The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, October 22, 1878, Page 4, Image 4

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    TI1H TIMES, NEW BL00MFIEL1), PA.. OCTOBUIt 22, 1878.
New lllootn field, Oct. X2, 187 S.
No dill orRtereotyiie win be Inserted lutbls paper
ualaaa light face, and mi uintal ham.
r"Twmty per pout, in nirru of rwnlar rates, will
beohancedtorfttlvorttHetiieiiU set In liuulileljoluiuu.
I.enk at the fliriires on the label nf ynnr paper
Tb limine toll vnu the dm to wlilcli your ub
rrlpiloii In nnld. Within ii weeks aihr inomy m
ul, mn It tli dnls la rhaiiffnl. Ni other receipt
! neoeasnrr.
The Clyde shipbuilders liave notified
tbelr workmen of a reduction of 71 per
cent. In their wnges, to date from the
SUdinst. The reduction afreets 40,000
Collector Woodcock , at Nashville,
informs the Itevenue Department that
the illicit distillers in Jackson county
seem to be invincible, though several
distilleries have been destroyed, and the
owners arrested and held for trial.
Tint latest Greenback scintillation
is that resumption must fall, because no
body wants gold, and how is It to lie got
into circulation V The government of
course will have ofllcers appointed In
districts whose duty it will be to shoot
gold and silver into the citizens with a
shot-gun. This will settle the d iffloulty
and the repudiators both at the same
London, October 17. The " Times"
in its financial column says: From
two to three millions dollars' wortli of
United States funded bonds have been
taken for America within the last three
days. The glut of cotton goods in Lan
cashire is simply unprecedented. At
Preston, Nimmo's mills, with 85,500
spindles, and Sharpies' mills, with 80,
000, have ceased running. Ilorrocks,
Jliller & Co., the best known firm in
the north of England, have adopted
measures to restrict production in their
Important Decision in the Supremo Court.
PiTTHiir no, October 14. In the Su
preme Court, this morning, an opinion
was delivered in .the case of the Com
monwealth ex. rcl. Chase vs. Oarrick
M. Harding ct at. The question at issue
was whether Gov. llartranft had a right
to declare the new county of Lackawan
na a new judicial district and appoint a
judge therefor, or whether, under the
act of 1878, creating the new county, the
judges of the old county were the proper
persons to organize the county thereof.
The supreme court takcsjhe latter view
of the case, and grants a mandamus on
Harding el. oA, judges of the old coun
ty, ordering thetn to organize forthwith
the courts of the new county, which are
now presided over by Judge Bently, the
appointee of Governor llartranft.
A Queer Proposition.
A Burlington, Iowa dispatch says :
"Returns from all over the Congressional
districts in this State show that had the
Greenback people and democrats pooled
their issues they would have carried Ave
out of the nine. Leading members of
these two parties are therefore claiming
that the election should be held in No
vember, according td an act of the last
Congress and having gone so far in this,
the First District, as to call a conven
tion to meet at Mount Tleasant next
Tuesday for the nomination of a candi
date. Judge P. II. Smyth, of this city,
will probably be the nominee. The
other districts will take the same course,
and another Colorado contest is likely
to be the result."
How would it work for all States to
hold a sort of preliminary election and
then, if not satisfied with the result, to
hold another?
A Crisis In England.
The crisis in England is increasing in
Intensity. The raising of the rate of dis
count by the Bank of England to six
per cent, is a significant sign. The ex
port of gold makes the Bank more cau
tious In its operations. More of less
every branch of English trade is suffer
ing. In some there is a general prostra
tion, and all are distressed. To add to
the difficulties of the situation, a war
with Afghanistan is imminent, which
will cause the expenditure of some forty
or fifty millions of dollars, either to end
in the annexation of a country, which
will render the relations with Russia
more critical, or in discomfiture. Next
is the financial condition of India. That
country has a debt of 175,000,000, and
according to a writer in the last number
of the Nineteenth Century Review, is
virtually Bankrupt. The people of India
are impoverished with taxes, and the
future prospect is as sombre as the pres
ent. The Berlin Treaty, instead of be
ing a diplomatic triumph, is a confessed
failure. Little else has been gained but
the island of Cyprus, an Island without
a single open harbor, and where millions
must be spent to render it available for
naval purposes. The inhabitants re
main subjects of the Sultan. In case of
its abandonment, no allowance is pro
vided for the improvements made, and
the right of sovereignty continues In the
Porte. It Is one hundred miles from the
nearest port of Asia Minor. It Is, more
over, so unhealthy that British troops
cannot be kept there but at a serious
sacrifice of life. The London " Times"
says that it must be given upon account
of its pestilential climate.
