7 Newport Advertisements. THE TIMES, NEW UL00MFIEL1), 1A., JAN U Alt Y 15, 1878. THE WEED Professional Cards. JB. JUNKIN, Attorney-aM.aw, New BloomHeld, Perry CO., Pa. Office Next door to the residence of Judge JuuKlU. 45tl AM. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Law, New Rlnomneld, Ferry county, Fa. Mf Office directly opposite tue Post-OIUee, and adjoining the Mansion House. T EW1S POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NEW BLOOMFIELD, FERRY CO., PA. -Claims promptly secured collected Writings aud all legal business carefullyattend edto. a 1 JAMES H. FERGt'SON, Attorney-at-Law, NEWPORT, PA. -Oftlce Market Street, near the Square. 38 6 CHARLES H. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New BloomHeld, Perry Co. Pa. MOfflewlth C. A. Harnett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte. rian Church. August 20, 1872. "T7"M. A. 8PON8LER, Attorney-at-Law, Yy Ortlce adjoining his residence, on East Main street. New Blooiutleld, Perry co., Pa. 8 a ly JOHN Q. BHATTO, Surgeon Dentist, New Bloomneld,Perryoo.,Pa. All Kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. fMJmce at his residence one door East of the Koblnson House, and opposite W m. A. Sponsler's LawotOce. 8 ily "tTTM. N. 8E1BERT, Attorney-at-Law, W NewBloomlleld, Perryoo..ra. BloomHeld, 3 331v. WM. M. SITTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New BloomHeld, Perry co., Pa. a-Offlce Two doors West of F. Mortimer, Store 37 ly LEWIS POTTER, kotabi FUBLIC, New Bloom field. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared nnd acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, w ill also take depositions to bo rei.d In any court (n the United States. 7 10 ly CHAS. J. T, MoINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtteld, Perry co.. Pa. 9 All professional business promptly andfaith fully attended to. 3 2 lv. WM. A. MORRISON, .JUSTICE OF THE TEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR. NewCekmantown, Perry co., Pa. Kemittam-eswill be made promptly tor all Collections made. 744 CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Hloomtleld. Perry CO., Pa fl-Olllce on high st reet. North side, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. 3 2 ly ' Richard "lTmagee""" JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, F-Ottlce at his residence, in CENTRE TOWN SHIP, Perry County, Penn'a., one mile South of New BloomHeld. 10 3 -yyiLiLIAM M. 8UTCI1, Jusllce of the l'eaoe, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, Ne w Bloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a -Special attention paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds, Honds, Mortgages and Agreements neatly executed. 716tf QEORGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. It LAIN, 1'EltliY COUNTY, 1A. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April, 19th, 1877. T EATHER &C. THE subscriber has now on hand at LOW PRICES, Good Sole Leather, Kip of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf, LININGS, ROANS, &c. F. Mortimer, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. ACAHD.-To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Sc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARG E. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Bilile House, New York City. I16b ly PHRflNin Dinette Cured. New paths umiumu iarked on i oy t,at plainest of all books" Plain Home Talk and Medical Com mon Sense." nearly lilnn pages, 200 illustrations, Dn. K. B. FOOTK, of 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y. Purchasers of this book are at liberty to consult its author in person or by mail free. Trice by mall 8;j.2a for the Standard edition, or 1.50 for the Popular edition, which contains all the same matter and illustrations. Contents tables free. Agents wanted. MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING CO., 129 East 28th St., N.Y. 41-13L W A "Vnr,T7,T"V oureacase of Catarrh ' -V13I .StkJn each neighborhood, with Dr. Karnser's Remedy, to introduce it. Sampl free. J. C. Tllton, Pittsburgh. Pa. 47w3m SOO(T Agents Wanted To subscribe for the Agents' Journal. A hand somely bound 24 page Journal, brim full of Inter est to Agents. Every Agent should see it. Send Postal Card for specimen copy. Address, AGENTS' JOURNAL, New York. 35 6m SSIGNEE'S NOTICE"" Notice Is hereby given that Jacob HNtlne, and Susanna his wile. of Whea' Held twp.. Perry co.. Pa., have assigned their property to the under signed, residing in the same township, for the licnelit ol creditors. All persons therefore Indebted to faid Jacob Ristine and wire.are requested to make payment, aud those having clulms will present them duly authenticated to tile uuderslgued for settlement without delay. SOLOMON BIGHAM, November 13. 