THE TIMES, NEW! , BLOOMFIELD, TA.i SEPTEMBER 3, 1878.! In a Doomed Village. A letter written from "Memphis ou tlio 19 tli ult., given a .vivid description of the condition of Grenada, The writer says that twolve houses to the right and seeu to tlioluH of his home were deserted, nud foe boni s together not a person was Keen stliing In a once happy neighborhood. The groceries were closed, noarly all of their proprietor having fallen victims to the scourge. Being assured by physicians that one who has recovered from yellow fever is exempt from it ever afterward, the writer tried to find his acquaintances and assist thorn. He says: " 1 saw at least ten of them dead, and scores of them dying, or slowly awaiting the crisis of the epidemic It was appal ling to behold young and old women hud dled together in some by-way, trembling, praying, Bobbing, and casting despairiug glances iu every direction, not knowing whither to go. Mothers abandoned their stricken children ; wives lied in terror from their afflicted husbands. All the tics of kindred seomed to be too frail to withstand the pressure of fear and despair. The loved oneB were loft in strange bands. Ne groes and ncgresses who had had tho fever proved very useful in some instances ; but many of them took advantage of the situa tion and asked exorbitant compensation for their services ou account of the scarcity of the Howard nurses. I saw as mauy as three white nurses seized with the 'shakes' and even vomiting while In the discharge of their duties. Three days ago I saw a raau loaning against a woodeu fence. 1 was about to pass on, thinking he was only under tho influence of drink, but hearing him moan and say, ' Oh, my God !' I ap proached him and found that it was unmis takably a case of yellow fever. I assisted him to one of the tents noar the police station, where I fear ho is to be among tho list of victims. I do not believe that oue thlrd of the cases of fever In its most ma lignant type among the negroes have been reported. I thought it my duty to report to Dr. Becks, who, I suppose, would refer the matter to the authorities, the many horrible Bights I had witnessed in some of the negro cabins, where, iu some cases, whole families were prostrated by tho fever eveu three iu a bed in two instauces, and dying children sprawling on tho floor. " I cannot omit mentioning the heoroism of the Sisters of Charity. Their ministra tions are tireless ; their tempers are never ruined in the least by sleepless nights, spare diet, and constantly attending to the pettish demands of the sick and witnessing the agonies of tho dying. Where they sleep or eat I could not divine. I saw the same faces around day and night, and again at dawn. They carry medicines about with them, work like bees in disin luctiug houses, and have a magical faculty of raking up clean linen and bedclothes in out-of-the-way places. I saw several cler gymen who were behaving iu a very disiu teiested way, one of whom had not re moved his clothes for three consecutive nights. It is not possible to describe the harrowing incidents of tho fatal pestilence at Grenada. It is a blighted, forsaken,and doomed town. iron in the Blood. The Peruvian Syrup vitalizes and enrich es the blood, tones up the system, builds up the broken-down, cures Dyspepsia, Debility, Dropsy.Chills and Fevers, Chron ic Diarrhoea, Nervous Affections, Boils, Humors, Diabetes, &o. Thousands have bean changed by the use of this remedy from weak, Bickly, suffering creatures, to strong,healthy,and happy men and women, and invalids cannot reasonably host tate to give it a trial. 