8 TllK TIMES, NKW 11L00MFIELD, PA., DECEMBEU 25, 1877. A Centre County Cave. Mr. J. S. Arnold, of Btiydur county, having vinlled Animus Cave sends the following description to the Middlcbuig rout : This cave Is located at the head of Penn's Creek in the western end of Bush moun tain, which ia at the junction of Bush and Peun's Valley, In Miles township, Centre county. YYedescondod an almost perpen dicular declivity from tho top of the moun tain into a rectangular pit, said to be near ly 100 feet deep, and 80 feet long and 15 feet wide at the bottom. At the eastern end of the pit Is the opening of the cave, about 10 feet wide. The cavern is divided into three apartments, the bottom of two of which is water, and of the other lime stone rock. We wore provided with lan terns, which we lit when preparing to enter. We eutered the first apartment with a boat, being one with a water bottom. This first apartment is about 80 feet wide at the beginning, and widens to the middle, where it is about 100 feet wide, then narrows again to CO feet, at the eastern end. It Is at ut one-eighth of mile long. On the northern side of this apartment is the entrance luto the second room. There we left our boat and entered it afoot, being the room with the rock bottom. We made an ascent, then again a descent, then came into the room. The dimensions of this second room are unknown, sot having been explored to its limits. In this apartment are stalagmites in the form of almost every thing in art and nature, caused by the droppings of calcareous water from the top. We were about an hour in this part, examining the beautiful models, and mak ing a circuitous route of about oue-fonrth of a mile in length, and thon camo to the opening again. After coming out of this, we took our boats again and went to the eastern end of the first room, and entered the third room on tho boat, the opening being about 6 feet. The dimensions of this are about one-eighth of a mile long, and averages about 30 feet in width. The height of all the rooms is about 80 feet. The sides of this third room are formed, as it were, in shelves on which are stalag mite toys in the form of almost everthing imaginable, caused too, by the droppings of calcareous water, and of the most fast astio colors. The ceiling of all the rooms of this cave has a wavy surface. The waves run parallel on an easterly and westerly direction. They are of different width and thickness. They are denticulated with stalactites which give it the appearance of a saw. These stalactites are formed by calcareous water. The water in this cave is the source of Penn's Creek. In every part of the cave are hanging bats, heads downward, in countless numbers, of all species and varieties in this part of the world. A visit to this great natural curios ity is well worth any person's trouble and expense. The cave is the property of Mr. D. Long, who accommodates all who come to visit it for a small remuneration. J. S. ARNOLD. Poisoned by Liver Puddings. On Thursday a week a farmer, named Fairchikl, residing in the borough of Whitehaven, Luzerne connty, slaughtered his hogs, and as usual, manufactured a quantity of liver puddings, some of which he sent to relatives and neighbors. Soon after five members of Mr. Fairchild's family were taken suddenly ill, and a physician who was summoned pronounced the patients suffering from poison, and the puddings were finally traced as the cause. Word was immediately sent to others who had received the puddings, but the warn ing came too late, twenty-three persons being already sick from partaking of the poisoned meat. It is thought that several of the sufferers will die. The poison is supposed to have been communicated to the puddings from a copper kettle used in preparing them. - A Strange Case. In the Philadelphia Court James Frank lin was charged with having caused the death of Mrs. Sarah Dotts. The parties were near neighbors on Lawrence street, and their housos being similar, the defend ant