THE-TIMES, NEW1 BLOOM VI ELD, PA.,' JULY 10, 1878. 7 I'rofossiontil Cnids. TE. JUNKIN. Attorney.aM.nw, New Hloomlleld. Perry CO., Pa. r OlIiee-'-Next door to the residence of Judge Juuklu. " AM. MARKF.L, Attornty-at-l,aw, . New Blooinllcltl, Perry county, Pa. Olllce directly opposite) the Post-OUlee, and adjoining the Mansion House. J KWH l'UTTEIt. ATTORNEY AT l-AH , NBW BUKKUFIKLD, PKllttY CO.. PA. ' Claimo'iinmjitW 1 ' 'wIMtej Writing and all legal business carefully attend. d to. OHAKLESII.HMILKY, Attorney at Law. New Uloomlleld, Perry Oo. Pa. .t)llli!wltll 0. A. Burnett, tsn., on 11 all Htreei. north side. nearly opposite the FresbyU. till Church. August 2l. 1878. M. A. SPUN SI. EH, Attorney-at-Law, UlHce-adJolnlng his residence, on East Main street. New Bloomlleld. Terry co.. Pa.-8 ly JOHN G.SHATTO, Burgeon Dentist. New Bloomlleld, Perryco., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry one in the best manner, and at reasonable if Office at his residence one door East of the Kobiuson House, and opposite Win. A. Bpousler taw ottloe. a1' w M. N. HEinEUT. Attorney-at-Law, ftew tttooinuetu, leirj co., Bloomfleld, 8 331V. WM. M. 8UTCH, ATTOllNEY-AT-LAW. New Bloomlleld, Perry oo., Pa. M-Offlce Two doors West ol K. Mortimer, More 87 ly LEWIS POTT E It, NOTABT public. New Bloom fleld, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully nrepared and acknowledgements taken. All 'klnilsof Pension and Bounty papers drawn and eertilled, will also take depositions to be rei.d In V court lu the United States. 7101y C1H A8. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, j New Bloomfleld, Perry co;, Pa. W All professional business promptlyandfaltta fully attended to. 3 2 1 v. XlfM. A. M011RI80N, Y JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL UOLT.ECTOK. NewGekmantowk, Perryco., Pn. r Remittances will be made promptly tor all Collections made. OIIA8. A. BAKNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloom Held. Perry co.. Pa Offlce on high street. North side, nearly op poite the Presbyterian Church. 8 2 ly ML. LIGGETT. Attorney-at-Law, Sfewporl, J'erry tbwiif;. P" Having permanently located at Newport, will Hive prompt and careful attention to all busl mess matters committed to his care. S Olllce, No. North Second Street. Newport, April 2 1378. Richard l. magee, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, WOnioe at his residence. In CENTRE TOWN SHIP, Perry Couuty, Peuu'a., one mile South of Tiew Bloomlleld. - - ' MS 0 P. BOLLINGER, M. D , Having 111 licwpil., vnm3 ilia iiuica- ioual services to all who may need them . Chronic diseases of every description cured. . Olllce In Dr. Shatco's building, 4th Street. March 4, 1873. j , . . - i. jv - ,,. tlvnfn. G EORGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. IiLAIN, PEltltr COUNTY, PA. Special attention given to the collection of elaims, and any other business entrusted to Mm will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April. I9ta. - . , . TTTATCHMAKER & JEWELER CEO. C.HENRY, StXt, .Watchmaker and Jeweller. Carlisle 8ti New Bloomfleld Pa. Repairing of all kinds ' well and promptly done. EATHER &C. THE subscriber has now on hand at LOW I'UICKS. . Good Sole Leather, ... Kip of Superior Qaality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf, LININGS, 110 ANS, &c. F. Mortimer, ; NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. American and Foreign Patents. CI ILMORE & CO..' Successors to CHIPMAN, T UOS.MEK & CO., Solicitors. Patents pro. cured In all countries. NO FEES IN ADVANCE. So charge unless the patent Is granted. No fees tor making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given t Interference Cases be fore the Patent olllce, Extensions before Con gress. Infringement Suitsdi different States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stamp to Gilinura & Co., for pamph let of sixty pages. " LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. 