The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, February 12, 1878, Page 5, Image 5
THE TIMES, NEW 1IMKM FIELD, l'A., 1'KIlRUAltY 12, 1878. THE TIMES. Lro&il l)cpJu'tmeit. PINU3TLVANIA R. R.-MIEDLE DIVISION. On nd f tuf J mie ath, Trains rim u folium i WESTWARD. Way Mull Arc. i ! Ir'u Tr'u EASTWARD. PniHnlPAL HTATION. .I'umVnll Atl'.i Mm. I Ex. ir'u. Ill Aoo. A.M. P.M. P.M. 'I a.iHIi 1.80' n ail imrrlsmirK, 8. in o.Ui l.m 844 : 6 11 747 ?1 1 III 7 ml 411 .: n.l'J 4.1 8 4 ltuckvllle. 8'Jl M I II Marysvllle, IlillicHmiou, Bully's Newport, MllltTKtnwll, TIlOTIipHOMt'U. Mt'flf'o,. ....... port II !.... 1M B.8S 8.6S .iw B.lrt 9. SI 11.411 1 .43 .M I H.M 7. an 10.20 7.1 8. M I.M H.M H '-'llj .M! 7. Ill 6 43 .mi n.:i a.OHl t.SH 8 -J3 7 4 S.ilfll l.ll us H.M III. Ill IU.4-J .Minim !..'Ji ii. in t'.ub pm Lewlstown J., . 11.04 1.40 .4S A t.ll..t-H(1llH 1 I hi 4.IX)' 11.14 4.J7 4. fill t.iur e.:ni 7.2H. P.M.I i Mi'Veytnwn,..i 1(1. 1M .W .3 I N. Hiimlll.m,.1 III. Ill 4.47i . 11.40 12.30 j.m l.M . HntitliiKUon,... f iw' 4. in ?. Tyrone I.MI. 8.M 6. do Altnmm ; B.ln d.sii ".in; I ' A.M. P.M. P.M.! r.M. '"I'lttshiirif Etimsu leaves il:irrllinrgnt 11 .in p.m. fiinrnniinn II. an (fluifl; Nrwport 11.67 (tin) mid ar rlvtsiat 1'lttHburirnlH.liiA. m. lar-flotnir wir, the Wny Puesmm'i'r leaves Harris burif Dully-the other trains Dally rm'rt Hiinilny. IF" Ooliur F.nsf, the AHiuillr. Kpt-i's lenvea Aitoolia Dnllr. the other trains Daily except Monday, lfr,Paelrtr Kxprrpa West will atnp at Dmirntmon at 4.&J and at Newport at 6.17 a. til., when thtgiml. llrtoritMnw. The llp;1it of (he fire on Fridny it week was plainly seen In Jim hit a county. Mifllintown people wnnt street lumps, anil want them kept trimmed and burn ing, too. D. V. Kern, of Tyrone township, recently killed three hogs weighing 003 404533 pounds, in all 1300 pounds. "Should the right of Buflrnge be extend ed to females," will be debated in Little Germany next Friday evening. Mr. Joseph Oibbcns, an employee of Bechtel's tunnery, at Newport, received a severe out over his right eye from a cog wheel on Wednesday last. A railroad tie fulling on the hand of Joseph Adams, at Jones' warehouse on on Saturday a week mashed oue of his Angers so badly that at first it was fear ed amputation would be necessary. The School Board of Suvllle township offer a reward of fifty dollars for Infor mation which will convict the person or persons who set the to the Summit School House. A pair of car thieves arrested by Pup. McCrea at Hurrisburg on Friday a week, had in their possession a grain bag stamped with the firm name of Stewart & Young and containing nine live pig eons, which Investigation proved to be the property of Mr. John Wistar of Duncannon. Girls who would like to be thought "young ladies" should know that it is very bud manners to make a practice of running out of a meeting during ser vice. Of course, if they are under med ical treatment they are in a measure ex cusable, but In that case they had better stay at home. . An Exhibition will be given in the town hall at Blain by the Blain Cornet Band, on the 15th and 10th of this month. Careless People. A few days ago we received a letter from Rossville, Kansas, enclosing a money order, but no line telling who sent It. Last week we re ceived another letter from Marseilles, 111., enclosing money order for The Times and Peterson'B Magazine, but no name signed to the letter. These things are very provoking. Result of a Fall. On Monday morn, ing Mr. Larry Gross in passing down High street, slipped and fell in front of Mr. 8. Shelter's house, breaking his gun which he carried and discharging the the load up the street. We are free to say that this occurrence raised our Ire. A group of school children were just be yond range of the flying shot, some of which entered a door frame In which Geo. M. Barnett was standing. Record. County Superintendent's Salaries. A