The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, July 02, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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Ioihl l)ehafttiieit.
On aud after J line JJth, Train! ran u follows i
J 'tin . Mull Atl'.i Mm.
Ex. Tr'n Ex. Aoo.
M ellco,.. ......
Port lt.iyal....
Lewistnwn J.,
N. Hamilton, .,
8.15 10.661
7 IH
f 411
II. M,
7. mi in. sol
.64i 9.64
n in
1 .39 II . 0b P. 10
11.04 6.40, 8.4--.
1(1. 114 8.WI
, 10.10 4.47 I
B.H7 4.16 1.M
I 8.60 8.2H e.lHl
I R. liS 9.511 11.16
' A.M. P.M. P.M.I
rittKlmrir I
Rmrpsii leave Ftftrrl.bura- at 11.00 p.m.
DiiiicAiinoii Iran (W): Newport 11.67 !W) aud ar
rive at I'lttAiturtr at 0.10 A. m.
prpnrlflc rcxprp.s Wpt will stop nt Dnnr-annim at
4.&1 ami at Newport at 6.17 a. 111., when fliitwd.
ITP-fl'ittiir WmsI, th Wsy Pnssenifer leave Hnrria
burtr Diillv Ihe nther trains llally pxeppt Hnnilny.
tWtliitiiir F,;it, tll Atluntlo Kxprens Iprvpb Altoona
Daily, thi other train Dully exc ept Huuday.
All men are not homeless, but some
are home less tlinn others.
Terry county boasts of oats five feet
and a half tall.
Centre township has a man aped
seventy-eight years, who makes a full
hand in the harvest field.
Newcomer, of the American House,
Kast Waterford, is the champion frog
catcher. He gigs them behind the ears.
A little son of David Shade on Dun
can's Island, fell Into the canal on last
Monday and was drowned.
The McCahan brothers a few days ago
came across a large rattle-snake on (Simile
mountain. The snake was killed, and
to their astonishment it had 18 rattles.
Rev. John Focht, son of Rev. David
.Focht. a former pastor of the Lutheran
Church in this place preached a very
acceptable sermon here on Sunday last.
On Monday of last week a fine heifer
belonging to Mrs. Elizabeth Albright, of
Buffalo twp., fell dead while running in
the pasture.
Davidson Miller, residing a short dis
tance from Millerstown,fell from a cher
ry tree on Tuesday of last week aud was
severely injured.
8our cherries are unusually scarce this
season, while other kinds of cherries are
not very plenty. They sell at 5 to 8
cents per quart.
The opera of " Lalla," performed by
the young ladies of this place, under the
instructions of Prof. Eberhart, on Sat
urday night,was an entertainment much
enjoyed by a large audience.
Emanuel Moyer, of Fermanagh twp.,
Juniata co., cut and had wheat in shock
on Monday of last week probably the
first in the county. The first we heard
of in this county was on Wednesday.
On Thursday last while assisting at rais
ing Mr. John Boden'a barn at Ickes
burg, Lieut. Win. Jacobs was injured
by a Btick of timber falling upon him.
His injuries were attended by Dr. Dean
and the Injured man is now doing well.
If Edison could only invent a kisso
phone his fortune would be made. Some
thing by which a fellow could kiss his
girl from one to a hundred miles distant.
Let the inventor go on. Carlisle Volun
teer. No, no; We object to any' change.
Give us the old fashioned way. Some
things can't be improved upon and this
is one of 'em.
And now papers contain reports of
the return of Kansas emigrants to the
east, with the information that not a
few of the colonists are dissatisfied with
the new country to which the Western
fever has carried them.
A Harrisburg boy who came to Allen's
Cove to pick cherries one day last week
was quite unluckly. He gathered his
basket full of delicious fruit and taking
it and his shoes (which were new ana
hurt his feet,) in hand, attempted to
board a train. The basket and the shoes
landed safely on the train, but the boy
'ailed in his efforts to get himself on
and had the chagrin of seeing basket,
cherries and shoes borne rapidly out of
his sight.
Esquire Farnsworth has been heard
from again. On Tuesdny last twenty
two employees of the N. C. R. R., at
Marysville were before him for breach
of the Sabbath laws. On Wednesday
the whole party were brought up here
by the constable for commitment to
jail, but a certiorari was taken and the
men gave bail and went back to their
The result of all this persecution is a
loss of time to the men, an expense to
the railroad company and more costs
put on to the taxpayers of the county.
