THE TIMES, NHW IlLOOMFIKLI), l'A., MARCH 18, 1870. D THE TIMES. FENMSYLVANIA R. H.-MIDDLS D171BI0M. On kin) after JiineSM-li, Trillin mil follows I WK.HTWAIIII. KAHTWAHM, Wn Mull Ai i'. r. It'll: Tr'ii 1'ltlNI'U'AI, Hl'ATIIINH. .I'lmiMltlliAtl'.i Mill. A oil. A.M. S.lll .4o dirt Ml ?. I. rni 1 lit too H.4U II. IU .'ig Kl I ir'nl Ki. A. . IKll r.w. r.m.i I-.M I.UII, 1 " I.M .Ml s.uu t.M I. M II. lit II 4(1 DM T.llli T.'JH f.4 T.M Mil Harrlsl'lira-, HoekvUIti, flm-ysvtlle, iitiicsmiutii lislly's N"wpnrl il MllliTBtown, I Tliiimsutit'n.' Mesico,. ...... .' I'nrt ll.iyal.... Mlirilu I.KIVlNl.lOII J., S ii'lersmi's,. ,. MeVcytoivu...j N. HnmlllMii. II itlltillHilol 'rvi'illlr Alliums, I. mi '.lii lii.lwl S.U .SI .M! s.ils S.IW 11.114 Ml MS . HO 10.DUI a. iii !' 9. Mi S.IN SSI 8 i H.m i.iM .lii 19.99 Hi tin; Hi III. .Mi III. Ill io.u 11.113! till1 DIM 11.114 411 .4 i I.M 6. HO 6 III l.'Jii II 14 III. 94! a in. Hi; 4 4 II. M II H.IA 9 wi; 111 11.411 13. 'JO 1.11 t. .sn K M, .Ml It. in I'.M P.M.. A.M V.M.I ntinrmin.i.i ll.ll'.l (Itnul : Newport II. M (tlw) Mid ' nl'ml rlveast I'liMiiiiir am In . M. l-Tar-PaKiili. I'iivii will slnii Hi liinesiinnii nl M mill nl Nm iiii I nl 11.17 II. 111., when I1iiin"il. lir"tlolmf Wi'Mi.thn Wiiv I'ssseiorer leaves IIhitIs burn-1 lull v IV "liter I rii Inn I hilly except Hominy. 1VO,ihif KikI, the Alliiiillii Kil're leaves Alli.oun Dull j . Iliixitliiir Irnlnn llnllr Hteent Hilliilay (In HiihmivIIw I'ltcIV Mitresn liintlll aloniil Neiv. luirt wlmii Hnvi'il. nii'l M'" l''st U West will Hup l lltilluamion mill Nimrl If tliuori'd. ISi'lol ItttiM. Theolillil of Mr. (!omp, Hint was) liurned nenr Miirklevllle, 1ms Hlnoe d' from Hie Injuries. (5 The lne In tho Hu(unlmnna vomX ineiicpii to move nt Dutieunnon on TuesJ day night. Uov. Hoyt linn dnclilml to roprleve BiHrniTor, t lie Franklin county murderer until April 17th. i Hire's Htage line him reduced the faro's ' on tho route between -Newport ana.. Mooni field to 40 cents. The market report idiows no actual clmnire In the price of grain, but Wheat is dull with Indications of lower price' A movement Is on foot for forming a new county out of parts of Dnuphin, Northumberland and Hchuylklll with Ijykens as the county neat. O A Kansas correspondent says that one thousand teams each day are crossing, the Missouri liver, carrying families jvho are seeking homes In that state. . v Ell Kane, reslillnp: In Iilverpool twp.,! while making a rubber block, nccl- .innin iv inr, n la iniiiiin ciean oir. Jie then went to Jiiverpooi anu jr. i nompyi son drcsseii ine wounu. 0 t). M. Itlnesmith hns taken posesslon of tle Perry J louse. On Katurday Inst It looked like buHiness on the corner, JudKlnK from the number of carriages In front of tho prfmlses. t)ave knows how to keep a hotel and will no doubt " have his share of custom. C) Home chap stole the lamp out of tlitj nlffht hawk at the Kagle hotel a few nlnlits since. John, Is well satisfied who the thief Is, and perhaps It might save the fellow some trouble if he returns it. ry'Hamuol Bchwab, residing In Ravllle iwp., went out a few nights ago to see what caused ft rumpuB among his chickens, determined to shoot some thing. Ho did, but It was hlsown hand that he put a bullet in, making a bud wound. , Last week Chns. II. Hmiley, lisq.. of this place was presented with a tine salmon, by Mr. Jos. Hmlth, of Duncan non. On cleaning the (lsh it was found that it had swallowed a perch that mens ured 81 Inches In length and was 0 Inches" in circumference. Q A young man residing In 8avilletwp ran in bite at nlirht a short time since and reported that he had been robbed. i ii i i . i . - 1 uy TOIlowiitg ins