THE TIMES NEV A Town In Two States. Bristol, which straddles the Tennessee and Virginia Stuto line, has two systems, of lorn) government and belongs about equally to two Stntes. The line between Tennessee aud Virginia is the Center of Main street, and It gives rise to many fun ny scenes , as, for example, the runaway couple need no coach and four, but, arm iu arm, step across Main street and are wedded. The fugitive commits n crime In Virginia, goes to the pavement ou the other side of the street and talks defiantly to the oflicer on the opposite side who has a warrant for his arrest. A misstep or too bold disposition will .sometimes, however, bring him to grief. Heveral'lnstances bave occurred of a fugitive being hustled across the line by a party prepared while lu the act of holding such a conversation, and they tell of a niau who defiantly perched himself on a pile of store boxes within six feet of the line, jeering the officers on the other side, but, unfortuatoly for him, some law-abiding citizens tilted the boxes, and when he reached the ground he was in the other State. . A Couple Made Speechless. Peter Lavclle and wife, waiters in a Cincinnati diniug-room, retired to rest, a few nights since, in good health. Next morning Mis. Lavclle awoke and attempt ed to speak to her husband, when she found herself totally deprived of the power of speech ; all efforts to articulate were una vailing, and a physician was sent for. The only symptoms of disease apparent were a thick dark coating ou the tongue and a hollow appearance of the eyef. Ou the same afternoon Lavelle, while sitting in front of his employer's establishment, was observed to fall back in his chair ; Another waiter undertook to arouBe him, when it was found that he was unable to speak a word. Since that time neither man nor wife have spoken, and the physi cians are unable to account for the loss of speech. Drowned by his Dog. The Terro Haute "Express" says: Michael McCormick, express driver, rode his horse to the bar in the bend of the viver, above the railroad bridge, a few days ago. After taking the animal into the water and washing it, ho hitched it to a tush on the bank and went swimming. Re was with Mr. lialdwin and bis sou, who remained near tho shore. They ob served that McCormick's large bulldog, which was bathing with his master, kept sportively climbing upon liitri as he swam, thus pushing him under the water. They started toward him, but he threw the dog off, and when they called to know whether he wanted help he shook his head. They then started to swim back, but when they looked soon afterward the dog was on Mc Cormick again, and before they could as sist him he sank and was drowned. Lions About. It is a dangerous thing to trifle with a cold. A darkey preacher once told his hearers that he thanked God "that the devil went about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He might catch a poor fellow who didn't know he was near him ; but when he heard the roar he could get out of the way ; if he didn't he deserved to die." So when one hears the wheeze of the cough which tells of the old lion, Con sumption, lurking around, he should fly to Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and get out of the way of danger. This preparation is well known, has been tried nearly fifty years, and is acknowledged by all who use it to be unsurpassed in its soothing and healing properties. GO cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. : Verdant Indeed. Last week three verdant looking indi viduals entered the City Hall and inquired of a member of the Third House, ' Say, stranger, whereabouts 'ere is the Rogues Gallery?" "Right at the head of the stairs, on the second floor,' remarked the local statesman, pointing to the Governor's room. The three inquisitive sightseers hurried at once to the Governor's room, where they wonderingly examined the full length portraits of Horatio Seymour, Wm. 11. Seward, Reuben E. Fenton, George Opdyke, IleDry Clay and several others as specimens of New York thieves. JV. Y. Herald. Wicked for Clergymen. " I believe it to be all wrong and even wioked for clergymen or other public men to be led into giving testimonials to quack doctors, or vile stuffs called medicines, but when a really meritorious article is made up of common valuable remedies known to all, and that all physicians use and trust in daily, we should freely commend it. I therefore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bitters for the good they have done me and my friends, firmly be lieving