The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 04, 1877, Page 7, Image 7
7 rrofoHslotinl Curds. Newport Advertisements. THE TIMES, NEW ULOOMFIELI), PA., DECEMBER 4, 1877. THE WEED Hotel. JK. JUNKIN, Attorney-atLaw, New nionmlleld. Perry Co., Va. -Office Next dour to the residence of Judge Junklii. suit AM. MAftKEL. Attorney-at Law, . New llloomlleld, Perry county. Pa. l-tf Ofllce directly opposite tlio Post-Ofllce, and adjoining the Mansion House. JEWIS l'Ol'A'ICIt, ATXOIINKY AT LAW, new uloomkield, riant v co.,rA. -Claims promptly scoured collected Vrltlngsand all legal business carefully attend- ed to. ti yl JAM EH II. FKltatBON, Attorney at Un, NESVPOltT, PA. ronice Market Street, Dear the Square. 85 8 CHAKLEB II. BMILEY, Attorney at Law New Blonmlleld, ferry Co. Pa. iMITIcewlth O. A. Harnett, Esq., on High Rtrcet, north lde, nearly opposite the Presbyte rian Church. August 2u, 1872. -IITM. A. 8PONHLEK, Attorneyat-Law, y otllee adjoining hi residence, on East Main: street, New Illoonillold, Perry oo., Pa. -8 illy JOHN O. SHATTO, Burgeon Ientlst, New Dloum field. Perry co.. Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Hurglcal Dentistry done lu the best manner, and at reasonable prices. M)fltce at his residence one door Eastofthe lloblnsnn House, and opposite Win. A.Bponsler'a . Lawolllee. Daly "ItTM. N. HE1REUT, Attnrtiey-at-Law, V V New llloomlleld. Perry Co., Ta. Bloomlleld, 3 33 ly. WM. M. HUTCH, ATTOKN KY-ATLAW, New Bloomlleld, Perry Co., Pa. -Offlce Two doors West ol F. Mortimer, Store 3 7 ly LEWIS PDTTEIt. notaht New Bloom Held, Perry Co., I'a. Deeds, Bonds, MMi tgiigcs and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and cerlilled, will also take depositions to be rei d In any court in the United Mates. 71Uly c IIIA8. J.T.M cINTIRK,, New Bloomlleld, Perry Co., Pa. at- All nrofesSWlllnlhllsitinaaitivttitittlvaiwlfalth. fully attended to. 3 2 1 v. T7M. A. MOIMMSOV, V .H'KTICEOK TIIK PEACE and (GENERAL COLLECTOR, NrwOekmantown, Peri v co ., I'a. -ItenilttnnceHwIll be made promptly torall Collections made. 744 CHAS. A. BAKNETT, Attorney-nt l.nw. New Bloomlleld. Perrv co., Pa M-OITlce on high street. North side, nearly op po.lte the Presbyterian Church. 3 2 ly R ICHARD L. MAGEE, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. y Olllce at his residence, lu G'KN'J'HJi TOWN SHIP. Perry County, Penn'a., one mile Buuth ot New Bloomlleld. 10 3 -yy i lliam" M'rTiH'cii, Justice of the 1'cim'c, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, New BloomQeld, Perry County, Penn'a -Special attention paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds, Donds.Mortgnges and Agreements neatly executed. 7 xatt G EORGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. BLAIN, PEllltY COUNTY, VA. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April, l'Jth, 1877. EATHER &C. THE subscriber has now on hand at LOW rillCES, Good Sole Leather, Kip of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, " French Calf, LININGS, ltOANS, &c. JF. Mortimer, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. A CAltD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c. I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CH ARG E. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in Bouth America. Bend a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inhan, Station D, Bible Jlouse, New Port City. 16b ly CHRONIC Iliae Cured. New paths viniuiliu marked out by that plainest of all books Plain Home Talk and Medical Com mon Sense." nearly louo pages, 2U0 Illustrations, Dr. E. B. FOOTK. of 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y. Purchasers of this book are at liberty to consult lta author in person or by mall free. Price by mall 3.25 for the Standard edition, or S 1.80 for the Popular edition, which contains all the same matter and illustrations. Contents tables free. Agents wanted. MURRAY 11 ILL PUBLISHING CO., 129 East 28th St., N. Y. , 41-13L t!200,000 : PDC ATpQT In order to clear out our stock " of verv superior Gold-plalted Jewelry valued at over t200,(XKi, we will send as below, 20 Pieces, all warranted Gold plaited, for l .00. 