8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA.. JUNE 18, 1878. The Total Eclipse. The next total eclipse occurs July 2IHli, mid will be visible in the eastern parts of Asia and the western and southern portions of the United States. Thoro have been In this century sevon ecllpsos, as follows, 1851, 1W0, 1808, 18(19, 1870, 1871 and 1875, and some of the observations made on them were productive of very valuable results. In this country, more than in Europo, the observations are likely to be carried out on an extensive scale, and very likely there will be almost end loss means employed to solve the mysterious problem, " What is tho corona?" The names Draper, Hall, Harkuess, Hol der), Lnngley, Newcomb, Fetors, Peirce, Pickering, Rutherford, Trouvelot and Young read well as forming the van in the attack here. J. Norman Lockyer in his ni tides In "Nature," under dates of April 18 aud 23, snys that the spectroscope since 18j'J, in tho bauds of Janssen, Ilerschet and others, has addod very largely to our knowledge on this subject. Young, in 18'1'J, observed a oontiuuous spectrum, while Janssen, in 1871, a non-continuous one. The question is, does the corona reflect solar light to us or not, and, if it does, where are those particles which thus act as rcllootors?" The observations are to bo made in an attempt to solve this. This corona is, as is well known, the circle of light which surrounds the sun at the mo ment of totality but what is that circle ? Iu relation to the results of one of the former observations, Lockyer says : "One of the most remarkable points about the expedition of Siam in 187-3 was tho failure to obtalu even spetra of the .sun with the ordinary teloscope cameras employed. The hasty adjustment of the instruments has to answer for much of this. I have little doubt," he continues, "that if the attempt is make in July, when a quantity of skilled help will be on baud, and any amount of rehearsal possible, that a full measure of success will be ob tained, at all events for the most photo graphic part of the spectrum. An ordinary photograph of the coiona was obtaiuod by Dr. Schuster injtwo seconds." Why Doubt? A steamship company, knowiug that success begets confidence, may advertise that they have nover lost a passenger or met with serious delay, and no ono ques tions the statmeut. But if a physician, after many years of investigation,annouuces the discovery of a remedy that positively cures certain forms of disease, and backs up his statements by indisputable evidence, bis word is doubted, and bis motives ques tioned. Is not such prejudice unreasona ble ? There are those afllicted with coughs, colds, consumption, liver complaint, or some affection of the blood, that still re fuso to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, notwithstanding they have witnessed its efflcacy in others similarly afl'ected. They "have no confidence in advertised medicines." Does the guide board at the corners of a country road, which advertises the way to go, shake your confidence, and create distrust in the route ? Do you refuse to patronize railaoads that advertise their time tables ? Then why doubt the truths published concerning Dr. Piorce's Family Modicines ? If debilitated females fail to receive the relief promised after using his Favorite Prescription, tho money will be refunded. Full particulars given in the People's Common Bonso Medical Adviser, a work of over 900 pages, price $1.50. Address tho author, R. V. Piorce, M. D., World's Dispensary aud Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Birthday Party Interrupted. A miraculous escape of a large company of little children from injury was reported by the up-town police last night. It soems that a birthday party was given in the eve ning at the residence of Mrs. Kelley, at Nowkirk and Emery streets, and while about