A Church Disaster.
Lynch nuiui, Va., October 10. A
most terrible and heartrending scene oc
curred here to-night, on the occasion of
a niarrlnge ceremony, at the Court St.
Colored Baptist Church, which was
packed to its utmost capacity. Falling
plastering alarmed the crowd, who be
came panic stricken, Jumping from the
second and third story windows to the
ground, killing and wounding many.
The dead bodies of ten women have
been identified. The wounded are be
ing carried to their places of residence.
A Family's Terrible Fate.
It Is now believed that the burning of
the house of Mr. Conquest, near Clio,
Mich., and the death therein of the
Conquest family, was murder most
atrocious. Evidently, the three mem
bers of the family who perished had
been murdered, robbed and then burnt
up with the house.
- -a- -
63TThe latest dispatches last week
confirm the previous accounts of serious
trouble in progress at Waterproof, La.
A report was received at Natchez that
lighting had been going on, and that
thirty-six negroes were killed and the
remainder dispersed. Governor Nlch
olls had ordered a battalion of artillery
and two infantry regiments to the dis
turbed section.
--- . . -
Miscellaneous News Items.
Cincinnati, Oct. 15. Nino poisons dug
through (ho wall of the Kokomo, Indiana,
jiiil last ulglit and escaped to tlio woods.
tW Fabcr Sellers, a loading citizen of
Pottstown, Pa., fell dead in bis stoio at
Unit place on Baturday evening, lie bad
boon suffering from heart disease.
tW A Providence swindler coolly sold a
bouse to which ho had no claim, and re
ceived $2,7 03 for the forged title. Tlio
owner first learned of tho sale wuou tUo
supposed purclinsor ordored him to move
San FitANciscp, October 10. The con
stitutional convention to-day adopted a
resolution to memorialize Mr. Hayes and
tlio United States senate to so modify the
Burlingame treaty as to prohibit Chinese
Twenty prisoners escaped from tbo
city jail of Rochester N. Y., on Saturday
a week. They bored through a wall and
scaled an enclosure. Among the runaways
are some of the worst burglars in the
tW "Ono of them" writes to the New
York Sun that "there are in the cities of
New York and "Brooklyn at least 1,000
young white woman who have married
negroes, and the number is rapidly increas
ing." tW Tho wife- of William Mitchell, living
south of Sholbyville, Ind., eight miles, was
nursing a babe, six weeks old, by tbo stove,
when she was taken with a fit. She drop
ped the child and fell on it, causing its
death. Mrs. Mitchell's arm was badly
burned by falling against the stove.
At Pittsburg Monday morning
Frank Gunnol got into an altercation with
his wife and knocked her down, when
William Hart interfered, and, seizing
Gunnel by the throat, threw him down.
His head struck the stove as he full, and
his neck was brokon.
tW Daniel Lindomuth, of Reading,
when he recently received his pay from the
Reading Railroad, placed about forty dol
lars in an envelope. It got mixed up with
somo papers in his pocket, and he threw
them all in the fire, and thus by aocldont
contributed so much to cancelling the
national debt.
Concord, October 15. The Concord
savings bank hns been compelled to close
its doors. It is believed the depositors
will receive about DO per cent. It was for
merly the National saving bank, and suf
fered a loss of money by the defalcation of
W. W. 8 ton s, its former treasurer, now a
fugitive from justice,
Cy A family of emigrants, on the way
to Texas, camped over night in Sedalia,
Mo. In the morning the man packed all
the things In the wagon to continue the
Journey, except bis aged,
whom he left at the side of the road.
However, a mob compelled bira to take her
tW A wealthy but drunken farmer in
Uinesville, Ga., stood up in a camp meet
ing and asked to be prayed for. A clergy
man made the desired prayer, in which be
characterized the faimer as an exceedingly
wicked man. The faimer resented that
description of himself, and has sued the
clergyman for defamation.
Montpkuru, Vt, Oot. 18. Justin 8.
Morrll was relected United Stntes Senator
this afternoon. The vote stood as follows t
In the Houso, Morrill, 101 Dickey, CO
II. II. Powers, 0 t K. J. Phelps, 4 C. C.
Martin, 8 j Kredorlok Billings, 1. Mr.
Morrill In the Senate, reoetved 2(1 Fred.