one morning at 2 o'clock entered bis neighbor's domicile, thinking that it was his own. As he had to break open the door to get in, he thought things looked suspicious, aud ho straightway made for wha be supposed to be his wife's bed-room. Mr. and Mrs. Dotts, who occupied the room, took him for a burglar, and Mr. Dotts tussled with him while his wife called for assistance When the officers put in an appearance the men were clutching each other, and it was not until light was thrown on the scono that the mistake was discov ered. It appeared that Mrs. Dotts was suffering from consumption at thetime,and that the shock that was given her nervous system was so great that she died shortly afterward. EST The grain crop of South Russia for 1877 has been the largest harvested during twenty-five years. This grain was bought at a very low price in the depreciated currency of the country, and is Btored awaiting the cessation of hostilities for shipment. ; It will take its place in the markets of the world at so small a cost to the purchasers that it will no doubt have a depressing influence upon the price of grain from other oountries. , CHEAPEST AND BEST! thk HAimisnuna Daily ami folk Patriot- FOR 1878. To all new subscribers nml to nil present sub scribers renewing their subscriptions THK DAILY PATRIOT Will be sent lit I In- following rules ; 1 copv. 1 eur, postnRO prepaid 17 00 2 copies (in club), " ' 12 00 H " " " " 27 HO 10 " " " " 60 00 1 copy during the session t the legisla ture i 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates: 1 copv, 1 year, postal prepaid 12 00 4C0llleS, " 8 00 10 " " " lo 10 15 " " " " ami 1 copy to getter up of club 15 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and 1 copy to getter up of club 22 SO All orders must be accompanied by the cash, either by cheek or post olllce order. WOO WORTH FOK H tO. Any person remitting us f. oo will receive one copy of the Weekly Patriot tor one year. one copy of the American Agriculturist (Hie leading ag ricultural Journal In the United Slates) for one year, both pontage pald.niut in addition a Micro scope, such as has herefore been sold for 12 f 0. THE PATRIOT HOOK OFFICE. Having executed the State Priming and Bind ing for three yearn, we are prepared topnntnud bind Books, Magazines, Pamphlets, Directories, etc.. In best style and at lowest prices, ltlank Hooks, such at Dockets, Daybooks. Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a specialty. Old Books rebound. Especially low rates for leblnding Sunday School Libraries. Address, PATRIOT ITBL1SH1NO CO.. liari isbiirg. Pa. THE N. Y. WtiEKLY HEllALI)" ONE DOLLAR A YKAR. The circulation of this popular newspaper has more than trebled during the past year. It con tains all the leading news contained in the Daily Herald, and is arranged In Imndv departments. THE FORK1UN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe, together with utilised, faithful and graphic pictures of the great War in Europe, lin er the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of the week from all parts of the Union. This feature alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable newspaper iu the world, as It Is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL MiWf, embracing complete & comprehensive dispatches from Washington, including full reports of the speeches of eminent politicians on the questions of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald gives Hie lastest as well ss the most practical suggestion and discoveries re lating to the duties of the farmer, hints for rais ing Cattle, Poultry. Grains. Trees. Vegetables, He, with suggestions for keeping buildings and farming utensils in repair. This is supplemented by a well enited department, w idely copied, un der the head of THE HOME, giving recipes for practical dishes, hints for mak log clothlngand keeping up Willi the latest fash Ions at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London correspondents on the very