rilM TlMli&lcNTTVJUiOOMFIELI), PA., APIUL 29, 1870. 5 TIMES. oeai PENNSYLVANIA B. MIDCLZ DIVISION. On uil after JuueiBtli, Tralut ruu u follow! i WESTWARD. EASTWARD.! A en., pBimilPAL Btationh. I J'ua El. MitltiAtP. Tr'ui Ex. Mm- Aou. iru A.M P.M. P.M. .I6 .10.611 7.IWI 7.6l! 7. mi 10.9(1 .M. v.oo 845 Ml 8.19 7.47 IM 7.10 70(1 6.40 6 lid ana a.uo B.IH r.m. 1.81) .41) .61 r. h. 6.4K I.M 8. IS 4(1 e.en 7.1(1 mm T.4 I.M tUrrlKburKi ItorkvlllK, Marysvllle, itltl(KUUUUt lally'n Newport, Mtllerfttnwn, Tlininpfont'u. MpsIco,.. ...... Tort Royal.... MIITIIll Lewtstnwn J.i Anilemon's,... MnVej-tiwii,.. N. ttstnlltnn,. Htititlnviton,.. Tyrone, ., AJtoniia p.m. I. mi a. si oat ess K.IH (.ai cm f 4H P.St IU.IU uua a. (IB a. ill .4:i 19. ts 7. no; 19.W ass l.m a. am a.aui B.Bil It. IX a. iii s.iih P. In 4.001 4.97! .AJi 6.3)1 .84 I 7.9U . ll.U4i ft. 40, 8.411 ! 10.84' LOP1 S.M! ; III. Ill1 4 47 H.II7I 4.11k MM 8.51V ;M H.Kll 1 R.ISi 9.(11 S.lli 1 i.U. P.M. P.M.I It 14 11.40 I. is l.s r.M. P.W.I na-Pltlnburif KxiirMW leaves tlarrlt.bnry at II. on p m. Diliiratinim 11. IW ((liw: Newport II. bi llK anil ar rives at PlltHlmrir I8.I(I a. m. ' rSfPaclflr K,pres Went, will step Hi Dtinmminlt at 4.BJ anil At Newport nt 6.17 a. m.t wtirii flaw-it. fWHnl'iK Wi'Ht.thn Wsy r.ftHtniftr leaves Harris burtr Dally t!i otlp'r tnilns Pally erept Hinplry. IWOolmr Hait, the Atlantic F.xpri's leiivea Altnoua Daflv. the othpr IritliiH 1nll v iti'i.hI HiiiwImv On Hiihmay Iho Parlfle Kxnre rort when lliiiriri'il. anil the I-at Line Went w reus KnNtwiii STnnm new- I nlop ill Ulincamiou autl Newport If flawed. rpTTTCl A TTTT? mcy If found nn file ot Geo. Allio X JCj1 .. ioell ft C'o'h Newpniier Advertising llllrifill (II Nprm-e Ht I. where nilrerlMliB; ftnutrucla limy bo mailt lor It IN NEW YURKi Oriel Items. See Jacob Btrlckler's drug advertise ment In another column. O The Reformed Parsonage in this place wm Bold nn Thurnilnv lnt. fnr $72.1. THE VJrist Smith was the purchaser. Supervisors are beginning their duties on the roads. Borne of the roads badly .need their services. 'On next Saturday evening Mr. George Harnett will deliver a lecture in the Alryvlew school house. All persons are invited. OThe cellar of Mr. Baker, who keeps a ' store at Nekoda P. O., this county, was ' entered on Thursday a week and robbed i of some small articles. v A horse belonging to Mr. Jacob Buck, , of Bufliilo twp., was taken Blck while in the Held harrowing, and was taken out and put in a pasture, where he soon' . died from no cause that was known. f Mr. James L. Foose, employed in the railroad yard at Aitoona, had the mis fortune to have two of his lingers ' ts rfi (1 ci ti tlia r f I si t rln Tn wt nn 4-1 mi i liis fingers and came home a few days. Duncannon Record. C? On Saturday morning a week an en tire car on the emigrant train westward bound, was occupied by "Heathen Chinese." They had made money enough, and were bound for China to enjoy it. Many superstitious people in Cham bersburg assert that they believe Shatter, the recently hanged murderer, innocent, because the night following his execu tion a light fall of snow covered his crave. O On Thursday a workman in the nar rows lit his pipe and then threw down the match. In a few moments a fire of such magnitudo was burning that it was not extinguished till a large portion of the narrows had been burned over. Fortunately it burned but little wood. On last Monday afternoon a week, a son of Mr. Isaac Erdley, of Penn twp., Snyder county, without the knowledge of any one went to the stable and took out one of his father's horses, as is sup posed, for the purpose of riding him to water. Through some cause he was thrown from the horse, and when found was dead, having the top of his head crushed in. Vtiurch notices. Preaching in the M. E. church next Sunday at 7i P. M. Sunday School at 0 A. M. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening. Also preaching at Ickesburg 10 A. Si. Walnut Grove 2i P. M. Preaching in the Reformed Church, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings at 7 P. M. Congregational prayer meeting next buniiay at 11 A. M itev. A. II. Spangler, of Liverpool will preach In the Lutheran Church this nloce on next Saturdav at 101 1 Al' o'clock A. M. At Mansville on same day at 2t P.M. On Sunday at Eshcol at 10 A.M., and at Markelvillo at 2ij,atweek j. . jm.. Presbyterian Church Preaching each Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 74 P. M. Pray ermeeting Wednesday evening 7J o'cl'k.. Sunday School at 94 A. M. Q Fire In Duncannon. On Friday after noon about 4 o'clock, the Hotel building belonging to and occupied by Joseph Mayall, was discovered to be on fire, which resulted in the destruction of the building. The flames, however, were arrested before any damage was done to the surrounding buildings. We are in formed that there was an insurance of $2,000 on the house and $500 on the personal property, but what Mr. May all's loss is we have not been able to as certain. There are numerous rumors as to the origin of the fire. Six Men to be Hung. It is probable that six men will be hung in Lebanon Co. A dispatch dated the 24th inst., says : ' The trial of Charles Drews, Frank Stich ' ler, Israel Brandt, Isaiah Hummel, Henjy F. Weiss and Geo. Zechman, for the murder of Jos. Raber, in December last, was concluded to-day. The jury re tired at 4 o'clock this afternoon ,and at 0 o'clock to-night rendered a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. Time was granted counsel for the defense (o file reasons for a new trial. A Strange Mistake. A fewdnysag V Gates Shoemaker, of Newburg.recetvtxi telegram from Harrlsburg which thtsen der meantshould convey to him the sad news of the death of the wife of his broth erTheophllus Shoemaker, at that place. Through an error in sending, transcrib ing or reading the message Mr. Shoe maker waB led to believe that his broth er had diet). Theophllus la a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Newburg, and to avoid delay Gates drew the benefits accruing to him by his supposed death and started for Harrlsburg with the Intention of burying him. It may be possible to Imagine his surprise when he reached the house of his brother Theophllus In Harrlsburg and found the man lie believed to be dead standing at a looking-glass Bliavlng himself. Even in the house of death the affair took a somewhat ludicrous turn and Gates was with difficulty convinced that he had not been made the victim of a practical joke. The money has been returned to the Newburg lodge, with the hope that it will not be needed for the anticipated purpose for some time to come. Ship pemburg Chronicle. Serious Accident. On Saturday last one of our most estimable farmers, Mr. W. Logue, met with a serious and pain ful accident, while engaged in threshing. It appears he used the whip on one of the horses, when the animal became maddened and rushed forward, breaking the lever of the' power. Mr. Logue jumped from the platform and attempted to hold the horse by the bridle, but the excited animal pushed him over thelever and became entangled in thjfspfeaders, attached to the horse in (front? throwing hldfBelton,Mri,L'ogue atid also throw ing Uie ijbrse m'fr'bnt of him. He was unoijle' to extricate himself and was tramped and bruised in a dreadful man ner. It is strange that he escaped with his life, but, as it 1b, it is hard to know at present writing, how great his inju ries are. If he has not sustained inter nal Injuries, we may expect to Inform his friends soon of his recovery. v Waynesboro' Gazette. 'Slate Sabbath-Scjiotjf Convention. Thfe ilfteen annurt;cff$v?utlon of the Penn sylvania State Sabbath-School Associa tion will be held in the Second Presby terian "church In Aitoona, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 3rd,4th and 5th. The exercises will open Thurs day afternoon, at 3 o'clock, with a grand, union children's meeting, addressed by Bev. Richard Newton, D. D., of Phila delphia, and will close on Thursday night, at ten o'clock. "The usual reduction of rates will be had on all the leading railroads in the State, for information of which report your name to B. F. Custer, Esq., of Ai toona, chairman of committee on trans portation. This will be a mass convention, and all