THE TMKS," NKW KLOOMFIKLl), PA., DECKMIlfiR 1,1877. G THE TIMES. 1(0 il l)cih.ittiicit. PENNSYLVANIA &. R.-HDBLE HVISIOU. On And after .Tune2Mh, Train riln a follows i WESTWAIW. KAHTWAHD. . I al'iin! Atl'.i Mfll. ; Ki. jl'r'n. ''"'I Ao- Way .U .ll. Vc. i I'-h l'r'u 'iVu 1'HlNCtIMl. Htationk. A.M..M.!v.M. . I.WI IV..HI X.ll I.4II 1M K'JI, l.ha 4. to M- 9.lJ rt.lrt a. m: e.4 (Xl 1.43 H.M Hurrl.lmrK, llockvlllo, AlHl-ynvillo, llillietlllllou, Hiiily'n Newport MIUei-Mown, TllOllipSOUl'U i 1.3"; s. li ii.i P.IIU S4A MB f IS 7.47 7.ra 7 111 7.11 0 40 ft. aft 7.N. 1 7. hi ! H.M! Mm 10.80 .11 I T.l 11.93. KM M Mil .ad I i P. 41 it. in in H.Ml S.-JO 7.4S 1'ort It ivl JMOXIl 7.M lll.lll Rl.4i il.SAi K.IIO 4. IK) Minihi I I,nwi"tnwn J., I Aiiilet'son'a,.., i MitVuvfeiwu,., J N. HkiiiIIIoh, . HuiittUM-dou,.. i Tyrone 1 ii.m n.iih e i"i , 11.(14 i.40 .41. I 1114 4. J? II. Sir (I.S4 7.i 1.M .( i.ftli 111. Ill 4.47 PS? 4.1ft ' .M .'. .Wl 11.4(1 I Attooim, r.M.I II A.M. V.M. f.U. I S.I 0 Ml 1.1 IH-PifnOmiv BjfrMi lrno HnrrtiU'iirt.-iit H.i v . Punrnnnoii II. JW (flml; Newtorl. 11. .',7 (flft.) ll r rlvcHat J'tltHburif ttU0 A. M. ItrlorilrniH. VA literary Society has lpon fornloil'itt Bhrriniilibdale. Tlie Cove Forgo Furnace Ikih none into operation aniiin after a long rest.. Tho Kxcolsior I,tlcrary Hociely of EUioitslmrg has began its winter ses sions. A Mr. Wm. McClure, of (ireenpark, has sold the farm on wliieli liu lives to Mr. John liuni ; Ft) acres at $100 per acre. Mr. J. Knsmlnper and wife of Carroll township, recently celebrated their golden wedding. .A Township Teacher's Institute will be organized this winter In Carroll township. J. C. Smith formerly in the Mercantile business at Slierniansdare has gone into the same business at Doubling Uap. William Matthews, of Saville town ship, killed a hog a few days ago that weighed 4()lilbs. ' Xa lime stone quarry has been found on Mr. 5eards farm in Centre town ship, in which tho stone looks exactly like rock candy. Miss Wilhclm an old lady residing in Path Valley, Franklin eounty, was burned to death a few nights ago, her clothes taking tire while reading. The farm of James Irvine, of Savillo township, was sold on Wednesday last liy the assignee to John House, for a trille over $10,000. V One woman ran forgive another for having better clothes, but she can't for give her for putting out a better display on tho Monday wash line. How doth the big and hearty tramp improve each shining minute V ty "going through" your house at night, and Mailing all that's in it. The Moore property in this borough was sold by the executor at public sale on Friday last, to Mr. A. L. Lane, for $7:20. The horse disease is working havoc among the horses in this county. Sev eral fanners have already lost one or more of their animals. In a note on the game law hist week we overlooked (lie changes made by the law or 170. V.y that law, partridges and rabbits are legal gamo only from OetoLier loth to December loth. A correspondent says petty thieves badly trouble the Spring township peo ple and n-ik " why can't these pests bo caught ?" As we are not good at guess ing conundrums we give it up. V'On Saturday as Kev. J. V. Cleaver was riding through the upper corner of Juniata twp., he saw seven dead tur keys within a distance of fifteen rods. How they came there is the question. The house of Mrs. M'Clean, tituatcd in Lettukenny twp., about Lalf a mile from Strasburg, Franklin county, was destroyed by tire on tho 21st ult. The fire originated in an attempt to " burn out" a foul chimney. The loss is esti mated at f 000. XThe Calatliunrplan terenaders got more than they asked for at Mr. Kice's the other night. He distributed with great impartiality a bucket of slop which marked some of their clothing in a stylo more positive than agreeable. Mr. Stine of Wild Cat Valley, killed a hog a, few days since, and the 'next day the pork could not be found on the premises, but the tracks of the thief were there to show iu what manner it had gone. There will be no preaching in the M. E. church next Sunday as Kev. Cleaver commences a protracted meeting at .Mount (Jilcad. 