v; THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, TAM SEPTEMBER 3, 1878. llt Ioomfidb fimc5. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. We Invite cnmmnnlrstlon fpitn til person who are IntrrpHteii iu uisttera properly belonging to tula Ue. inrtmtint. Raiting Honei. I believe It pays a farmer to mlse his own colU with an tf or two. First, if you have a deep-cheated, utrong-llmbed, keen-eyed, good-tempered mnre. Sec ond, if you know enough to train a first claHs oolt when raised. If you have a mare defective in wind, limb, or disposition, don't for hu inan ity 'g snke perpetuate these defects. There is no department of husbandry in which such utter want of judgment and even common sense 1b used as in breed ing horses. Three-fourths of all the old, soft-boned, broken winded, deformed mares in the country are breeding, and nine-tenths of the fine bred, splendid mares are seldom if ever bred. My ad vice is, never breed any but a flrst-cliiss mare; don't be guilty of knowingly rais ing a poor colt; it never pnys to train or wear out such a colt. Again, having secured a first-class colt, you are not sure of a good, reliable horse unless you are capable of rightly handling it. My plan is, begin to han dle a colt the first time It ever sees you, and never undertake to do anything with it afterward and fall; and if the colt ever needs punishment, always make him punish himself don't strike or scold him, and before he is old enough to work his knowledge and obedience will be equal. When this stale is attain ed the horse's intelligence will corres pond somewhat with his master's. The cost is of secondary importance, in raising horses, to the quality. The mis erable, soft-boned.uioon-eyed colt always costs more than he is worth. Therefore it depends altogether upon the stock on hand whether it will pay to raise colts. There is no use trying to raise a good colt from a poor mare, even with the best sire, on earth. It can't be done, because one defect it sure to spoil the horse; "one weak link spoils the chain." May as well make your farm wagon first class except hubs of bass wood, and ex pect good wear. Cor. Practical Farmer. Fultz and Clawson Wheat. As many of our readers are not ac quainted with these new varieties of wheat we give a brief description of them. We have grown the Fultz for two years, and it has done better than any other variety in the neighborhood. It is a smooth grain, with short straw, and stands up better than any variety we have ever grown. The berry is not large, but very plump and weighs well. Grown beside the Michigan amber this year, it lacked six or eight inches of be ing as tall, but yielded nearly a third more grain to the straw, and sev eral bushels more to the acre. We be lieve that fifty bushels to the acre can be grown of this variety without danger of lodging. TheClawson wheat seems to possess the same good qualities as the Fultz, with the additional advantage of beluga white wheat. Its characteris tics are red chaff, bald, white kernel, very large and plump; does not shell readily may be quite ripe before cutting and not shell; straw stiff at bottom, and of medium height ; heads, before ripen ing, turn down; matures as early as the Mediterranean ; not subject to rust, and hardy so far as winter and bad weather have tested it, and because of large heads, having many and large kernels, it is a large yielder, having gone as high as fifty bushels on an acre. As seed of both these varieties can be had at a little advance over the price of common wheat, we advise farmers to try them. Habit's of the Eel. An animated discussion has been go ing on in Germany quite recently with regard to the natural history of the eel, and in a late number of a scientific jour nal the following points are set down as pretty well substantiated. Though a fresh water fish which passes the great er part of its life in rivers, the eel spawns in the sea. That it is viviparous is ex tremely improbable. The eel found in the upper waters of the rivers is almost always female. At the age of four years it goes down to the sea to spawn and never returns to fresh water. The spawning process is somehow dangerous to the eel, thousands being found dead near the mouths of rivers, with their ovaries empty. The descent of the fish to the sea does not appear to take place at any definite period, but is probably de pendent on the season for spawning. The male is always much smaller than the female, and never exceed half a yard in length. The males never ascend the head waters of rivers, but keep con. tinually in the sea or In the lower reach, es of the river. Nothing is definitely known about the spawning season, though it Is probable that the eggs are deposited in the sea not far from the mouths of rivers. . GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A Stkhmno Hkmkdt Fon Diseases akd IwjcniM