8 BLOOM F1KL1), YA.. JANUARY 7, 1879. A Burlad Treasure Fonnd. There In oodbIIii uUiu excitement among; the rcsiiluuls of HossvIIIh, Btaten IsUwl Over tlitt koikI fmtiuie of Cluitoilier MnU tor, a Gorman nwkflt gardener, living n tis Luke farm, on Lake IhUiiH, near the Annul .hoio. On Clirlstmiia dny M' Holster and- his noil, while (HxwI'iK a l i t. in wliloli to unrv turnips In ft sandy spot near the shore, struck a liirjje stone some tlneu foet below the am f.ioe. On romovliift the tone they disoiivuied au old fashioned Iron wt, of about a peck oapafllty, filled with what lo iked like large copper ooltm. Tliry removed the pot airl It content to the bouse aud a(tei' cleaning a few of tho ooliis, which were hltick with age, tboy fonnd lhain to be Muaniah dollars. H line bore diitM no far back n 17 12. The farm ooou pled by Mr. Mutator will owned and (cou pled by 1 1t) Lake family befoie and during the revolution. Tbo Lake family weie also the owners of the famous Dlazing Star ferry, wl.iuli ran from the inland aoios Btaten Inland sound to the Now Jeim y horn, and in those dnys was much fie (Jumiluil, It being on the Btugo vonto to Philadelphia. During the revolution tie torles from New Jetsey nfien onme aorons the sound to the Island and' outrun it! wl depredations on B'ateu Island, aud iu many instances tin till ed the reHidnnts to make them tell where their valuablus were. John 11' id I ue, who lived nonr the Like farm, whs pluoi'd on hot irons tornado hi in tell where his money was biddon. It is thought probablo that the treasure found tiy Muister was bidden by sumo of the Luke family In one of the raids made by the tories. K ime live yeais ago a number of gold and silver coins were dug up in the garden of ex (Sheriff VVeytiant, at Hussvllle, and afterwards a box full of Sptiiimli doub loons whs dug up on the farm of Mr. Gros Jean, near the old Methodist church, in Rossvillti, Mr. Meistor intends to make further explorations, believing that there ts more buried treasure in tbo tieigbbor- Attacked by Wolves in Minnesota. Reeontly Mr. Miner, of the town of Lan gola, Menton county, was driving fiom his Own bouse to Mr. Morrill's, having with hlni his wife and three children, and when near the Jocelyu school-boiiHe wnsattacked by five lare timber-wolves. The fierce beasts sprang at bis horsex, and whon Mr. Miner struck at tbe nrareht one with bis whip it made a leap to get at blm, but truck against tbe wagon-box. At this moment Mr. Miner's dog bravely nttiioked this wolf, but was at oncunet upon by tbe whole pack, killed, and almost entirely devoured. This gave Mr. Miner no oppor tunity to whip up his horses and make off, which be did at a full gallop, calling loudly for belp. His orios attracted tbo attention of Mr. Jocelyn aud family, who came to the rescue, and the wolves were driven off. But fur tbe fortunate interference of tbe dog tbo result might bave been much more serious. Au attack of this kind by wolves is almost without precedent in this pait of tbe Siate, aud it must bo that tho animals were driven to it by rnveuous hunger. St. Cloud (Minn.) Journal. Terrible Explosion. One of tbe Dynamite mills near White Hall K. J , exploded on Tuesday morning last; three men were killed. The oonoussion was distinctly felt at Kingslaud, New Jersey, which is about Sixteen miles distant. Window-glass was battered within a radius of several miles. Tbe force of the explosiou was literally indesoribable.nn I tbe concussion disturbed the air for miles around, as if by the shock Of an earthquake. Tb is is tbe fourth ex plosion at Ibis mill. The pecuniary loss is very small. The works fortunately are much isolated, but tho people of the eur i rounding section stand iu great tenor of tbem constantly. The tbiee men killed by tile explosion were blown to atoms. Only tbe bead of one could be found ; of tbe second, a piece weigbiug about four pounds, and only a small part of tbe body of the third. ' 13T Tho report the BriiUb post office department for tbe last official year, just published, mentions among the articles eut through tbe mails, a dormouse, four white mice, twogoldlluobes, a lizard and a blind worm, all alive , cutlery, medicine, varuibb, ointments, perfumery, ai Holes of dress, a stoat, a squirrel, flsb,leecbes,fi'ogs, beetles, caterpillars, and vegetables. Many of these being prohibited articles, were aent to tbe returned letter office. A snake About a yard in leugtb, which bad been committed to tbo post for transmission iu a box, was observed to bo at large on the floor of one the night mail sorting carriages on tbe Loudon and Northwestern railway. After a good deal of confusion aud inter ruption to work it was killed. A small box wb'.rh reached tbe returned let ter oflioe in Liverpool was found on being ooeued to oontaiu eight living snakes. ty An Ohio man went out tbe other day and banged bimself because a Colum bus dentist told bim bis tooth was atTiO i d with "nodular calcification of the pulp." He left a note to bis wife taying bo didn't waut to live on and give it to her and her children. ttyjit'ltffl Wendell went a fl.hltig near Tiuokee, Out, The stream was almost dry, and he could walk over ts rooky bed be tween the 0 ls. He down on a boul der nnd dropped his linn Into a pool. Hmlileiily be board . a trvitieiutoit roar. Looking up stream, be suw a vast body of water, eight feet IiIkIi, nulling down upon him. A diiin had broken away. II n ran us fast ft be could, yet not. very swiftly, being fat and aliorHegged. The water quickly overtook bim and oitrrUd him nearly a quarter of a mile, finally throw. 1 ig bim on the bank so nimrly drowned that be was thought to be dead. Lkiianon. I 'a., January 1 Last oven- ing about 0 o'cliick a fulse alarm of fire was rained in this borough. Tho Union Fire Company responded with their steam engine, aud before going very far a sad accident oooitrred, which wilt cause tbe death of two young men mimed John Dressier and Ovorge Mi-Hoi. They bad bold of the rope, and In turning a corner both slipped and foil. Tbe wheels of the steamer passed over their bodies. Dressier li id bis head ciunhwl In and MvIIi-1 both legs aud one arm broken. They are now lying in a critical condition. Cincinnati, December 80. Quito a dis turbance occurred yosteiiliiy iu the Luther an church at Somerset, Oliio. Within the pant few years about two-thirds of tbe congregation beo.tiue disHiii iHfluc with the preacher nud withdrew. They have been wiangliug for the possession of the build ing for so mo time, and yesterday tboy decided lo lako it by sloim. Those in possession c.illed the city mumbul to their HHistaucp, and ejected the iutiuders. In the afternoon they again entered i he church and held suryice unmolustud. E.icu party now threatens to resort to law. i'i.iiasb: i:i:ai tiiim M J O O It H O H H H We ask our patrons to call and sec the bargains we can now offer. Read and think over these prices Hit k Finished Velveteen, 60 cents per yard. Pretty Dress (foods for 8 and 10 cents per yard. Good " " " I2li and 16 cents per yard. Cashmere. double fold, 28 cents per yard. Balmoral Skirts, . ... to cents. Oood Canton Flannel at S cents per yard. Very Heavy Canton Flannel at Id cents per yard. Bleached. Canton Flannels. Double thick, 14 cents per yard. A lot of Print, good styles, aud (ant colors at 6 cents per yard. Patch-Work Frluts g"od t)le. i cts. per jd. Oermantown Wool, 8 Cents Per Ounce. Kusches, good style, at Zand 3 cents each. Foxed Button Gaiters at Children's sizes ditto at tt 69 per pair. II 25 " " The best Turkey Morocco Button flios made, every pair warranted i 10 " " . These Shoes are made to order for our trade by the best Manufacturer In the couuiry sud are all made from the bet stack. We can warrant the quality in every particular. A Splendid Assortment of Hats suitable for men and boys. Men's Heavy Boots, tt&O&SiOO" " Overalls. 