intents iue ucai muni- ing It was decided that It was a mistake and that he had got muddled by rolling himself on the ground, and had raised the report to create sympathy. We have Just received from the Fash ion and Pattern House, of Philadelphia, a copy of the " Metropolitan." Any of our lady readers desirous of having the latest fashions will receive the " Metro politan gratis by sending her address to J. O. Kamsdeil, 1113 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Saturday morning a week, a slight fire occurred at the Orphans' Hchool, ut White Hall, Cumberland co., entailing a loss of about fifteen dollars, but which might have proven of a more serious i-haracter had It not been discovered. The fire originated In the boys' plny room and Is supposed to have been the work of some or the boys. The best Illustrated Religious Weekly published is the N. Y. Christian Week ly. Hee notice next week. Church Jfotlcet. PMaJ!iyterlan Church Preaching each Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Pray ermeirting Wednesday evening 7 o'clock. (Sunday tSchool at 01 A. M. . Preaching in the Lutheran Church at 10 o'clock by Kev. Colver, of Newport. Notloe. Our subscribers wishing to change tbeir post-ofUco address, will please mention the former postrofftce, as well as the future one. The Coleman Sister will give two of their admirable concerts in the Court House in this place on Monday and Tuesday evenings of this week. This troupe Lave visited this place before, mid gave entire satisfaction to large audi unoee. The cornet and clarionet solos by tho young ladles are really wonder ful, and are listened to with delight. The vocal music, and other parts of the programme, are also sure to gratify all who attend. Admittance -3 cents re served seat? 10 cents extra. Qflre III llverpttol.--On Friday night nt' about 12) o'clock, a lire was discovered burning In the building owned and oc cupied as a tin shop by It. H. William sou, In Liverpool. Tho building with Its stock, and the books of Mr. William son were all destroyed. There had been no fire In the building, and no person on the promises after 8 o'clock, and tho fire when discovered was burning In a part of the building where there was no flue or stove pipe, therefore the only conclusion Is that the fire was Incendiary In its origin. There was an Insurance of $000 on tho property. 1 - . . . A Porllous Ltinp, About 4 o'clock yes- t'rdny nfternoon, a horso attached to a vehicle belonging to a countryman, took fright on Third street, and brcnklug loose from the shafts ran away out Htate street, over the jiavomcnls (south side), heading towards the river. When the frightened animal renched Front street, It plunged recklessly down over the em- bnnkmcnt at Cameron's wharf, and leaped Into tho river without Injuring Itself. It was captured, after wailing Into water up to Us flanks, and taken front the river In the neighborhood of the bout house. Jlnrrhburff Patriot. . -r- A Prisoner Confesses. The cases of llrndley, Murray and Chnrles were before the Court on Haturdny last by hnbr.m ewpn. The result was that the pris oners were all remanded for trial. Charles gnvo ball again for his appear ance, but was at once re-arrested on a charge of a similar nature In connection with a fire which occurred about two years ago, and again gave bail. In ad dition to other testimony oll'cred by tho Commonwealth, llradley made a confes sion which corroborated the truth of the charges. Foil Doad. Yesterday morning, suys the Chambcrsbury Herald of Saturday last, Mr. l'hlllp Hellg, one of the ware house men at the Cumberland Valley freight depot, went to work as usual. Ho