0. mt flloomfiiib Sinus. HOUSE, FA KM AND GARDEN. We tnrlte nommtmirallnns from nil persons who are inlrrMtrd lu matters properly belouitiuK to tlila da- School For Girls. At the Iowa Agricultural College every girl In the Junior class has learned how to make good bread, weighing and measuring her ingredients, mixing kneading and halting, and regulating her fire. Each has been taught to make her yeast and make blsnult, puddings, pies and cakes of various kinds; how to cook a roast, broil a steak and make a fragrant cup of coffee ; how to stuff and roast a turkey, make oyster soup, pre pare stock for other soups, steam and mash potatoes so that they will melt in the mouth, and, In short to get up a first class meal, combining both substantial and fancy dishes In good style. English classic and mathematical studies are not neglected. It Is reported that the teach ing of sewing In the Boston schools Is very successful. Although Instruction Is given to each girl only two hours each week, those pupils who came Into the school not even knowing how to hold a needle are able to hem nicely and sew over-seams at the end of the first term. The special teacher prepares the work at home, to that it can be put promptly Into the hands of the pupils without wasting a moment. Raising Squashes. Mr. J. T. Chandler, of Everett, states that he has adopted the following meth od of raising squashes, and assures us that since practicing It he lias never in a single instance failed of a good crop, lie first digs a small hole for each hill, into which he puts a liberal quantity of manure and covers it to the depth of an inch or two with soil. Tbe hole is then covered with coal ashes, with which the hole is filled, and the soli on the manure is covered. The seed is planted, or plants set, in the ashes directly over the manure. At each hoeing a fresh supply of ashes is scattered around the plants, which are thus kepi entirely free from grubbs, while in his experience every hill planted without ashes will be destroyed. Am. Cultivator. Chloride of Lime as an Insecticide. Le Cultivateur remarks that rats, mice, and ineects will at once desert ground on which a little chloride of lime has been sprinkled. Plants may be protected from insect plagues by brushing their stems with a solution of it. It has often been noticed that a patch of land which has been treated in this way remains religiously respected by grubs, while the unprotected beds round about are literally devastated. Fruit trees may be guarded from the attack of grubs by attaching to their trunks pieces of tow smeared with a mixture of chloride of lime and hog's lard, and the ants grubs already in pos session will rapidly vacate thelrposltlon. Useful Hints. A Bmall piece of charcoal, in the pot with boiling cabbage removes thesmell. Clean oil cloths with milk and water; a brush and soap will ruin them. Tumblers that have had milk in them should never be put in hot water. A spooful of stewed tomatoes in the gravy of either roasted or fried meats is an improvement. Persons troubled with feet that perspire or smell offensively can effect a cure by bathing them every night or oftenerin a strong solution of borax. Two or three weeks of this treatment will probably be found sufficient. W It frequently happens that a cup or bowl of hot water is set down on var nished furniture, and leaves an unsight ly spot on the polished surfuce. This can be easily removed by wetting a bit of soft flannel in alcohol, and rubbing over the place bilskly. When the marks are all effaced take another cloth, with a drop or two of boiled linseed oil, and rub it over lightly, and the sharpest eyes can never see a vestige of the stain, lu case a black stain gets upon furni ture, a few drops of spirits of ammonia rubbed on will take it all off; then rub with oil. Advertising Cheats. It has become so common to write the beginning of an elegant, interesting article anil then run it Into some adver tisement tlmt we avoid all such cheats and call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plnln honest terms as possible, to induce people to give them one triul, as no one who knows their value will ever use anything else. 1. Ifjf One pint castor oil, the same of grass fed beef tallow, and one pound of resin. Put into a small kettle together, stir over a lire until the rosin la thor oughly dissolved. Thin makes a good axle grease. Newport Advertisements. It. S. COOK & (JO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, forI.F.88 MONET thiin any other denier In this county. We will also take good Xlnilieron the stump or delivered at. our Mill In exchange lor Lumber, Ao, We use Clearfield Fins and llera look only. W. n. 8. COOK ft CO., Newport, Perry Co., Fa October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., ( Formerly John Jones A Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brlok Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the niUHKHT PRICKS the market wlllatlord, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUK, PRODUCE SEEDS AMD RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, SO., fie. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. S- Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf JEWPORT DRUG STORE. Hiving on hand a complete amortraent of the fol. lowing articles, the subscriber asks a share of your patronage. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Perfamerjt HAIR OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PDRPOSE8 PHYSICIANS ORDERS CarfdUjf and Promptly Filled B . M . ED Y, Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright? Building, NEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorllard'i Superior Tobaccos, Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW TRICES. Country Merchants supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. - Your orders are solicited. 9 44 T7I8TATE NOTICK. Notlcels hereby glv. Jli en that Letters of Administration on the h slate of Mary Silks, late of Greenwood town ship. Perry county, Penn'a.. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing la Buffalo township. (Aucker's. P.O.) All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to . , JOHN a. SILKS, Administrator. February 25, 6t GREATf Goods sold at Greatly Kcducod Prices to make room for tho SPRING- STOCK! Now is tho Time to Buy ! IRA WBNTZEL, Blain, Penn'a. j. estev & coraPAnv; ,jim-i. xsx& ua&u i BRATTLEBORO, VT. Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday School, Chapels, etc., is proving a OTLUJJXT SUOOESS. Be euro to send for full descriptive Catalogue before purchasing any other. THE LARGEST IRKS (OF THt KIND) OH THE GLOBE Illustrated Catalogue sent free. WE CALL ATTENTION TO 3NTew A-rrival of GroocLs, Suited to the wants of the trade for this season. Here are some of the articles, to which your attention is invited : A lot of good Towel Crash at only Ci Dress Goods at The prettiest line of prints ever offered In this county at from five to six cents per yard. F. MOHTIMER. The handsomest assortment of Shirting Stripes and Cheviots that we ever had, can now be seen at my store. F. MORTIMER. A splendid stock of Cottonades and Casslmers are uow open and for sale by F. MORTIMER. An assortment of Hamburg Edgings and En ertlngs, white and colored, for sale by F. MORTIMER. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Wall Paper In a great variety, Is now selling at cost by F. MORTIMER. HATS for men and boys at 50 cts., 75 cts., 11,00, 11.25, 11,50 and tt,00. K.Mohtiuir. TAKK NOT1CK. NEW PENSION LAW. All Pensions. i Law, begin back at dale of Discharge or Death of Soldier. Old rejected cases re opened. The undersigned has bad 16 years' experience In prosecuting Pension claims. All personsbellevlng themselves entitled to Pensions, please call on or address. LEWIS POTTER. New Bloomfleld. Feb. 11, 1879. Perry Co.. Pa 1 Don't you want somecheap foods Tor Pants nU Hulls T f you do, don' fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sal by F. MORTIMER. Yon can suit yourself in style aud price. -! cents per yard. Some very good style of 13 cents per yard. A lot of new Mackerel In Quarter Barrels, are now for sale atlow prices by F. MORTIMER. A line of Sugars and Syrups that will please you, aud tbe best N. O. Molasses that ever was seen can be had of F. MORTIMER. Prunes, Raisins, Canned Vegetables, Canned Peaches, etc. , for sale by F. MORTIMER. An assortment of Spokes, Felloes, Hubs, Shafts etc., on band and for sale by F. MORTIMER. Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, etc., of all styles on band and for sale at low prices by F. MORTIMEB. SHOES for men, women and children. We have ladles shoes, good style for II, CO and 11, 25. be button shoes made 12,10. F. Mortimer. ALL SOLDIERS Who received wounds or Injuries during the late war, even If but slightly disabled, can nowob tains pensions back from day of discharge un der new pension law. Rejected cases also re opened. Send stamp for particulars. W. V. BERRINGER ft CO.. box .vs. Pittsburgh, Pa. Oldest Claim Agency in the State. 