60 ets. " A Pretty Tumbler, . 40 perdoz. Goblets, 3 ' perdoz. Kail Koad Lanterns W eents each.' Bail Road Laulern Oil. GROCERIES VERY LOW! flood Syrup 0 Cents per Quart. Choice tUlsin in Cents per found. Dried Cu rran's 10 Cents per found. French Prunes 18 Cents per Pound. Pure Fresh Ground Spices. Also lots of other Bargains teo numerous to speci fy. Call and see the stockt tt will Xot Coat You Anything to Looht F. MORTIMER, New Bloomficld, JPa, -"M - r-'--i rtfrftlfirvtKtr.rk of on I.LI.UAN 1 KAAIII.Y UUDU pDHIUIV, inn ! MtQfttAd bilMlrt toplMCftOOp of H l iS 1 In t-t fntnilf. w 4tie .ffcroiir IIIMm n thtpnbllf Hi pitt Knrlr TWO-TIir1B IjOWKII thin our trmnr rlnit iirlt-i, kixi tlun Rtjindnn th ttli.w conrvn of trM throvah JklMpf ftiwl ret 'l lcrB. He low will bit tvul umituwil dworlritlon of tho tmnlrnt nt ft row of r onftii otvloinf lllblcil wowlvfio Tfa tonrl for onr Unra tllwtrlMl IfORcrli'iivo ClrmiUr, ahnwtnff til tt enr dlfforoni otr of of lilbloi. I'boloonub Albstsu. A mthmw .WLi3., ImrwlHidld Bol Qu.rto Scililonol tl. fflt,IWrr 'f Oi Hot j Krrli.lurci. nnd cucuiDl.la 2000 ILLUSTRATIONS. AND 11B AliniTinttAf.tSATftRril.rilR MART IMfnRTAHT nv WNIrff AR A !(. ntr-1AB or.Tin Natiiixa, Oitih, Rirais I.a'skr. IHRnt. Iirahtr. hsrrn.RR, lniRirrR,' T, tH":" I' '""' "' 'it Bim.s, 10O.0O.) Maruihai. UrriniKeRR, MARRiAaa .Kn i n,r,t r r uni,.i,i, fHUTUURAPn AUIDII, rniNTRll WITH OI.RAB. lAn"Trrr.,io paprii tiv riRKT-n.AQR qiiai.itt. Tmnmiinai araof th MOST UUIIAH1.M AMU ATTIIAOTIVR CMAItAITAII. SlfR I0l( IT UW IRCIIfR, mfTn l-l". 91 AihUllniiAl fnAtiipiif, nd nlwnn lloo najret. . - - . . gLOA, ilSlTVLi NO. 3.-MTIK-. lloiiTf r.i.rH l'..V. V,, I nut lu.k. ..A l. ljoa, l'lioto(TApli Album, AnO OTor luo RddlliniiAl framni. tooollluiirnixm. CS00 STVL.I NO. B.-DRpWN'3 8ELF-INTeRPRKTINO pAmilr DIM., inLJ ..Er""",'1 Moroopr) Full 4JIU nil IliokA. Sicln. And Kdrp, llirfi p aim, !Wni,lrllori, tfl.OO. "LB "ThRAlnipMl. llltila mm fiw." Am. Chrlttlan Knltw.Cln.. O. YnuilxitiM oATi.t SH AtoilM." Helical IlKoriltr. IMHoh.11. V. "A ;gjr n'i iymi ojlct. Tba tint vay lo nii rni'iii.tvii, ii nnrrni.QrB nn, ini .i ,n. ,, -3 AUEBIOiH tUlWt 8I3LI FT" L'hiladelphiu Advei tlHtnieiits G RAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealersl a Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a line assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WAKE, No. 120 Market street, abore 4t h, PHILADELPHIA. EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' .Successors to U AKFNKK. Z1EOLEK It CO., Importers and Dealers Id IfloKlery dove. o ICIhhoiiM, Hnrendcr, TURK ADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. S, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA , PENN'A . Affentafor Lancaster Combs, JUCAS' READY MIXED PAINTS ! KO WATER. NO CI1KMICAL8. KO BENZINE, BUT A PURE Oil, 1AIXT, It E A D T FOB USE. Hamplo Cards. 80 IIEAUTIFUL SHADES OF PAINT BENT BY MAIL. IT IK POT ONI.1KK OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH l.KAl ANDliII.. VIZ: NICELX BUUMUKD OUT. NOT KI.OWh,U US LIKE WAT Ell FAINT. TRY IT, ' And Ton Will Trove It to be (be Best Liquid I'aint in the Harktt. JOII1V LUCAS Sc OO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTUKEES OF Swiss aud Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VAltNISIIES, &c . EW. T. MOUL, REPKESENTINQ ; ' ; Weimer, Wrisht & Wkln, Xanufttctarer ft Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes Ao. 302 Market Street, H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE. BR1TTON Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 506 MARKET KTBRRT. PHILADELPHIA. MMOfC THKE INSTRUCTIONS. KW IT n in inn. If One ZJolUr ii t.t in inli-ftnrf.. Tho One JJolUr will )odHurvi ITI hftUn oo. $o.oo, nr 4.fV. or $7,00, erillootcd jpftn dfllTerr, ftlblm con to rot BtMnrr.fHif,tt, If ptirchKorf fro nil tntlniled. tiift P'vlt fiamn. I'ott Offtc. Tl ir-r-fT-HiTWTlnt i miWfsiiBsWifiiii wifcffiis Hllil.KMon hrad nd Wlihtai lo rtfttiM lllMt It !) .lf-tpllfiliir.k.l, tdditios " -t minl.il r.li.Llt Brm."