assisted In loading somo barrels of flour on a car and had finished It and returned to the freight ofllee where ho sat down on a chair and threw his arms across the table. Mr. Isaac Keefcr was standing talking to him. He spoke of the fine morning, tho return of spring, and said he had never felt better In his In his life. Without a moment's warn Jug he threw his head back on the window ledge and was a corpse In an Instant. Home two years since Mr. Hellg had an attack of heart disease. Tho U. B. Conference. The lltith an nual conference of tho U. 11. Church was held at Chambersburg on Wednes day a week. Bishop Ulosbrcnner of tho eastern district opened tho conference. The attendance was satisfactory and a largo amount of interesting business was transacted. )n concluding tho business the Bishop reported the follow ing appointments ClIAMIlBllSllUHO DlHTlllCT. PimsiDiNa Emirii, J. It. Yoijno. Clmmbersburii Station 8. A. Mowers, Bliliipensburg, Mission B. O. Iluber, Nowburg W. A.Jllckson, Urrmown W. U, Wagner, Dig Bprlng 0. A. Burton, Alto Dale J. W. Grimm, Meclianlcuburg Station II. A. Bclillchter, Ureencaatle Wm. Qulgloy, Morcereburg W. II. Bhoarer, York Springs U. V. Bingham, Bcndervllle T. II. Hnoko, Boiling Hprlngs J. 8. Wents, Path Valley B. T. Wallace, Carlisle Bpring , Jno. Gurman, Fulton Mission , J. K. Croft, Horse Valley.... J. II. Eckels, Baltimori Distbiot. I'BBStOIHO Eldbr, C. T. Bteaiin. Baltimore 2nd Church W. J. Boamer, " 4th J. W. Eitor, " 5lh ' J. P. Smith, York 1st Church J. P. Miller, 2nd ' J. C. Smith, eiiopps Chargo 1). W. Prollltt, Duucannon A. Tripner, W. Falrvlew K. H. Whltlock, Perry G.W. Klracofe, Kschol Mission L. A. Wlckisy, Yocumtown J. C. Wetdler, Liverpool A. II. Klce, Dover , . B. DUler, York G. W. Lluhtuer, Littlestown J. It. Hutchinson, Jelfornon ...L. Kotir, Woodbury Mission J. C. Crlder, Pino Grove.... to bo supplied, Manchester W.G. Wallace, Rot. J. Dickson, Bishop of the Ohio district. Kev. D. Eberly, Professor In Lebanon Valley College. Conference adjourned to meet one year honco In W. Falrvlew, I'a. Juniata County. We copy the follow Ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. Thieves visited the chicken roost of John Horning, in Mifllln, on Monday uight, and stole therefrom Ave hens and one rooster. On Sunday afternoon a number of boys, and men, were at the river shore In the vicinity of the canal sluice, south of town. William Parker, a lad aged about 12 years, son of K. H. Parker, was at the edge of the water, laving or wash ing his hands in the river. James Reiser stood further up on the bank, and threw a stone that struck William Park er on the back of the head with such force that the boy fell as if be had been killed. Moses Pannebaker saw the boy full forward Into the river, but did not know the cause of the fall. Noticing that he did not get up, ho ran to the prostrate lad and lifted him out of the water. He was unconscious nearly all that afternoon, hut gradually cnine to. and Is now partly restored to Ills usual health. In addition to the blow on the back of the head the mark of ft severe blow Is seen on tho forehead of the boy, Iwhlnli was oniispil bv the hend of tun ibid striking a stone when ho full forward into the river. Sontlnr.l. John Hamilton, son of Mrs. Hamuel Hhowors, by a former marriage, was shot In the abdomen on Thursday, by Win. Hooks. The latter was handling a small pistol, when it was accidental ly discharged, with the result stated. The wound Is not dangerous, though the ball has not been extracted. Dr. Klder was called and attended to tho vase. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week i On Monday, Hamuel Newninn, the colored porter at tho Mansion House, Carlisle, accidentally full down stairs, a half-barrel keg falling upon him break lug his neck and crushing his head. He was from !I0 to llS years old, and leaves a wire. On Monday night last John Weslafer, who lives alone Just opposite tho rail road depot, awakened to find himself al most sullbcated with smoke. He hasti ly descended to tho room below, to find tho Hredoors.matiteliili'coand woodwork In the Immediate vicinity on fire. With dllllculty be succeeded in quenching the llames. Had the dense smoke obtained complete mastery over him, ho would have perished with the house. Mr. V. bud been smoking meat In the Are place, from which tho tiro originated. A'vw villa Enlvrprltw, On Thursday night last, as M. Hunk In Htover, son of Isaac Htover, of near Thomson's bridge, was returning home from (Ireen Hprlng store, on horseback, when making the turn from the Htate load, near John F. Kendlg's, his horso slipped and fell, falling upon the young man's leg, severely fracturing It near the ankle. His cries for assistance brought Mr. Kendlng to his relief, and ho was removed to Mr. It's, house and afterwards to his homo. Dr. Jlet., of Oakville, was summoned, and adjusted the fracture. Young Mr. Htover bad contemplated leaving for tho West next week. Hnportud lin Chat. 11. Hmiley, K'. Annnlo of tho Court. Tho. regular Or phans' and Argument Court of Perry county convened on Tuesday tho 11th Inst., at 10 o'clock A. M., and continued In session until Wednesday evening fol lowing. Tho accounts of Administra tors, Kxecutors, Guardians and Trustees not having exceptions enclosed were con firmed. The Argument list was cleaned up, and a mass of miscellaneous matter that had been awaiting the action of the Court, was put In legal shape. The fol lowing summary of business transacted contains all that Is deemed of any inter est to the public : AHOUMKNT LIST. P. K. Dratidt fur use of G . Cary Tbarp vs. Michael Miller, Thuo. Miller and l'lillp Peters, and samo vs Michael Miller, Thuo. Mlller,Jno. Pultersun and Philip Peters were cases tried at a former term of the Court, a full account of which was then given to the readers of the "Court Proceedings" In tills paper. A motion for a new trial was nmile by the plaint! lis and the reasons pro and con were urged before the Court, which after a patient hearing holds tho granting of a now trlul under consideration. B. F. Aloxandcr for use of W. II. Mlulck vs. J. VV. Thompson, W. E. Clomson, W. It. S. Cook and C. M. Clomson, was a rule to show cause why a Judgment should not be opened and the defendants let Into a defense. After argument the Court directed' the Judgment to be opened as to all the defendants, and the Hen of the judgment and the levy of a II. fa. Issued thereon to remain. Peter Sholly vs. John Bhull was like David's psalms, "Another of the same." Bhull, tho defendant, gave Bhnlly a Judgment for pur chase money of real estate, and when an ex ecution was Issued thereon, became Into Court aud applied to have the execution Hayed and the Judgment opoued for-a defense on the grounds tbutthe real ostato was burdened with encumbrances, when the agreement was thata title to the premises with a full enjoyment un clogged and un fullered was to have been given. Argued and the Judgment opened as to $1,000, and as to the balance the stay of execution was revoked. Newport Building Association vs. Michael Hartzell was a case In which the money aris ing f mm the sale of tho doft.'s roal estate, was ruled Into Court for appropriation. Deft, was one of the sn relics upon the bond of William Inn, late P.M., "which means Post Master" In Nasby's