The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 11, 1877, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, FA., DECEMBER 11, 1877. Hurrlonme Island. l'rvbnbly the moat extenslvo granite works on the Atlantic const are tlio quar ries at Hurricane Inland. It li only ievim or eight years ngo that the flint blow wns struck lime, in the ocean lodge, whioh, by the way, was purchased for the iuslgnlll cant sum of f 1,000. To-day its value is rated by millions. The Inland hit an area of only 100 bundled acres on the level, hut its conicul shape gives it an immense cubi cal measurement. It is a picturesque sight to one approaching from the sea, this rug ged isle with its glistening granite, its green fir trees and its numerous quaint buildings. There are now nearly one thousand men employed ou Hurricane island. The island is twelve miles from llockluuil, and at limes is entirely Inaccessible on account of rough sea and storms. The island is a tittle world all of itself. It has nearly one hundred houses, cheap, but answering the purpose ; it has a publlo bull, a " Fulton market ;" and, in fact, all the social econo my of n large city, excepting a police sta tion and liquor shops. Cu unite is now be ing got out here for the Bt. Louis custom bouso nnd post office, for dealers in monu ments, and an business is also done in the way of furulHliingpiiving stones for Eastern cities. One man owns the entire proporty at Hurricane island. He runs au entire vil lage on his own account. The government pays a certain sum per cubic foot for tlio stone cut, and the blocks are lot out to cutters at piece work. The pay-roll of the cutters amounts to a great mini monthly. The cars on which the groat blocks, of granite are conducted hither nnd thither aro no invention of the owner of tlio Island, on which he holds thirteen tlill'oiuiit patents, and tho emtio of the wharf, UBed for lifting and depositing the big blocks of stone, is so perfect in its mechanical bal ance that a child could run it. The Hiuricane grnnilo is said to bo sus ceptible of being highly polished, tho hid den beauties of the stone making the crys tals translucent and brilliant. A block of granite tweuty-flve feet long can be polish ed on its eutire length at ono timo. Tho appearance of the hundred Htoiio-cuttere, each of whom bus ou u pair of spectacles, at first sight reminds one of a gang of edi tors doing pomd service. Tho Bpeetaelos aroworu ns a protection to thocjes. A Strango Charge. Lethe Townsend, colored, was arraigned last Friday morniug before tho Mayor of Montgomery, Ala. The evidence estab lished that ou Thursday night, in the col ored Methodist church, while a marriago ceremony whs being performed, tho offi ciating Elder said : "If thcio bo any pres ent who know any reason why this couplo should not bo joined together, now is the timo to mnko it known, or forever after hold their peace." Whereupon tho de fendant arose and objected to the marriage proceeding upon tho ground that the groom was " a gay aud fond deceiver," and had plighted his faith and promised to marry her. This pioduccd great commotion iu the church, particularly among tho femalo portion, who clamored to have tho marriage . go on, some of whom rudely seized ber. ' The defendant was then arrested for dis orderly conduct. The Mayor, upon this evidence, discharged hor. US?" Frank Raude, a prisonor about whom many columns are published in the western newspapers, was captured near Bt. Louis after be had killed two of tho four policemen who had hnuted him dow n Last summer he murdered a man wanton ly in St. Elmo, 111,, and was chased by a mob. He shot down three leaders of the pursuers, one after another, using his re volver with wonderful coolness and skill. Doubtless the crimes attributed to him are exaggerated, but it seems certaiu that he has killed seven men