0 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELI), PA.. DECEMBER i, 1877. W-i . ... r ttr HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. W Invite pommmilrntlnns from nil person who ore Interested in mutters properly bolouirlnK to this de partment. Fastenings for Cattle In the Stable. A subscriber asks for a convenient and economical device for confining cattle in the stable without the use of stanchions. Our plan is to set two standards for each animal two and one half feet apart, between whjch the animal Is fastened with a chain around the neck, a branch of the chain running to each standard, terminating In a ring sliding up and down upon the standard ; these two branches of the chain running from each standard to the centre, con nected by a ring with two other branches from this ring going around the animal's neck, fastening with a long T through a ring. A little examination of this plan will show that the animals will be held in the centre between the standards, bo as not to be able to move sideways, or to annoy its neighbor, but can move a little forward or backward, turn its head round, or lick its shoulders and enjoy much more liberty than In stanchions. The whole arrangement Is also very cheap the chains not costing more than fifty cents each ; and there 1b really only one drawback to it, the chain will not go round the neck and fasten itself without help. The self-suHtulning stanchion is ahead in that respect. 15ut shall we neglect the comfort of our animals to save so paltry a service ? To decrease this labor of fastening the chain around the neck, lmng a small cord on one Bide, reaching down to within six inches of the top of the neck of the nuimul, with a hook of bent wire in tho lowest end. "When the chain is taken nil" the neck, hang one end on this hook, and it will be held up ready to bo placed around the neck when the animal conies in again, and also, stretching across from one standard to the other, prevent the animal from going through before it is fastened. There is no patent on this. A New Use for Onions. A Xew Hampshire paper states that the speediest way to cure the epizootic and make a lior-e thoroughly happy i.s to give him onions. In proof whereof the case of a Portsmouth horse is cited, which hud a severe attack of the disease, and his owner placed half a dozen onions in v ich his regular feed. The horse ate three of the onions immedia tely, and by the lime he had swallowed them, began to cough and sneeze and prance about, appearing quite indignant, and refusing to touch the remaining onions. For full live minutes he wept at the nose, and then he was u cured horse. He has not a cough, a sneeze, nor any symptoms of thecpi.notlc since, but he had the courage to eat the onions remaining in the crib the next day after the cure. ( A Seasonable Remedy. '. Now that the chilly night air and raw atmosphere prevail to a considerable extent, rendering little folks liable to tako severe colds, and frequently to sudden attacks of the much dreaded croup, the following remedy, published in an exchange may be of service : " Croup can bo cured in one minute; and the remedy is simply alum and sugar. The way to accomplish the detd is to take a knife or grater and shave off in small particles about a teaspoonful of alum ; then mix it with twice Its quan tity of sugar, to make it palatable, and administer it us quickly as possible. Almost instantaneous relief will follow." Wood far Winter. When we see a pile of green wood at a farmer's door for his w inter's fuel, we need no further evidence of his thrift lessness in the general management of his farm. Such a man is