1877. Assignee. Lewis Pottkm, Attorney. IOLLAlt-AMJ-A-HALf FOE TEN I'EXTS. Btoddart's Musical Library, just publishing la pases. lull size, best and most popular music for in cents. New aud popular songs, dance and In strumental Music, operas, hymns, etc, etc. For sale by all newsdealers. Postage 2 cents, to be enttn addition to above. It ordered from the publishers. J. M. BTODDART ft CO., 4S3t ' 7i3 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. PRINTING of every description neatly ex ecuted at the Bloomfleld Times Olllce at reasonable rates. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones ft Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectrully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the ptiblio generally, as the HIUHEST PRICES the market will afford, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE. SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, BALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, . 8TEEL, HORSE SHOES, &C., &c. FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. V Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf jyjEWPORT DRUG STORE. HavinK on baud complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, the subscriber asks a share of your patronafra. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock or Concentrated Romedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. 15 rushes, Perfumery. HAIR OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOlt FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL FURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B. M . ED Y, Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, XEttrOKT, IA. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos. W Country Merchauts supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. - Your orders are solicited. 9 44 w. It. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, &c. We use Clearneld Pine aud Hem lock only. W. R. 8. COOK ft CO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10. 1S76. American and Foreign Patents. GILMORE & CO.. Successors to CHIPMAN, HOSMElt ft CO., Solicitors. Patents pro cured ina.ll countries. NO FEES IN ADVANCF. No charge unless the patent In granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent office. Extensions before Con gress, Infringement Suits in different Slates, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stamp to Oilmore ft Co., for pamph let of sixty pages. LAND CASKS, LAND WARRANTS ft SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. S. General Laud Olllce and Department of the Interior. Private Land Claims, MINING and PRE EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, 8u, any KiO acre Iileees for sale. This Scripts assignable, and can e located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at 8L2i per acre. It Is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to Ullmore ft Co., for pamphlet of instruction. AKItlCAKS OK PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, orthelr heirs, arein many casesentitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, und slate amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to GILMORE ft CO., and a lull re ply, alter examination, will be given you free. I'ENSKI S S. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Injured in the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing GILMORE ft CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORE ft CO., before the Supreme Court of the United Slates, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted in aseparale bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, emliloyed by the old llrm. Prompt attention to all business eturusted to GILMORE ft CO., Is thus secured. We desire to win success by deservingit. Address: GILMORE SCO., 629 F. Street, Washington, D. C. IM VOIVV ANT NOTICE The subscriber late of the llrm of Rhuades ft Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens of BLAIN and vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON MAKKR-KHOP, and la prepared to make new wagous and repair old ones at short notice, aud at fromTKN to TWENTY percent, cheaper than the old inn. WUive me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB SMITH. Blaln, August 8, 1867. PRICES REDUCED "The Family Favorite" IMPROVED ' Light-Rumiing, Noiseless, No Gears,No Cams,No Springs. New and Elegant Styles of Wood Work. From this date, by the expiration of Patents under which we have been paying roy alties,we are enabled to sell our ma chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and as low as those of any first class machine. (3" Send for Circulars and Price Lists. Weed Sewing Machine Co., 26 Union Square, XEW YORK. 11 7 18t. BOOTS Do you want BOOTS of any kind t If so, call and see the LA.11G13 STOCK NOW OFFERED BT F. MORTIMER. Or.A.jJ.OLIN'SliH II niuM of ft Private niituw, rwnlllrif from Mr ly biiftp or InlYetlon of either s, Hemlnal WeakHcftfroJu.-lii KmUftloiift, Lm of Mrmorr, Jmpnln-d Mbt, Loot Manhood or lm potency, Nrrvous lUbllltj, Lwrma jenUy.:ufl; diswMof tbe Illndder. Kidneys, Liver, Luna's Alhmv 'Mftrrh, Hlet, ftll Chronic Ukum, torf H EAhKAOF FEMALE, yUld to hU trwim!. Dr'uiln hfti hftd life-long eiTwrtam-t, ind curt wUrtoilim fmil. Ht k prtdufttc of the KefoniiM) (Wlir.nl, xmm do mtn-urv. hfti thm lveil pwUov in th U. . LA 11 E fMiilrinR Imunirni with private nomt and board, rail or wrlM. Everv convenient for imtlsnu. Rend fifty canto for tampl of Rubber Uoodi and rlr cnlar of Important Information bynnrwa. Ali. VLi'S Female Pill, $5 per Box. C'onMiltatlnn fret. MARRIAGE GUIDE BB.'M young ami middle fttred of both Sem, qi all dueam of ft fvWato natura. Valuartle ftdvlt-t to the tnarrlad and thoaa contemplating mamaffft. How to be healthy and truly happy lit the married rela tion. Everybody ehould ft ihk book. Vtkm SO cauia. to ftuy mi Anwa, leaUd. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriase ! wtJUlg Ji-ii nnwaaMa a u a r . i-iiimuoiHiii irt-atue on tit Mullce ol marhftse and tha uatiM'tthat unfit inr It - th o. t-me of Reproduction and rami line uieenfteft oi women. I A hook tor Drlvatr. rmmil. Ie ate mtdiug. XU pacci, price fipte. n.iiA VHititDICAL ADVISER! m lip all ditonlerinl a Private Ivature an.ti.K I turn Self Abuse, Exoeawe, or Secret Diaeaaea, with Uia buai Dieatia of rtiry, iH4 lrjrcpH?f. prirrMl rt. A CLINICAL LFCTUBB on the above dlaeanefl and ini ot tnc Tht-oatand Lunga, Catarrh, Rupture, tli Op mm Habit, c, priii- )u rta. Knher book aent poitpaidon receipt Ol price t or all three, containing .ytijtag e, twaiitinjlly lliuatraied, tor T5ta. AdtlraI)a.IiUTT, No. N. tfUatti. fit. Louia, Mo I fiVFRQBOK F KNOWLEDGE, or fie w -llcretJ ot Love. Courtship and Marriage Showing how to get married, live hap pily obtain health, wealth and distinction, and appear to advantage in society 200 pa e a 300,000 sold. Mailed for loots., in Postace Stamps or cur rency. Address. THK UNION ft'BLIHHINU COMPANY. Newark. N. J. 44W13. $1.00. WAMSU TTA $1.00. SIIIHTS. Three-ply Mnen Busum, Three-ply Neckbands, 1,1 nen Wristbands and nninlied complete. We can positively say that fcU.OO HIIIltT Is superior to any other, and that there l no bet ter Khirt In the Market at any price. ISID0R SCHWARTZ, NEWPORT, PENN'A. EWARHING'S (1H76 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) BLANKS, The Latest afld llet. A (ireat Improvement a want Hupplled. We furuiitb low aud whatever you need. Law aud Coinnierciul Supplies of all Klndn. Bend for samples aud price lists of what you want. - Cataliriies of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, oi direct fnun the pulillnher. i. WAUIMU. Tyroue, Pa. J- AD1EH addicted to the habit of Intern i perance are Invited to Beek Inlonimtion at a private home, where medical aitendiince (lid all comforts are provided. For iiiformalltiu addreg Mna. W. II. NICHOLSON. Box 2,711!. fhlladelnlik November, 13, 1877. Hew Mel Machine Hotels. JHE PERRY HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Perry Co., Pa., TH08. BUTCn, Proprietor. JHEMANSrONHOUSE, New IJIoomlleld, Penn'a., D. M. RINEBMITH, . . Propnitor. This well-known hotel has lately been enlarged, re painted and re-lltted. Best accommodations afforded. - Careful hostlers always In attend noe. 933 tf JT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THK UNION,") JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. 