8. General Land Olllce and Department of the Interior. Private I,and Claims, MINING and PRE EMPT10N Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, 80, any 100 acre pieces for sale. ThlsScripisassiKnable.aud can be located In the name of the purchaser upon any Ooverument land subject to private entry, at C1.25 per acre. His of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send 8tainp to Glluioi & Co., for pamphlet of Instruction. ARREARS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, arelu many oases entitled Co money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Endow stamp to GILMORE & CO., and a full re oly.after examination, will be given you free. PENSION s. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Injured In the late war, however slight, can obtain a peuson by addressing liILMORBiCO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORE & CO., before the Supreme Court of the United State, the Court of Claims and the Southern tilaims CoiinntRsiou. Each department of our business Is conducted In aseparate bureau, under charge of the earns experienced parties, embloyed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to CilLMORE &0O.,ls thus secured. We desire til win sucoeas by deservingit. -Address: UILMORE &CO., 629 J?. Wreet. ' ' ' ' 1 ' Washington, D.3. ' Newport Advertisements. It. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, ' u; i. .) h -' for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this comity. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange tor Lumber, &o, We use Cleat Held Pine and Hem lock only. ' 1 . . . ' W. II. 8. COOK & CO., riewpiirt, Terry Co., Til October 10, 1870. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market will allord, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE. SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly ou hand, FISH, SALT, ' PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IKON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &c, Sic. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. X9- Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 28, 1975 tf JyJEWPORT DRUG STORE. H&vlutr on hand S complete asnortmeut of the fol lowing articles, the aubtcrllier tnks a snare of your patronise. Drugs ami Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock oi Concentrated Eomedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Perfumery haih oil, 0 AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL . V PURPOSES ! PHYSICIANS ORDERS Ciirefully and Promptly Filled Q . M . E G Y , Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, : Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Kuildlng. 3TEWPORT, PA. 8ole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos. Also, A Large Stock of STA TIONERY always on hand at LOW PRICES. Country Merchants supplied with Ooods at Philadelphia prices - Your orders are solicited. P 44 CALL AND SEE ME. The Subscriber has opened a Store opposite the Railroad Depot, at NEWPORT, where he is pie pared to supply (XYSTERS, GROCERIES, dc At the lowest market pnee. A full stock on hand. The patronage of the public Is solicited. 