8 THE TIMES, , NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., DECEMBER 4, 1877. Exciting Side-Scene at a Wedding. Tlio lletliWilioni Timvn Bay : low dnys a young oouplo in n . uno horse conveyance ilrovo up in front of tlie roHliltmea of one of our clergymen, to to spliced for life The liorse wan tied with rt rope halter to a post, so as to secure tlio animal wliilo tlio ceremonies were goinjf on within. The clergyman hail got Ms Irioks ami papers In loail intss, mul had gone through with the usual formalities, tlio quoHtion as to ago and legal ohjoctions had bcou satis factorily answered, the groom had been congratulated upon the choice he had made and the ceremony was jnttt to bo begun, when the clerical gentleman chanced to look out of the window and noticed that the horse and vchiclo in which the couple had arrived were in danger of destruction. Tlio horse had thrown himself, and was about choking- himself with the halter. The- bridegroom and cloigymau both hur ried out, and by the time they had reached the pavement tho hoi so had badly entang led himself in the harness, and partly upset the cotivcyauco. Then ooinmcuced the tug of war. Neither tho bridegroom or cloigy mau could open tho halter, and yet the horse was choking. Just then another clergyman came to the nspistanoo of tho nonplussed clergyman and bridegroom, and opened the Oordian knot by cutting it with his pocket kuifo. Tho horse soou regained tho horizontal position, the bride, who had also come out to assist at the work, the groom and the clergymen returned to the parlor, whore the ccieniony was happily concluded. It is hoped that the knot was tied so that no neighboring clergy mini's pocket knife may sever it. The happy couple left, the groom rejoicing that he had, first, his horse, and, .second, his helpmeot, all safo. A Curious Phenomenon. Mr. Van Dorn complained Saturday that it seemed to him that something was wrapped lightly about the thumb on tho arm which was removed by amputation on Saturday a wock, and on examining the the arm, which had been laid by Dr. Ktannard on a board in tlio rear room of his store, it was found that a thread had accidentally become entangled about the thumb and that in the swelling of the thumb the thread had made a crease around it. The thread was removed and Mr. Van Dorn, without knowing that tho string Was wrapped about tho thumb, said that it felt much better. Boon after Dr. Stan hard made an experiment to further test the curious phenomenon, and tiod the thumb and little finger firmly together, and laid a hatchet on tho baud. Van Dorn soou commenced to complain of pain in tho hand, and finally, that it seem ed that the thumb and finger were tied together. Tho Btring was removed, and tho hand straightened out again, when tlio patient, without any k now ledgo of what had been dono, said that the arm felt bettor than it had any tiino Bince the am putation. The above iiro tho facts, on which we have uo theory to advance regarding tLe matter. Chargrk Falls Exponent. An Unpleasant Traveling Companion. A sleeping car incident, more sensational than that of which Theodore Tillon was the hero, occurred near Hew Orleans a few days ago. A man named Leo became fran tically Jealous because his wifo inuocently asked the conductor of the car for a glass of water, struck her in the face, threatened to shoot her and then started aftor the un lucky conductor, who had gone into a for ward car, with the avowed intention of killing him at sight. As soon as he got outside he turned and fired three shots through tho window down the aisle, one bullot passing through a woman's dress, but harming no one. Before he could overtake tho sleeping car conductor he was intercepted by the train conductor, who, with the assistance of