iu quarrels. He is young, educated and has occupied Moth' odist and Presbyterian pulpits. Ho also writes poetry, usually in praise of the beauties of women. Married in Jail. The Winchester, (Ind.,) papor says : " Quite a crowd congregated around the jail building last Saturday afternoon, and among the crowd were several ladies. Of course, we wanted to know what was 'hap. pening,' arid wo went across, when, upon reaching the jail, we looked upon a cere mony we never saw in a building of that kind before, a wedding, by Nathan Reed, Esq., Mr. Euos Cordcll to Miss Anna Hohimer. The ceremony being over, Enos was locked in aud Anna was locked out. May they live long and finally enjoy their own society." An Encouragement to Frankness Richardson, in his anecdotes of painting, tells the following : " Boiuo years ago gentleman came to' me to invite me to bis Jhouse. 'I have,' said bo, 'a picture Rubens, and it is a rare good one. Little II the other day came to see it, and says it is a copy. If anyone says so again I'll break bis bead. Pray, Mr. Richard son, will you do me the favor to come and give me your real opinion of it?" CARLISLE CARPET; HOUSE! CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTHS, WALL PAPERS. A complete Block Jiint opmu-tl for FALL TItADE from New York and Philadelphia Markets. COMPRISING TllltlH! PLYS, lLXTJtASUriiUS, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL AND STA1H CARPETS, AND OIL-CLOTHS, ALL CHOICE PATTERNS AND NEW DEMONS. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, llMlf'!:oiH, TvIlltM, HtllgTH, Act!. A HANDSOME LINE OP ENGLISH FELT SQUARES, AND Ol LrC LOT I I RUG S. r iA.rrrri:ieiNH irv HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN . CAHM'ICT CHAIN. STEPHENS & BEETEM, IJcntz House Ikiilding, No. 2, East Main St., CARLISLE, PLNNA. En O o H tn W O HEME WE ARE AGAIN! WITH better Inducements to our customers and people In general tlinn ever wo liuve oflereil, we have Just lnlil In our Immense FALL and W1NTKH STOCK, and as usual, intend keeping the leud forLOW 1MUCES nnd GOOD GOODS. Of our many bargains, the following ure but a few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Men's Hcavv Work Suits I 1.10 to5.l0 All Wool White Blankets per pair 12.50 and tip Men's Business " n i'ii t All Wool Colored Blankets per pair 2 Zi " ' Mmi'uDtw ' hum lo liUO Ladles' Double Shawls s,ih ' " Youths' Work " 4.i() lo loo Ladies' single Shawls 75 " Youths' Dress " ll.ll to 10.1MI Ladles' Felt Skirts fl) " " Hoys' Dress ' ;UKl lo 7.H1 Ladles' Balmoral Skirts ill " " Men's Overcoats 10.00 to in.H0 Ladle's Nuliius -JS " Men's Overcoats H.W) lo IUW Linlles' Coats 2-7f " " Boys' Overcoats :).il( lo fi.fni Ladles' Corsets 411 " " Men's Common Coats l.'.O to 8.0D Ladles' Hair Switches 1.25 " ' Men's Dress Coats 4.f0 to H.tM Ladles' Ties m " Hoys' Common Coats 160 lo 2.r".0 Ladies' Linen Collars it " " Hoys' Dress Co Us !!.:"( to fi.lK) Ladles' ltuelies n " " Men's Common Pants 1.00 to a. no Ladles' llaiidkerclilers " " Men's Dress Pants S!.'0 to 5.01 Ladles' Host) 4 pair 21 " " Hoys' Common Pauls 1 .(hi to l.f() Ladles' Undershirts 40 " " Hoys' Dress Pauls l.'tl to 3.IHI Embroidery and Edgings :t " " Men's Vests 7:" to 2.m Lailies' Leather Hells 10 " ' Hoys' Vests fit) to X.iTt Ladles' Pelt Pill 20 " " Men's Wool Hats fi"i to 1.00 Pins tH rows for s " Men's Kelt Hals l."" to 2.T.0 Silk Handkerchiefs 'jr " " Roys' Wool Hals M to 7o Men's Willie Shirts " " Hoys' Dress Hats 75 to 1.25 Men's Colored Whirls f.o " " Men's Caps 40 to 1.50 Men's Woolen Klilrls 75 " " Hovs'Caps 25 to 75 Men's Undershirts ,'il) " " ItoiiiuCai'iiet IS to 25 Men's Drawers ;m " 1'loweied Carpet !W lo 45 Men's Colored Hose, 3 per pair 25 " " Woid Carpet, CO to Men's llandkerehieis 8 " " Kloor Oil Clolh 40 lo 50 Men's Hospenders o " " Table Oil Cloth HO to 40 Horse lllankuts 1.25 " " Trunks 2. hi) to 7.I0 Overalls 40 " " Hutvhul 76 to 2.00 Knit Hlouse 75 " ALSO Jew elry, Cutleiy, Accordeons, Mouth Organs, Soups, Terfum cry, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Combs, Krushes, Collars and Cull's, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, Germantown Wool, Spool CoUon, Slippers, Lace Curtains, Furs, Counterpanes, andmuny other great Bargains, which space will not permit to name. Give us a cull and see what we say Is true, ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIRTY-THIRD TEAR. The most Popular sciontlOc paper in tbo world. Only (3.20 a Year, including postage. Week' ly. 52 uu inhere a year. 4,000 book pages. Toe Scientific Amehican Is a large first class weekly newspaper ol sixteen panes, printed In the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid ciittravings, representing Hie new est Invent ions aud the most recent advances In the Arts and Helences; including Mechanics and Engineering, Hteain Engineering, lUllway, Min ing, Civil (las aud Hydraulic Engineering. Mill Work, Iron, steel and Metal Work: Cnemistry and Chemical Processes; Electricity. Light, Jleat, Hound; Technology. Photography, Printing, New Machinery, New plocesses, tsew Keeipes. Im provements pcrta'iiing to Texlle Industry. Weav ing; Dyeing, Coloring, New Industrial Products, Animal, Vegetable and Mineral; New and Inter esting facts In A uncoil ure, Horticulture, the Home,. Health. and Medical Progress, Social Sci ence, Natural History, Cieology, Astronomy, etc. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers In all departments of Science, will be found In the Scientific American; the whole pre sented in popular language, free from technical terms, Illustrated With engravings, and so arrang ed as fo ii1tere.1t and Inform all claxsesof readers old and young. The Scientific American Is pro motive ol knowledge and progress In every com munity where It circulates. It should have a place In every Family, Heading Kooni, Library, College or School. Terms K3.20 per year, II. in) half year, which Includes prepavnientof postage. Discount to Clubs and Agents. Single copies len cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Itemlt by postal order to MUNN SCO., Publishers, 37 Park ltow, New York. PATFMTQ In connection with the Helen- M I fcll I tllto Ain riean, Msra. Munn & Co., are Solicitors ol A merit an and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on ti e best terms. Models of new Inventions and sketches examined, and advice free. A special notice is made In the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Public attention Is thus directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often ettected. Any person who has made a new discoAervor Invention, can ascertain, tree ot charge, whether a patent can prohuhlv be obtained, by writing to the iindei kigned. Addrees for the Paiier. or cou deruiug Patents, M UN N i CO,, S7 Park Bow, New Pork. Branch Olllce, our. K, St 7th sis., Washington D. C. o o S Q Q (Sl Vl W (73 U2 H t i w o o o o 9? 9? P WIDE AWAKE FOR I878. Tho popular estimation of Wlrto Awake Is well summed up In what a distinguished H tcrary gen tleman said: "The other Magazines lie on the ta ble fresh and clean, while Wide Awake Is read to tatters." That Wide Awake will continue to be "read to tatters" the following announcements for 1H;8 are good guarantees. "TKUK IILIIK." Bv Mrs. Lucia Chase Bell. A serial story for the (Jirls of Life In the great Norlh-west. AOKNKHAL MIHUNDEHSTANDINO. BvChas. K. Talbot. A spleudiduud humorous Serial story fortheBovs. Til K ST'lilt Y OF ENGLISH LITER ATTliE FOIl YOUNG PEOPLE. By Lucy Cecil White (.Mrs. Lille). Eighteen Illustrated Papers. AUNT DOLLY'S StJllOOL-JiOOM BTOBIES. For little folks. Bv Mrs. Win. E. Brvant. TllECIHLD TOILEItSOF BOSTON SHEETS. Twelve Illustrated papers. By Emma