bill has been favorably reported In the State Legislature which will work an important change in fixing the salaries of county superintendents of common schools. In a measure it takes the pow er out of the hands of school directors, and adjusts the salary according to the number of schools and square miles In the county. The plan Is to pay the In cumbent two dollars for every school in the district over which he presides, and one dollar additional for every square mile of territory In the county. The County Account will be found on our 8th page. In it are many items of interest to the tax payers. It will be seen that the guests of the jail cost the 'county for boarding $1,750.80, while Justices' fees are $216. As we have double the circulation of any paper In the county the commissioners think The Times able to maintain Itself with out much of the official patronage and consequently think it their duty to ad vertise their doings in the papers of smaller circulation who need the official pap. We however mean our readers shall be kept posted and therefore give the account one insertion free of charge. Houses Entered. On Sunday evening last, between the hours of 7 and 8J o'clock, while the family of Wm. Mo Kee were attending services in the Pres. byterian church, their house was enter ed by taking a pane of glass from the kitchen window, and between three and five dollars in silver was taken from a nper collar box that was In an unlock ed bureau drawer. About forty dollars which were In the pockets of a pair of pants were overlooked. On the same evening while the family of Mr. G. B. McKee, were attending the same service, their house was en tered also, through a kitchen window from the back porch, but the door lead ing from the kitchen through the lower portion of the house being locked did not gain entrance to the lower portion, but going up the bock Btolrwny, ram sacked the upper portion of the house leaving all the bureau drawers open. Nothing was taken from the house so far as known. Made Happy. Recently Amos Kell of Saville twp., came to this place and con sulted Dr. Stites in regard to his eyes, which were so badly crossed that he was enabled to see only by great difllculty. Dr. Stites, informed the young man that it was beyond ills power or skill toadbrd 111 in relief, but referred bint to a Phila delphia occullst. Some time afterwards Mr. Kell returned home perfectly cured, and was so delighted at the new aspect that had been put upon Ills optics that he was hardly able to express himself. He remarked that it was bo different in moving around, and thut persons unaf lllcted with cross-eyes know not the re motest of their inconvenience. Nkwr, County Superintendent. We are asked by friends of Mr. Jacob It. Itunyan, to state that they mean to. put his name before the directors os a candidate for that office. Mr. 11. is a thorough scholar as well os on experienced teacher and his friends think that these qualifi cations coupled with the fact that lie is a crippled soldier give him ot least an equul claim to the support of those who are to elect this officer. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week : On Sunday a young man residing in Hurrisburg drove from there to our town, and after driving around here for awhile started off to Carlisle, where lie remained for some time, and then start ed on his return trip down the pike towards Hurrisburg, but before going fur the horse dropped dead in his trucks, and the youth and his lady had to find new means of locomotion. On Friday night last, about 12 o'clock, the stone church, known as the Dunkard's, situated on the farm of Hon. James Chestnut, in Southampton two., this county, was totally destroyed by fire with all its contents, consisting of benches, chairs, &c, from a defective flue, says our informant. The only assistance rendered to check the flames was two sons of Mr. Chestnut's, who first saw the light : they hurried to the church, and did all in their power to save It, but without avail. On Monday, the 4th instr, a fire occur red In the smoke-house of Mr. Tobias Sites, which, had It not been immedi ately discovered, would have without doubt entailed seriouD loss. The meut of five hogs belonging to Joseph Durr and Jacob Sites hud been thoroughly smoked and was about to be taken out when one of the hams became detached from its hook and fulling to the Door took fire. The heat from this melted the fastenings of the other pieces and they all dropped one after another on to the burning pile. When the door of the smoke-house was opened the flames hud got so far under way that the Haines shot out a distance of live feet. By strenerous efforts the meat was removed and most of it saved. Carlisle Volunteer. On Wednesday evening, between hours of eight and nine o'clock, the house of Mrs. Wareham, on South Hanover street, was entered, bureaus, closets, and trunks rummaged, and the contents scattered over the floor. The family was absent at the time. The key of the frontdoor was left iuside of the window shutter as their custom. This the thief secured, entering by the front door. The marauder secured $17 In money from a trunk belonging to the younger Mrs. Wareham, and about 40 dollars was secured from a bureau by removing the top drawer which was not locked, and reaching down into the next. This is a singular transaction and evidences a very thorough knowledge on the part of the person who did the stealing with the ways of the fumily. Nothing is missing except the money. The clothing was scattered around over the floor and some of the best dresses carried down stairs. Every thing in dicates that the party was after money and nothing else. Sentinel. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of lust week. A horse owned by Mr. K. B. M'Crum, ran away and broke a sleigh to pieces, oh Saturday evening. Mr. M'Crum's two sohb, Homer and Banks, were un hitching the animal from the sleigh, in front of the stable, back of the school house, when the beast concluded to travel on its own hook, which it did by running away, with the above result. The horse was captured on Main street. A man residing near Evendale, enter ed his home in a drunken frame of mind, a few evenlngsago, became anger ed, upset the table and broke the dishes that were on it. He knocked down the stove-pipe, and assaulted his wife.glving her thirty terrific blows. The cries of murder mused several citizens to enter the house and stop the man In his out rageous career. Sentinel. Mary Roth, aged about 41 years, a woman without any local habitation, and a Switzerlunder by birth, died in the Juniata county jail on Monday night. She came along with her hus band, a tromp, to the Jail on Snfurduy evening, being then unwell. Her re mains were interred in the Union Cem etery by the Overseers of the Poor. Democrat tfc llrgitter, Vhnrch Notice. Presbyterian Church Communion next Suhhath at Hit A. M. Evening Service at 7 o'clock, and preaching each evening this week at same hour. Methodist Services Sunday School otl) A. M. Prayer mectlngTliursduy eve ning. Sacrament at Mount Gileud Sun day at lot a. in. Preaching at Landis burg Sunday evening at (1 . Preaching In Lutheran church next Sabbath at 2i P. M. Preaching In Reformed church next Sabbath at It), A. M. Attention, 0. U. AJM I The Sr. and Jr. O. U. A. M., of Perry Co., will have a joint parade at Landisburg on the 22nd of February, 187H. Parade at 1 o'clock, P. M. A sermon will be delivered to the order by Rev. F. L. Nicodemus at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day. - All coun cils in the county are invited to be pres ent. The public ore cordially Invited to attend anil Join in the celebration of the birth of our noble Washington. Come one! Come all 1 T. J. Bowers, G. W. ItKKDKIt, Levi Kell, Committee. Hogeslown