The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 12, 1878, Page 8, Image 8
1YL00M FIELD, PA., FKBUUAltY 12, 1878. Receipts and Expenditures of Perry County for 1877. JOHN R. HOD EN, Treasurer, in amount viith th (Mmmonwralth from the Ut day of January, 1877, to the Ut day of January, 1878. 1)R. To amount outstanding taiea, 18TI-S-I... l5 ' " ' 1870 14 80 Tn amount aaaeaaed for 1877 1A"V 8 To amount of retailera' lloene for 1877.. UN (1 To amount wholesale liquor lioentta 100 00 To amount broker' lioenai Ml 00 To amount eating houae lleenaea.,,, 100 CO To amount tavern license 1160 00 To amount pamphlet lawt 00 Jtalanoe Hut ovuntg account 1X07 84 Total f"l5J ST JOHN R. RODEN, Treasurer, in account with the County of Perry, from the Ut day of January, 1877, to the Ut day of January, 1878. rR. 1W 70 1741)0 8t 15170 07 To amount outstanding 'taiei, 1872-4-0.. " " 1870 To amount aaieaaed for 1877 To amount due county account by the State aooount, as per auditora' report of 1876 Te amount In hands of Treaaurer at last settlement To amount of temporary loans To amount from J. W. Williamson, ury feea Te ammnt from W. W. Pakrr, for uae of oeu.t house To amount from Tennesaeeana for uie of court house To amount from J . M. Swarti, for old brick To amonnt from Bloomfield borough for atone broken by trainpa To amount peddler' hoeniea To amount (molesters' lioenaea To amount redemption on unseated land 700 79 1108 t9 0500 00 108 00 1 00 0 09 1 00 11 20 00 00 347 60 24 37 Total $00460 11 Statement showing amount of County Year. 1872 1870 1874 1876 District. Near Buffalo Near Buffalo New Buffalo Centre Duneannon Greenwood Juniata Landiiburg Liverpool twp Miller Milleratown Peso Rye Saville Bloomfield Buffalo Carroll Centre Duneanaon Greenwood Howe Jaokaon Juniata Luadiiburg Liverpool boro Liverpool twp Madison Maryaville Miller Milleratown New Buffalo Newport Oliver Penn Bye 6endv Bill Seville Spring Toboyne- Tuacarora Tyrone , Watt WheatOeld , Bloomfield Buffalo Carroll Ceutre Duneannon Greenwood , Howe Jaekeou Juniata Landiiburg Liverpool boro Liverpool twp Madison Maryaville ... Miller... Milleratown New Buffalo Newport.. Oliver fens Bye Sandy Hill Savllle. Spring , Toboyna Tuaoarora Tyrone Watte Wbeatfield... Total 1870 1877 Statement showing the Expenditures of Court Expenses. Pai4 grand jurora $735 Traveraa jurora - 8246 Comanoowealih'l ooiU 1804 ConsUble'l ooati - 443 Benjamin F. Clegg, court orier 97 Lemuel T. Sutob, tip ataff 104 Total. $0431 CR. By amount tax outstanding, 1 872 ., $211 70 " " 1877 oH ' (ill. commission, 1878.411 13 40 " " 1877 77 41 " exoneration, 1873-5 A 88 By amount Urate tax paid Htato treasurer Auguat 7, 1877 22(1 00 By amount Treaiurer'i oomuilaaion on State tax 22 74 By amount paid eounty aeonunt, due Irora 187(1, as per auditors' report. 70 70 By amount paid Btute Tream ar, retail era' lioenon 1211 88 By amount Juatioea tranaeripta on retail, ere liorfafea 4V 00 By amount paid advertising retailer ' 11 oeniei , 140 80 By amount oouiuilsaion on retallera' II eentei 01 1 By amount paid rUate Treaeurer, whole ala liquor lioenaea 115 00 By amount commission on ttholeaale- li quor lloensra S 00 By amount paid State Treasurer, broker' lioeniea 47 00 By amount oommlpaion on broken' li oeniea 2 50 By amount paid Mate Treasurer, eating home lioeniea 152 00 By amount Commiaifon on eating hnuae lioeniea 8 00 By amount paid State Treaaurer, tavern