forty children were gathered in the rooms upon the first floor, the latter gave way, precipitating the whole party Into the cellar. The little ones were extricated from their disagreeable position, and it was found that none had received more serious injuries than bruises. The eccident caused great excitement in the vicinity. Phila. Xorth American, of 13th inst. A Case of Twenty Years' Standing. From Mm. .Joseph Baker, of Johnson, Vt. " I feel it my duty to make known to the world the wonderful efficacy of your Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. For twenty years I was sorely afflicted with phthisic, und previous to using the Balsam was pro nounced by the physicians incurable.. Two or three bottles afforded me a good deal of lelief, and as many more completely re stored me ; and for two years past I have not had the least return of that painful complaint." 00 cents and 1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. CWTbe war in Cuba has at last ended. All the insurgents in the eastern department have laid down their arms, and peace will bo officially proclaimed iu a few days. It was a long, bloody and costly struggle, im poverishing alike to Cubans and Spaniards, waged by fire and sword with intense bitterness and desperation. TlllTHS. HOP IMTTKHH A lift TUB PUltKST AND BKH1' MTTKllH KVKKMADK. , They ro compounded from linns, rtiictin, Mnmliaka nnil Dandelion. the oldest. best, anil most valuable medicines In the world and contain nil the het ami most dilutive proper tins of all other Kilter, being the greatest Kf.'MII) I'UHIKIKK. LIVEIl URUULATOIl, ami Life ami Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or III health can possibly long exist where these Kilters me used, so varied and perfect am their operations. They give new life and visor tothe sued mid llillrni. To nil whose employments cunse Ir reguiarlty ot the bowels or urinary organs, or who reimlre nn Appetlrer, Tonlo mid mild Stimulant, these Hitters are Invaluable, being highly curative, tonlo and stimulating, with out Intoxicating. No matter what your fe'llngs or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment Is. use Hop Kilters. Don't wait until you me sick, but if f un only feel bad or miserable, use the Hop litters nt onee. It may save your life. Hun dreds have been saved by so doing, f'00 will be paid fur a ense they will not cure or help. Do not sutler yourself or let your friends suiter, but use and ni ne them to use Hop Kil ters, ltemember. Hop Fitters Is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest mid llest Medicine ever madet the "Invalid's Friend and Hope," and no person or family should be without them. Try the Milters to day. W Try Hon Cough Cure and Pain Relief. For sale by Dr. M. D. Btiickler. New UloonitUld. and B. M. Eby, Newpuit, Pa. 254 1 H 0! FARMERS, THIS WAY I AND EXAMINE LIGGETT' S IMPROVED TRIPLE GEARED IUON HORSE POWER for threshing, the best and cheapest power In the county. Few persons can have had greater ex perience or closer practical acquaintance nun 1IOKHE POWKIIM than 1 have hud. I commenced their manufacture nearly thirty years ago. and have given this branch of my business theclosest attention ever since ; and. without boasting, I assert that this Power Is strong enough to run the largest Separators or Machines that are In use. It hastnnety one revolutions of shaft loone of team, and WILL KH HOLD J.OWKll than any other built In or out of the county. Also, for sale, P L O W S , CORN-SIIELLERS, HOLLOW-WARE, OVEN-DOORS, SCOOPS, and a general assortment of INGS. For sale; a ennd two-horse THE AD POWER and MACHINE In good running order, mounted on wheels, tit a bargain. Also, three kinds of Jacks for different Powers. .Iam Admit, and cau furnish Separators for any Machine.. Ickesburg, Perry Co., Pa. April 23, 1878. BLACK AS THE HAVEN'S WING. IS KIDDER'S Raven Indellible Ink, Never Plots! Flows Freely! Never Spreads! Always Ready! Perfect Black, No fuss or trouble! It is used without preparation! Hold by all druggists and station ers. Torrey. Templeton & Co., New York. Proprietors. Aprll23. JHE MANSION HOUSE, New Blooinflelu, Penn'a., GEO. F. EN8MINGEE. Proprietor. HAVING leased this nronertv and furnished It In a comfortable manner, fask a share of the puouc patronage, mm assure my menus who stop with me that every exertion will be made to render their stay pleasant. mr a careiui nostier always in aucnuance. April 9. 