The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 04, 1877, Page 4, Image 4
THE TIMESNEW BLOOMFIELI), rA..' DECEMBER 4, 1877. THE TIMES. New liloomjlcld, lire. 4, lfiT7. NOTIUK'TO AIlVKHTISKltrt. No Out cr meruit j-r lll he Inserted In thli paper ontwin llirht face slid on metal buse. f"Twen(v percent, in excess of remiinr rates, will bohPK""l I'irmtm.iseiuenU nettn Double Ooliimu. NOTICE'TO HUlWItlBEIKs. l.noli t the rtvnrt'S nn the Inbnl of ynnr purer. Thorn, il-nrcst-ll voutlm ilitteln vlilrli yoni xiili crlpttmi Ispnl. itliln ww-kjaiter money Is . unt, II tue il.ite la ehuuiml. No other receipt is necoaaavv. THE TIMES FPU 1878. For the year W',8 we propose to furnish Tub Times to slnglo subscribers and clubs at the following rates, payable In advance i Wit!W tub Couhtt. ' Single Copies fr . PI.25. Ten " " k 1100. Twenty " " 20.00. OCT-!! TTIB Cot'HTT. Single Conies (pontage Included) J1.B0 Five " " " 7.00 Tea " " ' , 13.00 Twenty " -" " 25.00 The person geWlngtip clubs of th or more will be entitled to a copy free. Tun Times fob NoTntNO.' The subscribers remitting now will receive Thb Timks until' January 1st, 1878 freo of charge, as all subscribers now received will date from that time. OTnwTrnMCATioHS. Subscribers who desire other publications can have TnB Times and Peterton't Magazine for$2.75 " " " iSarper'i Magazine " 4.50 " " " ' Weekly " 4. SO ' " " ' Bazar " 4.M " " " SenU1le. American " 4.00 " " " 1'raetical Farmer " 2.75 Tiik It ending Savings bank, it is thought, will only, pay ten per cent, on ' its liabilities. This is a severe blow to the iioor depositors. Tin-: Annual lieport of statistics of the M. K church for '2877 in the United States shows : Increase Bishops, 1 1 00 Annual Conferences, 01 Itinerant I'rcacbers, 11.257 Local Preachers, 1:3,581 4 1S4 (ltecrease, . 74 j Total.rreacb.evs, 23,839 110 Lay members iu full con nection, 1.473.000 48,013 Lay members on 1'rnhntlca, 200,281 (Decrease, 20,287) Total Lay Members, l,f.73.2S7 21,775 Deaths of Members, 19,724 00 Church Edifices, 10.099 2S Parsonarea, 5.334 12:2 Sunday telinvls, 19,775 84 Teacherc and Scholars, 1,700,557 44,508 The M. 13. church lina lost by death the last tfii years tin aggregate of lflH, 030 lay members. As the romonetization of the silver dollar in tome form iti attracting go large a share of, public attention it will be of interest (o know, just what the silver coinage of the country has been and now is. Tl:e first silver dollar under the law of VQ2 weighed 41G grains 3'.)2 4,-10 line, and parts in same, proportion. Weight of $t ,'JOO, MSG oaueoa. In January, lsS7,tlie law was so chang- , 1 1, 'i. J, . -1 1 .11 ?..?-... 1 41.11 eu uisu inu B.iver uoiiar wtjiguiti i-iij i grains OHO fine, and parte in Game pro . portion. Weight of $1,XW, SCO's ounces. This is the dolkr that was dropped from . our coinage in 1873, because it had prac- tically been out cf circulatiou for twenty years or more, wid is the dollar which is now proposed to-ttdopt, both as to weight and fineness. ,In March, lS5o, a law was .passed . which did not toueii the silver bill itself but reduced the weight of the half dollar and buialler silver to proportionate parts of 381 grains 900 -line to the dollar. $1,000 these coins-weighed 800 ounces. The law of February, 1873, established the weight of the ha'f dollar, quartor, .dimes and half dimes at 3S3.8 grains fiOO fine. SlRiO of these s?oins weigh 8031 ounces. Vhese arc tbe.coins now tesued and are i n general circulation. They are a legal tender to the amount of $5 in any one payment. The U'ade dollar was authorized in 1873, to weigh 420 grains SKIO fine, and this is a legal 'tender to the amount of $5 only in one payment. $1,000 of these coins weigh U3 ounces. An Insurance President gets a Good Dose. New Vouk, November 27. Chief Justice Davis this taorning denied the motion in arrest of judgment on behalf of ltolxTt L. Case,prosident of tlio Se curity life insurance company, con victed of swearing to a false return made by Jiiin to the superintendent of iiisuiuiice. The court lUen seuteiused liim to five years in the state prison. Attempt of Stuc'enis to