63T A young woman committed suicide lately in Boulogne, France, who two years ago shone conspicuously in the titled socie ty of Berlin. She was the wife of the Rus sian Secretary of Legation, to whom she uaa Doen betrothed while in a I'aris con vent school. They lived at great expense and the woman rivalled the members of the royal family in the costliness of her jewels. As their resources diminished the husband plunged into stock speculations, and became a bankrupt. The wife, uuwil ling to endure poverty, eloped with t princely admirer, who in a short time abandoned her. Deprived of resources, Bhe gave herself up to dissipation in Paris, and weary of life, finally shot herself. Her husband, who belonged to the Society of the Red Cross, was at Bucharest, in charge of a hospital for soldiers. Drunken Muff. now many children and woman are slow ly and surely dying, or rather being killed, by excessive dootoring, or the daily use of some drug or drunken stuff called medicine that no one knows what it is made of, who can easily be cured and saved by Hop Bit ters made of Hops, Bachu, Mandrake, Dandelion, &c, which is so pure, simple and harmless that the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child can trust in them. Will you be saved by them f 8oe other column. : " ' tW German and Austrain law forbids the sale of dead fish. ' The fish are brought from the sea and rivers in tanks, and are killed after being sold. i ii o n ; ''II v A full- assortment of BAB IBOt, " "' ' 1 " ! RocNblROs.!:-'.' ' v i .' ' ' Vrr'Ari ikon. '" ,, . I .. scuoi.t iron STEEL AND IRON TIRE, ; Norway Iron, Nail .Rods,: cfc, 0c., iVc.f on hand and tor sale at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE by F. 31 OR TIM Ell, JS'ew llloout field. 0 RPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE i REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an alias order of tlie Orphans' Court of Ferry comity, Pa., tlie underpinned Administrator. &c. of John Smllcv. of Carroll township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, will sell by public outcry, on the premises, on Fit id A y, septemrer smt isrs, at in o'clock of said day, the following desirable valuable real estate to wit: A TRACT OP LAND, situate in Carroll twp., aforesaid, hounded on the isortli ty minis or A. m. rieca, rwmuei iieuerc and John Jonesi Fast bv land of Wilson Smiley and William Stoutler; South by land of William Stoutler, Samuel jteiiert anil wutnuei niccorui nud West by land of Samuel Urler, conlnlniuK DO ACRES, more or less. The land Is all cleared and In a good state of cultivation. Tne buildings consist )I a goon two-story LOtt DWELLING HOUSE, an excellent HANK It.VltN, but recently built, a spring house arranged as a comfortable ilwel- ug ior a small laiuiiy mm Other Out-bHiMhifa. The improvements are located on left bank of Sherman's creek, and on the main road leading from l.andlshurg to Carlisle, and nre less than one fourth of a mile from Sherinansdiilc. A GOOD ORCHARD of choice fruit, and a spring of never falling water near the house are among Its desirable fea tures. It is In the Immediate vicinity of churches, school houses, mill, stores, shops, and a post olllce where there Is a dally mall from both Kast and West. Parties desiring to purchase will llud this a very desirable property. TERMS OF SALE : Ten net- cent, of the purchase innnev to he nald when 1 he property Is stricken down; one half of the balance on 1st day of April, A. D.,1870, when possession will he given and deed delivered, and tlie remainder on 1st day or April, A. 1., 1W, the balance of purchase money at the t ine of de lv- ery of the deed to be secured by Judgment bond ueanng interest iroiii 1st oi April, is.'.'. GEORUE SMILEY. August 27, 1878. Administrator. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. AT PUBLIC SALE. TITK subscriber. Aoent. for the helm of John t.osh, deceased, will sell on the premises in Car roll township, Perry county, Pa., about two miles South of Hlierniansdale, on SA TVIIDA Y, September 14, 1S7S, The following described Ilea! Estate, viz : A TRACT OF LAND, containing SIXTY ACHES, more or less. In a good state of cultivation, IiutIhk thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, LOG BAHN, Ami other Out-hulldlugs. There Is an excellent Well and two good Springs of water, convenient to the house, There is also a YOUKO ORCHARD of choice APPLES, PEACHES.PEARS.GRAPES, eic, In tine bearing order. this property is pleasantly locateo, in a gooa community, convenient to churches, schools, stores, &c, and is well worthy the attention of purchasers. a- Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M.. of said day, when terms will be made known by 1. 