TH15 TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, YA., DECEMBER 25,1877. THE TIMES. PEIINSYLVAKIA E. a.-MIEI)LE IVISIOM. On and alter JmleSMli, Trains run M follow i WKSTWAUD. EASTWARD. WajrMnll Ace. i I'ana I'r'u Tr'n i l'HlNrirAL BTATlONH. .f'us M Fill All'. Tr'u, Ex. Mm. A oo. ,)..'' S.uu l.WI, .H0 Harrlalinrif, r.n. 1.8U 8. iii lor A. M. 8(10 46 B.SJ Hi 7.47 7.K-J 7.1" 7.(8 6.4(1 s.aa Hit ft. 13, !..) D.iB 11K'KVMIH 7.M) 8.31 l.f.21 It) 8.:i i.dii, i). It J.fkl jlllllCAllUOUi Rally's Newport I Mfllemtown, Tliompiiuut'n.j Mexico ; Port Il iynl....' Mlirilu i l,MvlHt.owYl 4: MHrvttvtlle. I ta.m' 1S.S2 7.8(1 10.SO B.6SI J 81 8 (0 7.115 0.1)1 HO D.:w .48 .M 1(1.10 1U.42 8.M 9.84 S.nSl 7.10 .IM t.2 I g.43, I 8. HOI i d.m S.ltl 8.2S T.4K S.Sfl! f.M s.s.v 8.ou 4.00 1 4.J ! 4. Ml l B.l! 6 SI 7.90 I P.M.I ; II. M H.Dh fUHl ! 11.04 8.41) S.4H: I I I I ' 10.34 ICO 8.81 , 10.1(1 4.47 9.37 4. in Mr ! 8. (VI a ?H O bO ; 8.15 a. Ml 0.151 1 A.M. P.M. P M.I I AtidiTnou',..,! I MrWytOWn ... 11.14 11.40 1.15 , n. Jiummou, . UutittiiKctoii,.. I Tyrone I Aitoonn 1.M trwurhnr Expreps lcv- Hnrriolmrvsl 11 00 P.M. DnnmnMii Ilia (fWi; Ncwjxirt II.H (Man) and ar rive at PlttalllrC ! 8.10 A. It. fWOnintf West, th Wiy Passenger leaves Harris bnrir Dally -the other train Dully except Sunrtny. "Ooiiil- K.Ht, the Aliunde. Kxprein leivcs Altouna Dally, the ntlier tralna Dally except Sunday. tWParlnn Express M"ot will stop at. Dnneannon at 4.u aud at Newport at 6.17 a. uj.t when fiuMK'd. ll-iOl'Il'lllM. Canal Navigation held on thin Ht-ason unusually late. SWe wish all our readers and every tier person "A Merry Christmas." Solomon Selber, of FermanaiiRh twp., Juniata co., killed a hog on Thursday last that weighed 5H0 pounds. XFor about the eleventh hundred time we will eay that communications with out the writers name sent with them are only used for the waste paper basket. The Philadelphia & Reading It. It. Co., will issue excursion tickets during the holidays at two third rates. Bee their advertisement in another column. ftlr. Henry Bentzel, of this place lias shot at 40 pheasants this season, 38 of which he Killed. That 4s pretty good shooting for an old man of sixty. XThe P. It. II. Co., are repairing the bridge across Sherman's creek, at Bun cannon. Men in diving suits are laying the foundations of two piers uuder water. The P. It. It. will sell excursion tick ets up to January 1st, 1878, good until January 3rd, 1878, over the main line and branches. Cjosh Billings snys : "There iz no man or female who needs so much watching ez the one who iz always watching some one else." Cs ome fraud hailing l'rom Heading la around selling lamp chimneys war ranted to stand all sorts of changes from heat to cold. He is a first-class humbug. Some person committed a very bold theft at Mr. Joseph Miller's residence in Centre township, last week. They had just butchered, and while the family were eating dinner, Rome persons carried off the back bones, some Hitch and several other pieces of a hog. David M. Zook and son, citizens of Miiflin county were out hunting game in the woods, recently. The father saw his son Samuel in the bushes, mistook him for a piece of game, and delivered a rille shot at him. Fortunately the bullet did no more damage than to pass through the son's clothes. On Tuesday night the residencies of Messrs. Peter Young and Jos. 13. Jack son were entered by thieves. In the house of the former they succeeded in getting about two dollars in money and a valuable gold ring, and emptied the contents of the cupboard over the floor. In the last named residence the inmates happily awoke immediately after the depredators entered, and of course made after the rogues, who were obliged to de , part without any booty. Ditneannon Jtecord. 