Blow up a Seminary. Koinii Adams, Mass., Nov. 27. An attempt was made to blow up Mills' seminary, at Bouth Williamjstown, Mass., on Saturday last. A keg of gun. powder was buried in the cellar, but was discovered and removed. The incendiary students then threw a barrel of hot coald In the cellar to bet fire to the building, but without auccess. Two students, the supposed ringleaders, have been sent home under escort of the principal. A Chinaman's Peculiarities. Bix hundred dollars Is the fortune the average Chinaman marks out for him. aelf. lie knows nothing but sliver, lie won't touch chpck9,greenbacks or nickel. The common dollar he will have noth ing to do with. The California coin alone has charms for him. When his $000 are earned he takes his bag on his back and starts for home, to marry and live as a nabob. Quite as many Chinese leave for home as arrive at Ban Fran cisco. . Three Officials go Astray. Troy, N. Y., November 28. Supervi sors Egau, Puskee and Casslu have been Indicted by the grand jury for fraudu lently auditing bills against the county of Itensalear. There Is one batch of bills for about $12,000, made up In names of fictitious persons for work done. . It Is supposed the total amount of illegal bills will foot up $50,000 for the last year alone. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER.. Washington, D. C, Nov. 20, 1877. We talk and bear and read of nothing in these lust few days, but the freshet from which this and suivoundiiig vicinities ave Btifl'eving. The rain was not violent in this District, although it full dining most of the lust three days of tlio week past. llut the Potomac overflowed its banks, and the whole lower part of the city Is flooded, besides numerous cellars nud basement. Day before yesterday a man aud two horses were drowned whilo attempting to cross Virginia Avenue. Tlio malls were detain ed for some days and a general confusion has ensued. Much loss of property lias boon occasioned along the river both here and in Georgetown, but tho worst is now over uud the water is falling. I should not have said that we nve think ing of nothing but the freshet, for there are one or two other subjects that can but interest us. Washington' has reason for great coocevn regarding the recent mavine disaster I refer to tho loss of the Huron off the North Carolina coast last Saturday for several of her citizens were lost. Lieuleuaut l'almer was one. He was a son of Dr. Falmer of the U. 8. Navy, was married three or four years ago, and leaves a wife aud two babies. His sister's wed ding has already been announced to take place to-morrow Thanksgiving Day, she having been engaged to a young English man of the Diplomatic service, for over a year. The wedding will be postponed, of course, and tho afflicted family will scarce ly be in a mood for giving thanks. There aro moro interesting events trau fpiiiug at the Capital too, in the last few days, than haB been the caBe boforo during tho present session. The Senuto leinaiued iu sessioti all Mouday night, struggling over (Ikj seating of liutler of South Carolina. Tho Kepuhlican clement has received a scveio stiuing through tho action of two Senators from that side iu voting with tho Democrats, and tho agita tion appears to bo caused by an attempt to gain a very near majority on the one side and a foil' of, aud struggle against, losing it mi tho other. Thurniaii aud Ed munds are tho leaders iu tho strife, aud the unmerciful bits they mako at each other are enough to make ono shrink from a politicians life. Ho must have lived a truly God-liko life, who cau run tho gauntlet of a term in Congress and not have his name niirchcd by the pulling into light of some deed doue in darkness. If a man has ever told a lie, even though it bo when ho was but a child, he can't come into tho publicity of a seat in our legislative balls without being twitted of it It is no wonder the members get hardened to it and come to caro very little what is said or thought of thoir private lives. Apropos to this I quote tho follow ing telegraph from the pen of a con scientious Washington correspondent to a leading paper, which, although