1878. tf ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is herebv given, that the Second nod Further account of .James Armstrong, Assignee ot B. K. and Geo. Fllcklnger under act of volun tary assignment for the benellt of creditors, has oeen uieu ana win ue presented to the court lor continuation on Tuesday, the Uth day of June next. D. MICKEY, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's Ofuce, Uloomileld, May 13, 1878. pd ITOTATK NOTICK. Notice Is hereby glv. "J en that Letters of Administration nnlha estate of George D. Yost, late of Spring town- snip, reiry county, -., deceased, nave been granted to the undersigned residing in Dellville, All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate pavment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to FRANK D. YOST, Administrator. W. II. Si-ONat.KB, Attorney for Adm'r. April 2.1, 1878. . JIVERVIEW NURSERY ' AND SMALL FRUIT GARDENS ! Oftlce 821 North 3rd Street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Plants delivered by mail at any Post Ofllce in the r lilted states. For SI will send by mall 2 Heliotrope. 2 Fuchsias, 2 Carnations, 2 Single Geraniums. 2 Coleus, 1 Double Geranium, 2 Tube roses, 4 Verbenas. NURSERY-STOCK. Fruit and Ornamental trees, Everygreens.Grape vines, Small Fruit Plants, &o., of every descrip tion. Send for prices. SAMUEL PATtKEB, 821 North 3rd Mreet. Harrisburg, Pa. February 12, 1878 3mos. JHE EAGLE HOTEL, New Bloom field, Peuu'a. HAVING purchased this property and refitted and refurnished It In a comfortable manner, I ask a share ot the public patronage, and assure my friends who stop with me that every exertion will be uiade to render their stav pleasant. H. L. HO0HEN8H1LDT. March 19, 1878. tf T7SSTATK NOTICK. Notice Is herehvelven. Jli that letters of administration on the estate oi eaniuei Kline, line oi Liverpool township. Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted iu me untiersigneu roaming m reiry lownsiup, Snyder couulv. Pa. All personslndebted to said estate are requested iu iiiukq unnieuiHie paynimu una loose naviui claims to present them duly authenticated for es" tlement. A AltO N KLINE. Administrator. May2ll878. J Lewis Potter. Attorney. TOU P11INT1NO of every description neatly vf auu unimpiiy executed mi jiennouiioie naiei at we ttiooinoeia i lines weam job umce. CUJfP BEITS., a CO, WHOLESALE JEWELERS, .A. FULL LARGEST STOCK! DEALERS! HEM) PIcnHO AMERICAN Al ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT & CAREFUL ATTENTION. 161 State Street, CHICAGO. dki'liffle C&ifpet Sote! STEPHENS k EilTH! SECON D- GRAND SPRING OPENING OF Fine Foreign and Domestic CAEPETINGS ! Largest. Cheapest and Best Assortment in Eastern Pcnnsylva- -i i i ma. ivememuer we inuive CARPETS a BDcelaltv. anil devote our whole time and convinced that we can, and will sell you anything ono else. Respectfully, STEPHENS Jb BEETEM, N. B. In addition to the above, we carry an IMMENSE STOCK of Window Shades, Looking Glasses, VECETINE. The Great Blood l'urlfler. II. K. (STEVENS, Proprietor, Boston Mass. 22dlw PI AND Beautiful Concert Grand flRRAN rlMllU lManos nrlce liifi0 onlv UnUMIl 1125. Superb Grand Square Pianos, price (1,100 only 25ft. Elenanl Upright Pianos, price JSO0 only 155. Sew Htvle Upright Pianos $112.50. Orpans f 13. Organs 12 stops 872.60. Church Organs IU stops price fi'juoniy lin. megani jiio Aiirror Top Organs, anly (104. Buyers come and see me at home If I am not as represented, It. K. fare paid both ways and Piano or Organ given free. Large Hist. Newspaper with much information about cost of Pianos and Organs sent free. Pleae address DANIEL V. BEAT! V, Washington. New Jersey. 