But the spite of one or two men is grati
fied and the 'squire and constable are
enabled to turn an honest penny. For
tunately the citizens of Marysville will
before many months have a chance to
elect new officers, when probably they
will not make the mistake they did on a
previous occasion.
Church Notices.
Preaching in the M. E. Church next
Sabbath at 10i A. M. Sunday School
at 9 A. M. Also, preaching and sacra
ment at Mt. Ullead at Zt v. M.
Preaching in the Lutheran
next Sunday at 2i P. M., by
Rev. P.
Preaching in the Reformed Church
next Sunday at 104 A. M. Prayer meet
lug Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Preaching next Sabbath In Presbyte
rian church at 11 A. M. Sabbath School
at Hi A. M. Wednesday evening prayer
meeting at 8:15 o'clock.
Way Mall Acc.,
Pans Tr'u Tr'u,
A.M. P.H.Ip.V.I
8.(10 1.80 .8U
S.U 1.4! C.48
8.31 1(1 6.M
I.IW .!
S ri s.tu
f o-t i.4:l OS
.ao 8.M 7. HI
ft. .iw J.iw
R4 .8H .
DM 8.8)1 .M
10. 10 .8A B.00
IU.4U 4.00
11.14 4.J7
11.40 4.M,
12.20 (.:):
1.15 6 ill
I.M .!, 1
r.n. p.m.i 11
Excursion Tickets. The P. R. R. will
commence to Issue Excursion tickets on
Wednesday morning, continuing Thurs
day, tickets good until Friday evening.
A Severe Lost. A valuable Stallion
belonging to Singleton Sheaffer, of this
place, died on Saturday. The animal
was sick only a few hours.
New Organ. The M. E. Sunday School
have purchased a fine Waters' Organ
through the agency of Mr. Milton Gib
Bon, of this borough. The instrument
is neatly finished, sweet toned and gives
general satisfaction.
- - - - m -
A Marvellous Story. The Ilecord tells
the following remarkable story, and our
readers can act their pleasure in accept
ing it as a fact ! A farmer in our neigh
borhood having placed a pall of milk in
a spring of witter to cool over night,
went there the next morning, and
found, it is solemnly asserted, Instead of
the pail of milk, a large bull frog sitting
in a contemplative mood upon a roll of
fresh butter. The sole explanation is
that the frog had jumped from the water
Into the pall, and, in trying to extract
himself, had, by diligent and continuous
strokes of his legs, churned the milk In
to butter.
The Robbery of the Hawn Brothers The
Huntingdon Local News says: " Isaac,
one of the Hawn brothers, who was
struck in the face with the butt end of a
pistol by one of the ruffian robbers a few
days ago, was in town on Saturday.
His brother John still suffers from the
injuries he received, but is rapidly re
covering. No arrests have yet been made
of the burglars, but olllcers are upon
their track and it is thought one or more
will be arrested before many days. The
conclusions arrived at by many of our
people that the burglary was a premedi
tated affair, prove correct, but enough is
known to justify the belief that the
burglars were not so-called ' tramps,'
but professional thieves, being part of a
gang that operates in this and adjoining
counties. We are not at liberty at pres
ent to divulge the names of suspected
parties nor the manner in which the
Hawn brothers were spotted.' "
A Half Day's Terror. On Thursday at
about 3 P.M., several citizens standing
at W. R. Titler's store, were surprised to
see an angry looking smoke suddenly
issue from C. Hennebarger's back yard,
just opposite where they were standing,
between the corncrib and stable. An in
vestigation proved that quick work
ruust be done or a conflagration of no
small degree was at hand, seeing the
combustible nature of the material con
venient. The alarm was sounded and
in a short time both engines were at
hand but too late to be of any use, as the
flames were subdued in the outstart
through the active measures of the citi
zens present. In the hurry and excite
ment of course some mistakes were made
prominent among which was that of a
citizen who, in his zeal to save the build
ings ran into the kitchen, grabbed up a
dish-pan of greasy water, ran to the fire
and dashed It all over Ed. M'Candlish.
Later in the day as some girls were
passing down the alley at the rear of Mrs.
Gilmore's stable, an open door into the
fodder room revealed smoke issuing
from some straw and dust on the floor.
The alarm was immediately given aud
by the timely appearance of water an
other conflagration was spared our
About dark a son of John Diller .living
with his grandfather, Col. W. H. Wood
burn, on Main street, went out into the
yard and looking towards the stable of
Wm. Cratzer, discovered it to be on fire
in the loft. The alarm was again given
and the people aroused in that vicinity.