em lioenaea 1088 00 By amount eommliiion on tavern lioenaea 01 00 lly amount paid State Treaaurer, pam phlet lawe 8 00 By amount gomtniiilun on pamphlet Ian) 49 Total 8I5 27 c9- (1688 00 20380 36 1600 05 45 87 750 28 38 01 85014 13 025 21 By amount outatanding tax, 1872-4 6... ' 1877 By amount oolleotora'oomtniaaiona, '76 A " 1877 By amount exoneration!, 1870 0 " 1877 By amount Co. Com'ra ehecka paid By amount commission te Treasurer By amount balance due from State lax aooount, being am't of oounty fundi required to meet the demanda of the State By balance in handt vf John Si. Rodin, Trtaturer 1307 34 2288 25 Total $83460 11 and Stato Tar paid, and amount outstanding. , COUNTY TAX.- ,-STATB 1 Collector!. l'ald. Outat'g. Paid. I. S. Baughman 00 K. D. Weill, tt 00 George Leiher, $25 00 81 88 George W. Burd, 12 16 Joaepb Mayall, 201 31 F. Kineharr, 071 04 Henry Zeigler, 271 60 Henry Fetter, 107 00 J. P. Coulter, 112 30 Philip Oook, 84 34 Ard Brandt, 71 16 Levi Birtoh, 240 41 William Sloop, 262 80 William Swrger, II 01 118 22 Samuel A. Peale, 012 87 J. E. Stepbeni, 120 86 John Soule, 610 44 H. L.Croll, 730 VJ Joseph Michener, 873 14 164 00 110 41 Simoo H. Fry, 046 68 Henry Gable, 221 00 60 10 John Wilt, 083 17 C. 8. Toomey, 688 70 8. P. Campbell, 212 84 8. M. Hauler, 3,0 07 J. A. Wright, 623 00 277 It Thomai Meeelner, VI4 17 Simon Kreiier, 017 01 168 03 Henry Curabler, 240 67 09 43 William Kipp, 428 17 Joseph Waite, 103 47 73 12 23 05 Ambrose Kough, 600 00 John Honing, 260 08 Henry Froelioh, 276 83 William Adams, 447 72 215 26 Jamea Humea, 087 97 105 06 John Dromgold, - 045 13 John W. Kell, 717 80 Z. Wilhlde, 181 27 William A. Memlnger, 674 70 J. A. Lightner,, 1226 00 319 62 John Le dy, 107 77 J. I. Willi!, 400 26 A. B. Clouser, 415 20 612 20 116 77 Samuel K. Buck, 732 84 331 30 47 17 Bryan Oibuey, 850 64 077 76 83 46 William Garlin, 200 00. 1113 00 46 43 William J. Stewart, jr., 226 04 083 01 62 88 O. P. Wright, 067 30 1201 06 46 04 Henry Stone, 60 08 818 44 16 02 William B. Gray, 710 04 704 01 OS 80 8. 8. Tresaler, 486 00 688 40 42 23 Samuel Okeioo, 34 81 887 92 45 70 B. D. Owen, 871 64 77 15 Samuel Sploher, 600 00 920 05 81 84 Henry Tro.'.le, 1180 68 080 61 70 92 , 11. H. Fisher, 1148 54 , John Brook!, 148 81 108 45 S 00 William Kipp, 188 81 616 48 44 00 William H. Jacksea, 74 00 147 18 16 84 H. O. Gantt, 674 40 802 06 100 05 B. Baltoiier, 681 07 234 05 28 80 . John G. Boae, 1307 72 800 73 90 41 B. F. Leonard, SOO 00 722 37 84 84 , Samuel Sh.ibley, 452 82 903 65 57 33 6. Bath, 334 88 2034 63 100 02 , Samuel P. Cree, 1784 80 781 80 81 60 . John Crider, 230 IS 370 85 21 87 . William Kerr, 411 28 655 83 20 25 . David Morrlion, Sr., 809 46 1720 20 90 64 . JohuLeedy, 454 86 102 75 7 08 . J. C. Mook, 609 64 801 11 23 46 Outst.g. $23 70 68 80 $81211 68 $2197$ 44 $1732 Of $82 Perry County, at per check! paid by Treasurer, Support of rmiper. Pail H. P. Lightner. Steward of Poor 33 88 74 98 00 11 Houae $5400 Viaitora to the Poor Houte SO Total 6430 Expense and Repair of Jail. Paid J. W. Willlamion, merchandise, bed elothing, Ao Kough Bro., ooal $03 53 40 77 P. II. Kicker A Urn., coal .1. Kohcrt Hoed, naming i'oiiI ,. W. M Clark, hauling o nil 63 02 14 87 0 20 14 60 26 on n 75 l.'l 60 7 76 8 00 11 An in 4:1 12 on 12 III) 12 on 1 00 1 08 $:III3 48 $104 47 louse. $12 20 6 20 2 87 8 05 52 on 9 48 I 75 1 25 2 All in on 6 on 6 on h on 6 an $123 75 $64 no 010 110 :imi 05 $1003 71 $721 37 3U8 42 $1110 70 $8 on 82 30 000 00 111 06 10 70 3 00 1000 00 . 