1 Bound to Close Out. Mr. O. S. Mills, of Centre, Laving sold his real estate is now selling off his stock of goods at cost to close his business. v Hotel Changes. There is great change 'to take place in the hotels In this borough. The Perry House is now kept . by Sheriff Williamson; the lease of the Mansion House and the fixtures have been sold to Mr. George F. Ensminger, formerly a merchant at Shermansdale, and the Eagle Hotel has been purchased by Henry L. Hochenshilt, Esq., of Madison township. The two latter hotels are not to come into possession of the new landlords till March. A Lottery Fraud. Some set of scamps are issuing circulars, stating that they are a committee to distribute unclaimed lottery prizes. They send us one of these circulars, stating that our interest as shown in one of these lotteries id $14. As we never had an interest in a lottery (and never expect to have) we knowr they are lying. We can therefore set down Russell & Co. as frauds, and E. D. Fish, Secretary, as one of their aids and abettors. Let no one for a moment suppose they can make any money by Investing in any lottery fraud. Murphy Meetings In Bloomfield. Mr. Ab britt, who conducted the Murphy meet ing in Newport so successfully, is ex pected to be present Dec., 81st, to con di ct a meeting here. The laborers in this good work ask no coVnpensatlon beyond fare (from Mifflin) and hospitality while here. ; Any collec tion taken' at close of entire services id for warded to head quarters at Pittsburgh. Thtase desirous of such a work here will please meet In basement of Methodist church next Saturday at 7 P.M., es pecially representatives from each church. The church buildings will have to be used in turn as Court House will be in process of cleansing and afterwards be used by Court. Almost an Accident. A party composed of Rev. Leas and wife, Henry Foulk, Esq., and Reuben Wallace met with an exciting adventure while on their way to church on Wednesday evening last. In going down a long hill the wagon pole got detatched from the axle, but Mr. Wallace managed to keep his horses under control until they reached the foot of the hill, when they were stopped without any further damage being done. The party however had to walk home. A Narrow Escape. A short time since the stace running from Landlsburg to Carlisle made a narrow escape while near Gibson's Rock. The driver chanced to get too close to the edge of the preci pice, and the stage and horses were pre cipitated down the steep descent, but fortunately lodged against some trees and bushes. One passenger was somewhat hurt, but no one seriously Injured. The horses escaped with slight bruises, but the stage was badly broken. On the night of the accident it was unusually dark. Painfully Afflicted. The many friends of Rev. A II. Aughe.of Boiling Springs, Ta., formerly pastor of the Lutheran church of this place, will regret to learn that the reverend gentleman was alarm ingly stricken with rheumatism of the bowels, on Monday. We are pleased to announce his improvement and the physician's hopes of ultimate recovery. By his sudden Illness, the intended marriage of his daughter, Ida, which was to have taken place the following Tuesday, was postponed until Tuesday of next week. Xewport Keivs, Found Dead. Mrs. Catherine Schriber residing in Rye township, was found dead in bed on Friday morning a week. She had not been well for quite a while, but was supposed to be recovering. An inquist was held but we did not learn the report made by the jury. The deeeaswd was an esteemed christian lady, aged about CO years. Explosions. Ou Sunday night last, a coal oil lamp exploded at the residence of Mr. G. W. Nitterhouse. The lamp was on the table, near to which Miss Nitterhouse was standing. Her large apron which she wore and a handker chief were burned which was the only damage done. On Broad street, while the family of Mr. Jones were scaled at the supper table, the coal oil lamp suddenly explod ed. Fortunately no one was injured. Franklin Repository. Court ProcccdinQ8. Saturday morning, 22nd inst., the Court bell rang at 10 o'clock A. M. The following proceed ings were had, to wit: An order was read by tlio Court, fixing Tuesday, the lUlh day of March, 1878, the lltli of June, 10th of September and 10th of De cember, 1878, as days upon which adjourned court of Common fleas, Quarter Sessions, aud Orphans' Court should be held, and that all Administration aud Trustee Accounts should be advertised aud presented for continuation at Bald Court. Orders of tale of real estate were granted to Jos. Smith, Assignee of Wm. McCoy, to soil a house and lot la Peon twp., near to Dun cannon. To Henry Lepperd, Committee of Blaln, Stewart, a lunatic, to sell 11 acres of land with improvements In Wheat Held twp. The sale by Wm. T. Flckes, Administrator of Lydia Shatto of a house and lot in Mew port to J. W. Shatto was confirmed. The first case argued was that of Catharine Bhuman vs. Elizabeth Cnutt'inun and David Caullinan. This was a rule to show cause why an execution issued upon a judgment against the defendants should not be set aside as to Elizabeth Caullinan who Is a married woman. The defendants were cued before Esq. Leas, of Greenwood twp., upon a note and did not appeal from the judgment given by the Justice against them. A trauscrlpt was eutered in the Court of Common Fleas and a fifia. Issued thereon upon which Mrs. Caufl ii a u made application to have the judgments Bet aside as a nullity so fur as she was con cerned. The Court decided that, like the foolish virgin who did not get oil in time for her lamp and failed to enter in, so because ehe failed to till her lamp with the oil of dofenee provided by the law in due time, that the doors were closed and she could not come in ut this late day. The rule was discharged by tlio Conrt. Jacob Klnert, rift. In error, V3 William Gibbons Pelt, in error was a Certorarl to 'Squire Fenn. The case grew out of a prosecution under the Act of 1821 for damages done by the entile of Klnerc to the buckwheat and corn of Gibbons. The evi dence showed that the fences were bad. the cattle mischievous, the parties themselves belligerent and spoiling for a muss, and the Justice, upon consideration gave Gibbons one dollar damages. Ilia Honor, Judge Junkin. being a skllllul agri culturist, as well as a learned Jurist, necessarily had to call all his abilities into play, for the ques tion of buckwheat and eorn hud to tie craupled with as well as ancient Acts of Assembly. His Honor reseived the decision of the case and will tile ail opinion which will setlethe question of buckwheat cakes and hominy for the parlies us well as straighten Hie double twisted spiral point ed propositions of law that were raised by the pairing attorneys. Daniei Mvers vs Hem v OoniD. was founded un onaruleto show caustj wliv a iuriLunent thould not he opened and Deft, let lino u deleuse. Ar gued and opinion of the Conit reserved, l-'ied. bwaitz, vs Maigareila D. Venn. etal. Mo tion for Lew trial. Argued and new tnul re lused. Adam Karslftler vs. riias. Wrlirht and MeCiure vs. Kmory. Motions for new trial uoin eases conumieu. Klieem vs. McNeil same as above. Argued and decision reserved. All ol these eases were fullv reported at the time of trial, aud as the readers of Tiik Times are all intelligent and blessed with good sense they will remember the fuels as then hi Hied. JnoG. Koselvs. (Stewart fmllh was a stnyof ji jia. aim motion to 0111 a juugtiieni. ituie re jused aud injunction unsolved. Assfulldav and Prt of ttm nlcht hud been consumed In this session. Court adjourned and carried all uulltilshed business over to the next regular term. Cumberland County. We copy (he fol lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week ! Shortly before 1 o'clock, on Frldav morning last the fire alarm was sounded on our streets. Upon proceeding in the direction of the bright light we noticed that the f la met) were issuing from a frame stable belonging to Mrs. Margaret Trego, at the corner of West Btreet and Chestnut alley, In the extreme south western portion of the borough. The fire department arrived too late to do service, the stable being almost burned to the ground before the fire was discov ered. The cow in the stable hail been turned out before the fire. Inceudlury, of course. Carlisle Mirror. On Friday afternoon William Swaneer was trying to draw the load from a shot gun, at the water house, near this nlaee. and thegun was accidentally discharged, me loan passing tnrougn ms right hand, mangling it severely. He was brought to Dr. Kelffer's office in this place, I At ' vt iiere me wound was uresseo. On last Saturday niirht. as Miss Bell Ashburn, of Hockserville. and a cen- tleman named Smith were returning from Mt. Pleasant Church, their horse ran oil, throwing them out of the bug gy, breaking Miss Ashburn's arm in two places. On Wednesday evening a tarty of colored folks passed up Hanover street singing, which raised an alarm of fire,to which the department promptly re sponded. The Good Will Hose carriage went up l'omfret street, and collided with the Frrtpire Hook and Ladder t ruck as the latter was coming out of the house, Alex. Comfort, who was acting as steersman was thrown from his post violently, but was not hurt: a boy was also run over, but was not hurt. Both truck and carriage then came down l'omfret and up Hanover, the truck in the lead. The hose company stopped at me engine house, winch convinced the " hlvers" that It was a false alarm, and they turned to go home : the hose lad dies got Up a cry that there was a lire up the railroad, and away they went for JMaln street, colliding with the truck company as the latter was turning in front of the Franklin House, and sev eral young men were knocked down and run over, we are happy to state that none were hurt much. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. On Tuesday Mr. W. W. Laudis, of Turbett township, attempted to shoe a young mare heionging to his rather, iwr. John Landis, but had only succeeded in driving two nails when the beast pushed Mr. Ij. over, anil upsetting the shoeing box the mare ran against the butteris, an instrument used for paring the hoof or a horse, severing two arteries near the paster joint on the left hind leg. The mare Is so badly injured that she will not he atiie to iio any work for several months to come. Port Royal Times. The barn of Mr Samuel Wharton, in Spruce Hill, this county, was destroyed by lire on Wednesday evening of this week. The fire was discovered about 7i o'clock, by the women folks in the house, nil tlio men happening to be awuy at the time, and although aid was promptly on the ground, the Homes could not be stayed, and the building, With most of Its contents, was totally consumed. The neighbors succeeded in rescuing all of Mr. V burton's horses six in number and Mrs. Stewart Whar ton got all the milk cows out but one. Mr. Wharton's loss Is estimated at about $3,000 with a small amouut of insurance. 1'ribune, Peter Koons, of Fayette township, this county, aged 70 odd years, recently chopped down a chestnut tree that measured forty-five inches across the stump, gathered about three pecks of chestnuts from it, and carried then on his back to the store about one mile distant. Returning to his work, he cross-cutted the tree ofF some seven or eight times and split forty-seven posts out of it, all himself. And what is more than most men can say, he has never been in a railroad car; he has never been a juror; has never had a suit in court, and has never been in a court house. What an innocent and conse quently happy old man Mr. Koons must bo. Ballou's Monthly Magazine for January. The January number of this favorite Mag zlne Is a sample of what It will be the whole year, light, attractive, and a family be welcomed in every honsehold, and read with pleasure by old and young. There Is nothing like It in this country for it is a marvel of cheapness and good tsste, with the most choice variety of reading matter that can be found In any serial in thiB country. Now Is a good time to subscribe, for Ballou's, as it costs but a dollar and a half a year, and Is postpaid at that. Published by Thomes & Talbot, 23 Ilawley Street, Boston, at only $1.50 per an num, postpaid and for sale by all the news stations at 15 coots per copy. A sample copy of the January number will bo sent to any ad dress on the receipt of 10 cents by the pub lishers then, if you wish to continue, It will only be necessary to remit il.iO for the bal ance of the year. Christmas Holiday Excursions. THE PHILADELPHIA Si READING It. R. Co. Will Issue Exeurslon Tickets between all points In IU territory, good from DECEMBER 22nd, 1877, TO JANUARY 3rd, 1878, with no sales after JANUARY 1st. 1878, ata reduction of XIIIKTY-TIIUKK per cent, from regular fare, Germantowa Si Norristowu Branch local points excepted. It 0. G. HANCOCK, General Ticket A'g't FOR RENT. The best Coach and Wag on .Maker bhop in the County. There is a Blacksmith Shop connected with it, and everything convenient to carry on a first-class Couch business. For further particulars apply to N. Henderson, 87 pd O ret n Pork, Perry co., Pa Church Xoltce, Presbyterian Church Preaching next Sabbath at 11 A. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday at Of P. M. Y. M. C. A. meeting In the Lutheran church next Sabbath 4 P. M. Union service. Lutheran church next Sabbath at 7 1. M. A Clothes Line rilled with clear white clothes at an early hour ou wash days is a pretty sure indication that Labor Saving Soap is is used at that house. F. Mortimer Bells it. The New Buckwheat Flouring Machinery put up in the Newport Mill, is the latest Improved, and gives every satisfaction. Mr. Fishelman is buying all the Buck wheat he can at sixty cents per bushel. " The Above All," Is a new brand of chewing tobacco, and is without a peer for excellence and sweetness. For sale, wholesale and retail, byJ.B. Hautzell in Oantt's Building. A Cheap lot of Buffalo Robes, lined and unllned, from $0.00 up, just re ceived. Isidor Schwartz. FOR SALE. A valuable farm situate 2 miles south of this borough, contain ing about 100 acres, 05 acres of which are cleared and in a high state of cultiva tion, the balance well set with fine tim ber. The improvements are u good two story dwelling house with kitchen at tached, Barn, Blacksmith-shop and oth er outbuildings. There is also a good limestone quarry, a large orchard of choice fruit trees on the premises, and a never-failing spring of water near the door. This property will be sold cheap, and on reasonable atcrms. For further fiartioulars, address Jacob Fritz, Car isle, Cumberland Co., Pa., or apply at this ofllce. 41 County Price Current. Bloomfibld December 24, 1877. Klux-Heed 1 Z', Potatoes ,15 Butter V pound 23020 Eggs 1 dozen 20 " Dried Apples V pound 5 cts" Dried Peaches 10 15 cts. V N EWJ'OUT MARKETS. I Corrected Weekly by Kough 6e, Brother.) DEALERS IN Ci IS A. I IN Ac PHODUCK. Newport, December 22, 1877. Elour, Extra f(l 60 " Super SI 50 White Wheat V bush, (old) 1 30 a 1 30 Red Wheat 1250125 Rye 5,SSJD5 Corn 40 fo Oats V 82 pounds 282S Clover Seed 4 60g4 60 Timothy Seed 1 2j Flax 8eed 1 00 Potatoes, 3C 20 Bacon 8 ft 11 Dressed Hogs 4ft V, Ground Allium Salt 1 35 1 36 Llmeburner's Coal, 2 00 Stove Coal 8 75 Q 4 J5 Pea Coal 2 fO Gordon's Eood per Sack $2 00 FISH, SALT, LIMK AND COAJ, Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the Lowest Market lutes. OAIIL13LH PRODUCE MARKET. COKUEOTBD WSEKI.T. WOODWARD St BODB. Caulislb, December 2), 1887. Kainlly Klour, J6.50 Superllne Hye Flour, . ; S.SO White Wheat, new... 1 to Red 1 28 Rye 67 Corn, (now) 50 Oats, .... 2" Cloverseed 6.(0 a 6.C0 Tlmotbyseed 1 25 Death notlcs not e-xneedliw 8 Hues Inserted without cunrve. 11m n rents per line will invariably re chanted fur Tributes u llespeot, Poetry, or other ruuiaraa. Far. On the 15th Inst., In Carroll twp,, Mr Anna Krv. Aied An venrd. 