11 iw in ivvim, Agent lor the heirs. August 13, 1878. DUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. T will offer at Public Bale on FRIDAY. Sentem JL ber 6th, 1878, the following described Real Estate, or jacon iiesinger, aeceasea: A TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING ABOUT 33 ACRES, TWENTY-TWO ACRES cleared and the balance GOOD TIMBER LAND, WIU1 a good Weatherboarded House, Ml Hi Log Barn and other Outbuildings. with a Soring of running water, not exceeded In Perry County, for Its good qualities. The public road runs along said property, and Is worthy of notice. There is also a lot of choice fruit upon tne premises. -Conditions made known ou day of sale by JOHN REIRINUER, loaesuurg. August 13, 1878. Perry County, Pa. jgLOOMFIELD ACADEMY. English and Classical School for Ladles and Gentlemen. School year begins SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1878. Facilities are offered for acquiring a good Eng. Thorough preparation for the best Colleges I made a specialty. Students prepared lor either Freshmen or Sophomore year. Instruction given In the Modern languages,and JUUSIU, VI avUK UUU A KlUilUlf. ( TERMS VERy MODERATE. Address J. R. FLICKINGER, A, B. Principal, or wm. urie, rroprietor, U5 6t New Bloomneld, Penn' WHOLESALE JEWELERS, ZFTTr.Ij XjIXTE of . f AMERICAN AID FOREIGN WATCHES ! LARGEST STOCK! LOWEST PRICES! I DEALERS! HTCINl) l'lonno ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT & CAREFUL ATTENTION. .161 State Street, CHICAGO. ! ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OK VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. TIIR timlersli'ned. Administrator of .Tnsmih Ensinlnger, of Carroll twp., deceased, otters at private sale the following renl estate : A. GOOD IPA.KM, situate In Carroll township, consisting of about 70 ACRES, nil but 5 aeres being cleared and In a good slate of cultivation. There Is fruit of all kinds on the jireinlses, such as Apple Pear, U rapes, Peaches, Sic, In abundance, there Is also A OOOU TWO STORY LOG HOUSE, weatherboarded and one VA BTORV FRAME HOUSE, with nil necessary out buildings. The barn is ii'xtr, and Is as good a barnnscan be found in this part of the county. Running water Is In every field on the farm, at all times of year. Churches, Schools, JIM and Store nre locate within convenient distance. For any further Information address CORNELIUS ENSMINOEIt, Hlierniansdale, Pa. June 4, 1S78. tf H 01 FARMERS, THIS WAY AND EXAMINE LIGGETT' S IMPROVED TRIPLE GEARED IRON HORSE POWER for threshing, the best and cheapest power In the county. Few persons can have had greater ex- ferience or closer practical acquaintance Willi 10RSK POWERS than I have had. I commenced their manufacture nearly thirty years ngo, and have given this branch of mv business the closest attention ever since s and, without boasting, I assert mat tins rower is strong enough to run the largest Separators or Machines that are in use. It has nlnety-one revolutions of shaft toone of team, and WILL 11H HOLD LOWER than any other built In or out of the county. Also, for sale, PLOWS, CORN-SIIELLERS, HOLLOW-WARE, OVEN-DOORS, SCOOPS, and a general assortment of O -A- IS T I IV G S . For sale, a good two-horse TREAD POWER and MACHINE in good running order, mounted on wheels, at a bargain. Also, three kinds of Jacks for dluereut Powers. ,Iam Agent, and can furnish Separators ior any machine. SAMUEL LIGGETT. Ickesburg, Perry Co., Fa. April S, 191 s. PROVERBS. " No one can be sick wben the stomacb, blood, liver and kidneys are health ) and