Select School. The Spring Term of the Hogestown Select School will open April 8th, 1H7H, and continue in session twelve weeks. Special induce ments are offered to those desiring to prepare themselves for teaching. Young teachers who are energetic and persever ing have no trouble in getting good sala ries in this county. Salaries during the winter of '77 and '78 ranging from $30 to $00 per month. The course will embrace all the branches required on a teachers certificate, Including Instrumental anil vocal music. .Any other English branches may be added If desired. Terms: Boarding and Tuition : $30.00. For further particulars call on or ad dress Ciias. H. Losir, Principal, Cumberland county, Pa. February 8th, 1873. 2m. S"uMr. Smith, be kind enough to take down your feet, so 1 can see the gentlemen In the bock seat," said a teacher to a student who had his feet on the desk. All right Professor, I put them up on purpose to show you that a fellow can get a first-rate boot of F. Mortimer. Very good sir, we've known this for some time, and if you have Just found it out we're Inclined to think your hair is thick, or I might sny the skin under it needs scouring, answered the Pro fessor. Ladles Take Notice. We shall to-day open a pretty line of DitKss ooods, which are sent from the city to be closed out, and many of them at prices below the cost to manufacture. Look at these prices, and then call and see the goods : Pretty (Styles of Dress Oooda for loots per yd. Very Desirable " " lScts ' Much Better " " aocts " A few pieces of Mtttaleso " 22cls " Bilk Mixture for Sana ' Splendid Black Cashmere worth $1.15, to be sold at 05 cm i'eii yard. We have also received another lot of those excellent five cint calicoes. This way far bargains I F. MORTIMER, New Bloom field. January 22nd, 1878. Auctioneer. The subscriber gives no tice that he will cry sales in any wart of the county, at reasonable rates. Parties wishing his services should engage him before having bills printed. Thoh. Sutch, Jit., pd. New Bloomfleld, Pa. Notice. Persons desiring me to call sales, would do well to notify me as to the day as soon possible, so that the day they select may not interfere with the date fixed upon by some other party. I intend to have a complete list of all sales, and the date upon which they will take pluce. Satisfaction guaranteed. David McCoy, Ickesburg, Pa. FOR SALE. A valuable farm situate 2 miles south of this borough, contain ing about 1(H) acres, 65 acres of which are cleared and In a high state of cultiva tion, the balance well set with fine tim ber. The improvements are a good two story dwelling house with kitchen at tached. Barn, Blacksmith-shop and oth er outbuildings. There Is also a good limestone quarry, a large orchard of choice fruit trees on the premises, and a never-failing spring of water near the door. This property will be sold cheap, and on reasonable terms. For further fiartlculars, address Jacob Fkitz, Car isle, Cumberland Co., Pa., or apply at this office. 41 Blank Receipt Books for Administrators and Executors. Also blank notes and all other blanks for sale at this office, tf 11 JI 11.. F.N. I will mall (Free) Hie recipe for a simple Veg. (table Balm that will remove Tan, Freckle. I'liiiulea and Hioichts, leaving the Bkiu aoit clear and h autiruhalso Inati ucllous lor producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald dead or ainootti face. Address, Inclosing 3 cl. atamu.Beo. Vaudelf i Co., 20 Auu St., N. Y. At tiinofl TRANSPARENT TEACHING CAItDS. Iiiatruoliou and Ainuaeinrnt combined. Im portant lo naienu and teachers. 26 different artistic design. The entire pack sent free lor ii cts. curreucy or stamps, Vau lell & Co.. iiO Anu tHU, N. V. A4 urns. . errorsTf youth. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from f.ervoua Debility freinature Uecav, and ail the etlecls t' youthful iniiiscirtlon. will lor the auke of sunerdiK humauity, aeud Irte to all who need it, the recipe and dfiectluu for making the simple remedy by which he was cured Hut feiera winning to pieill by Ihe advertiser's ex perlence can do so by addressing In lerh-ot c n fldence, JOHN OCibhN, ii Cedar Street. New Voik. . A4 ,m Conntj Trice Current. Bloom riai.D February II, IS78. Flax-Heed 1 g Potatoes , 85 Butler f) pound, Kglts ft dozen 14 " Dried Apples fl pound 5 cts" Dried Peaches 10 (0 NEWPORT MARKETS, t Corrected Weekly by tiTmtgS Brolhtr. OIALBHS IK OltyVIIN Ac 11IOITJ01J. Newport, February t), 1878. Flour, Extra, 15 75 " Ruper ft 75 White Wheat V bush, (old) 1 30 a I 30 Kcd Wheat 1 tflO 1 15 Rye 650M Corn MflO (lata fl 82 pound WW, Clover Heed 4 2504 25 Timothy Heed 1 20 Flax Heed 1 00 Potatoes Wif?30 Bacon g ft 11 Dressed llog 4 a 4'i Ground Alumn Halt 1 ari01 35 Mmeburner's Coal, i 00 Btove Coal 3 75 O 4 25 Pea Coal 2 so Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00 FISH, SALT, LIMB ANU COA1, Of all kinds always on hard and for sale at the Lowest Market Kates. OARLI8LB PRODUCE MARKET. COKKEOTED WEEKLY. WOODWARD & BOHB. Caui.isle, February 8, 1378. Family Flour 16.25 Superfine Flour 4.50 White Wheat, new 1 15 Red 1 15 Rye 55 Corn, (new) 42 Oats,... 27 Olnverseed 4.50 Tlmothyseed 1 25 MA.nriIA.GEH, LtNms Harviiaht. At the Manilon house, Carlisle, Tuesday. Fell. 5th. by Rev. J. 1). Vance, Mr. J. W. Landls. of Oakville, Cumberland Co., Pa., to Miss Mary M Harnliart. of Perry Co. i;i.RK-McNKAi,. on the 7th In t., bv Itev. Robert Mcpherson. Dr. John A. Clark, of Bed ford, Pa., to Miss Ida M. McNeal, of Blain, Perry county, Pa. ItEMPFER. In Havllle twp., on the 5th Inst., Mrs. Kempfer. wile of George ltempfer, aged 70 years. RIVERSIDE NURSERY AND HMALL FltUIT GARDENS I Onice 81 North 3rd Street, Ilarrlsburg, Pa. Plan's delivered by mull at any Post Olllce In the fulled Mates. For It will send by mall 2 Heliotrope. 2 Fuchsias. 2 Carnations, 2Hlncle Geraniums. 2 Ct.leus, 1 DoubleOeianiiini, 2 Tube roses, 4 Her be nas. NURSERY STOCK. Fruit and Ornamental trees.Everygreens.Orape vines, small Fruit Plants, &o., of every descrip tion. Seud for prices. SAMUEL PARKER, . , Ilarrlsburg, Pa. February 12, 1878 3mos. 0 RPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Perry county, Pa . the undersigned Administra tor with Ihe will annexed, of Mary McCllmock, Dec d., will sell by public omcrv on the premises, on the Ca.llsle road south of Delville, on Saturday, March 2nd, 1878. at 11 o'clock of said day, the following described lteal Estate, to wit: A Til ACT OF LAND, situate In Carroll township, Perry county. Pa. bounded on the North by Sbermans Creek, Easi m!? 'freuri' Feiininger, South bv land v- Feniilnger and Westby laud of Daniel Blllman, containing FIFTY ACRES. A portion of fhls tract Is cleared, and a part of the balance Is covered with good pine timber. Its location along the public highways, wilh thead vantagesof mills churches, stores, etc., makes It desirable for parties who wish to secure a home. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the pur chase money to be paid when the property is ftiicken down and the balance on 1st of A pill im. when possession will be given and the Deed delivered. MOHKs HESS. Administrator, 0 RPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. THE undersigned Trustee appointed by the Orphan's Court 01 Perry county, Pa, will oiler for sale on the premises, on TUESDAY. FEBRUARY, 1878, ' the following described property: A TRACT OF LAND, situate In Spring twp.. Perry county. Pa., bound ed on the North by lands of Zachariah Rica and Daniel Baker. West by lands of said Rice end Wm. Hall, 011 the South by lands of Henry Kot it. East by lands of John Keil, containing 45 OKES, more of less, having thereon erected a TWO STORY 8TOKE "X HnilQF iw vviai LOG 13 A UN, and other Outbuilding. The above tract is the land conveyed by Zacb arlah Hire to James L. Dlven In trust lor Mar. garetta Klee. his wife. Ihe land is of excelleut quality, ami pleasantly located, and laavery de sirable property, having thereon a apirudid anole Orchard. TERM8 : One hundred dollars of the purchase money to be paid when the property is stricken down 1 SV0 on 0011 tlrni a 1 1 on of sale; onehalf of the purchase money, less the amount previously paid, on the 1st of April, lhiS. wiin Interest from 27th of Feb ruary, 17S. and the remaining one-half of the purchase money to be ecured bya mortgage with Interest from iCih of February. 1ST, to be Dald semi annually. , , ,0.0 OLIVER RICE, Trustee. January 1S78. 1 For A Cbs Catarrh, That NANHIItllH ItAKI t:AI, :IJIIF, lor t'atarrh will net $50 $50 Instantly relieve and speedily cure. jifierenees, jienry wens, r.n Wells KargoCo., Aurora. N. Y, Win. Rnwen. K.. M'llalton Grant Hnwen. Kt. Uillls. TmtlmonlaH and treatise bv mall. Price, with Improved Inhaler, f I Sold every where. WKKKHfc POT1ER, Pro prietors. Boston, Mass. 4d4t 9RHTVI.rflOFCAIlDn.ioe.. or 25 New Year Cards, 20c. Samples 3c. J. Husted & Co., Nns. sail, N. V. 4d4t TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a aure remedy for COUGIIS.anfl all dlxeases ef the THROAT, LUNGS, CI1E8T and MUCOUS MEMBRANE. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. BOLD Br Alt, BHtlOOISTS. C. N. CR1TTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York- (W4t . PI ANfl '''nil price pinn only rwi. Parlor ! ,M,1,V0r"nsi,',l,l7S nlylt)8. Paper free. D. F. Deaity, Washington, N, J. t dn. Awnrrti-H hfhtt pit ft Omentim) Kxfiomtlon frr fine chewintj qimlititM mid errrtlttct nti't hutUnp rhnr iirttrr of tweetminij tmtt finrnrtnif. The htu tobacco w miH An ttir Wii Mrip trnr1(-mr)t n cloudy Imitftlfd on infer tor eorw!, " that Jnrkmm't Iirt in on Try IiIhr. KotH br nl I ltnlcrn. 8-nH tirjuunpt, free, to C. A. Jackaox & Co., Mfm I I'lwnr tiru. V 0. F. Wardle, (Jen. Agent, Fhllndelpuin. gUJirlllSlNG! JUST OPENED A VARIETY STORK, UP TOWN! We Invite the Citizens of BLOOM FIELD and vicinity, to call and examine our Stock of CROCERIFS, QUKF.NSWABE, CLARSWARE, TIN WAKE. A FULL VARIETY OF NOTIONS, &c, Sc., &c, All of which we are selling at astonishingly- IjO"W prices. (live us a call and SAVFI JlfONEY. as we re almost UIVINU TI1IMJS A WAV. M. Butter and Eggs taken in trade. VALENTINE BLANK, 88 ly West Main Street. mfinn Agents Wanted to sell onr newly Pat ivUU en'ed Novelties, t'hromos, Watches. Revolvers. Engraving", Books, c. RtHtlonarT Packages flu per hundred. Special terms given, to Agents eveiywhere. The nest prices ever ot fe'ed. Mammoih catalogue with samples free. 35 Cm. U. L. FLETCHER, 11 Dey Street, N. . HEALTH AND HAPPESS. Health and happiness are priceless Wealth tn their possessors, and yet they are wlthiu the reach of every one who will use WItlUIIT'S LIVER TILLS, The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dvpepla, Headache. Sour Stomach, Constipation. Iebillty. Nausea, and all Billions complaints and Blood disorders. None genuine unle-s signed " Wm. Wright, Phll'a " If y. ur Druggist will not sup ply send 2o cents for one box tu Barrick, Roller lit Co , 7UN.4thSt.,Phll'a. January 1, lo78, ly jypSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now offer the public A RARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALP AC CAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under tne head of GROCERIES ! Machine needles and nil for all makes cf Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, 19 TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. V No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. Uraln Wanted at the Keirport XillsT THKumleislgmd will pay a premium on good, dry, clean grain of all kinds. ... . MILTON B. Et.HKI.MAN. Newport, Perry county. Pa, llfiwinirlstITnlianpnl OPIUM ad MmvAIm HsMtataoHt.lyMrfmMinv ) I " srtfc.U.. "bY Cu H-kl.. ..... n.