A. Brown. J.I l 1 Lid J.1 1.SIS HI IIM.l I UP IVl I I I I I.I.IAN HIJUAKE. Hlill FORTUNES AND MISFOK TUNES. By John Brownjohn. Drawings of Hopkins. Original Music bv T. Cramprnn. Parlor Past times by (ion. B. turtle tt. Prize Guess work. Illustrated Short Stories. Full-page Illustrated Poems Papers of Foreign Travel, and Natural History. AU by the brightest Authors anil Artists. Onlv S2.I10 ft vear. Free of Postace. Rpnrl subscriptions to v. lAiriiiiur a; ui runs. Boston, Mass. OPIUM mdI MorpbliT 1 Ubt bol'H)y tnA tnwwflly titan. rtuiUMi uo itiioikuy. BrnJ aUitiu for prticulrt. Da. Cauiom, Ot St IBUU(WH O V US-lfVfr AIM T'O HIP I h Don't you want somechean S toods for Pants and Suits t f you do, don't fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F. MOKTIMEIt. You can suit yourself In style and price. Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear Is complete. Prices from U'A cents up. F. MORTIMER. Now Bleorutield, Pa. OK FASHIONABLE CARDS no two alike, with name. l()c. 20 Scroll, with name, 10c. post paid. Agents' outfit, luo. GEO. I. REED li CO., Nassau, N. Y. 4unly niINQ snrl revolver. Illustrated Prleellst. froe. UUHvl(vrW WeHtern (Jun H'orA-, Pittsburgh, 1 a. i.ihv. K OAUDH AM'yles with nam's 1f'c"oittlH Inc. Sampler. J. IIUS'I I'.D Si Co . Nils au, N. Y. i7dtt. . rRCr'M AMM')TI1 OUTFIT TO K.VKvitBODY ll&U Stem winder watch free wit ti it rnt outer Ten ilolhirs 11 day guaranteed. M. CUONEtlll ft ( O., Philadelphia Pa., or Milwaukee, VVIs. 47dlt , A '.IE NTS WANTED FOR Cr c a t iv e Science, or Mitihooil, Woiirmhond, and their Mutual Inter Behtllons 1 Love, Its Laws, Poncr, etc. Agents are selling from 15 tn2S copies a day. Send for spe 'linen pages and our extra terms lo Agents, and sen why It sells faster limn any oilier hook. Address, National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, l'a. 47dlt rA'l'HK.11'8 I For Cuts Bruises and Hpralns, HEM EDI. Blind and Bleeding plles.ltheu. I mat ism , Fractured Limbs Frosted Limbs nnd Pints, Pains In tlio Muscles and Joints, Indolent Ulcers, Discharging Sores, Swelled Sore Leg. Ervslpelns. snd Vbi Icosb Veins Is saiidford's Extract of Witch Hazel. A'k tor It, because It Is better, strnngerand cheaper than any oilier, and Is warranted by Weeks Poite Wholesale Druggists, iim Washington St. . Boston, Mass. 4"d4t WANTED 1 An encigollc man or woman In every county to take the Agency for two of the most popular publications In Hie country. Four of the most finest chioinos (aix UI Inches each) to every sub scilber, 'I Me best combination ever before of fered to A uenls. and Hie most liberal induce ments to subscribers. Our line publications, Ele. glint Premiums, and large commissions place us ahead of all Competitors. Send for Illustrated Circulars and Terms. E. P. ft L. It EST El N, Pub lishers, 717 BaiHom St., Philadelphia. 47dlt 10.HX) AGENTS WANTED TO SELL am The most Intense and powerful blow ever dealt the demon drink, by the veteran author, T. H. A It 1 1 1 U It. A book to startle and ellghten the people. Vivid pictures aud p loots, how It curses liody, soul, home, soclely.elc. Unfolds the work of I nebrlate Asylums, (jospcl Temperance. Worn nu'sCriisade, Fianels Mnipliy, Prohibition, etc. Only fl lis sale Is marvellous OUR BIhLI'.H with 2, ikki Illustrations far excell and others. Prices Just reduced 2.") per ct. Send ful terms. HUBBaRD BROS., Pubs., 723 Sansom Hlreet, 1'hli'a. 47dU. RTATTV I'l ANO, ORGANS best. DW.I.nok t Utlil I I Htartllngl Seel Organs, li stoi s r. Pianos only Ol.iu, cost Jii.'il). Clr. free, Daniel F. Realty, Washing'on, N. J. 4:idlt AGENTS WANTED ! FOR PARTICULARS. ADDItKSS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, 8'!!j Broadway. New York City 1 Chicago, III. ; New Orleans. La. ; 4Ud4t or San Francisco, t'al. A Great Offer for Holidays I Wo will during these H ARD TIMES nnd the HOLIDAYS