Billings, S ) Dickey, 1 ; Barrett, 1.
IIP A ship canal through the peninsula
of Florida, from Matanzns Inlet to the
bend of navigation on the Huwanee river,
to unite the Atlantic with the Gulf of
Mexloo, is proposed. Tho length of the
out Is seventy-five mllos, The distance by
this route would bo about twelve hundred
miles less from New York to New
Orleans than the route now sailed,
Danville, October 15. The domooratlo
conferees for the Twenty-fourth senatorial
district, who have beeu holding meetings
for several weeks past, and have bcon un
successful in making a nomination, Inst
night a few miuutes before midnight, nom
inated Mr. Jackson, of Sullivan county.
Chalfant's supporters changed to Jackson,
and one of Piatt's also changed to Jack
son. The vote on the 527th and last ballot
stood Jackson 5, Henry 2, Piatt 1.
tST" A terrible affair happened in a
traveling menagerie visiting at Heuly,
England, tho oilier clay. A visitor entored
the tent and Incautiously went inside the
ropes surrounding the lioness' cngo, when
tho animal shot forth her paws and grasp
ed the poor fellow, tearing open the left
Bide of his face and destroying tho muscles
of his right shoulder and arm. Just as he
was being dragged bodily into the don, the
keeper appeared and rescued him in a ter
rible condition, lie is not expected to re
cover. New Youk, October 15. The box which
was stolen from tho First national bank, of
Fishkill Lauding, last Wednesday, was
found yesterday in the woods on the high
lauds about three miles below Garrison's
near the spot whore the robbers abandoned
tlioir horses and wagon and took to the
freight train. The contents consisting of
bonds and mortgages to the value of from
$00,000 to $100,000 wore undisturbed.
Pottsvim.e, Oct. 15. James Hurley
was arrested this evening and committed
in default of $10,000, upon the chargo of
attempting to wreck the express train at
Auburn Station, Pa,, on the 28rd of Sep
tember. This was the third attempt to
wreck passonger trains at that point. A
switch was tampered with it is supposed
by Hurley by which three pnssenger cars
and two baggage cars were considerably
damagod, and several of tbo passengers re
ceived slight wounds. Hurley bad beon a
laborer on the railroad, but was discharged
several months ago.
Lady Beautlflors.
Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy
oboeks and sparkling eyes with nil the
cosmetics of France, or beautiflers In the
world, while in poor health, and nothing
will give you such good health, strength
and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is
certain proof. See other column. 42
PUBLIC SALES. Bills for the sale of
Real and Personal Property have been
printed at this office, as follows :
Friday, October 25th F. J. Whltekettlo will
soli on the farm of Julius Guerskcy, 2 miles
south of M. Darlington's, 1 mare, 1 cow,l
heifer, spring wagon, harness, plows and
many other articles.
Baturday, November 2nd. Adam K. Heller,
will sell at his residence near Mansvllle, 2
fut hogs, and a lot of household and kitch
en furniture.
Monday, November 4th, 1878 Frank D. Yost,
Administrator of the estate of Geo. Yost,
latoof Spring twp., dee'd., will sell a Tract
of Land with Improvements, and a lot of
Personal Property. Also, all kinds of grain
by the bushel.
Thursday, November 7 W.J. Wolf will sell
at his residence miles north east of Loys
vlllo, horses, cows, young cattlo, hogs, bug
gy, wagons, ged, reaper and mower aud
many other farming implements.
Saturday, November 0th. Wm. Bailor will
sell a House and Two Lots of Ground situ
ated In EttBt Newport. Beo advertise ment
In another column.
Ladles' Long Coats. For splendid styles,
good variety and low prices in these
goods call at I. St hwartz's, Newport.
$1200 Pianos for
Only $266; $776
Planfl fnr nnlv M 7F,
$410 Organ for only $140 ; $335 Organ
foronly $75; $285 Organ for only $00.
All Warranted for six years. 63T Don't
fall to send for Illustrated Circulars.
Bunnell & Miller,
Original Manufacturers,
S7 3m Lewlstown, Pa.
White and Colored Blankets good
quality for $2.00 per pair. Also, a full
line of Buffalo Robes, Lap Robes, Horse
Blankets, &c, at I. Schwartz's.
Health and happiness are priceless Wealth to
their possessors, and yet they are wlthiu the
reach oi every one who will use
The pnly sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia.
Headache. Sour Stomach, Constipation, lability.