they have no equal for family use. I will not be without them'" Rev , "Washington, D. C. V8 Pittsburg has seventy-three glass factories j thirty-three rolling mills ; eight steel rolling mills ; seven white lead factor ies ; twenty.nine oil refinerios, lie ooa! mines contributing to that market number one hundred and fifty-eight. BANKRUPT'S SALE. ' .V HAVING JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF GOODS from a largo Bankrupt Bale, I can offer some GREAT BARGAINS. i , SEE THESE PRICES ! - "i ' Fans at 2 Cents, 3 Cents, 8 Cents and upwards. Good Hose for Children, 10 Cents and upwards. Good Hose, fancy styles, for Lad'.et, 10 Cents. Good Corsets, 60 Cents and upwards. Splendid Wlilte Spreads (1.25, worth 82.0f-. Marseilles Quilts, $2.75, worth (1.50. A Good Gaiter for J1.0O. ' Three Button Lisle Gloves for 40 Cents. White Skirts, Embroidered at 69 cell's. A full assortment of Hamburg Elgings from 4 cents up. Toweling 7 Cents per yard. Itusches 1 Cent each. 811k Crep Lisle Rasches, 15 Cants. White Jaconets, 10 Ceuts per yard. Yard wide Cambrics 10 Cents per yard. Colored Hamburg Edgings very Pretty and Cheap. Torchon Lace In beautiful stjles, lOcts. per yard. The best Fruit Jar In the Market SI 00 per doz. Splendid Goblets 99 cents per dozen. Tumblers 80C65 cents per dozeu. Also, lots of MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, UOTTONADES, and hundreds of other arti cles at astonishing prices. ' ! F. MORTIMER, Xeiv Bloomjield, Pa. A NATIONAL STANDARD. -fiv 7 . . . . n n . jmil ' MT EU"U" If. "t Jjg WC770j,.& 3000 toetarns; Webster9 s Unabridged. 3.000 Engravings. 1840 rases Quarto. 10,000 Words and Meanings not lu other Dic tionaries FOUR PAGES COLORED PLATES. A WHOLE LIBRARY IN ITSELF. IN VALUBLK IN ANY FAMILY. AND IN ANY SCHOOL. Published by G. S C MERRIAM, SpilngBeld, Massachusetts. Warmly indorsed by - Bancroft, Motley, Fitz Greene Halleck, N. P. Willis, , Ellhu Burritt, RufusChoate, Smart, Prescott, Geo. P. Marsh. J. G. Whlttler, John G. Saxe, Daniel Webster, It. Coleridge, Horace Maun, More than FIFTY College Presidents, And the best American aud European Scholars. Contains ONE-FIFTH more matter than any other, the smaller type giving much more on a page. Contains S.000 Illustrations, nearly three times as many as any other Dlotlonary. t-LOOK AT the three pictures of a SHIP, on page 7M, these alone Illustrate the meaning of more than loo words and terms far better than they cau be denned In words. More than 30,000 conies have been placed In the publle schools of the united States. Recommended by St State Superintendents of Schools, and more than 60 College Presidents. Has about lo.eoo words and meanings not In other Dictionaries, Embodies about 100 years of literary labor, and is several years later than other large Dictionary. ' The sale of Webster's Dictionaries Is 20 times as great as the sale of any other series of Dic tionaries. "August 4,.1R7T. The Dictionary used In the Government Printing Otttce is Webster's Un abridged." " ' . Is It net rightly claimed that Webster is The National Standard? ' . ' : i . . JOB P1UNTING of every description neatly sod promptly executed at Reasonable Kates at the Blooiuoeld Times Steam Job Office. WHOLESALE JEWELERS, -A. -FTJ2L.TL, X.I3STE OP , ; AMERICAN AND FOREIGN WATCHES! LARGEST STOCK I DEALERS! Hrcrsri I'leuao ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT & CAREFUL ATTENTION. 161 a State Street, CHICAGO. 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE . OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned, Administrator of Joseph Ensinlnger, of Carroll twp., deceased, otters at private sale the following real estate : .A; GOOD FAEM, situate In Carroll township, consisting of about 70 ACRES, all but Snort's being eleared and In a good state ot cultivation. There Is fruit of all kinds on the premises, such as Apple Fear, Grapes, Peaches. &c, In abundance. There is also A GOOD TWO 8TOKY LOG HOUSE, wcatherboarded and one 1J RTORY FHAME HOUSE, with all necessary out buildings. The baru Is 05x45. aud Is as good a barn as can be found in this part of the county. ltunnlng water Is lu every held on the farm, at all times of year. Churches, Schools, Mill and 8tore are locate within convenient distance. For any further Information address COllNELIUS ENSMINOER, SliermansUale, Pa. June 4, 1878. tf JJ0! FARMERS, THIS WAY! AND EXAMINE LIGGETT' S IMPKOVED TRIPLE GEARED IRON HORSE POWER for threshing, the best and cheapest power in the county. Few persons can have had greater ex perience or closer