The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 12, 1878, Page 7, Image 7
7 rrofessionul Curds. J I?. JUSRIN. Attornpy.ftt-I.nw, New llloonilleld, Perry en., Pa. oniee Noxt door to tlie residence ofjiidge J n it k 1 it. 4;Cl AM. MAKKKL, Attorncy-at-Law, NfW lilooinlleld, Ferry county, Pa. f" Olltoe directly opposite tlie Poat-Olllee, snd adjoining tlie Mansion House. j- kwij roriKu, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, NKW M.OOMFIKLII, PKltltV CO., PA. Claim promptly secured collected Writings and ftU legal business carefully amend ed to. .14 yl JAM KM II. FKltdtHON,. Attorney nt Ln, NF.WI'OHT, PA. yoillce Market St re-ot, near the tniuare. So CHAltLF.H II. HMII.F.V, Attorney t I.sw. New lllnumlleld, ferry Co, Pa. .Office with U. A. Harnett, K., nil High Rtreut, north side, nearly opposite the Prnsbyte. dan church. August til, W2. WTtX. A.HI'ONBI.KK, Attorney-Rt Iw, V UHIee adjoining his residence, on Hast Malnstrcot, New lilooinlleld, Terry oo., Pa. til ly JOHN 0. 8UATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New lllooiiitlelil, I'erryoo., I'a. All kinds of Mechanical anil iturglcal Dentistry done In the bent manner, and at reasonable prices. .Olllceflt his residence one door Rnstofth 4ohiuson House, and opposite Win. A. Hponslcr'i Law olllcfl. 3 i ly IT"M. N. HK1HF.KT, Attorney, TV Now lilooinlleld, I'erryoo., Ta, llloomtlold, 3 331v. M. M. HUTCH, ATl'OKNKV-AT-I.AVr, New lilooinlleld, I'erryoo.. Pa. WOltlee Two doors West oC F. Mortimer, Btore3 7 ly LEWIS I'OTTKIt, notaht, New llloom. Meld, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds,' Mortgage and Lenses carefully prepared and acknowlcdKcments taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to lie rei.d In any court In the United States. 7 10 ly CHAB. J.T.McINTIKK, Attorney-at-Law, New lilooinlleld, Perry no., Pa. All professional business proinptlyaudfalth' fully attonded to. 3 2 1 v. rM. A. MO It It I SOX, JUST1CKOK TI1K PKACE and (3 RNKKA L XLLF.CTOIt, NkwOkkmantown, I'eriyco , Pa. tr iiiiiniiianceswiii be made prouipily lor all 'Collections made. 744 CHAS. A. BAKNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New lUnonillcld. Perry co.. Pa .Office on high street. North side, nearly op polite the Presbjtcriau Cliurch. 3 2 ly DICHARD L. MAGEE, vui ivij v'A' a a i m unii jt Olllce at his residence. In CUNTK K TOWN SHIP, Perry Couuly, Penu'a., one mile South of 'New Bloonilleld. 10 I L LI AM M. SUTC1I. JiHtllce ol I he leuce. AND GENERAL COLLKCTOlt, New Bloomfleld, Ferry County, Penn'a -Special attention paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds. Honds.Mortgnges and Agreements neatly executed. 7 ltitf G EORGE H. MARTIN GENEKAL AGENT. ULAIN, I'KHUY COUNTY, l'A. Special attention Riven to the collection of claims, and any other buslnesii entrusted to hi in will receive prompt atteutlou. Charges moderate. April, Utta, 1877. EATHER C. THE subscriber has now on hand at LOW 1MIICES, Good Sole Leather, . Kip of Superior Quality, ' Country Calf Skins, French Calf, LININGS, ROANS, &c. F. Mortimer, NEW BLOOM FIELD. PA. ACAltD. To all who are guttering from the errors and Indiscretions oT youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. So., I will send a rec'pe that will onre you. FKEE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-ad-, dressed envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Invan, Station D, Biblt louse, New York City. 18b ly CHRONIC! Cvrotl. New paths vmiumu marked oip bv that plainest of all books " Plain Home Talk and Medlual Com mon Sense," nearly KMi pages, no llliistra'l -us. Dm. K, B. F'OOTK, of 1211 Islington Ave.. N. Y. Purchasers of this book are at liberty to nonsuit its author in Person or hy mull free. Price bv mall 1 25 for the Standard edition, or ll.fiO ior Hie Popular edition, whluh contains all the aine matter and Illustrations. Contents tables free. Agents wanted. MUKUAY HILL PUBLISH1.NO CO., 129 East 28th St.. N. Y. 4 Lit, W A ' 1 1 IV TV" c,lrB cs of Catarrh XVJLI S.HilJwx each uelghhiirhiod. with Dr. Harnser's Keinedv, to liit'o.lum If. Sainpl free. J. C. Tlltun. Pitt burtfli. Pa. 47w3m 5000 Agents Wanted To subscribe for the Airents' Journal. A hand somely bound 2 page Jomnal. brim full f Inter. 