43 62 19 39 142 83 244 80 47 00 190 15 9 18 15 00 216 20 $2801 84 $84 00 84 00 84 00 82 00 8 00 18 75 6 25 18 75 $385 70 $240 00 202 00 28a 00 500 on 74 46 41 75 130 80 250 70 801 80 889 00 104 10 48 00 16 00 131 30 B0 80 2 20 2 80 30 00 180 60 179 40 30 0 20 00 Hundry iiemona, hnuling alone John C. Partington, ovorseelng trainpa at wrk John II. Hrlner, iahor , tonus Cotter mason work , Kdwln Ulouser, narpentxr aork r Milriilir, nomnntlng cistern W. II. riinltli, Munkamlihlng George Hpnhr, snouting, tinware, Ac 1, tlarlmiil, walrhmiiti at Augiiatcourt., Kdwln t?lousr, do, lames II. Mi Crosk y, ilo George W. Blank, lor lime Georgo Hwartf, for plank Eastern Penitentiary l'ald Kough A llro., eoal , John Jones A rlona, old ooal bill A. Clouser, hauling coal ... Iaau F llolleutiaugh hauling ounl Kor aoriibbing and cleaning court house. 1). Mickey, repairs to Pruihunotary'e iirnoe M. Eisloy, culling wood Jamea Fooae. hlxckstiiitlilug William liurn, carpentering W. II. Hpoasler, liiuiling docket, Ao F. Murtihy, pUsteilng J A MoUrorkey, winding clock 0 uioa.. George Spahr, atove lo, mica, Ac Sundry small bills Election F.xpentri. Paid balance of txpensea of November Atteiuore' Jiilii. 1877.. Total. Roadt and Bridget. Paid Mopes Seller, road damage! Sundry persons, bridge viewers Aaron "kibrtlller, balauce on Markelvllle bridge S. W. Clouser, bal. on Toomey bridge,... George Fleliher, work at Markelvllle bridge I). McCoy, crying bridge letting Aaron Solinfllur, mi Bridgeport bridge.. Henry Sheenley, rcpaira to the Liverpool bridge Fetor Smith, .rcpaira to Walnut Grove britge , L. W. llrabaon, rcpaira to Maryaville bridge Duneannon Iron Co., for shingles, lum ber and material Tor roonug oounty bridge at Duneannon R. C. Jonea et al, carpenter work on am For material and work for repaira done to Iron bridge at jNewport J 8. Demaree, painting iron work of lame Henry Bice, painting aix caution boarda For lumber, atone, material and work for repairing oounty bridge at Krerharta Total $2801 84 Appeals. Solomon Bower, aervioea and expenara holding appeala J. W. Guntt, aerricea and expensea hold ing appeala George Campbell, aervioo and expensea holding apnea! Calvin Neilaon, aervioea and expenaca holding appeala Sundry parsons, room rent George Campbell, buree and conveyance holonion Bower, " J. W. Gantt, " Total $385 70 Public Ojfioers. Paid J. W. Gantt, Commissioner Solomon Bower, Commissioner George Campbell, Commissioner Calvin Neilion, Commissioner' clerk.... Bamuel vleiaimer, janitor oourt houae.... David Clouier, " W. Williamson, aheriff'a feea J. W. Williamson, oonveying priaonera to and from Hamiourg ana Carlisle, and te Penitentiary J. W. Williamson, boarding vagrtnte.... " " priaonera... Jury Commissioner County Auditora - J. Daily auditing offioer aooount William M. Sutob, Juitloe a ooata F. B. Clouaer " G. C. Them, " B. L. Magee, " M. B. Btrickler, phyaloian to jail 8. A. Peale, Jailor (part 1870) D. Mickey, 1'rothoootaty a ooata C. U. Smiley, atty to Commissioners " apecial aervioea Total... $4372 10 Printers' Bills. Paid Wm F. Murphy'a Soni, dooketa for Kecorder'a effioe $30 50 Wm. Mann, dooketa for Prothy'a offiee... 