1HIH HOTEL being centrally located, and ha. 1 ii g been entirely refitted, It will be found as pleasant a Btopplng place as can be desired AUCTIONEERS. j AS. P ' LAfCHFORD, A UCTIONEER , Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive promnt attention. DONNALLY'8 MILLS PERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND " U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post olllce address, Bherniansdale, Perry eo., Pa. D.HENRY, A TTCTTO NRRTt Blalu, Perry county Pa. "Terins Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. etf Auctioneer. The undersigned gives notice that he will cry sales at any point in Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptattentiou wlllbe Riven. E. l. WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co.,Pa. qITharnishT " AUCTIONEEK, Delville, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tf H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inform my frlendsthat I In tend calling upon them with a supply of good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of CASSIMERS, OASSINET8, FLANNELS, (Plninandbar'd) CA11PKTH, Sec, toexchangefor woo orsellfor cash. J. M. BIXLER. CbntkkWooi.es Factort. 6,17,4m f For Rale by F. Moktimbb, New BloomOeld Perry county, Pa. 82500 A TRAR. Agrnt.w.nted.Bull nnulcrlthimte. Particular, free. A.drmiJ OSTHCO.,8Loiill,Mfc $45 PREMiirM wiTrii tun rut if-. tcm-wintler.Freti wlthevnrrortler. Out. ut free. J. U. O.lorU A Co., Chicago. 111. TRESPASS NOTICK.-The underslRned hereby notify all persons not to hunt, llsh, Rather nuts, cut timber, S.O., or otherwise tres pass on their lands In Jackson township, Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt wltb according to law. R K. BALTOSSER. PETEU GUIHHAl.L. Eeptember 18, 1877. pd JOTICE. John J. Tatlor ) Iu the Court of Common Pleas m. of Perry County. Ellen Taylor. No. 4H, August Term, 1877. HUHPWNA IN DlVOHUB. &C, Notloe Is hereby given to the respondent to ap pear on the II ist Monday of January next, being MONDAY, Hie 7th day of January, A. 1)., 1878, and answer the complaint of the said libellant, and show cause why a decree of divorce a tint: Ki lo matrimonii should not be granted, (to. J. W. WILLIAMSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofllce, J New BloomHeld, Oct.80,1877. ( I NS0LVENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that In the matter of the appliuatiiiN of C. T. Slieufferof Juniata twp.. for the beuent of the Insolvent Lawn of tliu Com monwealth, the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, have unpointed Tuesdny Mini II h day of December. 1877 for a hearing lu accordance with the Act of Assembly. 1. MICKEY. Prothonotary. New lllonmtleld, Nov. 17, 1877. KANSAS. All about Its Soil, Climate, Resources, Product, Law, and IU People are given in the KANSAS FARMER, a 10 page Weekly, lu Its 15th year. Post piild. 3 months, 60 cents. Address J. K. HUDSON, Topeka, Kansas. Has quickly taken a high place among agricul tural Journals. N. Y. Tribune.. We have con sidered it among the best of our exchanges, and a worthy representative of the West Practical Farmer, Pliila.. .Our Kansas friends should feel much pride iu the high character aud Bterllug worth in their Stute Cupllal agricultural paper. National l.lve-Htock Journal... We cheerfully credit it with being one of the best edited of our Western agricultural exchanges. Spirit of (he Times, N. Y, artifi lit mrrd hr llif rnrllKafil nV-VV ilL9J ' (isir vs i en m m n, 1,1c i n. 