a passongor, overpowored tho infuriated blood-hunter and turned him over to tho police on reach ing the city. Turning the Tables. Scribe, the dramatist, met his match in a nobleman ambitious of gaining a literary reputation by proxy, from whom he re ceived the following curious epistle : "Sir, I have the honor to propose to you to associate yourself with me in the composi tion of a drama. Your name will figure by the sido of mine; you alone composing the play, and I alone defraying all tho cx penses of the first representation. You shall have all the profits, for I work only for glory." Soribo replied : "Sir, I have never been accustomed to harness together in my carriage a horse and au ass ; I am therefore unable to accept your very kind offer." The nobleman closed the cones pondence with: "Monsieur Scribe, received your note of refusal to unite our literary labors. You are at liberty not to understand your own interest, but not to allow yourself to call me a horse." WJ Tho immense ironclad, the Duilt?. launched by the Italian Government last year, proves a partial failure. The armor is not yet applied, and the vessel sinks b: low the line intended for it. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! CARPETING S, OIL-GLOTIIS, WALL PAPERS. A comph'te Block Just opened for FALL TKADK from New York anil Philadelphia Markets. COM Pit 181 NO Till! EE PLYS, EXTHA SUl'EKS, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL XND STAIR CARPETS, AND OIIi-CLOTIIS, ' AM, CHOICE PATTEMNS AND NEW DESIGNS. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, A HANDSOME I.1NE OF ENGLISH FELT SQUARES, -AND- OIJC.L,OT.H. It LI OS. U5 PATTKHNH I IN HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN O.A.1 Ml Vr Oil .A.T.IY. STEPHENS & BEETEM, JJcntz House Building, No. 2, East Main St., CARLISLE, PENIPA. HEiarWE ARE AGAIN! en WITH butter inducements to our customers and people in general than ever we have offered, we huve just laid in STOCK, mul as usual, intend keeping the leud for LOW 1'KICES and ClOOD GOODS. Of our many bargains, tlio following nre but a few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' GOODS, Moil's Heavy Work Suits $ ' 0 tof fit 0 All Wool White Blankets ie r pair J2..r0 and up Men's Business ' n.IKi to 8. HO All Wool Colored Blankets per pair 2 23 " . Men's Drew ' 1U.0H to 12.00 Ladles' Double shawls 3.00 " Youths' Work " 4.'0 to i.dO Ladies' Single Shaw Is 75 " " Youths' Ores " IUW to lo w Ladles' Pelt Skirts fo " " Hoys' Dress " :UH) 1,0 ".'0 Ladles' Balmoral Skirts " Men's Overcoat lo.oil to 1,5.00 Ladle's Nubias 2.5 " Men's Overcoats 3.00 lo ll.no Ladies' Coats 2.75 " " Boys' Overcoats :V) to H.50 Ladles' Corsets 40 " " Men's Conimoii Coats 1.50 to 3.00 Ladies' Ilslr Switches 1.25 " ' Men's DressCouts 4.WI to H.OO Ladies' Ties 20 " " Hoys' Common Coats 1.60 to 2.S0 Ladles' l.lnen Collars 8 ". " Jlovs' Dress Coats 2.-M) to fi.dil Ladles'linehes .1 " " Men's Common Pauls 1.00 to 2.00 Ladles' Handkerchiefs 5 " " Men's Dress Pants 2.D0 to 6.0'i Ladles' Hose 4 pair 25 " " Boys' Common Pauls 1.00 to l.ffl Ladles' Undershirts 40 " " Hoys' Dress Pants l.fi) to 3.00 Kinbroldery and Edgings a " " Men's Vests " 75 to 2.00 Ladies' Leather Hells () " " H(.vs' Vests PO to l.?fi Ladles' Helt Pill 2) " " Men's Wool Hats tr to 1.00 Plus 2s rows for 5 " " Men's Kelt Hals 1.25 to 2.S0 Hilk Handkerchiefs 25 " " Hoys' Wool Hals Ml to 75 Men's White Shirts 75 " " Hoys' Dress Hats 75 to 1.25 Men's Colored Hldrts ft) " " Men's Caps 40 to 1.50 Men's Woolen Shirts 75 " Hoys' Caps 25 to 75 Men's Undershirts 30 " ' HomnCarpet Is to 25 Men's Drawers 30 " " Flowered Carpet 3'1 to 45 Men's Colored Hose, 3 per pair 25 " " Wool Carpet 110 to 1.00 Men's Handkerchiefs s " " Floor Oil Clolli 40 to ,50 Men's Susienders