The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, March 19, 1878, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA, JIAltCll 111, 1878.
JVeuf liloomfleld, March lit, 1S7&.
Nn Cut or merentypa will h Inserted In tills paper
BnlMi Unlit face and on mntsl bun. .
tir-TwRnty per cent, in purees of rcirulitr rotes, will
v.eoharKeil for advertisements set In ltouble Column.
Look it thn flmircs on thn Inhfl of X"t t'sper.-ThoM-ilunrpii
tll von thn (Intern n lilcli yniirsuli-
rrlpllon In nnlil. Within ;ik in;r "
out, hob If the duto la chained. No otl"r f"'l'
II necessst-v.
For the Information of Advertisers,
and others Interested In knowing, we
make mention of the fact that we begin
this year with a circulation of NINE
Many persons are not aware that
there are eight United States mints In
this country, located as follows : Phila
delphia ; Charlotte, North Carolina;
Dablonega, Georgia ; Han Francisco,
Canon City, Denver, Dallas City, Ore
gon and New Orleans. Borne of them
coin only gold and several have not for
some years been In operation.
Now Hampshire Election.
The election on Tuesday last in New
Hampshire resulted in the success of the
Republicans. One hundred and eighty
live towns give Prescott, Republican,
:I5,004; M'Kean, democrat, 32,804, and
scattering, 31)2. The towns bo far heard
from give the republicans 184 and the
democrats 117 In the house. Roth par
ties concede the election of Prescott
for governor by over one thousand ma
jority, with ft republican legislature.
Terrible Colliery Explosion.
London, March 13. A terrible
colliery explosion occurred In the Unity
Crook Tit, Kearsley, near Rolton, at 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon. The mouth
of the pit was blocked until 6 o'clock,
when explorers succeeded In entering.
At last accounts they had found sixteen
bodies. About 40 men were working in
the pit at the time of the explosion and
It is certain all perished.
Destructive Wind and Snow Storm.
Sherman, W. T., March 13. At mid
night on the 7th Inst., a storm of snow
and wind set in continuing until the
10 Inst., covering the entire country
from Green river, Wyoming, to North
Platte, Nebraska, a distance of 550 miles.
A number of men and cattle were found
dead, one, ranchman losing 10,000 sheep.
The railrond tracks have been cleared
and the blockaded trains released.
Mulcting a Church A Curious Lawsuit.
At Bryan, O., Joseph Lichty brought
suit against John Holdeman and others
. for $10,000, for enticing his wife to ab
stain from marital relations to him. All
the parties were members of the 'Church
of God,' a branch of the MennoniteB.
In May, 1875, the society which John
Lichty and his wife were members, for
divers reasons not shown in court, ex
communicated him and placed him un
der the ban termed "avoidance." This
means that the remaining members shall
shun the erring or excommunicated
brother until he repent and is. again re
ceived into the church. It makes it the
duty of the wife, she being a member,
not to eat at the same table with her
husband, nor talk with him except
when of absolute necessity, nor to hold
other relations.
She could, however, keep house for
him and his family, which consisted of
four children. This Mrs. Lichty did for
a year, he, in the meantime, patiently
and kindly trying to induce her to act
the wifely part with him. But on dif
ferent occasions, when he had nearly
succeeded in winning her back to him,
the teachers would step in and warn her
that she could not take such a step with
out the consent of the church, and that
If she did her soul would be forever lost.
He then let his farm and moved away,
thinking his wife would go with him ;
but influence was brought to bear upon
her, and she would not leave the
Lichty then sued the church members
for damages. They made their own de
fence in court, not believing In lawyers,
and they read in parts from Numbers of
Revelation. Simon Mennlll, of Hol
land, who lived in the sixteenth cen
tury, was their commentator, and, un
der the plea of religious tolerance, guar
anteed by the Constitution, claimed a
verdict in their favor. The testimony be
ing all in, and the arguments having
been made, the case went to the jury,
who soon brought In a verdict giving
$2,500 damages to plaintiff. Ex.
Worrying a Parson.