vernacular. When the places which once once knew the late P. M., know blin uo more, perhaps forever, the sureties liquidated his arrearages with tbelr Uncle Hamuel and as the co sureties upon the bond with llaruell paid the amount, they claimed to stand tn position of U. 8. Government, whose claims are always first liens upon a debtor's property, and that the amount which Harlr.cll was to contribute must be first paid out of his property to them. Argued and held under advisement. Abraham Good, PlfT. In Error, tc, vs. Jacob Glngerlcb. Deft. In Error, fcc, was a certiora ri to Jos. Walt, Esq., to remove the proceeding in a Judgment rendered by him. Although lu this case the pi If. could not be anything else than " good," unless bis name was changed by an Act of Assembly, yet the Justice did not deem hli case good, and the result was that the pi If. ras not suited because the Jnttlce Don-, suited, and whon the cate came before the Court the Judgment of the Justice was af firmed. ' In the appropriation of the proceeds of the real estate of Alfred C. Stewart, .of Duncaunon, a contest arose between W. J. Stewart and the Susquehanna Building Assocla tlon,bolh of whom were lien creditors and both claimed a certain balance of the money. Argu ed and held under consideration. Perhaps no vessel ever tossed on the heav ing billows of the "raging cauawl" that has oc cupied so much time, and been so conspicuous In litigation as the canal boat J. B. liartxell. Il has already been the subject of prominent notice In the annals of the Court, and It Is only necessary now to say that the last phase of the ease was an attempt to arrest the sale of the boat by the sheriff upon a writ Issued by W. K. 8. Cook on a Judgment obtained Upon a libel for repair. Amidst the uncertainties as re gards the true owner of the boat, there was a, cerlaluty established and that was that Coolr. & Co. repaired the boat and were never paid therefor, and In an opiulon filed the Court re voked the order aneslingtbe sheriff's sale, and now In all human probability the sheriff will sell toannw rmrty and the admiralty powers of tlis (.'Mirt of Common Pleas nf Hurry Co. will nver he bothered iiuim by this gallant rider of tho foam tresled waters. MISCKI.I.ANr.Dlli. Feigned Issue awarded to try the title to cer tain personal property levied upon by the shorlir as the property of J. J. Bnwnr, by vir tue of an execution Issued by Wm II. Mlulck) the ownership of the said property being claimed by Jacob Bunlbley, J. Bower and Mrs. J. J. Hnwnf. Peter Kllug's name appeared as one of throe makers of s judgment nolo In favor of Kllr.n, J. Adair. Peter claimed that lie had original ly signed the nolo as a witness only, hut Igno rantly put his name In lha wrong place. Upon due proof that he had gotten Into the wrong pew, he whs permitted to step out, or In other words, his name was stricken from the record as one the makers of the note. Mlnlck tn show causa why a Judgment entered against R. B. Fleck, (loo. Woodwards and Geo, Korngable should not ho opened so as to let the last li amcd rioft. Into a defense. Citation awarded upon James Wilkinson and John Wilkinson to show cause why a decree of Court should not be made, permitting Matilda Wilkinson to execute a mortgage upon, or deed of conveyance of hnr real estate separate and apart from her husband. Hulu granted upon creditor Ann June Mil dlek to show causa why certain personal prop erty should not be set aside fur her In accord ance with the provision of the asslgnmonl law of the Commonwealth. In the tnnttor of tho application of St. Mary's Church of tho F.vaugullcul Association, locale at Liverpool, the