2st Aents, F.very Agent should see it. bend Postal Card for specimen copy. Addiess. AGENTS' JOURNAL. New Voik. 3ft m ASSIGNEE'S MmCE. Notice Is hereby given that Jacob RlMlne, and Susanna his wife, of Whea Held I w p.. Prn oo., Pa., have assigned their property to the nuner. signed, residing In I ho game tuwuhip, for the benetit of creditors. All persons therefore Indebted, to 'aid Jacob Klstine and wlfe.are requested to make pavmeiit, and those having claims will present tln-m duly uiithenticaled to the uudersigutd for settlement without delay. SOLOMON BIO II AM. November It. 1877. Assiguee. Lbww 1'utteu, Attorney. DOLL A K-AX U-A-II A LF FOR TEN CEXTS. Stoddart's Musloal t.lbrary. Just publishing 1 1 pages. full size, best and most popu'ur music for loceuts. New and popular sonus. dniiresnd In truinental Music, oiieras. Iiymns. e'o . eie For sale by all newsdealers. PoMape S oeiiis. to be sent In addition to above, it ordered from the publishers. .1. M. STOOD ART CO., 48 3t 7o3 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. PRINTING of every description neatly ex ecuted at the Bloomdeld Times OlUoe reasonable ratec. Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & Cd., (Formerly John Jones A Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front Ht., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmirs, and tint publio generally, as the IIIUHKUT I'll I C KM the iimrket will alford, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUIL PRODUCE. HKKDrt AND KAILttOAI) TIKH We have conslfliillr nn hand, K18H, HALT,, CKMFNT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORHU RH0EH,&c.,Ac. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RAT EH. Orders promptly Oiled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tr JJEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Hsvlux on hand a cmuplet saaortiaent of the fol lowing articles, Uis ubscrlbcr ! a shstenf your patrnuure. IMtgn and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stork of Concentrated Bomedie3, ESSENTIAL OILS. Briislies, rerfuiuery ltAIU OIL, AND FAXUY ARTICLES. Also always ou Ilnud, PURE WINES & LIQUOlt FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carrulfy ami Promptly Filled B . M . EOY, Newport, Ponn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, IVKWfOKT, IA. Hole Agent for Lorilard's Huperlor Tobaccos. -Countiy Morohauta supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prloes. Your orders are solicited. 8 44 it. s. cook & co., Agree to aell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for I.E88 MONEY than ny other dealers In this county. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at oar Mill In exchange (or Lumber, &o. We use Cleardold Pine and Hem lock only, W. K. a COOK St CO., Newport, Perry Co., Po. October 10, 1976. American and Foreign Patents. GILMORR A CO.. Successors to 0HIPMAN, HO.S SI lilt & CO., Solicitors. Patents pro? cured mall countries. NO FEES IN AOVANt'F. No charge unless the patent In granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re heal lug. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent Olttce, Kxienslons before Con gress. Infringement Suits In different Siats. and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stamp to Oilmore & Co., for pamph let of sixty pages. UNI) CASK-t. LAND WARRANT9 ft SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. H. General Land OlUoe and Deptrtment of the Iuterlnr. Private Land Claims, Ml NINO and PKtC KMPTION Claims, and HOMKSTKAI) cases attended to. Land Scrip In 4n, Ho. any UK) acre nieces for sale. This Sorlpls assinnable, and can be located In the name of the purchaser upon any Government land uh-c( tu private entry, at tl 2S per acre. It Is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to Qlliuore & Co., for pamphlet of Instruction. A Ft K K KS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICKKS, SOLIHRKH and SAILORS of the late war. orihelr heirs, are In many cases entitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and stats amount of pav and bounty received. Kiiclnsestninp to GILMORK & CO., and a lull le ply, after examination, will be given you free. PKNsltl.NB, All OFFICF.KR. SOLDI KRS, and SAILORS, wounded, nurtured, or Injured In the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing UILMORttSCO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORF. & CO., before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims and tlie Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted In asepara'e bureau, under charge of the same exuerleuced parties, embloyed by the old II nil. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to. GILMOItK & CO.. Is thus secured. We desire tu win success by deservinitlt. Address: OILMollE SCO., tB F. Street, . , , . . , Washington, D. C. TM POUT A XT NOTICE The subscriber late of the nrin of Khoades ft Smith, would respectfully inform the . citizens of RLAIN and vlclnllv. that he has opened a WAGON MAKKKSIIOP. and Is prepared to make new waiious and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TKN u TWKNTY percent, cheaper than ih n'd arm -Glv me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. , , . - JACOB SMITH, Blaln, August 8, 1807. , THE WEED i-. "The Family Favorite" IMPROVED Hew Model Machine. Mi;ht-Uiiiiiiiiigt Noiseless, No Oenrs,o Cnms,No Springs. New and Klegnnt Styles of Wood Work. From this date, by the expiration of Patents under which we have been paying roy nltics,we arc enabled to sell our mn chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and as low as those of any first class machine. iJjjj Send for Circulars and Price Lists. Weed Sewing Machine Co., 26 Union Square, NEW YORK. 11 7 lBt. BOOTS Do yon want BOOTS of any kind f If so, call and see the TVllOK STOCIC NOW OFFERED BT r . m o n t i m e it . Dr.A.G.OLIN'3 TXtau llotilul. Vl'i Mix- ton Ft,. Cl,l, w,, Jllfortb curanf ftl) llaai of Private Dftturc, rMultlnv from my nbuM'S or lnntlailorilhrSt. HMnilnl Wk hm producing AlHiihooil or ImpotArncf. Nrrvuu Jreblllty, pannsv tiiti-tiy cur.ji dUwMuf ti It ladder, kidnrim Mrr. Lai hiul iiftt-louir fiftvtMvf, snd citrMwhmottam fail. II U rrftdutU of iiit hafwifUHl rVhm.l. wu do tuwuiirv, bki tba IvMtprutlMii tU U.S. LADlEMnraulrins traMtiwni wltb prlville homnd boardf rail ur vwltt, knr cnTnMav for fntttwu. 8nd ef(.ycnU fat Mtnplt of RubUw odj and dr culw if Important Information by tii-w. 1H OLLN'kl tnal II M, $S put Bot. foniilUlIon frua. MARRIAGE GUIDE ttSBiSstt Kiff aid uildtiU a2d uf boiti Kim, on all dUM vf a pHval Balart. ValuatiW adtli-a to th Rivrlad and tliota roiiUmplatJbfcT mamaw. Hnw tn bt hrallhy nud truly hnupy la tfw marrawl nm ton btaorbgal about. , ab bwuk. 1'riuw M tjaulaj Uu4- A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriago I uulid. utial Irratiaa on lha Julirta of marrlaxa and tba (MijM'aiSat until tnr It tli cit'in of Rprduotlnn antl Lima ue viaeaaes or Womoa. A book" tttr urlratr. roniiri. on.i,!L"f",'S' Abum, zneB.n, ur 6oret Ilisoiuei, Willi tiiu but Urailf of rure, 4 .irfH'nn!'. nrl,-,. w , t. A CLINICAL LKCTITRB on Iht .Iwvf dlanai-i ind Opmm Hblt,l...prii e 10 i ". ". fciihrr btxtk m-m w.tpid on riTtipt prteti or all ibrce. t..ntinli,KMmiiBgi ., fe-autiruliy iliu.traud, lor 7it-u. Auaiu. lia. kcri'Ta, -o. u n. ma at. xoms, mo- I nVFRJB00K KNOWLEDGE, or Ke-.usi-iiOcreU of Love. Couiuhip and MarrlSRe Showing how to get married, live hap pily obtain health, wealth and dlHtlnctlon. and appearto advantage In society 2ti0 paves 3U0.OH0 sold. Mailed lor 10cti.. In PintaKe Htanins or cur. rency. Address, THE UNION rUBLISHINU COMPANY. Newark. N.J. wlX EWAKltINU'8 (187ii Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LA.AV BLANKS,, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low and whatever you need. Law ami Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. r Send for samples and price lists ot what you want. r t'Htalgues of Blanks furnished at TniS Ol' t'ICK, ordireet from the publisher. K. WAItlNO, Tyrone, Pa. A 1)1 KS addicted to the habit of Intem. I i peranre are Invited to seek Information at a private home, where medical attendance and all nomliirttt nr., nrnvLlnrl lr. itf...,nt Mil W.H. NICHOLSON, Box 2,712. I'hlladelpla. TTimtWAVMI" TtaaM.wM. -I, mi t sTTai BFMJJ!.ri aK. ia.'MwrAkiLi FAVoktira" aa4 yB(. rlA b4 nr. aaltl s4 . ' kt mabi ALL.' (l 1 a u-,U.a. 1 wMW lkia4U Tslt. JJ'kL. WrlTTlaaJ. tCZ mam, Pw!av rsssrii, u., mm, "ttoaL'I'B CutKtL" Ihttk, Iwtal md rraaa si Ml,. W utkall hmS. If m kU4!i: (, ia4 Ik BAfrMHa,' IM.K mW (U . ... u .. -.a..