Dr. J. C. Claudy, Stacy C. Glauser
and J no. S. Dougerty were about the
first to gain admittance to the loft,
which was found to be empty of hay ex
cept a small portion that had been
thrown together in a mound and set on
fire had already begun to mount up, but
by the energetio action of these gentle
men, especially J. S. Dougherty, who
ran with a bucket of water, the fire was
quickly put out.
Our citizens were greatly exercised at
these attempts at incendiary, following
as they did so closely on each other, and
quiet but determined measures were at
once arranged for the protection of the
town. A strict watch was set with In
structions to shoot on the spot any one
found firing a building. The next ques
tion is, who is the author of these Incen
diary attempts V And what was the
motive for such persistent attempts to
involve a large lot of highly combusti
ble material in a burning the end of
which no one could estimate, consider
ing our meagre means at hand for the
reduction of fires. Our people are all
on the alert and no pains will be spared
to reach the guilty ones- NewvUle Star.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week :
During the thunder storm of Wednes
day last, Mr. Harry Comman, of Mid
dlesex township, made a narrow escape
from Injury. During the storm the
lightning played havno among the trees
in the vicinity of Dr. Jamw Irvine's
farm in Middlesex twp., striking several.
Mr. Comman, at the time was riding
along the road, and was in front of a
locust grove when the electric fluid
Btruck and completely destroyed a lo
cust tree, a number of large splinters
striking and sticking into his clothing.
Singular to itnte Mr. C. was not even
shocked by the bolt, yet his escape from
flying splinters, falling limbs and reck
less electricity Mas surprising.
Mondoy afternoon of last week, as
" Doo" wherry, a young man , was as
slstlng to unload hay in the barn on
the Stewart farm, a short distance south
of Carlisle, the rope broke and the fork
struck and penetrated young Wherry's
body, Inflicting, most probably fatal in
juries. On Tuesday William Hofllebower, of
Newvllle, was at D. McLiiughen's, In
Mifflin townshlp.plcklng cherries, when
by the breaking of a limb he fell from
the tree a distance of about thirty feet
to the ground. One leg was broken and
he sustained other severe injuries about
the head and limbs from tlie full. Dr.
Hartzell was immediately summoned,
and attended to the unfortunate man's
Great trouble Is occasioned the train
hands on the South Mountain railroad,
owing to the number of cattle that gather
on the track. At night it Is considered
dangerous to make use of the road.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week.
On Tuesday evening of last week, the
store of Rhine A Grayblll, In Richfield,
was entered by some persons unknown,
by prying open the front door ,and about
$80 worth of ready-made clothing, no
tions, &c, taken. No clue to the rob
bers. We have heard that a little son of a
family named Kurtz, out near Sellers'
mill, fell from a cherry tree one day this
week nnd was instantly killed by the
fall. We have not been able to obtain
further particulars.
On Sunday morning last, a son of
Henry Stewart, residing In Licking
Creek Valley, aged about seven years, '
had his left leg broken nt the thigh. He
was leading a calf, and the calf run away
with him, throwing him down which
caused the accident. Dr. Bunks and Dr.
Sandoe reduced the fracture, and he is
doing very well.
The store of Mr. Wlney, at Richfield,
was burglariously entered on the Mon
day night of lust week, and goods,
principally clothing, taken to the
amount of about $125. On the follow
ing Wednesday evening a German
tramp, who gave his name as Max
Selgel, was arrested in Thompsontown,
and $N9 worth of the goods found in his
possession. He Is now in the county
jail, and will be tried at the September
term. ie nau an accomplice who es
caped. A little daughter of Mr. Samuel Bell,
of Fermanagh twp., about two-and-a-half
miles north of Milllintown, was
bitten by a copperhead Btiake on Thurs
day morning last. The child was out
on the wood-pile gathering chips, and
while thus engnged renchedover an old
log after a piece of wood, in doing which
she disturbed the reptile, which Instantly
raised his envenomed head and struck
the little girl, who was in her bare feet,
on her right leg below the knee. The
reptile also struck at an older sister of
the child, but did not reach her. Mr.
Bell hastened to town with all speed, and
called Dr. D. M. Crawford, who on his
arrival at the residence of Mr. B., found
the little girl very much prostrated, her
pulse weak and sluggish and the bitten
limb largely swollen. He administered
the proper antidotes nnd restoratives,
and left the child without being able to
form an opinion as to the probably re
sults. I f i . .