The New York Mrorld, in speaking of
the difficulty existing In the Baptist
Church at Hamilton Square,N. J., says :
" A case somewhat similar to this- took
place seven years ago In the Hardscrab-
ble Methodist Church In Hunterdon
county, where George Rounsavlllo, be
coming aggrieved at the pastor adopted a
unique way of ' getting even.' lie caused
to be made for himself a suit of calico
trousers and roundabouts, with a hat of
the dimensions of an umbrella, and a
crimson band In proportion. The trou
sers were gorgeous in their way, being
covered with brilliant Images of sun
flowers and roses, the largest two of
which were displayed upon the most
conspicuous parts of the garments. The
wearer entered the church edifice, and
was as solemn as an owl through the
services, but the congregation were not
in the same mood. Rounsavllle was in
dicted and taken before tho Flcmlngton
Court, where It was decided that he had
not disturbed the worship, and had the
right to dress as he pleased."
Foreign News.
London, March 13. The Timet of
this morning, In its financial article,
alluding to tho failure of Veruer Broth
ers, the stock brokers, which was an
n ou n ced yesterday ,say s : " Vern er B roth
era were short about $500,000 in stocks."
The same article says : " Nothing
could speak more eloquently to the dead
ening effect of the apprehensions which
will fill Europe for many months than
the cheapness of money In the conti
nental markets. This chenpness renders
the position of the Bank of England
The rooms in course of erection at
Woolwich dockyard, covering an acre
of ground, suddenly collapsed to-day
while the laborers were at work. Hun
derds of workmen were burled in the
debris. All were quickly rescued, but
many of them were seriously injured.
No deaths have yet occurred, though
several cannot survive.
A special dispatch from Berlin to the
Morning Post says that Prince Bismarck
will not go to his La u on burg estate for
the benefit of his health, as was stated
in a Berlin special in the Standard, and
that the German government will not
issue Invitations to the congress until
all difficulties about the subjects to be
considered are removed.
" These difficulties," says thedlspatch,
" appear more serious than was antici
pated. The general prospect in well in
formed circles Is far from encouraging.
Germany will claim the presidency of
the congress for its representative by
prescriptive right, whether Prince Bis
marck is able to attend or not."
London despatches says that trust
worthy private advices from India
state that the Mohammedans are greatly
excited in consequence of the overthrow
of Turkey.
Serious trouble Is even apprehended
unlesB the government takes some antl
Russlau action shortly. It is believed
that 200,000 Moslem volunteers could be
raised to serve against Russia without
A Berlin dispatch to the Times says :
"Even governmental newspapers, such
as the Font, National Zeltung and others
heretofore favorable to Russia, deem it
necessary, since the terms of peace are
known, to take precautions for the pro
tection of European interests. The Post
says measures must be taken to prevent
the Dardanelles and Bulgaria from be
coming Russian property."
A Slow Couple.
For seventeen years Mr. David H.
Johnson uninterruptedly courted Miss
Rachel MeCracken, both of whom are
residents of Greenwood twp., Clearfield
county, Pa., and then they got married.
miscellaneous News Items.
tW Twenty-five locomotives were ship
ped from Philadelphia for Russia on Satur
day a week.
C2T Gold has began to circulate. A
resident of Montgomery county was robbed
of 300 in gold a few days ago.
tST Seventy-six tbot&atid dollars is
claimed by tho Pullmau Palace Car Com
pany from Allegheny county, for cars de
stroyed during the July riots.
t5T Thero are eight men to be appoint
ed on the police force of Alleutown at a
salary of $30 per month and sixty applicants
are seeking the position.
tW A curious accident took place at
Grand Rapids, Mich., the other day, when
John Coleman was instantly killed by the
premature explosion of a blast, which blew
a piece of stone about as big as a walnut
in at his mouth and out through the back
of his bead.
A heavy storm passed over Jefferson
county, West Virginia, on Monday night
Hail stones larger than eggs fell for an
hour, breaking glass and killing cattle,
hogs and sheep. The rain washed out the
growing wheat, inflicting a heavy loss. The
damage is estimated from $75,000 to $1P0,
000. A Virglula negro boy, who pro
fessed to be dreadfully afraid of cholera,
took to the woods to avoid it, and there
was found asleep. Being asked wby he
went to the woods, he said : "To pray."