sure to be poor during life, if he has to earn a Jiving. The pile of green wood for Im mediate use tells his whole history thus : He Is indolent in his management ; lives from hand to mouth ; is always in debt ; seems to have no idea how to push things ; and Is always behind time with his work. Farmers should have large wood-houses, with a year's dry wood ahead constantly. How to Get Rid of Chicken-Lice. A poultry house may be cleared of lice, when badly infested, by thoroughly cleaning it, scalding the floor, if of boards, and washing it with soft soap and boiling water. Wash the rest of the house with hot lime-wash, und rub the roosts thoroughly with lard and kerosene oil in equal parts. A small quantity of the grease should also be rubbed under the wings of tho fowls, and upon their heads. This plan may need repeating once, before the vermin are cleaned out entirely. A plenty of dry earth or coal ashes should be scat tered in the house. 1877. FALL STOCK. 1877. NEW GOODS. We have attain recelv Ml a full supply tit Pall Onods, In which we ask your attention, PRETTY PRINTS. Our etnek of Prints and oilier I,ow Price dies Roods Is Hie pret tiest ever offered In this county. Will you come and lo ik nt themT MEN'S GOODS. We have a Hplendld Assortment ot Goods suited for Men's Wear. Our stock Is very com plete In all kinds ot Knods from 13 cents per yard upwards. BOOTS & SHOES. Do you want Boots or Rhons tor Men Women or Children t Ifsocome and see the Mock we have. It Is complete, and Prices will suit you. HATS AND CAPS. Wo are particularly proud o( our Hplendld Assortment, of lints & Caps for Men or Hoys. The. st yies are good and the prices will be sure to please you. FVPRYTHiNC If you want (.mods of V .I I inillU. nnv K, y,, will he al most sure to llnd them In the Hpleudid Stock, Just opened ly V. MORTIMER, New Ulooniiicld. .11 MAKE HOME HAPPY, f A Plentiful Supply ot Qood Ecadini; and Beautiful Pictures WILL BO IT. THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY STAR, A fln ci'.'M-i'fH'p ptifcr, wHt full mi nium, fiMif-t ttil,r M.OO st yvnv I v I'fiv i' - ':r.:i'i, in. 'I I tin (uwt. ;!'!' ti I '. ;'()) )iiiltli-hi"l I'M I lh mout'V. 11 ti imli'l cii'ldil in lni'H, -!Vfi nil tli- iie-iVH, nii'l, I't'fi'lf in'lHi illn-r r.'"l ii'tntiiij, evwv iniiulior Ii'iH tliz .... . i- 1 1 it i !-xfHlfiit tirtttinnt fr M M 0 cj 3 8 til .tVj; .:. I , . I V HUt ,fi ilnT ill" r ti C..MV ot lit-' li. tnliiitl . .ji-iv- ! -i.-.i" I V '", mi-l -i .y .I.. HtWU II. 1. 1 i ' H AI.M A - o 3 Ml i!ln i: r;-.'v:,vj;.!; tl r' i -i I'm- i mint rv in k ,p & (if . r t'inir i' U'i- wn h tirf I iv ...sm.i--ii.-iti-' o j ,X U.- will Mu.l n H i r t -, L5J ! tc i i-iine mi. I rt i-mi i-i-.-i - t.-n i;t - ,i V.4 J . flN. -;vrf.rn rop" f ,, f fyr, j A I IIIIV it - It. 'l it) - i ftii.Y lar ;ni.v tU'i'. ''.'3 -,-l-,4 :li"-n 1::V. nil h- i-i 't m'". '( liO liMr 1 1 I i-lt-n-.l." 1 f i l ill tU :ni. I h i . I 1MI' ml 'i ,'CUI'mI lor tln-i p::i t-i .ClV,V; It J.I. wot, ').!: ! H i'.VO n'ahnit .St., Ci'iiriinirrf i, O.jj li MAKE HOiAEC PLFiASAUT. ti THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Choice bonks no longer fortlic few only. Tho beet standard novels within the reach of evury one. Books usually sold from ft to ?;i given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and "0 cents. 1. Kiist I.vnue, Mrs. Henrv Wood (T)nul!dNo.)2ne. 2. .loll 11 ll.iilfax (lent.. I'.v Miss Mill. irk. 2c. 3. June Eyre, By t'liarlolte)rnte,( Double No.)'Jilc. 4. A Woman lluter,C'liarlcs Iteiule's new novel, am. 6. 