latest fashions. The HOM E Department of the' Weekly Herald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to a'l the litest phases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandize, de. A valuable feature is found In the specially re ported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all the news from the last tire to the Dis covery of Stanley are to be found In the Weekly Herald, due attention is given to KPOKTINO NEWS at home and abroad, together with a Story every week, a Sermon by soineeiiilneiitdivnie, Literary, Musical, Dramatic. Personal and Sea Notes. There is no paper in the world which contains so much news matter every week as the Weekly Herald, which is sent, postage free, for One Dol lar. You mav subscribe at hiiv time. THE NEW YORK HERALD In a weekly form. i ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publishing this prospectus without being authorized will not necessarily receive an ex change. Address, NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway & Ann St., N. Y. THE INDEPENDENT FOR 1878 will have to be a very good paper to satisfy the thousands of readers who have become familiar with its good qualities In the past. But we pro pose ttils year to excel the past. We shall continue to prim al tides from the best writers and thinkers In the country. The depart ments of Religious News, Literature, Sunday school, Fine Aarts. Science, Missions. School and College, Markets, Farm and Garden, Financial, and Insurance will, as heretofore, be contributed to by specialists in each branch. These depart ments are famous because they are able and trustworthy. COOK'S LECTURER These famous lectures, delivered In Boston every Monday, by the Key. Joseph Cook, will be published in full, together with the introductory remarks. SERMONS by eminent clergymen in all parts of the countiy wl 11 continue to be printed. PREMIUMS. We offer Rsv. J Cook's valuable new volumes, entitled " Biology" and " Transcendentalism," embodying, in a revised and corrected form, the authors last winter's remarkable Monday Lec tures. They are published in handsome book form, with colored illustrations, by James K. Osgood & Co., of Boston. We will mail a copy of either volume, postpaid, to every subscriber of The ln deiiendent who remits usil for a year In advance, or any Subscriber may remit $5 60, and we will send him The Independent for two years. In ad vance, and both volumes, postpaid. WORCESTER'S UNABRIDGED FICTORIAL DICTIONARY. Bound In Sheep, 1854 pages, over 1,W)0 Illustra tions, Issue of 1877. We have made a special contract with the great publishing house of J. B. Llppincott & Co., of I'lilladelphia.by which we are enabled to offer the most desirai le Premium ever given by us or any other newspaper In the counti y. We will send this Dictionary '0 any pel sen who will iend us the names of Three New Subscribers and (Ml j or who will, on renewing his own subscription. In advance, send us Two New Namesaddltionaland 19 00 : or who will renew his own subscription for three years, In advance, and send us I'.i 00. The regular price of I lie Dictionary alone at all the bookstores is o 00, while the lowest pric of three subscriptions is to. Both the Dictionary and the three Subscriptions, under this extraor dinary oiler, can, therefore, be had together for only $9 The Dictionary will be delivered at our otllce, or In Philadelphia, free, or be sent by ex press or otherwise, as may he oideied, at the ex pense of the subscriber. The Subscriber under this oiler will not be en titled to any other Premium. Subscription Price IP per annum In Advance.ln- fMimuiir unv mi, ill c Km nuitm Mw....i u. Aiiv one volume of the HoiishIuiI h-hoi.,,, ni'cK.. Dickens' Woiks. bound in cloth, with lti illus trations each, by Sol Eytinge. Moody and SHiikey's Gospel Hymns and Sacred Souks No. 2. Lincoln and His Cabinets or, First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation. jHiio Urge Authors of the U.S. Klue large Steel Engrav Ilia. 44 Portraits. Miie2lx.mi4.Kv uiiv.hi. Chas. Sumner. Fine Slwl KiiKiavine. Hv Ritchie. Grant or Wilson. Fine Steel Engraving. Byname. jmi. m. Bimiiou. r lue nteei cuirraviiig. tfysame. The Inner Lite of A. Lincoln. By Fiauk Oarpen. tor. Bound in cloth. 