I consider it a little exaggerated, certainly contains iniuch truth aud faithfully portrays same women and noma men who may be seen almost any day : " You -can see flirtatious too diFgraccful too report. Not only are tho.eutianccs to the Capital thronged by braseu creatures who have lost all woman ly modesty, but there nio frills, scarcely past obddhood, leaving on Senator's arms, listening with glowing checks to compli ments paid them by tho great mrn iu tho corners of the conidors, eating with them in tho restaurant, and unsuspectingly be ing the subjects of winks between Con gressmen. They high-minded legisiators will leave their seats any time, no mat ter how urgent the subject iu debate, to answer the card of an attractive woman." I do not believe iu the uuiversal corruption of our Congressmen, but I have seen and kuown enough to show me that these great law makers are ordinary mcu and mortals, as liable to temptation und as subject to the snares of the crafty ns are other per sons. It is a fact that the lobbies are sel dom clear of female friends of the members and that their cards call out the presence of the Senators aud Representatives much more promptly than thote of tho other persuasion. To-morrew will le a holiday with us, it is always so when the six thousand Gov tuent clorks employed here are given a play-day. Oi.tvn. Miscellaneous News Items. ClPThe total number of bogs killed by the packers of Louisville from the 1st to the 24th of November was 49,652, against 40,000 for the same period in 1870. tjJPThe three men recently indiotod for tarring and feathering a woman at Water ford, Pa,, have nil been sentenced to the Penitentiary for from one to ten yenrs. tf"A tramp who sought to get warm by sitting on the top of a lime kilu, near Ma geotown, Montgomery county, was suffoca ted and burned to death. tWOu Wednesday next Georgia votes on the new Constitution. The prospect now is that the Constitution will be adopted, and that Atlanta will be made the capital of tho State. tW Wilmington courts liavo decidod that cider is no intoxicating liquor, the sale of which without a license subjects the persons selling it to the penalties of the law regulating the salo of liquor. IW A Columbia, Tenn., dispatch states that George lbipev, alias Frank McGhee, the negro who attempted to commit an assault upon Miss Ilettie Teinpleton, was taken from jail a few mornings since, by a mob and lynched at the Court House, in the presence of about 200 persons. tS" A Liverpool man, after lightiug his cigar ou tho street, dropped the burning match through a sewer grating. Instantly a deafening explosion ensued, tba pave ment was torn to pieces and (lames buret wit. Ho bad ignited a quantity of sower gas. which .continued burning for a long time. t2T" A Piuto recently killed his squaw, and the Winnemucca Silver State says : "ludian custom makes the sqaw property, as much as a pony or a blanket, and the right of the husbaud to kill his wife is never disputed. As the authorities never iiiterforo with the tribal customs and regulations of the Piutes, no ollicial notice has been takcu of the act." EST Mrs. Sitlor washod the shelves in her husband's Philadelphia drug store, and did not replace the bottles exactly as they were before. A girl came iu to buy a mixturo of castor oil ond peppermint. Mr. Sitler took a bottlo from the place where peppermint had been, and mixed tho castor oil with muriatic acid by mistake. The conscquenco was the death of a child. tW A Muscatiuc, la., farmer a few days ago set up a heating stove, at tho time for getting to remove a powder horn filled with powder which he had put therein the summer, and made a fire therein. In n few minutes there was a tremendous ex plosion, which tore the top of tho stovo of, demolished windows, plastcriug, etc. Tho inmates of tho room escaped with a lew slight burns and bruises. CS" There was a wedding of tho most public sort at Coventry, Conn., tho other day of a Oo-ycars-old man and a 23-ycai'B-old widow. The man got bis license iu Coventry, but had arranged to bo married in Mansfield. When the knot was about being tied