"Hut," said the overseer, " how Is It that
you went to sloop?" "Don't know,
manna, 'r.nctly," responded the negro,
" but 'spect I must have ovcrprnyed my
self." tW One day Inst week tho boys pf Mr.
Wiley Winkle, who lives seven or eight
miles south of Corvallis, Or., while bi nuk
ing sod In front of the house plowed up a
lot of old silver coins, the latest bearing
date of 1848. It Is a mystery how they got
there. They were coins of Mexico, Franco,
Peru and the United States.
tWAn engine and seven ears of a freight
train bound north on the Jackson, Lansing
and Saginaw Railroad ran through a bridge
at Marsh Creek, between St. Charles mid
Saginaw, Mich., last week, killing the fire
man and badly injuring the engineer. The
accident was caused by the giving way of
a dam above the bridge, which washed out
the embankment.
tW A woman with a very singular
history died lust week in the Blackwell's
Island Almshouse. She was one hundred
and four years old, the widow of one of the
Irish rebels of 1708, who fought at Oulert
Hill. Her husbnnd, mainly through her
exertions, was pardoned as he was boing
led to execution, but was immediately
afterward sabred at her side by the yeo
manry whom he had fought.
tW A man named G. W. Petty, who
has been in Texas eleven years, was ai rest
ed in a field near Prairie Lea, upon a re
quisition from the Governor of Kansas.
Thirteen years ago, in that State, Petty
and another mau rodo up to tho house of a
man named Clark, Greenville county ; called
him out, and while with two children in
his arms he was pointing out the road to
them, Petty shot him dead and escaped to
tW A heavy snow storm set in at Chey
enne, V. T., on the 8th Inst., continuing
until noon on Saturday, the wiud attain
ing a velocity from fifty to sixty-four miles
per hour, carrying snow with it, and drift
pig it in banks ten to fifteen feet high. All
trains on tho Union Pacific, Denver Pacifio
and Colorado Central are either side-tracked
or snowed In, and there is no communi
cation north, whither manay freight outfits
are uow travelling, and the loss of stock
will be great.
Philadelphia, March 11. Robert Mo
Adams, twelve years old, and Charles
Patton, about the same age, quarreled to
day near Thirteenth street and Lehigh
avenue over the possoBsion of a stick of
candy. Patton threatened to shoot Mo
Adams if he did not divide with him, and
as the latter refused, Patton drew a pistol
and shot McAdams through the head,
killing him almost instantly. The young
desperado then fled but he was subse
quently captured.
tyA supplementary telegram from
Harrisonburg, Va., where Charlotte Harris,
colored, was hanged, the other night, on
a black jack tree, by masked men, says it
took five men to bend the sapling down, to
which, being accomplished, the rope was
fastened to the woman's neck and the tree
then allowed to go up again. Tho woman
was tossed in the air and landed on the op
posite side of the tree, which was propped
up with a fence rail, and then left hanging.
This occurred Wednesday night last. The
body was not cut down until the following
Friday afternoon.
tW A romantic- story Is told of Martin
Mix of North flold and Ellen Manoughof
Middlebury, Vt., who have just got mar
ried aftor a long separation. Many years
ago they quarreled and broke their engage
ment. Martin went to sea, dug gold in
Australia and California, served in the
Union army during the war, worked on
the Paoifio railroad, was captured by In
dians while traveling to the Black Bills,
but escaped and returned to Vermont.
Ellen had long since forgiven her recreant
lover, and, having advertised la vain for his
return, devoted her time to saving silver
dollars, 800 of which found their way into
one of her old stockings. Now the two
are one and the past is forgotten.
t2T" Captain Harrison, who was a pas
senger on the wrecked steamer Metropolis,
and who subsequently mado himself con
spicuous In rescuing and caring for the
passengers, was arrested in Philadelphia a
few days ago, on the grave charge of ap
propriating such of the effects of the vic
tims as were washed ashore. It was noticed
that when he reached Norfolk on his re
turn homeward he had several trunks in
bis possession aud detectives were Bet on
his track, which resulted in his arrest.