Hop Bitters keep them so." "The greatest nourishing tonic, appe tizer, strengthenor and curative on earth, Hop Bitters. "It Is Impossible to remain long sick or ont of health, where Hop Bitters are used" " Why do Hop Bitters cure so much 1" " Because they give digestion, rich blood, and healthy action of all the organs." . " No matter what your feelings or ail ment is, Hop Bitters will do yon good." " Remember, Hop Bitters never does harm, but good always and continually." " Purify the blood, cleanse the stomach and sweeten the breath with Hop Bitters." "Quiet nerves and balmy sleep In Hop Bitters." "No health with Inactive liver and urinary organs without Hop Bitters " Try Hop Cough Cure and Fain Belief. For sale by Dr. M. B. Strickler. New nioomtield, and B. M. Eby, Newport.Pa. JMt IIIIRI'P'ft Th" ?"" Kidney l-illFl i I Medicine ta not anew I 1 1 m m aTa compound i It haa been VaVlB af betoretlienublloiyeara and used hall cltuuea. asajRVi bmmM given up by 1'nvalclona to die. III N T'rt KEAIKUV curea all Uia. raaea or (lie Kidney. Uladder, and Lrliiary Jlrmni, Dropay, tlravel, D la be lev, ana lnronllnenee and Uetentlon of ITrine. 1 1 1 N 1" B U K MrJ Y euoouranea aleep. create. au ftpiwtltti, brace, up the y.teni, and rt'nuwed health lewea nealiu eurea Pain uiunrrauu, MUST'S KIUlllI earl In tlie Hide, llnnk. A. I.filna. In the Hide, Hack, or l.oina, taenei .1 WeDII- lly, Feinalo liloea.i .. ltl.lurbea Hlwa Lom of Appetite, llrlglit's UUeaan of Hi Kid- neyaaudall Cnulliit of tlie ITrlno-Uenttal Oriiana. liONT'li REMEDY ia purely Tuge. tubk;, audmceta a want never buf ore lurulauud to ilia vubllo. and the utmost reliance mir ne nlarad in It. III'NT'S HEIUKDV ia prepared KX. UKUV la prepared KX suitors above utaeaaea baa merer h klfiwi to fall. One trial will con Tinea y.a fceud lor pamphlet to WM. fl. CLARKE, tmoruiMnoM, B. S3 Bly FOlt CATALOOUIO ! ! Cnll "Wlion in tlio Olty I ! ivmuii! Parson's Pnrcatlve Pills make New Rich Illood and will completely change the blond In the entire System In three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a tiling be pos sible. Kent by mall for 8 letter Btamps, I. H. JOHNSON Si CO, llangur, Maine, aid4w HA VI m BV.' Prct ' Awtirilrl h ;hft r-'ic 'tt (Vi.t. i ! ,1 Tx....i:nn for fin chfiivinv lilnl rr .' -i Uih inff einr- orlrr of tee(r'Mi"; li iiv i.i j. Tin. h...t to'mri'o evr ihmip. As 'inr Mum Mi ii n rvl.-mnrk rli...! I lllltalf d n htft-li'T t(.i.d., .- Ihi.t .hid. nn'n ( on every tiltii. HnMliy til I -Itnli-f . Hen.l tur ftunple, flee, to C. A. J.vckhok' A Co., AUrn., Ivteotljnru, Va. Ui F. lVurdlc, (Jen. Agrnl, riilludclpliia. PI A WflC Retail price 81. one onlv f2Tn. Parlor r IHHUO (li iMiin nrlee !(() onlv li. Paner free. DANIEL F. 11EATT V, Waslilngton. New Jersey. .J'uiw WHV nfl WFQT? Hpn;1 ,,,r Delaware "III UU VVCOI r Farm Catalogue and Maps. J. K. MANCIIA, Dover, Delaware. 3M4w tlfl Tfl tinnn Invested In Wall Street $IU IU plUUU mocks makes fortunes every month. UAXTER i CO., Daukers, 17 Wall Street, New York. S'idtw I Tho only combination of the true Jaiiialea Oinger with C ANmPrt'Q choice Aromntlcs and French OMIIrUnU O Hrainly for Cholera Morbus, Crumps ami Pains, Diarrhoea iniui jjysentory, uyspepsia. jKliititlency. Want of lononnd I Activity (lithe Htontach and illowels, and avoiding the dan !gers of Change of Water.Food anil Climate. Ask for Kan rumi's Jamaica liiNOEu.32(I4t JAMAICA GINGER. SPECIAL OFFERS FOR NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. We publish a book of 112 pages 8 Vol. (no ad vertising) giving special oilers tor advertising all over the country. I'rlcrs lower than ever offered before. The Inst edition sent post paid on the re ceipt of 25 cents by DAUCIIY m CO., Printers' Warehouse mill Advertisement Agency, I'.'l Ful ton Street, New York. 3dtw These jars are the most simple and perfect Jars In tho market. For sale wholesale and retail by if. MUKliJinu. . Somelhlng New ("Money Is Power." Newest and bent book on Finance. Nothing stale. Old orrors exposed. New monetary principles discovered. No book like It. A world of Information. Monetary history of nations. Hidden causes of " hard times," "crashes," " strikes," Insurrections, etc. Per fect, symetrlcal system to cure those evils, sup ply a good currency, pay the bonded debt with less taxes without repudiation. No more bonds. Ex.