7w 13t Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear is complete. Prices from centsup. F. MORTIMER. New Bleomfleld.Pa A VCTIONEEUS. J AS. P. LATniFORD, A VCTIONEJBlt, Would respeotfully Inform the public that he will cry sale at reasonable prices. All orders Wlllreceivepromi.t attention: DONNALLK'B MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry ana Cumberland counties, post olllce address Hhermansdale, Perry co., 'pa. D.HENRY " AUCTIONEER, Blaln, Perry connty Pa. , WTerms Moderate and every exertion mad toeuder satisfaction. , ju Auctioneer. The undersigned eWes noticethathe willcrysalesatany point In Terry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solid ted and promptatteatlonwlllbe given. iC. D.WELLS, New Buffalo Perry eo., Fa. Q B. HARNISH, .A.TJOTION13ICIt,, pelvllle. Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. ( tf D AVID M'COY, ATJOXIOJVKIQlt, ICKE8BURO. PERRY COUNTY, PA. . Charges moderate. Prompt attention paid to ail calls. .. H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inform myfriendstbat II a tend calling upon them with a supply of good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Censistlngof CASSIMERS, CA88INBTS, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'l) OAni'ETS, Sco., to exchange for wool oriel) for cash. J.M.BIXLEH. Cbivtri Woolbr FlCTORT . (1,17,11ft "For8aleby F.MORTlMEB.New BloomBelA Perrycounty.Pa. VIBKATOR. THE ORiSiflAL ft ONLY GEKU1KE Vibrator' Threshers, WITH fMFKOTED MOUNTED HORSE POWEP And Bteua Thresher Ewgiaes, Hade only by NICHOLS, SKEPARD &C0.V BATTLE CREEK, MICH. PITE Nntchlem (.ratn-Hnfinfi Tlma jrvnrrmtioa. neywui an ftiTurrior K"ina ww rr smmusji! iwi oavmsj wrwa ixvan i a Watuc. GRAI?f Ralnem will not Ssbtnft f tho cnormona vaut.ica of O mm It i n ln:crlnr work (ton ty la xJHr BkacUtMi, wImr ohc potted oa thm tjlfliwui. . THB Klf TIRB Threshltiff Tspmmmm lanrl oileo 1 lu ft 'I .m t..ui a .ii.hu t ; n i.- uiwie I f lit Kxlr Oral a &AVU by 11mm luivl UrtcUfM. NO ReroWInf Phnfts Tnnlda the Pem raior. ICutim Iilo l;oia BeUoi, l'k-ker. Uiiilri, iMlajlinv'h tlmw-wiurtlnj rrain-wasi in -ompll-ratlon. Tr1clf ftiaDtrr1 tn m'l Klntaitnl Coit.Utlaaa of Qrmlm, Wl or Otf, Louf or HU l, llvki or Boui H1 IOT only Vnrtly Pnp-Tlar for XYhent, vail, DM tmj, ur,nri inc uranii, nut tnrn hwi.t cnraiTrirhrlfi PUs. T'molh. Mllkt. Darmr. maA' HkOfteMla, Rerjnlmi tilt HUtlUwiM " or " rotrUildtflf " t citaA froBB Uraia to (tewa. M Alt VKrOT'S for mwetf f Partis. ain( l-M trn fti -nalt t.i.i ii'tinl Ucti ObU Oeaia.. FOCR 6lKorpamtoraMitr1t. matr tii C from h.t to Twrhi lior.e mm, aut4 twv ,va of Jhlwootwl UurM rewaro to luatckb STKAM VoT Threuhvm u 8p9rlttlrr -W atHKiai aUa mytt luaAM utnaaaly tot bomtui t uwtr. 0 Clt Vorwncd Ptrttm Thrrfibrr Eo- i1"! witu v Miiw.i F iiBM-onMRia it i u.suatUva tufM, far Uyoua ooy ior mai-t or kia4. It Thoroaffb WorkmatiiililiF TAwnnt nalali, rinwii'.iaf I'arta. I intiltrita of htiitpm-ut, le, ov "VaTO" Tbraaiaar Otudia ajr lucuuipeixaMa. roll Partlrvlim, rail on ear Ir!-r i.r wnu wimimt witairitijou Cu'OUar, ukh t uuul , FrivRc Hoopitai. SUi 4. Clark t..Ciafr, IH.0.-tlpCiall,all frivata.ChraniO and Kinult Dteaai. CoGulutna rr. LadiM aixl Oea'la mn. aetid dollar fur iaaila of ttaat rihbtr rTl " u1 valaahla Inform at ino b txpra. Hrl ta ble rraai Piil. kV. T box. Private noervt an 4 aurw lor La4ia durtDC - A w work, prtea VO ernu br mall. Mtiw Pia f Katurs, Pbyri olow of llartiaff, Or gan af Oanaratiati, Vlaat mt Yauib Manbood ; a wealth af nttAke arnl valuabM lu formatioo, of ia(Tvai ta bata arxtt. Utrtblna: ivfTermtm in rood Uui d rrflaaamt. Infon taiatloa nr bh,rm iultlihd. So family ihMill t wltDnat U 0 T'Arldrw, Dr. A. a. nf.lX -flW t lartr Mr o m C9 i oa C3 CD txJ CD J FREE GIFT Of a copy of my Medical Common Sense Rook to any person suflerlng with Coiisnniptlou, Asthma, Catarrh, Brnnehitis. Loss of Voice or Kore Throat, rleiid nsme and post office address, with two 3 cent postage stamps, and state vonr slek ness. The book is eleiiauliy illustialed. (144 pp. 12 mo. 1h;.) 1 he Infoi nialion It contains. In the providence of ;od. ha saved nian lites. The author has heen rt mg liea of the Ni, Throat and Lours, as a special practice in Cin cinnati, since 1S67. Address l)r. N. B. WOLFE. Clncinnali.ohio. 1; wlm ffwy ll'frmIWfWrllnfiiiivvk Ikjtjf ' ! ' fH III I K All, k MCTS. fTfrnosPIM rEol M1K. n un rnrronnmp.Yf-Jl Ifflsrll lin, taught, llronrhitu all Srr.fulomi it VJ lk ynrdrniTl"lfiir(limn'i Jtjl "KV The km snt grot it. I will. n rwdpt rFfl 1