The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 04, 1877, Image 1
VOL. XI. NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., TUESDAY, DEOESIBER 4-, 1877. NO.. 48. THE TIMES. In Independent Family Newspaper, IS PUBLISH BD KVEtlY TUESDAY BT F. MORTIMER & CO. SUBSCRtPTlOM l'lttCE. (WITIIIX Tit COUNTT. One Yea-, . tl 5 Six Month 73 (Of OF TUB COUNTY.) One Year. (Postage Included) f Six Mouths, (Postage ino tided) 85 Invariably In Advance I y Advertising rates furnished upon appli cation. THAT WOMAN'S SECRET. IT WAS the evening of November 5th, 18 . Edward Bentley, Esq., a wealthy Wall street banker, sat in the elegantly fur nished library of his up town mansion, buried in thought, which if his face could be relied upon as an index of his mind, was not of the pleasantest de scription. His brows were contracted and ever and anon an expression of keen, mental agony swept over his face. "Great Heaven !" he murmured, tos sing restlessly in his chair, " when will this torture cease V Though ten long years have passed since that terriblo night, memory holds the picture before me. In spite of my prosperity, in spite of the favors which fortune has lavish ed upon me, I cannot forget what I have been what I am ! Grea spirit above ,is there no' relief from this terriblo re morse V" A servant entered at this ruoment,and handed the banker a card, upon which was inscribed the name : " Major George Heitii, U. S. A." " Show the gentleman, to this room, James," ordered the millionaire. A moment later the visitor entered. He was a man of medium height, thick-set, wearing a heavy black beard and mustache. His countenance was not a pleasing one. Dark cye3 of strango brilliancy, shaded by heavy brows, fixed themselves upon the banker's face as the man slowly sank into a chair, eaying : "My dear Bentley, at last we meet again ; this is indeed a pleasure." "Really, sir," returned the banker somewhat haughtily, for he was by no means pleased wilu tne man s msoieni- ly familiar air, " you have the advau- tage of me, for I must confess I do not recognize either your face or name." The stranger laughed heartily. " Really, my dear fellow," he said, " I don't know that I blame you for not remembering the latter, as I can't think you ever heard it before ; but I must say I feel somewhat hurt at your forgetful ness of my countenauce, for we have met more than once, and under such circumstances as I should have thought would have impressed my interesting physiog upon your memory." " Indeed, sir ?" rejoiued the banker. " Well, I assure you, I have no recol lection of having ever seen you before." " I will refresh your memory, then," said the stranger. " I was present at a certain gambling saloon in the Bowery just ten years ago to-night, and, if I mistake not, I had the pleasure of meet ing you there." The banker's face grew pale and his lips trembled ; but with an effort to con ceal his emotion, he said : " You are mistaken, sir. I was not there." The stranger laughed once more very heartily. " Really, my dear Bentley," he said, " it quite amuses me to see how conve niently short your memory is. Perhaps you have also forgotten what took place after you left the saloon that night." The banker trembled la every limb. " Sir, what do you mean V" he mur mured. "Simply this, my dear Bentley that . I am fully aware of all your doings on the night of November 5th, 18 : of the crime you then committed." " Crime, sir," rejoined the banker, who had somewhat recovered his self control, " that word is seldom coupled with my name. Have a care what you say, and make no assertions which you cannot prove." " I cau prove all, I state, Bentley ; and now to insure you that 1 knownll. I will relate briefly your adventures on the evening in question November fith, 18 . You were not, then, a wealthy banker; your name had never been heard on 'change. You possessed one thousand dollars which you wished to invest in some business in the city. You had a wife and daughter to labor for,and was, consequently, anxious to invest your capital to the best possible advan tage. An opening presented itself to you, by which you might perhaps in crease your capital n hundred-fold; in short, you contracted that most danger ous disease, the gaming fever. You played at a certain saloon in the Bowery which has, since then, become extinct. For several evenings you were there promptly at eight o'clock ; I was there, too, aad I watched you. You played with varying success. One evening, I remember, you left the place with five thousand dollars in your pocket. It would have been well for you had you stopped then ; but you did not. The next evening you entered the room again with flushed cheek and nervous tread ; the fever was upon you, and I, then an experienced gamester, said to myself that you would not quit until you had lost all. And I was right ; before you left the place that night you were penni less ruined. But there was one way to retrieve yodr fortune, one chance, and you grasped it eagerly, thoughtless, of all save the passion of the hour. Among the heaviest winners of the evening was a young man, Egbert Darrell by name, frequenter of the place, with whom you had a speaking acquaintance; and who on this evening had won more than you had lost. You had noticed his success, and you determined, to well, my dear Bentley, I hate to use harsh words ; but you determined to rob and murder this man. You followed him from the sa loon to the extrcmest east end of tho city; he was on his way to the Fulton ferry. When almost there you suddenly came behind him and dealt him a heavy blow on the head, felling him instantly to the sidewalk. Then you rifled his pockets of all they contained, and tak ing his body in your arms, ran to the end of the pier near which the well, excuse me, Bentley the murder had taken place, and tossed it into the water. The night was very dark, and a terrible storm was raging, so you felt certain that you had not been seen. Three weeks after the tide brought a mutilated corpse to tho foot of pier East river, which was identified as the body of tho man you had murdered. Tho coroner's jury gave a verdict satisfactory to all concerned ; thte man was burled by his relatives; but, Bentley, the secret was not as you thought, burled with him. With the six thousand dollars of which you thus became possessed you estab lished a business which .has prospered wonderfully ; and now you are a million aire, one of New York's solid men. Ha ha ha ! My dear Bentley, you're a smart man and have done very" well. No doubt you ' thought that trifling in discretion of yours, which the law terms murder, known only to yourself; but, you see, I am acquainted with all the particulars of the affair. Deny it, if you can." And with a cool, audacious laugh, the stranger leaned back in his chair and placidly surveyed the pale and trembling banker. Making a great effort, Edward Bent ley arose, and said : " Sir, I am at a loss to know why you have come to me with this story. It is false from ' the beginning to the end. Leave my house this instant, or I will summon a servant to eject you." " Do so, if you. think best, my dear Bentley," returned the stranger, with a sinister smile; "and I shall immediately proceed to tho nearest police station and repeat the little story with which I have just entertained you ; and perhaps it will be better appreciated there than it has been by you. In fact, I don't know but I had better have gone there in the lirst place; but, knowing that you wero a patron of literature and the arts, I thought 1 would give you a chance to make terms for my little story. But no matter, my dear boy, no matter ; pray accept my apologies for having thus wearied you. Au revotr, Edward, not udicu, for we shall meet again ere long." The stranger wai leaving the room, when the banker cried: " Stop a moment, sir what proofs have you of tho truth of this audacious story V" " My dear boy," replied the smiling major, "I couldn't think of wearying you with a recital of them. I shall sub mit them to oilier persons who will ac quaint you with them, In, doubtless, a far more acceptable manner than I could; for 'pon honor, I am a miserable hand at story-telling always was. Once more my denr Bentley, mi reroir." Again be was leaving the apartment, but paused, when tho banker, in an agi tated tone, cried : "Stop; I I was hasty. Be seated, and let us talk over this mutter. Evi dently you are laboring under a delu sion." " Really, now, Bentley, I'm afraid I shall tire you 1 I remain." "No no. Bo seated sir bo seated." " Oh, I'm sure I shall weary you with my remarks. I know I'm very dull, and must seem doubly so to ft man of your quick perception and lively intel ligence." The mon's eyes gleamed with ft mali cious and sinister light as he fixed them upon the wretched millionaire. " No, no, sir," said the banker; "ex cuse any hasty remarks I may have made; but, really, sir, I'm quite unwell and nervous this evening." " Don't say another word, ' my dear fellow, I beg," exclaimed the major, re seating himself; "you're very excusable I'm sure. IjCt me see. Where did we leave off our Interesting conversation!1 Ah, I think I recollect ! You asked me for my proofs of tho veracity of the little narrative of real life with which I had just regaled you, did you not!"' The banker bowed his head. "Why, my dear Bentley," said the mnjor, " I was an eye-witness of the whole affair. I saw it all, my boy ; I can describe it all in ft court of justice, if ne cessary. I can produce the keeper of the gaming saloon and others, who saw you playing with the man you killed; they can testify that you left the saloon im mediately after he did. I can produce men who are aware that you bad in your possession on tho sixth of Novem berthe day following the murder the sum of six thousand dollars. You can not give a satisfactory account of how you came by that money. My dear fel low, I can do all this, and more so you must acknowledge that the chain of evi dence is a strong one," " If this be true, why have you kept silent all these years ? Why did you not declare oil you knew at the time r" "For good reasons of my own, my dear Bentley. Suffice It that I am at last ready to make known all." " It, is useless for mo to deny this crime," wid the banker, with deep emo tion. " I see that you know all. Great Heaven ! have I not been sufficiently punished by, the pangs of conscience for ten long years, that this blow must fall upon me." " My dear Bentley," said the major, smiling, " you are really unreasonable 'pon honor, you are. The pangs of con science of which you speak, though no doubt very excruciating, and all that sort of thing, are, 1 think you will al low, not comparable with the punish ment which the law metes to mur " " Sir !" exclaimed the banker, " before heaven I swear I had no intention of taking that man's life; I only wished to render him insensible until I could se cure his money and escape. The mo ment when I found he was dead was tho bitterest of my life.', " Well well, my dear Bentley," said the major, somewhat impatieutly, " no doubt your intentions were of tho most amiable description ; but, if you please, we will postpone our discussion of them until some futuro time. Just now the question Is, can we or can we not make terms ?" I " Name the price of your silence." j " You have a daughter," said the ma j Jor, abruptly. j "If I have, sir," replied tho banker, with some hesitation, "why mention her in connection with such horrors as we are discussing V" " You have a daughter," continued the major, without replying; " Edith is her name, and, Bentley, she is a most lovely creature one of the most beauti ful girls I ever seen for I have seeu her although she does not know me. Well, sir, I have a sou, ; he is handsome, well- educated, and a gentleman. My deaf Bentley, I will keep tho secret of your crime, if you will consent to the mar riage of your daughter and my sou 1" The banker started from his seat. " Never 1" he exclaimed. "I would sooner see her in her grave I" " My dear sir," suid tho major, " you are hasty 'pon honor, you are hasty ! That you do not feel great affection for me, I can, under the circumstances, readily understand ; but why you are so prejudiced ogainst my son, whom you have never seen, and cannot possibly know anything about, I am at a loss to comprehend." " This son of yours," interrupted the banker, " does ho does he know my secret " "My dear Bentley, of course not; it is known, as I have several times in formed you, to only you and I. But let me once more ask you, do you agree to the terms I have proposed V" " Sir, I know nothing of your son, and even if I did, I could' not urge my daughter to marry agulnst her will." " Are her affections already engaged?" inquired the mnjor. "Not to my knowledge," was the reply. " Well," said tho mojor, " all I re quire is a fair chance for my son to prosecute his suit, and I will answer that the marriage is consummated in due time. What I want you to do is this: Announce to your wife and daughter that you expect your old friend Major IldOi, and his son, to pny you an extended visit. Say that we have been making the grand tour in Europe, and will arrive iu this city next Tuesday morning, when we will immediately proceed to your bouse. My son and I will perform our part by arriving at tho appointed time and taking up our resi dence under your hospitable roof. You will introduce us to the ion ion as two gentlemen of leisure, immensely wealthy and all that sort of thing. Oh I we shall take wonderfully, I forsee. My son will be very altentivo to Miss Bentley; and the winding up of It all will ben, fash ionable wedding In Grace Church. My dear Bentley, do you agree V" " These aro your only terms V" "They are." " I agree to them since there Is no alternative, save " " The gallows I" concluded tho mnjor, a fiendish smile upon his lips. " You have decided wisely. Expect us next Tuesday morning ; and, as in the mean time, I shall need a little cash, suppose you give me a cheek payablo at sight.for sonio trilling amount." " How much will satisfy you V" in quired the banker, turning to his desk, and opening a check-book. " Well, I won't be unreasonable, Ed ward, sny a thousand this time.'.' Without a word, Mr. Bentley filled out a check for that amount and handed it to the major. " And now, ait revoir!" said that in dividual, folding the paper and placing it in his vest pocket. " Next Tuesday we shall meet again." With these words he left the room. The banker remained in his chair, hia face burled in his hands, for many hours. When at last he staggered from the room in the silence of early morning, the lines on his haggard face were so deepened and distorted that it seemed as if twenty years had been added to tiis llfei . Two days have elapsed sinco the in terview above chronicled. Let us enter the Union Square Park. The weather is quite warm and pleasant for the season, so the park is well filled. Seated on a bench near the Sixteenth street entrance are two young men en gaged in an earnest conversation. As they will figure prominently iu my story let mo introduce them to my read ers as Messrs. Walter Elmore and Hen ry Oakley. The former was connected with a prominent literary weekly, occu pying a responsible position upon the editorial staff, besides being a novelist of no little renown. Ho was one of those persons who at once attract ull with whom they come in coutact, and are never without many warm personal friends. His companion was a Using young physician, aud ids bosom friend and confidant. As regards their per sonal appearance they Mere both tall, aud well proportioned in form and feat ure, but Elmore's complexion was light his hair and mustache brown, and his. eyes gray, while Oakley, was quite dark, with black half and beard, and dark, eyes, The two young men were warmly aU laclied to eneh other, and were almost inseparable. At the time when we in troduce them to the reader, they were engaged in a discussion regarding thols respective prospects In life, and in thein professions; and were so deeply inter ested that they did not notice that two men sitting near them. were listening to. their conversation. " My dear Henry," said Walter, in quite an abrupt manner, after a short silence, "there is one matter of deep inr terest to mo which I have hitherto kept secret from you, but which I will make known to you now." " What is it, my dear fellow ?" ', I will come to the point at once I am in love." " You in love V" exclaimed the young physician. " Even so." "I never for a moment susKcted it. And who is the lady ?" " She is the only daughter of one of the wealthiest men in New York; and, that very fact will, I fear, prove an oh stacle to our union ; for her parents, will of course, desire her to marry a far wealthier man than myself; and Henry, I could not bear the suspicion of being a fortune-hunter." " If you truly love each other, and the lady's parents truly love her, I do not see that there need bo any objection to your marriage. I do not see that thero can be any great disparity in your posU tions. You move In the best circles of society, and, though not a millionaire, possess a very comfortable living." " Heaven knows I love her truly," said the young man, " but I am by no means sure that I have any ground for hoping of a return of my affection." " You have not told me the lady's name, Walter." "It is Edith Bentley, daughter of Edward Bentley, tho banker." On hearing this the two Individuals to whom we have alluded as listening to the conversation, started am) looked in each other's face, but did not speak. " Miss Bentley is a lovely and accom plished girl, Walter," said Henry Oak ley, " and you have my best wishes for your success." "Yet, after all," exclaimed the vounir author, bitterly, " why should I a name less waif, a foundling, disowned by the authors of my existence, think for a mo ment of marriage with her? I have not even a name wliich I can call my own, and bestow upon the woman who becomes my wife." " Walter," said the doctor gravely, " you allow that matter to weigh too heavily upon 'your mind. Whatever your parents were or now are, the no ble qualities, and the rare talents pos sessed by yourself aro known to all ; and on them, and not on your parents' name and position, rests your reputa tion. No one respects you less for that which is your misfortune, and in no way your fault. I beg of you, my dear Walter, to think less on this subject. Your parentage you will probably never discover; there is little hope that you ever will ; so why not endeavor to dis miss the matter from your mind J"' " Henry, do not say that !" exclaimed the young author. " Never, while life lasts, can I give up the hope, desperate as it may seem, of knowing the name to which I am rightfully entitled ; of clasp ing the hands of those to whom I am indebted for existence. And, Henry, if I ever do succeed in finding my parents, however low their position, they shall find a true and faithful son In me." " My dear Walter," said Dr. Oakley. " I know Mr. Bentley too well to sup pose for a moment that lie thinks less of you on account of this niisfortune,which you feel so keenly ; you are a favorite of his, I think." " Yes, I believe he is friendly to me," Walter replied ; "but as an aspirant to his daughter's baud perhaps he might regard me iu a different light." " I do not think so, Walter ; remem ber, your reputation as an author gives you a carte blanche Into the best society, which wealth cannot always procure. You are admitted to the most 'exclusive circles;' and there is many a family in New York which would feel honored