Sunday-schools and Sunday-school organizations throughout the State, whether of a denominational or unde nominational character, are entitled to representation. For all duly accredited delegates entertainment will be provided if their names are reported to Rev. S. W. Duffleld, of Aitoona, on or before May 31st. All contemplating attending the convention should arrange to be present at the children's meeting and remain until the close of the conven tion. It is hoped that the convention will be large and enthusiastic and that every once will feel an individual re sponsibility for its success. Pastors and superintendents will please read thlB call to their respective schools and con gregations. For copy of programme and any other further information, ad dress Ed. S. Wagoner, State Secretary, Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of The residence of Daniel Stoufl'er In Fermanagh township, was robbed last Friday night of about seventy-flve dol lars worth of Mr. Stouffer'a clothing, &c. The thieves got in through a win dow and carried off the property with out being heard. They pryed a shutter topen, cut a pane of glass out of the sash, reached through, took out the sash fastenings, hoisted the window and en tered the basement story. A large dog was on guard outside the house. A supall dog was on guard in the story of tlje house that the thieves entered, but only one bark escaped the bigger dog, Mid the little fellow did not open his mouth. The bigger dog barked once about 10 o'clock that night. It is be lieved that the thieves hud some one with them who knew the dogs. The thieves lit sperm candles when they were in the house, and grease spots evi dence that they went up the Btuirway to the second Moor, but did not get into it, because of the door having been bolted on the inside. A young man named Reigle, employ ed by Mr. Reuben Diehl, of Walker twp., while engaged in shoeing a horse on Monday aweek, was kicked in the face and dangerously injured. Mr. Iboao Book, of Farmers' Grove, has lost two valuable horses by death within the past week. They died of distemper. An assortment of Domestic Paper patterns will be found for sale at the store of F. MoitTisiEn. tf. J Vnt Th HLooptLt TiMpa. ye.i8. A correspondent from I'CHjiwnshlp sends us the following! On Bnttitdfl morning tlio lftth Innt., Mr. William T. YVlilte, elcloat Bon or J. M. White, Eaq., wont down to work on tils father'! nnw mill, and when en go Red chnnirlng loma of the fronring, the Witter tliitt hud leuked Into the wheel, started It, and caught William by the lieol cruahlng hla feet very badly, he had to remain In that rnnltlon nearly an hoar ere he waa releaaed. lie baa Biiirored aeverely, and ban the aympathy of the entire neighborhood. The ImproTementa In the Core are ae fol lows i Wm. B, Moore la building a new barn, and Joseph Diaslnicer la remodeling hla house, and building a new part or wing to the old one. The Union Batibath Behoof one of the leading featurea or tills place has opened with very good prospects this spring, attendance of 80 to 100. We hope that this school may be the meane of doing much good, both morally and rellgously lit our neighborhood. Duncannon April 21, 1871). Datb. --m- For Tub Times LivKnroot., April S3, 1870. Mb. Editor i Business In our town la be ginning to brighten up boating baa commenc ed In earnest. The merchants having returned from the Eastern cltlea with their spring stock or goods, are striving to vie with each other in ma King displays or their merchandise. Im provements in the way or building la rather backward yet. Dr. Jna. F. Thompson la hav ing his house remodeled Mr. L. N. Plnea la attending to the architectural part or It.aml the Monroe liros. are doing the painting. When completed It will be a very tasty and pleasant residence Some or bur citizens are leaving us. Borne have already gono to Fort Gray, New Bloom fluid, some to other parts, to us unknown. B. K. Ludwlg, our worthy yoitng'school teacher, la about leaving, aa be expects to make Chi cago hla future home. Capl. II. Clay Snyder has loft us, gone to try hla fortue In the West hope he may be