22dBw THE NEW TOILET PREPARATION, if; ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. ItemovcH FRECKLES, TAN. r AND ALL BLEMISHES. Makes the Complexion as clear as Crystal, O and the skin as soft as velvet. A sclentifto UJ preparation : does not cover up, but Removes if and that without the slightest injury. Wets 7" per bottle. Sold by all druggists. GEO. A. KELLOGG, Prop, t) Church bt., N. Y. 22dw4 Parson's Purgative Pills make New Rich Blood and will completely change the blood Intheentlre System In three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, If such a thing be pos sible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stumps, I. 8. JOHNSON & CO, Bangor, Maine, 22d4w FTJJPJ T TT T Awarded )nnhut prire nt t.'pii'pnmnl l'.xoiinon Tor atttr oj niiettcning nwi yl.t1-.1r.u7. Tlio U-d lolmcro vtr miidn. A our blu Blrip li ndo-lnftrk i cloudy lmitnled on interior iioo.li., nee I hut Jarlaon't frit is 011 every pluu. Kold by alllide r. BndrortHiiili, fru, to C. A. JiCo i Co., Mtia., I'stsmlmrn, vs. G. F. Wardle, Gen. Agent, Philadelphia. flRRANQ Highest honors at all World's Ex UnUHIiv) hibltlons. Latest Catalogues aud Circulars, with new styles, reduced prices and much information, sent tree. MASON SHAM LIN ORGAN CO., Boston, New York or Chi cago. 22q4w For a Case of Catarrh, That SANORU'8 JtAJJl VAIj CVll K for Catarrh will not Instantly relieve and speedily cure. References, Henry Wells, Esq., Wells Kai go & Co., Aurora. N. Y. : W'm. Howeii.Eso.. M'Hlitlon Giant $50 $50 & Bowen. St. Louis. Testimonials and treatise by mail. Price, witn Improved Inhaler, fl. Sold every where. WEEKS ti POTTER. Pro- pnetors, lioaton, Mass. 2ld4t WANTED! . AN ENERGETIC MAN OR WOMAN fn every COUNTY TO TAKE AN AGENCY for two of the moHT POPULAR PUBLICATIONS. Six of the Finest Chromos. mounted aud stretched I'UxM Inches each) to every subscriber. The best Com bination ever bofore ottered to AgenU. and the MOST LIHKBAL iwuuur.mnn J3 J nunmjin nn-oa tttr KIiia VuhllenMnnn. Klonailt Preml urns, and LARtJE COMMISSIONS place us ahead .,f ail lii.ninAiitnrs. llliiMtruteit (flnuilmra Free. K. 1. ite X.. UK8TE1X, Publishers. North East Corner 7th aud Dickinson Slieets, Philadel phia. 2uw rani OHIillil P" XjI3STE OIF FOREIGN ! LOWEST PRICES ! ! lTOIl A-TALOCiUliJ t ! Cull AVlien In tlio City ! I attention to the business. Call with us and be In tho Carpet line, CHEAPER than any AGENTS WANTED I Medals and Diplomas awarded for HOLMAN H NEW PICTORI AL BIBLES 2,000 Illustrations. Address for new Circulars, A.J. HOLM AN & CO. . 24d 4w 030 Arch St., Philadelphia. Agents! READ THIS I I We will pay Agents a salary of 1100 per MONTH, and EXPENSES to sell our New and Wonderful Inventions. Address, SHERMAN & CO.. Mar shall, Michigan. 21d4w POCKET PHOTOSCOPE, has great magnify ing power, detects counterfeit money, shod dy In cloth, foreign substances in wounds, flaws In metal, examines infects, flowers, etc., 25cts., currency or stamps. VAN DELF & CO., 20 Ann street. New York. ; a4 6m C7 Cfl Agents profits per week. Will prove $0 1 .OU It or forfeit m. New articles, Just patented. Samples sent free to all. Address W. U. C1I1DESTEK, 210 Fulton Street New York. . , A4 6m. mm 1 1 la N 1 I.1 Mr ' nil . I . "1 'tt;". pi, i!ijf',!,,i liilftiihi. 