-Gov. Hardin, of Mo., says i " It Is of de cided merit." Ex.-Stnte-Senator Gatewood, of Mo., says : " It is by far the best work on American finances ho ever read. Every voter should have It, and " post up" for the cam paign. H is neat, popular the book for the mil lions ! Over 800 pages price (l.SO. Bend for tt ! Let agents send the price, less the cus tomary discount, for a sample copy, and go to work. It will pay. Address, Davis & Frfeoakd, 823 North Third Street, 8t. Louis, Mo. 28 8m E STATU NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on tlie estate Sarah liurd. late of ltiillalo townshlu. Perry Co., Pa., dee'd.. have been granted to the under signed, residing iu the same township. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ....... SAMUEL HAIR. Executor. June 8. 1878.1 Lkwis Pottkb. Attorney. D R. J. W. RICE, Surgical and Mecliaulcal Dentist, PORT ROYAL, Juniata County. Pa. . Onlce on Market St., one door West of the STYmes onVe. Any person wishing to be called on at their residence, will please inform me ui the fact. S4-m Our Stock of NEW OOOD3 for Men's Wear Is eomplete. rrices irom cents up. F. ' MORTIMER , New BUemlleli.P I lit I mw:m A HARVEST FOlt THE PEOPLE ! Our low prices are the envy of all Competitors. High prices repudiated. Never has f here been such a time as now to make money by getting your money's worth. WHAT WE CAN DO. We can sell common Bulls at $4.M) f n.noand Sfi.OO. We can sell good Wool Suits at '..607.Wi ci S.50 We can sell Hue Wool Suits at 9.u) Slw and J12.00 We can sell Youth's Suits at H.OO $5.00 and J7.00 AVe can sell Rov's Suits at 92.511 JJ.fid and 85.00 We can sell all wool Suits made to order as low as J10.O0 WHAT WE HAVE DONE ! We have marked down our entire stock. Goods cannot be sold lower than we are now selling. We have carpet for common wear at 10 18 SZOcts. We have Floured Carpet at 30 33 and 40cts. We have Rag Carpets at 25 40 Soct9, We have Flowered Oil Clotli at 40cts. We have Table Oil Cloth at 35cts. )oi 0 We are offering an Elegant line of Ladies goods this season at prices every body wonders at. We have Cofton C In gam, and Bilk Parasols, Shawls, Skirts and Corsets, Colored and White Hosiery, Einbrolderys, Fans and Ties. Collars. Cuffs and Ribbons, Hal r (iootls. Jewelry and Combs, Trunks, Valises and Saichels. Red Spreads and Table Spreads, Towels, Napkins and Dralds, Also man v other goods In this line. What We Intenfl to Qo! We intend to keep right on giving the people the worth of their money. , Men's Hats as low as Hoy's Hats as low as Men's Shirts as low as Men's Overalls as low as SO cents. 35 cents. 25 cents. 40 cents. Also a full line of Collars, Cuffs. Hosiery Hand kerchiefs, Ties, Jewelry, Perfumery, Trunks, Umbrellas, Suspenders, Revolvers. Cutlery, etc. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, Newport, Penn'a. EW AVAGOX SHOP. THE undersigned having opened a WHEELWRIGHT SHOP, TN NEW BLOOMFIELD, are now prepared to do any kind of work In their line, in any style, at prices which cannot fall to give satisfaction. Carriages of all styles built and ail work will be warranted. 8TODFFER & CRIST. New Bloomneld, April 23, 1874. AT COST! NOW FOR BARGAINS ! S. M. SHULER, I r. Will offer his entire stock of Prime MACKEREL at COST, until his Stock Is disposed of. Persons n need of good tlsh at LOW PRICES, should avail themselves of this opportunity. Also, a full stock of HARDWARE, ' .. . GROCERIES,' DRUGS, WINES AND LIQUORS. Which I will sell CHEAP. Don't forget the place. S. M. SHULER'S, Cheap Cash Store, Liverpool, Perry County, Penna. la