Grand Festival in the Woods. A Festi
val will be held on Satuhday, July
20th, 1878, on the old Sandy Hill camp
ground. The proceeds are for the M. E.
Sunday School at Centre. All kinds of
refreshments will be provided for man
and beast. Lunch tames well supplied
with substantiate as well as well as all
attainable dainties. Ice cream, huge
cakes, candies. Meals at all hours, and
the charges will be less than the regular
price anywhere. As we want to feed
everybody, don't brlngany baskets with
you. Remember It is not a picnic, but a
Sunday School Festival. Come every
body and have a good time. Opening
exercises at 10 o'clock. Speeches and
music will Inaugurate the day's exer
cises. A brass band will be in attend
N. B. If the day should be unfavor
able the Festival will be on Monday or
the first fair day following.
An Improved Coffee Pot. This is an
nge of invention, and in proof of the
fact that this is so, we will call attention
to an improved coffee pot, warranted to
make more and better coffee with less
material. The patent for this county
is owned by David Owen, and he is now
preparing stock to supply the demand
at wholesale and retail. At the present
time they can be had of John Cromleigh,
at Duncannon, and other agents will
soon be appointed in other parts of the
Well m be whipped if J can find,
A store like JJLAIIt'Sin town,
Where all is kept so nice and clean,
And prices always down.
Carlisle, June 25, 1878. 2t
Malarial Fever,
Malarial Fevers, constipation, torpidity
of the liver and kidneys, geueral debility,
nervousness and neuralgiao ailments yield
readily to this great disease conquerer, Hop
Bitters. It repairs the ravages of disease
by converting the food luto rich blood, and
it gives new life and vigor to the aged and
infirm always. Bee "Proverbs" in other
Andersonburg Soldiers' Orphan School.
The True Version at Last And the Au
thorities Vindicated.
Owing to the aro mlreireentatlon In the
lTarrinlnira Patriot of the 22nd nit., of a little (lis-
turbanceoccurrlng hi the HoliUern'OrphitiirUtlmol,
hi. a niTNon iHiru. it iipcnnips rd BtmnniTP. URCPB
sltjr, tlmt rlnht alioiild be vluilicnh'il anil Mint the
ntnry be told by tine who knows wheren! lie
ppk. When mioh vltilPtit pererlon of fnrtn
are Inonpht before Ilia nubile n were In the Patri
ot nt the 22nd ult.. It Is lilith time tlmt. I lie truth be
told. T he following nnMtntemeiit are ample
remnn forrenlvlnu to the nfoi'P'ftld article. Tlmt
during the melee of Tueday, "The boy had all-
8OMJ10 nwiiy in me jsuiiniiiff ann me enmpun" in a
fabrication out of the whole cloth, for the nnlld
lnt and wound were never under better control
by the authorities of the chool. Again, that the
Imy were "Illegally held In deHance of all law."
We would auggent that the reporter should wait
nntll he hears both Hides ot a story before he
gives out half fledged news. Also, they (l.e.)the
boys, test! tied that the "treatment was harsh In
the extreme t that the food was Impure, etc."
Now If the writer of the above had anv desire to
report facts he should have bided Ills time until
Mr. nail anil the employees were liearo on i no
witness stand and accented their sworn testl-
mony In preference to the conflicting statements
of half adoen boys who were not known to tell
a single unvarnished truth while In Itloomtleld.
Wo, the above correspondent could nave been ac
tuated b. no other motive than "trreen eved leal-
oust," or a tlend Ish desire to mar the fair name of
the Soldiers,' Orphan Hchool under the charge of
rioi. nun. The writer minus inai a speeuy in
vestigation by the authorities Is demanded. That
Is tireclselv what Mr. Hall wished. Mrs. flutter.
the lady Inspector of the Holdlers' Orphan Hehools,
visited the school on the 2Tth tilt., and Justified Mr.
Hall in every particular. And men to close sucn
an article of Inlustice with "let lustlc be done
though the Heavens fall," Is surely stealing the
livery of Heaven to serve the devil I
In order
mill, urn ii no null y my cuinn iphi'no hid iiiiiriiu,
and that the authorities of the school be Justltled.
n their proceedings, we wouiu make meiouow
Ing statement :
M lav. thelflth lilt., four of the boys played
truant. They returned In the evening nnd con
cocted a scheme among the larger boys to resist
the authorities In cae they would be punished.