'riieltliiek lnilics. .lules Verne's latest. IMc. fi. l.ust Days of Pompeii, lly llulwer. Inc. 7. Adam Kudo, Bv (Iuoi'kh Ktiot. (Double No.) 2i'. H. The Arundel Motto, ItvMurv Cecil llav. II. Old Myddelton's Money lly Mary Cecil Hay. 1 He. 10. The Woman In Whiioi By WllkleColllns. 2(ic. 11. The MIMon Mie Floss. Bv Oeoipe Kllot. 20c. li. The American Senator, liy Anthony Trol- l-tpe. ..... 20c. I. 1. A l'rlncess of Thule. Hv William Illack. 2ie. U. The Dead Secret, By Wilkin Collins. Inc. IS. Honiola. Bv (ieorxe Kllot, (Double No.) 2uc. W. Tile Kni(lish at I lie North l'ole and Ficldof lee, In one book. By Jules Verne. inc. 17. Hidden Perils, By Mary Cecil llav. Inc. IS. lUrbara's History, lly Amelia . Kdwards. Sine. Hi. ATei i lhle Temptation, By Chas. lteade. inc. 20. Old Curiosity Shop, By Charles Dickens. 2i c. 21. Foul Play, Bv Charles lteade. . pic. 2i Man and Wifa, By Wllkie Collins. 2ilo. 2:!. TlieS.iuiiu's l.-iey. By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c. For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by CKOIWU MUNIto. 1'iJiu.iniiiiu, P. O. Box 5037. 21, 23, and 25 Vaudovvater t N.Y. PAT TN I (Heat Chance t I 11 I I III " yon can't el AJLjLJ . tset (ireenback reat Chance to make money. net, (join you can icks. We need a person in hV EKY TOWN to take subscriptions for the liii-ijest. cheapest and best Illustrated family publication In the World. Any one can become a successful attent. The most elegant works of art Riven free to subscriber. The price Is so low thai almost every body subscribes. One Anent reports iniiklns over 81.0 In a week. A lady ai?ent renorts taklnn over 4(H) subscribers In ten days. All who enBune make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare lime. You need not beaway from home over nlnlit. You can do it as well others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Kle Kant and expensive Ontllt free. If vou want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs notliini? to try the business. No one who en naves fails to make (treat pav. Address "The Feople's Journal," Porllaud, Maine. Slwly INSTATE NOTICK. Notice Is hereby Klven li that letters Testamenlary on the estateof John Neidluli, late of Jackson township, ferry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersiKiied. residliiK In Mitlliu township, Cum berland county, Pa. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate pavment and those liaviuir claims will present them duly authenticated tor settlement to THOMAS It. MOFFITT, Kxecutor. P. O. Address, Newvllle. Cuml). Co.. Pa. W. A. & W. It. K1-OIH1.EU, Ally's for estate. August 21, 1877. Ut TADIE8 AND CHILDREN "will fliid it i splendid assortment of shoos at the one price fctoro. of F. Mortimer. Philadelphia Advertisements. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 138 M ARKET BT., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ot 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALElt IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 NORTH WIIAKVES, Pliiladolphia, Pa. J. S. DOUGHERTY WITH D. J. HOAR & CO., WnULESALB BOOT AND SHOE .WAUE110USK, 111. 'I MAItKICT HTUKKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM.GLEIM&CO.. WnOLESALD Dbawiks in TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STRKIIT, I'IIIIjAUELPIITA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., WliolesiUc Deiilersl n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chnin, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, Ami a lino assortment ot WOOD and WILLOW WA11E, No. 120 Market street, above 4th, JPHM. AD E L PH I A . U CAS' JtEADY MIXED PAINTS ! NOWATEK, NO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, DUX A rUKE HEADY FOR USE. !Jiiiiplo Ojii1. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF PAI.NT BENT BY MAIL. ITIH VVT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD ANDOlL. VIZ: NICELY llltf.SIIKi) OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATEU FAINT. Tivsr IT, Ana You Mill Trove It In lie tlio Keht Liquid in the Slarktt. JOHN LUCAS V CO., Philadelphia, MANUKACTUltEItS OK Swiss and Imperial French (roen, WHITE LEAD COLORS AND VARNISHES. gMlTH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On II ion htrekt. East of Caulislb St.. New Bloomflcld, Penn'a. THE subscriber has built a laree and commo dious Shop on llii!h t., Kat of Curllxle Street New llloomtleld, i'a., where be is prepared tomau ufactureto order Of every description, out ot the best material. Sleighs of every Style, bullttoorder, and finished lu the niostartLstlcand durable niunner. .llav'UK superior workmen, he Is prepared toturnlsh work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, aud at much more reasonable rate. WREPAIRINQof allklndaneatlyandprompt lydone Acalllssollclted. SAMUEL SMITH Philadelphia AdTertlscmonts. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURE Kfl booksellers and Stationers, And Dealers In WINDOW CUKTAIN8 TALli 1'APElt, KTC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. 2EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to 8BAFFNEK, ZIEGLER ft CO., Importers and Dealers In Iloftlerj, fHIovca, Illbboiin, Nimpenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ol TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No.SB, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs. JOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATI01IERS, And IJe:ilersln CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. Always on hand, ana made to Order. Nos. 6HU Market and 5i!3 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO Publishers of Randera'New Iteai'cri. and Brooks' A ril Innet.icK. Also, liobert'x Jllstorjoi the United Slntcs. I'l'lton'cOutline Maps.&c. jgARCROFT & CO., Iii.iirl is ami Jobbers Of Klnple and Fancy DRY - GOODS. Cloths, Citssimeres, Iilankels, Linens, White Goods, to., Noa. 405 and 407 MAKKKT STHEET, (Above Fourth, North Bide,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. MOUL, KEntEbliNTINO Weimer, Wrislit & Walkin, Mauiiruclurcr & Wholcsiilo Dwilors is Boots & Shoes JV'o. 302 MarJiet Street, PIIILADKLPI1IA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS lMPOUTK:ts and Jobbers o Oliinn. Glnsw AND QUEENSWAKE, 923 Market Slreet, PIIILADKLPHIA. w. H. KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 605 MARKET 8TREET, pniLAVELPKIA. 71 PliUiulcIpliJa Advertisements. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 346 NORTH WATER STREET,. PHILADELPHIA, and wholesale dealers In Butter, Cheese, Lardj. lllnw . Krks. Poultry, Oame. Htoek. Potatoes, BUTTER Apples, Ornl n, Plour, Fur. Wool,. , ;,U,M; Cotton. Rice. Tobacco, Peanuts, Pi 2 "'"''"rn.Diled Fruit. Hay, Hops. ForelKii and Dotnest to Fruits, and In tact we can sell any and everything at themflrketpriceiniakeprompt cjahii' Aiil CHEESE. W! vU'lt?- A!1 f n,P"n" eept perishable articles. . 27 PL uii do1!"lve Diislness, any gamo dealer In Phll'a. will tell you we handled inore f ame last season than all other DDI II TDV Houses in Phllndelplila put. to- rUULInY. tt'5InirHn!.',c'.'.'r lee l,Htt Htenc. o.. e. REF. F.KKNCK CARIt, or we refer yon to ANY KK. BPON8IULKHOU8KluOUKtilX EGGS. GAME. Ootober , 1817 ly. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street. PliilndcipJiia, renn'n. HIGHEST AWARDS Centennial Exltlhllion.