The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 04, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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and fluttered by such a proposal ns you
intend mukliiR Miss Bentley. InsRure
you, my dear, Walter, the author of
is considered quite a 'catch.' "
There was a short silence, which was
broken by Walter, who exclaimed :
"Henry, there is Mrs. Clayton on
Broadway ; she Is coming In this direc
tion. I will join her, and strive once
more to learn from her the secret of my
birth which I am certain she possesses.
By all she holds dear and sacred I will
implore her to relieve my mind of this
terrible doubt and uncertainty. I will
try to learn that woman's secret."
"Bhe Is a strange woman," said Dr.
Oakley. " Do you know where she
lives, Walter V"
" No ; all I know of her is her name ;
and even that I doubt. For years I have
been familiar with her face. I have often
met her on the street, and several times
she has warned me of Impending dan
ger, and I believe, saved me much
trouble and distress. She has always In
terested herself in my welfare, although
we have spoken but few words together.
I am positive she could solve the mys
tery of my parentage If she would,
Henry, but whenever I mention the
subject to her she refuses to speak, or
gives me an evasive answer. I will go
to her now; and if I can by words
move her heart I will do bo ; for at this
time the knowledge would be, indeed, a
Heaven-sent blessing."
80 saying he hastened toward the lady
his friend going in an opposite direction.
The two men whom we have mention
ed as listeners to the above conversation
arose. They were no other than Major
Heith and his son. As this is the latter
individual's first appearance in our
etory we will pause a moment to describe
him. Itodney Heith was a tall, well
built man, perhaps twenty-five years of
age, very dark complexloned, with black
hair, and eyes of the same color. Pecu
liar and very expressive eyes they were
too ; now flashing with baleful Ureas
some angry emotion thrilled his being ;
now gleaming with asinister lightas the
cu rren t of h Is th ough t changed i ts cou rse;
now soft and tender as a woman's. In
short his eyes were a perfect index of his
mind. He was a remarkably handsome
man, of that bold, dashing style of
beauty so pleasing to some women. And
lie was an unscrupulous man ; a man
without a conscience ; possessing a dar
ing and bravado of which few men can
boast, and yet which was cloaked by an
exterior so mild that no one could have
suspected the true nature of the man.
For a few moments after the departure
of Walter Elmore and his friend the two
men stood looking at each other iu si
lence. At last Rodney said, with a laugh :
" So, it seems I have a rival."
" Bentley did not mention this fellow
to me," said the major, frowning.
" According to the young man's own
confession the banker does not know of
his aspirations to Miss Bentley's
" True; I had forgotten that. Well.
he must be warned of this ; and must
put a stop to their Intimacy at once; we
will not be foiled by this boy. Still, I
shall not seek another interview with
Bentley until Tuesday. If this young
Kterateur should make his proposal for
the girl's hand the old gentleman will
know it won't do to accept him. No
no, Bodney,I have decided that she shall
be your wife, and yours she shall be in
spite of everything."
" Suppose Miss Bentley should really
be in love with this young man V"
" Then, my boy, you must transfer
hier affections from him to yourself."
The young man said no more on the
subject, and the couple repaired to their
hotel, an obscure, down town house,
where they were stopping under assum
ed names, awaiting the day which was
to be signalized by their debut In fash
ionable society.
Let us now follow Walter Elmore.
Immediately after leaving his friend
he joined the lady he had spoken of as
Mrs. Clayton.
She was a tall, remarkably fine-looking
woman, perhaps fifty years of age.
Her hair was perfectly white, yet was
thick and luxuriant as a girl's. Her
features were purely Grecian in outline,
her eyes dark and expressive.
Her'g was a face of rare beauty; but it
was marred by deep lines which told
that her life had been a stormy one.
Though past her youth, she was beau
tiful. "Good afternoon, madame," the
young author said, bowing.
" Ah, Walter Elmore," the lady said,
In an exquisitely modulated voice, her
face lighting up. " I am glad to see you.
Are you well V"
"Well in body, Mrs. Clayton, but
troubled In mind."
"Have I claim enough upon your
friendship to ask what troubles you V"
"I was about to tell you, madam,"
the young man said, adding, quickly
and passionately, " Mrs. Clayton, who
are my parents V
" Why do you ask me this y" iuqulr.
ed the lady evidently struggling to over
come some inward emotion.
" Because I am convinced that you
know; because I am wretched without
the knowledge. Madame, have pity and
tell me all."
" What reason have you to suppose
that I know aught of what you ask ?"
" Have I not reason enough t Have
not you, since my childhood, shown in
me an Interest far greater than could be
felt by a mere stranger f Have you not
warned me against danger, preserved
me from peril, given me advice when I
sorely needed guidance1 You have
shown a friendship forme which con
vinces me that you know more of me
than than I know of myself ; that you
possess the knowledge which I desire.
Will you not give me the Information I
" I can tell you nothing more than
you already know," was the reply.
" Madam," continued the young man,
passionately, "since childhood I havede
sired to learn this secret ; have longed
for its possession, heaven only knows
how earnestly ; yet, how much more do
I desire It now when I wish to marry a
lady whom I dearly love. Can I ask
her or expect her to unite herself to one
who has not even a name he can call
his own P"
Mrs. Claytou was visibly agitated, but
she replied :
"If the lady loves you, your misfor
tune will make you none the less dear.
If she Is a true woman she will not allow
that to separate you, which it is beyond
your power to remedy."
"But which you can remedy!" re
joined the young man, Impetuously:
" Will you not tell me what you
know P"
" Walter Elmore," said the lady much
moved. " I pity you ; how sincerely,
Heaven alone knows. I could give you
certain information, 1 confess; but the
secret I hold could do you no good,tbere
fore I refuse."
"Madam," exclaimed the young man,
" I beg of you, reconsider your decision.
Whoever, or whatever my parents are I
wish to know tbem. Tell me at least,
are they living."
Mrs. Clayton for a moment paused;
then with much emotion exclaimed :
" Oh, Walter, why do you thus wring
my heart ? You open anew old wounds
and bring back memories of a bitter past
which I would fain banish forever."
" Mrs. Clayton," the young man said,
" if you hod felt the misery I have, you
would not ask me why I question you.
Will you not answer f"
" Why do you feel thus on this sub
ject ? You were tenderly cared for and
educated by one who was all to you that
a father could have been. Whose hon
ored name you bear "
" Feeling keenly," interrupted the
young man, " how little right I have to
it. Mr. Elmore was very kind to me ;
still he was not my father, Mrs. Clay
ton," Walter added, abruptly. " It will
be just twenty-four years this night
since I was left at his door. I would that
on this anniversary day I might learn
who the wretched being was that laid
me there."
"Was there not a note left with
youP" asked the woman, in tremulous
" Yes, madam."
" Is it in your possession P"
" It is ; I carry it always with me;
for I feel that it may yet be the means
of proving my identity."
" Will you let me see this note P"
In reply the young man drew a paper
yellow with age from his pocket-book
and handed it to Mrs. Clayton, who
took it with trembling hands and read
as follows :
"Mb George Elmotie: Ts you I
commend this little waif; will you take
it and care for it as its wretched mother
cannot P Oh, for the sake of one who
would die rather than harm this child,
keep and cherish him. He was born in
wedlock and his name is Walter. In all
Erobability he will never b6 reclaimed.
o not encourageany questions he may
in future life make regarding his parent
age. It is better that he should remain
in ignorance of all that concerns those
whom fortune compels to discard him.
Mr. Elmore, you had once a son I will
not say you have one now, for rumor
tells me you have disowned him who
by his cruel treatment nearly broke
your heart. Let this boy take his place;
I am sure he will prove ever grateful
to his benefactor. Tell him that his
Earents live ; but that he must never, as
e values his happiness, seek them.
Farewell, and may Heaven reward your
kindness to my child. I will sign no
name, for my identity must ever remain
a secret."
Mrs. Clayton read and re-read this let
ter, her bosom heaving with deep emo
tion. " Heaven yity the poor wretch by
whom this was written 1" at length she
" And do you not know the writer's
name P" asked the young man, looking
searchlngly into her face.
" Did Mr. Elmore provide for you in
his will P" Inquired Mrs. Clayton, not
noticing his question.
" He died almost penniless, on account
of rash speculations," was the reply.
"But I have an ample income of my
own, secured by my literary labors; so
I do not need bis money. But madam;
we waste time. Once more I ask you to
tell me what you know of my parent
age." "Once more I tell you I cannot will
not," replied Mrs. Clayton, firmly.
" Mrs. Clayton," exclaimed the young
man, for the moment losing all self-control,
" withhold'iio longer this secret, or
by heaven, I'll wring It from you,l care
not how !"
" Walter Elmore 1" exclaimed the
lady, In a tone of sfern displeasure, " If
you knew the history ,the bitter history,
of the past, you would not wound my
heart by such language."
"Pardon me, madam," said theyoung
man ; " I am grieved that I Bpoke as I
did ; but If you can but faintly conceive
how deeply I have thought on this sub
ject, how It has moved my being, you
will not withhold your forgiveness."
"I do not," said Mrs. Clayton ; "but
you must learn to bear these trials more
She was moving away, but he detain
ed her.
"Mrs. Clayton, may I not hope to
some day, learn the secret regarding my
self which you possess P"
" No no ; do not think of It ; I am
bound to secresy."
" But stop one moment. Madam, I
conjure you; tell me, Is the suspicion I
have sometimes entertained correct are
we related P"
Mrs. Clayton was terribly agitated.
" Ask me no more," she cried. " I
cannot forget the past; therefore I can
not answer."
So saying, she took his hand In
her's, pressed it with possionate fervor,
murmured a few Inarticulate words, and
hastened away.
"Mysterious woman!" exclaimed
Walter, " Why is she thus reticent P in
what way are our two lives linked to
gether P Oil, if I could but reud her
mind ! But she possesses the secret, and
must make It known to me. I will not
rest In my search until 1 know all."
Three days have passed. It Is Tues
day, and the arrival of Major Heith and
his son is hourly expected by the Bent
ley family.
"The vessel probably arrived this
morning," said Mr. Bentley ; "and the
gentlemen will, doubtless, soon be with
" It seems strange to me," remarked
Mrs. Bentley, " that I never heard you
mention your friend. Major Heith, or
his son, until so lately."
" Probably I have spoken of theiti,but
you have forgotten," replied the father,
an expression of uneasiness appearing
upon his face, despite his efforts to seem
carelessly indifferent. " Besides, they
have been abroad for years, and until
within a few months I have had very
little communication with them ; so it
is possible I have not mentioned them
for some time until lately."
" I am positive you never uttered
their names in my hearing until within
the past week," asserted Mrs. Bentley.
" But, however that may be, I hope
they will prove agreeable additions to
our circle. You say they are wealthy P"
" Yes."
" Well," pursued the lady, " as one is
a widower and the other a bachelor, per
haps we may secure an establishment
for Edith. If she would only fancy one
of them I But she is such a strange girl
I am out of patience with her. She
has refused some of the best offers a girl
ever had, this season. Had she followed
my advice, she might now be at the
head of one of the finest establishments
in New York. Really, my dear," turn
ing to her daughter, " I cannot under
stand." The young lady's face crimsoned with
vexation ; but she made no reply.
Edith Bentley was a very lovely girl.
In form she was somewhat below the
medium height, slender and indescriba
bly graceful. She had many admirers
among the gentlemen whom she met la
society, but she had shown favor to but
one ; the young author, Walter Elmore.
But we will not seek now to learn the
secret of Edith's feelings toward him,
but will proceed with our story.
The door-bell rang.
"Here they are now, I do believe!"
excluimed Mrs. Bentley.
It was Indeed Major Heith and his
son. Mr. Bentley met them at the door.
" My dear Bentley, the major excluim
ed, in a loud tone, grasping the banker's
hand ; this, Is indeed a pleasure! After
all these years we meet again 1 My dear
boy, I'm delighted. And allow me to
present my son Rodney, whom I believe
you have never met."
Rodney Heith acknowledged the In
troduction gracefully. In spite of him
self, Edward Bentley was pleased with
the young man's appearance. There
was something indescribably attractive
and winning about this young adven
turer; many a person beside Mr. Bent
ley had felt this ; more than one to their
" My dear Bentley," continued the
major, " be so kind as to desire a servant
to show us at once to our rooms ; for, by
Jove I that ocean voyage hag complete
ly upset me; and I couldn't think of
meeting the ladies, you know, until I
have rested a little, and made myself
somewhat more presentable."
Mr. Bentley ordered a servant to show
the gentlemen to thelrapartnients.whloh
was done at once.
When the two men were alone togeth
er in the elegantly furnished parlor
which was assigned them, and which
adjoined their sleeping rooms, the major
rubbed his hands gleefully, and walking
up and down the apartment, he ex
claimed :
"Howls this, my boyP Isn't this
sumptuous P Ah, Rodney, It's a great
thing to possess a rich man's Becret."
" I think as much," remarked the
young, man quietly.
There was a short silence, and then
the mojor said :
" During the week we have been in
New York, I have neglected one thing
I ought to have attended to; that Is to
call upon a certain person with whom I
have In the past had slight acquaint
ance, and in whom I still feel some in
terest." " To whom do you refer?"
"To Mrs. Van Dyke."
"Ah! the woman in whose charge
you left the girl of whom you have told
"The same; I do not know whether
the girl la living or not. I must search
for Mrs. Van Dyke this very day and
learn what has become of her. If she
still lives she must beabouttwenty years
of age; and, if the promises f her
childhood are faithful, a very lovely
" She may be married."
"Perhaps. Rodney, when I left her
with that woman It was my determina
tion to, when she arrived at the years of
maturity, drag her to the lowest depths
of degradation to make her a thing
loathed and despised by all, and when I
had completed this task of revenge, to
make her known to her parents, that
they In their agony might feel pangs as
sharp as those they once inflicted upon
me. That, I sny, was my determination
years ago; all tlie time that has passed
has not altered my will, or softened my
hatred. For what I ouce suflered I will
be doubly revenged."
An hour afterward the major and
Rodney met Mrs. and Miss Bentley in
the drawing-room.
" Charmed, I assure you delighted ;"
ejaculated the major, when he was pre
sented to the ladies. " My dear young
lady." to Edith, " 'pon my honor you
are the very Image of your papa; and
for his sake," bending down, "let roe
kiss you," and he did so, saying : "An
old man's privilege, my dear; the privi
lege of an old friend of your papa's."
The banker turned ashy pale, gave a
single Btep forward ; but restrained the
words which rose to his lips as the ma
jor's glance met his own.
A Mule Story.
H "NJO nian living e
IN die, Is'poseP"
ever saw a mule
Thus remarked Mr. Daniels, lighting
a fresh cigar: " In 1850 I was mining
on the south fork of the Yuba, and it
came my turn to cook for my gang. We
took turns each week, you know. Well,
I was going to show how economical I
could ruu the commissary. I went and
bought a peck of dried apples ; they
were all stuck together on a lump, but
I got 'em jam'd into the pot, poured in
some water and started the fire. Present
ly a few of 'em began to rise up to the
top of the pot, and so I skimmed them
off and put 'em in the pan. The first
thing I knew, after I had skimmed
that blasted pot a while, I had to get
another pan, and then another, and by
the time I'd got four pans heaped up
full, dang my skin if there wasn't
more apples in the pans than there was
in the pot. That is, I thought so at the
time. I kept getting more pans and
buckets and lard cans, and all the while
plumb frightened to death for fear some
of the boys would come in and see how
extravagant I was, for I had been
blowin' on how cheap I could run the
mess. The blasted apples still kept a
comin' out of the pot. I put some
papers out on the floor and covered 'em
with fruit, and, by Jove, the place look
ed like a Santa Clara fruit-drying estab
lishment, and the pot was still bilin'
" What has that got to do with a mule
" Wait a minute, I'm comin' to the
mule. Finally I got desperate and
dumped over twelve bushels of the
apples buck of the cabin, behind a tree.
In about an hour I heard a devil of a
noise, and ran out. What do you sup.
pose I found P Why, a four-hundred-
dollar mule klckln' in the agonies of
ueatn. The apples was gone; the mule
nearly so. He was swelled up like a
balloon, and the first thing I knew he
busted. Pledge my word, gentlemen,
he exploded like a giunt-powder blust,
and brought the whole cump to the
pluce. I kept still ; they could not find
the mule, and It cost 'em $10 to advertise
a reward for him in the Sacramento
Union. About two weeks afterwards
they caught a couple of greasers hang
ing rouud, and they put it up that they
stole the mule, so they hung 'em. I
was there, but did not say a word for
fear the boys would flud out how ex
travagant I had run the commissary.
Let's have something."
Mr. A i nput ruitu dm t. .n i.
dniRiilsf and nixUhecfiiy, of Hitrlngvu'c, Mb., nl-
"no uumiieu Willi 11 ueu na
tlsm to try YKUKIINE.
Bprlngvale, Me., Oct. 12. 1878.
Mr PteT,:-l's-Sir -Fifteen yearn
ago last fall 1 was taken sick wlih Rheumatism,
was unable to move until the next April, from
that time until three years ago Oils full I suffered
everything with rheumatism. Sometimes there
would be weeks at a time that 1 could not step
pne step i these attacks were quite often. 1 suf
fered everything thuf a man could. Over three
years ago fast spring I commenced taking Vege
f.ln.B,Rml ""owed It until I had taken seven hot
bottles; have had no rheumatism since that time
I always adylse everyone troubled with rheuma
tism to try Vegetlne, and not suffer for years as I
have done. This statement Is gratuitous as far
as Mr. Stevens Is concerned. Yours, c.
Firm of A. Crooker & Co., Druggists and Apoth-
. Ttoston, Oct. 1870.
Mr. Stevens :-T)ear Sir My daughter,
after having asevere attack of Whooping Cough,
was left In a feeble state of health. Being advis
ed by a friend she tried the Vegetlne, and after
using a few bottles was fully restored to health.
I have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism.
I have taken several buttles of the Vegetlne for
this complaint, and am happy to say It lias ent ire.
ly cured me. I have recommended the Vegetlne
to others with the same good results. It Is agreat
cleanser and piiriller of the blood; It Is pleasant
to take audi can cheerfully recommend it.
JAME3 MUR3K, 304 Athens 8t.
Rheumatism Is a Disease or the Blood.
The blood In this disease, Is found to contain an
excess of fibrin. Vegetlne acts by converting
the blood from Its diseased condition to a healthv
circulation. Vegetiue regulates the bowels which
Is very Important in th's complaint. One bottle
of Vegetlne will give relief, but to effect a per
manent cure It must be taken regiilnrly, and may
take several bottles, especially In cases of long
standing. Vegetlne Is sold by all druggists. Try
It, and your verdict will be the same as that of
thousands before yon. who sav, "I never found
so much relief as from the use of Vegetlne."
which Is composed exclusively of Barks, Hoots
and Herbs.
" Vegetlne," says a Boston physician. " has no
equal as a blood puvliler. Hearing of Its many
wonderful cures, afler all other remedies had
failed, I visited the laboratory and convinced
myself of Its genuine merit. It is prepared from
barks, roots and herbs, each of which Is highly
effective, and they are compounded In such a
manner as to produce astonishing results."
South fialem, Mass., Nov. 14, 1870.
Mr. II R. Stevens: Dear Bir-I have been
troubled with Scrofula, Canker and Liver Com
plaint for three years; nothing ever did me any
good until 1 commenced using the Vegetlne. I
consider there Is nothing equal to It for such
complaints. Can heartily recommend It to every
body. Yours truly.
No. 10 Lagrange street, South Salem, Mass.
Prepare by
H. B. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Yegetlne Is Soli by all Druggists.
December 4, 1877 lm
Now offer the publlo
Consisting at all shades suitable for the season.
Mourning Goods
We sell and do keep a good quality of
And everything under the head of
Machine Needles and oil for all makes of
To be convinced that our goods are
- No trouble to show goods.
Don't forget the
Newport, Perry County, Pa.