'I ?:l"::;;!i t Ti in; . III H v 1 1 mmMttwH These lars are the most simple and pcifect Jara In the market. For sale wholesale and retail by F . AlUKll.HH.it. H 0GEST0WN SELECT SGH00L tiid 0 1 T VI M XT TJ QPUQinV nt rha TIno'Diitnun Select School will open JiJtYHth, and continue 111 HeSSlOU O WeCKS. XUIS WJMIUH 13 vniUIUIIjT a thnaa nrlalklnn In nranarfl fir Avumliia. tton. We have made arrangements to accommo- Qnlo m largo uuiiiuci vi uuuiucisi i wui unuuu tors are engaged to anslst Iu couducttug the rU( 1UUUCI uaiiiKUinin. vii "imuuiiao, CHAS. 8. LOSU, 1'rlnolpal, May 28 178. Hogestown, Pa. WATCHES iiifi nil. .Hi:! ilC NVY' ill; l '-f ..I , I t,fcB., I I I mm iii. if i !' tmU. I i if. Mil Fifth Annual Spring Opening AGAIN we greet our patrons with an ELEGANT and AT TRACTIVE STOCK for the SPRING TRIM, AT TRICES that it would bo uselfiss tn t.rv t.n Ami T.OAVF.U Among the many attractions are the following : S 3IEN'S SUITS in Sack, Frock and Chester field Rtyles In all grades and qualities, and AT ALL PItICE.4. BOYS1 S UITS in Splendid Variety to suit all ages from three rears upwards. I CAEPETS to suit Kitchen, Dining ltoom, R1ttlnu Room, Parlor or Stairs at LOWEST 1KI0E8. HATS and CAPS for Men, Boys and Youth in all the latest styles. A Ladies' Furnishing Goods. We make it a special object to always have this department well stocked with choice materials. Gent's Furnishngj Goods, in all its branches. Articles too numerous to mention. T Trunks and Valises the best and largest selec tion in the County. Besides the Above, We have many other lines of Goods. J25 All are invited to call. ISIDOU SCHWARTZ, Newport, Penn'a. Established 1851. The First Pepsins. Dr. J. S. Houghton's PURE PEPSIN. M. J. H. Eaton of Philadelphia, who Is sole suc cessor to Dr. J. 8. HouiiUTON, still prepares this unfailing remedy for dyspeptics, according to the original formula. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN Is the Oldest, the Cheap est, the Best, and the Surest Cure. Try it, ye dyspeptics. 'When your physician orders Pepsin, Insist upon having Hououton's. Take no other recommended because the dealer can make more on It. Get the original Hot u it ton's, and you will be cured. J. II. EATON. Philadelphia. Proprietor. Torrey, Templeton 4k (Jo., New York General Agents, April a. r A TXTSCO f'" color Storking. XeetEtrra, 4o. XiXl-XXXi O !.NTANTAHKOl'K.V.10riWHaUuiD 1 CL Can ruuew or cliangfl tint color of tlielr llreiiav, Hilk. Wuoliv, or timu.1i ut nominal coat, liiijmrlluc new nd lovely ahaUea Ly Hie uh of i'ur Mask: T in I'm. buck of any color aentf or !"c ; sdlfTnrrnt colors fr &c. bend so. sump lor samplB and circular, alto. Our Improved Pest Poison 11 a iati, Bare nu cump acwtroyvr us Xs - u w Ciirmnt Worm mnd )1 Insets that Treyun VfgeUttou, Warranted toU:ll Kivb live whera Farlt Un ra knU ONK. Vl't It It IAFIITO L'tK. Dii ltnoC Injuiioua toplstnu. Costjonl Vtoi0c.pcrcte, i-l' box rn( In e by mall fur 30c, fetiud tar circuUw Willi hundreds of tetttlmuaUU, OurCabbageWorm Destroyer la not at all PoisoN orB, bat tun death to die worm, bam pi for trial Mitt fru on rrcuipt of 15 ecu'. tOai'AGSHTAHPS A' CtPTID. UlSCOUUt to thu Tl'iUlfJ, m K-BAK.NLlf CliKMICAL VOPRrt, T . Jamm U. Dkt, Agent, VO. Box 3139. Ofllc,oiCurUiiat bu,tw Vorfc T EGAL NOTICE. JU At a Court of Common Pleas for the county oi Perry, hold on the 2otb ot April. 1S78. said Court granted a rule on George Matchett and wife, As signors, and the creditors of George Matchett to show cause why Holomon Bigham, Assignee of said George MaUibetc and wife for benellt of creditors, should not be discharged from said trust, returnable 11th day of June, IH78. Service ot said rule to be made by publication in The Bloomfikld Times S consecutive weeks prior 10 the return day. Per Curiam. Attest IX MICKEY, Prothonotary. Bloomneld. April 23, WT3. ; . k Chance to Hake Some Monty, Snre jS OR NELL'S HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Now ready. write lor Agency ai once. JOHN BOXY ft CO., Publishers, 725 sansoni ttreet, Philadelphia. W13.am