Nausea, aud all Billions complaints and Wood
disorders. None genuine unlVss si piled ' Wm.
Wright, Phira." If your Drucglst will not sup-
?. y ?.?,S.2?.?ei?ts '"'.on" box to Barrlck, Roller H
co., iu n, 4tu St., Phil a.
January 1, lo78, ly
1ST "It seems as If I should cough my
head off" Is sometimes the Impatient excla
mation of a sufferer from a severe Cough.
Quel) the paroxysms with Hale's Honey of
Horehouud and Tar. The relief Is Immediate
and the cure certain. Bold by all druggist.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure la 1 minute.4S4t
'IUIAL LIST for Ootober Term, 187S.
I Abraham Tront vs. J. Wesley Williamson,
8 E. D. Owens vs. H. O. Hodman, etal.
8 Luclan Page vs. Israel Bitting.
4 Hrnsllla Oraham vs. D. llollenbangli, et ax.
R Same vs. Oeo. A. llollenbangh.
0 Same vs . David llnllenhaugn.
7 B. A W. C. Thompson vs. Simon W. Charles
8 Same vs. Pains, et al.
tt Newport Building Association ts. J. R. Dun
bar, et ux.
10 John P. Lnts vs. Lamms Blust.
II Isaac C. Nellson vs. Levi L. Urlng A Co.
13 Stephen II . Light vs. J. W. Williamson.
18 Same, et al. vs. Same.
Oct. in, 1878. D. Mickbv, Protli'y.
"J"IST of Orand Jurors for Oct, T. '78.
LHtidlsburg John M. Wilson, foreman.
Wheatfleld Daniel Bowman.
Duncannon John Junes, Hubert C. Jones, W.
11. Pennell.
Jackson George Brlner.
Watts Samuel orris, Ueorge Ilatnaker.
Miller Jos. Bally.
New Buffalo bor. J. B. Jackson.
Madison Adam Foust.
Mlllerstown Henry Dapple, Samuel Miller.
Tuscarora Jas. Campbell.
Liverpool twp. Wm. A. Urubb.
Spring Wm. Dunkleberger, Jos. A. Rice.
Juniata Jacob 8. Super.
Carroll Cornelius Ensinlnger, Goo, 8ouder.
Toboyna George llollenbaugh.
Rye John Meyers.
Greenwood George Shelhley.
Bloomllold Wm. JI. H. McCllntock.
J"IST of Traverse Jurors for Oct. T. '78,
Buffalo twp. J. II. Deekard, Rob't. Baskln.
Carroll C. Stotiffer, Allen Cleland.
Oliver Duulel Smith, Jos. McNaughton , Thos.
Tobnyne George Lacy, Jr., Joseph Sheriff.
Madison Chas. K. Rhull, Pam'l llollenbaugh.
Marysvllle J. I). Miller, Win. Jackson, Lewis
W. Brabson, Wm. King.
Newport Jas. O. McCliu lock, Scott Wise, Jos.
Foreman, Perry Rider.
Tyrone Luther Arnold, George Mlnlch, John
Weller, Jos. Newcomer.
Penn John Frits, Geo. Bnyder, Kilns Haas.
Uloomfleld J, A. Martin, A. B. Clouser, Geo.
A. Rouse.
Llvorpool twp Franklin Potter, Wm. Deek
ard, C. B. Lelter.
Savllle John Uorrall, Martin Relslnger, Rob't.
B. Orris.
Wbeatdeld Jos. Lcppord, Daniel Gclbaugh.
Rye A. 8. Green.
Liverpool bor David Bhellcnberger, Z. T.
Jackson Geo. W. Oarber, Samuel Miller.
Dnncannon Alfred J. Stewart, Abram Fen-
Spring John M. Fonse, John Souder.
Landlsbnrg John 11. Murray.
Oreonwood Georgo Wright.
For Clothing. We have hought low
and we will sell LOW for a good suit
or overcoat for man, youth or hoy, go to
I. Schwartz's, Newport, Pa.
Iron City College.
The attention of our readers Is called to tho
advertisement in an other column of this
popular and successful business college. It
Is an Institution which has stood the test of
time, and It every where recognized as unsur
passed In the advantages It affords young men
fnr acquiring a thorough practical business
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice, hav
ing had placed In his hands by an East India
missionary, the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure of
consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and
all throat and lnng allectlons, also a positive
and radical cure for nervous debility and all
nervous complaints, after having tested Its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
rases, has felt It bis duty to make It known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send, free of charge, to all who desire It, this
recipe, with full directions for preparing and
using, In German, French, or English. Sent
by mall by addressing with stamp, naming
this paper, W. W. Bhearer, 149 Powers' Block,
Rochester, New Torkr 4iHt
To all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds.