It) " " Table OH Clotll 30 to 40 Horse Blankets 125 " " Trunks 2.00 to 7.00 Overalls 40 " Satchel 75 to 2.M) Knit Hlouse 75 ' " ALSO Jewelry, Cutleiy, Accordeons, Mouth Organs, Soups, Perfumery, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Combs, Brushes, Collurs and Cuffs, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, Qermantown Wool, Spool Cotton, Slippers, Lace Curtains, Furs, Counterpanes, and many other great Bargains, which space will not permit to name. Give us a call and see what we suy is true, XSIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPORT, PWN'A. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIRTY-THIRD TEAR. The most Popular scientific paper In the world. Only (3.20 a Year, Including postage. Week ly. 52 numbers a year. 4,000 book pages. The Scientific Amhuicau Is a large llrst class weekly newspaper of sixteen pages, printed In the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the new est Inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; including Mechanics and Engineering, Steam Engineering, ltitllwuy, Mill Inn, Civil (jus and Hydraulic Engineering. Mill Work, Iron. Steel and Metal Work: Chemistry aud Chemical Processes; Electricity. Light, ileut, Hound; Technology, Photography, Printline, New Machinery, New ptocesses, iSew lteclpcs, 1m- rirovements perta nlug to Texlle Industry. Weav iik; DyeniK, Coloring. New lndusMlal l'roducts, Annual, Yegclable and Mineral; New aud Inter esting lauis In AKiicuiture, Horticulture, the Home,. Health. and Medical Progress, tioclal Sci ence, Natural lllsiory, Oeology, Astronomy, etc. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers In all denartiucnts of Science, will bo found In the Sclentillo American; the whole pre sented In popular iaiiKuat;e, flee from technical terms, illustrated w tb engravings, and so hi 1 ang el us fo interest and Infoim nil classes of readers old and young. The Bcieutltlo American is pro motive of knowledgo and progress In every ooin tnunlly whord it circulates. It should have a place In every (family, Heading Koom, Library, College or School, l'erins (ts.20 per year, tl.tiO lialf year, which lnelndes pvepavmentof postage. Discount to Clubs and Agents, Single copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Keinlt by postal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park How, hew York. DATCWTQ In connection with the Selen f" I tl I O. tlao Am-riean. Messrs. MunN & Co , are Solicitors of Amerti an and F'oieign Patents, nnd have the largest establishment In the world. Patents are obtained on tie best terms. Models of new Inventions and sketches examined, and advice free. A special notice is made in the Sclentlllc American of all Inventions Patented through Ibis Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Public attention Is thus directed to the merits of tlio new patent, and sales or introduction often effected. Any person who lias made a uew dlscoAery or InvMit'on, can ascertain, free ot charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. Addiees for the Paper, or cuu deruing Patents, M U N N & CO,, V Park Bow, New Pork. Branch Otlice, cor. F, &7lh sis., Washington D. C. t-l o S3 w o w C3 tr1 o o w Q J o rsi W CZ) H o o CJ o 9? 9? a our immense FAIjIj and WINTKU AND GENTS' FURNISHING &c. WIDE AWAKE FOR 1878. The popular estimation of Wide Awake Is woll summed up in what a distinguished literary Ken tleman said: "The other Magazines lie on the ta ble fresh and clean, while Wide Awake Is read to tatters." That Wide Awake will continue to be 'lead to tatters" the following announcements for Is, 8 are good guarantees. "TKUK KLUK." By Mrs. Lncla Chase Bell. A serial story for the Girls of Life In the treat Northwest. AGF.NKUAL MISUNDERSTANDING. Py Chas. It. Talbot. A splendid and humorous Serial bloj y ior me ihiys. TH K HTOKY OF ENGLISH MTEKATl'RE FOR i i-wi i.i'j. jjt i.uuy en wmieiAirs. Lille). Klgbleen Illustrated Pai.ers. Al MT nil l via upiiiiii ij.if.M offinipn For Utile folks, lty Mrs. Win. K. Diyant, i nr. ;m i.u njii.r.un wr nw.