In bis rooms was found a considerable
quantity of clothing bearing the marks of
Civil Engineer Moore and others of the
wrecked passengers.
Wonderful I
The need of healthful blood becomes ap
parent by oold extrcmitios ; by frequeut
flushes of beat ; by ulcers and eruptions ;
by general lassitude and a revolution from
former pleasures. Scenes which once were
bright grow tame and insipid, because the
life current is slow, sluggish, and unbealth
ly. Wby ? The virile powers have been
overtaxed and refuse to work properly. In
all such cases, the Peruvian Syrup, which
has become such a favorite, should be used.
It inspires hope aud health ; restores the
vital blood to Its original vigor and removes
the resulting evil efTncts. It Infuses beat
and warmth to the system, and never falls
to do what It promised. Like tho galvanic
current, wltlr.h ttnrmnntna nvnrv niirn nf Mia
body, It reaches every spot In the system
unt uniiKe uint current, lis virtues remain
to cheer and strengthen. All dyspeptlo
hypochondriacs and invalids gonernlly are
recommended to try this Syrup, which can
be hnd of any druggist.
A Book That Everybody Wants.
We have received from the National
Publishing Company of Philadelphia
the ndvanre sheet or their new work,
entitled " The Pictorial History of the
World," by James 1). McCabe, a well
known historical writer. It Is the most
valuable book that has been published In
this country for many years. It con
tains a separate and admirably written
history of every nation of ancient and
modern times, and Is full of useful in
formation concerning them,prescnted in
popular style, and in a manner that will
enable the reader to refer Instantly to
any subject upon which Information Is
desired. The book is a complete treas
ury of history, and there is not a ques
tion that can be nsked concerning any
historical subject, but an answer can be
found is tills work. The author does
got content himself with a mere dry
statement of facts, but sketches the life
and maaners of the various nations of
which he treats, In life-like colors, and
presents to the render the causes which
led to the prosperity and decny of the
great powers of the world. life shows
us the various great men the warriors,
statesmen, poets, sages, and orators of
ancient and modern times, and makes
them fumiliar to the reader ; he explains
the secret motives of their actions, and
points out the lessons which their lives
teach. A valuable feature of this work
Is a complete History of the late War
between Russia and Turkey, the only
one in print. The mechanical execution
of the book deserves the highest praise.
H contains 1,200 largo double-column
pages, printed in the clearest and most
beautiful style on paper of the very best
quality. The book is embellished with
over (150 fine engravings, embracing bat
tles aud other historical scenes ; por
traits of the great men of ancient and
modern times ; and views of the prin
cipal cities of tho world. These engrav
ings are genuine works of art, and were
mude at a cost of over $25,000. The great
number and high character of these en
gravings make this the most valuable
art publication of the country.
It is for sale by subscription only, and
agents will find that this book will sell
readily when all others fall, from the
fact that It Is a work that the people
really want. Seethe publishers' adver
tisement for agents on 6th page.
Bloomfiold Academy. Spring Term of
twelve weeks begins April 1st, 1878.
Four courses of Btudy. The Common
School course Is designed for those In
tending to teach. Full preparation,
classical and otherwise, is given for any
college, either for Freshman or Sopho
more year, and full Instruction in the
theory and practice of teaching.
Instruction is given in Music, Draw
ing and Painting.
The boarding department is conducted
by the Proprietor, who lm9 recently
mnde a reduction in the price of board.
For information, Address,
J. R. Flickinger, A. B., Prln.,
Wm. Gitncn, Proprietor,
10 5t New Bloomfield, Pa.
Hogestown Select School. The Spring
Term of the Hogestown Select School
will open April 8th, 1878, and continue
in session twelve weeks. Special induce
ments are offered to those desiring to
prepare themselves for teaching. Young
teachers who are energetic and persever
ing have no trouble in getting good sala
ries in this county. Salaries during the
winter of '77 and r78 ranging from $30 to
$00 per month. The course will embrace
all the branches required on a teachers
certificate, Including instrumental anil
vocal music. Any other English
brandies may be audea ir desired.