- HalnRl Alre.l ilawk, (.Wtemui. P. nihlM An TAMlH t prtM. fl trnm rrloAtf RlblA. AlUI 1 M,H.nA nA III k fl muniy It k i'otl omoo aIuoat Vnln M kogtilimi run nnmi. yviei lime. I 'luniff. mum titatu I ma. rolllililiz Conftsy, IU V. TUU CI, tasditutt, fl. Philadelphia Adycrtlsements. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLES ALR HARDWARE HOUSE No. 029 Market Htreet. Philadelphia, renn'a. JanneyT"andrews wholesale GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGUT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, Nortb Kant Corner of 2nd nd Arcb Street. Philadelphia Penn'a. J. S. DOUGHERTY wrru D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLBBiLS BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 018 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. gOWER, POTTS & CO., BC0ZSELLE23. STATIONERS, And Dealer tn CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. . It I, A Ml BOOKN Always on band, ana mad to Order. Nos. 630 Market and 523 Minor Street PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO . I ' a Publisher, of Sanders'New Readers. and B-ooks' ArlUimet'ee. 1k. Rberr Historjof tbe United Htatea Felton'nuntnn iapa.e. TICK'S FI.OKAL GUIDE. A biillfnl work ef I no Pk. One Colnrsd Flowr Piate.anrt fl Mmtnit'iiii.. with DeMrlo lion, of the hr Flowers and Veurtable. and how to grow them. All for a 5 Cent htamp. la English or German, . . . . Tbe Flower and WiretaWe Harden 1T Pases, 8x Colored Plate, and many hundred Engrav ing, for 60 reut. In paper cover; L.S Iu e Kautclolb la Uerm-tu ur EuKllnb. VIcK- Ilntrated Monthly Magal'ne 31 PllWv, lnrful PIilIh in evnrv uuinrMr and manv ime tn.rvlnn4. lrlcSl.Snarar; Five Copies lr S .ua otciineu numneraaeui tor w cents. Vick's Hetd are the rwst In the world. Bead Five Out tMmup for a Hoiai Go lite, cuntalaiac Ijial auu rues, aua pienty oi iniormaiiua. Addteaa: JiUr.'i Vlt'K. Kuchetter, V. t ESTATE XOTICK. Not'ee I hereby riven that letter of ailiu uii'tralionou IbeeMat oi i.eniLB sue&rvr. Ime o( arrul) townnlilu. ferry Co., Pa., dec d.. have been firamed t the uud.r!ftue . re diug in Carroll loubip. All iMtison liul.Mrd to aid estate are reo nest ed to utuke Imu.edUle luyn.eut and tnuee having claim will uieboui Ihruiduiy autbeuilcatcd tvr seiueuieut to JNO.G.8HKARKK.' AdmiuiMrator. Chas. II. 81 lit Attorney. iwueinber Z. li'i. TkRINTINU of every deocriulioa seatly ex- X eculed at the HIoodidcUI Time OBIctj a aaoaable rates. 9 riilln(lel hla Advert Isrn eiilH. 'URNITURE REMOVAL. THE iiherlierwlllhe found onidoor norMi of l fill m.r ,,,.uii..,. u I .. .. .... . hi ee - "i" i't. Minim oni" owr nor' n oi foinier oi-Hlloti. wlieie he will lie I'leaM d r0 mni vail iy rs,w ONkMai are dip,ed toglvelilni m He can sell all kind of FURNITURE 1iwer tlian r. a the epene are rreatly re- Hneeil and will .ua.kni.. i.. 'hall he equal to the beM in the ell). wu11 1 1 a hiraUAof m specluity. AVEItlLL IURLOVV, Apt., South Second Btfeet, lj PHLADELriMA. 1879. ILLUHTKATKD. WOTICK8 OI' TI1K PHKHH. If arnerM Stflr.7li,a in t . v i w - - allkH in erNline and In art lloNton Tiaveilr. j nr inosi popmsr Mommy In the world. -N. Y. Olieiver. 111. .11 .VI,.II.M ..n 1 . . 1. . . , .' ; w,n,,ni,Mii ior inn yonna. a dellabtiii iiiH niHlure. a noliice lor decllulna aae. l-oulivllle Conner .loiiriial. iy inner iomni in n, world ran ehow m DilUiamalistof eiiiiiribuior) nor doe any fur- . w. i,i, pu ieai a varietv nun o nioer Or a mu ilv ni lnr.i,. va, Moston. The vntnm.. f ,K. M....I ... " .