They came Into the nclinol-room armed with
club's. As they were passing to the dormitory
Mr. Hall ordered the truant boys back to tlie
school room. They Immediately passed out of the
building. Two nt the boys were captured that
nlL'ht and the other two the next morning. About
a dozen of the larger boys armed themselves with
clubs and determined they would not return to
sonooi until nir. tian wouiu release mo uujmhiiu
receive them back unpunished. This point the
Principal would not yield, for their offense was of
sucha nature (beside their threat) as to deserve
chastisement, .ludge Motzer and Mr. Hall reason
ed with the boys but with no avail. The only re
sort was to have the boys arrested, which was
promptly done, and six of them were committed
to the Perry Couniy Jail. While there, the boys
reported the most dastardly falsehoods in refer
ence to the treatment and boarding at the school,
which are false In nearly every particular. At
the preliminary hearing on the 24th ult,., the "ille
gal retention" of the Patriot's was shown to be
false and the only alternative for the culprits was
to be remitted to tail to await the August Court,
or the pleasure of Mr. Hall, be allowed to return
to the school on the promise of good behavior ;
the latter of which the bovs accepted. And now
a word to those seaming friends of the Holdlers'
Orphans. You. who would Incite them to make
disturbance and resist authority I Who, ever at
the barof Justice would encourage the boysln re
bellion, and at the same time charge their moth
ers' enormous fees for the transfer of their pension
papers! You, gentlemen, are encouraging the
buys of our dead patriots on the way to the gal
lows. Oh, this Is the " most unklndest cut of all"
that you should destroy the offspring of those
who saved your country. Beware! If "Justice
were done though the Heavens fall," you your
selves would plead tor mercy.
Tun Ohpuams' Fkiend.
Health and happiness are priceless Wealth to
their possessors, and yet they are wltblu the
reach of every one who will use
The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia,
Ileadnche, Hour Htomach, Constipation, Debility,
Nausea, and all Ulllious complaints and ftlnod
disorders. None genuine unless signed " Wm.
Wright. Phil's, " If your Druggist will not sup.
Cly send 25 cents for one box to liarrlck, Holler &
o., TON. 4th Ht.,PhH'a.
January 1, IsTS, ly
A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility Premature Decay, and
ail the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will lor
the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all
who need It, the recipe and direction for making
the simple remedy by which be was cured. Hut
ferers wishing to prollt by the advertiser's ex
perience can do so by addressing In perfect con
fidence, JOHN OGDKN, 42 Cedar Street, New
York. A4 6ms
The advertlser.havlng been permamentlycured
ot that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple
remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire It,
he will send a copyof the prescription used, (free
of charge), with the directions for preparing and
using tlie same, which thev will Hud a sure cure
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &a.
Parties wishing the prescription will please ad
dress, K. A. WILSON, 14 Peun Bt., Willtams
burgh, New York. A4 6m.
Blank Reeelpt Books for Administrators
and Executors. Also blank notes and
ail other blanks for sale at this ofilce. tf
County Price Current. '
Bloomfixld, July 2, 1H78.
Klax-Heed 1 25
Potatoes 00
Butter V pound 8010
Eggs V dozen, 12 "
Dried Apples fl pound S cts"
Dried Peaches 10 0 15cts.W
( Corrected Weekly by A'owH Brother. )
Newport June 29, 1878.
Flour, Extra 15 00
" Super 0 00
White Wheat V bush, (old) 1 05 a 1 05
Ked Wheat 100 a 100
Kye 48848
Corn 45 845
Oata ft 32 pounds, 22322
Clover Seed 4 004 00
Timothy Seed 1 00
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoe SO 50
Bacon, SOS
Ground Alumn Bait, 1 35 1 35
Llmeburner'i Coal, 1 Oil
Stove Coal S 75 O 4 2i
Pea Coal 3 50
Gordon's Food per Back 12 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at tbt
Lowest Market ttates.
Carlisle June 25, 1878.
Family Flour 15-75
Superfine Flour S-T0
White Wheat, new 1 00
Red 1 to
Rye, 45
Corn, (new) S5
Oata...... 22
Cloverseed 4.00
Tlmotuyseed 1 25
Death notice, nnt pTceedlnir I lines Inserted wtthntit
viiMiK-. imii d renm per line vui nivariniii J
phariren for Tribute! of Reapect, Poetry, or other
KnctirnrirnrPR At the residence nf Mr. .to.
rtryner, near Handy Hill, on the 2:)rd of June.MIss
Ll.zle (!. Kochenderler. daughter of Mr. Thomas
W. Koeheiiderfnr and Caroline Kiiclienderfer. of
lukesburg, aged 20 years and 1 day.