articles of Association wero directed to be filed and notice thereof given by publication. In the matter of tho exocutlon upon tho Judgment of T. Van Irvln vs. J. It. llunliar, John Pallorsnn, and William Grler, an nllsot fur usurious Interest was claimed by J. It. Dun bar. As part of the Judgment la In coarse of litigation, tho II. fu. was stayed as tn 100. until the Issue as to the amount due 1 deter mined. The hotel Uridine o( II. I,. Ilohenschlld In the borough ol llloointli'lil which expires at the April court was transferred to John A. Newcomer, tho present, lesnee of his hotel, and tho Mcniise of Thus. Butch was transferred to 1). M. Itlnesmith lessee ol the Perry House In the same place. In the suit of Frederick (liilhel v. Alfred llehel the record was amended so as i inako Alfred llehel deft, with notice to Hally '.iichiinan ICxr.eutrlx of llavhl llnelmimii (IbiiIWvc. A writ DelMivUlco In'iuimulo was awarded for Kllza beth Went?: and O. J. McAlllitcr K., was appointed a Cninnilsslnner with notice in be given to John A. Fisher. JamesKvmliart. Joslah 1'lckn and Amos (.'. Clemsou were appointed reviewers of a private road lor John Yohn froni a point in Hie valley rod on line between Kll.iiheth lie wees ami Nicholas Jacob's hrlrs to a point on lino between John Viilui and Adnm ltlce In Tuicaroia twp. OHDKItR orSAI.B AWABDKO To Wm. Grler Assignee of Henry J. Light to sell a tract of In ml In Center twp., containing IDS acres. To Win. (trier Assignee of J. H. Deist line to sell a tract of land In Juniata twp., con taining 41 neres. To John a. Weaver Assignee of John Ilarrold to sell certain real estate In the borough of Marysvlllo and vlulnlly assigned to hi in In trust. &o. To Abraham Fry, executor of John t.lnn. dee'd 1 1 soil a tract of laud In Tuncarora township. To Samuel It. I.lghtner, administrator, etc, of Win. Llghtiier, deu'd. to sell real estate of said decedent In Tyrone township. SALES Or RBAli KHTATD CONKIHMKO. ' The following sale of retl estate made by Win. flrler Assignee of Kdward K. Olaik. Tiael No. 1. a grist mill property sold to Mrs. M. Mary Clark, David P. Clark, Annie Olaik, Thomas Clark and Mary Clark In ti nit for Clara K. Clark for the sum of $i,t)lb, subject to a recognizance In the Orphans Court e. Tract No. 2 situated in Center twp., sold te Jacob Mogel for IIWI.W, subject to the above stated recognizance. Also the Interest of Kdward K. Clark In Tract No. 8 situated In Center twp., to Thus. J. Clark for 173. A tract of real estato situated In Miller twp., sold f C. J. T. Mclntlre Esq., Assignee of John Patterson to Lewis Bleckley and Kmanuel C. It. Kraft for the sum of fiouo. The real estato sold by Samuel IL Duok Assignee of Adam Fort ney of Montgomery's Ferry to S. it W. 0. Thomp son for $oso. A tract of real estate sold by 0. Koth Assignee of Jno. A. & Samuel 8. Mcllrlde of Center twp., to Edward Brown for Hlfi i. A house and lot of ground sold by W. W. MuClure Committee of Cot. Wm. J. Graham a lunatic, to Joseph Dunkleberger for $1000. ltule granted upon the creditors of Jos, Welsh of Greenwood twp., at the Instance of J. JUne- hard bis assignee for beuollt of creditors to show cause why his real estate should not be sold for payment of debts. A house and lot In Feun township, sold by Bamuel Hheller, administrator, etc of Gilbert W. Bianjan, dee'd., sold to Mrs, Mary A. Bran yan. for fCW. The following real estato sold by G. W. Koch enderferand John K. Kochenderter, administra tor of John Kochenderfer Into of Bavllle town ship, dee'd. Purpart No. 1 being part of the mansion tract and s tract of woodland to Mrs. Mary A. Koch enderfer for $7,1)50 Purpart No. 2 part of