more successful there than he was been here. He certainly baa the edu cation and ability. If he ooukl apply hlmBolf and make good use or it. Profl. J. K. Runyan has opened a Belect school here ) bis terms are reasonable and be abould be encouraged. We have plenty or young persons running our streets who ahould be In school, ant unless they have some useful employment at home, It would be much better for tlielrl.ijWl'ttlS?' The matrimonial markotj,i1fiiiyaMl be pain fully quiet on tbla side ofijUierlver , cannot ac count for It, unless it la the dull tlmea. There are ccruinly many young men and ladles who have arrived et marriageable age, and doubt less eome are beginning to reel very anxious about their future state. The fire-bug excitement has greatly sub sided since Court has adjourned and every thing In that direction la quiet aud serene. The fanners are very busy now getting ready for corn planting aa aoon as the weather Is fa vorable for that important work. Very few farmers are seen on our streets) only those who aro compelled to come In on business. Grain la looking remarkably well on this aide or the river, aud If the season proves favor able we may reasonable expect a lair crop. Mohb Anon. Temperance Convention. In pursuance to an order of the Convention held at Newport on the 11th inst., the First An nual Convention of the Perry County Temperance Society, will be held in Bloom field on Friday, May 2, ' 1870, at one o'clock P. M. Each church, - Sun day School and Temperance organiza tion in Perry county is requested to send two delegates. The delegates will be en tertained free by the citizens of Bloom field. Names of delegates should be sent to Rev. J. Edgar, Bloomfield, aa. early as possible. ' GEO. SHROM, Sec. & Treas. Ballou's Monthly Magazine for May. The leading illustrated article of the May number or " Ballou's Magazlno" la about the monkey-men of New Guinea, told by the au thor or "A Whaleman's Adventures)" aud very well told the yarn Is, although we think our friend had to leave the Island too suddenly to pay much attention to the strange beings he has attempted to desclbe. Then we find several nice stories, and a number of poems, adventures, and sea yarns, all going to make up the contenta of a first-class magazine. Published by Thomas & Talbot, S3 Hawley street, Boston, at $1,135 a year, postpaid, and for sale at all the periodical depots lu the coun try for 15 conts a copy. "The" Cook Book. We are In receipt of the second edition of the Cumberland Valley Cook Book, published by J. B. Morrow, Newvlllo, Pa. The second edition comes to na with ovor 200 additional receipts and we regard it aa one of the cheapest cooking compendiums exact. It la really the combined culinary wisdom of the ladles of the valley, whose names are published In the book lu alphabetical order. Price, sent by mall, 85 cents. Address aa above. NOTICE TOXJIE LADIES t Dress Good, at 7 cts a yard. Dress Goods, at 8 cts a yard. Dress Goods, at 9 cts a yard. Dress Goods, at 10 cts a yard. Dress Goods, at 124 cts a yard. Dress Goods at Vurlous Prices. Having: Just received frotosrNew Torlc Auction, some Great Bargains In Dress Goods, Fancy Ooods and Hosiery, you are requested to call and examine my Stock, it will not cost you anything to look, and not mucn if you buy, Ooods are so CHEAP. F. MORTIMER. -4-- ... To those Who Look up their Own Interest, we ask an examination of our stock of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing for the Spring trade, being of our own man ufacture, we defy competition. I. BCHWAIITZ, Eby's New Building, Newport. Ladles, our Stock of Spring Shawls. Skirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Embroideries, Silk Handkerchiefs, cannot be beat in firice and assortment. Look to your own nterest by giving us a call. I. Sciiwahtz, Eby's New Building, Newport, Pa. FITS I FITS I The undersigned having Eurchased the property formerly owned y J. Baily. on Main Street, opposite Lnsmlnger's Hotel, and fitted it up into a convenient shop, he Is prepared to do Tailoring in all its branches, in the best of style, aud guarantee a Good Fit every time. S. Bentzel. P. S. A stock of choice Tobbacco aud Segars constantly on hand. April 9, 1S78. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ot that dread illwase, (Innsumptlini. by a simple remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sullerers the means tit cure. To all who desire It, he will send a cony o( the prescription used, (free nf chariie), wlln the directions for prepar ing and using the sain, which tliev will Mnd a CONSUMPTION . ASTHMA. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please address, K. A. WILSON, lilt Penn Street, Willlainsbuigh, N. Y. 8 Om Pliienlx Pectoral will cure your Cough. Phoinlx Pectoral cures Hoarseness quickly, Phirnlx Pectoral tastes good and brings rest, Phtiinlx Tectoral costs 25 cents pr bot.,6 bottles II. 121y Sold by B. M.EBY, Druggist, Newpor Camphor Milk cures Headache and Neuralgia. Camphor Milk cures lthcumatlsm and lame baek. Camphor Milk will cure Cuts, Brulpes and Burns. Camphor Milk costs 25 cents pr hot., 5 bottles II. 12 ly Bold by F. MORTIMER. New Bloomtleld. THE WORLD'S BALM. Dr. J.. I. Weyburn's Alternative Hyrup. A remedy used J hlrly Plve Years In a private practice, and never falling to radically cure lllltiUMATISM, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Scrofula. Secondary Syphilis, Gravel, Diabetes, and alL diseases In which the Diooa IS implicated, is nownefeu to the public. Sold by all Retail Vt?" and (wholesale only) by The Weyburn U0-Co. P.O.Box odd, uounesier, n, x Peby. 8, 6m. T will mall (Free) the receipt fofa simple Veg. etable Halm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimple and Blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful i also Instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, Inclosing So stamp, Ben. Vdudelf & Co., 20 Anu St., N. Y. 0 6m Jtfr Chew Jackson'i Best Sweet Navv Tobacco County Price Current. Bloom rtBLD, April 21, 178. Klax-Heed 1 Hi potatoes 75 'Butter V pound 12Jlt tegga ft dozen 10 " Dried Apples fl pound 4 eta" Dried Peaches 10 915cta.V SEWl'OllT MARKETS. I Corrected Weekly by Kough A Brother. DBALKK8 IM te PHODUOE. Newpout, April 2fl, 1S79, 14 26 fpiour. Extra, . " Super 14 50 YWhlte Wheat V bush, (old) 1 06 Red Wheat I W Rye 48948 -Corn 45045 kOats fl 82 pounds 269 26 t-Clover Seed per pound 4,5cents Timothy Seed i uu Flaxseed,.. , 100 Potatoes 759 75 Dressed Pork, 4VS cts. per ft bacon 6 0 6 Lard, 7 centa Ham 8 cents. Ground Alum Salt 1 00 1 00 Mmeburner's Coal 2 Oil Stove Coal 3 fO O 4 00 Pea Coal. ' 3 2 Buckwheat Coal . 12 25 Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00 ' X-IH1I, SALT, LIMK ANU COAL Of all kinds always on hand and for aale at the Lowest Market Rates. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. OORRBOTBD WRBKLT WOODWARD c BOBB. Carlisle, April 25, 1879. Family Flour 14.50 Superllne Flour ,3.50 White Wheat, new 'l 05 Red 1 05 Rye 42 Corn, (new) 40 Oat 25 Cloverseed 3.25 Tlmothyseed 1 10 G. A. Salt 11 10 Fine do 1 75 Philadelphia Produee Market. Philadelphia. April 25, 1879. Flour unsettled; extras 1 1 M)4 62: Pennsyl vania family, $4.60 9 4.75; Minnesota do., 14.509 (4.75; patent and hlph grades, (097.75. Rye flour. 12 7fi&85. Cornmeal, (2.60. Wheat, red, 1129113; amber, U69116J4; white, llf.9117. Corn quiet and easy; yellow, 429430,; mixed, 42044c. Oats quiet i Pennsylvania and western white, 32fJ;ttc. : western mixed, 29931. Uye5758o. 3VXArtri.Tv3H3iai. Leiht Schools. On the 16th Inst., at the residence of the bride's parents. In Marysvllle, by Rev. Heilman, of Duncanuou, Mr. barauel 8. Lei by to Miss Lizzie Schools. Death notices not exceeding- f line Insrti1 without charge, llut a cents per line will invariably b olmrKed for Tributes of Reapect, Poetry, or othtr remarks. DBA.TZZS. Foosk. In Spring twp., on the 23rd Inst., Mr. Daniel FoOite, ugeU about M years. Hacket On the 18th Inst., in Lack twp., Jiml atl county, Mr. William Hacket formerly of near l.oysv tile, this county, aged 73 years. WoouRcrF In Conemaugh borough, Cambria Co., Pa., March 2Sth, Mary Martha, daughter ol L. D, and M. M. W. Woodrutt.formerly of ISloom tlnld, aged 3 years, 8 months aud 19 days. jgLACK TLASTEH. FRESH GROUND AND FOR SALE, 4t Newport 31111s, At Ten Dollars Per Ton Without Bags. This is guaranteed stronger than the White Planter, aud is the best aud Cheapest boll Food that Is known anywhere. to. Read the guarantees. Send 3 Cent Stamp for Circular, or call at the Mill for one. Milton B. Eshelman, (Agent for Perry County.) NEWPORT, PENN'A. April 22, 1879. 