'fl'llflsrUHK.IUsK.iiurr.rUHiomp.lJ p li"". Iui;lii, Uronchitij k ll sirolultun lnl lMft (Tmmimi. k yiiurdmrelitfor Oimuo'l ItfJ Sft H he k.18 not f ot it, I will, n rntipt JPrjl WifivSfliHiiilCb.tli.C.I.Osailll j(f Rather Awkward. A good fttory la told of a Hartford In surance man, who some yearn ago, Boon after bis marriage, went to a country town in Maine with another adjuster to settle a lose. Arriving at the tavern at a late hour In the night, thy were given a room with a forty-pound feather bed therein, which, from Its temperature, had evidently been under the influence of some human warming pan ; In fact, as it appeared, the room had been occu pied up to the midnight arrival of the adjusters by the landlord's daughter, who, in her hurried departure to make room for these distinguished arrivals, left her chemise hanging under the bed post. The newly married Hartford un derwriter, in unpacking his valise after his return home to the presence of his affectionate bride, turned out, among lt other contents, to the astonished eyes of himself and bride, the aforesaid chemise, which had been carefully pack ed away by his diabolical companion. It is gratifying to be able to record that as the honeymoon was yet young, this explanation, with all Its lameness, was accepted. ig" Archbishop Culltn was making his periodical tour of Inspection in the Dublin Sunday schools. "Kate Mo lony," said he to an Intelligent-looking girl, "explain the meaning of the sacrament of holy matrimony." A pause. At last Kate replied, " please yer honer, It's the state of exigence be fore entering purgatory." "Go to the bottom of the class, you ignorant girl," cried out the local clergyman, very much ashamed of his pupil. But the Archbishop stopped him. " Not so fast, Father Patrick not so fast. The last may be right after all. What do you or I know about it V" tW A " digger" from California, eulo gising the climate, saya : " There's a mountain there the Sawyer Navaday they call It with a valley on each side of It the one hot, and t'other cold. Well 1 Git on the top of that mountain with a double-barreled gun, and you can, without movln', kill either summer or winter game, jest as you will." "What! have you ever tried It V" " Tried It I often and should have dono pretty well but for one thing." " Well what was that ?" " I wanted a dog that would aland both climates. The last dog I had froze off his tail while 'plntin' on the summer side. He didn't get entire ly out of the winter side, you see." That's where the boy's Ht for college," said the professor to Mrs. Part ington, pointing to a school-house. " Did they," said the old lady, with ambition. " Then If they fit for college before they went, they didn't fight afterwards V" " Yes," said he, smiling, and .favoring that deceit ; " but the fight was with the head, not with the hands." "Butted did they V" said the old lady. W The color of a girl's hair Is regu lated by the blze of her father's pocket book. If the latter be plethoric, the girl's tresses are golden or auburn. If the old man's wallet is lean, we hear the daughter spoken of only as " that red. headed gal." You never saw a rich girl with red hair. fJ3 A Lowell firm recently sent a lot of bills West for collection. The list came back with the result noted against each name, one being marked "dead." Three months after the same bill got into a new lot that was forwarded, and when the list came back the name was marked " still dead." W An Impatient boy, while waiting for tbe grist at the mill, said to the miller : "I could eat the meal as fast as your mill grinds it 1" " How long could you do so?" asked the miller. " Till I was starved to death," retorted the boy. O The following case of absence of mind is reported In an American paper. An old lady, after stirring the fire with her knittiug-needle, took up the poker to knit with, and did not find out her error till she began to scratch her head with it. O" We once asked the venerable punster Catlin, why a certain point on the Mississippi was called " Maiden's Bluff," and he innocently answered, " Because Its a-vergin' on the river." fiT A father of three sous and live daughters was asked what family he hud. The answer was : " I have three sons, aud they have cuch five sisters." " Mercy 1 " replied the interrogator ; what a family I"' In reading a hymn to be sung, one Sunday afternoon, a New York minister recently said : " You muy omit the fourth verse ; I don't believe its true.