'reaching and sacrament there at loi A. M., also preaching at tii V. H. Sohle person ttas heard a few nights ' fclnce in trying to force an entrance in the cellar of John Frymoire, of iiye township Mrs. F. hearing the noise looked tor the cause and scared the chap otl' afivr be bad drawn out the 6 tuple irtm the door. Kev. W. W. Downey Was installed &s )UdUi of the Dunmiiiioii i'lvoby terian church on last Friday evening at seven o'clock. W. A. West, of HarrisbuVo:, preached the Bermon instead of Kev. Mr. 1'axtou on account of sickness in, family of latter. Kev. W. H. Logan, of Millers town, fa ve charge to l'astor arid Kev. J. Kdgar charge to people, A large audience filled the church-, and the young pastor is evidently received with much favor. He is to receive SHOO a year and free use of parsonage, and the church trustees report the charge in tat ter financial condition than at any previous time. Pnunri P.aaH On V-l-i.wlittr!irv u w ii u k'bau. 11 i.iuiiuuj jiariuiii Johnny Miller or th Juniata J'ottery was found dead in hts bed. He had been ill, but had go far recovered as to be around again. Tm cause of his death we did not kttrn. inotticr Sudden Death. On Saturday evening a little before nine o'clock, Mr. Win. V. Kaker, oldest son of Judge linker, of this place, while sitting In ft chair at homo died very suddenly. He had Just returned from church, and was accompanied to the house by Mr. Wm. Willis, who was at the time conversing with him. Mr. W. noticing tho young man fall forward a little In his chair, wont to his assistance, but In a moment he was insensible. Medical aid was at once procured, but tho physician said dath had come almost Instantaneously. For some timo deceased had been suffer ing from heart tligease, but on the day of his death had felt unusually well. We have been called upon to record many sudden deaths recently, but In no case has the task been so sad as It is this time, Mr. Kaker being not only a near neighbor, but an esteemed friend, and a young man of much promise. Though the parents and friends can not help mourning over their bereave ment, they have the satisfaction of feeling that what Is their loss Is Wil liam'a gain. I Tho Millerstown Sensation. Prof. Silas Wright desires us to publish the fol lowing in answer to the rumors and re ports published, and circulated in rela tion to the sudden disappearance of his sister Kineline, who was lately married against his wish and that of her family to Mr. H. Kooze, of Nebraska: 1st. He is prepnred to prove by two or more reliable witnesses besides him self, that he did not speak to bis sister Fmellne until she came to his house in Millerstown, and announced her inten tion to break oil" her engagement witli Mr. H. Koo.e, and go to her aunt's in Montgomery county, Pa. 2nd. That he did not attempt to res cue her from the excited people on the bridge, but he did attempt, unsuccess fully however, to tell her that she was free to do and go where she pleased, and could not be legally detained by the con stables who brought her to the railroad station, believing that she had been ar rested, under and by virtue of tho search warrant Issued by Hsquire Heisey. "rd. That he did not pay or offer to pay anv one to take her away. 4th. That he did not object to her marriage