Conlidpntinl consultation Invited personally or by
mail. New method of treatment. New and reli.
able remedies. Hook and circulars sent free in
sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCI
ATION, 419 North dth St., Philadelphia. Pa., an
Institute having a high reputation lor honorable
conduct and professional skill 80 w fin
Ladies' Skirts, Shawls, Coats Nuhlas,
Furs, Underwear, &c, Cheaper than the
Cheapest at I. Schwartz's, Newport.
The Great Kidney
Medicine Is nut a new
compound f It has been
before ttie pnbllc 80 years
and used by all clinse.
lhaa saved from lingering
disease and deatli hun
dreds wbo have been
to die. Ill NT H HK3HKHY cure nil III-
rauaa Xt IJ... III.JJ.. ...,1
uni-rt cure Rti in
hf Kidney, JH adder, and Irtnarv
Jroiy, Ciravol, JHahMe. ana
(f I fir an.. Ik.,..
J l
jiuii rn if r.jTi E.JJ if enRonraKenaifiir.crpftfenan
isfMeresnlt. III NT'H KHMEDV cures Ptn
in tor Hide, Hack, or Loins, i.enrrnl lirMI.
iyt. remnlo lilwaara. Jinturbeil Meep, Lous
of Appetite, Jlrinht'a lllncnjo of the K Id
lieyaaudall Complaint- of too Urlno-OeDiln I
Orpan-. HUNT'S KKMF.DY Ib purely viie,
table, and meeta a want never before famished to the
... u, ...... u mum. , t-i U1J UC IMWCU lUlk
III'NT'S HEilKIY I prrpnrpd KX-
bove diaeaaes and 11 1 1 JI Ti ' CJ
LVwn WfJu Dcen g&UVl I U
ifciif.rrn . , nil,.
Iliifl trial will mii.
bend tor pamphlet
wm. v. ri.Aprrn'
S3 Bly
ESTATE NOTICK. Notice Is hercbv (riven
that letters Testamentary on the estuteof
liernard Roth, late of Jackson township, ferry
county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in liluin, IVrry county- Pa.
All persons Indebted to said estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment, and those hay.
I up olaiins to present them' duly authenticated lor
settlement to
C H. Smiley, Attorney. Executor
beptember 10, 1878.
The following Assignees accounts have
been filed Id the Protbonotary's of Perry coun
ty, and will be presented to the Conrt for con
firmation on WEDNESDAY, the SOtb day of
October, 1ST8 1
1. The account of Dr. D. B. Milllken. Assignee
under deed of voluntary assignment for benefit
of creditors of W. 11. Dlveu, of the borough of
2. The account of E. B. Wise. Assignee under
deed of Vuliiutary assignment for beneft of cred
itors of John O. Leonard, of Newport borough.
It. MICKkV, Proihouotary.
rrothonotarv'a Onlce, New Blovn; field,
September 30, IsTS.
THR undersigned will sell at public sale, on
the premises, on
Baturday, November 9lh, 1878,
the following described Real Estate:
of ground, sltunt In HART NEWPORT. THe
pronertyls pleasantly located, being corner lots
and well fenced. The house Is a two and a half
story frame, In good repair, and with a good eel
'T". . K"'"1 "ur,"K ,,f water Is on the lot on
which the house Is built.
TEHMft OF SAt.K:-Otie hundred and fifty dol.
lars to paid at the time of sulei II, Ml on the 1st of
April, lhTH, and the balance In etiual annual pay
inents with Interest.
f Pale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M.,of tuld
day. l'or tmtuer information address
MARSH RUN, I'erry Co., Pa..
October 18,1878.
Real and Personal Property..
J. '" undersigned, Administrator of tho sstato
of Oeorge Vost, late of the township of Spring,.
County of l-erry and State of Pennsylvania, by
virtue of an order of sale to him directed from
the Orphans' Court of the said county, will sell,
by publlo outcry on the premises, on
Monday, the 4th day of Norcmbcr, 1878,
at in o'clock A. M., said day, the following de-
serineu rea, estate ; Hltimte partly In Mprlng
fl till tin ft It In a"nt-er.11 , .