Terms: Boarding and Tuition : $30.00.
For further particulars call on or ad
Ciiah. S. Losh, Principal,
Cumberland county, Pa.
February 8th, 1878. 2m.
For Exchange. Property in this town
is oirereii ror a country store. Address
H. Times Office.
We justlly claim the handsomest and
cheapest line of Carpets in the County.
(Jome and examine lor yourseir.
11 8t Isidoh Sciiwaktz.
Vt. J. RICE, Surgeon and Mechanical
Dentist, Ickesburg, Perry Co., Pa.
irrAlwflVH At. luitriA ntt Kjittirflnvs.
Cull if you want anything in my line
i i.i- .
ill iue iuuki reusuiuiuii; raies.
For carpets by all means go to
11 3t. I. Schwartz.
If you want good carpets go to
11 St. I. Schwartz.
Look at This 1
We offer
We offer
We offer
We offer
We offer
We oiler
We offer
Cottage Carpet at
Hemp Carpet nt
Flower Carpet at
Flower Carpet at
Flower Carpets at
Rag Carpet at
20 to 25o.
35 to 40c.
45 to 50c.
00 to 75o.
35 to 45c.
home made Rag Carpet 00 to 75
At Ihidok Sciiwaktz'.
If you want nice patterns go to
11 3t. I. Sciiwaktz.
Blank Receipt Books for Administrators
and Executors. Also blank notes and
all other blanks for sale at this office, tf
liinllflnanp Tim ohciiriltpr frivpa no
tice that he will cry sales in any part of
.I i. i.i t,.., i.. ... i
IJJtJ CUUIliy, lib rcunounuio imvjs. a ai wvo
wishing his services should engage him
ueiure uuving uniti pmiieu.
Thok. Butch, Jr.,
pd. New Bloomfield, Pa,
Publlo Sales. Bills for the following
sales have been printed at this office.
Notice of the same Is published In this
list till day of sale without extra charge I
March loth. John Zorgerwlll Hell on the farm.
or yinant iorger, a miles east or Shortnnns
dalo, on the road loading from Shertnans
dnle to Duncannon, 1 mare, 4 cows, j oung
cattle, hogs, wagons, and other articles.
March lBth. Oho. W. Btnmbaugh will soil
ai ins residence at main, s horses, 4 cows, 11
teen, 1 hull, 6 sheep, 17 hogs, 4 wagons
and many other artl'cles.
March 20th. Alfred Kelt, will sell at his resi
dence, one mile West of Ickesburg, 4 Mules,
1 Black Stallion, 0 Milk Cows, 5 head steers
1 Hull, Young Cattle, Pigs, Wagons, Thresh
ing Machine, and farming Implements.
March 21st. R. K. Trego, will sell at his resi
dence In Savtlle twp., il miles west of Ickes
hurg, 9 horses, 27 head of horned cattle, 6.
sheep, 12 shotes, 1 brood sow, buckeye reap
er and mower, S wagons and other articles.
March 22nd David Fonnlclo will sell at his
resldenco, half a mile east of Orler'i Point, .
1 One 8-year old Stallion, and a large lot of
household and kitchen furniture.
April 6th Samuel Brown will sell at his resi
dence 1 mile east of Mansvllle, on the road
loading to Newport, 1 span of mules. 1 mare
4 years old, 5 sets of harness, team bells,
wagon, sled, sleigh, blacksmith and carpen
ter tools and many other articles. Also, at
the same place will be offered for sale 6
acres of woodland.
Ladies Take Notice. We shall to-day
open a pretty line of dress goods,.
which are sent from the city to be closed
out, and many of them at prices below
the cost to manufacture. Look at these
prices, aud then call and Bee the goods :
Pretty Styles of Dress Goods for lOets per yd.
Very Desirable " 12ets
Much Better " " 20cts "
A fow pieces of Matalese " 22cts "
Bilk Mixtures for 88cls "
Splendid Black Cashmere worth $1.15,
to be sold atOScrs. per yard.
We have also received another lot of
those excellent five cent calicoes. This
way far bargains!