because of her money about $000 invested and mannged by him for her, and on which the interest was paid up until 27th of July, 1S77 would go out of his hands. Novemljer Weather Report. K. Mclntire, Esq., hands us tho following report of the weather for the month of Novem ber, 1S77. Average of Thermometer at 8 o'clock, A. M., 39 degrees, and Si min utes and of Barometer 30 Inches minus (1 tenths. Average of greatest heat 47 degrees and .10 minutes, and of lowest of cold 23 degrees and 46 minutes. There fell 8 inches and 0-tenths of rain. Sat urday the !ird was tho warmest day, the Thermometer running up to 50, nnd Fri day the .10th the coldest, the mercury sinking to 2:5. The average of the Ther mometer was lower by 7 degrees than November 170. Doings in t!:a Register's Office. The following business of public interest was done in the Kegistcr's Ofllce since our last report : Letters of Administration have been granted to Joseph Hibbs, of Juniata twp., on the estate of C. S. Toomey, to Joseph Liebkecher, of Liverpool, on the estate of Isaac Fwutcman, of Greenwood twp.; to W. A. Sponsler, Esq.. as Ad ministrator do bonm now, on the estate of Dr. James (ialbraith; and to Mary Hammaker, of Watts twp., on the estate of John Hammaker. An unusual number of assignments were also put up record as follows : A twtynor it ReiMence. Wm. Holmes. Miller Ip (o Win. leneh. Vnlllell l Hi moil H. denser, Oi,tre tp A nd'w (.'Imisor, .lolin A. Clouscr, " " lasiHh 15. t'lousnr, " " .In enh .stontler, Civrroll, " II. F.Kliillh Ji tin WrHtide m d K. JlHiiiile, ( nitre " Ki in mi -I ' ii, Tbbowe " 11 uiik-1 ( less, Ontfe, " Assignee. A. R. riouser. So). Hicham. F. n. C li'iiser. Chan. 11. frintlfy. riia. A. Eainett. lixnic! Sweiier. (Jhas. II. Smiley. C"iirad Until. Wm. drier. A. H. lioutcr. A Nov Cnme. Seven of 'em all very dry eat walling for some one to nsk theinto"take something," v. hen an other crony came in and told, "I've learned a new game;" All brightened up when the speaker continued, "all who want to try it step up and place your thumb on the edge of tho bar. Seven thumbs were soon in a row when the chap proceeded to explain that the game was, " that the first man to lift his thumb had to treat the crowd." A more sorry looking group you could not find, and when our informant left, each man was still hoping that sonic one would soon give in. -. A Thieving Tramp. A few days ago a chap giving his name as Frank Hern don, stopped at Mr. It. K. Tregor's in Saville twp., and requested to bo kept, saying ho was out of money. As he seemed a quiet sort of a man, he was al lowed to stop and the next day being rainy ho was permitted to stay and work for his board till the weather got better. On - Wednesday during Mr. Tregor absence the chap left, taking a good pair of Mr. T.'s boots. Upon his return he followed the fellow, and stopped at Kice's mill to ask if he had been seen to pns that way. " Yes," replied the mil ler, " lie was here a little while ago and I paid him for tho wheat he brought." This was the first Intimation that he had stolon anything but the boots. Mr. T. followed In the direction he had taken nnd overtook him near Kealetown. He recovered his boots nnd all tho money ho had received for the wheat except a few cents ho had spent. .