6t ffi'S MIL Don't you want soinecheap footls For Pauls and Suits t r v.iii in ritik.. full t.i MoKlXMLlt. You can suit yourself in style and price. 0TICE TO PAINTERS ! .a,... v'i'iiiiTiini,,iir.rii m I nrry ,'imihij iit-rri'y tfl ve notice that they will meet In llielr ofllce ott WEDN KHI) A Y, the 20lh of May, 1879, nt in o'cloefc A. M and let by contract the re painting ol the Court House. .1. W. (I A NTT. .INO. W. CHAKLKfl, HENRV 8HOKMAKRR, CominJssluners. Attest Calvih Neuron, Clerk. April 29, 1879. T ill? i, I. I ... - 1 -1. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned administrator of estate of George Shearer, deceased, will oiler at public suit ON TUESDAY, MAI 20, 1870,. At 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, on the premise of thettrst mentioned tract, the following describ ed Real Kstate, situate lu Carroll township, Perry eounPa. p&rmx of uiw Containing about . 78 ACRES, Having thereon erected a LOG WEATHER BOARDED- HOUSE, -A. LOG BARN AND OTHER OUT-BUILDINGS. There are on the premises abundance of frultr of all kinds. Splendid spring of water near tho door. About one half of the land Is cleared and In good order, the balance well set with pine and chestnut timber. The land Is situated on tlm road leading from Hlerritt's (lap to Dellvlllo.near the foot of Pine Hill, and Is bountfed on the west, by Sherman's creek; on the north by lands of Wm. Sliearerion the south by limits of Samuel G. Smith; and on the east by lands of Georgn Wetzel. The property Is pleasantly situated and will make a desirable home. Also another tract In same township, on mile distant from the above, containing 14. ACltKS, having thereon a good Perch Orchard. TERMS OK SALE. Ten per cent, of the pur chase money to be paid when the property i stricken down; one half of the balance on the. first Moiideyof October. 1879. and the remainder on the first of April, issn, when possession wllli be given and the deed delivered. JOHN G. SHEARER, April 29, 1879. Administrator: DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Btrlekler) NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENN'A. HAVING succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Strlckler In the Drug Business at his Store room, on MAIN STREET, two doors East of the P.ig Spring, I will endeavor to make it In every way worthy the patronage of the public. Personal and strict attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Physi cians' presclptions. so as to Insure accuracy and guard against accidents. BEAR IX 9IIXI that my stock has been recently selected and care taken to have everything -f the BEST QUALI TY. The public may rest assured that ALL med icines that leave mv store shall be as represented -PURE and UNADULTERATED. I HAVE CONSTANTLY OS HAND HAIK OIL and POMADES HAIR. TOOTH and NAIL-BRUSHES. SURGEONS. TOILET, and CARRIAGE SPONGES. PUFF BOXES. TOILET POWDERS. CASTILE and FANCY SOAPS. PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Medi cines of every description. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, be, ORANGES, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. Terms, Strictly Onasli. By strict attention to business. I hope to merit the conndeuce aud favor of the public. JACOB STRICKLER, Ph. O. April 29, 1879. ' "V.wi!ir-'r -T PARLOR ORGANS V. LNSTBtMEXTS ITBNISIlEiy AT VERY LOW PRICES, on EASY TERMS. So that will be within Hie reach of all to get a Ftrttt'C'lau Instrument and pay lo suit the times. Every lnstroment Uuarautetdfir S Tear. GIVE VS A CALL. G. H. HICKS. Piano and Organ Tnter ai j Operator, la eniiageuu lib me aud vCeta liisxcr- w s..w w VIII HIIUU3b S H fiMTTCT P. O. AdJrr. hhrrwandale. N It ... 'U g B. SMITH, " DEALER IN FfflE PIAl FORTES; April 29, 18?J.J IPerry eouuiy.'Pa.