- tst iTonra Oil MM tar. l S.VW rvHtHBsa rf HI DiuUn. .Uk, KX vaaM. Tlt.A IlTsUttsLU lUHMU," liatria, 0. tL IADIE8 AND CHILDREN will find A i splendid assortment of shoes t the ootj price More of F. Mortimer. PRICES REDUCED m Ombim ' j . m a Im man sMtlML U Mil. , ff KOW, 44na "stTAA ilolelH. 'pHE PERRY HOUSE, New llloomfleld, Terry Co., Pa., TII09. BUTCH, Proprietor. JHE MANSION HOUSE, New llloon(io!1, reim'a., D. M. ItlNKHMITU, - TrnprHtor. This wpll-known hotel linslnlnly btnnntArffvd. r (minted flnl rn nttful. 1 1 fit AnoniMiiMKltitiiiiis ftifnrditd - Careful hostlers alwajuln mipnd anve, v,m t gT. ELMO HOTEL-7 ( l'Oll.MKHLY "THK UNION,") J0H. M. FEOIEn, I'roprk'tor. 817 & 810 ARCH BTHEKT, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, a.60PerDay. HIS HOTEL helnitCflitrBllv located and hav. . lux been entirely kkfittki. It will be round as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired A UCTIONEEIIS. J AS. P. LATCH FORD, AUCTIONEER , Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prom"! attention. DONNALLY'H MILLS I'KltRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties, post office address, Kherniausdale, l'erry Co., Pa. w. D. HENRY, A UCTIONEEE. Blaln, Perry county Pa. WTerms Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. cn Auctioneer. The undersigned gives notice that he will cry sales at any point In l'erry or Dauphin enmities. Orders are solicited and promplattentlun willbe elven. i. 1). WELLS, New Buffalo Perrv co., Pa. q bTharnish, aucti OTN 10 10 1 1 , Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. satlsfaclluii Kuaruuled. Charges moderate, and 511 H OME MANUFACTURE. .LOOK OUT! I would respective!; Inform myfrlendsthat Iln tendoalllug upon them v,ltlia supplyof good of my OWN MANUFACTDRE. Couslstlugnf OA88IMER8. OAS8INETS, FLANNELS, (Ptalnand bar'd ) OAHPKTH, Stc, toeichange for woo orsellfor cash. 3. M. BIXLEH. CNTai Vki toht. 6,17,4m ffilli tl:. rnrtirtiMn iHin.iiincH. olU11.Hir( , Hrmirliilli tail Hrrolalom lumn. JUk viirdruut'iiUor Osi t r'ltll. I will. srn tipty ;i,ll.Uttlf.C..O.SBtI i3.;tiiAvs.i r For Hale by F. MouTiMKK.New Bloomllold Perry county. Pa. S2600 rr.n, -entiwntcd.BniU n''slertllmte. PsrticuUrafree. IMini J V OH Til a 00..8I Uioia. Mfc A Jir PREwICH WsTCII AXIrHAIir- 3a"Oi "l w"'1er.K re-wllhevory order. Out. 'SI ft. J. U. Gjlord Co., Chicago, 111. VIOK'8 ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Each Number contains Thirty-two Pages of reading, many flue- Woml Cut Iiln-tratlous, and one Colored Plate. A beautiful (iarden Maga zine, printed on elegant p.tper. and full of luror inatlou. In KngliKh and Ocrman. Price, 11.24 a year. Five copies I .no. Vlck's rlower and Vegetable Garden, F0 cents In paper covers! In elegant cluth covers 11.00. Vlck's Catalogue.". H'tistrations, only 3 cts. Address, JAMta VICK, Kochester, N. V. VICE'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOGUE. Keventy five pages 30U Illustrations, with De scriptions of tbuuiauds of the best Flowers and Vegetables In the world, and the way to crow them all lor a two cent postage stamp. Printed In Eugllsh and Ueruisn. Vn k's Flower ami Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper covers i in eh gaiit cloth covers, f I. CO. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magaalne 32 pages, line Illustrations, and colored plute in ever num ber. Prion, ll.ili a yer. Five copies for $5. Addiess, JAMbd VICK, kochester, N. V. VICICS FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN Is the most beautiful work ot the kind In the world. It eonian.s abfiut ISO pages, hundreds of flue Illustrations, and six Cliiomo Pates of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from na ture, PrlOo 60 cents In paper covers: JUKI in ele gant cloth. Printed In Oc.rn nn and Kng i.ili. Vlck's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 'Si pages. Hue llivttlrations,and Colored I'lute iu every num ber. Price of Vib. Five copies for f.". Vlt-k't Catalogue Sou lllutra'lous, only 2 cts. Addroxs, JAMtS VICK, Kochester, M. Y. Ittull liii. I .1 FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS are planted bv a million people In America. 