0 pages. It uives a bet. tor InsiL'ht. Into his "Inner lite" than run n found elsewhere, and is altogether one ,t n.o most fascinating. Instructive, and useful books oi me kino ever pauimneu. Subscription Price $3 Per Annum In Advance M-Hpeclmen cnnlessrnt free. Address, THE INDEPENDENT, . O. Box 2787. New York City. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTHS, WALL PAPERS. A complete Stock Just opened for FALL TRADE from New York and Philadelphia Markets. COMPRISING THREE PLYS, EXTHA SUPERS, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL AND STAIR CAltPETS, AND QIL-CLOTHS, ALL CHOICE PATTERNS AND NEW DESIGNS. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, A HANDSOME LINE OF ENGLISH PELT SQUARES, -AND- OIL-CLOTH HUGS. f PATTEI INS I IV HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN CARPET CHAIN. STEPHENS & BEETEM, Bentz House Building, No. 2, East Main St., CARLISLE, PENN9 A. O o f o o H o Q en C5 W CO CO H i i W w o o CO o O w u CO R? o HERE AVE ARE AGAIN! WITH better Inducements to our customers and people in general than ever we have offered, we have just laid in our Immense FALL, and WINTER STOCK, and as usual, Intend keeping the lead for LOW PRICES and GOOD GOODS. Of our many bargains, the following are but a few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Men's Heavy Work Suits H-'O to 6.M) Mai l Itusincss " n.uu 10 o.uu Men's Dress ' 10.00 to 12.00 Youths' Work " 4.(0 to 5.00 Youths' Dress " 6.00 to 10.00 Roys' Dress " 3.00 to 7.i0 Men's Overcoats 10.00 to 15.00 Men's Overcoats H.(H) to 6.00 Roys' Overcoats 3.(0 to o.B'i Men's Common Coats 1.50 to 3.00 Men's Dress Coats 4.50 to H.00 Boys' Common Coats 1.50 to 2.50 Boys' Dress Coats 2.50 to 6.00 Men s common ranis i.ui m z.w Men's Dress Pants 2.50 to 5.0'i ISovs' Common Pants 1.00 to l.fO Boys' Dress Pants l.fO to 3.00 Men's Vests 75 to 2.00 Boys' Vests 50 to 1.45 Men s wool Mats t io i.iwi Men's Kelt Hats ' 1.125 to 2.50 Boys' Wool Hats fO to 75 Jioys' ureas Mats io hi i.zi Men's Caps 40 to 1.50 Bovs' Cans 25 to 75 Koom Carpet 18 to 25 Flowered Carpet S3 to 45 Wool Carpet 60 to 1.00 Floor Oil Cloth 40 to 50 Table Oil Cloth 30 to 40 Trunks 2.00 to 7.00 Satchel 75 to 2.50 All Wool White Blankets per polr All Wool Colored Blankets per plr Ladles' Double Hhawls Ladles' blngle Hhawls Ladles' Felt Kklrts Ladles' Balmoral hkli ts Ladle's Nubias Ladles' Coats i.adles' Corsets .adles' Hair Switches Ladles' Ties Ladies' Linen Collars Ladles'ltuches Ladles' Handkerchiefs Ladles' Hose 4 pair Ladles' Undershirts Embroidery and Ediilngs Ladles' leather Belts Ladies' Belt Pin Plus 28 rows for Silk Handkerchiefs Men's White Mhlrts Men's Colored Shirts Men's Woolen Shirts Men's Undershirts Men's Drawers Men's Colored Hose, 3 per pair Men's Handkerchiefs Men's Suspenders Horse Blankets Overalls Knit Blouse i $2.50 and uu 2 25 ' " 3.00 " " 75 " " 50 " H) " " 25 " " 2.75 " " 41) 1.25 a) 8 : 5 25 40 3 10 20 5 25 75 50 75 30 30 25 8 10 1.25 40 75 it t. it it ALSO Jewelry, Cutleiy, Accordeons, Mouth Organs, Boaps, Perfumery, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Combs, Brushes, Collars and Cufl's, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, Germantown Wool, Spool Cotton, Slippers, Lace Curtains, Furs, Counterpanes, and many other great Bargains, which space will not permit to name. Give us a call and see what we say is true, ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPORT, PEISTN'l. "1RIAL LIST JANUARY TERM, 1878. SPECIAL LIST. 1 Jeremiah Bair vs. C. Trontman, et. al. 'i 3. Rynard't see vt. II. F. Drawbaugh. it Samuel Fravcl vs. John Wltherow. 4 Spongier Jnnkin A Co. vs. F. W. Gibson. GENERAL LIST. 1 People's V. R. R. Co. vs. 8. R. Lifrhtner. 3 " " " 8. R. Lifrhtner. 