- . . Sunday School Convention. The First District Union Sunday School Conven tlon of Perry county, composed of the Sunday schools In Saville, Tuscarora and Juniata townships, will meet in the church at Markelvllle, on Saturday, Do comber 15th, at 101 o'clock A. M. AH the schools In the District are requested to send delegates, with reports of their schools. Tho convention will meet on Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night . J. D. Kakkii, Sec. 4 . . Results of Careless Shooting. Suit for damages has taen commenced against Henry Crull, Esq., charged with causing the death of Levi Swartz, near Mans ville, the particulars of which sad affair were given In Tun Timks several weeks since. A criminal charge has also been made, and the defendant was held to answer, bail being furnished by John Kurd, James English, Darius Long, and Wm. Kice, in the sum of $hoo each. - - Rather Stranco. Last week Mr. John Frymoire, of Kye twp., upon going to tho stable in the morning found a mule, that had been apparently well tho night before, dead. What Is very strange is that upon opening tho mule corn chop was found In the stomach, though Mr. F. had fed no chop or corn In any shape. Ho can In no way ac count for the death of his mule. Buffalo Township Items. A correspond ent from New Kuft'alo says : Tho thieves have given our neighbor hood a visit again. They have taken about fifteen bushels buckwheat from Wm. Livingston. They also tried the granaries of Mrs. Briner by boring holes from the outside but were not successful. They also broke the locks oil' the gran aries of Mr. P. W. Miller, on the night of the 2tth and carried away some oats. It is supposed they were after Ills wheat but fortunately ho had it in the houso. On tho night of the 2.'Srd they broke Into the granaries of Mr. J. C. Stewart, and carried away (i bushels of clover seed, and 10 bushels of wheat. The river is in good rafting order and still on tho rise. Horse Stolen and Recovered. On Thurs day morning information reached this place that during Wednesday night a bay driving marc had been stolen from Mr. A. Foster Mullin's stable, in Mt. Holly. The news was at once sent In all directions, and searchers were on the alert. On Friday morning Mr. Thum ma, residing on the Wagner's Gap road, about live miles from this place, brought a horse, answering tho description of Mr. Mullin's animal to the Mansion House, in this place, and persons there at once recognized it as the animal wanted. Careful Inquiry concerning tho matter developed the following version, which U doubtless in main correct. Ed. Wert Is a young man who is a native of this place, has led a wayward youth and was last week released from tho Kloomfleld Jail, where he had been held on a charge of stealing a horse from his brother David, of this place. Ho at once returned to this county, and on Thursday morning early two young men of thU place saw him riding a large bay mare up one of our streets. Sus pecting that something was wrong, they questioned him closely, he asserting, in answer that tho horse belonged to his father; half-doubting the story they fol lowed him and he tied the horse at the stable and disappeared. Supposing everything was as Edward asserted, they left. Subsequently the horse disappear ed and during the morning Wert ap peared with it at Mr. Thumma's resi- ! dence, asking if he could warm himself ! and get fiouio breakfast, to which an affirmative answer Was given. During the conversation Mr. Thumma said he thought he recognized Wert, who answered that such a thing was proba ble, that ho was a stock dealer a nd had frequently passed that way, adding that he had traded for twenty head of sheep and some young cattle that the seller was to deliver there, und, as the latter had not put in an apperance he would walk up the road to meet him, to which his host, suspecting nothing, made no objection. Edward accordingly went, leaving the mare, and has not yet taen heard fcovti.