10 mmit.hd nnil 97 rinva. i'RTKUMAN. In Wahaolnt ennnfv. Mln.. nn thn l4thult.,of apoplexy Mr. .Tacob Petorman a native of York county, aged 78 years 1 mouths aim v cays. Comp. On the 10th Inst., In Juniata township Mies Nannie C, daughter of Rev. Audrew Comp, ageu z years, a monins ana I aays . Ahnoi.o Mootzeb On the 14th Inst... In Mex ico, Dr. G. D. Arnold and Miss Victoria MooUer, uoin oi Mex ico. INSTATE NOTICKNotlce Is hereby Riven Li that Letters of Administration on the estate of Daniel Shatto, late of Carroll township. Per ry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted toine unuersiKiiea residing in tnesame lownsnip. All Dorsons Indebted to said estate are renue.sted to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will viesent them duly authenticated for settlement to GEO. W. SMILEY, December 18, 1877. Administrator. Chas. H. Smilet, Attorney for Adm'r. A SSIGNEES' ACCOUNTS I rriHK following Asslgnnces accounts have been L tiled In the olllee of the Prothonotary of Perry county, and will be presented to the court for continuation on Wednesday the Vth day of iiidttnt y, jno, iu wn: 1. The account of J. S. Wt?el and Geo. Raker, Assignees, under deed of voluntary aislpininent for the beuetlt of creditors of William ScboH aud wife. 2. The account of Solomon Blgham. Assignee, unueraeeu oi voluntary assignment ior mo oeu etlt of the creditors of Andrew J. Kurd. D. MICKEY, Prothonotary. Prothonotarv Office BloomHeld, ) December 8, 1877 . S Drain Wanted at tho Newport Mills. rriHE underslirnrd will pay a premium on good, a ury, clean grain oi an Kinns. MILTON B. KLMAN. 48 ly. Newport, 1'erry county. Pa. !fj 1ITD I li Don't you want some cheap goods for Pants and hulls? If you do, don't mil to ex. amine thn snlendld assortment for sale bv F. MORTIMER. You cau suit yourself in style and price. JUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now offer the public A RARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALPACCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF PRINT8! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine needles and oil for all makes of AlaJliines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. tnf No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. SAY ! DO YOU WANT TO ISUY A FIRST-CLASS BUFFALO ROBE, CHEAP 7 DOUBLE LAP ROBE, CHEAP ? DOUBLE HORSE BLANKETS, CHEAP 1 A FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINE, CHEAP ? OR ANY HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DRUGS, WINES, LIQUORS. &o.. Sic, CHEAP? GO TO THE CHEAP STORE OF S. M, SHULER, Liverpool, Perry County, Pcnna. CHEAPER THAN EVER. I AniFQ can color their own 8tocklngs for LMUIlo less than one cent per pulr, any col or or shade by the use of our MAGIC TINTS." Can renew or change the color of their dreses, restore to freshness and brilliancy faded silks. Merinos, Alpaccas, Neckties, Ribbons, &c. or Impart to them new and lovely shades Little trouble and nominal cost Stick of any desired color sent on receipt of 10 cents. 3 different colors 25c. Postage Stamps accepted. Send Stamp lor Circulars and Samples. KEARNEY CHEMICAL WORKS. m Cortland St., N. York. P. O. Box. 3130. Wliat will the Weather be To-morrow? 'i".....Yy.uv. POOL'S SIGNAL SERTICE BAROMETER and Thermometer Combined. Foretells correctly any change In the Weather, 12 to 24 hours In aa vance Endorsed by the mostemlnentProfessors and Scientific men as the Best Weather Indicator In the World. FARMKKS can plan their work according to Its predictions. It will save nfty times Its cost In a sluele season. Warranted Per fect and Reliable. We will send It Free to any address on receipt of t2.flO. Beware of worthless Imitations. None genuine without our trndn mark. AGENTS WANTKD. Send Stamp for Circular. U. 8. NOVELTY CO., 106 Maldon Lane, New York. Please state where yon saw the advertisement. Send Money Orders or Registered Letters at our risk. TAVERN LICENSE. The following application for Tavern License has been filed in the otUce of the clerk of the Court of ywarter Sessions, of Perrv county, and wi II be presented to the court on Monday (he Till dav of Janiiarv. 187. ' Nathaniel Adams, Tavern License, Savilletwp. D. MICKEY. Clerk. Clerk's ofllce, New Bioonitleld, Dee. Rith,177. CALL AS U SEE ME. The Subscriber has opened a Store opposite the Railroad Depot, at NEWPORT, where hels pie pared to supply OYSTERS, GROCERIES, dc, At the lowest market price. A full stock o hand. The patrunune of the public is solicited. 4.(tf. WM. U'KKS, Newport, Pa,