8 " " Edward Hull. 4 " " " Dr. B. P. Hooke. 5 " D. II. Bhclbley. 6 " " " " Peter Long. 7 " " " " Daniel Gutshall. 8 " " " ' Isaac Stokes. 9 " " " " II. Rlnesmlth. 10 " ' " " V. U. Bhclbley. 11 ' " Gcorpo Kern. 12 " " " " J. T. Rnbinson. 13 " " " " Amos Watts. 14 " " " Edward Hull. 15 " " Jos. B. Llifhtner. 16 " " 8. R. Llhtner. 17 Admr of J. R. Laird vs. J. Galbruilh'a udmrs. 18 A. J. Burd vs. Punn'a Canal Co. 19 H. Baxton & Co. vs. F. W. Gibson. 20 Milllgan & Bosserman vs. J. Hohenshildt. 21 Johu Prelsler vs. David Cleeland, et. al. 22 Samuel Spoils vs. J. B. Kimtlcr's adm'x. 23 Mar Rodders vs. John Jones. 24 C. J. T. Mclntlre vs. Newport Bridge Co. 25 Jas. B. Weaver vs. M. U. Btrlckler. 20 Frank W. Gibson vs. D. M. Rlnesuiilh. 27 John C. Kuhn vs. Ben. Dillmtui. 28 MUllken Adams vs. Christian Brown. 2U George Lebkicber vs. Isaac Rowe. 30 Caroline Duncan vs. Pcnn'a Railroad. , 31 E. D. Owens vs. II. C. Hotluiao, et. al. OPIUM wid MorpMn Habit Rtwolntoly mnA mMrilly ll I far uvtirulMi. U C. ti.itm, II Is! w aiklaitoa M, VUcafo, Ui. OK FASHIONABLE CARD8 notwo alike, with uui. loo. 2u Scroll, with name, I no. post paid. Afrents' outfit, 10c. GEO. I. KKKD & CO., fiassau, N.Y. 40tUy FLANNEL8 A splendid assortment of Flan uels, just opened by F. MOitTIMi.lt. JIST OF JURORS JANUARY TERM 1878. GRAND JURORS Savlllo J. J. Hamilton, foreman! H. Burk eplle. Greeu wood George Ulsh, David Boal. Spring B. Bair, G. Ksterllne, J. C. Bhelblcy. mnaison 1. enamaKor, douaiuan uuUDall. Divcrpool b. George Shumaker. Centra B. 8. Brenueman, Simon W. Ciouser. Juniata H. II. Imunir, William Smith. neatueld lloger llarklnson. Newport Michael Hartzoll. Oliver Jacob Flcurlo. Tyrone Wm. H. Lightner, David Wagner. TuBcarora John Yolin. Bull'alo Jacob Hugglns. Penn Jacob Weaver. Jackson Henry Blstline. Rye A. II. Zorger. T11AVEH8E JUHOH8, Spring Jacob Stutzman, Btcphen Loeh. Newport D. Ernest, J. Baylor, J. Blattenber- ger, jonainan Allen. Madison Henry Kline, Jacob Blaln, William Hoy (I, Duulcl Snyder, William Moose. Savllle John Tltzel, Nathaniel Rush, Samuel Market, Henry Hall, David Shoemaker, John Swarlz, Tu. J, Shope. Penn J. Morrison, John McNeal, J. Young. VCiiiiru .jacou d. iiouiuau. Oliver Johu W. Smith. Juniata James M. Leonard, Samuel Bealor, oarouoi iampuen. Maryeville 11. J. Epler, C. M. Dickinson. lyrone Men. Wormley, Anthony Jfuhrmau. Carroll Wm. Bmee, John Henderson. Mlllerstown 8. E. Taylor. Liverpool B. II. ,C. Suyder, W. C. Brown, tioun oiiarou. Jackson John Shannon, John Tressler. WattB Daniel Livingston. Liverpool T. J. P. Coulter. Duncanuon Wesley II. Hays, B. II. Noss. Toboyue Thoa. Campbell, Wm. Morrison. Howe James Boyd. Bloomfleld Wm. M. Wallace. Rye John Dice. Greenwood Henry Dickinson. N EW OltOANS. lfl stops J12.1. in. KMJ. 11 tus, tb. l lanos retail m ice 7nti only I ;i5. Hend for i .iiiKi.iii nil uiicuiui. UAMtL If.HBAITY. Washington, . j, bMii new vornl nnd Two new Instrumental pieces HlM'et MllSic. ll)C. Rllvi'l nr tftiw Mntfln Pull l'o., Mlddleboio, Mass. 61d4t HUNS nnrt "'""'ver. Illustrated Price list, free. 1'a. ' MoV OK HtVlP S OK CAHDR, 10e.. or 25 fie w Year Cili-iIs. 2nc. HaninlH :f. .i HnutMrl x. f. iuna au, N. V. "'eiuit Kfl Cards,25 styles. Lie. i 3(1 Kleniint Cni ds, no 2 " auke, 10c. with name. Secconib ji Co., Kln derhook, N. y. 0ld4w Kf LA ROB MIXED CARDS with name. In caie. Lta. as without. iMiKf. sn ,!. r,,,. cards loc. Outllts 10c. F. WASHBURN a no.. Middleboro.Mass. 61dw $50 That HANlOKll't! 11AUI C'AI CUHK lor Catarrh will not lictiiiitly relieve and siieedllycnre. Kelerences, Henry Wells, Ksq., mw rurnoonjo., Aunira, rt. y,; Wm. Itowen,Eti., M'Hatton Grant For a Case & Howeii. Kt. lxnils. lsilmonlals and treatise by mall. Price, with Improved Inhaler, II. Sold every. of where. WKKK8 ft POTTElt.Pro- Crietors. Boston, Mass. OLLIN'S VOLTAIO PLASTERS CATARltn. are the best. 61d4w 10,(00 AGENTS WANTED TO 8ELL The most Intense and nowerful blow ever dealt the demon drink, by the veteran author, T. 