16 76 Patriot Publiahing Company, do 41 28 F. L 11 utter, rate booka 40 00 F. L. llutter, registration booka and election blanka 68 15 John H. Shelbley, printing 276 75 John A. Baker, 204 76 256 75 John A. Magee, F. Mortimer, George 8hrotn,' 23 00 1 75 Total $1008 08 Unseated Lands. Watta townahlp, acbool tax $6 13 Buffalo township, road tax 8 72 Maryaville, borough tax 26 61 William T. Dawalt, redemption money.. 7 03 Total $42 00 Cuunty Debt and Interest. Paid John Miulch, eounty bonds, Noi. 43 and 40. $1000 00 Paid temporary loana 4700 00 Paid interest on oounty debt 4680 17 Total $10380 17 60 Miscellaneous Rills Paid Inqueata on dead bodiea $219 70 Cash refunded, Bamuel Fry 6 40 Fox order .' 286 76 6amoel Boatb, poatage 40 80 Making triennial rate beoka...; 40 00 Sitae Wright, teachera' institute, 1870... 183 06 D. Rife, insurant on bridge 120 00 00 00 W. B. Biokabaugh, inaurauoe on court houae lil 10 Perry Co. Inauranoo Co., atiesimeot...- 6 40 Boarding juriei 81 60 00 Boarding II uaer at Harrisburg 90 00 Boarding priaonera at Carlisle 40 00 Ard Brandt, arreit of boree thief ' 20 00 William Kiatler, arrest ef horae thief.. . 23 00 Witneiaea in appeal oaiei.. 17 90 31 Calvin Neilaon, traveling expenaaa 8 60 J, A. Hioe. et al, eipreaiagn, etc 8 05 County nil (subscribed hy old board),. 10 00 Amoa Walla, Vagrart bill 4 go F. Mortimer, merchandise ,, 81 84 M. II. Htrluklor, merchandise 1 00 Total einsfl 2 Total check County bond paid Temporary loan paid. J5,0I4 18 1 1 niio no 4700 no $5,700 00 Actual expenditure $20,314 13 We, the undersigned Auditor of Perry eounty, having met In the Court Mouse, in Blnomnrld, tin Moi.d iy, the 14th dar of January, 1878, anil each of u having been respectively aworn acoordlng to law, do certify that we did audit, adjust and et. Ilo the foregoing aneounta, running from the tat day of January, 1877, to the let day of January, 1878, and that w find them to be oorrect, and that we find a balanoe In the hand of John K. linden, Treasurer, nf $2,288.26. In testimony whereof wo have hereunto act our hand thia 16th day of January, 1878. R. A. FMCKINGBR,, GKO. W. U Bit It, Auditora. Statement showing the indebtedatst of Perry County on the Ut day of January, 1878. Amount of bonded debt of county on 1st January, 1877, aa ahown by refunding '' $07412 80 Temporary loana, 1877 6600 00 Total $72012 00 Temporary loana paid during year 1H77 $1700 00 County bnnda paid during year 1877 1000 on 67no 00 Total $07212 00 Estimated prooeeda net of outatanding tes ignoo 00 Indebtedness of county $18,212 00 We, the undersigned Commiaaionera of Perry oounty, l'a., do certify that the foregoing elate ment ol the indnhtedunaa of Perry cuunty 1 cor rect, to the best of our knowledge and belief. Wit ni'Sd our hands the 16lli day ol January, 1878. J. W. GANTT, SOLOMON BOWKR, GKORSB CAMI'liELL, CniiiiuliNioneret February fl, 1878. ST AT KM KNT OF COLLATBttAL INHERITANCE TAX received by George 8. Briner, Register, Recorder, Ac, of I'erry oounty, Pa., for the year ending first Monday of January, 1878: DR. To amount received, from eatate of John Sloop, deceased $005 87 To amount received from estate of Henry and Annie llradnn, deoeaied 27 62 To amount received from eatate of Wm. L. Suyder, deceased F0 13 To amount reoeived from eatate of Wm. E. Jonea, deoeaaed 5 00 To amount reoeived from estate of Barba ra Kuril, deoeaaed 60 00 To amount reoeived from eatate of Jame Black, deceased 07 92 To amount reoeived from eatate ef Jamea Black, deoeaaed 31 70 To amount reeeived from eatate of Mar garet Beed, deoeaaed 180 12 To amount reoeived from eatate of