1 pair Gold Stone Sleeve Buttons, 1 pair Engraved Sleeve Buttons, 1 set Pointed Studs, 1 set Amethyst Studs, 1 Wedding Ring, 1 Engraved Band Finger King, 1 Amethvst Stone Ring Inlaid "II A TJfi A TV1'111 (iolrt- 1 Elegant J A XVVTxV.1. 1 King Marked " Friend shin," 1 Amethyst stone Scarf f in Inlaid with Gold, 1 Silvered Hat Pin, 1 set Ladies' Jet and Gold Pin and Drops, 1 Misses' set Jet and Gold. 1 Collar Stud, 1 set Handsome Rosebud Ear Drops, 1 Gents' Elegant Lake George Diamond Stud, 1 Cardinal lied Bead Necklace, I pair H' 7"T7, 1 Ladles' Amethyst Stone Ear Drops J V Jlj IV Inlaid with Gold, 1 Ladies' Orna mental Jet Brooch, 1 Fancy Scarf King and eie f:ant Walch Chain. Take your choice, the entire ot of 20 pieces, sent postpaid for $1.00, or any 8 pieces you choose for 60 cents. Now Is the time to make money. These can be easily retailed at10. CLUB PREMIUM. To any one ordering 12 Lots at Ul.oo each. we will piwent free, an Open OF K K II K I ). f.WJI!l8r Wtt,u" F. STOCKMAN, 27 Bond Street New Yolk. T A XI rPTJ,"rtocuro,t'e "'Catarrh J2i Uin each iiHighborhood, with Dr. Karnser'. Reined v, to Introduce It Sample free. J. C. Tiltuu, Pittsburgh, Pa. 47w3m 5000 Agents Wanted To subscribe for the Agents' Journal. A hand aomely bound 24 page Journal, brim full of Inter est to Agents. Every Agent should see it. Send Postal Card for specimen copy. Address. AGENTS' JOURNAL, liew York. 36 6ui j JONES' BROS, & CO., - ( Formerly John Jones & Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WR would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farni'M's, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market will alford, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE. SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIEB We have constantly on hand, FISH, 8 ALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, BTEEL, HORSE BIIOEB, &C..&0. FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST RATEB. t. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf JSJEWPORT DRUGSTORE. HflviiiH' nn hand ft complete aHflortment of thefnt lowitiw article, the iibscrl.ter auks a nli.ire of your patronage. J)rttff8 and Mcdlclncf, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomedics, ESSENTIAL OILS. Ilruslies, rciTuniery haik oir AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B. M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, NEWl'OItT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos, mr uounir at Phlladolp Country Merchants supplied with Goods rmitKioipiiiu ni ices. - Vour orders are solicited. 9 44 it. s. cook & co., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, &e, We use Clearfield Pine and Hem lock only. W. R. S. COOK & CO., Newport, Terry Co., Pa. October 10, 1878, American and Foreign Patents. GILMORE & CO.. Successors to CHIPMAN. HAMMER & CO., Solicitors. Patents pro! cured Inall countries. NO FEES IN ADVANCE. No charge unless the patent Is granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent oltlce, Extensions before Con gress, Infringement Suits In dlllerent States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Bend Stamp to Uilmore & Co., for pamph let of sixty pages. r ' LAND CASKS, LAND WARRANTS & SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. A General Land Olllce and Department of the Interior. Private Land Claims, MINING and PRE EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, 80, any hio acre nieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can be located In the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at 11.25 per acre. It is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to Giimore & Co., for pamphlet of instruction. ARREARS OF PA V AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war. or their heirs, are in many cases entitled to money from the Government of which tliey have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pav and bounty received. Enclose stamp to GILMORE Hi CO., and a full re ply.after examination, will be given you free. PENSIONS. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or injured in the late war, mjwever sHght. cau obtain a penson by addressing Cases prosecuted by GILMORE & CO., before the Supreme Court of the Hulled States, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department ot our business is conducted In aseparale bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, embloved by the old Arm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to GILMORE & CO., Is thus secured. We desire to win success by deserving it. Address: UILMORE &CO., 629 F. Street, Washington, D. C. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The subscriber late of the firm of Rhoades Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens of BLAIN and vicinity, hat he has opened a WAGON MAKER SHOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY percent, cheaper than the old llrm. -(ilve me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. , , . . JACOB SMITH. Blaln, AugUBt 8, 1867. ... Km PRICES REDUCED "The Family Favorite" IMPKOVKI) lilglit-liuniiiiig, Noiseless, No (jcnis,No Cnms,No Springs. Now and Klogant Siylesor Wood. Work. From this date, by the expiration of lVtonts under which we have been paying roy nlties,wc arc enabled to sell our ma chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and as low as those of any first class machine. rSI Send for Circulars and Trice Lists. Weed Sewing Machine Co., 20 Union Square, NEW YOllK. 11 7 18t. BOOTS Do you want BOOTS of any klndt If so, call and see the r.A.llGI3 STOCK NOW OFFERED BT F. M U It 1 1 M K II , Hp A O 111 IMIO tMvfttt HnapftsL 1X1 bl W l,lilr. mi i m yiyuii Unv... ttll DWftrtMt. oft lrfvat nfttiira, rwiiltlni- from trly abuaea or Inflation of UlufS,. Kmlnul WealaranprtxlticltiK KMlMlona, Low ofMfiBorT. Iaipalri4 WlithL Lol M unhand or JmpoU-itfj. Krrv.u Urbllltr, perma niiL)ycuTli dlwMor the Bladder Kldafva, I.lvr. uitaris A.lhrnn, Ctmh, 111m. all Chronic DImmm, uid DlrV liu lind a life-long eiuttlence, and truree wlimoihen fail, lie hamduaUof the Hefouned Bt'honl, uen no merrurr. hat tha lanceitpnu tU-eia the U. S. LA DIE requiring treatment with prlTaia home and board, call or write, Eterv eniiTetihttitv for :itlnu. Bend fifty renU for earn nle of Rubber flood and rir ruler of Important Information hy evprea. lli. ILiNa Female IHU. 6 per Box. L'nnMtluiloi! free. MARRIAGE GUIDE MJWfi young and mtdille atrei of both Rein, on all dUatee of a prlrata oature. Valuable ativW to the married and tluae ronUmnlaling mamwe. How to be healthy and truly baitpyln the merrfed reir Uon. kTerybody ahould get ilk buuk. lMoe ftO ceute, WauyaO- A PHYSIOLOGICAL r mm u m. t. 7 V WV7 Of Marriage ! AOuldete Widlock slid -.'LMiiiu.-itiiai j rc.tiM on tli l.liill.l ot mnit thm ill.thlt l.nfll fur II . tli. ... vreii of Beproduction tnd !the Dlicasei of Wompn. A book lor, He rudiux. m pagn, ptlM l cl.. - . A fHIWAIt MtDICAL AOVIRFRI Vln 111 diaonlrriol a Private Kulure ari.jj.y Irom Balf Abuia, Eiceap, or fieoret Dlaeaaea, ith liia beat offiii-, J'H lri",pi,KP..prh'r.'illit.. A CLINICAL LFCTtTRK on lh. almw dlifairt ami TnoM ol tim Throataitd X,un, CatArrh.Buptura. Uia Opium Habit, c. price lOi ti. ' J-.tther tHKk .rnt poilp.ldon rt'eeipt ot price t or alt three. eontaloliiK HI n.ffp., Iifaiitifully illuitralrd, tor t& cU. Addrn. litL. UIJTTa, tio.liN. tlti. etc lit. Louu, Ko. I nVFRQl,0K OF KNOWLKDO K, or Re "u - crets of Love. Courtship and Marriage Showing how to get married, live hap pily olitaln heallh, wealth and distinction, and apiiearto advantaxe In socletv 200 panes 300,000 sold. Mailed for lOcts.. lu I'ostane Ktamns or cur rency. Address, TIIK UNION l'UBLIHlIINU COMPANY. Newark, N. J. 44W13. ATTENTION FARMERS I Send for a Specimen Copy of the PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1855. The