- Carlisle Mirror. A Nest Of Thieves. A Chambersburg Exchange says: For several months pasta number of petty robberies have occurred In this vicinity, which despite the vigilance of our police force have, until recently, remained a mystery as to whom the parties were. By a seeming ly trifling circumstance, a clue was given which has resulted In the arrest of one of the gang, a knowledge as to the others and the recovery of lot of the stolen goods. A few days ago a maw hy the name of Frederick Oerner, whoso residence was In the neighborhood of Wolfslown, left at A. V. Kclneman's Jewelry Store a watch to bo repaired. Whllo at work, on It Mr. Kelneman discovered the name of John II. Krcchblll. Suspecting something wrong he went to Mr. Krech bill's residence, In an adjoining town ship, and there learned that tho watch hail taen stolen from him about the mid dle of October. The Chief of Pollco was not I tied and (lerner arrested, and coin milted to jail. Here he was visited by Esquire Jetrrles and the police, and after some talk, made a clean breast of his evil doings, and Implicated an his con federates In crime three others, whom he called Charles Krown, Snyder, and August September. These tho po lice are on the lookout for and it Is to be hoped they w 111 soon be In the clutches or tho law. Search warrants were issued and plac ed In the bands or Charles Croft and J. A. Cramer, who succeeded in finding a lot of goods In tho possession of Oer ner and Brown, and which are now at 'Squire Jeffries' ofllce awaiting owner ship. Juniata County. Wo copy tho follow ing from tho Juniata county papers of last week. On Tuesday morning Charlie Pannc Imker, son of Daniel I'annebaker, r ibis borough, fell otl" the out door stop of the school bouse, nnd fractured and disloca ted the left elbow joint. Dr. Hanks ren dered the im (Ileal and surgical attention necessary in (he case. On Monday night the store of Mr. Win. Van Sweringon at P.wiletown was burglariously entered by thieves, and an overcoat, a suit of clothes, a pair of boots, und other articles were carried away. An entrance was effected through a window at tho east end of the store. On Tuesday night last Mr. A. J. Fer guson and wife, residing in East Watei ford, were nearly suffocated by coal gas that had escaped from tho stove in the room near bedchamber. Had not their situation been discovered for an hour later, there Is no doubt but that they would both have been suflbcatcd. The saw-mill of Mr. David Beale, situate near Kealetown, was entirely destroyed by lire on Friday night of last week. The mill was Ignited from the sparks of a flro which was built on tho outside of the mill by the young man who was engaged in sawing lumber, who used It for Warming himself, and who neglected to put It out when he left the mill. - --. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week : One day last week, Mr. Jacob Brlcker, of Hampden township, butchered two fine hogs duringtheaticrnoon and hung them up In his out kitchen, intending to dissect them the next morning, but during tho ninht somo unsonscionable pilferer stole tho pork. Wednesday morning, Mr. B. Frank Irvin came to Shippensburg with two horses In his carriage, and stopping in front of Allrick's drug store a man pass ed along the pavement earryingatuikey which commenced to flutter, and fright ened the horses. They broke loose and ran down Main street at a fearful pace; running in Paguo & llockersmith'sstore they frightened the horse belonging to that firm, causing him to run also. Mr. Jrvin's carriage was completely demol ished. The animals were nil captured before doing any Injury to themselves. The Shippensburg Chronicle says : A great excitement was raised in town .Sat urday evening, when tho banks of the creek which crosses this borough, over flowed and deluded the whole territory between Fayette street nnd H. C.Anglc's