Frede rick K. Dum, deceased 105 00 To amount received from eatate uf Jamea II Devor, deceased 276 00 To amount received from eatate of Isaac Hollenhaugh, deoeaaed 22 97 To amount reoeived from oatate of Mary Bryner, deoeaaed 28 68 Total $1250 60 CK. Paid John B. Ritter, appraiser of Sloop eatate $1 60 m. It. f atton, apprulaer of Heed eatate 1 60 John M. Wilaon, appraiaer of Laughlln eatate 1 60 George Briner, appraiser ef Geo. mack a eatate 1 50 William L. Donnelly, appraiaer of Devor eatate 1 60 Daniel Thomas, appraiaer of llollenbeugb eatate 1 60 George B. Sheaffer, appraiaer of Margaret Irvine a estate 1 50 John liiiakin, appraiaer of Jonea estate I ov Tho P. Coebran, appraiaer of Kurt eatata 1 Do Joaeph Leppard, apprai er of Ruyrjer eatate 1 OU Andrew Penned, appraiaer of Samuel Cotter' estate 1 60 George McMillan, appraiser of Bryner eatate I 60 By ooiumiasion at 6 per cent, on $1250 60 02 62 State Treasurer 'a receipt dated 22d November, 1877 1160 OS $1250 00 I hereby eertify that the above and foregoing la a true and correal atatemeot of the Collateral In heritance Tax reeeived by George 8. Ilriner, Reg ister and Reoorder of Perry oounty, Pa , for the year ending first Monday of January, 1878, togeth er wi h bia payment of the same, aa evidenced by voucher duly attested. Witneaa my hand the 26th day ol January, 1878. CHAS. II. SMILKY, February 6, 1878. Auditor. NEW GOODS AT THE Cheap Cash Store I A big lot of HRMLOCK SOLE LEATHER at 2d Outs per pouud. City Calf Skins, Best Bhoe Thread, Men's Block Lasts, Bhoe Peg,' Shoemakers' Ink, Choloe Syrups, Choice Coffee, White Sugar, Best Imperial Tea, $1 00 per pound. 1 00 " " OOcents per pair. 8 ceuts per quart. 25 cents per quart. 48 to 75 cents per gallon. 25 cents per pound. 11 cents per pound. 75 cents per pound. Horse Shoes, $4 35 per keg. Iron. Steel. Borings. Spokes. Felloes, Axles, Hubs, Polea and ail kluda o5 Hardware low. Palnta. Olla, Varnishes, Window Glass, Putty, to., at bottom prices. Lortllard'a and Wardles' Tobaccos and Segars AT CITY l'KlCKS, at S. M. SIIULER'S, CASH STORE, Liverpool, Perry County, Penna, ADIE8 AND CHILDREN will Had a j splendid assortment of shoes at the on price store of F. Mortimer. For the next SIXTY DAYS, A.T COST! Call ut once AND SliCUltE .THE EVER OFFERED I 0!T. Don't forget the old stand ! ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, Wright's Building, Newport, Penn'a. January 29, 1878. J J TDK V W .1. " ftp" v'S " " Hi HALE'S HONEY OF HOREHOUHD AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Congfcs, Colds, IaSnenia, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing, and all Affections ef the Throat, Bronchial Tithes, and Lungs, leading te Oonanmption. This infallible remedy is composed of tlie Honey of the plant Ilorehound, in chemical union with Tar-Balm, extracted from the Life Principi.k of the forest tree Anus Uai.samfa, or Balm of Cilead. The Honej of Horehound soothes anb scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm cleanses and heals the threat and air passages leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or smell. I RICES 50 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE. Great saving to buy Urge sue. "Pike's Toothache Drops' Cure In 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. X N. CEITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. December 18, 1877 ly Sloe GREATEST BARGAINS 11 -'a a s -in a