In Memorlam.
The following resolution were adontpd hv thn
Bandy 1! Ill Sunday School t
Whereas. Allnllllilv (lod. Ill Ills areat wisdom
has seen lit to remove from amon" us, our Bister
Lizzie C. Kochenderfer who was formerly an ae
tlvewoiker In our Sunday School, therefore be it
fcundwf.Tbat we have had called from us, one
of the most worthy ot our number, who com
manded our sincerest attention, aim wnnse friend
ship and profession were highly esteemed by all.
Ilefiitml, Thnt. we recognizeln this tlie hand of
Our Father, " Who doelh all thing well," and lu
a mysterious way. hoping that It may result lu the
Individual good ot us all.
liosoitvd. That as an expression of our sorrow.
In consequence of the siulden calling of our Sis
ter, we extend to the parent and friends the
heart felt spmpalhy of our Sunday Rchool, and
would commend them to lllm Who has promised
to be our Shepherd, our Light, and our Salvation.
" Dear Lizzy she has gone to rest,
When with summer earth Is dressed.
Fold her, O Father In Thine arms, and
Let Iter henceforth be, a messenger of love
Between Our human hearts and Thee.
" Friendship and love have done
Their last, and now can do no more;
The bitterness of death Is past,
And all thy sufferings o'er.
" The gentle spirit passed away
'Mid pain the most severe,
Bo great we could not wish her stay
A moment longer here."
Haiuii A. Hf.uniiisel,
MADIir J. Mll.l.lOAN,
D. Alhan Kihtmh, -
Bandy Hill, June 2.1, 1878.
GOODS from a large Bankrupt Bale, I can
Sj $ $ 5j 5J
Fans at 2 Cents, 3 Cents, 5 Cents and upward.
Good Hose for Children, 10 Cents and upward.
Good Hose.Janey styles, for Ladies, 10 Cents.
Good Corsets, 60 Cents and upwards.
Splendid White Spreads 11.25, worth $2. Oh
Marseilles Quilts, (2.75, worth $1.50.
A Good Gaiter for 11.00.
Three Button Lisle Gloves for 40 Cents.
White Skirts, Embroidered at 69 cents.
A full assortment of Hamburg Edgings from 4
cents up.
Toweling 7 Cents per yard.
Husches 1 Cent each.
Bilk Crep I'sle Hunches, 15 Cents.
W.ilte Jaconets, 10 Cents per yard.
Yard wide Cambrics 10 Cents per.yard.
The best Fruit Jar In the Market $1 00 per doz.
Splendid Goblets 99 cents per dozen.
Tumblers 50a 63 cents per dozeu.
Also, lots of MUSLINS, GINGHAMS,
COTTONADES, and hundreds of other arti
cles at astonishing prices.
Neiv Bloomjield, JPa.
GOOD LIVE BUSINESS MEN to sell the Excel
sior Improved Letter Copying Book. No Press,
Brush or water used, copies Instantly. Agents
out lit 82..'0. Agents make from Jluto $15 per day.
Address Excelsior Manufacturing Co., 47 1-aSaile
St., Chicago, 111. Incorporated Feb. 16th 1b77.
Capital. $100,1)00, Exclusive Territory given. 264t
ESTATK NOTICE. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary on the estate
Sarah Burd, late of Buffalo township. Perry
Co., Pa., dee'd., have been granted to the under
signed, residing in the same township.
All persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment and those having
claims will present them duly authenticated lor
seltlemeut to
8AMCEL BAIR, Execntor.
June 8, 1878. Lewis Pottbb, Attorney.
Stop at The St. Elmo Hotel.
817 & 819 ARC II STREET,
First-Class Accommodations.
TERMS: ... to $2.50 per day.
JOS. H. FEfciER. Proprietor-
ESTATK NOTICE. Notice Is herebygiven,
that letters of administration on the esuie
ot Samuel Kline, late of Liverpool township.
Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned residing lu Perry township,
buyder county. Pa.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make Immediate paymeut aud those having
claims to present tbeiu duly authenticated lor est
AARON KLINE, Administrator.
May 21, 1878.) Lewis potter. Attorney.