I'erry. and hounded and dftucrlbed An follows, to
iiuy iii
L , VT "J minis oi iiinmaii; on the
South by lands of , I no. Honder i on the East by
lands of Frederick Wardecker, and on the West
by the said John Souder, containing
54 Acres, 15 Perches
and allowance, and having thereon erected a new
iwo Story
LOO HOUSE, with Kltchan Attached, a
Jill JLiUljr liAltl.
HQ PEN and other necessary nut.rntild.
Ings There Is a young and old OROHAtlD on the
,.. .,, , in K naini niiu mtn npnng near
the house. There are about 80 acres cleared and
the balance is covered Willi Splendid Chestnut
and White Pine timber. The fences are generally
in good condition and the property as a whole In
good repair. The property la situate within very
convenient distance of church, school, . store,
blucksmltli shop, eto.
Also, atthe same time and place the following
valuable personal property will be offered for sale,
to wit : Two milk cows, one good two year old
bull, one one horse wagon, one shovel plow, one
bar-plow, one set of hay ladders, one two horse
sled, lot of White pine boards, grindstone, har
row and a number of other articles not here
enumerated. Also,
ma- ALL KINDS OF GRAIN by the bushel.
per cent of the purchase money to be paid when
the property Is stricken down ; one tnird the bal
ance at confirmation of the sale, when deed will
be delivered and possession given, and the re
nialnder in two equal annual payments from date
of continuation, with interest on same from that
date to be secured by Judgment bonds.
- Terms of Sale of Personal Property will be -made
known on day of sale.
. . , . FRANK I). YOST,
October 1,1878.1 Adminlstator.
The undersigned. Assignee of Simon S.Clonser,
by virtue of an order of sale to hi in directed from .
the Court of Common Pleas of Perry county ,Pa..
will oiler for sale, by outcry, on the premises, on -
FRIDAY, NOVEMBEIt 15th, 1878.
at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described valua
ble real estate, to wit :
TRACT No. 1,
containing 43 ACRES, having there on erected a
good two-story log HOUSE, with frame kitchen,
attached, a good Bank Barn, a Flutter-wheel Saw
Mill, hog pen and spring house, with a never fall
ing spring of water near the mansion house.
There Is an orchard In prime bearing condition,
contain! ng ItHi trees of choice apples.also a variety
of other choice fruit, such as peaches, pears,
cherries, grapes, Sic. About 27 acres of this tract
are cleared and In a good state ot cultivation, the
balance being timber land.
TRACT No. 2.
Is a tract of land containing 37 acres, about 12
acres of which are cleared, and the balance is
timber land.
TRACT No. 3.
Is a tract of Timber Land containing 11 acres.
TRACT No. 4,
Is a tract of land containing 9 acres, being timber
The above described real estate Is situate In
Centre township. Perry county Pa., shout 2 miles
south of New Bloomtie d. on the public road lead
ing from New Bloomtield to Landisburg, bounded
by lands of Wm. Bi urier, Ceo, Meek, ft. L. Ma
fee, Esq., Daniel Cless and others, within one
fourth of a mile of a school house, and in a good
settlement. The whole contains 100 acres, ami
will be sold as a whole orseterately, to suit pur
chasers, and will make a very desirable home.
Tehms. Ten per cent of the purchase money
to be paid when the property is stricken down,
one-half of the balance on the 1st of April, lHTii,
when the deed will be delivered and possession
given, and the balance on the 1st of April, l!MI.
with Interest from 1st of April. 1K79. to he secured
by judgment bond. . B. CLOUHKK.
October 15, tS78. Assignee.
BY virtue of an order issued out of the Court of
Common Pleasof Perry comity to the undersigned
Assignee of Samuel Haines and wife.under adeea
of voluntary assignment for I lie benetlt of cred
itors, he will expose to public aale on the prem
ises, on
Saturday, October 26th, .1S78,
at 2 o'clock P. M., a certain
sltnateon Main Street. In East Newport Perry
county. Pa., adjoining lota of H Fbher, Q. B.
Habaker aud omen, having tiieeoa erected
A Two-Story, Brick House,
and this property Is located near the P.R. It., ami .
convement to Marshall Furnace, which given em
ployment to a large number oi men. and Is there
lore very desirable.
TERMS OF BALE: Ten per cent to be paid
when the property is stricken, down; one-ball Hie
balance on me first Of April, 1878. al which time
a deed will be deltvufed and possession given.
The balance in one year, with Interest, to be se
cured by Judgment bonds.
Oct. f, 18.8. Ussigwe,