residence. The amount or damage,bov ever, was trifling. Long and Johnson had quite a quantity or coal swept away from their yard at the Company ware house; the foot bridge at tho tannery was carried down the stream, while the pavement in front of tho old C. V. en gine house was entirely washed out; cel lars were inundated and in many In stances the contents destroyed. Follow ing on down the stream no serious dam age was done until at Middle Spring, where the paper mill dam and a portion or the mill itself was torn away. The loss to Mr. Shryock will umountto over ono thousand dollars. We have not heard of other damage having been done, but feel confident that nearly every bridge over the small streams through out the county has been swept away. - - . Church ifotlce Preaching iti tho Lutheran Church nexlSunday at 10i A. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. At Markel vllle at 2t P. M. on the same day. Preaching In the l;o:oimed church next Sunday &i - o'vioc.t P. 21. Presbyterian preaching next Sunday at 11 A. M., and Cj P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at (1 J o'clock. Y. M. C A. meeting in f lie Keformed Church next Sunday at 4 o'clock l'. hi. Teachers' Institute. Tho Twenty Eighth Session of the Perry County Teachers' Institute will beheld in the. Court House in Bloomflcld, tho week commencing Dectmtar --Un, l'"77. Boarding for the time will be W 00. KST A general turnout of teachers and friends of education Is expected. Silas Wiiioiit, Co. Sup't. Dec. 4, 1877. 4t Public Sales. We call nttentlon to the following public sales : TliumJiiy, December (1th, Blngleloa 8heallcr, near Muiuvlllu, will lull koraua, cows, young cattle, Htid fitrmiug luiuleiucuU. Saturday, December S'lud, Jacob Long, tbe Assignee of David fry, will ti a liuct of luii (I, tituuW iu Carroll twp., fa. County Price Current. Bi.ooiirmi.n l)erwmbn4,WT7. Klax rleed ,. i 'i- Put utiles 3S Nuttur V pound 20B2'i Riirh V doen 22" Dried Apple 11 pound A ct" Dried I'eaehc 10 Q lfte.tii.yft M KWl'OUT M A It K K.l . I Corrected W'ekly by Knig ik Jlroihr. UBAI.IHH IS ill I IN At 1'ltODfJOK. Nkwpoiit, November 30, 1H77. flour. Kxtra to r0 " Super l CO Willie Wheat V bush, (old) 1 30 a 1 30 Hed Wheat 1 25 t IS llyo fi.Wl Corn 40 flf2 Oatn fl 32 pound 2S2S Clovor Heed 4 2.14 2.1 Timothy Heed 1 25 Flax Reed 1 oo Potatoes if5 go Bacon l f l Dressed Hoks 4SaS;; Ground Altimn Halt 1 S.IOI S l.lmebiirner'i Coal i 00 Btoe lloal 8 7ft O 4 36 Tea Coot 2 to Gordon's Food per Suck tl 00 FISH, SALT, LIMK AND COAL of all kinds always on hand and for sule at the Lowest Miukiit lUtea. CARLISLE PJtODUCK MAKKRT. OOIIRBOTED WICKKLT. WtMJDWAKI) & 1101)11. L'Mii.isi.n, November :!0,1R87.. Family Flour MM HuperMne Kye Flour Xftt White) Wheat, new 1 30 Ked Whcat.tiew 1 30 . . M Corn, (new) so Onls. ... -, Clovnrsend MOnS.CO Tiniolliysi'ed , 1 2 iviwTXXi:rY3Gna. I'.r.s rzKl. Mien. At the l.uthernti imrsormpe in (his pliKiu, by Hev. I1. rllieeiler, on ilie, i'.nli ult ., Mr. Hiiinu.'l lleulziilto Miss Clara lllce, Loth of lllooiullelil. iAiu.iN Oxtph. On the 2l(h ult., bv the Ttev. .1. W. Cleaver, Mr. Daniel Miss Doro thy Oxter, all of litis plat'o. . Kank Hoi. In I.uiKlisburir. on the 2th,tilt., Mr. Duvld Kann. of HprhiK twp., to Miss busic. ilitUKhter of John Hum, Ksi. IIhiiithii On Iho z:ird lilt., In Fast Newport. John Kluliter. a veil 4S years and 4 dnys. Fikski. In Duiieaniioii, on Hie 2ilh ult., Mar garet A. r Intel, Hiitd 17 years, 6 months und 3 days MnCi.tniK Af.linr residence, 3120 Walnut Ht., l'hllaileliihla, Matilda h., lornieily of Juniata county, l'a.. wife of Hon. A. K. MeCluie, Editor of the riilladelpliia 'Jimea, ni;cil II years. MeCl.lMil!. On Uio mil nil.. Ill New Y'irk, of Itrlchl's Kidney dlmwio, Col. John W. M'Cnire, In the 47th year of his n ?