno every thing. Address, BAXl'KU t CO.. Bankers. 17 Wall St., New York. 16d4t AGENTS WANTEDfor8mlth'sBlbleTlctlonary new PICTORIAL BIBLES. Prices reduced. Circulars free. A. J. HOLM AN ti CO.. Philadelphia, Pa 10d4t FOB HEALTH, COMPOST and ECONOMY ! CORK SHAVINGS Are unsurpassed as an article for Beds, Mattresses, Show Pillows, Etc. They are ten times as durable as husks or straw and are selliug at the low price of Scents tier nound: 40 Douuds will till the largest bed. For sale by ARMSTONO, BROTHER & CO, Cor. 24th and Railroad Sts. PITTHBU11GII, lV. P. S. Orders by mall will receive prompt at. tention. lswlm A- GrIHT WORTHY OF A ROTHSCHILD, A copy of Brown's famous Illustrated S'hakea pereau Almanac for 1H7'J, together with a copy of his Illustrated Daoer. the " (irowlnir World." will be sent free to anyone who wlllnend theiraddress on a one cent ixwiai cara. Autires, j. uiuius BROWN, 21 Uraud Street. Jersey City. New Jersey. 1SU4W. i n in guarantee to give you convince of these facts STEPHENS & BEETEM, goods. CARLISLE. .WARMKTSO 4. A tfVMBtRS and DtrLc bace put. OH 5"u ADDRES S ' Cleveland, ohio. N 0TICE TO TAX-PAY ERS. County Commissioners' Appeals for 1879. Notice Is hereby given that Appeals based on the spring changes of 1S79 will be held by the Hoard of County Commissioners, at their ollice.in the Court House, as follows: For the boroughs of Dun -annon, Liverpool, Marysville, Millerstown, New Kuflalo. and New port, and the townships of Buffalo. Ureenwood, Howe. Liverpool, Miller, Oliver, Penn. ltye, Watts and Wheatheld, on THUK8DAY, THE 24th OF APRIL, 1879, and for the Boroughs of Bloomfield, Landisbnrg and ltlaln. and the townships of Carroll, Centre. Jackson, Juniata, Madison. Sandy Hill, Haville, Spring, Toboyne. Tuscarora and Tyrone, on FRIDAY, THE 25th OF APRIL. 1879, where and at which times all persons feeling themselves aggrieved will be heard by the Com missioners and Assessors of the several districts, lly order of the Board. j. w. fAWO, JNO. W. CHARLES, HENRY SHOEMAKER, (Jomitv Commissioner. Attest: Cat.vih Npilson, Clerk. April i, iBiy. gLOOMFIELD ACADEMY. THE REGULAR 8PRINO TERM will open. MONDA Y, March Slat, 1879, and continue twelve weeks. In connection with the reenlar Academic course of this Institutiona TEACHERS COURSE will be organized lu accordance with the improv ed theorios of Instruction. While puiulng this course of study, students will be allowed to se lect one or two of the higher branches without extra charge. thus enabling them to tit themselves ior tne most aavancea common scnoois. ineroi lowlng are studies from which a selection may be made: Latin, Greek, Algebra, Geometry, Philosophy, Physiology add Zoology. Instruction is also given In Music, Drawing and Painting. A daily rcord Is made of the progress and con duct of students which is forwarded to their pa rents or guaraiant, uuring ine term, special at tention is given for preparation for college. For circulars, etc.. address. J. U. FLICK1NGER. A. M., Principal, or Wm. Gkikr. Proprietor. New Bloom tlcld, Pa. March 11 1879. THE well known and popular Organs manufac tured by WATERS & SONS, of New York, have been before the public for many jears, and a growing popularity is the result. Many improvements have been lately Introduc ed in the musical portion of the organs, such as CHIMES OK BELLS. ORCHESTRAL AM) CON CERT REEDS, also DOUBLE BELLOWS, etc. They are Sweet-toned, Powerful, and Durable. ORGANS FOR , and upward, warranted for six years. Any other reliable make of organs furnished at low prices. Correspondence Solicited. Call on, or ad dress MILTON B. G1ESON, DEALER IN ORGANS AND LANDISBURG, FERRY COUNTY. PENN A. 10 tf March 4. 1879. THE GREAT CAUSE 0 QOis HUMAN MISERY Just Published, In a Sealed Envelope. Price,6 cts. A Lecture on the Natur. Treatment and Rad ical cure ot Seminal Weakness, or Spermator rhea, Induced by Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emis- sions, Impoteiicy. Nervous Debility, and Impvdi mentsto Marriage generally: Consumption. Ep ilepsy, and Fits; Meutal and Physical Incapacity, iC.-By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL,M.D.,au thorof the "Green Book," io. , Theworid renowned author. In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine. and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies. Instruments, rings, or cordials: pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. -This Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. . Address the Publishers, 41iy THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Auu SI.. Nw Kork I VM Olhoe tto, 4543 9f) MADE IN A SINGLE DAY, Jan. 50th by 4W an agent. Send 1 ceul stamp for particu lars, Buv. S. T. BUCK. Mlltoii. Pa. tfwlm.