-inis SKKETH Twelve Illustrated papers. l)y limma A. Brown LITTI.1SMIKS Ml'SLfN OF QU1NTILL1AN sni'AHif iii,i) l.nim vi.M avi i,i..V, Tl'NIiS. By John Biownlohn. Drawings of IIS. Original Music by T. Crampton. Tarlor Past times bv Geo. It. It.irtlett. l'rie tlni.Mu.ur,.,. Illiistraled Short Stories. Full, page Illustrated Poems Papers of Foreign Travel, ami Natural History. All by the brightest Authors and Artists. i Itite fi'1 t'ft n ve.ir Ki'PArtf Pn.t.ma cnn.i ... , '.-j"-- - - - - .'.',u,. r;iiu suuseiipiions 10 u. i.uiiiuui'& CO.. Puns. Boston, Mass. OPIUM nnd VorrMns Ittbltiilnotiitely tnA tr4Vi I llrtftt. IltllMW DU llillllk'll)'. fw jrlloulr. ln. Cari.to. Don't you want some cheap Jll U LJIli If you do, Uun't ail to ex- nmliiP tlin Hnlendid ftsoitnipiit for an la v MOHT1MKH. You can suit youioeU lu Btylo aud Our Stock of NEW GOODS Tftl" n Kfl'l WAS a nnini, aIi. Oi Prices from centHuiK F. MOllXIMElt Kew llloomUeld, Pa or FASHIONABLE CAHDS no two alike, with union, low. ncuni, won name, ioe. pos tiaid. Agents' oulflt. JUc, GEO. I. KEKD & t:o Nassau, N. Y. 4luly niINQ id revolver, tllusl rated Price list. free. UUI1J ycenf H'Mfern (Jim H'ocAii , Plltsbni gli, l'a. 47dlt. Ji 'AlltH f.ss yles with nanm Ve. Oiilllt ion. Huinplillc. J. DCS I LI) i Co . Nas tau, N. Y. 47,ut. FRFF M AMM'ITII OUTFIT TO kvKYIinoDY Hlein -winder wa'idi Tree wit'i llisi mdM- Ten dollars a day giiitranleeil. M. ClliiNKOII Hi I (),, Philadelphia !'., or Milwaukee, Wis. 4?dU AGENTS WANTED Foil Cr eoti v o S c i n n r r, nrMmliiol, Worn inliiid, nnd their Mutual Inter milallons i Love, Its Laws, Pomor, etc. Agents nre selling from IS to 25 copies a dav. Send for Sie dmen jmges and our extra tei ins to Agents, and sen why It sells faster than any other hook. Addles, Nnl iinal Publishing t'o., Philadelphia, Pa. 47d4t KATHKH'8 I For Cuts lltules and Sprains, ItKMKOV. Blind and Bleeding Piles, Kheii. nmllsm. Krnetiired L I in li n Frostrd l.lmlis nnd Parts. Pains In the Muscles and Joints, Indolent, finer, DIsehargtiK Sores, Swelled Sore Leg. Krtslpela. nnd Varicose Veins Is Sandford s bxtract of Witch Hazel. Ark for It. because It Is belter, si longer and eiieauer than any other, and Is warranted by Weeks Poito Wholesale Druggists, 3u Wasii'iigion St. . Boston, Mass. 47d4t WANTED I An ennigetlc man or woman In every county to take the Agency for two of tlio most popular publications In Hip country. Four ol the most finest ehroiiios (2lx III Indies each) to every sul eillier. The best combination ever before of fered to Agents, ami the most liberal induce ments to subscribers. Our line publications. Ele gant Premiums, and large commlsslors place us ahead of all Comiiclllors. Send for Illustrated Circulars and Terms. E. P. ft L. HKSTEIN, Pub- Ushers, 717 Banioin St., Philadelphia. 47dlt The most Intense and powerful blow ever dealt the demon drink, by Hie veteran author, T.H. A 111 I IU It. A book to startle nnd elighten tho people. Vivid pictures and pioofs. how It curses liody-, soul, home, society, etc. f nlolds the work of Inebriate Asylums, Gospel Temperance. Wom an's Crusade, Fianols Muipliv. Prohibition, elu. Only 12. Its sale Is marvellous Of It BIHL1CS Willi 2,uu:i iiiiisi rations tar exeeii ann others. Prlees Just, reduced Zr per ct. Send for terms. IIIMlltrtKD BltOS., Pubs., 721 Sansim Street, Phll'a. 47dft. C ATTV PIANO. ORGANS best. r?. Look I R"" I I startling I Seel Organs, 1 slots 5. Pianos only tVW, cost jaw. Clr. free, Daniel .Heatty, Washlngion, N. J. 4alH Send for Itvduccd J'rlre List of CABINET ORGANS. NKW AND SPLENDID STYLKS. Price re duced SID to -.. EACH. TIIH MONTH. (Nov 1H77). Address MASON W HAM LIN OKGAN CO.. Boston, New York, or Chicago. 