8t Vick'n Catalogue ,su0 Illustrations, only 2 cts. Vick a Illustrated Monthly Magazine .12 pares One Illustrations, and Colored Plate In each num ber. Price tl H-'a year. Five copies for 5. Vlck's Flower and Vegetable t.arden. Ut cents. In paper covers) with eleRoulel'ilhvovei sfl. All my publleatlous are primed iu Ki.gil.-h and Addxa4, JAMS8 Vr I, Kochester, N. T. CJT A rtnldfiit wlio renclieil homu on a noon train, after tin almence of two weeka, was met at the r tat Ion by lila elglit year-old son, who loudly welcomed him. " And Ib every body wll, Willie V" nuked his father. " The wellest kind," replied the boy. " And nothing; liiis happened V" "Nothing at all. I've been good, Jennlo's been, and I never sow ma bo 1 1 nve hemi'lf ko well as she has this tiruo." trA iiillktnan was lately seekliiK tbo aid of the police to trace the whereabouts of a family who had left tbo neighbor hood owing him eighteen dollars, " Well, I suppose there wns nine dol lura' worth of water in that milk ac count," remarked the policeman. " That's where It galls me that's where It hurts," replied the dealer. " They were new customers, and I hadn't commenced to water the milk yet." An opulent farmer applied to un attorney about a lawsuit, but was told he could not undertake It, being already on the other side; at the same time he gave him a letter of recommendation to a professional friend. The farmer, out of curiosity, opened it, and read as follows : " Here are two fat wethers fallen out together. If you'll fleece one, I'll llirce the other, And make 'em agree like friend and brother." The persual of this epistle cured both parties, and terminated the dispute. CJT " Did I not give you a flogging tlie other day If" asked a school-master of a trembling boy. " Yes, Sir," answered the boy. " Well, what do the Bcrlptures say upon the subject '"' ' I don't know, fcSIr," said the toy, " except It Is in that passage which says, It's more blessed to give than to re ceive.' " tW One of the great features in secret orders is the number of capital letters required for Initials to represent their names or the titles of their officers ; but a Washington colored society lays over them all in this regard, its name being, "The Ancient Order of the Sons and Daughters of Moses of the United States and World at Large." Hereditary. " What Is the matter with you Y" In quired a gentleman who had called to see his neighbor, a German, of Chicago. " Veil, I don't know it is de gout; but vy should I have him V" " Perhaps," suggested his friend, " it is hereditary." "I dink it is hereditary; I remember my vife's uncle have him." , CJ"A gentleman in England com mitted suicide the other day, and left a paper stating that he did so because his wife was a great deal too good for him. That's why the jury returned a verdict recording their opinion that the deceased " was of an unsound state of mind." O" " Have you any marble or plaster busts of Psyche J"' asked a Chicago lady at an art store. " No," was the reply of the polite but rather verdant clerk, " we have busts of most all the great men, but none of Sankey." The woman did not attempt an explanation. Honest Pride. An indigent person was perpetu ally boasting of his origin. A man of humble origin, who had been indus trious and successful, hearing this boant, observed, " You, my friend, are proud of your descent; I am proud of my an cent.1'1 Important Query. Mrs. Partington is anxious to know, if the compass has a needle and thirty two points, how long it will take a woman, with such a needle, to make a blurt. 2" Boasting of her industrious habits, an Irish house-maid said she rose at four, made her fire, put on the kettle, prepar ed the breakfast, and made all the beds before any one was up In the house. t " In the sentence, 'John strikes William,' " remarked a school-teacher, " what is the object of ' strikes V " Higher wages and less work," promptly replied the intelligent youth. y Somebody says every failure is a step to success. This will explain why the oftener some men fail the richer they become. 3 The knock-kneed man can get over Ihe landscape more rapidly ihan .the bow-legged man; luf hf cannot frame it as beautifully..