New Bloomfleldt.
January 22nd, 1878.
FOR RENT. The best Coach and Wag
on Maker Shop in the County. There
is a Blacksmith Shop connected with it,
and everything convenient to carry on.
a first-class Coach business. For further
particulars apply to
N. Henderson,
37 pd Green Park, Perry co., Pa
Now Tailor Shop. The undersigned
gives notice to the public that he has
opened a shop opposite Rinesmith's
hotel New Bloomfield, Pa., in the twm
formerly used as a confectionary, where
lie is prepared to do work In his line
promptly, and at reasonable prices.
All work warranted to give satisfaction.
Give me a call. Samuel Bentzel.
Bloomfield, May 1, '77 tf.
Notioe. Persons desiring me to call
sales, would do well to notify me as to
the day as soon possible, so that the day
they select may not interfere with the
date fixed upon by some other party. I
intend to have a complete list of all sales,
and the date upon which they will take
place. Satisfaction guaranteed.
David McCoy,
Ickesburg, Pa.
Removal. J. T. Messlmerhas remove
ed his Shoe Shop to the room adjoining
F. B. Clouser's office, 4 doors west of the
Post-Ofllce, where he will make to order
Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Repair
ing promptly and neatly executed. He
will also Keep on hand a good assort
ment of Boots aud Shoes, which he will
sell at low prices. Give him a call. 17
A Clothes Line filled with clear white
clothes at an early hour on wash days
is a pretty sure indication that Labor
Saving Soap is is used at that house.
F. MOKTIMEll sells it.
If you want cheap carpets go to
II 3t. I. Schwartz.
I ADIFQ can color their own. Stockings for
less than one eent per pair, any col
or or shade by the use of our ' MAGIC TINTS."
Can renew or change the color of their dresses,
restore to freshness and brilliancy faded silks.
Merinos, Alpaccas, Neckties, Kibbons, &c, or
impart to them new and lovely shades Little
trouble and nominal cost Stick of any desired
color sent on receipt of 10 cento. 8 different colors
Xtc. Postage Stamps accepted. Seud Stamp for
Circulars and Samples. &o 3mw
tW Cortland SU, N. York. P. O. Box. 3139.
The advertiser.havlng been permanently cured
of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple
remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it.
lie will send a copy of the prescription used, (free
of charge), with the directions for preparing and
using the same, which they will And a sure cure
fur Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Ke.
Parties wishing the prescription will please ad
dress. K. A. Wll.MON, lilt Peun St., Willlains
burgh, New York. 6in.
1 will mall (Free) the recipe for a simple Veg
etable Halm that will remove Tan, Freckles,
Pimples and Blotches, leaving the skin soft, dear
and b autitiil ; also Instructions for producing a
luxuriant growl h of hair on a bald head or
smooth face. Address, Inclosing 3 ct. stamp. Iten.
Vaudelt & Co., M Ann St., -N. Y. Ai 6mos
Instruction and Amuxement combined. Im
portant to parents and teachers. '26 different
ui ti!tio designs. The entire pack sent free for 25
cts. currency or stamps. Van Delf & Co.. 20 Ann
BU, N. Y. H 6ms.
AOKNTLEMAN whosultered for years from
Nervous Debility Premature Decay, aud
all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will for
the sake of suffering humanity, send fre to all
who need It, the recipe and direction for making
the simple remedy by which he was cured. Buf
fetera wishing to prollt by the advertiser's ex
perience can do so by addressing in perfect eun
ndenee, JoUN OOUEN, Cedar Street. New
York. a im
(JJCry Agents profits per week. Will prove
JJ (OU it or forfeit tfou. New articles. Just
patented. Samples sent free to all.
Address W. IL ClUDESTKU, 21d Pulton Street
New York. A4 6m.
tW Reflect that In every cemetery one
third of the silent tenants are victims of neg
lectej Coughs and colda ; and If you are thus
afflicted, avoid their fate by resorting at once
to Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar, an
immediate, agreeable, and certain raeaus of
cure. Sold by all drupglsts. Pike's Tooth
ache Drops cure In 1 minute. 10 It