mansion tract and a tract of woodland to George W. Hench for$,800. Purpart Nos.3and 4 known as the llower farm to Robert Mllllgan for 19,950. Purpart No. S known as the Kell farm to David A. Hollenbaugh. for 13,100. The several purparts as above set forth were purchased for the heirs of John Kochenderfer, dea'd., as appears by a special return to the court and the sale of the said real estate to them for the sum of 126.800, In the aggregate was confirm ed by the court. The Interest of the heirs of Rebecca Ktoner, dse'd., in a tract of woodland situate In Wheat field township, sold by Hon. B. F. Junkln, their guardian to Samuel Y. Weaver for $20. A house and lot of ground situate lo I'enn township, sold by I. J. Holland, executor of Lydla Mader, deo'd. to lieujamln 8. Mader for $122. The Interest of Oeorue Yost being Ive sixth of a tract of land situate In Carroll and Spring townships, sold by Frank D. Yost, administrator to himself foi 1201.66, on condition that if no stipulation for a higher bid 1 tilled before the 2nd Monday of April next, the confirmation shall land. A bouse and lot situate In the borough of Bloomfleld, sold by J. K. Junkln. Esq., adminis trator, ect, of Isaiah Voose, to Martha Foose for t20. ORPHAN'BCOL BT PKOCKED1NG9. ACIIITOKS APPOIRTEII. ' Hon. C. J. T. Mclntlre to pass upon exception to the account of Hon. Btroup, guardian of David Sunday, minor son of John 8unday. dee'd. Chas. H. Bmlley, Eq., to pass upon exceptions to the account of Frederick Boyer. executor of F. ederlek B Iyer, late of Hi'ln township ileo'd. A.M. Msrhel, Ks te puss upon exceptions to acnonntof Jiiltn W. Hhiinian, administrator cf Kllr.abeth Strieker, Into f Jackson township deo'd. J. K. Junkln, Fsq., to lualis distribution of balance In hands of Daniel Myers, administrator :o. of Daniel Uniting, dee'd. Ul'AnillAM Al'POINTMINT. Ad un Wontr.ol appointed guardian of lllmehe 1), K rein, minor daughter of Uriah Krelis, late of Snyder county, dee'd, Dr. W. It. Clsna, guardian of Kllr.ahetli J. ltlce, minor daughter of John Hies, deo'd. Dr. W. It. Clsna. guardian of lierths. L, nice, minor daughter of John ltlce, dee'd. Peter Hi roup, guardian of minor children of Mary Maehemer, deo'd. HImon P. Neyhart, guardian of Carrie Hhaafrer, Intermarried with W. W. ShealTer, formerly Carrie Brown, minor daughter of W. P. Brown, Intent Lyoomlngcouiily dee'd. Simon I', Neyhart, guardian of AlvaG. Ilrown, minor son of W. P. Ilrown, dee'd. !MIS( Kl.t.ANHOI'9. The appraisement of certain real estate of Nathan Colter, dee'd., In accordance wllh his last will and testaments, was mads by A. .1. Travor.A.C. Kissinger and II.H.F.ppler,nt ,4KI.. a.'l'i and thn appraisement was confirmed by the court. Adeoree requiring W. T. Flekes, admlnlstrn tor, etc., of Lydla A. Hliatto, late of the borough of Newport, dee'd., to pay the balance In his hands to Isaao N. Hliatto, for the support of the minor children. Mlnleh, who claims title to the real estate of John Wagner, Uec'it, late of Bavllle township, to show cause why a deed should nut bo executed by (leorgo J loo. Iiaugh, administrator, etc., to Henry limit, to. whom the said real est a te has been sold. An order of sale was granted to John D. Pen iilnle, administrator of Win. Fennlcle, deo'd., to soil a tract of land situate, In Watts township, containing shout llio acres. AtlOITOIIS ItKPOUTS GOKPIJIMI!l III ft. Ilcportof Wilson Lupfcr, Fsq., auditor to hear and statu account In the estate of Peter Wax, deo'd. lteport of W. II. Hponslnr, auditor todistrllmt amount In bauds of James L. Iilvea, executor, rid., of Margarctta lllne, deceased, Decree for sped lie psrformanne of contract aul