oldest, Lurgist, Most Enterprising, In Btruetlve and Valuable Agricultural, Live block and Family Journal lu . , America. It Is a Ct-Coluuin Weekly Pnper, Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topics, and leads the van of American Agricul tural Journalism. Has the largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricultural paper, under an able and experi enced Kditoral Management, who spare no ex pense or labor to add everything possible to lis value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878, PAYABLE IN AI1VANCE. Single subscriptions (bi Issues) $2 CO lu clubs of two, do l 75 In clubs of three. do i w Making It the cheapest nrst-olass Agricultural Weekly In the country. Liberal Premiums or Cash Commissions to (Hub AgeitM. Bpeciuien Copies Bent free. Address PRACTICAL FAKMEK. 618 Walnut til.. Philadelphia, Pa. I71LANNEL8 A splendid assortment of Flan Dels, just opened by F. MOltTIMEH. Net Model Macmne JHE PERRY HOUSE, New Illoomfleld, Perry Co., Ta., T1108. BUTCH, Proprietor. fENTENNIAL HOTEL, J (Formerly the Bwcgor House,) MAIN STREET, NEW BLOOMFIELD, rEltllY CO., FA. J08. 8. SMITH, . T . . Proprietor. Having good accommodations for regular or transient, hoarders, a share of publlo patronage Is solicited. lo lu JHE MANSION HOUSE, 0 New Illoomfleld, Penn'a., D. M. KINE8M1T1I, . . Propr'stor. This well known hotel lias lately beenenlarged, re painted and re tllted. lient accommodations annrueu. r caretut nosuers always in attend ance. 033 tf gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor. 817 & S19 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.50 Per Day. HIS HOTEL being centrally located, and ha. I lug been entirely hkfittkii, It will he found as pleasant a stopping place as can bedeslred A UCTIONEERS. AS. P. LATCHFORD, A UCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public thst he will cry sales nt reasonable prices. All oiders will receive promnt attention. DONN ALLY'S MILLS PEIIIIY CO., PA. 'tames CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post olllce address, tihermansdale, Perry co., Pa. w.D- HENRY, A UCTIONEER . Blait), Perry county Pa. -Terms Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. 611 Anctlonoer. The undersigned gives notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited ana promptattention wlllbe given. E. L. WELLB, New Buffalo Perrv co., Pa. D AVID M'COY, Auctioneer Charge verv low. I'unt omen AddrAaa Ickesburg Penn'a' 8t QB. HARNISH, ! AUCTIONEElt, Polvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tf H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! X would respectlvelylnform myfrlendsthatlln X tend calling upon thein with a supply ol good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of OABS1MERS, OASSINBTS, FLANNELS, (Plalnaudbar'd) CARPETS, Hco.a toexchangefor woo orsellfor cash. J.M. BIXLEB. CbmtriWooliii Factoht. 6,17,4m -yxi... i. j v- ii. j ? j x atr i ur mrm iiw lmr run l ma i r.(6SNIVK t 1 lit OH. I.tl0. riatirillTKalUllfc'.swafartistaiiii.l I ut. vrtacjuua an icramiaiu i IHrim, tat yasrilricitiithr . iltikMSatftit.lnll,MrMUrti kifiuilli'tUM.C.l.VMtl ll.iUAMI.I. - For Sale by F. Mohtimku, New Bloomlleld Perry county. Pa. S2500 ATPAn. Aftentswanted. Unit. neailpffitlntiite. Partlculsra free. A.drn.J WOBTHACO .SlLouU.lla. 045 PHRwirw WiTJ ii inn rnnu otein-wiuder.Fre.' wlthevuryordRr. but. at tree. J.U.UajlorUiCo.. Chicago, ta TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned hereby notify all iiersoiis not to hunt, Itsli, gather nuts, cut timber, &c, or otherwise tres pass on their lands In Jackson township, Perry county, I'a., or they will be dealt with according to law. ft. K. BALTOPSER. l'ETEit GL) IbilALL. Bcptember 18, 1877. pd N OTICE. John J. Tatlor ) In the Court of Common Pleas of perry County. Ellen TaIloh. j No. 4:i , August Term, 1877. HUIIPIKNA IN UlVOKCK. &0. Notice Is hereby given to the respondent to ap- Iiear ou the llrst Monday of January next, being IIONDAY, the 7 Ui day of