tho mistake was noticed, but the cxpectaut couple, determined to go oil' ou their wedding trip as planned, took tho parson to the bridge over tho river dividing Coventry and Mansfield, and wero married there iu full view of a factory, whoso every window was filled with interested wit nesses, having just time to catch the train. tW McParhin, the Mollio Maguire de tective is accompanied by a brother detec tive who "shadows" him and acts as a body-guard of ono. Before entering rail way cars tho "shadow" makes a recon noissauco to look out for dangerous char actors. These precautions are necessary in order to guard McParlan against assas sination by those who fear his evidence or seek revenga for tho M ollics' doaths. Rela tive to tho drama supposed to represent life among tho Mollies, McParlan says that tho piece, as witnessed by him in a Chicago theatre, is tho greatest burlosqiio immagiuablo upon tho reality. C3T" Deacon Smith, whoso committal for trial in Middlebnry, Yt., on a charge of murder, lias been anuoiinced by telegraph, was a pillar of tho Baptist church in that village, and for many years was looked up to as an exemplar of piety. Tho prelim inary examination in tho case showed that, if not a m u i dure r, ho is at least a hypo crite. His wife died, aud poison was fouud in her stomach. Ho tried to Lire the chemist for ?350 to report to the contrary. Long before this tho villagers noticed that be often walked home from religious meetings with Mrs. Champlin, a pretty milliner, whose husband seems to have been very blind to her conduct. One even ing the deacon was seen to kiss Mrs. Cham plin at the gate. Mrs. Champlin was an attendant at the death-bed of Mrs. Smith, and on that occasion the deacon was caught hugging as well as kissing her. He said he was simply expressing his gratitude for her kindness, and promptly offered to do the same to nil the other women present. Mrs. Champlin is alto held. for trial. From B. Fellows, M. D., Hill, N. H. Although I have generally a great objection to patent medicines, I can but say In Justice to Dr. VVlstar's balm mot Wild Uherry that It Is a remedy of superior vsluc for 1'ulmonary Diseases. I have made use of this preparation for sev eral years, and It has proved to bo very relia ble and efficacious In tho treatment of severe and long-standing coughs. I know of one patient, now In comfortable health, who has taken this remedy, and who but for Its use, I couslrlcr, would not now he living. B. Fbixows, M. D. 60 cents and (1 a bottlo. Bold by all drug gists. .. . . ..- . - ONE CENT A DAY I Economy Is the order of tho hour, and every expenditure, however small, Is expected to give a return In full value. Every family requires ono good, reliable newppapev. If such an ar ticle can be procured for less than one cent for each working day of the year, we are not aware of It. A Family Newspaper should con tain a carefully-prepared summary of all the news of the day, both Religions and Pecnlar j and Is arranged so that the two departments may be separated and read by two Individuals at the same time, so much the better. Tho Family Newspaper should have attractive read ing for the various members of a household. Bonie portion of the paper should be devoted, every week, to religions and moral Improve ment, to current secular news, to agriculture, commerce, markets, ilnance, to general litera ture, Ac., with a special department to the yoiiDg. Above all, the Family Newspaper should bo perfectly puro, and free from any contaminating Inlliiences in its reading matter or In its advertisements. Too much attention cannot be paid to this feature, when the press is Hooding tho country with to much that Is vile and pernicious. To crown all, the Family Ncwupaper should bo nntramineled by any af filiation with sect or parly, and should be freo to give all the good news from and about all tho world. If such a Family Newspaper can be had for one cent a day, It should bo taken by every family In tho hind. Such a Family Newspaper, In evevv respect, we rind In the NEW YOliK UBSEKVFK, now commencing Its EOth volume. Progressive, comprehensive, sound, reliable, pure, it