(. His remains wens taken to Vouiit?stiiwn, Ohio, and Interred In tho cemetery there, at whlli pluco his father and mother are burled, lleliadbeen a former resi dent of tills county. Uakkii In Ilils borouali. on the 1st Inst., Wm. W., son of Judyu ll,i'ier,H:?:d 22 years, 7 month., and 7 days. In Mcmorium. The Vouns Men's Association, of New IlliMiinlielil, having met with a deeply af fecllnit loss in t lie death of Wm. W. linker, who was an earnest mid most woitliy member of the society, deslie by these words to record brIHIv, their testimony lo the piely and zealous clirl's. linn character e( llielr departed brother V sympathize with tlio allllcted f.iiuily mid friend In tlielr loss. '1 1'eir comfort and ours Is the loved son nnd brother rests with Jesus, 'lliiii memory shall lonn remain a sweet fragrance with the little band he. was so prominent In oi (.'ani.ini; and we trust, Ills example ns a laborer in Chris:, and his II rut faith In a precious Saviour, mav en cnurauo us lo continued ellort In the cause of tho Master with whom he now dwells. WM, If. SMITH, WM. 1UIKN, IibiomlicM. Dec. 1, 1377. Committee, "yATCHMAKEH & JEWELER. j VV. D.HENRY Watchmaker and Jeweller, Carllkle Slrcet, New Uloomfleld l'a. licpalrlng of all kinds well and promptly done. Grain Wanted at tlio Newport 31111s. rpHK understirnfd will pay a premium on good, L dry, clean eiain of nil kind". MILTON B. KhIIKLMAN. 48 ly. Newport, Terry county, l'a. SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. " jTV Notice Is hereby ghen that Jacob I!itlne, and Susanna his wife, of Whea'lleld twp.. l'eiry co.. IV, have assigned their property to the under signed, residing In (he sumo township, for the benellt of creditors. All persons therefore Indebted to (aid Jacob Klstine and wife, are requested to make pament. and those having claims will present tliein duly aiiilieiuiealed tot'io undersigned fur settlement without delay. SOLOMON B1GHAM. November 13. 1S77. Assignee. Lewis 1'orriiB, Attorney. CALL AND SEE ME. The Subscriber lias owned a Store opposite the Pailioad Depot, at NKWl'OHT, where lieU pie pared to supply OY8TE118, OllOCEIlIES, f c, At the lowest market price. A full Mock oa hand. The patronage of the public is solicited. 4 .U. W'M. U K Li, Newport, Pa. 'A'OiiACC'O. Fi:OM THE SEED TO THE WAJiEJIOL'SE. A practical hand hook for the Tobacco Plauler, embracing: the an: hoi's practical experience iu ciiltivatini; and curies the weed, and iliemethods practiced In all the .States In which it is grown. A complete r-iiide to the planter and a work of liieal interetto tbe consumer of tobacco on ac count of its hlstoiical unit medical Inioi illation. A hook that everybody should have. lMipaties, octavo, by It. liii.-li Beusoney, M. D., Chanibers buiK, l'a. I'licetlne Dollar, srnt to any address on receipt of the price. Aoenis wanted to fell this book every wlieie and II sells wit hum trouble. Address JOHN M. POMKUOY. I'ubllsher of "Franklin Hepositoryy Cbambers buru;. Pennsylvania. November, 27, ls77. Gleason's I'dblicativnx. Creat reduction In price for ISTSof Olfason'S rtiTOKiAi. I S3 a year. Miiji'e copies 5 cents. Tub Homk chicle to $2 year, tnKl copies 5 Cents, for sate by all newsdealer. (ii.KAhON's Monthly Comiamon toll a year, slnnle copies PI cents. All postao five. (ample ouptes sent on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. Thu price u( Chrumos has Just been greatly re duced. No one now jtivessuch liberal term lo agents as we do. Send lor new circular. Addres F. ULKASO.V, 7..S WasiiliiBUm 61., lio-tou Mas. 4H 41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers