7 Hotel. Professional Cnrds. Newport Advertisements. THE WEED JK. JUNK1N, Attnrnevatl.ftw, ( New Hloomlleld. Perry 00., P. r Office Next door to the residence ot Judge Juukin. 45tl AM. MARKEL, Attorneyat-I.aw, New Bloomlleld, I'erry county, Pa. MT Office directly opposite the Post-OIDce, and adjoining the Mansion House. T EW1S l'OTTKIt, ATl'OllSKV AT tAW( NEW BLOOMFIELD, TEKKY CO., PA. AVaTCIalins promptly secured oollected Writings and aft legal business carefully attend- edto. JAMES II. FEIIGIJ80N, Attorneyat Law, N1CVVPOKT, PA. AWOfilce Market Street, near the Square. 86 CHAKLES II. SMILKY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomlleld, ferry Co. Pa. WvOffiee with O. A. Darnett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte rian Church. August 20, 1872. WTM. A. 8PONSLEK, Aftorney-at-Law, Ty Olllce adJolnliiK Ms residence, on East Main street, New UloomHeld, Perry co., Pa. 8 2 ly JOIIN Q. 8IIATTO, Burgeon Dentist. New Uloonitleld, I'erryco., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. UOfllce at his residence one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Bponsler'i Law olllce. 8 21y TT-M. N. HEIBEKT, Attorney-at-I.aw, yy New Hloomlleld, rerryco.,ra. Bloomneld, 3 331V. WM. M. SUTCH, ATTOKN EY-AT-LAW, New Hloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. WOlTlce Two doors West of F. Mortimer, Store 3 7 ly LEWIS POTTER, kotaut public, New Bloom. Held, Perry Co., l'a. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgage and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certllted, will also take depositions to be rer.d In any court iu the United mates. 7 10 ly CHA8. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-I.aw, New UloomHeld, Perry co.. Pa. 47 All professional Imsiness promptly andfaith' fully attended to. 8 2 lv. WM. A. MOIIHISON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and (5ENERAL COLLECTOR, NewOekmantown, I'erryco., Pa. - liemlttaneeswill be made promptly for all Collections made. 7 44 c HAS. A. BAKNETT, Attorney-nt Law, New UloomHeld. l'errv co.. Pa hih'c on nign sneer, norm siue, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. 8 21y JICHARD L. MAGEE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, -Onice at his residence, in CENTRE TOWN SHIP, Perry County, l'enn'a., one mile South ot New Bloomlleld. 10 8 -yyiLLIAM M. 8UTC1I, Justice oT I lie Pence, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, New Bloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a r Special attention paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds. Bonds.Mortgagesand Agreements neatly executed. 7 let! GENERAL AGENT. . 1JLAIN, lMCHUY COUNT V, 1A. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to Mm will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April, 19th, 1877. JEATHER &C. THE subscriber has now on hand at LOW PRICES, Good Sole Leather, Kip of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf, LININGS, ROANS, &c. F. Mortimer, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARG E. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, BVtle Jlouse, New York City. lCb ly PHRONIP Disf.ntwx Cured. New paths IMlllumu marked out by that plainest of all books " Plain Home Talk and Medical Com mon Sense." nearly lu0 pages, 2(10 illustrations, Dn. E. 11. FOOT E, of 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y . Purchasers of this book are at liberty to consult its author in person or by mail free. Price by mall 4.1.25 for the Standard edit Ion, or $1. 60 for the Popular edition, which contains all the same matter and illustrations. Contents tables free. Agents wanted. MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING CO., 129 East 2Slh St., N. Y. 41 Lit.. Sjjtioo.ooo : IJRFiTFQT In ortler to clear out our stock Untn I O I of very superior Uold-plattvd Jewelrv valued at overJJoO.nou, we will send as below, 20 Pieces, all warranted Gold plaited, for 91.00. l pair Gold Stone Sleeve Buttons, l pair Engraved Sleeve Buttons, 1 set Pointed Studs, I -set Amethyst Studs, 1 Wedding King, 1 Engraved Band Finner King, 1 Amethyst Stone Ring Inlaid B A KG AI N TZ dl4 hip," 1 Ametnvst Btone Scarf rin Inlaid with old, 1 Slivered Hat Pin, 1 set Lsdles' .let and Gold Pin and Drops. 1 Misses" set .let and Gold. 1 Collar Stud. 1 set Handsome Rosebud Ear Drops, 1 Gents' Elegant Luke George Diamond Btiul, 1 Cardinal Red Bead Necklace, I pair Li'XT"! 1 Ladles' Amethyst Stone Ear Drops Vj V Jli IV Inlaid with Gold. I Ladies' Orna mental Jet Brooch, 1 Fancy Scarf King and ele- f;aut Watch Chain. Take your choice, the entire ot of 20 pieces, sent postpaid for f l.oo, or any 8 pieces you choose for 60 cents. Now Is the time to make nionev. These can be easily retailed at tin. CLUB'PKEMHIM. To any one ordering 12 Lots at I! l.oo each. we will present free.an Open m; .i l,i I I ,i I Face Coin Sliver Watch i r hilt Til, as Premium. F. STOCK MAN, 27 Bond Street New Yolk. 47w4t T A "Vrr"PTj,T"V0 curcacase of Catarrh V .VJX J. 12J Uin each neighborhood, with Dr. Karnser'n ltemedv, to Introduce it. Sampl free. J . C. TUtou, Pittsburuh, Pa. 47w3m SOOOAgcnts Wanted To subscribe for the Agents' JournaL A hand somely bound 24 page Journal, brim full of inter est to Agents. Every Agent should see it. Send Postal Card for specimen copy. Address, AGENTS' JOURNAL. New York. 3itiml JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market Will afford, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE. SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, HALT, rLASTEll, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, Sc., &C. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. tV Orders promptly tilled, Newport, July 20, 1875-tf JJEWPORT DRUG STORE. Having1 on hand a complete mm r tin out of the fol lowing articles, the iubficrlber antes a nhareof your patron ap-e. Drug and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Romedics, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brushes, rerfumery IIAIK OIL,, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B . M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos. Country Merchants supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. " Your orders are solicited. 9 44 It. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this countv. We will also take eood Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber. &c. We use Clearlleld l'lno and Hem- iock oniy. W. R. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Terry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. American and Foreign Patents. GILMORE & CO.. Successors to CIIIPMAN, HOSMER & CO., Solicitors. Patents pro cured inall countries. NO FEES IN ADVANCE. No charge unless the patent in granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional iees ior outaiuing anu conuueung a re hearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent olllce. Extensions before Con. gress, Infringement Sullsln different Slates, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stump to Cillmore & Co., for pamph let, oi bixiv imge. LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS & SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. S. General I. ami Olllce and Department of the Interior. Private Land Claims. MINING and PRE EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip in 4u, w, any ion acre nieces for sale. This Scrinis asslitnable. and can be located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government laud subject to private entry, at $l.2o per acre. It Is of equal value with Huunty i.ana w arrants. ena mump 10 uuniore & uo., for pamphlet of instruction. ARREARS OF PAY AND HOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and BAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, are In many cases entitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and stale amount or pav aim nounty receivea. Enclose stamp to GILMORE & CO., and a full ro ply.atter examination, will be given jou free. . I'KNSiOKB. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, riinlui-fd. or lniured In the into war. however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing GILMORE Si CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORE & CO., before me Hupreine court ot tne taiuen mates, me uoun of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted In aseparute bureau, under charge of the same exnei'ienceri nnrl.itt emlilitved bv the old tll'lll. Prompt attoutiou to all business entrusted to GILMORE & CO.. is thus secured. We desire to win success by deserving it. Address: GILMORE SCO., 6KI F. Street. Washington, 1). C, TM PORT ANT XOTICK. The subscriber X late ot the tlrm of Rhoades t hnuili, would respectfully inform the citizens of IiLAlN and vlclnltv, that he has opened a WAGON MAKER SHOP, and Is prepared to make new wagous and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY per oent. cheaper than ine oiu nrui. MrUive me a call, .Satisfaction guaranteed, JACOB biVllTU. Blaln, Augiut S, 1867. PRICES REDUCED "The Family Favorite" 1MPHOVED Light-Running, Noiseless, No Gears,No Cnms,No Springs. New and Elegant Styles of Wood Work. From this date, by the expiration of Patents under which we have been paying roy alties,we are enabled to sell our ma chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and as low as those of any first class machine. Send for Circulars and Price Lists. Weed Sewing Machine Co., 26 Union Square, NEW YORK. 11 7 18t. BOOTS Do you want BOOTS of any kind f If so, call and see the LAKGE STOCK NOW OFrEKED DT F . M O It TIMER. Dr.A.li.OLIN'S ttnn Ft.. Chli-urn,, Villi, fnrthl r.Vrln til DUpaim of 1'rlvBte nmlun, rnultlna from ewly abiic or InffM'tlon of either Si, (tcmlnitl WpkHtiiirliirlaa FttiUMlftttM, Lom of Mt'worv, Impaired hluht, InJ Mnuhaad or Impotcnuj. Nrrvau liability, rmv l.utiK'S Axtlm.ft, Ctfurli, Itln, CbmnU- 1Iimct. anil IIIH r:AKT.M OK FKM AM!, jIb, to hU trlmnt. Dr.Ulln hiu t llfe-Ionj eiirlenn, iiii) curat wliara olhen fall. Il k trrii'liiMa of llm Reformed rVhrwO, um tio mari-urv. Iim tha lTjMtirfUrin tha U. 8. LAIHKH rtqulring IrMtmentwilh prl vto iirmw rniii board, mil or wriw. " Kvrv conveinenre for IMtfonta. K-rnl flrtyrnnU for tnmpU of Itubbcr (iood ami lr rnlw of Important Itiformnilon bv nmm. lilt. OIXYM F"mil nili, $& per Bot. ConMiHstlor! frM. MAERIAGE GUIDE SlinStt fount nd middls mtM of both HtiM, on all iIUmmm of prirMta nAture. ilurthli Ivi- to the murrled nt tbiM i-on tempi nil ng tiiiWTUR. How to be healthy and Iruly Imiy in thi itmrrtnl rela tion. Everybody ihould gwt tbU book. lrim 60 cuU, tguyad- nn.uiiumi uiNwnui tu IMKUIHT AIBNI';!, I,VI1 A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! Guide to Wedlouk and i tiiinui'iKiBi ireaiiifl on llio liitiei of nurrlB-ge ond tha L'Biitct tht unfit lor it : the -tci of Reproduction and ino Dlarnaea of Women. ma a DtiOK tor private, ruitaid ? ii te reading. 'JB0 pagei, prka Abua. EioeiKca, orSccrst UlBeiues, Willi tlie Im.I uit .n. ornirp, ?i irrrj)iii:i'.. prjreMlrt. ,. A CLINICAL LEOT0HB on Iho ihovf dlicpr. inrj inow ol the ThroatHixl Lunp, CatATrh.Bupture.tUa Opium Ha.blt.fcc. prlre 1U ni. J.itlH-r book ..'nt poHip.jil on r-i"ipt ot prlcf ; or all three, continmu;.yio p.j.1b.'autiftillr llluitrated. for 7ft rt.. Addrau J3&. BUTTB, Ko. U N. 6Ui 6U BU Iiuia, Ko. I nVFRi"00,t OF KNOWLUDOE, or Se u crets of Love. Courtship and Marriage? Showing how to get married, live hap ully obtain health, wealth and distinction, and appear to arivatitaire In society '200 panes 3u0,ou0 sold. Mailed tor lOcts., iu I'ostace SI amps or cur rency. Address, THK UNION I'tBLISHING COMPANY. Newark. N. J. 44W13. ATTENTION FARMERS! Send for a Specimen Copy of the PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1855. The oldest. Larittst, Most Enterprising, Iu structive and Valuable Agilculluial, Live Stoukand Family Journal iu America. It is a (U-Coluum Weekly Paper, Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topics, and leads the vau of American Agricul tural Journalism. Has the largest and ablest corps of Hegular Contributors ever employed oh an agricultural paper, under an able and ex per i enced Kditoral Management, who spare no ex pense or lubor to add everything possible to lis value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878, PAYAHLH IX ADVANCE. Single subscriptions (bi Issues) $2 CO In clubs of two, do 1 75 In ol ubs of three. do ' 160 Making it the cheapest tlrst-class Agricultural Weekl) In the country. Liberal Premiums or Cash Commissions to Club Agents. Specimen Copies sent free. Address PHAUTIOAIj FAKMF.lt, CIS Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. PRINTING of every description neatly ex ecuted at the Bloomlleld Tlmci Olllce, a reasonable rates. New Model Machine. 