dlsiose of lei! New Pianos and Or gans, of llrst-class makers at lower prices for cash. or Installments, than ever before offered. WATERS' PIANOS OKOANS are the BhST MaDI!. wrraiited for fi years. III. Catalogues Mulled. Great Inducements!!! thetrade. PIANOS 7-octave, 81to; 7 1 3 octave, (tl'.ll. ORGANS 2 stops CIS; 4 stops, I .1; 7 stops, 'ii g stops, 8.H; IU siogis SHii 12 stoiis. imi. fn oerfect order, not used a year. Sheet music nt half price. H'DtACE W A TF.HH HONS, Miiniifactiireis and Dealers, 40 East llth Street, New York. 4Udlw. FROM THE SEED TO WAliEllO USE. THE A praetlctl hand hook for the Tobacco Planter, embracing the author's practical experience In cultivating and curing the weed, and Hie met hods practiced in all the Slates In which It Is grown. A complete guide to the planter and a work of ureal Interest to the consumer of tobacco on ac count ol Its hlstoilcal anil medical li.foi mat Win. A hoi k that everybody should have. 1.0 pages, octavo, by II. Rush Mensem y, M. D., Chambers burl!, Pa. Pi'tceOne Dollar, font to any address ou receipt ol the price. A. cuts wanted to sell this bonk everywhere and It sells wit bout trouble. Address JOHN M. PO.UKROY. Publisher of "Franklin Repository," C'hanibnrs- uiirg. Pennsylvania. November, 27, 1S77. (Jlcftnon'8 VubllcatioH. Great reduction In price for ls78of Gi.bason's PlcroiiiAI. to 82 a year. Single copies ft cents. '1 he Home ciihu e to $2 a year, singla copies 6 cents, for sale bvall newsdealers. Gi.bason's MoNTin.r Comi-akioji to 81 a year, single copies II) cents. All postage free. Sample copies sent on recclnt of a 3 cent stamp. The price of Chroinos has Just been greatly re duced. No one now gives such liberal terms to agents as we do. Send (or new circular. Address F. ULEASON, 73 Washington St., Bo-ton Muss. 46 4t ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Jacob Ristlne, nnd Susanna his wife, of WheaUleld twp.. Perry co., Pa., hare assigned their properly to the under signed, residing In the same township, fur the benefit of creditors. All iersons therefore Indebted to ald Jacob Ristlne and wife, are requested to make payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement without delay. SOLOMON BIOIIAM, November 13. 1S77 Assignee. Lewis Fotteh, Attorney. $1.00. $1.00. SHIRTS. Three ply Linen Bosom, Three-ply Neckbands, 1.1 lie n Wristbands and tluished complete. We can positively say that ilill.OO HIIIUT Is superior to any other, and that there Is no bet ter Shirt in the Market at any price. ISID0R SCHWARTZ, NE WFOIIT, PENN 9 A. EAVAItUINtJ'S . (1S76 Uniform Copyrighted 177) :, TLtJiSSV BLANKS, Tlie Latest nnd Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low and whatever you need. Law and Cuiiiinorcial Supplies of all Kinds. tf Send for samples aud price lists of what you want. . Catalgnes of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, oi direct from the publisher. E. WARING, Tyrone, Pa. per month, wl 11 be paid to a good energell o man iu each county to introduce Dr. EOLlrti New Illustrated History of Penn'a. Write Immediately, and state experience In this business, and age .Address V. C. GOODKK .'11. Publisher. 4113t Harrlsburg, Pcuu'a. CALL AND SEE ME. The Subscriber has opened a Store opposite the Railroad Depot, at NEWPORT, where he is pie pared to bii 1 ly OYSTEIIS, OllOCEMIES, c, At the lowest market price. A full stock on hand. The patronage of the public Is solicited. UO. WM. 1CKE8. Newport, Pa, ELANNEL8 A splendid assortment of FTan uels, just opened by F. MORTIMER. " Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind In ths World." Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of tho Press. Thnvoleraii Magazine, which long ago outgrow Its original title ol tlio New Monthly Magazine, has not In the least abated the popufarlly It won ut the outset, but has added to It Iu many ways, ami has kept fairly abreast of the times, thaiiks ' lo tho enterprise of the publishers and the tact nnil wisdom of Its editors. Foi whatever Is host nnd most readable In the literature of travel, ills, eovery. and notion, tlie average reader of to day iooks io narper s ningar.tue, jiisi as expectantly as did tlie readers of a quarter of a century ago i there Is the same admirable varlet v of contents, aud the same freshness and auggestlveness lulls eiuinriai departments, now as then, "Rustvu Journal," rtt.iffu .1 r. it. ,in i isfoffsres (- ml mtliKrtl mr in fifl United SliKct. i I n 1 1 t r' HI - .... - - . - . ... the pu til I she is. " "' "' '"""" NiiiurrliiWmn to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, . . .......... m, nuiimnn n,r ne year, no ueior, J"''' ""Ur's rtnillcals, to one address for fitia Iran. V7 lii. ...... .. j;".1 l"'ige nee. An Extra Cot.y of either tho Mngazlno. Weekly, or Baznr will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Suliserlhers at It 00 each, paid lor bv one rotnlitance; or Six Copies one year, without ex tra cony, tor tM tS). Jliick A'lm'iersean he supplied nt any time. I lie Vo lllllea ol Ilia Mi. ,k..a ....;. i.t. ' ; u..iiMii'TTn Will, tlio niiinbers for June and December of each year, wnen no time Is specified, it will be on iierstood that the subscriber wishes to beglu with the current Number. A Complete Set of Harper's MagRZlne, now comprising MS Volumes, Iu neat clotlililndlng.wlll be sent by express, freight at. expense of purchss er, for 2 21 per volume. Single mall, postpaid, CI (in. Clolh cases, for binding, 68 cts., by mall, postpahl. A Complete Analytics! Index to the first Fifty Volumes of Harper' s Magazine has lieen publish ed, rendering available for retereuce the vast and varied wealth of Information which constltiies tills periodical a perfect Illustrated llteiarv cyelo. pedla. Hvo, Cloth, 13 U0; Half Calf, Ci 25. Sent postage prepaid. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodical onlv. - Newspapers are not to copy tills advertise inent without the ex press order of Harper i Bros. Address HARPER tit BROTHERS, New York. "A Complete Pictorial History of tlio Times" ' 1 he best, cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper Iu the Union." UAllVElVtiWEEKL Y ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The Weekly Is the ablest and most powerful Il lustrated periodical published in tills country. Its editorials nre scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its Illustrations of current events are full and fresh, lied pn pared l y our best designers." Louisville Courier Journal." Harper's Weekly should be in every family throughout the hind, as a purer. more Interesting, higher toned, belter illustrated paper is not pub lished In this or any other country. "Commer cial Bulletin." Boston. The Weekly Is the only Illustrated paper of the day that In Its essential characteristics Is recog. lil.ed as a national paper." Brooklyn Eugle." TERMS: rnvrtfipfrup lo all mi'mrrliiert in the United Ntatn. Harper's Weekly, one year II lit). l.l) Includes prepayment of U. B. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine. Weekly, nnd Bazar, to one address for one year. (Ill no; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, 87 (). postage free. Alt Extra Copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five subscribers at f-t on each, paid fur by one remittance; or. Six Copies one year, without ex tra copy for K0 00. Hack NiiiiiIktu can be supplied nt any time. The Volumes of the Weekly commence withthe year. Wnen no tilrie Is mentioned. It will be un derstood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt ot his order. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, In neat noih binding, will lie sent by express, free of expenses provided the freight does not exceed SI, for 17 It) each, A eomplelo Set, comprising li Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of t" 2f per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth Cases for t-gcli vol., suitable for binding, w r'l be sent by mail.postp'd .on receipt of SI each. Indexcsto each volume sent gratis en receipt of slump. Subscriptions received for Harper Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without Ihe express order of Harper Ik Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. "A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and In struction." HA i:iLJ?S h A ZA li. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. Tie Bazar Is the organ ot the fashionable world, and the expounder of that world's laws; and it Is the authority In all matters of manners, enqueue, costume, and social habits. Boston Traveller." The Bazar commends Itself to every member of the household to I be children by dioll and pret ty pictures, to young ladies by Its fashion. plates In endless variety, to tho provident matron by Its patterns for the children's clo; lies, to pater faml lias by Its tasteful- designs for embroidered slip pers and luxurious dressing-gowns. But the reading-matter of the Bazar Is uniformly of great excellence. The paier has acquired a wide popu larity for the tl reside enjoyment it affords and has become an established uuihorlty with the ladies of America. "N. Y. Evening Post," TERMS: Postage free to all subscribers In the United States. Harper's Bazar, one year It 00. It K includes preuayment of U. S. postage by the publish,,... Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, 110 n ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year. 17 00; postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazar will lie supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at M OOejch. paid for by one re mittance: or. Six Copies one year, withouttxtra copy, for Cio 00. Back Numbers can be supplied at anytime. The Volumes of the Btzar commences with the year. When will be un derstood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the.Vuinbar next after the receipts of his or- 'tIio Annual Vo'time of narper's Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of ex pense. providing the freight does not exceed one dollar, for 17 each. A complete Set, comprising la Volumes, sent ou receipt of each at the rale of ''cioth Cases for eace vol., suitable for binning, will be scut by mail, postpaid, ou receipt of tl each. , Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt ol stamp. . . t , .- . Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals ""Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement Without the txpress order ol Harper Broiaeis. Aduress HAKPER ti BROTHERS, N. Y. I -i, STATE N'OTICK. Notice Is hereby given li that Letters of Admini t ration ou the estate of Joseph Ensmiuger late of Carroll township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been grained to ths undersigned rrsiding in the same township. All persons indebted to said estateare requested to make Immediate pavmeiit. and those having claims will present tlieiu duly authenticated for settlemeut to ,.. ELIZABETH EN'SMINGER, CDHNELIL'S ENSMlNGKIt, A.M. MarVcl, AU'j lor Adm'rsJ Aduiimstiatr's Augut 28, b77. Dl A PI Ull I C IJIG "I and the uLAlii nlLLO, gkkat northwest. a largo lob page book, cnutaluing full iufoima tiouof tlie country, with maps and illustrations, will be sent free lo every one sending 11.00 for six mouths subscription to Ihe DAKOTA HER ALD. The llKKALOlsa large &-colomn Journal, and is niled with entertaining reading matter, both original aud selected. It is a western journal Willi western Idoas. The paper three mouths with book for 75 ceuts ; the price of the boos alone Is 7S cents. Address, THE II Kit ALT). Sept. 25, 3m. Yankton, Dakota.