43tf. WM. ICKES, v Newport, Pa, tiraln Wanted nt the Newport Mills. THE undersigned will pay a premium on good, dry.cleau pralu of all KliuK MILTON B. ESH ELMAN, 46 ly. Newport, Perry county, Pa. TMPORTAXT NOTICK. The subscrloor 1 late of the Arm o( Rhoades Bimtti, would respecnuiiy inform the citizens or HLAIN MAKKK8HOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at irom i r.rt to ivraii percent, cneapertnan ilia uiu nun. 4-Glve me a eall.' ''Batlsfactlon guaranteed, JACOB SMITH. Blaln, August 8,1867.' - ' " . .. tf C a week In vour own town. MS Outfit ftaA uu No risk. Reader, If you want a business at which persons of either sex can make- great fiay all the time they work, write for full partlcn ars to U. HALLETX & CO., Portland. Me. U ly THE WEED 'PRICES REDUCED. "Ths Family Favorite" IMPltOVED Uht-llunniiiK, Noiseless, No Gears,No Cnnis,No Springs. Nov and Elegant Styles of Wood ' ' ' Work. From this date, by the expiration of Patents under which we have been paying roy alties,we are enabled to sell our ma chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and as low as those of any first class machine. 155? Send for Circulars and Price Lists. Weed Sewing Machine Co., 26 Union Square, NEW YORK. 11 7 18t. BOOTS j Do you want BOOTS of any klndt It so, call and see the LARGE STOCK ; NOW OFFERED BT F . MPUTIMGll. Dr.A.G.OLIN'S TMrrtta fli4taL 1M Kail V aUna- (on hi.. CblcHtt kit IMwwti otm Prlrmte nrKitn, two! Una ftnin twly buw mm, i or sua curt oi w inirfiira oi mntr ffrniBai Wnknet prodiictn Kmlswloim, Lof4 of Memorj, iHpalnil '"lalits) Iwii Manhood or Impiteitc7 N'erToma lebHflr, pwmft nntlv curedt dliuM of the I!lialtfirk Klriiii'va. 1 Ua.. l.unrs A'ttimn, CBtwrh, Pllet, all Chronic LHwuse, wit) IllH KAHKSOF VRMALRH, yltld ! bU trwtinent. Dr.Oiio hiu hM)ife-lonn ipwtfnc, and can whwvotben Imil. 1U li mlat of tbt lUfivmiMl School, iiw no mmurr. km tha lnrvwa pnwtfoi in tht U. 8, I,A IH EH nqnlrini with private horn and board, rail or wrltt. trry coavvawnra for imllttuU. Band fifty pen U for lampla of Rubber Hmxb aaif rlr ctilar of ImfMwtant Infonnallnn by xpreat. llt OlAM'al Ff?nle mil, 95 par Box. Coninltatlon frat. MARRIAGE GUIDE BStJWfi young and mlddla wal of both htm, on all rlWa gf a prtTnta ualurt. ValuabU advlc In tlw mnrriod and tboaa rmiinnplallna; marrlaiw. How to b Keulthy and truly linnpy In llm innrrW rata , ttoa. Kvmbodjr tiiould fat Uik book. Itim W oaaU, loaajaaV A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Slarriaffo ! fas 11 mn hi 1 imam 1 11 11 1 a- f . Guide to Wedlock n4 inim-ittia( ri-atie on tut .lutii-a nt iuarriKfr atnl tlie cituwaihiit unfit tin- It the ae krvit of Bcpraductlen and the Diaeaiea of Women. A biNit for piirntp, roiMiri f itc remtliiijt. KOU yeea, prig 41 vt: ' nn.u 'VAlfcMGDICAL ADVISER! " Abuae, zoeaiea, or Secret Xfaenaea, wilU lh butt OK'Biifl ofnir, larsn najr, prirrMlrt. A CLINICAL. LECTUHE on the bir dlarinoa and tno of Ute Throat and Lunga, Catarrh. Rupture, Uta Opium Habit, it c, price lOctt. Kithr loolt irnt potipaiaon ivreipt of price i or all three, Containing Ml pagt'O twautiftilly tltuitmtfd, tor 7A ett, AUdrM SB. IiUTTb, hu. UN.ttO.ttu SW JUouia, Mt EWAHHING8 (1876 Uuiform Copyrighted 1877) The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We lurnish low and whatever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. 49- Rend for samples and price lists of what you want. W CatalRiies of Wanks furnished at THIS OFFICK, or direct from the publisher. K. WAKiau, Tyrone, Pa. JAItlES addicted to the habit of Intern- erance are Invited to neek information at a private home, where medical attendance and all comforts are provided. For information address Wks. W. H. NICHOLSON, Box 2,712. Phlladelpla. November, 18, 1877. , TFHTTT.I.WATtai" U M. ariat. 'I, Jm "TAM FAM'ILD HaR. Kit" thV7lrlflI.Y FsTOIITl" U u-m awr at tki hilliuM. aWh. bM, MM. TWi Mif UU . ua 4 rL rWk f4 pax. wJ lhaOT.v f?19 rsi vfe Miaa T itiMtfm. INbIu. RtuiM rusii. ., M. laito "BOQUra (XJBNti,' HvlBdlar. Mh. luk, al Fraad la ftttf, IMi. asi ratafulti H....1 N mm h W wtI4 fc ftjaVBJM1 . JL i vk. MmmsI et, TIT IT OH I ID HOW. V1F T HMa . tf aha FmiIw Ht L"W.W !-, tlM Dwiwwi, drttv ill hm, kll. Trial Tr, f VOW. Aaawa "1TAB gTAHeZaP BAitlim." Ii "l, n n. a. Twj IT On'. $3 riMEDWATCBrs. Chpt mlh kaown wvrld. SampU WaluXfrM u ft0ua. Aildrua, A.CuULiaa A Co., CtUuago. PARLOR PIOTURB printed In Ten motors, vuitinK Cards with your name finely printed. 10 Flirtation Cards. 12 8heelo( Writing Paper, 12 White KllVBlon.. 1 Huhbar ft t'oiiH The lot sent rKwt pald for 25 cents. Kend Font BtampsorCash.) KUBTZ IlltO., Hi Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12 ly New Mel Machine ONE A UCTIONEEKS. AS. P. LATCHFORD, A VCTlONEEJt, Would respectfully Inform the nubile that he will cry sales at rcanmahle prices. All orders will receive promnt attention. UUSnAl.lil O Mlbl.3, I'EltKV cu.,rA. TAMES CLEELAND J i Auctioneer, i DfTArihla .arvli.u. In Hi a .IMi.n. ..t r.. A Cumberland counties. l'ot olllce address, Hliermansdale, rerry co., ra. w . D, HENRY, t ltTs r A rrtf(yr-i jtrt. r. r .1 i . utiun, rarry county ra. ' f Terms Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. titf Auctioneer. The undersigned elves notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perry or Danpliln counties. Orders are solicited and promptattentlon wlllbe itlven. K. U. WELLS, . , hew Buffalo - ' Perry o., Pa. B. HARNISH, , AucTioiviaiait, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa, Charges moderate, and sathfaatlon guaranteed. 6 If D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONIOKIt, 1 ICKHSBUHU, PElUtY COUNTY, TA. - Charges moderate. Prompt attention laid to ail calls. H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT I I would respectively Inform myfrlendstbatlln tend oalllug upon them with a supply oi good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of OASSIMERS. CASSINETS. , . FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd) OAI1P13T8, Sac, to exchange for wool or sell for cash. J.M. BIXLEK. Centre Woolen Factoht. '4,17,4m - For Hale by F. MoKTtMER, New Bloomfleld Perry county, Pa. S2500 TPn. Agentiwanted. Bntl ncN leirttlmut. rrtlalanfre. AldmiJ WOBTUCO.,ilL.U,lifc Tho Bloomfleld Times is published every,. Tuesday BY F. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfleld Perry Co.y Pa., At 1 the Low Price of SI 25 PER YEAR, WITHIN THE COUNTY. $1 50 mil YE All, i , - ' r- r .; ' Outside the County, Postage Paid. " THE TIMES" Is the best advertising medi um in this section of the . , State, : Circulation Nearly 2,000 ! KNOW By reading and practicing the inestimable truths con. Ulncd in the bett medical Tf IlyVpl p Price only 1. Bent by mail BELF-l'UESiillVAiion Price only (1. tknlbymiiil wbmhb on receipt oi inw. treats of Exhauitcd Vitality, Prcmstor Decline, treats of Exhauitcd Vitality. Wcmatur Jjecunc, Kcrvoua aud Phytlcal Debility, and tho endieot concomitant ills and untold mlseriea that result t ncrcirotn, aim contains more nmu uuriKin.i scriptioiis, any one of wbich i worth tho pries of the book, litis book was written br the most x trnsivo and piobably the most skilful practitioner IU AUlcnCitlDWIJUUI WM ,-niui JUH-'U j - cllcd mcdol by Iho National Medicel Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest ed with toe rery ni a HEAL v.. I nf ,ri mml Iti-Alltv (Ot rREI to all. Bend ' fnr it nt once. Address PICA BODY MKDICALmlft- p INSTITUTE, No. 4 BuUT II f S fc L B" finch bt., Boston, Muss. II I lal ESTATE NOTICK. Notice Is hereby giv en that Letters of Administration on the estate of Ueotxe D. Yost, late of Hpriug town alilo. Perrv countv. Va.. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In Pellvllle, All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having elaims will present tUeui.duly authenticated for souiemeni to I . FK AN BT D.' TORT. Administrator, W. H. 8TON81.BB, Attorney lor Adin'r. April Zi, 1878. ... . TiRINTINO of every description neatly ex J ecnted at the Bloomlleld Times Odlce at reasonable rates. fftffir n 'rrr'l It f lir r tf l!rn. k tn$cCV LP i tiMii's ((-D i.ih.u en. k i.icro-viAi VJ rihisriim: oi 1,1 : i:. eun i.tionnmpAr p"H Uriinchllh it nil Vnlilm fY'zj ltV dimm, 1st iiurilrai'ciilfr(liiini'lC3j If lie hns not f nt It. I mil, n rdpt r4rjy Vjfiift5enH(ilinlll(i.C..Sllll,W " Not at Home." A sign on ft house on Crogban fttreet Informs the public that washing Is done there, and It was quite natural that a mechanic working near by should take a bundle under his arm und cull there and auk of the boy on the step I " Bub, Is the washwoman in V" "No, sir 1" was the prompt reply " there's no washwoman here at all I" " But that sign says waehing done here," remarked the man. " 8'pose it dose V" remarked the boy In a high key" s'pose It does V A lady may become the victim of unfortunate circumstances to such an extent thntshe Is willing to wash and iron shirts and frbeets, but that doesn't make a wash woman of her, does It V". ,, " I thought it did," said the man. Humph I If you draw a buggy down to the shop to be repaired, does that make a horse of you ?" The man was silently turning away when the boy added : " If you want to find the lady of un fortunate circumstances, go round to the side door, but the washwoman Isn't at home. ish Old Tom Here? Yesterday afternoon the observation car was being attached to the way passenger train when an individual of German extraction rushed up to Depot Master Wilson In breathless anticipa tion with the inquiry : " Ish old Tom here, Charlie ?" " Old Tom who 1"' queried the depot general. " Why, old Tom Schott ?" "No; why?" " Because I see hlsh car ish being put on der train." The depot master collapsed, and sought the shade where the mercury did not range more than 00. A little boy, hearing some one re mark that nothing was quicker than thought, said: "I know something quicker than thought." "What is it Johnny V" asked his pa. " Whistling," said Johnny. "When I was in school yesterday, I whistled before I thought ; ond got licked for it too." C-" Pa," said a little boy, five years old, " I saw a lion and a lamb lying side by side in the meadow the other morn ing." " Tut, tut, James. Don't tell such stories," said the father. " I tell you I did," persisted the child " but it was a dande-lion." ' - KiT An old farmer, who was believed to be very weatherwlse, once said : "Af ter three successive frosts, always look out for rain." "But," said bis -wife, " suppose you don't have any frosts at all ?" " Well, then," he testily replied, " always look out for rain anyhow." 3T A sea captain was about to dance at a company with a lady of rank, who delicately hinted to him the propriety of his putting on a pair of gloves. - His reply was, " Never mind me, ma'am ; I shall wash my hands when I've done dancing." t i ' ' O" A young man suffering from " hereditary gout," said he didn't mind the pain of it so much, " but," said he, " the thought that some old ancestor had all the fun of acquiring this precious heirloom is what takes hold of me. 0- The little girl was quite right who listened to a minister who " roared like a nightingale," in prayer ,and then said, " Mother, don't you think that if that man lived a little nearer to Ood he wouldn't have to talk so loud. U2T Rector i Those pigs of yours are in fine condition." "Jarvis: "Yes, gurt they be. Ah 1 stir, if we was all ou us only as fit to die as them are, sur, we'd do." . . Irascible gent ( to waiter): They say there's nothing like leather, don't they V" " Yes, sir," v " Then it's a lie, for this steak is!" 6J" Fathers with marriageable daugh ters, look into this matter.. Does in vestigation invest a gate '( CJ Mrs. Partington says that her minister preached about the " parody of the probable son."," " , ' O A clergyman has said that modern young ladles are not 'the daughters of Shem and Ham, but of Hem and Sham. tr When a man sees b la wif shed ding a cataract of tears, it well.Niagra vates him beyond endurance.