U Just what Is needed In your household. Pend ?;l 15 for a year to the NEW YOKIl UHSEKVEll, t!7 Park ltowe, New York. Maniple copies are sent free. A Fine Mi3croscope For a Few Cents. A well mode, genuine Mlscroscope not a bit of molded g'.ass In a paper or metal rlng.or tube but one with triple J.enses, Diaphragm, Stand, etc., Is not only useful In every family, hut is very Interesting. Such Instruments have hitherto been too costly for the general pub lic. The Editors of the "American Agricul turist," in connection with an Optical Manu facturing Company, have, after many experi ments aud much invention, succeeded Iu pro ducing a genuine Mlscroscope, with three tine Lenses, Slund, etc., which, by use of machin ery, and very large manufacture, Is now made at far les cost thau has ever before been done. Scientific men, and others, say It Is de cidedly superior to anything ever before od'er ed so low as 2.50 ; but this one Is sold at f 1.50. P.ut one Is given to every Subscriber to the ' American Agriculturist? who (Imply adds 40 ceuts to the regular subscription price that Is, the paper Is sent one year, with tlio 11.60 Mlscroscope, for only ('j. 00. If tn bo deliver ed freo to any part of the country, 15 cents ex tra Is to be added. A full description and all particulars can lie hud by sending your address on a Postal Card to Orango Judd Company, New York or better still, send them 10 cents (hall price) foru post-paid sample copy of the paper, which will give a full description of me Mlscroscope, niul also much valuable read ing and engravings, etc., and bo richly worth fur more than its ruit. The liluolralcd Chriitiaii Wuekly. For the last 7 years tho " Illustrated Chris thin Weekly" has steadily pursued Its course. making each year Increased numbers of liicnds, until It lias neconio a household neces slty. Its marked features have been lis excel lent pictures, Us freedom from sectarianism. in wulcu 11 diners so markedly from other rellg lous weeklies, Its timely articles on current events, its liiteristlng and instructive stories and sketches, and the remarkably low price, only 50 a year, postage paid, at which It Is published. We nolo that persons subscribing now will receive the remaining numbers for the present year, without extra cost. Don't fall to remit $3 50 to tho publishers at 150 Nassau street, iNCW I01K. POLL Alt-AXD-A-I! ALP 1 OR TEX CESTS. Sloddart's Muslcil T.lbrnvv. but. nnhlUliW 1 ' rapes, lull si, best and most popular music for in cents. New and popnlur suiigi, daiiceaiul In strumental Music, operas, liMiins, ele.. ele. Em sale by all newsdealers. Postage 2 cents, to he mini in uuiiiuiiii iu uuove, II oiucicu I it; in me IMiuiir-uum. J. M. RTOnilAIlTKCO.. 4i:t 7u3 Chestnut Kt., Philadelphia. UPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. Special Offer $5.00 in Valuo for $4.00 The Serial Story For Percival," having been commenced in October, tho numbers for October, November, and December, will bo mrnisneu gratuitously to ail new subscriber for 1878. For Sale by all Book and News Dealers. TERMS : Yearly Subscription, ?4 00 ( Two Copies, fc7.C0; Tlneo Copies. tilO.00; Five Cop ies, ?10.()0; Ten Copies ?0.00, with a copy gratis to the person procuring the club. Single Number, 35 cents. tjpeeimeu number mailed, postaire paid, to any address on receipt of 20 cents." To Agents a liberal commission will bo allowed. J.M. LIPl'lNCOTT is CO., Publishers, T15 uud 717 Market street, Philadelphia. . Notice. Persons desiring mo to call sales, would do well to notify me as to the day us soon possible, so Unit the day tliey select niny not interfere with the date fixed upon by some other party. I Intend to have a complete list of all sales, and the date upon which they will take place. iSatibfaction guaranteed. David McCoy, Jekesburg, Pa. ----- - --- Real Hair Switches at $1.00 each at ISIDOlt ffCIIWAIITZ's, 44 4t Newport, Pa. White aid Colored Blarkets $2 CO per pair. Isiuoit Scimvahtz, 44 4t Newport, Fif. Children' Fisra 75 Cents per set nt lsiiwu Schwartz's, 44 4t Newport, Fa. A Cheap lot of Ituffiilo llobcn, lined and tin II ned, from $(1.00 up, Just re ceived. ISIIKin BCHWAHTJ!. Slipper Fatterns at Isidoii St mvAim's, 44 4t Newport, Pa. W. J. Rice. Kurtjron and Mec.hnnimt Dentist, will Visit Hloomdeld the first two weeks of each month, profession ally. Olllce at 'Hqulre Clouser's resl- uencfl. Tiie remainder or Ills time at his office In Jekesburg, Perry co., Pa. UiT van aim near ins prices. zj Germantown Wool all new shades la cents per ball, at Isidou Rchwautz's, 44 4t Newport, Pa. Ladles' Coats In all the latest styles. from $2 75 up to 13 00. Ihidoii KctiwAm-z. 44 4fc Newport. Ta. . Inot Rnnnlunri. 