of -rim Skin i A Hbaltbfci. MEAVTirran or Tim CoMrLMioitj A Us mauls Means or Piikventino and lis- 1.IEVINO HlIKUMATIRM AND GoUT, AND A If Unhqualei) Pimnfkctaht, Dkodoiiizkr AND COUNTEIl-IitltlTANT. Glenn's Sulphur Soap, besides crndl outing local diseases nf the skin, banishes delects of tlie complexion and imparts to It gratify lug cleurmsj and smoothness. Sulphur Bath aro celebrated for cu ring eruptions mid other diseases of the tikln, ns well Rheumatism and Gout. Glenn' Sulphur Soap produces the wtmo clfects at a most trilling expense. This nilmlralilo specific also speedily licnls torm, bruuei, traldf, burn, raini and cut. It removes dandruff and prevents tho Uuir from falling out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used In tin sick room is disinfected, nnd diseases communicable ty contact with tho person, prevented by It. Tho Medical Fraternity sanction Its uso. Trices, 25 Ann fit) Cunts run Cake, Pun Box, (8 Cakes,) (10c and $1.20. N. B. Buy tlx Isrgt nkra unit therrliy cennonitie. Sold by 11 llrufftUu. Hill's Hair ami WhiflkerDj c," Block or Brown, 60c. C. N. CKITTEKTON. TrepV, 7 biilh Av.N.T. The Lightest Running, The Simplest, The Most Durable, The Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It i easily understood, nake the doable-thread lork-atltrh, ham self regulating tensions and take-tip, and wilt do th whole range of family work without change. The " Domestic " i made in (he null titrable manner, with eonleal creel bearing mnd oompemaUng journal throughout. PAPER FASHIONS. TKfe popular I'AvTTETlT'JS for ladie', mie', and children' dre, art out on a system superior to any in ue, and can be underttood bg ny one. Jlull directions and illuetration on each envelope. Bend Tive Cent for Wuttrated Cata logue of lOOO Fathion. ,, Sewing Machine Co., Heir YorfcJ JHE MANSION HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Penn'a., GEO. F. ENSMINGKR. Proprietor. HAVING leased this property and furnished It In a comfortable manner, task a share o( the ptibllo patronage, and assure my friends who stop with me that every exertion will be made to render their stay pleasant. -A careful hostler always in attendance. April 9. 187a. tt JHE EAGLE HOTEL, New Bloomfleld, Penn'a. HAVING purchased this property and refitted and refurnished It In a oomfortable manner, I ask a share of the public patronage, and assure my friends who stop with me that every exertion will be made to render their stay pleasant. w ,.,,, L. HOCHENSHILDT. March 18. 1B78. tf DrCTbuslness you can engage In. 11 to 120 u 1 per day made by any worker of either sex. right in their own localities. Particulars and sample worth five dollars free. Improve your soaretlmeatthls business. Address STINHON ft CO., Portland, Maine. 11 lyr H 0GEST0WN SELECT SGHOOL THE RUMMER SESSION of the TTogestown Helect School will open JCLYflth, and continue In Session ft weeks. This Session Is especially adapted to those wishing to prepare for examina tion. We have made arrangements to accommo date a large number of boarders. Four instruc tors are engaged to assist in conducting the school. Boarding and Tuition for the term 115. For further particulars. Call on or address, C11A& 8. LUSH. Principal, May 28 1878. llogestown, Fa. Philadelphia Advertisements. jLOYD, SUPPLEE L WALTON i : w noma a lb HARDWARE HOUSE Ne. 635 Market Street. Philadelphia, Penn'n. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 133 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. 2EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' Successors to Ml AFFNEK, ZIEGLER & CO.. Importers and Dealers Is Howler, 21ov-m, IlIbboiiM, Huwpemler", THREADS, COMBS. and every variety of TRIMMINGS v FANCY GOODS, No. 36. North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA , PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs, J. S. DOUGHERTY D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLHSALB BOOT AND SHOE WABE1I0USE, Mia MARKET STltEKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QRAYBILL & CO., , Wholesale Dealer. I n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a fine assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. 120 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. JUCAS' READY MIXED TAINTS ! MO WATER, NO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, BUT A POKE Olli PAINT, READY FOR USE. Sample OiiimIh. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF ;FAIJiT SENT BY MAIL. ITI3 PUT ON I.IKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD AND OIL, VIZ: NICELY BKUHHED OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT. TRY IT, And Too Will Trove It to be the Best Liquid Paint lu the Market. JOHN LLCA8 c CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Snlss and Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, . VARNISHES, jgARCROFT & CO., Importer and Jobber Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linena, White Goods, &o., Noa. 408 and 407 MARKET STBEE1 (Above Fourth, North Side,) PIIILADELPJIIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. DAYID D. BI.UBH. DAVID BBRTLET, I A. D. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURED Booksellers and Stationers, And Dealers to AVIMMMV CUHTAINN, Wnll Paper, Ar. 432 Mnrket and 427 Merchant Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. HI.AMt ItOOKH Always on hand, ana made to Order. Nos. 63(1 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO Publishers of Sanders'New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's Jlistoryof the United States, Felton'sOutllne Mapa,&o. WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ot 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. T EW. T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Welmer, Wriht & Watkin, IHunnrnctarcr & Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Slarhet Street, PHILADELPHIA. w.H- KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 71 Purchasers of Brown's Ginger are warned against piratical counterfeits intended to be sold on the splendid reputation of this matchless article. All real Brown's Glnser Is prepared by Frederick Brown, Philadelphia, and the label lwarliiK his name Is Incorporated with his private V. 8. Internal Revenue Stamp, to counterfeit which Is felony. Brown's Ginger for Traveler's use. Brown's Ginger for Summer Complaints. Brown's Ginger for Cramps and Colic Brown's Ginger for Sea Blckness, Nansea. Brown's Ginger Stimulant: no reaction. Brown's Ginger used by Army and Navy. Brown's Ginger used all over the World. Brown's Ginger counteracts Impure Waters. Brewn's Ginger prevents Malarial Disease. Brown's Ginger delicious Summer Drink. Brown's Ginger excellent in Rheumatism. Everybody knows the value of Brown's Glneer as a household necessity and preventive of dis ease. Be sure your druggist gives vou the right kind Brown's Ginger, as described above. FREDERICK BR0WX, !GGl3t Philadelphia. Established 1851. The First Pepsins. Dr. J. S. Houghton's PURE PEPSIN. M. J. H. Eaton of Philadelphia, who Is sole suc cessor to Dr. J. S. HcX'ohton, still prepares this unfailing remedy for dyspeptics, according to the original formula. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN Is the Oldest, the Cheap est, the Best, and the Surest Cure. Try it. ye dyspeptics. When your physlolao orders Pepsin, Insist upon having Hot'OUTOH'a. Take no other recommended because the dealer can make more on It. Get the original llotuu Ton's, and you will be cured. J. U. EATON. Philadelphia. Proprietor. Torrey, Teuipleton & Co., New York General Ageuts, April 23. 2tk13t Jon FIUNTING of every description neatly and uromptlv executed at Reasonable Rates at the BlooinUeld Times Steam Job Office. Fkiladclphlit Advertisements. VEMLL UAllLOW, 45 South 2nd Street, Has the Largest and Best NTOCIC OF FURNITURE, In Philadelphia, All those In want nf Furniture of any quail, ty. examine goods In other stores, then call and compare prices with Ills. lie guarantees to sell lower than any other dealer. Every article warranted. 4 ly urn '1 TIBS STEAM Printing Office IS THE PLACE TO GET SALE BILLS, OF ALL KINDS AT SIIORT NOTICE -AND 11 REASONABLE PUIS! PAPER BOOKS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, AS DESIRED. yARIETY STORE! JUST ENLARGED, and on hand a ntw STOCK of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, SPICES. TOBACCOS, SEGAR8, UUEKN9 WARE, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, and a full variety of NOTIONS, &C, &C. Also, have In hand all styles of Picture Frames. Toilet Brackets, Wall Pockets. Hat Racks, tie. All of which are selling at astonishing LOW PRICES tusuit the times. Give Us a Call and Save Money. No trouble to show goods. S- Country Produce taken In trade. Don't for gtlihe place. VALENTINE BLANK. West Main St., 38ny New Bloomfleld. Pa. REMOVAL, The undersigned has removed hit Leather and Harness Store from Front to High Street, near the Penn'a., Freight Depot, where be will have en hand, and will sell at REDUCED PRICES, Leather and Harness ef all kinds. Having good workmen, and by bnving at the lowest ctuA price, I fear no competition. Market prices paid in cash for Bark. Hides and Skins. Thankful for past favors, 1 solicit a con tinuance of the nmt. P. 8. Blankets, Kobes, and 8bo findings made a speciality, JOS. M. HAWLEY. Duneannon, JulylV, 1876. tf TT can make money faster at work for us tf an at anything else. Capital not required ; we will start you: 112 per day at home made by the Industrious. Mea. women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work lor u. Now is the time. Costly outat and terms free. Address TRUE ft CO.. Augusta. Maine. 11 lyr IADIES AND CHILDREN will find a j splendid assortment of shoes at the one price store of 7. Mortimer.