practical acquaintance with HOUSE POWERS than 1 have had. I commenced their manufacture nearly thirty years ago, and have given this branch of my business the closest attention ever since j and. without boasting, I assert that this Power Is strong enough to run the largest. Separators or Machines that are in use. It has ninety-one revolutions of shaft toone of team, and WILL BK 80LD LOWER than any other built In or out of the county. Also, for sale, PL O W S , CORN-SIIELLERS, IIOLLOW-WA11E, OVEN-DOORS, SCOOPS, and a general assortment of C JK. N T I N G S . For sale, a good two-horse TREAD POWER and MACHINE In good running order, mounted on wheels, at a bargain. Also, three kluds ol Jacks for different Powers, . -Iam Agent, and can furnish Separators tor any Machine. SAMUEL LIGGETT, . n. ,-. Ickesburg, Perry Co., Fa. April 23, 1878. VALUABLE MATS. If you are suffering from poor health, or lan guishing on a bed of sickness, take cheer for Hop Bitters will Cure Ton. If you are simply ailing If you feel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why, 11 op Hitters will Revive Ton. If you are a minister, and have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral duties or a moth er, worn out with care and work, Hop Bitters will Restore Ton. If you are a man of business, weakened by the strain of your every day duties ; or a man of letters, tolling over your midnight work, Hop Bitters will Strengthen Ton. If you are young, and suffering from any In discretion, or are growing too fast, as 1b often the case, Hop Bitters will Relieve Ton. If you are in the work-shop, on the farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel that your system needs cleansing, touing or stimulating, with out Intoxicating, Hop Bitters is What Tou Need. If you are old, and your pulse Is feeble, your nerves unsteady, aud your faculties waning, Hop Bitters will plve Tou New Life and Vigor. Try Hop Cough Cure and Pain Relief. For sale by nr. M. B. Strickler, New BloomHeld, and B. M. Eby, Newport, Pa. 2tt4t Something New I "Money Is Power." Newest and boat book on Finance. Nothing tale. Old errors exposed. New monetary principles discovered. No book like it. A world of Information. Monetary history of nations. Hidden causes of " bard times," "crashes," " strikes," insurrections, eto. Per fect, symctrlcal system to cure these evils, sup ply a good currency, pay the bonded debt with less taxes without repudiation. No more bonds. Ex.-Gov. Hardin, of Mo., says i " It is of do- rlded merit." Ex.-8tate-Senator Gatewood, of mo., aays i ' "ii is oj iai the best wore on American finances he ever read. Every voter should have it, and " post up" for the cam paign. . ... . , It is neat, popular the book for the mil lions I Over 800 pages ; price 11.50. . Bend for it I Let agents send the price, lest thtt cus tomary discount, for a sample copy, and go to work. It will pay. Address, Davis & Fbekgard, S23 North Third Street, St. Louis, Mo. 28 3m LOWEST PRICES ! I iroir catalogue t ! Call When in the City ! ! GnuSWll! Parson's Purgative Pills make New Rich Blood and will completely change the blood In theentlre System In three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thing be pos sible. Sent by mall for 8 lettor stamps, f. 8. JOHNSON & CO. Bangor, Maine. 30d4w riTrmnm evrrrrv: ATT (Mi EfcSS" ' 1, Tin! Awnrdpd hiyh'tl Iwue U C..ii'f.itiiiit " ttuwitintl fnr pn eieu-ntrj tjurfUm riul t r rll n;v l,. i,j ehur ttrter of tiveitcnit'ij nml il.ii niii, Tlio bfl lolmci'i T.r fntule Ah nnr hint. Mtiji trnHp-niark It closely linitntpil on IlitVrlnr fond, m-n that Jn?l.vm'i ilrtt Is ontM'ery plus. HoM hr id 1 ilenlcr. St-nil (or sninlilp, free, to C. A. Jackhox & Co., Wfri., Ivtwrulinrtf, Vju (i. F. Wnrdlc, Gen. Agent, Philadelphia. PI AND Beautiful Concert Grand nDRAM I 1HIIU Pianos price KiiK) only UriUMIl J425. Superb Urand Square Pianos, price (1,100 only (255. Eleganl Upright Planus, prfce (800 only 8155. Kew Style Upright Pianos $112.50. Organs $. Organs 12 stops (72.50. Church Organs 16 stops price $l!90 only (115. Elegant (375 Mirror Top Organs. Hilly 8104. Buyers come and see me at home If I am not as represented, It. It. fare f aid both ways and Piano or Organ given free. ,arge lllst. Newspaper with much information about cost of Pianos and Organs sent free. Pleae address DAMEL F. BEATTY, Wa,hlngton, New Jersey. 