911 t.lanoa f 1'ADPrT which we oiler ftt exceedingly Low i, hi. isiDoii rscHWAHTZ'8, 44 4t Newport. Pb. Silk Handkerchiefs 25 Cents each, at lsIUOll HciIWAIlT.'fi. 44 4t Newport, Pa. Ladles' Felt Skirts only 60 cents each. lsiDOH HCHWAIITZ, 44 4t Newport, Pa. Ladles' Furs from ft 00 per set and up ward. ' IsuDon Hciiwahtz, 44 4t Newport, Fa. SAY! DO YOU WANT TO BUY A FIR f-T ( I At'S- BUFFALO HOBE, CHEAP? uouni.B LAntomc, chhapt DOUIII.KllOItRK P.I.ANKKTS, CHKAP? A PIHKT CLASS t-'KWINO MACHINE, CHEAP? OR ANY if AWIWAKE, OltOCEllIES, DHl'tfS, WINES, MgUOKH. &e., Sc., CHEAP ? CO TO THE CHEAP STORE OF S. M. SIIULEJl, Liverpool, Terry County, Penna. CHEAPER THAN EVER. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! THE subscriber. Assignee or David Fry, of Carroll township. Perry county, Pa., will oiler for sale, on the premises, ou SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1S77, tho following described Real Estate ; A Til ACT OF ZAND, situate in Carroll township. Perry county, Pa., hounded on the E ist by binds of .lnhn Slierllf , on the West by David Me Allisler. on the North by Sirs. Dora. on Hie South by D.ivid McAllister, containing about 18 VOItES, mine or les.i, having thereon eroded a TWO STOllY LOG WEATHER MO AKDED HOUSE, with a kitchen attached, and a LOO HAttX and o her neeessaiy outbuildings. A gruel O..CU AK1) and a lino lot uf Locust Trees, &c.,are ou this ,' tract. ' Salo to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., o said day, w hen terms will be made known by JACOB LONU, Assignee, f November 27, 1S77. A VALUABLE STORE STAND .1 T 1'Bl VA TE SALE. The subscriber will sell at private sale his DWELLING HOUSE AND STORE STAND AND A LOT OF U ROUND, containing Four Acres moreorless. There Isa never-falliiiK Sprint; of Water and other Out btiildlnus on the premises. U The above property Is located In the villace of Ceulre, Perry county, l'a.s The Mure Staud Is uood. l'ost-Ofliee III the Store. - price tisno piiyiueuti easy. Possession given in April lst,li-7S. G. S. MILLS. November 6,1377. VALUABLE rivOri-HTY -A.t Private Hale. rpiIE subscriber oilers at prlvnte'sale lnpriuS J. lonushlp, Perry couniv. Pa., A Til ACT OF LAND containing TWENTY-TWO AfRFS. n.orc or less, haviiiKihcreon elected a fiXOliY Lot WEATIlhl; ROARDLl) IIOls-E, Frame Barn, and Mioemalier Mmp and all the necessary out buildings and a Well of water near the iloorami a lot apple, peach, pear, quiuee and cherry trees,, grapes, &c. This property Is located one mile North East of Oak Urove, and is au cxeeileut location for a oliiiemnker Shop. -Tei nis of sale easy. August 7, 1877. DAVID REIBER. VALUABLE STOBE STAND . At BiHvate Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale about' ONE ACRE OF (JKOl'ND. having therenu erected a LARGE HOUSE. Willi KITCHEN, WASH HOUSE and STABLE, and a WtLL of good water near the door. . There Is a lurge STORE ROOM In the building in which a otore has been kept for a number of years. The staud Is a veiy desirable one. There Is also erected on the premises, another HOUSE AM) STABLE, which will b sold sep urately or with Hie Store Slaud. to suit purchas ers. These juoperiles are located In a pood com munity, w ilh Schools and Churches convenient, Callou or uddrebs S. L. HOLT ENBAUC.n, Aug. 21, T7pd ISandy Hill, Perry Co., Pa. JADIES addicted to Ihe habit of liitem J peraiiee are Invited to seek iiiioi matlou at a private home, where medical Mltendanee and all comforts are provided. For information address Mas. W. II. NICHHl.hON, llox 2,711 Philadelpia. November, 13, 1S77. i f