4:"dr. AGENTS WANTED ! FOlt PAIITKfLAliS. ADDHE.'S WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway, New York Clly s Chicago, III. i New Orleans. Ln. s 4"d4t or San Francisco, Cal. CONSUMPTION CUREa ti "II plijHiiiin, nrtirod irmn prnrtice, hnvinr r r - 't irom nn Kant Indin nii8niu:i:iry tlio formula of n i i vdj'otiiuli) remedy fur tM:wy nnd pcrrnHrint i .: ' rtiHPHitifiiion, hmneht' it rwatth, am limit, nnd nil ! id- t 'j:hI luiifc ailnctioiiri; pIho for r:prviiitt rt'--I' :.t fn I nil riprTotia roinpliiintA. nftir havinn (fii( ill riintim jiown in th i ihmimIh .f -hsih, hnn iult i' Vit.v t tiu'lt'i !b kii'twnto h ptifTori'ifr f'lown. A ti: rtivl ly n Ai irn to n'lvo lrmun Mt iT-rintr, I will m-T' I frp i to f'H who f it. tlii rnm in icrmmt, I' rnch, t-r i'lTilish, with.'"' (lirn rin'i. Ad'lr"K,wlili nfiuup, JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL. These brands of Sweet Plug are acknowledged by all, to be tho Finest Chewing Tobaccos In the market. Put up lu all shapes mid siz.es, in ma hogany nnd black wrappers, hold by the trade generally Send for sauipleto the manufacturers C. A. JACKSON & CO., Petersburg, Va. Geo F. Wahiii.k. General Agent, 4Sdlt. Nos. 3 and 6 South Water Street, Phlla. J IE SUN. 187S. NEW YOltK. 1878. As the time approaches for the renewal of sub scrlptions. Till', Sf N wouldiemiiid Its filomls and wellwlshers everywhere, that it is ajiuln a candidate for their consideration and support. Cpon its record for Hie past ten year it relics for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and general co-operation which have liilhriio la-en extended to It from every quarter of the f hlon. The Dally Sunls a four page-sheet of 28 col umns, price by inall,.po.-t paid, 5 cents a month, or M.6U per year. TheSundav edition of THF, SUN Is nn eight page sheet of f,(i columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a large amount ot lit etarv and miscellaneous matter specially pre pared for it. THKSCNDAY SUN has met with great success. Post paid 11.20 a year. THE WEEKLY SUN. Whodoesnot know THK WF.KKLY SUN t It circulates throughout the f nlted States, the Can adas, and beyond. Ninety thousand families greet Its welcome pages weekly, and regard It lu the light of guide, counselor, and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary depart ment make U essentially a Journal for the fami ly and the fireside. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid, This price, quality considered, makes It the cheapest newspaper published. For clubs of ten, with 810 cash, we will send an extra copy free. Address PUBLISHEIt OF THK Sf N.H j New York City. $1.00. W AM St V XT A $1.00. si i rms. Three ply l.lnen Bosom, Three ply Neckbands, Llueu Wristbands and lluished complete. We can positively say that t-fl.OO HIIIJIT is superior to any other, and that there Is no bet ter Shirt in the Market at any price. ISID0R SCHWARTZ, XEWPOltT, PENN'A. EYVAItltlNO'S 0715 Uniform Coiyrighted 1R77) LAW The Latest nnd Best. A (treat Improvement a waul suoplied. We furnish low and whatever you need. Law ami Commercial Supplies or all Kinds. n- Send for samples and price lists of what you want. -Catalgi:es of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, or direct from the publi-hcr. t. WAK1M;, Tyrone, Pa. per month.wi II be paid to a good energetic man lu each ty to lutroduce Dr. KG LK'ri New Illustrated History of Penn'a. Write Immediately, and state experience In this business, aud age Aridress, 1). C. GOODJilCH. Publisher 4U.!t Harrisburt,', Penn'a. JEANS. ri We have the Best