8. akiiiub. a dook 10 startle ana eiignten the people. Vivid pictures and pi oofs, how it curse uuuj, o"ui. Hum,;, Buuieiy. eiu. Itlv WOIK of lnelirlate Asylums, (Jns)el Temperance, Wom an's Crusurie, Francis Murphy, Prolilhltlon, etc. vnty its saie is marvellous, uhk ini,t3 with 2.000 Illustrations far excell and others. Prices Just reduced lis per ct. Bend for terms. HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., 723 Hansom Street Phil'a. 61d4t. AGENTS WANTED 1 FOR PARTICULARS, ADDREriS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway, New York Olty t Chicago, III.; New Orleans. La. ; 49d4t or San Franclseo, Cat. A Great Offer for Holidays I We will during these HARD TIMES and the HOLIDAYS dispose of H O New Pianos and Or gans, of first-class makers at lower prices for cash. nr Installments, than ever before offered. WATERS' PIANOS 8 OKG4.NS are the B8T MADE, wrranted for 5 years. III. Catalogues Mailed. Great Inducenientsto thetrade. PIANOS 7-octave. 140; 7 13 octave. JlfiO. ORGANS 2 stops J48; 4 stops, I 3; 7 stops, '; 8 stops, 170; 10 stops tu ") ; 12 stops, $90 i in perfect order, not used a year. Miieec iniisio at nan price. m')iiauj& WATERS &SON8, Manufnetureisand Dealers, 40 East 14th Street, New York. 49dlw. TOBACCO. FJiOM THK HEED TO THE WAREHOUSE. A practical hand book for the Tobacco Plnnter, embracing tlie author's pracrtical experience In cultivating and curing the weed, nnd I he methods practiced In all the Slates in which it is grewn. A complete guide to the planter and a work of great Interest to the consumer of tobacco on ae countnf Its hlstoileal and medical information. A book that eierybody should have. 1t0 pagss, octavo, by B. Rush Menseney, M. D., Chamhers burg. Pa. Price One Dollar, fent to any address on receipt of the price. Aients wanted to sell this book everywhere and It sells without trouble. Address JOHN M. POMEROY. Publisher of " Kraiiklin Repository," Chambrs burg. Pennsylvania. Nsvemher, 27, 1877. 23 rv.ii. HONEY OF HOREHOUND. AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Congas, Colds, Inftnenia, Eoarsensss, DIDlonlt Breathing, and all Affections of the Throat, Bronohial Tubes, and Lungs, loading to Oomumptlon. , Tins infallible remedy is composed of tlie IIonf.v of the plant liorehound, in cliemicnl union with Tak-Balm, extracted from the I.ifb PRiNCtrt.E of the forest tree Abeis liAt.SAMRA, or Balm of Gilead. The Honey of liorehound soothes and scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm, cleanses and heals the throat nnd nir passages leading to the lungs. Fn K additional ingredients keep the organs cocl, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi cine of a famous doctor wlo lias saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. Tlie Tar-Balin has no bao taste or smell. PRICES SO CENTS AND $1 TER BOTTLE. Great saving to buy large lizc "Pilic's Toothache Drops" Ciiro la 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. ,1. IT. CRITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. December 18,1877 ly BLACK HILLS, Jkka" HIO TlOItX snd the NORTHWEST. a lame 100 nana book, containing full informa tion of the country, with maps and illustrations, will be sent free to every one semliuit S1.U0 for six months subscription to the DAKOTA HER ALD. The Hekalu is a larne 32-colnmu Journal, and Is filled with entertaining readiux matter, both original and selected. It. is a western journal with western Idyas. The paper three months Willi book for 75 cents ; the price of the book aloue Is 7 cents. Address, THE IIK11ALP, Sept 23, 3m. Yankton, Dakota. ATCUMAKEft & JEWELER. CEO. C. HENRY, Watchmaker nnd Jeweller, Carlisle Street, Now ltloom Hold Pa. Repairing of all kinds well and promptly douo. Our stock of NEW UOODS for Men's Wear Is comulete. II 0. -Prices from p.i.'-j cents up. F. MORTIMER. New Illoomtleld. Pa. JUH IMt 1 NT1N of everydescrlptlonnnxtly and promptly executed at Reasonable Utttti at the lllooiulleld Times Steam Jub Olllce.