The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, January 29, 1878, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE TIMES, NEW - llLOOMFlELl), PA.. JANUARY; 29, 1878. Tramp Llfo. The cliinf r tbe State detective force of MiiBsncliiiKetU lma enlivened bis nntniul report with an ncoount of no expedition umloi taken by two of his subordinates Inst summer wbich rendu like the skclotou rec ord out of which no me of Le Hugo's stories of the adventures ol roving Spanish rogues have been elaborated. These de tectives set out early iu July with the in tention of learning something of tramp life through actual experience among the Jovi al vagabond who are picking up a living nil over the country without toiling or Hpluning, depending mainly upon gather ing into barns. They transformed them selves Into members of that careless frater nity whose anthem Is the old song with the 'uugrammntical refrain : "A light heart and a thin pair of breeches Goes over the world, my boys !" and traversed Western Massachusetts. Tbey had plenty of goodly company from tbe beginning of their journey, and soon fell into n gang of twenty tramps. They met at a rendezvous in a certain woods, forming a motley band made up of all na tionalities, and a single extract from the officers' diary throws a gleam of light over their vagabond mode of life : " July 14 AVe.dlvlded luto four squads, each ot which was to take turns in provid ing food for the gang.. The Germnus went out to day and returned with a small pig, nine chickens, a quantity of eggs and bread, all of which, with the exceptiou of the bread, was stolen. They carried with them tittli hooks and lines, which they used for ditching chickens, simply by put ting on a kornel of corn for bait. In some instances, when they have enough rum, they soak bread with it and feed the fowls, which are soon in a condition to be easily raptured." On the inarch the gang divided into four parties and pursued different roads, mov ing for an appointed place of rendezvous, and using red and blue chalk to mark tho routes for the guidance of stray comrades. The whole tendency of the testimony is to tbe effect that there is a certain system and organization among tramps, and that they live less by imposing upon the credulity of bonest people than by potty stealing. At the time of the detectives' expedition, however, the excitement attending the railroad l lots was at its height, and some of the wandering bands exhibited a reck lessness and hardihood that only needed an opportunity to break into violence and crime. The Curse of Americans Is Impetuosity. We cauuot do anything moderately. We don't take time to eat or driuk. When the season of social gatherings 'comes on in w inter, we rush from one to another, night after night, until we become tired out and the system is run down. In Summer we ily to the watering places and idle our time in luxury. No wonder that we be come "blaze" in middle life. Theu we try medicines to recuperate, and often resort to unfortunate stimulation in the vain hope of wooing back our youthful energies. Every European sees this. As things are, the best remedy, when tbe physical powers begin to decline, is tbe Peruvian Syrup, which has for many years been used in ex actly this direction. It is the best tonic known to man and the least injurious. It restores wasting energies, strengthens the system against the insidious maladies which are tnduoed by weakness, and builds up the syBtetn properly and effectively. Hold by dealers geuerally. A Ready Auctioneer. Charles Matthews, tbe elder, once in dulged in his well-know taste for mimicry at the expense of Mr. Tattersall, difring a sale of blood stock oonduoted by the lat ter. . " Tbe first lot, gentlemen," said Mr. Tattersall, "is a bay Ally by Smolensko," " The first loty gentlemen," echoed Mr. Matthews, in the same tone of voice, " is a bay filly by Bmoleosko." Tbe auctioneer looked somewhat annoy ed, but proceeded : What shall we say to begin with ?" "What shall we say to begin with?" replied the echo. Still endeavoring to oonoeal bis vexation, Mr. Tattersall inquiringly called out, "One hundred guineas ?" "One hundred guineas?" echoed Mat thews. "Thank you, sir," cried Mr. Tattersall, bringing down the hammer with a bang, " the filly is yours 1" Matthews was con siderably taken aback by bis sudden acqui sition of " blood stock," and tho company enjoyed the joke immensely. Familiar In Every Household. Dr. It. V. Pierce, the great "medicine man1' of Buffalo, is running for the office of fteoator from that city. lie seems to be tlt most popular man on the track, and well he may be, for his name is familiar in every household in the