Stock of Goods for Men's Wear that can be found in the county, aud we don't care who know F. MOHTIMEH, TiRINTINU of every description neatly ex X ecutcd at tho bloomfleld Times Ottlce, at reasonable rates. ln.wm AOICNTS WANTED to sell " Vii'ltiesllonnbly dm best sitstnliu d work of tho . kind In lha Vorld.'' Harper's Magazine. ' , ll.M'STUATKI... . Notices of tlio Press. Tim veteran Magazine, whiuli longngo outgrew Unoriginal tltleorihn New Monthly Maga.ine, has not lu Mm least abated t tin popularity It won at the outset, but, lias added to It In many ways, and has kept fairly abreast of Ike times, thanks tnthu enterprise of Hie publishers and the tact and wisdom of Its editors. Foi whatever Is best ami most readable In the llleiatiire of navel, dis covery, and Hot ion. Hie average n ailer of to day looks to Harper's Magnr.liie, Justus expectantly as did the renders of a quarter of a century agog there Is the same ndmlruhle vaiietv of contents, aud the same freshness and suggesllveness lulls editorial departments, uow a then. "Boston Journal." TEliTlS i rotrifm trre t nlltiilmrrlimrn in the United fttntri. Harper's Magazine, one year 14 0 l Ml Includes prepayment of U. S. postage by the publishers. HiiiiturtiiWm to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year. Jin In t or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, 7 I0i postage free. A n Kxtra Cony of ell her the Magazine , Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis lor every Club of Hve Subscribers at II (it) each, paid for by one remittance; or, Six Copies one year, without ex Ira cotiy, for lit) tw. Jlurk y a niton can be supplied nt any lime The Volumes of Dm Magazine coiniiiencH wlth tlia numbers for June and December of each year. When nn time Is specified. It will be tin iierstood that the subscriber whdics to begin with the current Nil nber. A Complete Set of Harper's Magazine, now comprlslngili Volumes, in neat cloth lilnding.wlll be sent by express, freight at expense of purehas er, for II 2" per volume. Single volumes.by mall, postpaid, J.'l lit). Cloth cases, lor binding, 18 cts., by mall, postpa'd. A Complete Analytical Index to the first Fifty Volumes of Harper' s Magazine has been publish ed. rendering available lor reference the vast and varied wealth of Information which eonstltues this periodical a perfect Illiistraled bteinrv cycle pediu. 8vo, Cloth, 13 Wl; Half Calf, i, Sent poslage prepaid. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals onlv. r Newspapers are not to copy this advertiso metit without Ihn express order of Harper i Bros. Address H AltPKll BltOTHKIls, New York. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times" ' J'he best, clieapesf, amidmost success ful Family Paper In the Union." 11 All PlJll'tf JVUJKL Y ILLUSTIIATEI). Notices of the Press. The Weekly is the ablest and most nowertul il liistraled periodical published In this country. lis editorials are scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its Illustrations ot current events are full and fresh, ai d pn pared I y our best designers. Louisvlile Courier Journal." Harper's Weekly should ba In every family throughout the land, as a purer. more Interesting, higher toned, belter illustrated paper is not pub lished In this or any other country. "Commer cial Bulletin," Boston. The Weekly is Hie only Illustrated paper of the day that lu lis essential characteristics is reenjj. ni.ed as a national paper.'- Brooklyn Eagle." TICHM's: past ape frr to all Kii'iHrrl'u'rfi in the United M'te. Harper's Weekly, one year ti bo. 8! (in Includes prepayment of U. 8. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, nnd Bazar, lo one address for one year. 510 ); or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to oiie addiess for one year. Ti I'D. postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazar w ill be supplied gratis for every Club ol Five subscribers at f I (Ki each, paid for bv one remittance; or. Six Copies one j ear, without ex tra copy for J20 no. Jlaclc ynniiiei-s can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the Weekly commence wilhthe year. When no time Is mentioned. It will be un derstood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after tho receipt of his order. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses provided the freight does not exceed SI, for 87 HO each. A complete Set, comprising li Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate ot It 2ri per vol., fiv-'bt at expense of purchaser. Clotli Cases for each vol., suitable for binding, wl'l be sent by innil.postp'd ,on receipt of SI each. Indexesto each volume sent gratis en receipt of stamp. Subscriptions received for Harper Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement Without the express order of Harper ft Brothers. Addiess llAKPIilt & HltOTIl LltS. New York. "A Keposltory of Fa-libm, Pleasure, and In struction." HAHPEWS PA ZA 11. ILLUSTRATED. - Notices of the Press. The Bazar is the organ ot the fashionable world, and tho expounder of that world's laws; nnd it Is the authority In all matters of manners, etiquette, costume, and social habits." Boston Traveller." The Bazar commends Itse'f to every member of , t...1.1 ... .,1,1,-1, .. I... .....I ...... mo icMiseinmi hi inn i.uuuirn wj uimi inu ijm-i- . ty pictures, to young ladies by its fashion-plates' In endless variety, to the provident matron by Its patterns for the children's clorhos. to pater faml. lias by Its tasteful designs for embroidered slip pers nnd luxurious dressing-gowns. But the readlng-maller of the Bazar Is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popu larity for the It reside enjoyment it affords and has become an established authority with the ladies of America. "N. Y. Evening Post." TEUJI.t: Postage free to all subscribers In the United Harper's Bazar, one year $1 00. 1 (jo Includes prepayment ot U. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, f 10 uo ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one addiessfor one year. 17 00: postage free. An Kxtra Copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers atn oueaeh. paid for by one re mittance: nr. Six Copies one year, without extra copy, for fJO 0i). Back Nuintierscanne supplied at anytime. The Volumes of the Htzar commences with the year. When notlnielsmentloneo.lt will be un derstood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipts of his or- The Annual Volume of Harper's B.izar, In neat cloth binding, will be ?ent by express, free of ex pense, providing the freight does not exceed one dollar, for t7 each. A complete Set, comprising ill Volumes, sent on receipt of each at the rate of 15 2.5. Cloth Cases for eace vol., suitable for binning, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 1 each. , . Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt ot stamp. . T. , ,. , Subscriptions received for Harper s Periodicals "'Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order ol Ha nor Ai HrotUei s Aduiess HAIU'EK Si BUOTHhIJ.S, N. i. ITiSTATK NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given J that Letters ol Administration on the estate ol Joseph Fnsinlnger late of Carroll township, l'erry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In thesaine township. Ail persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate payment, nnd those haying claims will present them duly authenticated lor KUlementto ELIZABETH EVSMtNGEU. t. )K El.l L S I N G K It . A. M. Maikel. 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