'NI):.'- JHE PERRY HOUSE, New lUoonifleld, Terry Co., Pa., TIIOS. BUTCH, Proprietor. penYennialhoteu J (Formerly the Bweger House,) MAIN STREET, NEW DLOOMFIEI.D, PEKRY CO., PA. J08. 8. 8MI.TII, . "T . . Proprietor. Having good accommodations for regular or transient boarders, a share of publio patronage Is solicited. 1U1W JHE MANSION HOUSE, New RIoonifleld, Penn'a., D. M. RINESMITII, - - Proprietor. This well-known hotel has lately beenentarged, re painted and re lllted. Hest accommodations afforded. - Careful hostlers always In attend ance. 933 tf gT. ELMO HOTEL, f FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor' 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. HIS HOTEL being centrally located, and hay . lug been entirely iiefitted, it will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can bedeslred AVCTIONEEItS. j as. p.Y'atchfordT A UCTIONEER , Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive promnt. attention. UONNALLY'S MILLS TERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post olllce address, Sherniansdale, I'erryco., Pa. W.D . HENRY, A UCTIONEER. Blaln, Perry county Pa. -Terins Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. titt Anctlonecr. The undersigned gives notice that he will cry sales at any point In I'erry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptattentlon wlllbe given. K. 1. WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co.,Pa. D AVID M'COY, Auctioneer H. Charges verv low. Post Office address Ickesburg Penn'a- 8t qIharnIsh, AUCTIONEER, Dolville, Perry Co., Pa. satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate, and 6 tf JJOME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT I I would respectively Inform my f r lends that I in tend calling upon them with a supply of good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consistlngot OASS1MERS, CA83INETS, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd) CARPETS, Aco., toexchangefor woo or sellfor cash. J.M. BIXLER. Centrk Woolen Factory. 6,17,4m fan lift rnrfil Iit tlif mnllnim DftaS .'fOSWI VS(8Dl.lVFRH,t liCTO- rilDKriUTK al IJMK. aeora farCaiiimi I ta, to ukui, uroacmui u scraiuitu i ducakra. IxkynDnlrnrplstrwruaoiDi s 'I be kn sat rl it, 1 will, on receipt j uflintmRMIlH.C.I.USflll For Sale by F. MouTiMKH, New Bloomlleld Perry county, Pa. AYRArt. Atrontawanted. Bual neas lefritlniHte. Fartlciilanfree A4draiaJ WOBTU4CO..SI Louli.Mo. $45 pitrMtt'H wiTrn inn rinrw i ftcm-wlnder.Kree with everyoi tier. Out. at tree. J. B. UajlorU aY Co., Chicago, HI. - TltESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned hereby notify all persons not to hunt, nsh, gather nuts, cut timber, tc, or otherwise tres pass on their lands In Jackson township, Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt with according to law. S. K. BALTOSSER. l'ETKK liUISHALL. September IS, 1877. pd jOTICE. John J. Tatlob ) In the Court of Common Pleas . of perry County. Ellen Tatlok. ) No. 43, August Term, 1877. SlUIPXENA IN DlVOUCK. &". Notice Is hereby given to the respondent to ap- iiear on the llrst Monday ot January next, being MONDAY, the 7th day of January, A. 1).. 137i, and answer the complaint of the said llbellaut, and show cause why a decree of divorce o vincu lo matrimonii should not be granted, &c. J. W. WILLIAMSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. New Hloomlleld, Oct.EC,1877. I NS0LVENT NOTICE. Notice la herehv irlvall Hint 111 the matter Of the nppllcutloN of V. T. Shealler of Juuiuta twp.. for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws ot the Com monwealth, the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, have unpointed Tuekdsy the 11th day of December, 1877 for a hearing Iu aocordauoe with the Actof Astembly. ,, 1 MICKEY. Prothonotary. New IHoomtleld, Nov. 17, 1877. An attorney having tiled exceed ingly poor, a shilling subscription was set afoot to pay the expense o his funeral. Most of the attorneys and barristers having subscribed, one of them applied to Toler, afterwards Lord Chief Justice Norbury, expressing a hope that he would also subscribe a shilling. "Only a shilling!" said Tolcr, " only a shilling to bury an attor ney? Here is a guinea, go and bury twenty-one mf them." I - A lady sent a note to a newspaper to get a receipt to cure the whooping cought In a pair of twins. By mistake a receipt for pickling onions was uncon sciously Inserted, and her name attach ed, and received this answer through the "Answers to Correspondents:" " Mrs. L. II. 15. If not too young, skin them pretty closely, Immerse in scalding water, sprinkle plentifully with salt, and immerse them for a week In strong brine." tK?" The steamer had Btruck,and while the passengers were hurriedly making preparations for their safety, a fat old Dutchman seized a life-preserver, and began to fill It blowing till he was red In the face with his efforts. " Halloo." said a bystander, " you can't fill that thing: there's a big hole In it." A blank look came over the Dutchman's face. "MeinGott, Is dat so; den I better keep my wind In me." C Madam do you know that you possess one of the best voices in the world ?" said a saucy fellow to a woman one day this wet. Indeed, do you think so V replied she, with a flush of pride at the compliment. " I do most certainly," continued the rascal, " for If you liad'nt, it would have been out long ago!" For the first time in her life that woman hadn't a word to say. f" The Itev. John Brown, of Had dington, was in the habit of proposing on festive occasions a certain young lady as his toast. Having abandoned the practice, he was asked for a reason. " Because," said he, " I have toasted her for Bixteen years, without being able to make her brown, and so I've resolved to toast her no longer." O"" Ah, I see you are one of the equestrian order," pleasantly remarked an old gentleman the other day to a bucolic chap riding a Borry mare, who nearly rode him down. "Waal," re plied the countryman, viewing the speaker with strong apparent disfavor, " If I are then I are, but I suspects you ain't nothink yourself to brag on." t" A youngster one day last week made a drawing of a team and wagon filled with boxes. He showed the work to his mother, who asked him what it represented. "It Is a man peddling apples," said the boy. " Yes, but where Is the man V" inquired his mother. " Gone to a house up the hill to see If they want any apples." ' CIT There are men," says Mr. Tal mage, " who sing like angels on Sunday and lie like Bin on Monday." News paper men never sing like angels, and if Mr. Talmage alluded to lawyers why didn't he come out like a man and say so ' H3T An Irishman being badly hurt In a railroad accident, on being asked why he did not sue the company for damages. " Sue thim for damages V" Bedad ! I've had damages enough; I'll sue them for repairs." An Irishman that had just arrived from the ould sod, was put into a bed that happened to have a wasp in it. The first time his waspship tickled Pat, he exclaimed : "Be jabers, yes bed bugs bite purty sharp in this country." ' 65" Dean Swift said that the reason a certain university was a learned place was that most persons took some learn ing there, and but few brought any away with them, and so it accumulated.' CiT The marriage of Jonas H. Lamb to Mary A. Brown Is announced in an exchange. A year or two hence the favorite lullaby in that fiimily may be " Mary had a little Lamb. g3T Those young ladies at fairs who sell men five-cent pin-cushions for three dollars ought to be arrested for robbing the males. 63 " Foregoes" was the word put out at a written spelling exercise by one of our city teachers recently. And one little boy handed in, " Go, go, go, go." (3J"Mrs. Shoddy puckered up her mouth genteelly and told a gentleman friend that one of her lovely daughters was a " blunct" and theother" bronsse."