23d4w The only combination of the true Jamaica (ilneer wlrh Q ANFflRIYQ choice Aromatlcs mid French OHIUUnU O Brandy for Cholera Morbus, imui) una ruins, iiarrnoea ana uysenrery, uyspepsin. Flatulency, Want of Tone and Activity In the Stomach and Bowels, and avoiding the dan. gers of Change ot Water.Food aud Climate. Ask for San Fjiiu's Jamaica GiNOEB,28d4t JAMAICA GINGER. tlfl Tfl 4 Id fifl Invested in Wall Street JIU IU 9IUUU mocks makes fortunes every month. BAXTEK ill CO , Bankers, 17 Wall Street, New York. 28d4w tWf...UVERaTl2 DVSPEPSli CONSTIPUlwWT:- SICK-HfAOACHESS 'iUMMDlfflHPtAINTtJ KrORDISEA$B0Ff BILIOUSNESS, llYERSTUMAlu 8. Buntii. 28(14 V These tars are the most simple and perfect jars in the market. For sale wholesale and retail by F. MOKTIMKK. JjOGESTOWN SELECT SGH00L THE SUMMER SESSION of the Hogestown Select School will open JULY 8th, and continue in Session 5 weeks. This Session is especially adapted to those wishing to prepare for examina tion. We have made arrangements to accommo date a large number of boarders. Four Instruc tors are engaged to assist lu conducting thet school. Boarding and Tuition for the term (15. f or limner particulars. Call on or address, CUAa H. LOSIf, Principal. May 28, 1S78. Hogestown, Pa. tpCP7 Crt Agents profits per week. Will prove pOl.OU It or forfeit (WO. New articles, just puieniea. eampies sent iree rn an. Address W. U. CU1DKSTEK, 21H Fulton Street New York. At Cm. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Health and happiness are priceless Wealth to' ineir possessors, anu yet iney are wuniu un read! oi every one wno win use WRIUHTS LIVElt PILLS, The onlv sure CURE for Toruld Liver. Dvsienla Headache. Sour Stomach. Cons! I nation. Deb lltv. Nausea, and all Bullous complaints and Bloodi disorders. None genuine unlaws signed ' Win Wrlulit. Phil'a." If vnur DriiUKist will not hub ply send 25 cents for one box to Barriuk, Roller & Co., iu n. tin run a. January 1, lo78, ly ' ,1 Our Stock of NEW GOODH lor Men's Wear Is complete. Kit rnoes irora lift eeuisup. . MORTIMER. New BleomUeld,r III II III 1 A "HARVEST' FOR THE PEOPLE ! Our low prices are the envy ot all Competitors. High prices repudiated. Never lias there been such a lime as now to make money by getting your money's worth. WHAT WE CAN no. We can sell common Suits at (4.00 (5.nt)and (fl.00. We can sell good Wool Suits at (0.50(7.00 & (S.50 We can sell hue Wool Suits at (9.00 (19 and (12 00 We can sell Youth's Suits at (f.OO 85.00 and 87.00 We can sell Boy's Suits at . 82.50 (3,5(1 and (5.00 We cau sell all wool Suits made to order as low (10.00 WHAT WE HAVE DONE! We have marked down our entire stock. Goods cannot be sold lower than we are now selling. We have carpet for common wear at 16 18 &20cts. We have Floured Carpet at 30 33 and 40cts. We have Rag Carpets at 25 40 SOcts. We have Flowered Oil Cloth at 40cts. We have Table Oil Cloth at , 35cts. What Wo arc Dig ! We are offering an Elegant line of Ladies goods this season at prices every body wonders at. We have Cotton Glngam, and Silk Parasols, Shawls, Skirts and Corsets, Colored and White Hosiery, Einbrolderys, Fans and Ties. Collars. Cuffs and Ribbons. Hal r Goods. Jewelry and Combs, Trunks, Valises and 8achels. Bed Spreads and Table Spreads, Towels, Napkins and Braids. Also many other goods In this line. We Intend to keep right on giving the people the worth of their money. Men's Hats as low as Boy's Hats as low as Men's Shirts as low as Men's Overalls as low as 80 cents. 35 cents. 25 cents. 40 cents. Also a full line of Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery Hand kerchiefs, Ties. Jewelry. Perfumery, Trunks, Umbrellas, Suspenders, Revolvers. Cutlery, etc. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, Newport, Penn'a. jTEW WAGON SHOr. THE undersigned having opened a WHEELWRIGHT SHOP, NEW BLOOMFIELD, are now prepared to do any kind of work In their line, in any style, at prices which cannot fall to give satisfaction. Carriages ot all styles built and all work will be warranted. STOUFFER & CRIST. New Bloomtleld, April 23, 187. AT COST! NOW FOR BARGAINS! S. M. SHULER, Will offer his entire stock of Prime MACKEREL at COST, until his Stock Is disposed of. persons n need of good fish at LOW PRICES, should avail themselves of this opportunity. Also, a full stockol HARDWARE. GROCERIES. DRUGS. WINES AND LIQUORS, Which I will sell CHEAP. Don't forget the place. S. M. SHULER'S, Cheap Cash Store, Liverpool, Ferry County, Penna. POCKET PHOTOSCOPK, has great magnify, lug power, detects counterfeit money, nhod. uy In cloth, foreign substances in wounds, Haas in metal, examines injects, llowers, etc., 25 ct currency or stamps. VAN DKLF 4sCO.,2(AEn treet. New York. A4 What We Intena to flo!