hiirl.lng George L. Heaver, one or the fundi tors ut 'leurge Heaver, deo'd., lo make a dsiul to Haiooel L, Heaver, for certain real estate upon the payment of $7,174.72. For Tub Timm.. Kennedy'! Valley Items. Kbhkeiit's Vau.rt, March 10, lR7tf. Mb. KunoHj We have not seen anything In your paper frVun our valley for some time, we thought It might not be amis to say a few words. To-day several of our most energetic young men left their truo loves' behind them, and slatted for the far west, among whom worn Messrs. David Barghman and George Klce, we hope success may attend them. The Kennedy' Valley debating society I In a nourishing condition, with headquarter at troll' school house. The most enthusiastic speakers are Messrs. Croll and Keck, with a host of smallor guns. There has been quite a protracted meeting tn progress for some time, under the auspice of David Morrison, Br. We hope It may be attended with success, for sorely we need It. Timber I the principal product of the valley till winter. The leading man In thl business are Morrison & Bros. Tie and other railroad material are the chief production. Those gents are ready to make contracts for the peo ple's freight rail way. We have not heard whether proprietor Doctor Bivens Intend com pleting the road thl summer or not. There Is plenty of fun here, Mr. Miller gave several of his friends a sociable hop a few evening ago. Onr young friend tlped the light fantastic toe until thesmall hours of the night, after which all dispersed to their homes, high pleased with their evening's entertainment. For fear of encroaching we quit. It. A. A Land Problem. A getitloman two daughter had, And both were very fair, To each he gave a piece of land, One round the other square. At forty dollars an acre Just, Each piece it value bad, 1 be cent that did encompass each, For each exactly paid. If 'cross a cent be Just one Inch, As It I very near, Who had tho better portion, She with the round or square 1 Answer next week. . Adaib Kineh On the l.'.th Inst lit Itmr. K.I M'i'herson.Mr. James K. Adair, ol (War Itun.t.a' Miss Hadle It. Klner, of Darlington Heights, nea Laudlsburg. DBATTTH. Rambo. At the residence of his son John llaiiibo In Carroll township, on Tuesday Maroli II ih, Naihau llamlKi, aneil i'.l years and month. Thedeceased, a member of I he Jllooialleld Pres byterian church, formerly belonged to I lie Pequn ciiincn, Lancaster county, and was taken them tor burrial. Liokkl. In Wisconsin, on the 11th u!t Jennie O., only daughter ol (Union aud Mary K. Lionel, formerly of ferry county, aged 8 years, II mouths and 27 days. Coup. On the 10 Inst., near Markelvilln, Cba. Kilw.rd, son of Margaret and Henry Composed 1 year, 6 mouths aud V days. Elms On the 11th Inst, at Duucannon. Mm. Sarah Ellis, wife of O. b. bills, aged 74 years. 2 months and It dais. Pines On trie 6th Inst., at Duncannon, Sarah' Fines, aged l'i years, 6 months and 6 days. YOUNG MEN prepared for active business life. The only Institution In tho United Mate exclusively devoted to practical businraw educa tion. School always lu smsin. Students can enler at any time. For circular glvlug full particular, address. 12 lm Pittsburgh, Fft ""HE EAGLE HOTEL, CARLTSLK ST., New Bloomfleld, Penn'a. J. A. NEWC0.HEK, Proprietor, HAVING removed from the American Hotel, Watcrford. and having leavd and refurnished the above hotel, polling It in goud order lo ac commodate KumlH, 1 ask a share of the public patronage. I amir my patrons that ever? exor tion will be made to render them comfortable. m My stable U still lu care ol lha celebrated Jpge. March IS. 1879 1 J. A. NKWCOMKH. Chew Jackson's IWst Hwet N aw Tobacco ?).. ST)