January, A, 1)., 187s, and answer the complaint of the said libellant, and show cause why a decree of divorce a vincu lo matrimomf should not be granted, da. J. W. WILLIAMSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofllce, New UloouiUeld, Oct.!C,1877. i I NSOLVENT NOTICE. Notice Is herebv elven that In the matter of the nppllcatioN of C.T. Hhealterof Juniata twp . for the benellt of the Insolvent Laws of the Com monwealth, the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, have appointed Tuesday, the 11th day of December, 1877 for a hearing ia accordance with the Act of Assembly. L. MICKEY. Prothonotary. New Bloointleld, Nov. 17, 1877. DOT BABY OFF MINE. Mine cracloust Mine craclousl (bust look here und tee A Deutscher to happy as babby can pe Der beoples alt dink dat no plains I liaf got, Vas graity mlttrltikliig of totnedlng like dot Id vasn't pecause I trlnki lager and vine, Id vas all on aggount off dot bad off mine. Dot schmall leedle vellow I dells you vas queer Not mooch plgger roundt as a goot glass of bcc, Mil a baro-footed lied.ttnd nose but a shpeck, A mout dot goes most to der pack ofT his neck, Und bis leedle pink toes mil der rest all com bine To glf sooch a cbarm to dot baby off mine. I dells you dot baby vas von ofT dor poys, Und beats leedle Yawcob for making a noise j Ho eli up 1 1ms pecum to slipcak goot English, too, Bays " mama mid bapa," und eomedlmcs "ab-goo!" You dou'd find a baby den dimes oudt OfT nine Dot vos quite so sebmart as dot baby off mine. He grawls der vloor ofer, and drows tings aboudt Und poots efryding he can find In bis mout j He dutnblcs der eh talis down, und falls vrom bis chair, Uud glfs mine Katrlna von derrible schare Mine hair slitnnds like shqullls on a mat bor cuplno Yen I dinks of dose pranks off dot baby off mine. Dere vas somcdlng, you pet, I don'd like pooty veil ; To hear In der nigbdt dimes dot young Deutsher yell, Und d ravel dcrped-room mldout many clo'es Vbile der chills down der supine off mine pack quickly goes Dose leedle shlinnasdlc d ricks vasn't so fine Dot I cuts oop at otghdt mid dat baby off mine. Veil, desc leedlo schafers vas goln' to ps men, Und all off dese dronbles vlll pcen ofer den ( Dey vlll vear a vhite shirt vront Inshted off a bip, Und vouldn'tgot tucked oop at nlghdt In delr crib Veil I Veil I ven I'm feeble und In lire's de cline, . May mine oldt age pe cheered py dot baby off . mine. A negro wbo was arrested for stealing a cow, said, on being arraigned, " I ain't stole no cow; I'se above dat; I was brought up respectable, I was: I seen a piece ob rope a-lyln' by de road, and, Jedge, I picked it up, and, golly, I was surprised when I gits home de wust kind, to fin' dat yer ole cow critter a hangln' on de endon't." f3" A coterrtporary, commenting on the fall of the President of the West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Com pany, earnestly asks, " Where shall we find an honest man In this world ?" You will find us in the office from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. provided you don't want to borrow money. rjyTwo Irishmen were talking about an accident, when the following colloquy occurred: "Shure, how Is the man that was hurt?" "An' he's no better." " Is he conscious ?" " Yis, he's con scious, but dlvil a thing does he know !" IS" Irate squire : "Hi, you sir ! You're fishing in my river. I demand what you've caught." Fisherman : " All right Oov'nor. I've caught a cold, and I'm catching the rheumatics, and you're Jolly welcome to 'em both." O An actuary of Brooklyn gave a student the following a,lvice bow to become practically acquainted with the " Rule of Three:" "Live with your wife, mother and mother-in-law." y The fuct that a Xewark belle smells of new-mown hay is not a certain indication that she has been in the country all summer. O" In a Russian school the spelling class wears out a new alphabet every week. Some of the most knotty words are smoothed off with a jack-plane be fore given to the class.