laud, and people will vote for him regardless of bis politics. Willxxfoarre News. Correct, as tbe News always is. The Doctor was elected by about 3,000 majority. Buffalo News. C3TIf meu cannot be talked to death It is now oonceded that they talk too much for tbe benefit of their health. Not a death bas occurred amoag the inmates of the Illinois deaf and dumb asylum for three jearr. I For tho next SIXTY DAYS, jiiuii' AST COST! Call at once AND SECURE THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVE It OFFERED I NEWPORT. Don't forget the old stand ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, Wright's Building, Newport, Penn'a. January SO, 1678. .h94ffi&ir K II V. LETS HONEY OF HOREHODND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Oonghi, Ooldi, Influenia, Hoamnggi, Difficult Breathing, and all Affections of th Throat, Brosoblal Tubes, and Lucgi, leading to Consumption. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honey of the plant Horehound, in chemical union with Tar-Balm, extracted from the Life Principle of the forest tree Aiikis IUi.samka, or Halm of Cilead. The Honey of Horehound soothes and scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm cleanses and iieai a the throat and air passages leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying tins great medi cine of a famous doctor wl has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or smell. PRICES 50 CENTS AND $! PER DOTTLE. Great saving to buy latgt size. "Pike's Toothache Drops" Cure in 1 Mluute. Sold by all Druggists. J. N. CEITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. December 18, 1877 ly it i i'A Sloe IP. . JSP fersjlj I S DON'T YOU WANT DRY GOODS, DRY GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, If you do, just call on the subscriber and see what BARGAINS he will offer you. GOODS WERE NEVER CHEAPER I F. MORTIMER, 131oomiield, Perry Co., Pa. jyjUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now oder the public A HAKE AND ELKO ANT ASSOHTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable (or the season. BLACK ALPACCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN BXDtiBSS SELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, Aud everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine needles and oil for all makes ot Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. W No trouble to show goods. Don't (orget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. What will the Weather be To morrow? POOL'S SIGNAL SERVICE BAROMETER and Thermometer Combined. Foretells oorrectly any change In the Weather. 12 to 24 hours In au vance Endorsed by the most eminent Protestors aud Bclentllto men as the Bent Weather Indicator in the World. FAKMKKS can plan their work according to IU prediction. It will Nave tlfiy times Its cost In a simile season. Warranted Per fect and Reliable. We will send It Free to any address on receipt of $2 00 beware ol worthless linitatlous. None genuine without our trade mark. AG FN IS WANTKD. Keud Htnnip tor Circular. U. 8. NOVELTY CO., 11)5 Maiden Laue,ewVork. Please state where you saw the ad vertlaement. Rend Money Orders or Registered Letters at our risk. 60 Sin Gralu Wanted at the Newport Mills. THK undersigned will pay a premium on good, dry, clean grain of all kinds. MILTON B. KSHKLMAN, ly. Newport, Perry eounty, Pa, OPIUM I ud Monhtafl tUMt tbaolntoly and vpm&Uy nt "" uasssBf awiJUMJCitJ. cwst lianiP ft I for mtUcu Ihs. Do. Ca uvrvm. ' -'" mm TTiTTi h ; t . ; i 1 11 . : . AY ! SOME BARGAINS IN GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, HATS, CAPS, ROOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, &c. NOTIONS, &c. CHEAPEST AND BEST THE HAMUSBUKG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To nil new subscribers and to all present scrlbers renewing their subscriptions THlf DAILY PATRIOT sub- 111 u sem hi ine louowing rates: 1 copy. 1 year, postage prepaid 2 copies (iu club), ' 5 41 . 10 " " 1 copy during the session of the'lexisTa ture 17 00 12 00 27 tK) 60 00 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates: 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid t2 00 4 copies. ' h 00 is :; v. :: 18 . . , , and 1 copy to cotter-tip ot club 15 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and 1 copy to getter-up of club 22 60 All orders must be accompanied by the cash, either by check or post oilloe order. W 00 WORTH FOR 13 CO. Any person remitting us 3 00 will receive one copy of the Weekly Patriot for one year.nne copy of the American Agriculturist (the leading ag ricultural Journal In the United States) for one year, both postage paid, and In addition a Micro scope, such as has horefore been sold for 12 60. THE PATRIOT ROOK OFFICE. Having executed the Stale Printing and Bind-A"- t'"'ee vears, we are prepared to print and bind Rooks, Magazines, Pamphlets, Directories, etc., in best style and at lowest prices. Itlank BookB, such as Dockets, Daybooks. Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a specialty. Old Books rebound. Especially low rates for rebludlug Sunday School Libraries. Address, PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO., Harrlsburg, Pa. NEW GOODS AT TBE Cheap Cash Store I A big lot of IIKMLOCK HOLE LEATHER at 23 veins per pouna. City Calf Skins, tl 00 per pound. 100 " " 60cents per pair. 8 cents per quart 25oents per quart. 48 to 75 eent s per gallon. 25 oents per pound. H cents per pound.. 75 cents per pound. 14 36 per keg. Best Shoe Thread, Men's Block Lasts, Shoe Pegs, Shoemakers' Ink, Choice Syrups, Choice Coffee, White Sugar, Best Imperial Tea, Horse Shoes, Iron. Rtoel. ftnrlnffn. Spokes, Felloes, Axles, Hubs, Poles and all kinds 06 Hardware low, . Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Putty, fee, at bottom prices. Lorlllnrd's and Wardles' Tobaccos and Segars AT CITY PRICKS, at S. M. SHULER'S, CASH STOEE, Liverpool, Terry County, Penna. VALUABLE STORE STAND At Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale about ONE ACRE OF ROUND, having thereon erected a LARGE HOUSE, with KITCHEN, WASH HOUSE and STABLE, and a WELL of good water near the door. . There Is a large 8TORE ROOM In the building In which a store has been kept for a number ot years. The stand la a very desirable one. There Is also erected on the premises, another HOUSE AND STABLE, which will be sold sep arately or with the store Stand, to suit purchas ers. These proper Ics are located In a good com munity, with Schools and Churches convenient. r Call on or address 8. L. HOLLKNBAUGH, Aug. 21, 77pd Sandy Hill, Perry Co., Pa. I AfllFQ can color their own Stockings for knuiLO than one cent per pair, any col or or shade by the use of our " MAGIC TINTS." Can renew or change the color of their dresses, restore to trehnesu and brilliancy faded silks. Merinos. Aluaccas. Neckties, Ribbons, 4c or Impart to them new aud lovely shades Little trouble aud nominal cost Stick of any desired color sent on receipt of 10 cents. 3 dlltervnt colors 2th). Postaite Stamps accepted. Scud Stamp for Circulars and Samples. 6u3mw KEARNEY CHEMICAL WORKS. 6n Cortland St.. N. York. P. O. Box. 3139. MEN'S WALK you want some cheap for Pants and Suits t you do, don't fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F. MORTIMER. You can suit yourself In style and price. E LANNELS A splendid assortment of Flan nels, just opened by F. MORTIMER, "Tl TIMES" STEAM Printing Office IS THE PLACE TO GET SALE BILLS, OP ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE AND AT REASONABLE NICE TAPER BOOKS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, AS DESIRED. lie Bloomfield Times is published every Tuesday BY F. MORTIMER & CO., 1 New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa., At the Low Price of SI 25 PER YEAR, WITHIN THE COUNTY. $1 SO PER YEAR, Outside the County, Postage Paid. "THE TIMES' Is the best advertising medi um in this section of the State. Circulation Nearly 2,000 ! THEM PA 88 NOTICE. -The undersigned hereby notify all persons not to hunt, Hsh, gather nuts, cut timber, &c, or otherwise tres pass on their lands in Jackson township, Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt with according to law. K. K. BALTOPSER. c . , PETER U (J 1811 ALL. September IS, 1877. pd KANSAS. All about Its Soil, Climate, Resources. Products, Laws, and Its People are given In the KANSAS PARMER, a 10-page W&kly, in its 16th year. Post paid. 8 months, SO cents. Address J. K. HUDSON, Topeka, Kansas. Has quickly taken a high place among agrlcul tural Journals. N. Y. Tribune. . We have con sldered It among the best of our exchanges, and a worthy representative of the West Practical larmer, Phlla...Our Kansas friends should feel much pride in the hiigti character and sterling worth In their Slate Capital agricultural paper National Livestock Journal... We cheerfully credit It with being one of the best edited of our Wwrnagricultural xchauges.-Splrlt of the E8TATB NOTICKNotlce is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Daniel Shatto, late of Carroll township, fer ry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same township. All persona Indebted to said estateare requested to make Immediate payment, aud those having claims will preseut them duly authenticated tor settlement to . . GEU- w- SMILEY, December 18. 1877. Administrator. Cms. ji. BMiLEi , Attorney for Adm'r.