-.,.. - iir- iit-iciii won rite Wiimtier or June and lircrmlier if erli tear When no litiiM iu.mih. .. u ,n k .,.?..?.. that the .uhHcrlber wlhe to begin with the cur. IIAKPERS I'KmnmCALS. IIAKPBK'H MaUAZINE, One Year It 00 HARPKK'S WEKKLY, " iM HAKPrH'H BAZAk, 4 00 The TIIHKS publication, oo year 10 00 Any TWO, one year 7 00 HIX uborlptlon. one year 20 00 Terms for large club fiirnlhhed on spplicatioa. T... ir... , .11 ...1 ... ..... Canada. A ComnteteRet Of IIllr'Mo(ra7ln. nnm m prlHings Volume, in mat cioih bindii,: win be nt byexpren. freight at Xiene ol pnr(lier, for tl 2.i per volume. Hmgie volume, by inaiL poll p Id. ' KemlKaree ehruld r rrfide Iy rrmt.tfflce Mone Oide, orlisfi to avoid rlianre 1,1 loo. Newnaiier aie m t to ecnv lhi .rt.numi.t without the expreas order of llarM-r Krother. Add e IIAKCITK ft BUOTHKhB. New York IIAICI'B:ir.S WKGKLY. 1879. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The Week IV remain ennllv at ih head nrninM. rated paper by iih line lllerxrv quality, the .7.." aua wooacui. springnenl Kei'iibllcan. It phai.rlal attraction are mperb. and em. brace evrry vaiiety of ul.ject ai.d of artlstle treatment Zlon's Herald, hostnn. The Weekly I a potent agency for the dlrwem Inatlon ol eoriect political principle, and a powerful opponent of ham. fraud. nd lalse pretense. Kveuing txpien, Kuchcster. The Volume of the Weekly begin with he flrnt Num. her for January of each jear. Wh.n no tune I mentioned. It will be understood that ibe KMtwcrlber wluhe to commence with the Number nexi after the reoelpi. of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. IIAKPEK'8 MAGAZINE, One Year 14 00 IIAKPtK'H WEfcKLY, 4 00 HAUPEK'S BAZAK. " 4 00 The THKKE publication, one year 10 00 Any TWO, one year 7 00 HIX subscriptions, one year 20 00 Terms for large club furnished on application. Postage Free to all subscribers In ibe U. 8. or Canada. The Annnal Volume of Hurper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be win l.y ex pre, free of expense (piovided the freight does not exceed tl per volume) for l 111 each A complete net. com print 1 g Twenty two Volume. Kent on leeelpt of cash at the rate of 6 2i per volume, freight expense of purchaser. Clmh Case for each volume suitable for bind ing will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of f 1 1 0 eax h. Remittance should be made by Pot Office Money Older or Draft, to avoid chance of Urn. Newnaner are not to copy ihl advertisement without the exprtu eider of Harper Brothers. Address IlAKfkR BBOTBEK9, New York. JI AIUi;it'.H BA3EAR. 1879. ' ILLUSTRATED, i , NOTICES OF THE PBEft. To dre sreordlngr to Harper's Bazar will b tbealm and ammtioo of tbe women of America. Boston Transcript. A a tabhful chronicle of fahtnn, and a news paper of domestic and social char.etrr, it ranks wiihout a rival Brooklyn kaitle. Thl paper ba acquired a wide popnlarfty fot tbettretHenJonient if sffoids. aun has beeonio an established authority with the ladies N. Y. Evening Poet. The Vulnme of the Bazar begin with tbe Drt Number for January of tscb year. When no tiiue I mentioned, it will be understood that tue uocriher wishes to eommenoe with the Number next after the receipt of bis order. HARPER'S PERI0DICAS HABrEU'S MAOAZINK, One year 14 00 BAKPKK'S WEEKLY. " - 4 10 HAKPEk'rt BAZAR, - 4 09 Tbe TH It SK publications, oas year 10 00 Any TWO, one year 7 00 SIX subscription, one year SO OS Terms for lai ( t luba furnished oa appUcatioa. Postage Free to all subscribers In tbe TJ. S. er Caaada. Tbe Annnal Volumes vt Harper's Bazar, la neat eloth hindtng will be sent liy expre-s. free of ex peus (provided the freight ones not except one doliar per volume) for seven dollar each. A complete set, eoniprisiug tleven Volumes sent 011 receipt of e,sh at the rate of live dollar and twent-nve cents per voiuiuo. freight at espeime vt t archaser. Cloth ' ases fiireaeh volume, suitable for bind In r. will tie sent by mall, puetpaid, ou receipt ol one dollar earn. Kemlitaitee s"enld be made by Post OtQce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chaoce of Iwuk S'ewxpa pets are not to copy ihl advertisement without the xprem order t Harper St Brothers. Address HABfER St BKOTHtltS. New York I SvM.J) gujaa, ffym sXtcH. Mstansf