- J. REYNOLDS & SON. NOIITHWE8T C011NRH THIRTEENTH AND FILIIEItT 8TS., PHILADELPHIA, M ANUF ACTl'ltKRS OK PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SIIAKIXO AND ( LI N K I It-flRINMNC ORATES FOR IHRM.NO ANTIIUA. CITE Oil P.ITUMINOU8 COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR PJTU.MINOrs COAL. WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOK1NO IlANCrS LOW DOWN CKATI S, I'tc. Deserlidiv Circulars sent f) e to any address. EXAMINE llEFOIIESKLECTINU. 1'jlj'AAS. is ia(l;i i ..c-n-.u.Y. hgsitiveiy cures loo: i. ;...y. rjfr b'i,-Ai.A ;.) iumuaso. s 'to bv d;1.:..3:&i3 cvc;iv.-riiE. una f oh CiR- CUIAR TO hcs-p; :;:-:r,T:r"-: rr-jTixy, L-SUGGI0T3, WAii.JClO.-I, 0. C. .Fornle tiy wholesale Drupflsts In Titts hm j4 and rini.jilri)hi;i. t i;51y a.;v'w Is not p;isi'j- enrn'dln tlicjf.l iines. hut, ( d it n lc iu;iln in tin fi; months hv " any mie of en hei si x. in iiuv part of the country who is willini; to work steadily at the i ii 1 'I ' v i i j 1 t hat v.e (in nivli. Jii1, a v.fik in jour own ln n. Yni iicct not 1 c far away fiom hi.ine over niiili. You ran cjve wiur whole time tollie work, or nnlv .voir spire inonicnts. It eoU not lini',' to ti y ihe lui!neiH. Tei irs and (lutlit free. Adilrevg at once. li. IIau.eit & Co., Port, land, Maine. 14 ly. I. M. CilKVIN. J. li. Cuius. J. M. GIRVIN & SON., FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED & PRODUCE'' Commission 3Ierchants, No. CI Soulli (.'uy, St., BALTIMORE, MD. We will pny strift attention to the sale of all kinds of Country Produ ce ami remit tlie iiinuunn promptly. 4i lvr. J. M. GIRVIN & SON. JOHN D. GUOVES, Co m mi ms ion Mereh a n t For the sale of Prodnee. Consignments and Corresbondence toliciuil. Dealer In Lime, natters Hair, Calcined Plaster aud Cements :H-wer Pipe. Fire. I'.iiik, Tile, Chimney, Tops and Cutler liiick. 45 4tw No. CO Ninth Street. Pittsbursh. By reading and prattlcinz the incstiinablo truths con tained in tho best medical boolc ever Issued, entitled VIIUAPI inSELF-PItESEItVATlON B HYSsrl I Price only $1. Bent by mail ill wblil on rccii.t of price. It treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, 2,'ervout and Physical Debility, and tho endless concomitant ills nnd untold miseries that r-fult therefrom, and contains more than 60oricinol pre scriptions, any one of which is worth the price of the hook, lliis book was written by the most ex tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, t o whom was awarded a cold and y-w clled medal by the National Medical Association. A Pamphlet, Illustrated Willi the very luiet bteel Kupravings a mar- HP A Tel of art aud beauty IlEflL scut rr.tB to all. Bend B a ma for it st once. Address I'EABODY MEDICALS 1 1 if AP f INSTITUTE, No. BuUTllYS?,l F Cuth bt., Boston, Mass. J II I Wlthl 10 nnfl Al','nt, VVanted to sell our newly Pat lUjUUVI en'ed Novelties, Chromos, Watches, Kevolvers. KuciavliiB", Hooks, tc. Stiitioiiury 1'ackanes tlu per hunilied. .-.n cial tenns (liven to AKents eeiywheie. Tel'et jiriees ever of fered. Mainimiih rata'oL'im wuh naniples free, a rim. 11. J H.ElCilfcK, 11 Dey Street. N. Y. 0 AAA AUKXTS WASTED. Promts I llllll to SI"' a Dav Sure. Ministers. Book and U)UUu pictum Agents, and all out ot employ, ment. of ent er nex. here is the best chaneeortHr ed this se-soii A Ca!i Pn-svnt ol from to lmi will he plven toevery irood workiiur auent Send 10 cents for . -niii. I sample, or IsMter si ill. 1 for It lart-e samples 1 1 Is l ii'cuhtr, ti l lus. etc., and i!i to Vioik at once. 4,1 lnu UKV. S T. Bt'f K. Uox 340. Mlilon, i'a, MMei turn this paper. S3 C.OI, PI.4TRO V ATCH:.Chnpwt mini k,DOD WtrM, tmpi Wote t tf to AQtnUy AcUirudM. A. Cut Liu it CAx, CUicufio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers